Shelf life of salted saffron milk caps. How to freeze saffron milk caps for the winter at home: all the methods for proper freezing

Camelinas are very good for health: they contain protein, beta-carotene, and ascorbic acid. These mushrooms have a good effect on the immune system and the digestive system. In addition, saffron milk caps are very tasty and are great for various processing methods. They can be boiled, stewed, pickled and, of course, pickled. In this article we will tell you how to properly store salted saffron milk caps so that they delight you with their wonderful taste for a long time.

Basic methods of pickling

The shelf life and storage conditions for saffron milk caps depend on how exactly you pickle them. The most popular method is hot pickling, which involves the use of boiled mushrooms. This is a convenient method of salting, but after heat treatment, some of the beneficial properties of saffron milk caps are lost. Therefore, saffron milk caps are often salted raw, i.e. cold method. It is less convenient and is fraught with mold. But the big advantage is that mushrooms retain maximum of their beneficial qualities.

Particular attention should be paid to the container in which you are going to store mushrooms. Glass, wooden, and enamel containers are best suited. But you shouldn’t put mushrooms in metal dishes, especially galvanized ones. This is fraught with unpleasant health consequences, including poisoning.

How to store saffron milk caps after hot pickling

The salting process in this case occurs quickly. The saffron milk caps are boiled and, after cooling, placed in storage containers. Most often, sterilized jars are used, which are rolled up and placed in the refrigerator or cellar. In the refrigerator, jars of mushrooms are best stored on the bottom shelf. The temperature should not exceed +5 °C.

Saffron milk caps love cool weather, but you shouldn’t freeze them. Their taste will suffer as a result. The optimal storage temperature for mushrooms at the final stage of pickling is from +0 to +5 °C.

The salting out stage takes 1.5 months. After this time, the mushrooms can be served. Cold-salted saffron milk caps retain their value and taste for 1 year, i.e. just until the new harvest.

Features of storing saffron milk caps after cold salting

If you are salting raw mushrooms, then the first stage of salting the mushrooms should last 1-2 weeks. The saffron milk caps are salted in a bowl, which is covered with gauze. Oppression is installed on top. At this time, containers with mushrooms should be kept in a room with an air temperature of +10 to +15 °C.

After completing the first stage of salting, the saffron milk caps are placed in jars or wooden barrels. The containers are sealed and sent to the cellar or refrigerator. There they are seasoned with salt for another 1.5 months, fully revealing their taste. The storage temperature should not be higher than +5 °C.

The entire cycle of salting saffron milk caps using the cold method takes approximately 2 months. Mushrooms salted in this way can be stored for quite a long time - for 2 years.

What should you pay attention to during storage?

It is very important to regularly check containers with saffron milk caps. This way you can avoid massive spoilage of mushrooms. Pay special attention to the following points:

Pickle color

If the brine is slightly cloudy or has a brown tint, then this is normal. But if it turns black, this is a bad sign. The darkening of the brine is caused by non-compliance with storage conditions, most often by exceeding the recommended temperature. This means that the mushrooms have spoiled and are no longer suitable for consumption. Unfortunately, all that remains is to throw them away - eating them can be hazardous to health.

The appearance of mold

Did mold appear on the mushrooms during cold pickling? This happens often. In this case, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Remove the cloth covering the dish.
  2. Remove mushrooms with traces of mold.
  3. Sprinkle mustard powder on top of unspoiled mushrooms.
  4. Place a new dry cloth on the jar and apply pressure.

Taste of brine

If the brine has turned sour and has acquired an unpleasant taste, you can save the mushrooms by taking the following steps:

  1. Remove the saffron milk caps from the container and rinse well.
  2. Boil the mushrooms in fresh water for 5 minutes.
  3. Throw them into a colander and wait until the water drains.
  4. Sterilize the jars and place dried saffron milk caps in them.
  5. Prepare new brine (3 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water) and pour into jars.
  6. Roll up the lids and put the jars in a cool room.

Tasty, nutritious and healthy saffron milk caps are great for adding to everyday dishes or as a delicious treat for the holiday table. The most popular option for preparing them is cold pickling, which preserves all the taste and beneficial qualities of these wonderful mushrooms. And the addition of various spices and herbs gives the salted saffron milk caps a piquant and pleasant tanginess, turning the traditional Russian appetizer into a real delicacy. Interested? From this article you will learn how to cold pickle saffron milk caps using the most popular recipes!


To prepare saffron milk caps for cold pickling, you need to check the mushrooms for defects and debris, and then simply wipe the caps and stems with a clean cloth or sponge to remove dirt and cut off any damage. If you want to get juicy, elastic, evenly salted and presentable mushrooms as a result, select the strongest and most beautiful mushrooms for pickling, more or less the same in size.

Step-by-step recipes with photos

Cold pickling of saffron milk caps is attractive because the appetizer will be ready in 3-4 weeks, unlike the hot method, which requires more effort and time. At the same time, the mushrooms will retain their wonderful forest aroma and taste, as well as nutritional value. They can be consumed as a ready-made snack or placed in glass jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Tip: if you cold-salt saffron milk caps, always add green horseradish leaves to them, which prevent the development of bacteria and add a piquant pungency to the salted mushrooms.

The classic recipe for cold pickling of saffron milk caps for the winter has long been practiced by experienced housewives, because at home they produce a product from which you can quickly create a tasty treat for any occasion.

Number of servings/volume: 4-5 liters


  • fresh saffron milk caps – 5 kg;
  • rock salt – 10 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cherry leaf – 20 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf – 4-5 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - 4-5 umbrellas.


  1. Pour boiling water over cherry and horseradish leaves, dry, divide into two parts and place half on the bottom of a spacious enamel pan so that they form a “cushion” for the mushrooms.
  2. Clean the saffron milk caps from defects and rinse them under running water, then pat dry with a paper towel.
  3. Layer the mushrooms in the pan on top of the leaves, distributing them evenly and sprinkling each mushroom layer with salt, dill umbels, black peppercorns and bay leaves. Place the other half of the horseradish and cherry tree leaves on top.
  4. Cover the container with saffron milk caps with a lid that is smaller in diameter, and press it down with a three-liter glass jar filled with water.
  5. Place the container with pressure in a cool place. You can taste the mushrooms for doneness after 14 days, but they will be completely ready in 3-4 weeks.
  6. For easy storage, transfer the salted saffron milk caps into sterilized jars, close with tight lids and place in the refrigerator or cellar.

Bon appetit!

Caps of saffron milk caps, cold-salted, are an ideal summer snack that goes perfectly with onion rings in sour cream, fried potatoes or herbs with garlic. To prepare this delicacy, a minimum amount of ingredients is required and only 7 days of salting, and the taste of the finished dish will exceed all your expectations.

Number of servings/volume: 2.5 l


  • fresh saffron milk caps – 3 kg;
  • rock salt – 150 g.


  1. Clean the saffron milk caps from debris, rinse under running water and separate the stems, leaving only the caps. Don't throw away the legs. They can be prepared separately, for example, fried in sour cream and served with any side dish.
  2. Place a small amount of salt on the bottom of a wide enamel pan, spreading it along the bottom.
  3. Place the prepared mushroom caps on the salt in 5-centimeter layers, placing them tops down and sprinkling each mushroom layer with an even amount of salt.
  4. Cover the contents of the pan with clean gauze, place a wide plate on top, press it down with pressure and place it in a dark, cool place. The saffron milk caps will release juice, which can be supplemented with brine (in the proportions of 20 g of rock salt per 0.5 liter of boiled water) so that they are completely covered.
  5. After 3-4 weeks, you can eat salted caps of saffron milk caps as an independent cold appetizer or serve with hot fried potatoes, onion rings and finely chopped herbs.

Bon appetit!

Saffron milk caps, salted for the winter in glass jars, literally fly off the festive table. This is one of the best snacks for forty-proof alcohol: salted saffron milk caps are not only tasty, but also very nutritious, which is extremely important when drinking strong alcoholic beverages.

Number of servings/volume: 4.5 l


  • fresh saffron milk caps – 5 kg;
  • rock salt – 250 g;
  • dry cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper – 50 g;
  • black peppercorns – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black currant leaf – 15-20 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 10 pcs.;
  • fresh/dry dill – 5 umbrellas.


  1. Clean the saffron milk caps from debris and dirt, rinse well.
  2. Pour boiling water over 2-3 times and place on a paper towel for 20 minutes to remove excess moisture and dry the mushrooms.
  3. Place one part of the blackcurrant and bay leaves, peppercorns and cloves in the bottom of a large saucepan.
  4. Place the mushrooms with their caps on top in the pan, sprinkling with salt and ground pepper.
  5. When the mushrooms are finished, cover them with the second part of currant leaves, laurel leaves and dill umbrellas.
  6. Cover the contents of the pan with a clean, smaller lid, press it down with pressure and leave it for 2 days so that the spices and spices have time to soak the mushrooms.
  7. Transfer the contents of the pan into sterilized jars and fill with the resulting brine. The saffron milk caps should be completely immersed in the brine - if there is not enough brine, add the required amount of cold boiled water to the jars.
  8. Close the jars with mushrooms with nylon lids and store them in the refrigerator or cellar. Remember that without pasteurization, preservation cannot be stored for very long, so it is recommended to consume saffron milk caps in jars within 2-3 months.

Bon appetit!


We offer you a few more video recipes for cold pickling of saffron milk caps:

Look for other recipes for pickling saffron milk caps in another article on our website.

Recipes for pickling saffron milk caps can be found in this article.

Freelancer with diverse interests and hobbies. Likes to be close to nature, eat delicious food and philosophize about the eternal. She has been writing articles on a variety of topics for so long that she is already erudite in the most unexpected areas. Loves forests, flowering gardens, space and fried potatoes with smoked ribs. He doesn’t like to stand at the stove, but among his friends there are several professional chefs who will always feed you delicious food and share cool recipes. Pathologically optimistic.

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Ryzhiki are very aromatic mushrooms. In autumn, avid mushroom pickers go on a real hunt for them. Having collected a fairly large amount of this delicacy, many ask the question: “Is it possible to freeze saffron milk caps?” The answer to this question is positive, but in order for the mushrooms not to taste bitter when defrosted, they need to be prepared correctly.

First of all, let's sort the mushrooms by size and density. It is better to freeze small and strong mushrooms raw and whole in order to preserve their attractive appearance. And large mushrooms are set aside for freezing using heat treatment.

Those mushrooms that are planned to be frozen raw do not need to be washed. You can simply wipe them with a damp cloth or a clean (new) dishwashing sponge.

Mushrooms with large caps are cleaned of dirt and carefully washed in cool water, being careful not to break them.

How to freeze saffron milk caps raw

Prepared strong mushrooms are laid out on a tray or cutting board covered with cellophane. Then the container is placed in the freezer for 10-12 hours. After this time, the mushrooms are taken out and placed in a separate bag or container.

The package is marked with the date of freezing and sent back to the freezer.

How to boil saffron milk caps before freezing

Large clean mushroom caps are cut into pieces of approximately the same size. Then they are immersed in boiling water for about 10 minutes. After the next boil, adjust the heat down so that the mushrooms do not fall apart due to strong boiling.

When cooked, saffron milk caps will produce a lot of foam, so you should arm yourself with a spoon to remove it.

As soon as the mushrooms are cooked (this can be determined by the fact that the mushrooms in the pan have settled to the bottom), they are carefully removed with a slotted spoon and cooled in a colander.

After the saffron milk caps have cooled completely, they are placed into portioned bags or containers. The containers are signed and sent to the freezer.

See the video from the channel “Tasty and Nourishing” - Freezing mushrooms for the winter

Fried saffron milk caps for the winter

Place clean chopped pieces of saffron milk caps on a hot frying pan with the addition of a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Fry the mushrooms for about 20 minutes until all excess moisture has evaporated.

The finished frying is cooled and placed in containers for freezing. Each bag is marked with the date the mushrooms were placed in the freezer.

See the video from the Lazy Kitchen channel - How to freeze mushrooms for the winter (Mushroom preparations)

How to prepare saffron milk caps for freezing in the oven

For this method, clean mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet, without adding vegetable oil. Set the oven to a low temperature, approximately 100 ºС, and open the oven door slightly.

After 30 minutes, the mushrooms dried in this way are put into bags and stored in the freezer.

Is it possible to freeze salted saffron milk caps?

Freezing salted saffron milk caps is an ideal option for storing them. With this method, salted mushrooms do not sour or spoil, as happens to them in the usual compartment of the refrigerator.

For this storage method, saffron milk caps are salted cold, but not over-salted. After being pickled under pressure in the refrigerator for a couple of days, the saffron milk caps are packaged in bags and put in the freezer. The main thing is to pack the bags for exactly one serving, since re-freezing mushrooms is unacceptable.

How to properly store and defrost saffron milk caps

Some housewives complain that saffron milk caps taste bitter after defrosting. This occurs due to non-compliance with the shelf life of mushrooms. Raw frozen saffron milk caps can be stored in the freezer for no more than 10 months, and processed ones - no more than six months.

As for the issue of defrosting, it is better to use frozen saffron milk caps without prior defrosting. If there is a need to defrost mushrooms, for example, when defrosting salted mushrooms, then this should be done gradually - first in the refrigerator, and then at room temperature.

Today, the shelves of shopping centers are sagging with a variety of canned and fresh fruits and vegetables, but it is still nice to use your own supplies, collected and prepared in the summer for the winter, in order to decorate the table for family members, or to display in a festive setting as a delicacy prepared with your own hands. Mushrooms are one of the delicacies that, when served correctly, often become the main dish on the home table. There are many recipes for preparing mushrooms, one of them: how to freeze saffron milk caps for the winter, and at the same time preserve all the flavor components.

Considering all types of mushroom picking for the winter, we can note some nuances characteristic of each of them.

Salted saffron milk caps are a very tasty and healthy food, but they are more of an additive to the main dish, plus when salted, some beneficial properties are lost.

The drying option is more suitable for preparing mushrooms in soups, or after boiling as a seasoning for other dishes, but at the same time, the previous form of saffron milk caps is not pleasing to the eye, and the taste qualities largely lose their properties.

If you freeze mushrooms correctly, saffron milk caps will not lose their taste or shape, and most importantly, they can be included in the preparation of main dishes. You don’t even need to invent anything special: cooked potatoes with mushrooms that have not lost their taste, color, or shape can turn an ordinary dinner into sophistication, an occasion for gathering friends and family. Such evenings become especially intimate and memorable.

Can all mushrooms be frozen?

Almost any mushroom can be frozen and in the future in the winter it will be a first-class food component, but if you think about the preparation rationally (the space in the freezer is not unlimited), only some of the mushrooms are more appropriate for this method. One of the most suitable in this sense is saffron milk caps, a mushroom quite well known and popular among mushroom pickers.

Freezing for the winter is not a difficult task, but it is responsible: you need to not only collect, prepare, but also arrange the saffron milk caps in such a way that they do not damage their appearance after defrosting; again, every housewife strives to use every free centimeter in the chamber.

Basics of preparing for freezing

Not every housewife uses the opportunity to prepare mushrooms for the winter by freezing, so when trying this storage technique for the first time, they often make simple mistakes, for example: after picking, they simply put them in plastic bags and place them in the freezer. It’s even worse if they try to freeze several types in one package at the same time, and they end up with damaged or stale mushrooms. Mushrooms must not be easily sorted by type: saffron milk caps must be collected in one day, cleaned, sorted (excluding wormy, damaged, and flaccid ones).

When sorting out mushrooms for the winter, you don’t need to be greedy: in this sense, the rule is: less is better, but better, which comes in handy. Only the freshest, strongest, and youngest saffron milk caps are selected. A batch ready for storage for the winter is collected from a one-day harvest in order to eliminate lethargy, while the mushrooms are cleaned of debris from their usual habitat: pine needles, sand, earth, leaves.

Heavily soiled ones are washed and cleaned with a soft foam sponge (a new dishwashing sponge is ideal for this case), choosing one at a time, rinsing quickly and carefully under running water so that the mushrooms do not have time to become saturated with excess moisture.

An ordinary clean kitchen towel is used to easily dry the mushrooms from excess moisture. Peeled and dried mushrooms are ready to be stored in the freezer for the winter.

Freezing, little housewife tricks

The recipe for freezing mushrooms for the winter, the process is basically the same in technology, but each housewife has some, albeit small, but her own secrets of the harvesting rules.

Pre-prepared mushrooms are placed on a tray in such a way as to prevent contact with others, and then placed in a chamber. It is best to use the maximum sub-zero freezer temperature. Some refrigerators are equipped with the “Maximum Freezing” function; this type of freezing involves lowering the temperature inside the chamber to -24 degrees Celsius; it can be used in this case without fear.

After about 10 - 12 hours, they are interested in the quality of freezing. The effect is checked by tapping the mushroom on the mushroom; if the sound from the touch resembles the sound of pebbles, then the product can be placed either in a container or other container suitable for storage. For convenience, you can mark the date of preparation with a marker or using a tag.

Even when frozen, mushrooms should be used up within six months; this storage period at -18 degrees Celsius is considered the most optimal in terms of time.

Additional useful information

After the best and most worthy of the mushrooms have been selected and designated for storage, the remainder can also be used in the form of reserves.

This part of the mushrooms is examined more carefully, damaged areas are cut out and thrown away. Residues suitable for storage are cleared of debris, rinsed, dried and frozen according to the same principle. Such supplies, despite their peculiar appearance, can be placed more tightly in a bag or container. In winter, such products make excellent mushroom soups, salads, and stir-fries. One technical nuance: chopped mushroom freezes faster than a whole one, exactly half, so a batch packed for lunch can be packed for storage in the evening. You can freeze not only raw saffron milk caps, but also boiled and stewed ones; you just need to add a little vegetable oil, preferably refined.

Saffron milk caps have a specific taste and unusual appearance. It's hard to find analogues to this delicious delicacy! The products are distinguished by a specific aroma. It makes them even more attractive, and many mushroom lovers prefer saffron milk caps.

It is difficult to compare them with anything; many housewives prefer to store food products at home for a long time; under the right storage conditions, mushrooms do not lose their taste and benefits. These mushrooms are superior in quality and usefulness to meat and eggs.

They grow in different places and come in two colors: green and brown. Depending on their habitat, they are divided into spruce and pine forests.

You can find fresh mushrooms in coniferous forests. How to determine that a saffron milk cap has been found? The search for products can last quite a long time, but it is quite easy to understand that the desired mushroom has been found.

It is distinguished by a characteristic plate at the bottom of the cap. To be sure, you need to trim the mushroom. Underneath, you can see the orange juice oozing out and smell the resin. The presence of these signs indicates that camelina has been found.

In order for food to be stored for a long time and not spoil, they can be salted in two different ways - cold and hot. The first method, accordingly, involves cold storage.

How to store salted saffron milk caps when pickling? Pickled mushrooms in jars should be left in the air, and without access to heat. This happens for two weeks, and only after that the products are sent to the refrigerator.

For better effect, you can put any weight on them. The salting process in the refrigerator will last one and a half months.

The total time for salting delicacies using the cold method is two months. Store mushrooms in the cellar or refrigerator. They remain tasty and do not lose their beneficial properties over time.

Required condition: The storage place should be cold, not exceeding 7 C.

It is important to store food correctly, following the rules. You need to carefully monitor the brine. It should not turn black, this indicates that the saffron milk caps have gone bad.

To avoid this, you need to monitor the temperature at which mushrooms are stored. If it is higher than specified, damage will inevitably occur. You can’t eat mushrooms; you need to get rid of them immediately.

Storing fresh saffron milk caps after harvesting at home

Ryzhiki are one of the most delicious mushrooms, which is why they are very popular among true gourmets. You can eat them after harvesting, but many housewives save the delicacy for the winter. At home, several methods are used to maintain properties.

The most durable:

  • pickling;
  • freezing;
  • pickling.

It is necessary to determine how long saffron milk caps can be stored after harvesting in order to prevent the product from deteriorating. After harvesting, washed mushrooms should be kept in the freezer for no more than a day.

At home, it is possible to extend the shelf life of saffron milk caps. They are boiled in water with salt. The products will last longer, and saffron milk caps can be kept in the refrigerator for one or more days.

Mushrooms are left in storage not only for a short amount of time, saffron milk caps can remain edible and tasty for the winter. Various storage methods are used.

One of the varieties of pickling has already been considered, but besides it, there is also pickling of saffron milk caps and their freezing. Unprocessed, freshly harvested products must be prepared for storage in advance by washing them in running water and thoroughly cleaning them from dirt on the balcony.

Everyone loves pickled foods, because this method of maintaining properties preserves the taste. You need to boil them in the marinade for half an hour, then add sugar, pepper and bay leaf.

The product must be stored at low temperatures in jars. In winter, they take out the delicacy and enjoy its wonderful taste!

For high-quality and long-lasting freezing, products must be fried. To do this, they are soaked in water with salt, waited for 15 minutes, after which they are cut into large slices and fried until completely cooked.

After cooling, this product is laid out in the designated storage areas. Once roasted, saffron milk caps can be stored in the freezer for six months.

At what temperature should it be stored and for how long?

Let's look at storage times and temperatures that are ideal for mushrooms. Different methods respectively imply different times and temperatures.

Storage method Temperature Storage time
Cold pickling In the case of cold salting, saffron milk caps must be salted for 15 days at a temperature of 10-20 degrees.

We remind you that in this method the storage of saffron milk caps occurs in two stages.

After a short salting in the refrigerator, the saffron milk caps are placed in a cellar in which the temperature is 5 degrees lower than the one in which the mushrooms were previously stored.

This process lasts one and a half months, after which such mushrooms are edible for another two years.

This process is complex, but leaves all the beneficial qualities of saffron milk caps.

Hot salting If at home it is not possible to devote so much time to salting, use the hot method.

Storage temperature should not exceed 5 degrees above zero.

Heat treatment and further storage of mushrooms in the refrigerator takes place for a month and a half. After this, the mushrooms are edible for another year; they are kept in the cellar.
Marinated mushrooms When storing pickled products, the temperature should not exceed 6 degrees. After six months, the products will retain their taste and will also continue to have beneficial properties.

Storage conditions for mushrooms are the main sign of duration. The shelf life of mushrooms depends on many factors, in particular on the choice of method for preserving saffron milk caps. You need to carefully monitor how storage occurs.

Mushrooms with blackened brine should be thrown away immediately. When eating saffron milk caps, they should have a natural color and smell; the solution in which they were stored should have a slightly cloudy color.

By observing storage conditions, remember the main components: timing and temperature, you will get tasty and healthy mushrooms with a pleasant smell and appearance.

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