List of refined foods - Medical reference book. Cereals

We are so accustomed to refined vegetable oil, sugar and premium flour that we no longer think about the fact that we are exchanging our health for refined products in the supermarket. We talked about the problem of purified products with Tatyana Kopil, a physician of the highest category at the Dobrobut clinic.

Quitting smoking is such a difficult task for many that the process drags on for years. American doctors have developed a technique that allows, at a minimum, to reduce the harm caused to health by a bad habit. Four healthy products will help smooth out the effects of nicotine on the body. These are: tea, apples, Brussels sprouts and strawberries. The flavonoids they contain block the activity and growth of cancer cells specifically in the lungs.

What and for what?

Refining is a technological process that is used to purify or improve certain qualities of products. For example, refined sugar dissolves faster, and refined flour looks more attractive. Yes, and eating bread made from unrefined grains is organoleptically less pleasant than beautiful white baked goods made from refined premium flour. Refined rice, like the grain from which flour is produced, is devoid of the shell and inner core, as a result of which the shelf life of refined products increases. Rice lasts longer, bread made from refined flour does not spoil for a long time. Thus, refining products is just an economically beneficial move. Such products are more attractive in appearance, tastier, and last longer.

In our supermarkets you can find the following refined products: flour, sugar, cereals, vegetable oil.

What is the danger?

Unrefined sunflower oil The color is closer to brown, foams when fried, aromatic. Not everyone likes this smell, and this oil is also inconvenient for cooking. At the same time, the substances contained in unrefined oil significantly shorten its shelf life. To increase the shelf life, during refining, useful microelements are taken from the oil, most of the vitamins E and A, which lead to rapid spoilage of the product. But these same vitamins and microelements are antioxidants, they are included as building materials in many cells, and participate in many processes in the body. “Taking away” natural vitamins and microelements, some manufacturers add synthesized ones to the oil so that the product does not spoil and the vitamins are present in it. But a synthetic vitamin is absorbed differently from a natural one, it behaves differently in the body, more allergic reactions occur to artificial vitamins and microelements, and they do not play such an important role in metabolism.

In the husk cereals contains mainly vitamins of group B. They are involved in hematopoiesis, in hormonal metabolism along with vitamins of group E. The husks, which contain a lot of pectin, or coarse fiber, to which the human intestines have been accustomed for many centuries, are peeled from rice and wheat. Fibers entering the intestines serve as a sorbent, which removes toxic products from the body. Fiber, entering the body, attracts water and promotes proper contraction of the intestines. This is especially important for those who suffer from constipation, and such people should not eat refined foods. Fiber is also a breeding ground for our benign microorganisms. At the same time, during refining, fiber is removed from the product, and instead only starch remains. In turn, the carbohydrates contained in starch are the background against which malignant bacteria develop; they enhance the process of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, especially in those people who take antibiotics, who have natural metabolic disorders, and in patients with diabetes. For this reason, the number of diseases of diverticulosis is growing, in which, due to a small amount of fiber, intestinal motility weakens and diverticula form.

Both rice and wheat contain plant proteins. They supply our body with essential amino acids and albumin, which are important building materials for the body. By consuming refined rice and bread made from refined flour, we deprive the body of these beneficial substances. A typical breakfast, which includes refined white bread and a cup of tea with refined sugar, opens the way to impaired carbohydrate metabolism, increased blood sugar and, in turn, to excess weight and diabetes.

Sugar- a product of processing sugar beets (or cane). When refining sugar, the beneficial substances that were in beets are removed from it, in particular malt, which contains pectins.

What to replace it with?

Refined substances do not exist in nature, and from ancient times man, through evolutionary means, adapted his digestive system to what is in nature. Therefore, to stay healthy, it is important to choose unrefined foods. And the choice of such products on supermarket shelves is quite large.

Bread use wholemeal flour with the addition of whole grains. Remember that baked goods, which includes the white sliced ​​loaf, are not everyday bread. The pastry can be a dessert and consumed 1-2 times a week.

Rice must be unpolished. This is the only rice that is allowed for overweight patients. Any rice diet concerns this particular wild rice, and the recommendations of nutritionists cannot be transferred to refined foods.

Vegetable oil unrefined can also be found. If it is uncomfortable to use unrefined oil for cooking, use cold-pressed vegetable oil for dressing salads, porridges and first courses: olive, corn, sunflower.

Unfortunately, we have a small selection of unrefined Sahara, and the prices are quite high. The yellower the sugar, the more malt it contains. Such sugar is more difficult to dissolve and forms foam when dissolved, but it has more health benefits than refined sugar.

Attention! If you purchase unrefined products, keep an eye on expiration dates. When flour expires, it tastes bitter and loses its healing properties. Sunflower oil also becomes rancid.

Tatyana Koryakina

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Quitting smoking is such a difficult task for many that the process drags on for years. American doctors have developed a technique that allows, at a minimum, to reduce the harm caused to health by a bad habit. Four healthy products will help smooth out the effects of nicotine on the body. These are: tea, apples, Brussels sprouts and strawberries. The flavonoids they contain block the activity and growth of cancer cells specifically in the lungs.

What should be the diet for the skin? Infographics

There are different diets: for weight loss, for cleansing the body, for health. And to always look great, you need a special diet for your skin. Its essence is not at all in strict restrictions on food, but in choosing the right products. What you need to eat to make your skin glow from the inside - read in our material! What you eat can be harmful to your body, or it can also have a positive effect on it. There are foods that promote skin health, reduce inflammation, repair damage, relieve dryness and irritation.

Top 5 products for the prevention of thrombosis

Researchers from Harvard Medical School conducted a study and concluded that apples, onions, oranges, black and green tea prevent the formation of blood clots - blood clots in blood vessels that lead to heart attacks. All of these products contain rutin, a substance that can maintain the strength of the walls of blood vessels, as well as block potentially dangerous enzymes that lead to the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

Soy milk is harmful to dental health

Soy milk causes significantly more damage to teeth than cow's milk - this is the conclusion reached by Australian scientists from the University of Melbourne. Studies have shown that when drinking soy milk, the level of acidity of bacteria formed in the oral cavity is five to six times higher, Live Science writes. Acids in the mouth promote the formation of plaque, which in turn causes tooth decay.

Soy milk is harmful to dental health

Soy milk causes significantly more damage to teeth than cow's milk - this is the conclusion reached by Australian scientists from the University of Melbourne. Studies have shown that when drinking soy milk, the level of acidity of bacteria formed in the oral cavity is five to six times higher, Live Science writes. Acids in the mouth promote the formation of plaque, which in turn causes tooth decay.

Sweet shock

Arsenic is considered the favorite poison of villains in detective novels. But many of us, without knowing it, consume arsenic, albeit in microdoses. It turns out that it is found in some types of rice cereal, puffed rice, granola bars and energy drinks. It's all about a special type of sugar substitute - brown rice syrup, which is added to a number of products, reports the MEDdaily portal with reference to News.Discovery.

Is it true that not all seafood is healthy?

It turns out that some seafood can be harmful. For example, shellfish (shrimp, crabs, lobsters) contain “bad” cholesterol, which is the culprit in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. And here sea ​​fish and seafood in shells (such as mussels) contain “good” cholesterol, which helps remove fat from cells. In any case, seafood contains much more beneficial substances than harmful ones. Therefore, it is imperative to include mussels, shrimp and crabs in your diet. Find delicious and simple seafood recipes here.

Top 5 most harmful New Year's products

Nutritionists have listed foods that should be consumed with caution or abandoned altogether during the New Year's feast. Experts called mayonnaise one of the most harmful products that is sure to be present on any New Year's table. It is added to many salads, including the most beloved Russian salad “Olivier”, as well as to various dishes.


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Harm from refined foods: Secrets of Unhealthy -

Refining is the purification of a product. During the refining process, the product is deprived, among other things, of its beneficial parts and nutrients. As a result, the product becomes incomplete because it can no longer be fully absorbed. Let's look at the harm of refined foods using examples.

Refined products: features and harm -

First and most important: if companies follow the recipes and production techniques, there is nothing harmful in refined products. Here we mean by the word harm its immediate meaning - a violation of the anatomical integrity or physiological functions of the body. If you (quite naturally) still want to play it safe, feel free to choose a product marked “GOST”, “quality management system” or “environmental management system”.

Harm from refined foods. What can replace them? -

What is the harm of refined foods for the body? Details. 05/30/2014 15:35. 4609. The usual dining table of a modern person is filled with refined products. What are refined foods? Refining is an innovative technological process for processing food products in order to clean them, improve taste, and most importantly, increase shelf life.

What are refined products and why are they worth it -

And the first material is about refined and unrefined products: what is their difference, harm and benefit. After all, now half, or even most of the products are not suitable for consumption if you are looking after your health. And the point is not that the products are inherently bad. No. They are deliberately cleaned, refined, polished and steamed, so that they can later present us with an airy bun or beautiful white rice in sushi.

Refined foods: is it that simple? - Easy to cook -

Every person consumes refined products every day: primarily vegetable oil, granulated sugar, high-quality flour, and many others. But none of us think about the harm to health caused by these seemingly without dangerous products. What is refining and why is it needed? Refining is used to purify or improve the quality of many products.

Refining and harm of refined products -

No matter how much we strive for proper nutrition and healthy foods, refined foods are one way or another present in our diet. And if you take a close look at the products in the kitchen and in the refrigerator, you will probably find refined products there: SUGAR; FLOUR; OIL; FLOUR; FATS. Refining and the harm of refined products.

List of refined foods and why they are -

Harm from refined foods | -

The modern human diet contains a lot of refined foods. Refining is a process by which a natural product is peeled or separated into parts. After refining, the product loses some nutrients and eventually becomes useless. Vegetable fats. People who are responsible about their diet know about the dangers of animal fats, so they replace them with vegetable ones.

Refining and harm of refined products -

It is better to consider the specific harm of refined foods and products using specific examples. Refining is the purification of something from foreign impurities. Refining is a factory process that provides a product with complete purification or finishing. Refining is the process of purifying a product from various natural enzymes so that it can be stored longer. Refining and the harm of refined products.

Let's look at the harm of refined products using examples -

Milled rice was the first documented example of the damage caused by refining. Milling rice removes the vitamin-rich outer layer of the grain. The addition of synthetic vitamins does not change the sad picture much, because microelements such as chromium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, selenium and copper are not replaced. Never before has the share of refined foods in our diet been as large as it is now, and it is constantly growing.

What is the harm of refined products - - -

What is the harm of refined products - Women's portal -

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Why whole foods are healthier than refined foods | Live up! -

For this purpose, refining is used - the final purification of products, during which the so-called “ballast substances” are removed from it, including vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, etc. As a result, we get an inferior composition, but ‑ still a calorie-laden product. This example can be considered the first recorded fact of the harm that refined foods cause to us.

The most harmful foods. List (rating, top) -

Refined foods are harmful to health. In terms of immediate negative effects on the human body, that is, the content of harmful substances, the notorious “Coca-Cola” is much more dangerous than refined white flour. It doesn't even make sense to compare. But! Not everything is so simple in proper human nutrition. The fact is that even the most inveterate lovers of sweet carbonated drinks do not drink them every day. Many educated people, knowing about the dangers of all different “Cola-Pepsi”

Refined foods and their harm -

Natural food, in addition to vitamins and minerals, contains auxiliary substances that facilitate its digestion and complete absorption. In other words, nature itself has come up with a mechanism for us to help the body extract nutrients from food. Refining is the purification of a product. During the refining process, the product is deprived, among other things, of its beneficial parts and nutrients. As a result, the product becomes incomplete because it can no longer be fully absorbed.

What is the harm of refined foods - Anews -

Therefore, during refining, when part of the nutrients necessary for the absorption of the product goes to waste, the product becomes inferior, because now it cannot be fully absorbed. Let's look at the harm of refined products using examples: Milled rice Milled rice was the first documented example of the harm caused by refining.

Deception of buyers. Harm from refined foods - Health -

Let's look at the harm of refined foods using examples. Milled Rice Milled rice was the first documented example of the damage caused by refining. Refined oil The most useful are unrefined, cold-pressed vegetable oils, because... they retain vitamins A, E and other biologically active substances contained in the original product.

What is the harm of refined products - Telegraf News -

The harm of using refined vegetable oil for frying foods.

REFINED PRODUCTS. Benefit or harm? | Center -

Refining and the harm of refined products Refined sugar - white death Currently, the share of refined products on the shelves of stores and supermarkets is very large. This article will discuss the topic of refined products. What is refining? What foods are refined and why are they refined?

Today such a dish as porridge, is becoming less and less common in the daily diet of a modern family. Of course, when a baby appears in the house, the mother involuntarily has to remember how this dish is prepared, although modern parents prefer to use boxed cereals and even ready-made cereals that just need to be heated. People with illnesses digestive system, I also have to sit on porridge. But overweight women often refuse cereal dishes, including them in the forbidden list along with bread and sweets. But those who try to avoid cereals, citing their high calorie content, make the mistake of depriving themselves of one of the healthiest foods. To understand the benefits of cereals, you need to remember that each grain is a grain of a plant.

Its purpose is procreation. Therefore, nature has provided the grains with a solid supply of nutrients that the grain embryo uses before taking root and beginning to use the power of the earth. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, cereals contain almost a complete set of B vitamins (except for B12, which is not found at all in plant foods). By the way, according to statistics, from 40 to 60% of Russians experience a deficiency of B vitamins, and one of the reasons for the deficiency may be insufficient consumption of cereals. The grains also contain a lot of vitamin PP and coenzyme Q10 - a vitamin-like substance that has high antioxidant activity and is very important for protecting the cardiovascular and immune systems. There is also an impressive set of minerals: potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, phosphorus. Besides, cereals(though only unpolished and unrefined) are a source of plant fiber. The beneficial properties of grains are especially fully revealed when they are sprouted, which is what raw foodists, vegetarians and other adherents of a healthy diet take advantage of. But ordinary cereals also bring a lot of benefits if you know how to cook and eat them correctly.

As for the notorious calorie content, we must admit that it is really quite large: on average, about 300-350 kcal per 100 g of dry cereal. But if you look at the energy value of the finished dish, you get a completely different picture: crumbly barley porridge- 130 kcal (100 g), pearl barley - 129, rice - 139. For comparison, the same 136 kcal are contained in just two chocolates. What will satisfy you better and bring more benefits?

Buying cereal, it is important to pay attention to the label of the product you like, more precisely, its production date and expiration date. Many women are sure that grains are a product that has, if not an endless, then a very long shelf life, but this is not so. Most cereals should be stored for no more than two years; oatmeal, pearl barley, semolina and especially millet - no more than a year. Over time, grains partially lose their supply of vitamins and other nutrients, which reduces their nutritional value. In addition, vegetable fats can go rancid, especially if cereals stored in light or in a place that is too warm or humid. Therefore, it is better to purchase the product in boxes or opaque bags and store it in a closed cabinet at home. If you are confused about the quality of the cereal, heat it in a dry frying pan for two minutes: the appearance of a sour, bitter or other unpleasant taste will reveal a poor-quality product. If there is mold or barn bugs in the cereal, it should be thrown away. When studying the label, pay attention to the cooking time (if indicated).

Today, various cereals that need to be cooked for just a few minutes or simply poured with boiling water are especially popular, as well as steamed rice, which also cooks very quickly. Such products are, of course, much more convenient, especially when you are short on time. However, remember: in order for cereals to boil quickly, they are subjected to pre-treatment, during which most of the valuable substances are lost. As a result, a healthy product turns into a refined one, which brings only calories to our body. As for cereal dishes, there are a great variety of them: pilaf, cereals, flatbreads, soups, salads and even desserts. One of the simplest dishes is porridge, although even an experienced cook can turn it into a real masterpiece - just remember Guryev’s porridge, which was on the menu of the most luxurious pre-revolutionary restaurants.

Alas, modern housewives are frightened by the prospect of preparing even the most ordinary porridge: they need to stand at the stove, stir, make sure that the mass does not burn or boil over... But this is not necessary: ​​the dish can be cooked not only on the stove, but also in a double boiler ( slow cooker) or oven. In the first case, it is enough to pour the washed cereal into a container, add milk or water, salt, sugar or honey and turn on the device. During the cooking process, you need to stir the mixture once and add liquid. All this takes more time, but you are practically not involved in the cooking process. If you want to cook in the oven, pour cereal water (milk), bring to a boil on the stove, and then place in a heated oven. But you shouldn’t cook cereals in a microwave oven: saving time here will result in a loss of beneficial properties of the product.

Many women believe that to lose weight cereals It should only be cooked with water. Actually this is not true! After all, the goal of an ideal diet is not only to reduce the number of calories, but also to get the maximum amount of nutrients from permitted foods. And in porridge cooked with milk or flavored with milk at the end of cooking, the composition of the cereal protein significantly improves. Milk adds to the cereal proteins only one amino acid they lack - lysine, in this combination the protein becomes almost complete and, in terms of the degree of absorption, is equal to that of an animal. And for those who cannot tolerate whole milk, it is recommended to wash down the porridge with kefir, yogurt or other low-fat fermented milk drink.

So, you shouldn’t give up cereals. Those who have already excluded them from the diet need to return the product. The point is that calories porridge is determined mainly by the energy value of carbohydrates. But here they are slow, which means they satiate for a long time. In addition, a hearty breakfast with porridge charges the body with energy for the whole day and normalizes diet, reducing appetite in the evening. You just need to choose unrefined cereals and add as little salt, sugar and butter as possible when cooking. At lunch, one or two spoons of cereal can be added to soup or salad, but it is better to avoid large portions. In the evening, it is recommended to avoid cereals completely: in the absence of physical activity, calories run the risk of turning into fat. The choice of specific cereals. For example, buckwheat- as a kernel, so did it - in the form of porridge it is perfect for those losing weight. There are even several options for the buckwheat diet: buckwheat is undercooked, poured with kefir or boiling water and used as a product for a mono-diet or supplemented with vegetables. You can stick to this diet for a maximum of two weeks: if it is longer, it can harm the body. By the way, the composition of buckwheat differs from other cereals except that it has more valuable protein and big amount B vitamins. But its properties, which supposedly help with diabetes, obesity or iron deficiency, alas, are a myth.

Oat groats and rolled oats are also suitable for low-calorie diets. They are especially good for those who are overweight and have diseases of the stomach and duodenum. When oatmeal is cooked, mucus is formed, which envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting the mucous membrane. The only requirement is the use of coarse cereals or flakes in the diet: delicate, quickly boiled flakes are not suitable for those losing weight.

Millet Digests slowly and gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness. This is an interesting cereal for culinary enthusiasts: combinations of millet with pumpkin, quince, dried fruits, cottage cheese and similar ingredients are successful. Among other grains, pearl barley, barley, black and brown rice, and crushed wheat are suitable for those losing weight, but they should not be consumed every day, but two or three times a week. The only foods you should not include in your diet are semolina and white rice: they contain a lot of starch. It is also undesirable to consume corn grits: it contains a large number of carbohydrates, and protein is poor in amino acids and is poorly digestible.

Refined products are products that, during their production, have undergone long-term industrial processing (purification from additional nutrients to give them certain properties) using complex chemical, thermal and other transformations.

Refining is a type of processing and purification process of a product, as a result of which food products lose many useful substances (vitamins, minerals, fiber and other important micronutrients) and become of little value in the diet of a pregnant woman.

Let's consider the main refined products presented on the shelves of our stores, their properties and alternative replacements for them with healthier products.

Refined foods that are better replaced with something else

1. Premium white wheat flour

When obtaining premium wheat flour, the grain shells are cleaned as much as possible, with which fiber, B vitamins and minerals are removed. This is also the reason for its snow-white color. High-grade flour is made only from the central part of the grain, which is rich in gluten and starch. This is a low-health, high-carb junk food that fills us with empty calories and is rich in gluten. Therefore, such flour is harmful to those pregnant women who suffer from gluten intolerance - the protein component of gluten. This substance is especially harmful to patients suffering from the hereditary disease celiac disease. Manifestations of celiac disease are chronic diarrhea, underweight, diabetes, anemia, depression. Previously, it was believed that no more than 1% of the world's population was affected by this disease. However, scientists now believe that more people have mild gluten intolerance. There is no cure for celiac disease and the only salvation is to exclude gluten-containing foods from the diet, primarily premium wheat flour.

In addition, baked goods and dishes containing such flour, when actively consumed, can provoke excess weight gain and illness. gastrointestinal tract, development of prediabetic conditions and diabetes mellitus itself (due to the high glycemic index of this product).

What to replace it with?

Oat flour. The simplest and most affordable substitute for premium wheat flour. You don’t even have to buy oatmeal: just take oatmeal or flakes (not the ones that need to be poured with boiling water for 5 minutes, but the ones that need to be boiled) and grind them in a blender or coffee grinder. This way you will get healthy flour, rich in fiber, slow carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. It can be used for baking, for making pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, and added to cutlets and other dishes.

Corn flour. This flour can lower blood cholesterol levels, it contains a lot of protein, valuable vitamins (A, E, group B), iron and phosphorus.

Buckwheat flour. Feel free to swap wheat flour for buckwheat. It contains almost all B vitamins, zinc, iron and calcium (important for the formation of the nervous, hematopoietic and skeletal systems of the fetus and maintaining the health of the pregnant woman); iodine – for optimal functioning of the thyroid gland and increasing the body’s defenses; as well as folic acid, which is actively involved in hematopoiesis processes, which is very important for a pregnant woman and unborn child.

Chickpea flour. This is a high-protein product made from chickpeas (chickpeas). This legume flour contains a lot of vitamins A, C, E, PP and K, group B, and also contains potassium, calcium, copper, silicon, molybdenum and boron, which are involved in the metabolic processes of the body's cells.

2.Refined sugar

White sugar is made from sugar beets or sugar cane and then refined. This is a complex process that includes the use of chemicals.

It is quite difficult to talk about the benefits of industrial refined white sugar. White refined sugar contains 99.9% sucrose and a pregnant woman should limit her daily intake of this high-calorie refined carbohydrate. Otherwise, adverse consequences are possible: obesity, caries and deficiency of the vitamin thiamine, which is intensively consumed with increased consumption of simple sugars.

In addition, refined sugar has a high glycemic index. This means that it sharply increases blood glucose levels, which can provoke diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman.

It can be found in a wide variety of products, so you should carefully read the ingredients on labels. Manufacturers can often disguise the name of sugar. You may read that a product contains “sugar cane juice,” “corn sweetener,” “dextrin or dextrose,” “molasses,” “maltose,” “sucrose,” but you should know that these are all forms of refined sugar. So, quietly exceeding your daily sugar intake is as easy as shelling pears.

What to replace it with?

Chocolate is bitter. This chocolate is made with minimal (or no) sugar. The benefits of dark chocolate as a substitute for refined sugar are due precisely to the composition of cocoa beans. It contains theobromine, which relaxes the muscles of the bronchi, blood vessels (mainly the vessels of the brain, skin and kidneys); improves renal blood flow. In addition, theobromine, by normalizing respiratory function, helps saturate the blood with oxygen and reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide, and also stimulates cardiac activity, so chocolate is very useful when playing sports or other physical activities.

During mental stress, theobromine from chocolate will have a psychostimulating effect - it will enhance attention and memory.

Flavonoids in dark chocolate are good for the heart and blood vessels. In addition, these valuable substances neutralize the effect of free radicals, protect cells from destruction, and therefore prevent premature aging of the body and save from the development of atherosclerosis. Flavonoids can also normalize the functioning of the immune system, slow down inflammatory processes and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.

In addition, dark chocolate belongs to the group of products with a high content of tryptophan (an amino acid from which serotonin is formed). And serotonin is a well-known hormone of happiness. In addition to cocoa products, chocolate contains soy lecithin, which is responsible for the uniform consistency of chocolate. Lecithin is part of the group of phospholipids that are necessary for building the membranes of all cells, especially the nervous system and brain tissue. The consequence of this is the positive effect of lecithin on memory, thinking, and mental performance. In addition, lecithin prevents fatty degeneration of the liver and normalizes liver function, and also has anti-atherosclerotic properties - it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents its deposition in the walls of blood vessels.

Thanks to lecithin, chocolate is classified as an aphrodisiac product, since it normalizes the function of the sex glands and has a positive effect on sexual activity.

Marmalade. The most useful is jelly-fruit marmalade, since it combines the beneficial substances of all types of marmalade, namely pectin from fruit puree and agar and agaroids of jelly marmalade.

Thanks to pectins, heavy metals, radionuclides, and pesticides are bound and removed from the body in our intestines. In addition, pectin helps reduce cholesterol in the body and is used for diseases associated with metabolic disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas.

Agar-agar and agaroids. These are gelling substances made from red and brown seaweed. Agar-agar contains a large amount of mineral salts, vitamins, polysaccharides, agaropectin and plant acids. Agar is not absorbed by the body, but it serves as food for beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, which protect it from the introduction of pathogens. In addition, agar helps reduce the level of harmful triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood glucose levels, reduces high acidity of gastric juice, stimulates peristalsis, and has a mild laxative effect.

Marshmallows and marshmallows. The benefits of these sweets, like marmalade, are due to the agar, agaroids, pectin they contain, as well as egg white, a source of all essential amino acids for our body. By the way, egg white, like milk protein, is the standard of protein in terms of content and balance of amino acids (meat and fish proteins are much inferior to them).

3. Refined sunflower and rapeseed oil

In the process of producing these types of refined products, to maximize the release of oil, the seeds are first filled with hexane, an organic solvent. After this, the remaining solvent is removed (or rather, they are tried to be removed) using steam and an alkaline solution. What is obtained as a result of exposure to hexane and alkali is further refined - the product is purified, but many nutrients (vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, lecithin) are lost. The oil is then further bleached, resulting in a transparent yellow color. Additionally, the product is filtered and deodorized (all odors are removed from the oil).

When we buy, we succumb to marketing ploys: they say it does not contain cholesterol, but plant products naturally cannot contain it, since cholesterol is only found in animal products. It may also indicate that the oil does not contain preservatives, but such a chemically processed product does not need preservatives.

What to replace it with?

Unrefined olive oil. This healthy plant product is rich in oleic acid (an omega-9 unsaturated fatty acid), its share reaches 70-80%, while in refined sunflower oil it is only 23%. Oleic acid is well absorbed in the intestines, promotes optimal metabolic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a pronounced hypocholesterolemic effect. Olive oil also contains other beneficial omega-9 fatty acids, which have an anti-carcinogenic effect, help lower blood pressure, and are also useful for preventing diabetes and obesity.

Vitamins A, D, K, which unrefined olive oil is rich in, are very important for the formation of tissues and organs of the fetus (bone tissue, organ of vision, regulate cell growth and development). Vitamin E has a strong antioxidant effect and reduces the risk of blood clots.

The maximum beneficial properties are found in unrefined olive oil from the so-called cold mechanical pressing, when the olive oil is heated no higher than 27 °C. This category of oils is designated Extra Virgin; Fine virgin olive and Semi-fine virgin olive oil also have beneficial properties. To preserve all the beneficial properties, these types of oils must be used only in their raw form, added to salads, and not subjected to heat treatment.

Cold pressed linseed oil. The main benefit of this oil lies in the unique combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, phytosterols, lecithin and beta-carotene, which are rarely found together in products from the usual human diet.

Flaxseed oil normalizes fat metabolism, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the digestive system. In addition, the beneficial substances of flax oil increase the elasticity of blood vessels (which is important for the prevention of varicose veins in a pregnant woman), reduce the likelihood of stroke and heart attack, and arterial hypertension.

Regular consumption of flaxseed oil has a positive effect on brain function and the development of the retina of the unborn child.

A nice feature of taking flaxseed oil is that it can be mixed with juices, yoghurts, and fermented milk products. So, for constipation, it is recommended to stir 1 tsp. means in a glass of kefir and drink at night.

Flaxseed oil can also be added to salads, side dishes and soups, avoiding exposure to high temperatures that destroy the structure of fatty acids.

4. Hulled (polished or polished) white rice

When grinding rice, the shells and partly the germ of the grain, in which the main vitamins and microelements are concentrated, are removed from the surface of the grain. Therefore, dishes made from polished cereals are less healthy, despite the fact that such cereals improve digestibility and absorption of carbohydrates.

A more refined product is polished rice, which is only the inner part of the grain (the so-called endosperm), which consists of 60% starch and contains almost no proteins and other useful nutrients.

Polished and especially polished rice are poor in minerals, contain no fiber and are virtually devoid of vitamins. Thus, when polished rice is produced, from 30 to 70% of vitamin B1 is lost, up to 30% - B2 and up to 50% - vitamin PP. When producing polished grain, these losses are even greater.

What to replace it with?

Brown (brown) rice. The color of brown rice is due to the gentle method of peeling the shell, which is partially preserved, and along with it all the vitamins and minerals that make up its composition. This bran coating of the grain contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins (especially folic acid) and fiber. In addition, the potassium content in brown rice is 2.5 times higher, magnesium, vitamins E and B6 are 3 times higher, vitamin B1 is 1.5 times higher, and fiber is 4.5 times higher than in the usual refined rice. white rice.

We need natural fiber (dietary plant fiber), which brown rice is rich in, to prevent colon cancer, obesity and constipation.

The shell of unpolished brown rice also contains a complex of antioxidants (gamma-oryzanol, squalene and ferulic acid), which has a beneficial effect on the body: it lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, removes its excess and reduces its absorption from food, thus preventing the development of diseases cardiovascular system and obesity.

It must be remembered that brown rice, due to the presence of fatty acids, has a short shelf life; and due to the preserved shell and large amount of fiber, it takes quite a long time to prepare.

How to cook brown rice?
The cooking process looks something like this. Soak the rice in cold water overnight, drain the water in the morning, pour in fresh cold water and put the rice on the fire. 10 minutes after boiling, the water is drained, the rice is washed in cold water, fresh cold water is added again and boiled for 15-20 minutes. After which the pan is wrapped in a blanket and the rice is left to cook until cooked. Thus, the heat treatment of brown rice is minimized, which contributes to better preservation of the beneficial substances contained in it.

Wild (black) rice. This grain does not belong to the family of traditional rice, but it is very similar in shape, only black in color. Black rice is valuable in its nutritional composition: it contains a significant amount of protein (15 g per 100 g of product) and is especially valuable for pregnant women because it contains folic acid (there is five times more of it than in brown rice). By the way, a glass of wild rice contains the daily requirement of folic acid. As for minerals, wild rice contains quite a lot of magnesium (177 mg - this is 50% of the daily requirement of an adult), zinc (6 mg) and manganese (1.3 mg - 2/3 of the daily value).

Thus, I would like to recommend that a pregnant woman, when choosing products on store shelves, give preference to those that will be most beneficial for her and her baby. And these are by no means refined products. Look for healthy food alternatives!

Cereals are a source of energy vital for health.

Porridges are mainly prepared from cereals. Don't worry, you won't get better from porridge. Women usually get fat quickly from white bread made from refined flour (especially hot), refined sugar, cakes and buns. They also gain weight too quickly because they are always chewing something in between meals. One of the main reasons that a pregnant woman gains weight too quickly is stress, because many, unable to relax properly, try to “eat up” unpleasant emotions and bad mood.

Porridge must be prepared from unrefined cereals: rolled oats, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, millet, corn, Poltava, artek, brown rice.

Learn to make delicious porridge. They need to be boiled in water (due to the poor compatibility of starches and proteins, porridge with milk is poorly absorbed by the body), at the rate of 1 cup of cereal to 3 cups of boiling water, cook over low heat with a lid. As soon as the water has evaporated, add a piece of butter and cover the pan to let the porridge steep. Porridge can be made salted or sweet.

It is good to add spices to salted ones: bay leaf, cilantro, cumin, dill seed, etc. You can collect the spices in a gauze bag, and when the porridge is ready, remove the bag and throw it away. You can grind the spices and put them on the table separately as a seasoning; You can prepare the Japanese seasoning "gamashio". Grate the cheese well into the finished porridge or place cheese or suluguni soaked in cold water on a plate. Be sure to offer your family stewed onions and herbs with their porridge. Maybe they'll like it. You can make porridge in layers: a layer of cereal, a layer of vegetables.

Apples, dried fruits, cinnamon, vanilla, saffron, ginger, honey, sugar are added to sweet porridges, and topped with jam. Don't limit your imagination! Now bran (the outer shell and germ of the grain, which is removed during refining) has appeared on sale; it contains almost all the most useful things: B vitamins, vitamin E, microelements. Bran is also an important supplier of fiber, which is essential for preventing constipation.

Buy bran (there are both wheat and rye bran - you can mix them, any are useful), dry it in a clean dry frying pan or in the oven until a delicious smell of bread appears. Store in a glass jar with a lid or in a linen bag (they will quickly spoil in a plastic bag).

Grind the dried bran in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on porridge, salads, etc. vegetables, add to the dough for vegetable pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, pies, use instead of breadcrumbs.

English surgeons state that bran has knocked the knife out of their hands, because since people began to eat large amounts of bran, the number of operations has sharply decreased.

Bran is also important because it reduces cholesterol levels by an average of 13%; they are an excellent prevention of gastric ulcers and hemorrhoids.

Refined foods surround us at home and on store shelves. We use them every day and often don’t even know about it - after all, not every pack indicates the processing method. Let's take a closer look at why they are useful or harmful.

First and most important: if companies follow the recipes and production techniques, there is nothing harmful in refined products. Here we mean by the word harm its immediate meaning - a violation of the anatomical integrity or physiological functions of the body. If you (quite naturally) still want to play it safe, feel free to choose a product marked “GOST”, “quality management system” or “environmental management system”. In order to receive the appropriate stamp, this food has undergone numerous tests, including medical ones.

The problem with refined products is indirect and completely different - they make it very easy to gain weight. They are a source of “light” carbohydrates and cannot be recommended for those wishing to lose weight. Oddly enough, the word “refining” itself comes from English (and with it Latin) - to improve, improve, increase quality and make more refined. Let's look at the definitions.

What are refined products

Refined foods are foods that have had some part removed during processing to improve appearance, taste, or shelf life. Its direct opposite is “whole” foods. They are the closest to the natural state; no components have been removed. Between these two poles there is another intermediate link. These are dishes that have undergone primary processing and are consumed together with its result (ex: boiling vegetables to produce vegetarian broth).

Natural foods are rich in vitamins and amino acids, but it is impossible to eat them all at once and put aside useful substances “in reserve.” To prevent food from spoiling and to retain at least some of the vital components, it must be cooked. This was understood by ancient people, at whose sites traces of drying, drying, salting and leavening were found. Baking and flour, also a product of refining, originated in Ancient Rome. Pasta - a little later, in the Middle Ages. Next comes pasteurization and other modern methods.

Benefits of refined products:
+ preservation of quickly perishable food;

Example: all vegetables and fruits, milk, meat, fish.
+ reducing prices, increasing the quantity of food and its availability;
+ improving the taste and visual appeal of the finished dish;

Example: Let's compare baking from white and black bread.
+ removal of “garbage” and inedible parts, ease of use.

Example: refined oil - foams less, is consumed less, does not “shoot”, does not emit odor.

+ destruction of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

Example: an ordinary fly can become a carrier of salmonella, cholera, and typhoid fever.

+ quick saturation and less time for cooking;
+ greater variety of culinary recipes and taste experiences.

Harm from refined foods:

- Increase in calorie content of food;
- Reduced content of vitamins and microelements;
- Possible contamination due to violation of production rules;
- Increased carbohydrate content, as a result – possible “jumps” in blood sugar, up to the point of addiction;
- Loss of original taste and aroma;
- Replacement of omega-3 fats with omega-6 analogues, which can cause cancer, obesity, diabetes and even depression; *(hypothesis)
- Salting food.

Some facts about refined foods:

1. "R." constitute between 36 and 41% of the average Australian's diet."
Australian Medical Research Council
2. Unilever and McDonald's pledged to reduce the amount of fat, sodium and sugar in their menus, and replace regular salt with iodized salt.
(From the companies themselves)
3. In many countries, white flour bread is fortified with folic acid.
(According to the website 12wbt. com)
4. The IQ of children who eat more plant foods is higher than that of their peers who eat baked goods and fast food.
(Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, UK).

List of refined foods

1. Sweets, candies, snacks, bars.

Lots of calories. It is better to snack on fresh unsalted nuts, vegetables or fruits.

2. Non-alcoholic, alcoholic, energy drinks.

Excess sugar, preservatives and no vitamins at all + lack of saturation with high calorie content. Alternative – juices fresh , mineral water, dairy products with “live” bacteria.

3. Crackers, chips.

Organic, but was fried in a huge amount of oil. The high temperature destroyed almost all useful substances.
Alternative: minimally processed oatmeal. Dried fruits.

4. Packaged soups, fast food.

Extremely high salt content. There are almost no vitamins.
Alternative: home cooking, albeit in a hurry. Soups and dishes with fresh herbs.

5. White bread and pastries.

Purified from beneficial fiber and some essential substances. Lots of easily digestible carbohydrates.
Alternative: bran bread, unsweetened oatmeal cookies; products with high content fiber – artichokes, lentils.

6. Refined cereals: rice, semolina.

Low fiber, high calories.
Alternative: unrefined grains, brown rice, legumes, oatmeal.

7. Refined oil, margarine, spreads.
No important triglycerides , presence of impurities.
Alternative: homemade oil, unrefined vegetable oil, olive oils.

8. White sugar.

Net calories.
Alternative: honey, molasses, sweeteners, brown cane sugar.

Conclusion: if you want to lose weight, it is better to use the above substitutes. People with normal weight can afford refined food if it does not exceed the calorie content of the daily diet, and the latter is enriched with all necessary microelements.

We can sum it up here in the words of the great researcher and healer Paracelsus : “Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Both are determined by the dose.”