Drawing up a technological map of a dish online. Technical and technological map

You have decided to open a catering business and succeed in this difficult
market? Want to cook tastier than your competitors? Then without a unique
you can't do without dish cards to order.

The technological map of dishes is your assistant:
- in the struggle for the hearts and wallets of visitors;
- in protection against production errors;
- in reduction of unreasonable expenses.

This is the basis and guarantee of the correct conduct of the restaurant business, obtaining a stable income from customers, and the absence of problems with the sanitary and epidemiological station. The card is supplied with all normative and technological features of preparation. It includes not only the components of the recipe, but also the characteristics of semi-finished products, ingredients and the finished dish.
To understand who can be entrusted with the manufacture of TTK, let's define the terms.

Technological map or Techno-technological map?

What are their similarities and differences?
The technological map is:
- A document that is compiled on the basis of recipes from collections for the public
supply, or developed from scratch.
- The first page of the technical and technological map, that is, information about the dish without
indications of nutritional and energy value.

Technical and technological map- this is a development for a signature dish that will be on the menuonly in your establishment.

The main sections of the Technical and Technological Map, as the main document at enterprises
catering establishments with original menus are shown in the table:


Meaning Example


The exact name of the dish
which will
be used on
enterprise and in

This TTK describes a dish (product)
Chicken fillet Yamagata with vegetables,
made in the tavern "Razdolie"

List of raw materials

All types specified
products used.

Name of raw materials and used
semi-finished products, consumption per 1 serving,
gross, g and net, g
1. Breast fillet 67 - 62
2. Fresh champignon mushrooms 43 - 43
3. Bulgarian pepper (sweet) 26 - 19
4. Fresh table carrots 26 - 20
5. Food table salt 1 - 1
6. Spice ground black pepper 1 - 1
7. Teriyaki sauce 40 - 40
8. Sunflower oil 10 - 10
9. Parsley greens 2.7 - 2
10. Cherry tomatoes 10 - 10

Requirements for
raw materials

Compliance is noted
products requirements
documents according to the rules and
the presence of a certificate
compliance and quality

food raw materials,
semi-finished products and products,
used to make food
must match all
requirements of current
regulatory and technical
documents, have documentation,
regulating quality and
security (certificate of conformity,
SES conclusion, certificate
safety and quality, etc.)

Weight norms

Indicated in
net and
gross; indication of the norm
1, 10 and more
portions; indicators
output of the finished dish and
semi-finished product.

Semi-finished product output, g: 184,
output of the finished product, g: 160


This includes the division
cold and heat
processing; application
additives; compliance
safety requirements

Clean vegetables and cut into strips.
Prepared mushrooms segmented
grind. Cut chicken fillet
straws, fry on vegetable
oil. Then add vegetables and mushrooms,
Fry until half cooked. salt,
pepper. Add Teriyaki sauce.
Evaporate the mixture a little and remove from
fire. Put on a plate, decorate
herbs and cherry tomatoes.

Requirements to
submission, sale, appearance, storage time and sale

According to GOST and
standards of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Procurement of raw materials is carried out according to the technological recommendations for imported raw materials and the proposals of the Collection of technological standards for a public catering enterprise. In terms of shelf life, products are guided by SanPiN 2.3.2 1324-03.

security and

Describe color, taste,
smell, texture;
chemical, physical,
indicators affecting
human health

The meat is moderately fried, color
golden yellow, uniform. readiness
meat, when cut, excretion
colorless juice. Meat color white or
with a grayish tint. Crust -
golden, soft Juicy pulp, meat
does not fall apart, keeps its shape. Smell
fried, baked poultry meat, with
addition of spices. Taste
moderately spicy, salty. Without
signs that worsen the dish.
microbiological indicators
KMA-FanM CFU/g, not more than 1 x 10^3,
not allowed by product weight (g):
Pathogenic, incl. salmonella - 25
BGKP (coliforms) - 1
S. aureus - 1
Proteus - 0.1

value and
nutritional composition

Must be specified
for medical
dietary or children's

1 serving (160 grams) contains - proteins
16.41 fats 1.32 carbohydrates 19.68 kcal
100 grams of a dish (product) contains -
proteins 10.26 fats 0.82 carbohydrates 12.3
kcal 97.63

Number, date, term
actions of the TTC

Each technological
the dish card has its own
serial number. She
technologist and
enterprises. Her term
action determines itself

Technical - technological map No.
1636 from 04/22/2012 to 12/31/120014,
Tavern "Friday"

Collection of recipes for dishes and its addition

It is necessary to mention one more concept that coexists peacefully with TC and TTC -
food recipes. Information about the components and the technological process is indicated here.
cooking. The recipe does not contain a source, conditions, terms of implementation, food
values ​​and needs to be supplemented by a technical and technological map developed
If a situation arises when the available collections of recipes do not contain the necessary
you an element, then you need to work out the dish. It means:

1. Cooking a new dish repeatedly to accurately determine the rate
necessary products.
2. Drawing up an act of working off.
3. On the basis of paragraph 2, the formation of a technological map and its approval.

In the absence of a full-time technologist at a public catering enterprise,
technical and technological map, you should contact a professional, this will allow:
1. Reduce financial investments in menu optimization.
2. Pre-evaluate the benefits of selling each dish.
3. Save on a regular technologist.
4. Use a wide range of products.

And most importantly, a well-composed TTC will allow you to avoid fines for the lack of
technological documents that comply with the norms of the legislation on the organization and
operation of catering establishments.

Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, along with the standards and specifications in force in the industry, are the main regulatory and technological documents for public catering enterprises.

The collections contain recipes, cooking technology, as well as the consumption rates of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations on the interchangeability of products.

The recipes indicate: the names of the products included in the dish, the norms for investing products in gross and net weight, the yield (weight) of individual finished products and the dish as a whole.

The investment rates for gross weight products are calculated in recipes for standard raw materials of the following conditions:
beef and lamb - 1st category, pork - meat, offal (except udder) - frozen, udder - chilled;
poultry (hens, chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys) - half-gutted 2nd category;
fish - large frozen or all sizes, whole, with some exceptions.

For potatoes, waste standards are adopted until October 31, for carrots and beets - until January 1, etc.
In each collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, the conditions of all types of raw materials and products are indicated in the introduction.

When raw materials of a different condition than those provided for in the recipes are used for cooking, the rate of input of raw materials by gross weight is determined by recalculation, based on the net weight indicated in the recipes, the value of which remains constant, and the percentage of waste established according to the collection of recipes for raw materials of the corresponding standards.

When using raw materials of other standards or substandard raw materials, the norms for the output of dishes should not be violated.

The appendices to the collection contain tables for calculating the costs of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and ready meals, the amount of losses during the heat treatment of dishes and culinary products, the norms for the interchangeability of products in cooking.

In order to best meet the demand of consumers, catering enterprises can develop new recipes for dishes and culinary products.

Recipes for signature dishes are developed taking into account the approved standards of waste and losses during cold and heat processing of various products.

They should be distinguished by the novelty of the cooking technology, high taste, original design, and a successful combination of products.

For all dishes with a new recipe and specialties, technological documentation is developed and approved by the head of the enterprise: STP, TU, technical and technological and technological maps.

Technological cards

The high quality of finished products is made up of many factors, one of them is compliance with technological requirements for food processing and cooking at all stages of the production process.

Cooks and confectioners should be provided with technological maps at their workplaces.

These cards are compiled for each dish, culinary or confectionery product based on the collection of recipes used at this enterprise.

Technological maps indicate: the name of the dish, the number and variant of the recipe, the rate of investment of raw materials by net weight per serving, as well as the calculation for a certain number of servings or products prepared in boilers of a certain capacity, the output of the dish is indicated.

The cards also provide a brief description of the technological process of preparing a dish and its design, draw attention to the sequence of laying products depending on the timing of their heat treatment, characterize the requirements for the quality of the dish, the labor intensity coefficients of the dish, taking into account the labor costs of the cook to prepare this dish.

Technological maps for side dishes for main courses are compiled separately.

(Front side) Recipe book Recipe no.

On the dish "Beef Stroganoff with fried potatoes"

Product Names



Serving Calculation

for one



Number of products, kg (net)









table margarine







Wheat flour







Sour cream







Sauce "Southern"







tomato puree







Onion (sautéed)







Potatoes for garnish i№ 579)








(Back side)

Brief description of the technological process

The tenderloin, the pulp of the thick and thin edges, the upper and inner pieces of the hip part (beef) are cut transversely to the location of the muscle fibers into cubes 30-40 mm in size, weighing 5-7 g, sprinkled with salt, pepper, fried in a well-heated frying pan in for 3-5 minutes, add browned onion, pour sour cream sauce, South sauce and bring to a boil.

On vacation, sprinkle with parsley.

Garnish is additionally served with croutons, croutons made from white bread or puff pastry.

You can cook without sauce "Southern" and tomato, but at the same time, the amount of sour cream should increase accordingly.

Quality assessment of the finished dish

Appearance - the meat is cut across the fiber into pieces of equal thickness, fried evenly until golden brown.
The color of the meat is from gray to brown.

The smell is characteristic of fried meat.

The taste is characteristic of fried meat.

Consistency - pieces are juicy, well-done, without crunch.

The weight of the finished dish (in g) is 300, including: meat - 75, sauce - 75, side dish - 250.

The meat is served with sauce, the side dish is stacked on the side.

The complexity of cooking

The coefficient of labor intensity of a dish without a side dish is 1.3 of a conventional dish.

The coefficient of labor intensity of the main side dish for one dish from raw materials is 0.7 of a conventional dish, from semi-finished products (peeled potatoes) - 0.2.

Technical and technological maps

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and specialty dishes and culinary products - those that are developed and sold only at this enterprise.
The term of the TTC is determined by the enterprise itself.

TTK includes sections:

1. Name of the product and scope of the TTC.
Indicate the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval; provide a specific list of enterprises (branches) that are given the right to produce and sell this dish.
2. List of raw materials for making a dish (product).
3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials.
Be sure to make a record that raw materials, food products, semi-finished products for a given dish (product) comply with regulatory documents (GOSTs, OSTs, TUs) and have certificates and quality certificates.

4. Norms for laying raw materials in gross and net weight, norms for the output of semi-finished products and finished products.

5. Description of the technological process.
They give a detailed description of this process, the mode of cold and heat treatment, ensuring the safety of the dish (product), give the food additives, dyes, etc.

6. Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage.

The design features, the rules for serving the dish, the procedure for selling, storing should be reflected (in accordance with GOST R 50763-95 "Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General specifications", SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for expiration dates and food storage conditions)

7. Indicators of quality and safety.
Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of the dish (taste, smell, color, texture), physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish.

8. Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value.

They provide data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish (according to the tables "Chemical composition of foodstuffs" approved by the Ministry of Health), which are important for organizing the nutrition of certain consumer groups (dietary, preventive, children's food, etc.).

Each technical and technological map receives a serial number and is stored in the company's file cabinet.

The TTK is signed by the responsible developer.

“I approve” Director of the restaurant K. IVANOV
"__" 200


Chicken stew with mushrooms

1 area of ​​use
1.1. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms", produced by the restaurant and its branch.

2. List of raw materials
2.1. To prepare the dish, the following raw materials are used:
Poultry meat GOST 21784
Margarine GOST 240
Fresh food potatoes GOST 26545
Fresh table carrots GOST 26767
Fresh onion GOST 27166
Fresh cultivated champignons RST RSFSR 608-79
or products of foreign companies that have certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.

2.2. Raw materials must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe
3.1. Recipe for Chicken Stew with Mushrooms

4. Technological process
4.1. The preparation of raw materials for the production of the dish "Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms" is carried out in accordance with the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments.

4.2. Prepared chicken carcasses are cut into pieces, fried until a crispy crust forms, put in a pot, add raw potatoes and carrots, cut into slices, chopped sautéed onions, bay leaves, salt, pepper.

Then they are poured with broth or water and stewed in an oven until tender (40-50 minutes).

Fried mushrooms are added 8-10 minutes before the end of the stew.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage

5.1. The dish "Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms" should be served in the pot in which it was made. The pot is placed on a snack plate covered with a paper napkin.

5.2. The serving temperature must be at least 65°C.

5.3. The shelf life of the dish when stored on a food warmer or a hot stove is no more than 3 hours from the end of the technological process.

6. Quality and safety indicators
6 1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish
Appearance - two pieces of chicken per serving; vegetables retained the shape of the cut, evenly mixed.
Consistency - soft, juicy.
Color - yellow with an orange tint.
Taste - moderately salty with a hint of fried mushrooms.
The smell is stewed chicken with vegetables and fried mushrooms.
6.2. Physical and chemical indicators:
mass fraction of solids, % (not less than) 20.7
mass fraction of fat, % (not less than) 3.1
mass fraction of salt, % (no more) 0.7.

6.3. Microbiological indicators:
the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms,
CFU in 1 g of the product, no more than 1x10;

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.01;

Caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 1.0;

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 25.

7. Nutritional and energy value

Technological maps of dishes are important documents for the restaurant business. For any dish listed in the menu of a restaurant, cafe, bar or canteen, a technological map must be drawn up, which reflects all the requirements for raw products supplied to the restaurant kitchen, the exact norms for laying products in certain dishes, detailed cooking technology and rules for serving dishes .

There is no document that is single for everyone, in which the section “technological maps of dishes - rules for compiling” would be present. In principle, each restaurateur or chef can compose them as they wish. However, there are GOST recommendations that it is advisable to follow if you do not need problems with regulatory organizations.

The recommended sample of a meal flow chart can be found in GOST R 53105-2008, Appendix A. Please note that many people confuse a dish preparation flow chart and a technical flow chart. The latter is compiled only for new types of dishes cooked for the first time in a restaurant or cafe (this, by the way, includes most of the "signature" dishes).

Consider the preparation of a technological map of dishes in more detail.

The general basis for compiling a technological map is a collection of recipes, which contains the norms for laying raw products and the subsequent output of ready-made dishes. This information is used in the preparation of the technological map. In general, it looks like this:

  • The number of the technological card according to your list of dishes and the name of your dish, as it will sound on the menu. This name can no longer be changed after the final approval of the technological map.
  • Based on the recipe, a list of necessary products is compiled, as well as bookmark rates for various types of servings (if there are several). GOST recommends doing this in the form of a table, which reflects the tab of each product by gross weight, net weight and in the finished dish. The final row of this table will be the weight of a single portion
  • A step-by-step description of the entire cooking process. Here they describe in detail all the data on the cold and heat treatment of the product, starting from the form of cutting products and ending with the type and duration of a particular treatment. When using any additives or dyes, the method of their addition is also described in this block. For soups, it is important to state the correct sequence of adding ingredients to boiling water or broth. The more detailed the cooking technology is, the easier it will be to organize the production process in the kitchen. It is important to note that the processing of all products must be carried out in full compliance with all sanitary requirements set forth, in particular, in SanPiN
  • The appearance of each finished dish, the rules for serving it to the guest and serving. Here, respectively, the final product is described, which should be obtained after completing all the items on the technological map. It also indicates how the portion is formed before serving, whether additional components are required (lemon, sprinkles, sugar, etc.). Often, a photograph with a view of the finished dish is attached to the technological map. In addition, it is necessary to note the shelf life of ready-made dishes under certain conditions.
  • The technological map of cooking also contains a table of the energy and nutritional value of the final dish, calculated on the basis of the output standards for each type of product and its share in the finished dish.
  • Documents drawn up in this way are signed by the head of production or the chef. Approves it, in any case, the head of the enterprise. The validity period of technological cards is established by a separate order of the head.

Currently, on the Internet you can easily find ready-made technological maps of dishes for every taste. So, most likely, your task will be reduced to adapting them to the realities of a particular institution.

It's no secret that all enterprises that do not work according to the Collection of recipes (technological standards) are required to develop the document "Technical and technological map". However, not everyone understands how the TTK differs from the Technological Map, and how it should look. In this article, we will give a detailed answer to this question.

So, the requirements for the design of the TTC and the information contained therein are detailed in GOST 31987-2012. We will not describe in detail the content of GOST, we will limit ourselves to a description of the main features.

Unlike the Technological map, in the Techno-technological one, along with the calculation of caloric content, indication of the scope, requirements for raw materials and requirements for implementation and supply, it is necessary to calculate and indicate the following indicators:

  • Organoleptic indicators
  • Physico - chemical indicators (mass fractions)
  • Microbiological indicators for the respective food group

Below we present the methodology for developing the TTC, and describe in detail the calculation of all the necessary indicators. Such a technique is based on the Guidelines, and all documents are generated automatically in the Chef Expert program for chefs and technologists.

Consider, for example, the calculation of all indicators for the TTC for the dish "Odessa Sausages"

1. Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of the dish

We calculate the nutritional and energy value of a dish on the basis of the methodology given in the Guidelines for Laboratory Quality Control of Public Catering Products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 of 11.11.91) (Part 2).

1.1. We determine the protein content in the first ingredient of the recipe - "Fat mesh (Pryatine)". The protein content in 100 grams of the ingredient is found according to the reference tables of the chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). The protein content in 100 grams of the ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" = 1.4 grams. The net weight of the ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" according to the recipe = 42 grams, therefore, the amount of protein in the ingredient = 42/100 * 1.4 = 0.59 grams (Article 7 in volume 1). This ingredient IS EXPOSED to heat treatment, therefore, the loss of protein during heat treatment is determined according to the reference data = 10% (Art. 10 in v. 1). Thus, the total amount of protein in the ingredient = 0.59 * (100-10) / 100 = 0.53 grams. (Art. 14 in Vol. 1)

1.2. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSS after heat treatment (Art. 13 in v. 1), so the total amount of protein in the ingredient = 0.53 * (100-0) / 100 = 0.53 grams.

1.3. The ingredient "Fat net (Pryatine)" IS CONSIDERED in the output of the dish (Article 17 in v.1), so the protein content IS CONSIDERED in the total protein content of the dish.

1.4. Similarly, we determine the content of carbohydrates and fats in the ingredient.

1.5. In the same way, we determine the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for all ingredients in the dish, and enter the data obtained in Table 1.

2. Calculation of the mass fraction of solids *

2.1. We determine the content of dry matter in the first ingredient of the recipe - "Fat mesh (Pryatine)". The content of dry matter in 100 grams of the ingredient is found according to the reference tables of the chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). The content of dry matter in 100 grams of the ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" = 94.3 grams. The net weight of the ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" according to the recipe = 42 grams, therefore, the amount of dry matter in the ingredient = 42/100 * 94.3 = 39.61 grams.

2.2. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (Art. 13 in v. 1), therefore the total amount of dry matter in the ingredient = 39.61 * (100-0) / 100 = 39.61 gram.

2.3. The ingredient "Fat net (Pryatine)" IS CONSIDERED in the output of the dish (Art. 17 in v. 1), therefore the content of dry matter SHALL be taken into account in the total content of dry matter in the dish.

2.4. Similarly, we determine the dry matter content for all ingredients in the dish, and summarize the obtained values.

2.5. To convert to a percentage of the solids content in the dish, multiply the resulting amount by 100 and divide by the serving yield (100 grams).

2.6. Let's sum this percentage with the maximum allowable salt content in the dish = 1.33%. Thus, we obtain the Maximum (theoretical) content of solids in the dish = 62.39%.

2.7. The minimum allowable dry matter content is calculated by the formula: for first courses and sauces: 0.85 * Maximum content of dry matter, for other dishes: 0.9 * Maximum content of dry matter. 0.85 and 0.9 - coefficients that take into account the loss of solids in the cooking process and allowable deviations in the portioning of dishes. Thus min. allowable dry matter content in the dish = 62.39 * 0.9 = 56.15%.

* In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for Laboratory Quality Control of Public Catering Products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 of 11.11.91), in this category of dishes, the mass fraction of solids is DETERMINED in laboratory analysis.

3. Calculation of the mass fraction of fat **

3.1. We determine the amount of pure fat in the ingredient "Fat network (Pryatine)" (the mass fraction of fat is taken into account only in the main fat-containing ingredients (butter, sour cream, milk, etc.)), by multiplying the net weight of the ingredient (in grams) by the fat content (in gamma per 100 g of ingredient, or in %) and divided by 100. Data on the content of natural fat in cereals, meat products, etc. we neglect. MJ = 42/100 * 0 = 0 grams.
3.2. The "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" ingredient DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (Art. 13 in v. 1), so the total amount of fat in the ingredient = 0*(100-0)/100 = 0 grams.
3.3. The ingredient "Fat net (Pryatine)" IS CONSIDERED in the output of the dish (Article 17 in v.1), so the fat content of the ingredient IS CONSIDERED in the total fat content of the dish.
3.4. Similarly, we determine the fat content for all ingredients in the dish, and summarize the values ​​obtained.

** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40/3805 of 11/11/91), in this category of dishes, the mass fraction of fat is NOT DETERMINED during laboratory analysis.

4. Calculation of the mass fraction of sugar ***

4.1. We determine the amount of pure sugar in the ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" (the mass fraction of sugar by sucrose is taken into account only in sugar - sand, sugar - refined sugar, powdered sugar, etc.), by multiplying the net weight of the ingredient (in grams) by the content sugar (in grams per 100 g of ingredient, or in%) and dividing by 100. MDS = 42/100 * 0 = 0 grams.
4.2. The ingredient "Fat mesh (Pryatine)" DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSSES after heat treatment (Art. 13 in v. 1), so the total amount of sugar in the ingredient = 0 * (100-0) / 100 = 0 grams.
4.3. The ingredient "Fat net (Pryatine)" IS CONSIDERED in the output of the dish (Article 17 in v.1), so the sugar content of the ingredient IS CONSIDERED in the total sugar content of the dish.
4.4. Similarly, we determine the sugar content for all ingredients in the dish, sum up the obtained values ​​and multiply by a coefficient that takes into account the loss of sucrose in the dish = 0.97.
4.5. To translate into a percentage of the content of the mass fraction of sugar in the dish, multiply the amount received by 100 and divide by the yield of a serving (100 grams). Sugar content in a dish = 0%

*** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 of 11.11.91), in this category of dishes, the mass fraction of sugar in laboratory analysis is NOT DETERMINED .

5. Calculation of the mass fraction of salt ****

**** In accordance with Appendix 2 of the Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Quality Control of Public Catering Products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40/3805 dated 11.11.91), in this category of dishes, the mass fraction of salt is DETERMINED in laboratory analysis .

6. Microbiological indicators

6.1. To determine the microbiological quality indicators, we are guided by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 021-2011 "On food safety".

A properly formed Techno-technological map looks like this:

In general, the TTK development process is not particularly difficult if you develop documents using a special program. Calculating all indicators on a calculator is very time-consuming and inefficient. You can learn more about the program for the development of Technological documentation "Chief Expert" on the official website

In the presented menu, there are specialties, one of which is "Roast with mushrooms in pots" Director of the cafe "" 2014 TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. 1. Figure 1 - "Roast with mushrooms in pots" for the dish "Roast with mushrooms in pots", produced by the restaurant "Canteen No. 1" and its branch, while all the necessary requirements for its preparation are observed. List of raw materials To prepare the second hot dish "Roast with mushrooms in pots", use the following raw materials: Beef GOST R 54315-2011 Potatoes GOST R 51808-2001 Onion GOST R 51783-2001 Butter GOST R 37-91 Raw materials used for cooking the second hot dish "Roast with mushrooms in pots", must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

How to make a technological map for a dish

NEW College: Catering Computer program for catering and food accounting in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education. place an order printable version of 1100 recipes (technological charts), chemical composition and nutritional value of dishes, culinary products, semi-finished products. In this section you will find a new guide (recipe book), which contains flow charts (recipes) for cooking more than 1100 dishes.
The norms for laying products, semi-finished products (nested dishes) gross and net per 100 grams of the mass of the finished dish have been published. The nutritional value and chemical composition of each dish is given, including the content of proteins (proteins, polypeptides), fats (triglycerides, lipids), carbohydrates (saccharides), calories (kcal), vitamin content: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), C (ascorbic acid), minerals: Ca (calcium), Fe (iron).

How to make a technological map of a dish

In order to ensure a sufficient level of competence of the employees involved in the departments, an example of compiling a process map of an enterprise is provided. Thus, their first function is teaching.

The second task is to regulate a certain procedure where it is possible to use various options for work. Often, developers choose the most rational methods.

The third task is to ensure the fastest possible involvement in the new process and the improvement of the skills of already working professionals. A planned well-written instruction will help them with this.
It follows that the technological map should be drawn up in such a way that the most low-skilled employee of the enterprise can intuitively understand it, and competent specialists can find the required tips for themselves in the work.

Technological map of the dish. how to calculate?

Also meticulously and painstakingly include here everything that occurs in the text. Don't forget the names of the companies you work with that are mentioned in the document.

Perhaps you use the services of hired vehicles, then be sure to indicate who falls under the definition of a carrier. If your routes have separate names, be sure to decipher them.


Be mindful of abbreviations. They should also be included in this section. 5. General provisions and the main text of the technological map.

This is the longest section of the document. It includes a description of the organization of the process, technological features, routes. This can also include requirements for the quality of work and methods for assessing this quality.

Describe all the materials and resources you need to organize the process.

How to make technological cards?

Onions are chopped and sautéed, chopped boiled mushrooms are added and frying is continued for 3-5 minutes. Flour sautéed in fat is diluted with hot mushroom broth to a homogeneous consistency, boiled for 20-25 minutes, salt is added and filtered, then sautéed onions with mushrooms are placed and boiled for 10-15 minutes.
At the end of cooking, sour cream is introduced and brought to a boil. Registration, submission, sale and storage. The second hot dish "Roast with mushrooms in pots" is served in a pot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

The serving temperature of the dish should be 65 C. The expiration date for “Roast with mushrooms in pots” is immediately after preparation. Quality and safety indicators. Organoleptic indicators of the dish: Appearance - the potato has the correct shape, the filling occupies the entire space of the inner part of the potato, the crust is moderately brown, uniform.

The consistency is soft.

Technical and technological map of the dish

The collection of recipes (technological standards) is required to develop the document "Technical - technological map". However, not everyone understands how the TTK differs from the Technological Map, and how it should look. In this article we will try to give a detailed answer to this question. So, the requirements for the design of the TTK and the information contained therein are detailed in GOST 31987-2012.
We will not describe in detail the content of GOST, we will confine ourselves to a description of the main features:

  • Organoleptic indicators
  • Physico-chemical indicators (mass fractions)
  • Microbiological indicators for the respective food group

Below we present the methodology for developing the TTC, and describe in detail the calculation of all the necessary indicators.

1100 recipes

In the event that manufactured products are subject to long-term storage, reflect the conditions and period of storage in the technological map. 6 When compiling a map, adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50763-2007 “Catering Services. Public catering products sold to the population. General technical conditions". It regulates the content and design of the technological map for catering products. 7 Sign the technological map by the chef or production manager, approve it by the head of the catering enterprise. Pay attention The site contains a collection of the best recipes and technological maps of dishes: recipes for baking bread, technological maps of fish dishes, a catalog of salad recipes, etc. Useful advice Catering organization / Ready menu (download).

Sample flow chart of a dish

From 50 to 100 grams of green peas can be added to the vinaigrette due to the corresponding reduction in pickles or sauerkraut. TECHNOLOGICAL CHART No. 2 Figure 3 — Siberian borscht Table 6 — Technological map Name of products For the estimated number of servings 1 serving 4 servings 100 servings Gross, g Net, g Gross, g Net, g Gross, g Net, g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Beets 48 39 192 156 4800 3900 Fresh cabbage 24 19 96 76 2400 1900 Potatoes 13 9.5 52 38 1300 950 Beans 9 9 36 36 900 900 Carrots 12 9 48 36 1200 9 00 Onion 11.5 9 46 36 1150 900 Tomato puree 7 7 28 28 700 700 Cooking oil 4 4 16 16 400 400 Garlic 1 1 4 4 100 100 Sugar 2 2 8 8 200 200 Vinegar 3% 1.5 1.5 6 6 150 150 Water 193 193 772 772 19300 19300 Yield 250 Cooking technology Shredded cabbage is placed in boiling broth or water and boiled for 10-15 minutes.

A sample technological map of a dish Ukraine

The protein content in 100 grams of the ingredient ‘Fat mesh (Pryatine)’ = 1.4 grams. The net weight of the ingredient ‘Fat mesh (Pryatine)’ according to the recipe = 42 grams, therefore, the amount of protein in the ingredient = 42/100 * 1.4 = 0.59 grams (Article 7 in volume 1). This ingredient IS EXPOSED to heat treatment, therefore, the loss of protein during heat treatment is determined according to the reference data = 10% (Art. 10 in v. 1). Thus, the total amount of protein in the ingredient = 0.59 * (100-10) / 100 = 0.53 grams. (Article 14 in v.1) 1.2.


The ingredient ‘Fat mesh (Pryatine)’ DOES NOT HAVE TECHNOLOGICAL LOSS after heat treatment (Art. 13 in v. 1), therefore the total amount of protein in the ingredient = 0.53 * (100-0) / 100 = 0.53 grams. 1.3. The ingredient ‘Fat net (Pryatine)’ IS CONSIDERED in the output of the dish (Article 17 in v.1), so the protein content IS CONSIDERED in the total protein content of the dish.


Sample preparation of a technological map of a dish

Examples of a technological map are present in any production, whether it is an aircraft factory or a catering point. This standardized document is mandatory in the enterprise, but the form and appearance differ from industry to industry. What it is Examples of a routing include the required information for workers performing a particular operation. It can take the form of a procedure or instruction, be presented in the form of text, tables, graphs, recipes, an action plan, and so on. What it should be In whatever form the examples of the flow chart were made, it should answer the following questions: 1. What to perform (what operations or procedures). 2. How to perform (specific steps are described in a certain order and sequence). 3. How often they should be made (regulated regularity, periodicity). 4.

Recipe Recipe for the dish "Roast with mushrooms in pots". Table 3 - Technological map Name of raw materials Gross weight (g) Net weight (g) Beef 162 119 Potato 253 190 Onion 30 25 Tomato puree 12 12 Salt 12 12 Pepper 10 10 Output 325 Technological process Preparation of raw materials for the production of the second hot dish "Roast with mushrooms in pots”, produced in accordance with the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (2010).

Meat is cut into cubes, sprinkled with salt and pepper, fried. Potatoes cut into cubes, fried. The onion is cut into half rings and sautéed. Meat is placed in a pot, potatoes, onions are put on it, poured with sour cream and mushroom sauce and stewed. For the sauce, prepared dried mushrooms are soaked and boiled. The broth is filtered, the mushrooms are washed, cut into strips.

A sample of filling out a technological map of a dish

I worked for a long time in the area where they are developed and applied, and therefore I can tell you about them. And I even have a second education in the specialty of a restaurant business technologist.

They work with them in the kitchen of a restaurant or cafe, and in any dining room. A technological card is developed for any first, second course, or appetizer, salad, and even for drinks and any cocktails such a card is developed.

Here is an example of what this card looks like on the first course. The card must be approved by the head, it is calculated according to the collection of recipes, meaning the product tab. The name of the dish is written, from which collection number it was taken, and a bookmark is made for 100 servings and one. And the portion output is shown. Cards exist so that the bookmark of products is respected, and also so that you can keep track of the consumption of products in the kitchen.