Blackjack cocktail composition. Review of alcoholic drink (imitation whiskey) Black Jack (Blackjack)

The Black Jack brand has appeared relatively recently on the consumer market. However, this did not stop it from quickly gaining an audience thanks to its low price and successful label, which practically copies American whiskey. In terms of appearance and taste, this alcohol is very similar to whiskey. The manufacturer himself writes that this brand of alcohol is a strong malt drink.

Let's take a closer look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this alcohol.


The taste of Black Jack whiskey is rich and soft; barley malt is clearly felt.


The malt drink has a bright golden color, closer to the shade of apple juice than amber.


In the aroma of “Blackjack” the smell of alcohols is quite noticeable, but they are interrupted by pleasant notes of malt and caramel.

Don't confuse "Black Jack" and "Jack Daniel's"

The alcoholic drink “Black Jack” is in appearance a complete analogue of the world famous whiskey “Jack Daniel’s”. This is why it is quite easy to confuse the two brands. It is worth noting that although the creators of this alcohol tried to bring the composition of the product as close as possible to “real whiskey”, the drink remains simply malt. It is an inexpensive alternative, but don't expect it to taste like real bourbon.

Did you know? Despite the fact that “Blackjack” is made in the image and likeness of an American alcohol, the inscription on the label reads “scotch”. Let us remember that Scotch is a type of whiskey produced exclusively in Scotland. It remains not entirely clear why manufacturers, when making an analogue of bourbon, also indicate on the bottle that it belongs to scotch.

When choosing a drink, pay attention to the bottle. It has an aluminum lid and dispenser. The tetrahedral bottle is wrapped on three sides with two labels. Moreover, the bottom strip of the label does not contain any information. The number 21 indicated on it was taken only as an analogue of the number 7 printed on the label of Jack Daniel’s bourbon (distillery registration number).

When purchasing a product, be sure to look at the expiration date of the whiskey. If the liquor is expired, the liquid in the bottle will have sediment.

Important! In accordance with the Customs Tariff of Ukraine, when delivered to stores, whiskey receives subgroup 220830 of group 22, which includes alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. However, “Blackjack” is supplied under the code 2208904800, that is, the category is not “whisky”, but “other”.

Information about the manufacturer

The original place of production of "Blackjack" was LLC "Simferopol Wine and Cognac Factory", located in the Bakhchisarai region of Crimea. It was built at the end of the last century. In 2007, having received registration, the company began producing its first alcoholic products. In addition to this malt drink, the plant also produced vodka, liqueur, cognac, liqueur and wine.

After the company stopped producing products in Crimea in 2014, a branch of SVKZ LLC was opened in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The production of all brands moved there.

Etiquette for serving and drinking whiskey

To fully reveal the taste of this alcohol, it is customary to serve it according to certain etiquette standards. However, etiquette may not always be appropriate for cheaper brands. Let's take a closer look at the accepted norms for drinking real whiskey and possible alternatives for the Blackjack malt drink.

  • Temperature. The standard serving temperature for such alcohol is considered to be 18-20 °C. Room temperature helps to fully reveal the aroma and taste of the drink. Blackjack alcohol should be handled differently: in order to avoid burning your mouth and nose with alcohol, we recommend putting the bottle in the refrigerator for at least half an hour before serving.
  • Glasses.—Expensive whiskey—it is customary to drink from a special Tumbler glass, which has a thick bottom and rounded walls. But a malt drink is an alcohol that can be consumed from a Rocks (thick bottom, widened top) and Shot Glass (shot glass). We recommend using the latter if enjoying the taste characteristics of “Blackjack” is not paramount for you.
  • Ice. Usually, in order not to disturb the aroma of alcohol, ice is not added to alcohol. However, you can still throw a couple of cubes into a malt drink to slow down the alcohol evaporation.

What to drink Blackjack with

Although, according to the tradition of drinking whiskey, it is not customary to snack on whiskey, for this brand we still recommend choosing the most suitable dishes. The choice depends entirely on your individual taste preferences. However, we will offer a few snacks that will help improve the taste of Blackjack whiskey:

  • For strong alcohol, fried meat or fish is best. You can use the grill to cook red meat skewers or simply bake the chicken breast in the oven.
  • Canapes. A quick and tasty snack option would be canapés using herring and ham. Another option could be just a sandwich with caviar.
  • Vegetables and fruits. As for vegetables, slices of boiled potatoes with salt and butter are perfect. Also a trivial option is lemon to remove the aftertaste of alcohol.

Options for drinking Blackjack whiskey

Doctors recommend not drinking strong alcohol such as malt liquor at all. This is due to the fact that drinks and juices significantly accelerate the onset of intoxication. In the future, such use can lead to health problems. That is why if your taste buds do not perceive the taste of Blackjack, we recommend adding it to the following cocktails:

  • Creamy cocktail. The cocktail contains sugar syrup and vanilla ice cream, which kill the alcoholic aftertaste, giving the alcohol a soft, pleasant tone.
  • "Mint Freshness" Mineral water and mint liqueur are added to Blackjack whiskey. The last ingredient gives the alcohol a refreshing aroma and a long-lasting menthol aftertaste.
  • "Apple Jack." The simplest and at the same time one of the most famous cocktails in the whole world. Apple juice is added to the whiskey, and a piece of fresh apple is placed on the glass as a decoration. The cocktail is remarkable in that you can easily adjust the strength of the drink by adding as much juice as you see fit.

In general, you can mix malt alcohol with whatever suits your taste. It could be Coca-Cola or Schweppes, apple or tomato juice - the main thing is to maintain the proportions in any of these options so as not to lose the taste and aroma of alcohol.

In general, the Blackjack malt drink is an excellent representative of alcohol in its price segment. If taste is not of primary importance to you, and you are used to drinking whiskey only in cocktails, perhaps “Black Jack” is what you need. Don’t forget to share your impressions of tasting this brand in the comments.

They have been made since ancient times. Alcohol was credited with healing properties, which is why it was popular for many centuries. All noble drinks have their own history, whiskey is no exception.

Today on store shelves you can find famous whiskey brands such as Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Black Jack and many others. These drinks have a huge number of fans who will be interested to know the history of the origin of such a beloved alcohol.

Where was whiskey first produced?

There are 2 contenders for the title of the birthplace of whiskey: Ireland and Scotland. But where exactly this drink originated, no one will probably be able to answer unequivocally, because each country has its own myth, the history of the creation of the first recipe for this type of alcohol.

According to the Scots, with the arrival of missionaries carrying Christian doctrine to their lands, the production of an alcoholic drink based on barley began. These people revealed the secrets of distillation to the people of Scotland. In turn, the missionaries received knowledge of preparing the drink from the crusaders who returned from campaigns in the Middle Eastern countries. Residents of Foggy Albion decided to make their own adjustments to the recipe and replaced grapes with sprouted barley grains. The result was stunning! The original name of the alcohol is uisge beatha, which translates as “water of life.” Many years later, the alcohol acquired a new name, which is still known today - whiskey.

The Irish legend is somewhat different. It says that Saint Patrick, who is the spiritual patron of the island state, converted all the pagans to the Christian faith, after which he created “holy water,” which today is called whiskey. The Irish also pay tribute to a real historical figure: Enes Coffey, who perfected still distillation in the 1830s. What is most interesting is that Irish history has a Scottish trace, since the developer of the still was the Scot Robert Stein.

"BlackJack" (whisky): description and characteristics of the drink

This drink is one of the best malt drinks. The trademark of the same name is registered in Ukraine. A characteristic feature of this brand is its rectangular bottles, made in a classic style. The white and black labels have a stylish, laconic look. They are glued to three sides of the bottle.

"BlackJack" (whiskey) is an alcoholic drink with a strength of 40%. It is made using unique modern technologies. It contains well-aged alcohols of both domestic and imported origin. The taste is full and harmonious. The bouquet contains subtle notes of caramel and malt.

Those who have tried whiskey leave positive reviews, since the drink meets all the norms and standards of this type of alcohol.

The color of the whiskey is light yellow with golden reflections. Alcohol has no sediment or foreign impurities.

Cooking process

"BlackJack" is a classic single malt whiskey. Roasted malt gives alcohol an incredible taste and aroma. Thanks to modern technologies in the production of alcohol-containing products, it was possible to give the strong drink a soft malt aroma. The cooking process is very interesting:

  • Blended alcohols are diluted with purified and softened water.
  • The color is made from caramel, which gives the drink a special aroma and taste.
  • The finished product undergoes filtration, after which the drink is ready for bottling into a special branded container.

The manufacturer took care of the tastes of consumers by creating the wonderful BlackJack drink. Whiskey of this brand is popular since the products belong to the middle price segment.

Cost of strong alcoholic drink

If you have never tried strong alcohol, we suggest you pay attention to BlackJack, a whiskey whose price is quite acceptable for people with an average income.

Country of origin - Ukraine. For a 0.7 liter bottle the price will be 75-80 hryvnia. At the exchange rate, this is no more than 200 rubles, but in Russia the drink is sold much more expensive. Also on sale are whiskeys in denominations of 0.5 l and 0.25 l.

Whiskey culture

  1. It is customary to drink the drink in small sips, but before swallowing, you need to hold it in your mouth for a short time.
  2. Whiskey is served in wide glasses with a short stem. Fill only one third of the container.
  3. Alcohol is served cold.
  4. Before pouring whiskey into glasses, shake the bottle.
  5. The ideal time to drink this type of alcohol is evening.

What to eat with whiskey?

There is no exact answer to this question. The type of snack will depend on the characteristics of the drink. For example:

  1. Red meat dishes and game go well with whiskey with a pronounced fruity bouquet.
  2. It is customary to serve smoked salmon with aged whiskeys such as Glen Grand.
  3. Drinks with a herbal bouquet go well with seafood.
  4. Whiskey with a tart, peaty flavor is best enjoyed with lamb and beef dishes.

What about the specific Black Jack brand? As a snack, you can offer citrus fruit slices. Slices of melon would also be a great addition to the drink.

All of the above types of snacks are used by Europeans. In this regard, Americans prefer to snack on strong alcohol with various desserts, chocolate and fruits. The combination of whiskey and dark chocolate is especially tasty.

Produced by the Simferopol Wine and Cognac Factory. A distinctive feature of Black Jack is that the container in which this drink is bottled is painfully reminiscent of the container in which American whiskey, Jack Daniel’s bourbon, is bottled. The whiskeys are similar not only in packaging, but also in label and name. Moreover, the manufacturer positions its Black Jack whiskey not as whiskey, but as a “malt drink.” It is worth noting that in many chain stores that sell Black Jack whiskey, the drink falls into the “other” category, not whiskey, which hints a little about the quality of the drink.

Before the unification of Crimea with Russia, the production of Black Jack whiskey took place in the Bakhchisarai region of Crimea, as well as in the Krinichansky district of the Dnepropetrovsk region.


Let's return to the Black Jack whiskey label once again. As already mentioned, the appearance of the label is almost entirely taken from the American bourbon Jack Daniel’s. Here you have a corporate font, a color scheme, and even American monograms. The inscription No. 21., which has its own history for Jack Daniel’s whiskey, was also borrowed.

The label says Scotch Whiskey in the center. Moreover, as you know, only a Scottish product can be called scotch tape. In addition, the spelling of the word Whiskey is typical for the American market, while in Scotland the word “whisky” is written without the “e”, that is, whiskey.


The drink “Black Jack Whiskey” was sold at a price of about 200 rubles per bottle. Now its price, frankly speaking, is not known, but even when this drink could be found on the market, it was an extremely low price even for cognac.

Such a low price means that with a high degree of probability we can say that Black Jack whiskey is not whiskey at all, but cheap vodka, colored to look like a more noble drink.

To summarize

Black Jack whiskey is another craft, albeit relatively legal, produced by the Simferopol Wine and Cognac Factory.” The low price provokes questions regarding manufacturing technology. There are no online reviews regarding this drink, neither positive nor negative; people are simply afraid to drink it.

This is probably something very alcoholic, “decorated” with either caramel or chocolate. For 200 rubles retail you simply cannot expect anything else; no one will ever work at a loss.

Hello my good girls. Let's hit the whiskey? I bought it yesterday Black Jack Scotch Whiskey. Not for drinking, but for dough, since there was no vodka in the small fanfurics. Well, naturally, before adding this whiskey to the dough, it was necessary to test it for taste, which I immediately did. Besides, I came home from the night yesterday, it’s cold, I want to sleep, and my friends are screaming:

-Mom, we want some buns.

Eh, girls, I wish I could start the night I make a bed, warm up, and fall asleep. Yeah, shazzz...

Well, the whole thing began with tasting, and then preparing those same buns. I made myself some coffee with this Black Jack. By the way, I warmed up so quickly, you need to take note, the main thing is not to get drunk.

And in coffee, this whiskey most likely tastes not like whiskey, but like cognac. But the blood is racing wow, across the dial. About the whiskey itself, what can I say, in short, it is a fake, which is well camouflaged in appearance, color and smell. But it doesn't taste like whiskey. Not whiskey at all. So, it’s perfect for adding to dough, but it’s better not to drink it, except maybe add it to coffee to warm it up. And whiskey in its pure form is not the right quality for drinking whiskey. Well, judge for yourself, here is the composition:

Not the best, of course. But the little thing looks like nothing.

Well, what did I want, I should bake buns, and I shouldn’t drink buckets of it. But for such a price one might not expect super taste.


There are several varieties of the Black Jack cocktail: a non-alcoholic cocktail drink from the fresh bar brand and two alcoholic recipes. This article will provide options for alcoholic cocktails.

Long drink


Alcoholic long drink Blackjack usually consists of four components:

  • 15 ml whiskey
  • 30 ml coffee liqueur
  • 15 ml orange liqueur
  • 15 ml lemon juice

There is nothing complicated in preparation: all the ingredients are poured into a shaker filled with ice, shaken and then filtered into an old-fashioned or cocktail glass.

Taste qualities

Blackjack cocktail should be appreciated by connoisseurs of good bourbon. Plus, the citrus and coffee flavors offset the slightly smoky flavor of the bourbon, adding smoothness.


The two most obvious contraindications:

  • People with allergies to citrus fruits should not drink Blackjack
  • Absolutely everyone should not overuse this drink (especially due to its high strength).


If you order this cocktail in a restaurant, it will cost 300-600 rubles.

If you want to make a cocktail at home, you will need to spend:

  • Orange Cointreau for 0.7 liters costs 1100-1400 rubles.
  • Coffee Kahlua (0.7l) 1700-1900 rub.
  • 0.7-1 liter of bourbon costs on average 800-1000 rubles.
  • Lemon, as well as ready-made lemon juice, will cost no more than 50 rubles.

Shot option


This shot according to the classic recipe includes:

  • 30 ml whiskey
  • 30 ml sambuca

Preparation consists of simply stacking the ingredients together.

Second recipe option:

  • 20 ml bourbon
  • 20 ml coffee sambuca
  • 20 ml liqueur

First, all the ingredients are poured into the shot in layers.

Taste qualities

Like other shots, Blackjack should be drunk in one gulp. The taste of the original recipe from two components will suit those who do not mind the taste of whiskey and sambuca separately. And for those who are not included in this number, the second option is more suitable: coffee will soften the taste of alcohol, and if the liqueur is fruit or berry (which can be done at your discretion), it will add sweetness to the drink.


There are no special contraindications for this cocktail, only, like all alcohol, you need to drink it in limited quantities. If a person has an intolerance to the ingredients included in the composition, then he should avoid this drink.

What is the price?

If you analyze the cost in establishments, it can vary from 150 to 400 rubles.

To prepare at home:

  1. 0.7-1 liter of whiskey costs on average 800-1000 rubles.
  2. 0.5 sambuca will cost approximately 400-500 rubles.
  3. 0.5 liqueur is another 500-1000 rubles.


The Black Jack cocktail is ideal for those who have already figured out what kind of whiskey they like and want to discover this drink from a new side. And for those who have not yet developed a love for this alcohol, but want to understand all the delights of this malt drink.