Deep-fried sausages in dough. Sausages in batter - recipes with photos

A very simple recipe for a delicious hot snack. Deep-fried sausages in batter are perfect, for example, with beer. But children also love to eat them. The cooking process itself is also interesting for them. And in general, such sausages turn out tastier than those cooked simply in dough.

Ingredients for deep-fried sausages

To prepare we take:

  • sausages – 10 pcs.
  • eggs – 4 pcs.
  • milk – 100 g
  • flour - 1 cup
  • soda – 1/3 tsp.
  • salt - a pinch
  • skewers – 10 pcs.

For deep frying:

  • vegetable oil – 3 parts
  • animal fat – 1 part

Cooking deep-fried sausages

Break 4 eggs into a bowl, pour in 100 g of milk. Beat with a whisk. Add a pinch of salt and about a third of a teaspoon of soda. You can add the same amount of citric acid along with soda. Whisk.

Continuing to beat, pour the flour into the bowl. We don’t pour it all at once, but gradually – we want the dough to have the consistency of store-bought sour cream.

Heat a mixture of vegetable oil and animal fat in a 3:1 ratio in a frying pan or deep fryer.

Thread the sausage onto a skewer, then dip it into the batter. Quickly lower the sausage in the dough into the hot oil. Sausages fry very quickly. Once they reach a brown-golden color, they can be removed.

Place the fried sausages on a paper napkin or towel to remove excess oil. Then transfer to a plate. Serve hot.

The photo shows 2 different types of sausages. Some of them are with cheese. They turn out more juicy. Children prefer regular ones, without cheese - they come out better fried. Sausages go well both as a snack and are suitable for going out into nature.

Sausages in batter, recipe with photos

There are quite a lot of similar recipes. They mainly differ in the composition of the batter. Here is another recipe for making deep-fried sausages, equipped with detailed photographs.


To fry sausages we take:

  • sausages – 7 pcs.
  • milk – 250 g
  • wheat flour – 200 g
  • corn flour – 200 g
  • honey – 20 g
  • baking powder – 20 g
  • salt – 1 pinch
  • pepper – 1 pinch
  • vegetable oil
  • skewers – 7 pcs.

The set of products is quite simple, the main thing is not to forget about wooden skewers or sticks. We have 7 sausages here, but actually this batter is enough for at least twice as many. So you don’t have to limit yourself in the amount of snacks you prepare.

Cooking sausages, photo

Mix sifted corn and wheat flour in a deep bowl. Add baking powder, pepper, salt. Mix. We can add any spices to our taste.

Add honey and gradually begin to pour in milk. Beat the dough, adding milk. The dough should have a uniform consistency, similar to thick sour cream and without lumps.

For many, sausages in batter are a childhood food, so I suggest cooking them in batter according to my recipes, both in a frying pan and in a deep fryer. In my step-by-step recommendations you will find information on how to properly make batter for sausages and how to serve them in an original way. You will make sure that the same dish can be prepared in completely different ways, and which option is better and easier is up to you to choose.

Recipe for fried sausages in batter in a frying pan

Kitchenware: deep frying pan, two small deep bowls, tall glass, whisk, wooden skewers.


Step-by-step preparation

Prepare the batter

Prepare sausages in batter

Watch this video to avoid mistakes and make a truly delicious dish.

  • Turmeric is added to the dough in order to obtain a beautiful golden hue to the batter.
  • If you pour the batter into a tall glass, then dipping sausages in it will be much more convenient.

Cooking time: 10-15 minutes.
Calories: 100 g – 250 kcal.
Number of servings: 12.
Kitchenware: deep fryer, wooden skewers (12 pcs.), tall glass, paper towel.


Step-by-step preparation

Prepare the batter

Prepare sausages in batter

Video of cooking fried sausages in batter

This short video will give you a clear example of how to quickly and easily make battered sausages in the deep fryer.

  • To prevent the batter from dripping from the sausages, it is better to wipe them first with a paper towel, which will absorb all the moisture.
  • To prevent battered sausages from remaining greasy, place them immediately after deep-frying on a paper towel.

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes.
Calories: 100 g – 286 kcal.
Number of servings: 8.
Kitchenware: deep metal pan, small bowl, cutting board, knife, whisk.


Step-by-step preparation

Prepare the batter

Cook the octopuses

Decorate the dish

  • To give the octopuses a finished look, make eyes and a smile from the whites of a pre-boiled hard-boiled egg and olives and attach them with mayonnaise.
  • A little mustard on the top of the head will create a semblance of hair.

Video of cooking fried sausages in batter

To make your octopuses truly tasty and beautiful, watch this video.

  • You can replace the baking powder with slaked soda.
  • For sausages in batter you need serve ketchup, mustard, cheese-garlic sauce or any other to your liking.
  • I recommend cooking it, which goes well with almost all types of side dishes.
  • If you want a hearty dish, then try making it. They can be served with various types of fresh salads and chopped vegetables.
  • If you think battered snacks are too high in calories, then prepare.
  • And if you want original and spicy fish, you will definitely like it.

I hope you enjoyed my battered sausage recipes and will enjoy making them for yourself, your family and friends. Perhaps you have your own options for preparing them? Then share your culinary finds in the comments.

One of the fastest to prepare snacks that will be appropriate on the everyday table is sausages in batter. This tasty, satisfying, appetizing dish can be made even by a novice cook.

This recipe will help out if you need to quickly make a dish for a snack or for a holiday table. It only takes 30 minutes to prepare delicious sausages.

Grocery list:

  • 8 beef sausages;
  • 80 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 g each of salt and spices;
  • 100 ml low fat milk;
  • 100 ml oil for frying.

Cooking steps.

  1. Milk is poured into a large cup.
  2. Stir salt and spices in it until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Beat 80 ml of butter and an egg and add to the milk composition.
  4. Sift the flour and pour it into the batter in parts, stirring constantly.
  5. Using a fork, dip each sausage (without the casing) into the prepared batter. The meat component can be cut into several pieces.
  6. The semi-finished product is placed in a frying pan with heated oil and fried until a pleasant golden hue on all sides.

Cooking option on skewers

Thanks to the combination of two types of flour, this recipe creates the desired texture of the dough: it turns out light and crispy.


  • 7 peeled sausages;
  • 50 g wheat flour;
  • 150 g corn flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 ml milk;
  • 5 g each of paprika and sugar;
  • 3 g each of salt and ground black pepper;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking technology.

  1. Combine all bulk ingredients, beat in an egg and pour in milk warmed to room temperature.
  2. The components are stirred until smooth. You should get a viscous dough, slightly tinted with paprika.
  3. Each sausage is threaded onto a bamboo skewer and lightly dusted with wheat flour to help the dough hold together better.
  4. The batter is poured into a tall glass and the semi-finished products are placed into it.
  5. Heat the oil in a high frying pan and immerse the prepared sausages. You can fry 1-2 items at a time.
  6. As soon as the sausages are covered with a crust on all sides, they are transferred to a paper napkin, which will absorb unnecessary fat, and after 30 seconds they are served.

Tip: Leftover battered sausages on a stick can be conveniently frozen and, if necessary, reheated in the microwave.

Deep fried

The recipe will help you quickly and easily create a culinary masterpiece for the whole family.

You will need:

  • 9 sausages in natural casing;
  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • 150 g corn flour;
  • 20 g liquid honey;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 3 g each of salt and black pepper;
  • 250 ml corn oil.

Cooking stages.

  1. Both types of flour, soda, pepper and salt are poured into a spacious cup.
  2. Milk is combined with honey and poured into the dry mass.
  3. The mixture is mixed until all the lumps are broken up.
  4. Each sausage, without removing the casing, is rolled in flour and immersed in batter.
  5. Oil is poured into a frying pan with high sides, brought to a boil and the prepared products are dipped into it one by one. The deep fryer should cover them completely.
  6. When the sausages are completely browned, place them on paper towels to remove excess oil.

In batter in the oven - step by step

Sausages in batter baked in the oven are reminiscent of a quick-cooked pie. You can treat unexpected guests to this dish.

Required components:

  • 7 sausages;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 160 g flour;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2 g salt.

Cooking process.

  1. Mix flour and salt.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg, then pour it into the flour.
  3. Add half of the prepared milk.
  4. The dough is stirred until it becomes homogeneous.
  5. The mixture is diluted with the remaining milk.
  6. The finished dough is left on the table for 20 minutes.
  7. Sausages are divided into halves; if they are too long, they can be cut into 3 parts.
  8. The products are placed on a baking sheet and sprinkled with vegetable oil.
  9. The dish is placed in an oven preheated to 200°C for 10 minutes.
  10. The baking tray is removed, its contents are filled with batter and again sent to cook for 20 minutes.
  11. Before serving, the dish is cut into portions.

Cooking according to American recipe

You can prepare real American fast food at home using simple ingredients.

List of components:

  • 6 milk sausages;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g premium wheat flour;
  • 2 g each of turmeric and salt;
  • 200 ml non-fragrant oil.

Cooking technology.

  1. The film is removed from the meat products and cut into 2 parts.
  2. Each half is placed on a skewer.
  3. The eggs are beaten with turmeric and salt.
  4. Add flour and knead into a semi-liquid dough.
  5. Each piece is dipped in batter.
  6. The sausages in the dough are dipped one at a time into boiling oil along with skewers.
  7. Once they are browned, place them on paper towels using tongs.

What other batter can be made for sausages in dough?

The main component goes well with potatoes, so the root vegetable can be used to make batter. Thanks to this component, the nutritional value of the food increases, but at the same time the cooking time increases.

For potato batter you will need:

  • 3 medium tubers;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • 2 eggs,
  • salt and spices to taste.

The potatoes are grated on a coarse grater and combined with the rest of the ingredients. Each meat product is dipped into the resulting mass and placed in a frying pan with boiling oil. Cook the sausages, monitoring the process, until golden brown (about 6 minutes).

Sausage batter in dough can also be piquant.

To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g parmesan;
  • 20 g adjika;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 20 g homemade sour cream;
  • 100 g flour.

Combine the egg with finely grated cheese and beat. Add adjika, sour cream and crushed garlic. Add flour in parts and mix the batter with a mixer at medium speed. Sausages are dipped into the resulting spicy dough. Each is fried in oil for about 5 minutes. The finished products are sprinkled with chopped herbs, decorated with olives, lemon slices, onion rings, and horseradish paste.

To prepare deep-fried sausages in batter you will need:

  • 7 sausages;
  • 250 g milk;
  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • 200 grams of corn flour;
  • 20 g honey;
  • 20 grams of baking powder;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt and pepper;
  • Wooden skewers.

This set of products is designed for 7 servings. If you need more sausages, double or more ingredients.

Step by step recipe

The recipe is quite simple, but it is still necessary to take into account the fact that some people may have difficulty preparing it. We offer a step-by-step recipe that will show you where to start and how to do it right.

Sausage sauce

Prepare the sauce. You can mix mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard and get a savory mixture that goes very well with this dish.

Another good option is garlic sauce. In order to make it, you need to peel the garlic and squeeze it out using a garlic press. Mix the resulting mixture with mayonnaise and serve.

This sausage roll recipe is a good option for an afternoon snack or brunch. This dish will be especially tasty in nature.

You can prepare it even at the dacha. As you can see, the products needed for sausages are very simple, and they can be found in every home.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure, prepare a delicious dish and surprise your loved ones. By following the recipe, you will be able to achieve good results and prepare a delicious dish that everyone will enjoy.

If you are looking for a tasty snack, then deep-fried sausage may be your best option. At home, preparing such a dish is as easy as shelling pears, but it turns out very tasty and satisfying. No one will be able to resist such a delicious treat - this recipe will become your faithful assistant. Your loved ones and guests will appreciate this appetizer and will certainly ask you for the recipe.

Next, we will present a recipe for making deep-fried sausages in dough. They can be a good solution for a light snack and refreshment. You can also take this type of snack with you on a picnic in nature. You can serve sausages as an independent dish. However, to make it more delicious, you can serve any sauce or make your own. This snack goes especially well with low-alcohol drinks.

Sausages in batter are easy and simple to prepare. It should be noted that this snack can be made in different ways. In this article we will present several recipes that involve the use of simple and inexpensive ingredients.

Sausages in batter: the fastest and easiest recipe

If you need to make a tasty and satisfying snack that will be appreciated not only by adults, but also by children, but you do not have a lot of free time to prepare a complex dish, then we suggest using the recipe below.

So, to quickly fry sausages in batter in a frying pan, you need to have on hand the following products:

  • large country eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • light flour - about 3-5 large spoons;
  • fine salt, as well as dried herbs - use at discretion;
  • any sausages (you can use beef sausages and even sausage) - approximately 4-7 pcs.;

Preparing the batter

Let's start the process. Sausages in batter are a very tasty and satisfying snack, the preparation of which does not require the use of expensive and foreign products.

Before deep-frying the presented dish, you should mix the liquid egg batter in advance. To do this, you need to beat chicken eggs with a fork, and then add fine salt to them, as well as any dried herbs and premium flour. As a result, you should have a viscous batter. If it turns out to be too liquid, then you can add a little more flour to it.

Preparation of sausages

If you decide to cook sausages in batter yourself, then before frying them in a frying pan, the sausages should be thoroughly processed. To do this, the meat product must be freed from the shell and then cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick.

Form and fry the appetizer

After the egg batter has been mixed and the sausages have been cut properly, you should take a saucepan or a roasting pan and heat the deodorized sunflower oil very strongly in the selected container. Next, each piece of sausage must be dipped into a viscous dough and immediately placed in boiling vegetable fat.

Place the battered sausages in a saucepan and fry them until slightly reddened. After this, the products must be removed using a slotted spoon and placed in a colander. In this case, the snack should lose as much fat as possible.

Serving a dish of sausages to the family table

After frying and stripping the product of fat, they should be served immediately. This appetizer is recommended to be consumed with some sauce or presented to friends along with light beer.

How to prepare sausage in batter on a stick?

If you do not want to cut the sausage before frying it in batter, then such a product can be prepared in its entirety. We will tell you how to carry out this process below.

So, we need:

  • thick, high-fat kefir - about 1 cup;
  • high-grade light flour - a full glass;
  • medium country eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • fine salt - ¾ small spoon;
  • table soda - ¼ small spoon;
  • milk sausages are not very fatty - about 8-13 pcs. (depending on the number of household members);
  • deodorized sunflower oil - about 300 ml (for deep frying).

Preparing the dough

The batter for sausages in the dough, which will be fried whole, should be thick and viscous. Otherwise, the base will simply drain from the sausage, and you will end up with a fried sausage with an incomprehensible flatbread.

Thus, to make batter for sausages, you need to slightly heat thick, high-fat kefir, and then dissolve baking soda in it. After this, add fine salt to the fermented milk drink, and also add eggs beaten with a fork. After mixing the ingredients, add light flour to them. As a result, you should have a fairly thick and viscous dough that can stick well to the sausage.

Preparation of sausages

To prepare such a snack, it is advisable to use long and not very fatty milk sausages. They must be freed from the shell and then dried as much as possible using paper napkins. This is required so that the batter adheres well to the sausages (you can sprinkle with starch).

If you want to prepare a snack on sticks, you should purchase them in advance at the store. Long and thick wooden skewers must be inserted into the sausages so that they hold well. Next, you can begin to form the dish.

Cooking deep-fried sausages

After preparing the sausages and dough, pour deodorized oil into the roasting pan and heat it very high. While the vegetable fat is boiling, you need to fill a tall glass 2/3 full with batter, and then carefully lower the sausage into it, holding the stick. Next, the formed product must be placed in boiling fat and fried until the dough becomes rosy and fluffy.

Final stage

After frying the first batch of sausages on a stick, you need to remove them from the oil and drain them of fat by placing them in a colander. Next, new formed products should be placed in the duckling pan and the heat treatment procedure should be repeated.

After all the sausages in the batter have been fried, you need to wait until they have partially cooled. At the end, the product must be placed on a common plate and immediately served to friends. In addition to such a fragrant and satisfying appetizer, you should serve tomato paste, ketchup or some other spicy sauce. Enjoy your meal!