Juice from unripe pears. The benefits and harms of pear-apple juice with pulp, composition, preparation

Pear juice is an extremely useful drink, which is often used in programs for cleansing the body from toxins. You can diversify the drink by adding other fruits and berries to it, as well as your favorite aromatic spices... How to make pear juice we will learn from the recipes below.

Pear juice recipe


  • fresh pears - 2-3 kg.


The recipe for harvesting pear juice for the winter is very simple: wash the pears, peel them and pass them through a meat grinder. Put the finished pulp under a press, strain the resulting liquid through several layers of gauze into a saucepan. You can use a juicer to make the process of making pear juice easier. Pour the resulting juice into jars, cover with a lid and put on water bath cook for 15-30 minutes. Thus, pear juice is harvested for the winter, or for long-term storage, but if you plan to drink the drink in the next couple of days, then boil it for 2-3 minutes and leave to cool just before drinking.

The same scheme can be used to harvest apple and pear juice for the winter. If apples and pears are not particularly sweet, then you can supplement the drink with sugar or honey to taste.

Pear juice in a juicer

To prepare apple-pear juice, or pure pear juice, you can use a simple device - a juicer. With this device, more juice is obtained than when using a juicer.

To prepare juice in a juicer, pears must be sorted out, whole fruits must be separated from seeds and cut into cubes. Put the prepared fruit in the container of the juicer, pour liquid into the water compartment and cover everything with a lid. The process of juicing takes from 20 to 60 minutes (depending on the softness of the fruit), after which we get a thick and sweet drink that has retained all its vitamins. Hot juice can be poured into sterilized jars or bottles and left for storage.

If the natural sweetness of the drink is not enough for you, then before cooking, simultaneously with the fruit, you can pour into the container granulated sugar, somewhere 40-50 g per 1 kg of pears.

Vitamin juice from pears and cucumbers

The most popular of all fruits for making various canned homemade products are probably apples and pears. More often they are processed, getting sugary doughs and drinks. This article describes how to prepare pear juice for the winter. The recipe for this drink can vary depending on how the fruit is processed. Following these methods, it is possible to obtain both concentrated pure juices and drinking nectars, similar in taste for rich fruit compotes.

Pear juice for the winter: method one

It is very convenient if there is a juicer as a kitchen "helper". In this case, pass the freshly cut fruits in the form of pieces, from which the core is necessarily removed, through a modern device. Pour the resulting pear juice into jars and put it to sterilize by placing the containers filled with the drink in a saucepan with cold water... After gradually bringing to a boil, leave the 1.5-2 L jar to warm up with a moderate gurgle for 45-50 minutes. You can add a little sugar to the juice to taste, if desired.

Pear juice for the winter: method two

Prepared fruit pieces can be passed through any (manual or True, in this case the percentage of waste of raw materials is quite high. Filter the twisted mass through several layers of thin cloth or gauze. Before sterilization, boil the juice for 2-3 minutes.

Pear juice for the winter: method three

This method requires the use of sugar. Pour pears finely chopped or twisted through a meat grinder, taking 300 g of loose sweet sand for each 1 kg of fruit. Stir fruit puree and leave to infuse for 1 day or overnight. Strain the juice from the mass and pre-boil it for 3-5 minutes before sterilization. It is recommended to store the prepared drink in this way no more than 3-4 months.

How is pear juice prepared for the winter with the addition of water?

In the event that the fruits by their structure and consistency are sufficiently dense and not very juicy, another processing method can be used. Pour the chopped pieces (2 kg) or chopped puree with hot sugar syrup made from 200 ml of plain water and 0.5 kg of sand-sugar. Strain the juice and prepare it by sterilization. If the mass turns out to be dry, boil it for 5-10 minutes over the fire. After cooling, separate the liquid and treat it as described above.

How to prepare pear juice for the winter with chokeberry


  • 2 liters of freshly squeezed pear juice;
  • 2 kg fully ripe;
  • 0.2 l freshly squeezed


Sort the rowan, wash and pass through a juicer. Mix the resulting juice with beetroot and pear and put to cook in a saucepan. After a short boil (5-7 minutes), pour the drink into hot sterile jars and roll up. After closing the lids, turn the containers upside down and cover with a thick blanket. After cooling completely, transfer the jars to a cool place for storage. Vitamin drink ready!

A juicer is a wonderful thing! You can cook various fruit and vegetable juices... If you have a good harvest of pears, prepare a couple of jars of juice cooked in a juicer for the winter.

Taste Info Compotes, juices for the winter

Ingredients and cooking utensils for juicing:

  • juice cooker;
  • metal caps for twisting;
  • banks are not large volume- 0.5 l or 1 l;
  • key for conservation;
  • a blanket (for wrapping juice cans);
  • spring water or filtered water.

How to prepare pear juice for the winter in a juicer

You can use any variety of juice pears. It is advisable to rinse each pear piece by piece with water.

Cut the pears into medium slices, cutting off too wrinkled and rotten places.

It is not necessary to chop the pears too finely, otherwise, during the juicing process, the pear will turn into puree and clog the holes for the juice to drain. Put the chopped pear into the compartment with holes.

If the pear variety turns out to be a little sour and astringent, you can sprinkle sugar on top of the pear. (4-5 tbsp.)

We collect the juicer. Pour spring water or filtered water into the lower compartment. There is no need to pour water just from the tap, otherwise the juice will have unpleasant aftertaste... Next, we put a tier for the accumulation of juice and put a compartment with pears on the very top of the tier.

Be sure to place a juice cup under the hose. Cover the juicer and set the juice to simmer. The juice will begin to drip not immediately, but after 20-25 minutes.

The juice drips slowly and drop by drop, so do not expect the juice to run in a powerful stream, this will not happen! Cook the juice for about an hour. Juicing time depends on the pear variety. When the juice completely stops dripping from the faucet, then you can remove the juicer from the heat.
While the juice is brewing, prepare the pear juice jars. Choose jars without any suspicious cracks and with an even neck. If you miss these moments somewhere, the juice can swell or burst. To wash the cans, use an ordinary baking soda... It is safe and much easier to wash off the can. Alternatively, you can use laundry soap.
You can use a microwave to sterilize cans. The method is proven and the jars are perfectly stored. Pour into a clean can of water and microwave for 5 minutes for 1L. cans and for 3 minutes for 0.5 liters.

Set the power to maximum. Drain the remaining water from the jar. Boil the screw caps in water for 3 to 5 minutes.
Pour the finished juice into a saucepan and put on the gas to boil. Add 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. But keep in mind that after opening the can, such juice will need to be diluted, since it is highly concentrated. After the pear juice has boiled, pour it into ready-made cans.

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Then the key for conservation is used.

Usually, a little more than a liter of juice is obtained from one bookmark in a juicer. Be sure to check the tightness and reliability of the twist. Flip the juice can with the lid down.

It should be dry under the lid. If everything is fine, then wrap the juice cans in a warm blanket until it cools. But if juice leaks out, change the lid. If the cap did not save, then the reason may be in the bank or in the key. Store cans of pear juice in a deep cellar.

Little children drink such juice with great pleasure, and adults do not refuse!

Pear juice is full of vitamins that our body needs so much in winter!

Who doesn't love to pamper themselves fresh aromatic juice, and even cooked with your own hands from the fruits collected in own garden? Sweet or sour, reds and yellows, surprisingly tasty and juicy - a real delight, and more! Let's talk today about why you should pay attention to pear-apple juice with pulp: the benefits, harm, composition, preparation of this drink and the most simple recipes... If your garden also grows fruit trees, do not rush to roll up everything at once and preserve it for the winter, have time to benefit from fresh fruit!

The benefits of pear-apple juice with pulp

The most useful are juices that are made from unpeeled fruits. However, if the fruit is nevertheless bought on the market, and not grown independently, then it is better to remove it.
Fresh juices are very useful for health: both in the treatment of a number of existing diseases, and in their prevention. Supporters traditional medicine agree with doctors in the opinion that drinking apple-pear juice every day for breakfast helps to activate metabolism and to work properly digestive system... If you drink them exactly at the beginning of the day, then you can normalize the elimination process. excess fluid accumulating in tissues and internal organs, because a diuretic effect is manifested. Improving performance gastrointestinal tract occurs precisely due to the content of the pulp in the drink, which contains a large number of fiber.

Pear and apple juice is useful for diseases of the circulatory system, as well as for disorders of the liver. It is recommended to use it as a restorative after physical activity... In addition, it is irreplaceable in the diet of people who have suffered from acute viral infections and pneumonia. It is this fresh juice that is recommended for babies who start their first complementary foods. You should start with a pear-apple composition without fear of an allergic reaction and other complications in a small child. This, by the way, is different, which can cause allergies.

This product has become very popular among people suffering from diabetes mellitus... True, they should use not quite ripe fruits in the juice, in which there is a lot of fructose and sorbitol, and insulin is not needed to assimilate them. During the treatment of anemia with this juice you can.

By the way, disputes over whether pear-apple juice weakens or, on the contrary, strengthens, can be resolved with a simple answer: both. Depending on which fruit to use. For example, in the early varieties of pear there are practically no tannins, which lead to fixation of the stool. Ripe fruits increase the level of arbutin, which has a similar effect.

If you constantly drink this product, you can forget about gastritis, intestinal discomfort and cholecystitis.

What is rich in pear-apple juice with pulp, what is its composition?

This valuable drink includes vitamins A, E, B, P, H, C. It is valued for high content it contains magnesium and potassium, iron and sodium, calcium and chlorine, copper and sulfur, boron and cobalt. There is little that this fresh can be compared with in terms of the amount it contains. useful components... The juice from pears and apples contains essential oils, fructose and glucose, pectins, antioxidants and mineral salts. All this in a complex helps to strengthen immune system keeping fit and active, and Have a good mood... It also contains beta-carotene, which is useful for beauty and youth.

With its regular use, harmful substances, toxins and toxins, dangerous cholesterol goes away. Useful composition of this product eliminates the negative effects of poisoning, including mushrooms. It should be included in your diet for people who know firsthand what excruciating heartburn is. Rich vitamin composition and low calorie content allow you to use the drink while losing weight without harming your health and with the most noticeable effect.

Is pear-apple juice with pulp dangerous, who is likely to harm from it?

It is worth remembering that maximum number useful properties the drink possesses only in the first ten minutes after receiving it automatically or by hand... Then the natural fermentation process begins, bacteria appear, which can provide negative impact on the intestinal microflora and kill beneficial bacteria in the stomach. By the way, it is the blending of pear juice with apple juice that allows you to reduce the number of bacteria formed in the composition.

In general, there are practically no contraindications to the use of this fresh juice, which makes it safer than, for example,. And if you have an individual intolerance, you should stop using it.

How to make apple-pear juice with pulp: preparation using a juicer and a meat grinder

From 20 kilograms of juicy ripe fruits, you can get about 12 liters fresh juice with pulp. The standard proportion for a combination of apple and pear compositions is 2: 1, respectively.

If you prepare the drink by hand, you can simplify the process by using a meat grinder. We pass washed and cut fruits through it, getting a fragrant juicy mass. Then we take a clean and not very dense fabric, you can use gauze, through which you need to squeeze the resulting composition. The pulp should also pass through the fibers, so more will be stored nutrients, which are present both in the seeds and in the peel. Sugar can be added to taste, but for a more dietary juice, you can simply use sweet fruits.

You can even simplify the process with a juicer. The product can be preserved immediately after it is wrung out, making sure to sterilize the sealed container.

Useful folk recipes

If you are tormented by laryngitis, runny nose, sore throat and other inflammatory processes that lead to damage to the vocal cords, take fresh apple-pear juice, slightly warm it in a water bath, add a tablespoon of honey. Take half a glass of this remedy three times during the day.

If you add lemon and a little grated ginger, then you can get a powerful general tonic for the immune system.