Watch how to make a watermelon cake. Watermelon cake, which is suitable even for those who watch their figure: Step-by-step recipe

Today I'm making a watermelon cake. Simple, tasty, creating a summer mood. The cake contains green sponge cake with my favorite spinach, yogurt cream and jelly. Let's cook!

For the recipe you will need:

For a sponge cake for a 26 cm pan:
180 g flour
125 ml milk with spinach
120 g sugar
2 medium eggs
100 ml vegetable oil
10 g baking powder
8 g vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt

For cream:
400 ml cream 33-35%
200 g yogurt
120 g sugar or powdered sugar (or to taste)
80 ml milk
10 g gelatin
8 g vanilla sugar

100-200 ml red jelly
chocolate drops


We will color the sponge cake green with spinach. Take 100 g of fresh spinach leaves, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5-10 minutes to make the spinach softer.

In the meantime, prepare the mold. I baked the sponge cake in a tart pan with a diameter of 26 cm. The sides of this shape are slanted and ribbed, and the sponge cake will really look like a striped watermelon. I generously greased the pan with butter and sprinkled it with flour. I shook off the excess flour.

Squeeze the spinach, pour in about 80 ml of milk and blend in a blender into a homogeneous mass.

For the recipe we need 125 ml of this mass.

Mix flour and baking powder and then sift. Add a pinch of salt to the chicken eggs and beat with sugar and vanilla sugar into a light, airy mass.

Add vegetable oil in several steps and add milk and spinach in several steps.

Lastly, mix in the flour and baking powder. You can mix with a mixer, but only quickly, carefully, at low speeds, so as not to overwork the dough.

This is the resulting thin, pourable dough.

Pour the dough into the mold. You can scroll the mold several times to push the dough to the edges and make the sponge cake even.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 20 minutes. We determine readiness by lightly pressing your finger on the middle - the finger should not fall through, or using a wooden stick - it should come out of the sponge cake clean, without traces of dough.

Let the biscuit cool for 10 minutes and then remove it from the mold. We clean the cooled sponge cake, since on top, as a rule, there is a brown crust, and inside the sponge cake is bright green. And select part of the middle to create a depression in the center.

We do this so that the cream does not rise too much above the sponge cake and the cake looks more like a cut watermelon.

Pour the gelatin into the milk and leave it to swell for a while, and then gently heat it until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour into yogurt, stir, add vanilla sugar and most of the powdered sugar. Set aside about a fifth of the powdered sugar. Stir and leave for now.

Take the cream out of the refrigerator and beat it with the remaining powdered sugar until stable. Gently fold the whipped cream into the yogurt and the cream is ready.

Spread the cream onto the biscuit and smooth it out.

In the center of the cream we create a depression for the jelly. You can create it in different ways, I prefer a plate. I picked up a plate so that the edges of the cream were about 1.5 cm wide, wrapped it in cling film and very carefully pressed it into the cream in this way.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for about 1 hour to stabilize the cream.

I poured ready-made strawberry jelly from a bag on top of the cake. Prepared the jelly according to the instructions and cooled to room temperature. For the watermelon seeds, I took dark chocolate, carefully melted it, put it in a small pastry bag and piped out the chocolate drops.

We take the cake out of the refrigerator, carefully remove the plate, pour jelly into the recess

and arrange the chocolate drops.

We put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours so that it completely hardens, and our cake is ready.

The cake turned out very bright, colorful, summery and very tasty.

Enjoy your tea!

Low-calorie watermelon and melon cake

This was the first time I saw such a miracle; usually in recipes, fruits and berries are used for decoration, or in the form of jelly, sometimes they are added directly to the dough. Although I once saw a low-calorie watermelon cake in a culinary magazine. It looks beautiful, probably tasty, but still – a watermelon is a watermelon. Albeit decorated. All the elements required for a full-fledged cake are also present here: layers, cream layer, decoration of the top and sides. You'll never guess what it's made of!

In just half an hour, you will have a treat ready for the whole family, based on fruits and berries, you can eat it without harming your figure even for those who are on a diet. For children, such a dessert - a cake made from watermelon and melon - will be a real surprise; the dish will decorate the festive table, surprise and delight the guests. A wonderful recipe for the summer - easy, unusual, tasty, beautiful!

Watermelon and melon are the basis of an unusual low-calorie cake

The question of how low-calorie this cake is remains open, because for some even 100 Kcal in a small piece will seem like a lot, while others will eat such an amount without harming their figure. If you believe the recipe analyzer (calorizer robot), then in this recipe a 100 g piece of dessert will also barely exceed 100 Kcal. For me, this is definitely a low-calorie cake, because you can gain weight even from the healthiest and most harmless food if you don’t control portions.

Sequence of preparation of low-calorie watermelon and melon cake

The set of products is given below; these proportions were indicated in the original recipe. It also said that the protein cream can be replaced with butter cream (or any other cream you wish). But you definitely won’t get a low-calorie cake with buttercream; this is an option for those who are brave and naturally slender, who don’t care for high-calorie sweets. Or for those who want to please their family with an unusual dessert (and the entertaining chef himself, of course, will also try his creation).

How to “assemble” a low-calorie watermelon and melon cake

I have never made such a low-calorie cake from watermelon and melon, the season will begin, I will definitely make it! My family was skeptical about this idea, and several questions arose. The main ones are: how to carefully remove all the seeds from a watermelon, why doesn’t the juice flow out, and why does the cream stick tightly to the fruit “crust” of each layer of a low-calorie cake, as if they were made of dough?

Low calorie watermelon melon cake

What we cook from:

  • watermelon – 1 kg;
  • melon – 1 kg; (you can take two different varieties, they usually have different colors and tastes);
  • egg – 4-5 pcs. (we use only proteins);
  • sugar – 2 cups (less can be done if you get a strong foam with less sugar);
  • blueberries - 200 g (according to the recipe, with the caveat that you can use any berries or fruits - strawberries, raspberries, grapes, currants, blackberries, bananas, kiwis, etc.).
  • nuts (any) – 150-200 g (instead of nuts, if desired, you can use almond petals to sprinkle the top and sides of the cake).

How to prepare fruit and berry cake:

Ready-made low-calorie melon and watermelon cake

  • Wash the watermelon, cut it into strips of the desired thickness (about 2 cm, thinner ones will be brittle), remove the seeds.
  • Wash the melon, cut it the same way as a watermelon - in a circle, remove the middle with the seeds.
  • Prepare the cream: beat the egg whites in a blender, gradually adding sugar until a strong foam forms.
  • Wash the berries, chop the large ones (if possible so that the juice does not flow out too much), the nuts can be left whole or chopped too.
  • Assembling the cake: the first layer is watermelon (it comes out whole), grease it with cream. The next layer is melon; we place nuts and berries in the hollow center (you can mix some of it with cream in advance). Then again the melon layer, also filling the middle. Place a layer of watermelon on top, grease the top and sides with cream, decorate with berries and nuts.

It is better to cool the finished low-calorie watermelon and melon cake and let it brew a little.

If the cream is not thick enough, you can thicken it with gelatin (20-25 g for the amount specified in the recipe).

Another low calorie refreshing watermelon cake

What we cook from:

  • watermelon - one small one. by 1-2 kg;
  • nuts to taste - 1-2 cups - cashews, peanuts, almonds or walnuts (I still couldn’t decide, I used a choice, I used assorted ones;
  • lemon juice - fresh, from 1 citrus;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • water – 1/2 cup;
  • 4 dessert spoons of sugar syrup (I used molasses, but you can replace it with sugar or any other substitute);
  • waffle crumbs, waffles or coconut shavings - 0.5 cups crushed.

How to make watermelon cake:

  • Using a long sharp knife, peel the watermelon (separate the pulp from the rind, remove the seeds from the core), cut out a round shape with the height you need (with a 10 cm diameter and a height of about 7 cm, you can even get two cakes).
  • Fill the crushed nuts with water, add vanillin, molasses, sugar or syrup, grind everything in a blender at high speed until everything turns into a homogeneous mass, a thick, creamy paste. There should be no stickiness, in this case dilute with water.
  • Place the watermelon on a plate (the base of the cake), and use a spatula to evenly distribute the nut mixture.
  • Grind the wafer crumbs or waffles using a blender, sprinkle the top and sides of the cake. You can use the same nuts or coconut shavings, and decorate the top with berries and fruits.

In our understanding, a cake is a pastry + cream with some additives, but today we will destroy all the stereotypes associated with this dessert. If you have not yet had a chance to try a watermelon cake with cream, and its recipe is a great secret for you, then now, when the melon season is in full swing, is the best time to try it. You certainly won’t be able to find such a dessert in the store, so we will prepare it at home ourselves in two different versions.

Choosing the right watermelon for the cake

The main secret of a successful watermelon cake is, of course, a ripe, sweet, tasty and definitely NOT WATERY watermelon. How to choose such a beauty among hundreds of green berries? We suggest you pay attention to the following parameters.


The most ideal time for ripening good watermelons that are minimally loaded with chemicals is from the end of August to the end of September.

During this period, watermelons, without the help of saltpeter and nitrates, purely in the sun, reach the apogee of their ripening in the form of sweet sugar pulp. Therefore, now, in mid-September, is the best time to buy a large berry.

Color contrast

A dark, rich skin with bright light stripes is the key to a “healthy”, natural and tasty watermelon. Moreover, the more contrast the picture, the greater the chances of buying real yummy food.

Yellow spot on the skin

Such a whitish or yellowish spot is present in all watermelons, because they do not grow on trees, but lie on the ground. However, the size of such a speck should be small, which will indicate the ripeness of the watermelon. If you see a huge yellow side of the berry, don’t take it, most likely it’s not ripe and not sweet.

Gloss on watermelon peel

It (glossy) will tell you about the “health” of the watermelon, and also about the fact that the fruit left the melon plant quite recently. This watermelon has a very strong, elastic skin that is easily scratched with a fingernail.

Carmelon tails

The tail is yellow and slightly dried out - a good watermelon. A completely dried tail is a watermelon that has been stored in a warehouse for a long time. The green tail is an unripe watermelon. There is no tail at all, which means the seller is clearly hiding something.

Melon size

Huge “globes” of 15 kg each clearly indicate nitrate feeding of the berry giant. Such a watermelon will be both harmful and tasteless.

Balls that are too tiny (3-4 kg) will most likely be pink, unsweetened and unripe inside. The optimal option is 6-8 kg.

Sound from the peel

Well, the most common way to select a good watermelon is by knocking. Pat the fruit you like: if the sound is dull and you feel a crackling sound when pressed, then you can take that watermelon.

If there is silence in response to a knock, then most likely this melon representative will turn out to be rotten. An unripe watermelon can be too loud.

Watermelon cake with cream


  • Watermelon – 4 kg + -
  • — 1 whole cylinder + -
  • coconut flakes— 100 g + -
  • Almond petals- 2/3 tbsp. + -
  • — 100 g + -
  • — 4-5 pcs. + -
  • Fresh blueberries— 100 g + -

How to make a watermelon cake with your own hands

The recipe for such a cake is very simple, one might even say elementary. But for it to really come out beautiful and very tasty, you should act step by step, carefully, using all your artistic and culinary talent to decorate it.

  1. Wash the watermelon thoroughly, then cut off the peel from both sides, capturing a little pulp so that you get a cylinder of the required height for the cake.
  2. Now we cut off the side skins, trimming the walls of the “cake” with a knife. As a result, we should get a beautiful, even cylinder of watermelon pulp, weighing 1 kg, 15-20 cm high and approximately 20 cm in diameter.
  3. The watermelon pulp releases quite a lot of juice, which can cause the cream to drip, so before decorating the cake, blot the watermelon “cake” on all sides with paper towels so that it is not too wet.
  4. When all the preparations are completed, let's start creating the cake. Apply whipped cream to the top and sides of the watermelon in an even layer and smooth the cream with a silicone spatula so that it is beautiful and completely hides the red pulp.
  5. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with almond petals, and sprinkle the top with coconut shavings. We decorate the cake on top (along the outer edge) with blueberries, then with strawberries cut in half, and in the center we place the remaining blueberries and raspberries in a beautiful mound (mixed together). If there are almond petals left, you can also sprinkle them on top.

Here we have such a beautiful summer cake, decorated with fresh berries and nuts.

And if confectionery art is your hobby, then we advise you to visit this online store, where you can find almost everything to create a real masterpiece out of baked goods.

Recipe for watermelon and cookie jelly cake

Another original watermelon cake that we want to offer you is a classic representative of cold jelly desserts. We will have a two-layer cake with watermelon and sour cream on a delicious sand base.

How to make watermelon cake without baking

  • Take 200 g of shortbread cookies and grind them in a blender along with 50 g of butter.
  • For the cake we will need a regular round mold (20-25 cm in diameter), which is used for baking.

Line the bottom and walls of the container with vacuum film. This will help you later carefully remove the cake from the bowl.

  • Pour sand crumbs into the mold, compact everything and level it to form a cake.
  • Now let's deal with the cake itself. Our first layer will be watermelon. To prepare it, grind 1 kg of seedless watermelon pulp using a blender into a puree, and then strain the juice through a sieve.
  • Heat the watermelon drink until hot (do not boil!) and dissolve gelatin (40 g), half a glass of granulated sugar and a pinch of citric acid in it. Mix everything thoroughly until the gelatin granules dissolve, cool and pour into the mold on top of the cookies.

Now the container with watermelon jelly should be placed in the refrigerator for an hour or two, until completely frozen.

  • Only after the red layer becomes elastic can we proceed to preparing the second layer - sour cream. To do this, dilute 15 g of gelatin in half a glass of water, heat until the granules dissolve, and then cool the homogeneous gelatin solution to room temperature.
  • While the jelly composition is cooling, we will mix 120 g of sugar with 400 g of sour cream, and stir the mixture with a spoon every 5-10 minutes until the sugar grains have completely melted.

  • Now mix the sweet sour cream with the gelatin base and pour it over the watermelon layer. Place the mold in the refrigerator again and wait for the cake to harden.

No matter how surprising the name of the dessert may sound - “Watermelon Cake”, nevertheless, both recipes discussed today are quite simple and can be easily repeated at home. The main thing is to find the right and tasty watermelon.

Enjoy your tea!

Summer is a time of fruit abundance, a time when sweets can be healthy, and there is no need to bake cakes or bother making custard. Summer is the time for alternative desserts. If you want to treat yourself to something delicious, be sure to check out this simple and effective recipe. This cake will decorate your holiday table and will suit everyone who is watching their figure!

So, what is this miracle cake, the piece of which has less than 100 kcal? And it will take less than an hour to prepare, and in the heat you won’t have to turn on the oven. This is a watermelon cake, a dessert that has already gained popularity both abroad and among our housewives. Simple and very tasty. See the step-by-step recipe below and see for yourself!

To prepare the cake you will need a whole medium-sized watermelon, half a liter of heavy cream and a spoon of powdered sugar. For decoration, use whatever fruit your heart desires. It could be strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, grapes, apples or peaches, cut into slices. Citrus fruits are also suitable - banana, orange, kiwi. Also don't forget about almond petals or coconut flakes, mint or lemon balm leaves.

To prepare the cake, you first need to prepare its base - watermelon. Cut off the tops and rind so that only the desired shape remains. For such a cake, it is better to choose a berry with white soft seeds. When the watermelon cylinder is left without peel, leave it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes to drain excess juice. Afterwards, wipe with a paper towel.

The next step is preparing the cream. To do this, you need to whip the cream with powdered sugar and vanilla (optional) so that the cream is fluffy, you need to do this quickly and in a chilled bowl. Spread a thick layer of cream over the watermelon, starting from the top and working down the sides.

All that remains is to decorate the cake. To do this, lay out random fruits and berries, sprinkle the edges with almonds or coconut flakes. Don't forget green leaves for contrast. Important: be sure to cut the fruit into thin slices, since the whipped cream simply will not withstand the heavy decoration and will lose its shape.

The cake should be served immediately, and it would be nice to eat it at once. True, there is no doubt about this, because no one will deny themselves such a vitamin dessert!