A difficult culinary question. Quiz game "culinary erudite"


  • identify the degree of awareness and depth of knowledge of students;
  • cultivate interest in knowledge of “cooking”;
  • develop logical thinking.

Progress of the event

Quiz "Culinary polymath"

  1. Introductory word from the teacher.
  2. Two teams of participants are recruited. The jury is selected. First, a question is asked to the first team, if it does not answer, then the second can answer. For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point. At the end of the quiz, the jury tallies the points and announces the results. The winning team is awarded prizes.

Quiz questions.

  • Cook on a ship? (Cook)
  • Delicious show? (Gusto)
  • Honey tree? (Linden.)
  • Mini bagel? (Baranka)
  • Mirror fish? (Carp)
  • What is served at the end of lunch? (Dessert)
  • Cabbage soup? (Shchi)
  • “Clothing” of boiled potatoes? (Uniform)
  • Specially processed grain, ready for making porridges, soups, pilaf? (Groats)
  • Melon plant? (Watermelon)
  • A glass vessel with a high stem for mineral water and other drinks? (Wine glass)
  • Tall cylindrical bread, usually Easter? (Kulich)
  • Sugar in lumps? (Refined sugar)
  • Daytime meal? (Dinner)
  • Ceramic dishes? (Porcelain)
  • Southern juicy sweet fruit with a stone, shaggy to the touch? (Peach)
  • Net weight of the product? (Net)
  • The art of cooking? (Cooking)
  • Name a vegetable that has been grown in Rus' for a long time, the name comes from the Latin “head”? (Cabbage)
  • Large confection? (Cake)
  • List of dishes in the cafe? (Menu)
  • Candied fruit slice? (Candied fruit)
  • A particle of liquid? (A drop)
  • A mare's milk product? (Koumiss)
  • Common name for beets, carrots, turnips? (Root vegetable)
  • Traditional Russian drink? (Kvass)
  • The earliest vegetable, root vegetable? (Radish)
  • For disclosing the secret of what delicacy the confectioner of King Charles of Austria was facing the death penalty? (Ice cream)
  • Name the fruit of the seven grains? (Corn)
  • Russian folk tale about a lucky vegetable grower? (Turnip)
  • A caustic but very healthy vegetable? (Onion)
  • An ancient feast, but nowadays a scientific conference? (Symposium)
  • Semi-finished product for bread and flour confectionery products? (Dough)
  • Leafy vegetable or cold dish? (Salad)
  • What kind of product is it that they say “was born in water, but is afraid of water”? (Salt)
  • Sweet potato? (Sweet potato)
  • Type of dry biscuits? (Cracker)
  • Russian national dish, which is defined in the dictionary as “small pies” with meat or other filling, cooked in boiling water? (Dumplings)
  • What plant is added to coffee? (Chicory)
  • What vegetable was brought to Europe from Peru? (Potato)
  • Red hot vegetable? (Pepper)
  • What is the name of a set of tableware or teaware? (Service)
  • What product never succeeds on the first try? (Crap)
  • The baked surface of a loaf of bread? (Crust)
  • A small sausage eaten boiled? (Sausage, sausage)
  • Barbecue roaster? (Grill)
  • Trace element added to table salt? (Iodine)
  • Jelly in the cake? (Jelly)
  • Boiled fruit drink? (Compote)
  • Emperor cake? (“Napoleon”)

Game “Field of Miracles”


  • deepen your knowledge of “Cooking”;
  • develop the need for knowledge and skills;
  • cultivate persistence in achieving goals.

KMO: roulette wheel showing the number of points; board with tasks, prizes.

Progress of the event

The game leader, by drawing lots, selects nine participants to play in three rounds. For each round, a question is asked, participants answer by spinning the roulette wheel, scoring points and calling out the letters of the alphabet. One is determined in each round. The game is played with spectators. Participants and winners are awarded prizes and gifts. The game is played with funny and witty comments from the host.

  • 1st round Question: Name a flour confectionery product baked in a Russian oven, passed many tests and eaten because of its naivety. (Kolobok).
  • 2 round Question: An oval pie of an oblong shape, wider and at the same time narrower than a closed pie. It is prepared from yeast or puff pastry with different types of fillings. (Kulebyaka).
  • 3rd round Question: The most ancient delicacy of many peoples. At first it was used for ritual purposes, and then as a delicacy. The recipe includes the following ingredients: herbs, seeds, bark, roots. (Gingerbread).
  • 4th round Question: The name of this product comes from the Slavic word “wheel”. This word in Rus' characterizes a person who has seen the world, experienced, and has experienced a lot in life. Hint: “If you want to eat..., don’t sit on the stove.” (Kalach).

Super game. Question: What was called the symbol of the Sun in Rus'? (Crap).

Game with the audience. Questions:

  • What won't go into the biggest saucepan? (Her cover)
  • What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons)
  • What doesn't half an apple look like? (To the other half).

So that girls and boys do not completely forget that there is a stove and kitchen utensils, and not just fast food and a microwave for heating it, we invite teachers to conduct a fun culinary quiz. Most likely, you will not get the right answers to all the questions, but the point is not that, but to once again draw children’s attention to the art of cooking, to the culinary traditions of the country in which they live. Right and wrong answers are hotly debated. The result is a very bright, emotional, interesting and enjoyable event for children.

Participants in the quiz wear beautiful white caps, robes, and aprons. In addition to theory, the quiz also includes practical tasks - they are simple, but require skill. If someone fails to cope with it, playful criticism should be heard from the audience: “So you’re not helping mom!”

So, questions!

Is it necessary to add potatoes to cabbage soup?
(Shchi is a Russian national dish that was prepared even before potatoes appeared in Rus'. Therefore, potatoes are not added to traditional cabbage soup. They are cooked from fresh white or sauerkraut, cabbage seedlings, sorrel, spinach, nettles in vegetable or meat broth.)

In what soup are cucumbers and pearl barley found?
(In pickle)

What is the name of the broth in the ear?

Which hand should you eat soup with?
(Soup should be eaten with a spoon)

What is the name of this type of soup made from pureed vegetables?

What do you call a salad covered in kvass?

Who invented “Guryev porridge”?
(Serf cook Zakhar Kuzmin, whom Count Guryev and his family bought from Major Yurisovsky of the Orenburg Dragoon Regiment. The Count really liked the porridge served to him for dessert.)

What grain porridge was called black porridge in Rus'?
(From buckwheat)

In 1912, the year of the centenary, Russian culinary specialists invented a new sweet flour dish. What shape was it?

(Triangular - Napoleon cake. The triangular shape repeated the shape of Napoleon's headdress - a cocked hat.)

What is the langet made from: beef or fish?

(Beef. This is a kind of cutlet made from an oblong piece of meat.)

Is Tobacco Chicken cooked in a frying pan or on the grill?
(In a frying pan)

“Chicken solarium” is... What?

What ancient Roman king is the chicken salad named after?
In Georgia, this most popular meat dish is called mtsvadi, in Armenia – khorovats, and in Azerbaijan – kebap. What do the Russians call it?
(Shashlik. This word is used only by Russians, who borrowed it from the Tatars back in the 18th century to refer to dishes on a spit. They called the skewer “shish”. Hence “shishlik”, and in our language – “kebab”.)

What can you give up when eating beans, since its protein composition is very similar to animal proteins?

What are dumplings without filling called?
(Lazy dumplings)

Do chefs make cheesecakes from cheese or cottage cheese?
(From cottage cheese)

Which fish wears a “fur coat” on holidays?
(Herring, dish “Herring under a fur coat”)

What kind of food jumped into the mouth of the lazy Patsyuk from Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas”?

What city is served for tea?
(Cake “Prague”, Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.)

What is the name of Tatar “goulash”?

In which country do they traditionally have tea at 5 o'clock in the afternoon?
(In England)

What do the British first pour into the cup when preparing the drink tea with milk: milk or tea?
(Milk to prevent hot tea from damaging the expensive porcelain of the teacup.)

What fruit filled pie is considered the national English dish?

What national dish is sausages with stewed cabbage?

In which European country do they traditionally prepare roasted chestnuts in winter?

What do Japanese restaurants serve instead of bread?

Before serving this poultry dish, in a Chinese restaurant it is traditionally cut into 108 pieces. What is this famous dish?
(Peking duck)

What German city is named after a beef cutlet enclosed in a crispy bun cut in half?
(Hamburg - hamburger)

What city does ice cream sundae get its name from?
(Plombières, France)

Which country gave the world its own open pie - pizza?

What flower petals are used to make jam?
(From rose and dandelion petals.)
What drink is most popular in China?

What drink did the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven always prepare for himself using 64 grains?

Horse kefir is... What?

Musical seasoning is... What?

What turns fruit juice into jelly?
Diet to reduce your waistline is... What?
What is a meal in nature called?

Quiz "Culinary secrets"


identify the degree of awareness and depth of knowledge of students;

cultivate interest in knowledge of “cooking”;

develop logical thinking.

Progress of the event

I. Introductory word from the teacher.

II. Two teams of participants are recruited. The jury is selected. First, a question is asked to the first team, if it does not answer, then the second can answer. For each correct answer, the team is awarded one point. At the end of the quiz, the jury tallies the points and announces the results.

Quiz questions.

Cook on a ship? (Cook)

Delicious show? (Gusto)

Honey tree? (Linden.)

Mini bagel? (Baranka)

Mirror fish? (Carp)

What is served at the end of lunch? (Dessert)

Cabbage soup? (Shchi)

“Clothing” of boiled potatoes? (Uniform)

Specially processed grain, ready for making porridges, soups, pilaf? (Groats)

Melon plant? (Watermelon)

A glass vessel with a high stem for mineral water and other drinks? (Wine glass)

Tall cylindrical bread, usually Easter? (Kulich)

Sugar in lumps? (Refined sugar)

Daytime meal? (Dinner)

Ceramic dishes? (Porcelain)

Southern juicy sweet fruit with a stone, shaggy to the touch? (Peach)

Net weight of the product? (Net)

The art of cooking? (Cooking)

Name a vegetable that has been grown in Rus' for a long time, the name comes from the Latin “head”? (Cabbage)

Large confection? (Cake)

List of dishes in the cafe? (Menu)

Candied fruit slice? (Candied fruit)

A particle of liquid? (A drop)

A mare's milk product? (Koumiss)

Common name for beets, carrots, turnips? (Root vegetable)

Traditional Russian drink? (Kvass)

The earliest vegetable, root vegetable? (Radish)

For disclosing the secret of what delicacy the confectioner of King Charles of Austria was facing the death penalty? (Ice cream)

Name the fruit of the seven grains? (Corn)

Russian folk tale about a lucky vegetable grower? (Turnip)

A caustic but very healthy vegetable? (Onion)

An ancient feast, but nowadays a scientific conference? (Symposium)

Semi-finished product for bread and flour confectionery products? (Dough)

Leafy vegetable or cold dish? (Salad)

What kind of product is it that they say “was born in water, but is afraid of water”? (Salt)

Sweet potato? (Sweet potato)

Type of dry biscuits? (Cracker)

Russian national dish, which is defined in the dictionary as “small pies” with meat or other filling, cooked in boiling water? (Dumplings)

What plant is added to coffee? (Chicory)

What vegetable was brought to Europe from Peru? (Potato)

Red hot vegetable? (Pepper)

What is the name of a set of tableware or teaware? (Service)

What product never succeeds on the first try? (Crap)

The baked surface of a loaf of bread? (Crust)

A small sausage eaten boiled? (Sausage, sausage)

Barbecue roaster? (Grill)

Trace element added to table salt? (Iodine)

Jelly in the cake? (Jelly)

Boiled fruit drink? (Compote)

Emperor cake? (“Napoleon”)

Game “Field of Miracles”


deepen your knowledge of “Cooking”;

develop the need for knowledge and skills;

cultivate persistence in achieving goals.

KMO: roulette wheel showing the number of points; board with tasks, prizes.

Progress of the event

The game leader, by drawing lots, selects nine participants to play in three rounds. For each round, a question is asked, participants answer by spinning the roulette wheel, scoring points and calling out the letters of the alphabet. One is determined in each round. The game is played with spectators. Participants and winners are awarded prizes and gifts. The game is played with funny and witty comments from the host.

1st round Question: Name a flour confectionery product baked in a Russian oven, passed many tests and eaten because of its naivety. (Kolobok).

2 round Question: An oval pie of an oblong shape, wider and at the same time narrower than a closed pie. It is prepared from yeast or puff pastry with different types of fillings. (Kulebyaka).

3rd round Question: The oldest delicacy of many nations. At first it was used for ritual purposes, and then as a delicacy. The recipe includes the following ingredients: herbs, seeds, bark, roots. (Gingerbread).

4th round Question: The name of this product comes from the Slavic word “wheel”. This word in Rus' characterizes a person who has seen the world, experienced, and has experienced a lot in life. Hint: “If you want to eat..., don’t sit on the stove.” (Kalach).

Super game. Question: What was called the symbol of the Sun in Rus'? (Crap).

Game with the audience. Questions:

What won't fit in the biggest pot? (Her cover)

What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons)

What doesn't half an apple look like? (To the other half).

Nutrition is one of the key means of maintaining human life, health, and good working ability. It's no secret that a person “is what he eats.” Therefore, special attention is paid to the food products we consume! Human nutrition should be rational, balanced, correct.

The food quiz for kids contains 12 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. Which potatoes are healthier?
Potatoes boiled in skins +
Potatoes peeled and boiled whole tubers
Potatoes, cut into pieces

2. Which food contains the most vitamin C?
In lemons
In oranges
In sweet bell pepper +

3. In ancient times, they were used to make bouquets and decorate homes on holidays. These plants appeared on coins. What is it about?
About nettle, woodlice
About celery, parsley, dill +
About cornflowers, daisies, lilies

4. This product is “from seven ailments”. What product are we talking about?
Bow +

5. What is an omelet?
Scrambled eggs cooked with milk +

6. Joking question. Who is a "barbarian" according to the Clueless Dictionary?
Answer: cook (var-var)

7. Vitamin P is necessary for the human body. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels. What foods do you think contain the most vitamin P?
Eggs, bread, pasta, cereals
Beans, soybeans, apricots, greens
Citrus fruits, black currant, rose hips +

8. Continue the proverb:
“Not everything that goes into your mouth is useful”
“The mill is strong with water, and man... with food”
“When I eat, I am deaf...and dumb”
“They don’t feed the nightingale with fables”
“Eat what you baked”

9. These fruits taste good. Their homeland is Northern Iran, Asia Minor. About 2000 varieties are known. Cultivated varieties of this plant originated from repeated, natural crossings of sloe and cherry plum. There are a great many useful sugars, vitamins, and biologically valuable substances in this food product. What food product are we talking about?
Plum +

10. Carlson convinced the Kid that all happiness would come from this food product. What food product are we talking about?
Pies +

“Believe me, Carlson: happiness is not in pies... Are you crazy?! What else?”

11. This cereal is considered the most ancient. What cereal do you mean?
Wheat +

12. This huge berry is called “mother” and is added to porridge. They also make dishes from it. What berry are we talking about?
Pumpkin +

1. The name of which fruit is literally translated from Latin as “grainy”? (Pomegranate)

2. The name of which dish literally translates from French as “vinegar”? (The vinaigrette)

3. The name of which dish in Latin literally meant “salted with sea water”? (Marinade)

4. Drinking wine with someone as a sign of establishing close friendship and friendly transition to “you” is called the German word “Bruderschaft”. How is it translated? (Brotherhood)

5. Say “bread and butter” in German. (Sandwich)

6. The name of which fruit comes from Latin and literally means “early ripening”? (Apricot)

7. What fruit's name literally means "apple from China" in Dutch? (Orange)

8. The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word for “head”? (Cabbage)

9. The name of which vegetable in Greek means “unripe, unripe”? (Cucumber)

10. What vegetable did the Italians call the “golden apple”? (Tomato)

11. Which meat product got its name from the Russian word “decrepit”, “old”? (Ham is meat prepared for future use, which means it is not fresh)

12. The name of which dish is derived from the Udmurt words “ear” and “bread”? (Dumplings. Pel - ear, nyan - bread)

13. The name of which food product was born in Ancient India and literally means “sand, gravel”? (Sugar)

14. The name of which sweet goes back to the Latin language and originally meant “prepared medicine”? (Candy - from “confectum”)

15. We borrowed the name of this sweet from the French language, where it meant “quince pastille.” Name it. (Marmalade)

16. The name of which flour product translated from Greek means “butter cake”? (Pancakes)

17. The name of which meat dish translated from German means “a piece of paper, shavings”? (Schnitzel)

18. Which cereal got its name from the pearl color of the grains? (Perlovka - from pearl - “pearl”)

19. The name of which dish made from cottage cheese, into which egg whites whipped into a thick foam are added, also means “slap in the face” in French? (Souffle)

20. The name of which cold soup indicates that it is made from beets with tops? (Botvinya)

21. What vegetable stores very well until spring, and therefore during Great Lent in Rus' it was eaten more than turnips, cabbage and carrots, for which it received the name “penitential vegetable”? (Radish)

22. The name of which fat is literally translated from Latin as “pearl”? (Margarine)

23. The name of which drink is translated from English as “rooster tail”? (Cocktail)

24. The raw materials for which drink are black and green? (Tea)

25. In a Georgian village you can see the following picture: a leather bag with some kind of liquid lies on the road. Everyone who passes by this bag must kick it. What drink is prepared this way? (Kefir - matsoni)

26. What is the name of the drink obtained from the milk of mares? (Koumiss)

27. What drinks' names clearly indicate that they are made from citrus fruits? (Lemonade and orangeade)

28. What healing drink can be obtained in the spring forest? (Birch juice)

29. Russian church wine with a French name? (Cahors)

30. What drink will you get if you pour water over fried pieces of bread and add sugar? (Kvass)

31. What drink can be made from Arabica? (Coffee)

32. What turns black coffee into cappuccino? (Cream)

33. What is the name in the East for condensed fruit syrup and a soft drink made from fruit juice and sugar? (Sherbet)

34. Hot drink made with honey and spices? (Sbiten)

35. The name of which fermented milk drink suggests that it is very easy to prepare? (Sour milk)

36. Name three foods whose increased consumption is associated with six out of ten fatal diseases? (Salt, sugar, animal fats)

37. What did they serve in Rus' instead of sauces? (explosions)

38. Where were all the classic sauces created? (In France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries)

39. What expensive delicacy of northern German cities in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries successfully competed on the world market with furs and flax from Russia, French wines and English wool? (Baltic herring specially salted)

40. Who invented mayonnaise and what city was it named after? (In 1757, during the siege of Mahon by the British, French chefs diversified the menu of the besieged with a new dish made from eggs and Provencal oil. Mayonnaise was named after the capital of the island of Menorca - Mahon)

41. How can you get rid of the bitterness of grapefruit? (It is necessary to remove the translucent leathery film that covers each segment of the fruit, in which quinic acid and bitter glycosides are mainly concentrated)

42. What dairy product was recommended by one of the oldest handwritten medical books, “Cool Vertograd,” to be used as an antidote for acute poisoning? (Fermented milk - curdled milk)

43. What were called drinks in Rus'? (Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea. We did not drink drinks, but ate them)

44. The name of which dairy product among the Caucasian peoples comes from the word “health”? (Kefir from the word “kef” - “health”)

45. What two berries are poetically called “northern grapes”? (Cranberries and gooseberries)

46. ​​What is the difference between dried apricots and apricots? (Apricots are the fruits of ripe apricots, cut lengthwise in half and pitted in the sun. Uryuk are dried apricot fruits with pits. “Kuru” is translated from Turkic languages ​​as “dry”)

47. What grain is pearl barley made from? (From barley. And they called it that way for its pearlescent color)

48. How can one culinary word be used to describe the liver, spleen, heart, tongue, brain, intestines, kidneys, and bones of farm animals? (offal)

49. A famous Italian dish named after an equally famous city? (Pizza. Pisa)

50. Where did the word “soup” come from? (From the Italian "uppa", which means something soft, something that is drunk)

51. The absence of what daily dish on the table in some ancient books was considered evidence of trouble in the house? (Soup)

52. What product was used in ancient times instead of sugar? (Honey and pressed date syrup)

53. About what product did the medieval poet Victor Mazi leave us the following words: “...you are poetry, the bouquet of our dinner. What would life mean if you didn't exist? (About cheese)

54. What product do doctors and scientists characterize as follows: “food that knows no prohibitions”, “perfect product”, “natural concentrate of the beneficial properties of milk”, “the mildest food product”, “diet for everyone”? (Cottage cheese)

55. Which pig’s meat was considered a delicacy in Ancient Greece? (Dead from overeating)

56. In what country did vegetarians appear? (In India around 1000 BC)

57. Where did noodles first appear and when? (In China in the first century AD)

58. What water was wine mixed with in Ancient Greece? (With sea water)

59. Where did the world's first restaurants appear? (In China, in 1153 in Kaifeng)

60. What is another name for wild garlic? (Bear bow)

61. Which egg is the healthiest: raw, soft-boiled, hard-boiled or fried? (Soft-boiled)

62. Where was the very first cookbook created? (In Mesopotamia in 1700 BC)

63. In which water does champagne cool faster - raw or boiled? Who owns this discovery? (Boiled. This discovery belongs to Nero)

64. Where did chewing gum appear and when? (In Central America in the XIII-XIV centuries)

65. Where did cocoa originate? (In Mexico)

66. Cocoa + red hot pepper + corn flour + water. What drink did the Aztecs prepare from this mixture? (Cocoa)

67. When did coffee appear and where did it grow? (Coffee was mentioned for the first time in the tenth century AD. It grew in Ethiopia)

68. When and where did they start drinking beer? (In Mesopotamia and Egypt in the third millennium BC)

69. What is gyuvech? (Bulgarian dish of vegetables baked in the oven with lamb)

70. How is the word “symposium” literally translated? (From the Greek word "symposion", literally - feast)

71. What was the original name for food that was put into sea water for pickling? (Marinade)

72. Chinese chefs claim that you can cook food from anything except... Name a poetic image of what Chinese chefs call something that cannot be cooked from. (From the reflection of the moon in the lake)

73. Fish from which all the bones have been counted and removed. (Fillet)

74. What grows in a field that can be said to be full of ears? (Corn)

75. A seasoning that gives pepper to eaters. (Adjika)

76. What word is similar between a small tangerine and a hefty grapefruit? (Citrus)

77. Meat of the fish king. (Sturgeon)

78. What is the name of the dough that has gone on a spree? (Opara)

79. Which product gave its name to a month that is not on the calendar? (Honey. The newlyweds spend their honeymoon after the wedding)

80. What is the name of wild strawberries? (Strawberry)

81. Culinary ear decoration. (Noodles)

82. What culinary product can be said to be a “twisted dish”? (Roll)

83. What part of the egg was rejected by the meringue, but attracted to the eggnog? (Yolk)

84. Name the most common lollipop bird. (Cockerel)

85. A simplified version of sausage for a hot dog. (Sausage)

86. Which berry got its name because of its smelly leaves? (Currant - from the word “stench” - unpleasant smell)

87. What one word, but not “food,” can be used to describe borscht, soup, fish soup, and shea? ("First")

88. She is beautiful both under a fur coat and without it. (Herring)

89. The invisible but healthy part of food. (Vitamin)

90. Fruit explosive. (Pomegranate)

91. Soup and salad in one bottle. (Okroshka)

92. Edible watermelon rind mummy. (Candied fruit)

93. What kind of pickle in Rus' was eaten with your hands? (Pie with pickles)

94. What is the name of a meat snack that shakes? (jelly, jellied meat)

95. What festive outfit does the herring wear? (Fur coat)

96. What are the names of mushrooms that appear on jam? (Mold)

97. It tastes wonderful, even black or red. (Caviar. Currant)

98. What berry can a summer resident grow only by turning his six acres into a swamp? (Cranberry)

99. What is the name for “glue” for jelly that does not want to harden? (Gelatin)

100. What is the name of an octopus that has not grown in size, but has grown in taste? (Squid)

101. Which candies, loved by many children, contain the word “chalk”? (Caramel, Marmelad)

102. What dish is the cook ready at any moment of the day or night? (Uha - cookUHA)

103. How to feed the whole family with one crumb? (Add the letter “O” to it and you get “okroshka”)

104. What rectangular cubes do modern women play in the kitchen? (Bouillon cubes)

105. How to make sour kefir sweet without sugar and jam? (Replace the letter “K” with “3”: kefir - marshmallow)

106. Which salad can be found among the French names? (Olivie)

107. What is very cold inside a herring? (Ice - herring)

108. Name the final curdled confectionery product. (Roll)

109. Say “stick” in French. (Loaf)

110. Bread of Caucasian nationality? (Pita)

111. What delicacy do pigs seek out in Italy and France? (Truffle mushrooms)

112. Which “worms” are loved in Russia no less than in their native Italy? (Vermicelli. “Vermicello” means “worms” in Italian)

113. What is cooked, but then not eaten? (Cast iron, steel, bay leaf)

114. Who bakes and fries all day, but doesn’t offer pancakes? (Sun)

115. What scary monsters eat only their eyes? (Smoke, soap, shampoo)

116. What do housewives stew but don’t let anyone eat? (Light, candles)

117. Truffle, but not a mushroom; Iris, but not a flower? (Candy)

118. “The Garden Beyond the Clouds,” where the apple turned out to be just that kind of fruit. (Paradise)

119. Processed cheese with warm human relationships in its name. ("Friendship")

120. What meat dish should every cook know how to cook? (Navy style pasta)