How many minutes to whip cream 33 percent. Heavy cream made from milk and butter

If you follow some simple rules, your whipped cream will turn out fluffy and will not settle. Firstly, the cream must be very fat. It is recommended to buy cream with 33% - 35% fat content. Secondly, the whipping tool, utensils, and the cream itself must be very well cooled. Some housewives pour the cream into a clean, dry container and put it in the freezer for a while along with a whisk, so everything will cool down at the same time and be ready for further action. Thirdly, powdered sugar should be added gradually, in small portions, and only after the cream has already been whipped into a fairly stable foam. In addition, it is advisable to sift the powder or rub it through a sieve so that there are no lumps in it. And fourthly, we start beating at low speeds and gradually increase to maximum speed, and when we finish beating, we proceed in the reverse order. There is another important point to remember - be careful not to overbeat the cream, otherwise it will separate and turn into butter. But it’s also bad to under-beat the cream - the cream will quickly settle and the moisture will peel off from it.

Let's summarize:

Choose the right cream (minimum 33% fat content);
All tools, dishes, and the cream itself are cooled very well;
We begin to beat at low speeds, gradually increasing the speed to maximum, and when finished, proceed in the reverse order;
Sift the powdered sugar and add a little at a time after a fairly stable foam has formed;
We make sure not to overbeat the cream or, conversely, underbeat it.

Process description:

If you use store-bought cream, then the contents of the package must be shaken very well, since part of the cream (the fattest) usually “collects” in the corners of the package, and the liquid part turns out to have a percentage of fat that is insufficient for whipping. Therefore, you need to carefully empty the package of all contents.
- Pour the cream into a container and put it together with the whisk in the freezer so that everything cools well. Some sources recommend keeping the container on ice during the whipping process, but this is not a necessary condition. Unless in the summer, when it is very hot, you should adhere to this recommendation.
- We begin to whip the cream, taking into account the rules mentioned earlier. We look carefully - quite quickly the whisks will begin to leave marks (ripples) on the surface of the cream. When the ripples become clear and one circle does not spread to the next, we begin to add vanilla sugar ground into powder and powdered sugar. We take powdered sugar at the rate of: 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of fresh cream and another 1 teaspoon in addition to the total amount of cream.
- We continue to beat and carefully monitor the degree of readiness, as it is important not to miss the moment. The ripples should disappear and the mass should become loose. You can check with your finger - if the hole does not close from your finger, the mass is ready.

In addition, there are special thickeners for cream on sale, as well as special creams that already contain a thickener, although, it should be noted, many housewives prefer homemade cream to store-bought ones. Thickeners are added during the beating process, when the mass is almost ready.

Cream is stored in a cool place without loss of consumer qualities for 36 hours. But the storage location should be chosen based on the fact that cream absorbs odors very well - it is better not to leave it next to smoked sausage. ;)

Good luck with your experiments!

Even experienced housewives are not immune from failure.

The cream must have at least 30% fat content, otherwise it will not go astray. Is it possible to whip 20% cream? How to whip cream 10%? This kind of cream does not whip, it is too liquid. Theoretically, you can whip cream with a lower fat content (20%), but the volume and taste suffer greatly. You can add gelatin or eggs to this cream, but it will no longer be pure whipped cream. The 30% ones come across as thick as sour cream, or quite pourable and outwardly not much thicker than the 20% ones. According to some observations, thinner heavy cream whips better.

The cream should be cold, very cold, but not icy and certainly not frozen! If the cream is frozen or warm, then separation will occur when whipping. Serum and oil are obtained! There’s nothing you can do about this, you can throw it away (You shouldn’t put the cream on the far wall of the refrigerator - it can freeze and the result will be disastrous (Although some recommend putting the cream in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping. As well as the container in which they will be whipped and whisk there Alternatively, place the bowl of cream in a large bowl filled with ice.

If you beat with a mixer then: no more than 200 - 300 g at a time. You need to start with minimal speed, gradually increasing the speed. Turn the mixer on and off gradually, increasing or decreasing the speed. If you immediately turn on the mixer at high speed, in addition to fireworks in a separate kitchen, the butter may whip. Tilt the container of cream so that the rotating blades of the mixer are at the bottom and beat. Do not move the mixer around the container, let the cream circulate on its own.

The debate continues about whether to beat with a mixer or, to achieve the best result, the old fashioned way - with a whisk and by hand. Everyone is absolutely sure of one thing - you shouldn’t whip cream with a blender.

The readiness of whipped cream is determined by eye when noticeable circulation stops. Properly whipped cream should retain its shape and not spread into a scone. However, don't overdo it. By whipping cream for too long, you can again end up with whey and butter instead of whipped cream. The average whipping time for 33% Petmolov cream is 5 minutes, for 38% Valio cream it is 1-2 minutes.

Sugar, gelatin or cream fixer are added after slightly whipping the cream. If you whip cream with sugar, it is better to add powdered sugar. 33-35% cream whips quickly and the sugar does not have time to melt. For 250 ml of 33% cream you need 30 g of powdered sugar. If you add powder before whipping, the cream may not whip. The gelatin must first swell, then heat the gelatin granules until they dissolve, cool and mix with the cream. You can also add lemon juice. Juice 1/4 lemon in 200 ml cream and beat. There will be no foam, but there will be such a thick mass, the cream thickens from the acid. Some even recommend buying homemade cream from grandmothers at the market and diluting it with water and then whipping it. For a thick 300 g of cream, use about 120 ml of very cold water.

I wrote down everything I found, I hope it will be useful to someone. Once again, these are not my personal observations! I haven’t checked everything myself - I haven’t had time (yet!), only a few points. But, as you know, you learn from mistakes, and until you try it yourself, see it and touch it, you won’t learn anything. The mistakes of others will only help you make fewer mistakes, and your own - to gain experience! I wish you all success and new victories!

P.S: Another interesting way.... in New Zealand almost no Christmas is complete without whipped cream as a garnish for their desserts. Personally, I have never seen such a method of whipping cream without a mixer or blender or whisk before.... they took a simple plastic container with a lid and put cream with powdered sugar in it, and just started shaking this little thing. I laughed a little in my heart, but in vain! the result exceeded all my expectations and the cream turned out just right. Now I use this method myself, because I don’t always have a mixer or whisk at hand...

Hi all. Today I will describe in detail how to make whipped cream for a cake. I will show you all the stages of preparation, tell you about possible mistakes and how to avoid them.

This is one of the simplest cake cream recipes, with a minimum of ingredients. But as always, there are a couple of points worth paying attention to.

There are two types of cream - natural and artificial cream based on vegetable fats. Artificial cream whips perfectly, holds its shape perfectly, and does not melt at room temperature. The most common variants are Vippak and Shantipak. You can decorate cupcakes and cakes with them without fear that the cream will run.

But for ourselves, we take only the best for ourselves. No plant-based cream, only natural milk cream. Fat content should be at least 30%. 33, 35, 38% suit us. That's what it usually says on the package - for whipping.

Very good cream from Parmalat, unfortunately in my city it is very difficult to find any heavy cream, so I take what I have. Usually it's a Village House or something like this

Let's figure out how to make whipped cream at home.

Natural cream is a very capricious product. Every little thing is important here. First, let's look at a few rules.

The cream should be cold, ideally it should stay in the refrigerator for a day. For best results, it is better to put the whisks and mixer bowl in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. This will make the cream faster. It is necessary to start whipping at low speed, gradually increasing it. Be sure to use powder, not granulated sugar.


  1. 500 ml. cream
  2. 50−70 gr. powdered sugar
  3. 10 gr. vanilla sugar (optional without it)


Pour cream into mixer bowl

Beat a little at minimum speed. Next, add the powder without ceasing to beat and increase the speed to maximum. Continue beating until soft peaks form. As soon as the cream begins to hold its shape, you should stop so as not to turn our cream into butter. Beating time depends on the power of your mixer. In powerful combines this takes about 5 minutes, in less powerful mixers about 10 minutes. Here, only through experience can you find out how much you need to beat.

That's it, our whipped cream is ready.

You can make a creamy curd cream based on this cream. To the whipped cream you just need to add cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve. It is necessary to mix carefully in order to preserve all the airiness of the cream. For this amount of cream you need to add 200 grams. cottage cheese.

If you are faced with the same problem as I was - difficulty in finding heavy cream, then here are a couple of tips on how to make the cream thick. There are two options for this - use gelatin or a special thickener for cream.

Let's look at the first method, with gelatin.

I recommend taking either sheet gelatin, then you don’t have to think about how much water to pour, it absorbs as much as it needs, or instant gelatin from Dr. Oetker. For 500 gr. you need to take 10 g of cream - 15 g. gelatin.

I use instant, since I can’t buy the sheet version in my city. Soak the contents of the bag in hot water, at the rate of 1: 6. Per 10 grams. 50−60 ml is needed. hot water (not higher than 70°, otherwise gelatin will not work). Stir well until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let cool to room temperature. Next, pour in a thin stream into the already whipped cream, without turning off the mixer. Beat for a couple more minutes to evenly distribute the gelatin throughout the cream. Place the finished cream in the refrigerator for a short time, about 10-15 minutes. Or you can immediately layer the cakes with it; such a cake is best assembled immediately in a ring or in the same form in which you baked the sponge cake. This way, the cream will harden evenly and the cakes will not move in different directions. This means it will remain straight and it will be easier to align it.

I recommend assembling a cake with such cream in a split ring or in a baking dish; the sides of the mold can be lined with acetate film or a thick file, then you can layer the cakes right away.

How to make cake cream thicker using a thickener.

This is a miracle you can find in a store. For 500 gr. We need 2 bags of cream.

Place the cold cream in a mixer bowl and beat at low speed for a minute. Then add powdered sugar and the contents of 2 packets of thickener. Beat at maximum speed until stiff peaks form.

Whipped cream is perfect as a filling for sponge cake, for example, as well as decorating ice cream, fruit dishes, ready-made desserts or coffee. Well, if I have this cream left, I just eat it with a spoon, because it tastes like ice cream.

P.S. In Russia, unfortunately, they do not write the strength of gelatin on the packaging, so it is very difficult to understand how much it will be needed to stabilize the cream. Start with 10 grams; only through experience can you understand how much gelatin of your brand is needed to stabilize the cream.

Bon appetit.

If you cannot buy homemade heavy cream, use store-bought cream. But not all of them whip into a stable and thick foam; we advise you to opt for a fat content of 33%. If you follow some rules and recommendations, you will get a tasty and fluffy cream that can be added to desserts or used to decorate confectionery.

Despite the fact that preparing such a cream may seem very simple at first glance, it is not so. If the proportions or temperature conditions are not observed, you will end up with a runny cream that will not hold its shape. Today we will tell you how to prepare thick and tasty cream in a few minutes. Is it possible to use a less fatty product? No, because it cannot be used to make cream.

How to whip cream 33% into a strong foam? First of all, remember the main rule - it is necessary that the product and the whipping container are chilled; put them in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours. Product at room temperature will not whip well.

There is no need to try to work with a lot of cream at one time. Beat in small portions, 250 ml each. If you are making this on a hot day, we recommend placing a bowl of ice cubes under the bowl of cream to keep it cool.

You need to start whipping at minimum speed, gradually increase it to medium, then to maximum.

Add powdered sugar to the cooled cream and start making the cream. For 250 ml of cream, 1-2 tbsp is enough. powders. To eliminate any lumps that have formed, sift the powder through a sieve. We do not recommend using sugar, as it may not dissolve, resulting in small grains in the cream.

Check out our article How to make cream at home

Confectioners recommend using the prepared cream as a filling, and not for decoration. It is not suitable for decorative purposes, as it does not hold its shape as well as other types of creams.

What to beat with?

If you don't have the necessary equipment, use a regular whisk. In this case, the process will take quite a lot of time and effort. The best option is a mixer; a blender with a mixer function is also suitable.

How about time?

Of course, in 1-2 minutes you are unlikely to get thick foam. In order to achieve the desired consistency, beat for 7-8 minutes at maximum speed. There is no need to do this longer, otherwise instead of cream you will end up with a mixture that is more similar in taste and consistency to butter.

How to make the cream light and fluffy?

To prevent it from losing its shape, add 1 tbsp. dry skim milk or the same amount of powdered sugar (per glass of cream). These products act as a stabilizer.

When to add flavors and dyes?

To give the cream the desired taste and color, various extracts and food coloring are added to it. This should be done when the cream is completely ready. Carefully add the extract and stir slowly until it is evenly distributed.

How to check the readiness of the cream?

How to understand that it is already ready? This is very easy to do - just turn the foam container over. It should not leak out of the container; the peaks remain stable and retain their shape.

By following our tips, you will get a fluffy, tender and airy buttercream. It is ideal for making cakes and pastries, and can be added to various desserts. And to give an original taste or color, add dye or flavor to the cream.

It turns out that even experienced housewives are not immune from failures in this difficult process. Here are some tips on how to avoid cream separation when whipping butter and whey

I was making a cake one day and was late. It's time to whip the cream. I look at the recipe, repeat all the steps indicated in it, and suddenly there’s trouble! Instead of cream, it magically turned out to be butter. It’s 2 a.m., a 2-year-old baby is sleeping behind the wall, and it’s not only too late to look for new cream, but it’s also impossible (the child wakes up very often at night). I had to put off the cream until the morning, but I almost dreamed about the question of cream all night! In the morning, barely waiting for the stores to open (we are early birds), I ran for a new portion of the spoiled product, thinking along the way, what did I do wrong? And how to do this!?

The cream must have at least 30% fat content, otherwise it will not go astray. Is it possible to whip 20% cream? How to whip cream 10%? This kind of cream does not whip, it is too liquid. Theoretically, you can whip cream with a lower fat content (20%), but the volume and taste suffer greatly. You can add gelatin or eggs to this cream, but it will no longer be pure whipped cream. The 30% ones come across as thick as sour cream, or quite pourable and outwardly not much thicker than the 20% ones. According to some observations, thinner heavy cream whips better.

The cream should be cold, very cold, but not icy and certainly not frozen! If the cream is frozen or warm, then separation will occur when whipping. Serum and oil are obtained! There’s nothing you can do about this, you can throw it away (You shouldn’t put the cream on the far wall of the refrigerator - it can freeze and the result will be disastrous (Although some recommend putting the cream in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping. As well as the container in which they will be whipped and whisk there Alternatively, place the bowl of cream in a large bowl filled with ice.

If you beat with a mixer then: no more than 200 - 300 g at a time. You need to start with minimal speed, gradually increasing the speed. Turn the mixer on and off gradually, increasing or decreasing the speed. If you immediately turn on the mixer at high speed, in addition to fireworks in a separate kitchen, the butter may whip. Tilt the container of cream so that the rotating blades of the mixer are at the bottom and beat. Do not move the mixer around the container, let the cream circulate on its own.

The debate continues about whether to beat with a mixer or, to achieve the best result, the old fashioned way - with a whisk and by hand. Everyone is absolutely sure of one thing - you shouldn’t whip cream with a blender.

The readiness of whipped cream is determined by eye when noticeable circulation stops. Properly whipped cream should retain its shape and not spread into a scone. However, don't overdo it. By whipping cream for too long, you can again end up with whey and butter instead of whipped cream. The average whipping time for 33% Petmolov cream is 5 minutes, for 38% Valio cream it is 1-2 minutes.

Sugar, gelatin or cream fixer are added after slightly whipping the cream. If you whip cream with sugar, it is better to add powdered sugar. 33-35% cream whips quickly and the sugar does not have time to melt. For 250 ml of 33% cream you need 30 g of powdered sugar. If you add powder before whipping, the cream may not whip. The gelatin must first swell, then heat the gelatin granules until they dissolve, cool and mix with the cream. You can also add lemon juice. Juice 1/4 lemon in 200 ml cream and beat. There will be no foam, but a thick mass, the cream thickens from the acid. Some even recommend buying homemade cream from grandmothers at the market and diluting it with water and then whipping it. For a thick 300 g of cream, use about 120 ml of very cold water.

I wrote everything I found, I hope it will be useful to someone. Once again, these are not my personal observations! I haven’t checked everything myself - I haven’t had time (yet!), only a few points. But, as you know, you learn from mistakes, and until you try it yourself, see it and touch it, you won’t learn anything. The mistakes of others will only help you make fewer mistakes, and your own - to gain experience! I wish you all success and new victories!

P.S. I whipped a new batch of cream the first time, taking into account the points listed above!!!