How long and how should yeast dough be stored? How to store the main types of dough: a special approach to each.

If you plan to prepare baked goods within the next 24 hours, the dough can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, it must be placed on a shelf that is located as far as possible from the freezer. For storage you will need a thick plastic bag. If the product is not planned to be used in the near future, then it must be left in the freezer at a temperature of about 15 degrees below zero.

How to store yeast dough in the refrigerator?

If there is a need to properly preserve the product until tomorrow, then it is left in the refrigerator. You can store both sweet and unleavened dough. It has the ability to rise, so you need to make sure that the mass does not peroxide. In the refrigerator, the fermentation process will continue, only at a slower pace.

If you put dough in it that has already risen, it will continue to rise. After rising, the mass will fall and peroxidize, will have a pronounced smell of mash and will not be able to rise even in the warmth. This product can only be used for deep-fried pies. If products made from it are baked in the oven, they will turn out pale, heavy and rubbery.

To solve this problem, you need to knead the dough well again before putting it in the refrigerator. This will help remove excess carbon dioxide. Roll into balls and grease with a little vegetable oil. The product must be placed in a tight plastic bag, which is twice the volume of the dough. If there is not enough space in it, the mass will simply tear it apart and end up outside.

The shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than 1 day. If you leave the product for several days, it will become practically unfit for consumption, as it will lose its taste and quality.

To use, remove the dough from the refrigerator, sprinkle the board with flour, and knead well. After this, you need to put it in a bowl and cover it with a towel or a lid with a small hole and let it stand in a warm place to rise.

The finished baked goods are slightly different in taste from the products from the initial batch.

Features of storage in the freezer

If you are not planning on baking in the near future, then you should store the yeast dough in the freezer. For this purpose, it must be placed in the chamber as quickly as possible. The dough should not be allowed to rise, as this will cause it to sour.

Before sending for storage, the mass must be kneaded well, placed in a tight bag, giving it a flat shape. This will promote faster freezing. It is advisable to divide the dough into portions and sprinkle with flour. Each bag should be marked with the date of manufacture. The packaging is tightly tied and sent to the freezer in the coldest place.

The shelf life of the product at a temperature of -15 °C is up to three months. At the same time, it does not lose its taste.

To prevent puff pastry from drying out, it must be wrapped in cling film and rolled into a roll.

Dough prepared for freezing

Frozen yeast dough is used to make pies, buns, pies and pizza. Baked goods can be baked in the oven or deep-fried.

How to defrost a product?

Frozen dough should not be taken out immediately. It should be placed in the refrigerator on the middle shelf. Defrosting time will take several hours. After this, the mass must be put in a pan and placed in a dry, warm place without drafts or access to sunlight. The room temperature should be 23 °C. In approximately 1–12 hours the product will be ready for use.

H To speed up the defrosting process, the dough can be placed in a vacuum bag in hot water. Cooled liquid must be replaced with new one. In this case, it will be ready for use in 5-6 hours.

It will take the same amount of time to defrost near the stove. To do this, place the dough in a bowl or pan and place it as close as possible to the switched on gas burner. Do not place it directly on the stove.

The fastest way to defrost is the microwave. Depending on the amount of product, 1–2 minutes will be enough.

It is associated with a warm place in which it fits, comes to life, and grows. There is a significant amount of truth in this belief; most recipes actually recommend this particular method of ripening. But few people know that you can prepare yeast dough in the refrigerator. And the result will be no worse!

Those who are faced with the need to save a piece of dough for later use should not be afraid of the refrigerator. It is perfectly acceptable to keep it refrigerated. But this must be done competently, taking into account the features of the product and strictly following the technology.

Let's look into everything in detail. Let's talk about recipes for yeast dough, the technology of which involves cooling, and also consider ways to preserve the semi-finished product in the refrigerator and freezer.

Recipes for hot summer

When it’s +30 outside, the last thing you want is to spend a long time fiddling around in the kitchen. But no one has canceled the love for homemade delicacies! Try making yeast dough in the refrigerator. This can be a great solution for the hot season. Don’t worry, the recipe does not imply any complex processes, and the list of products will seem quite accessible and familiar to you.

Special recipe

Required Products

To prepare yeast dough in the refrigerator, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 large egg (2 small);
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 4 cups flour.

If you plan to cook, add more sugar - up to half a glass. You can also use regular yeast, you will need about 50 g of it.

Cooking process

Pour the yeast with a small amount of warm water (about 30 o C), add sugar and salt. Let me stand. There is no need to add flour, even if the yeast manufacturer recommends doing so. The mixture will quickly bubble and become covered with a cap of bubbles. When it doubles in size, pour into a large bowl and add the rest of the water, also slightly warmed. Beat the egg, pour in the oil.

Pre-sieve the flour so that it becomes fluffy and enriched with oxygen. Add to the dough gradually, one glass at a time, kneading well each time. You may not use the entire amount of flour recommended in the recipe. You need to stop when the dough begins to lag behind your hands, but still does not stop dirtying them a little, sticking in thin layers. It doesn’t matter if it seems a little runny to you - but the products will come out tender.

By this point, the dough will have cooled completely until it's time to put it in the refrigerator. How long can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator before modeling? The optimal time is considered to be an hour and a half. You can extend the time to several hours, but in this case, you will have to knead the dough periodically, otherwise it will begin to become willful.

When the allotted time has expired, take it out, knead it, using vegetable oil to lubricate the table and hands, and form the products.

Sweet fillings for yeast pies

You can prepare a huge number of different dishes based on this recipe. While our yeast dough is settling in the refrigerator, you can make the filling for the pies. Whether to fill them all the same way or prepare several types is up to you. You can use any favorite products: fresh and frozen fruits and berries, jam and marmalade, nuts, cottage cheese. You can bake them in an oven preheated to 180°C or fry them in vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Salty fillings for baking

If you leave yeast dough in the refrigerator, it will not develop a characteristic smell, which not everyone likes. Therefore, it is ideal for even the most delicate and delicate fillings. You can prepare pies with salty spicy cottage cheese, eggs and herbs, meat, mushrooms, mashed potatoes, peas, rice and any other filling. The result will certainly please you, because the dominant taste will be the taste of the filling, not the yeast.

dough in the refrigerator

Sometimes it becomes necessary to postpone the preparation of pies to the next day. For example, when one of the ingredients runs out or urgent matters arise. In this case, there are several storage methods that are suitable for almost any yeast dough.

If you plan to leave the yeast dough in the refrigerator overnight, knead it and brush it with butter on all sides. For storage, use new, clean bags, always dry. Just place a lump of dough in a bag, pierce it in several places, tie a knot, leaving enough space inside. Place in the refrigerator, away from the freezer. Keep in mind that when cooling, the yeast does not die - its vital processes slow down, but do not stop. What does it mean? And the fact that the next day you will take a larger lump out of the refrigerator than you put there the day before.

Puff pastry dough (store bought)

Surely you have paid attention to frozen dough. And if you tried to cook with it, you were able to see that it behaves perfectly: it has plasticity, fluffiness, grows strongly and obeys. Therefore, the freezer does not harm the dough components at all? The answer to the question of how long yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator at subzero temperatures is written on its packaging: the lower the temperature, the longer the shelf life. Deep freezing allows you to store the product for six months or more.

Is it possible to repeat this at home? The answer is yes, but do not forget that yeast dough cannot be re-frozen. Buy packages as large as you can use at one time.

How to preserve yeast dough for a long time?

If you are convinced that nothing bad happened to your dough overnight, you may have a question: how long can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator without losing quality? Experts do not recommend extending the shelf life for a long time. In the most unexpected cases, a balcony is preferable. In any case, place the dough in a deep pan, leaving at least half of the volume free. Be sure to cover with a lid or film. Do not seal or the dough will sour. A living yeast culture needs access to air.

You can store the dough in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Knead it thoroughly before use.

Can I use a freezer?

As we see from the experience of manufacturers of semi-finished products, freezing does not harm the product. The dough is prepared from ingredients, each of which tolerates sub-zero temperatures quite well.

You already know whether you can store yeast dough in the refrigerator and how to do it. Now let's look at the features of freezing.

Roll out the dough into a layer. Place a layer of cling film tightly over it, pressing with your fingers to prevent any bubbles. Roll the dough into a roll and wrap it in a layer of film. Place in the freezer. But what about air access? At temperatures below 0 o C, biological processes in the yeast strain stop, so they do not need oxygen. But when defrosting, you must give the dough the opportunity to breathe.


If you are working with your own frozen dough, don’t expect that you can just lay it out on the table and start modeling a few hours later. The process of thawing homemade dough is different from working with semi-finished products. Raise the temperature gradually: let it “wake up” in the refrigerator, only then take it out. The dough should be defrosted at room temperature, in a place where there are no drafts or excessive lighting.

When the dough has thawed, knead it again, cover with a towel and let it gain strength in the warmth. Delicious pies will serve as the best proof that neither low positive nor even negative temperatures are destructive. The main thing is to follow simple rules.

A wide variety of baked goods are prepared from yeast dough: bread, pies, buns. It is sold on store shelves fresh and frozen. However, women often have a question about how long yeast dough can be stored at home. This is important for generous housewives who are used to kneading large amounts of mass. The shelf life of the dough in this case depends on where it will be located. The product must be kept under certain conditions.

Is it possible to store yeast dough?

The prepared dough will lie in the refrigerator for about a day at a temperature of 5−8°C. Through a series of experiments, bakers have proven that it is quite possible to store the semi-finished product for the specified amount of time. Also, do not be afraid to freeze the product, taking into account the following arguments:

  • Flour and liquid are one of the main components of such a dough. Water or milk can be frozen easily. For flour, lowering the temperature is not scary.
  • Prolonged exposure to normal cold on dough is detrimental. At low temperatures, the yeast fermentation process does not stop. As for freezing, they “fall asleep” during this time.
  • When kept in the freezer for a long time, the product hardens. To use the test, you must carefully remove it from this state. Then it will retain its original properties.

Cooks are guided by special recipes that require the dough to be kept in the cold for some time. This way you can easily knead it for future use.

How to store yeast dough in the freezer?

After placing the semi-finished product in the freezer, you can forget about it for 2-3 weeks. During this time, nothing will happen to the dough. When freezing, divide it into portions, and then follow the instructions:

  1. Buy a plastic container. Pour 3 drops of sunflower oil into it. Then put the yeast dough there and put everything in the freezer.
  2. For puff pastry intended to be stored in the refrigerator, carefully wrap it in cling film and roll it into a roll. This way it will lie for a long time without drying out.
  3. Do not defrost or remove food from the refrigerator until you are ready to use it. It should not come into contact with warm air.

Yeast dough is often used by housewives, but long-term storage leads to souring. Leftovers are not stored at room temperature - they are packed in a plastic bag, left a little room to rise and placed in the refrigerator. In this state it is stored for 1-2 days. The period depends on the amount of yeast. It is not recommended to leave the dough in the refrigerator for more than 2 days, since its consumer properties deteriorate.

Depending on the purpose of use, the composition may vary. Water, soda, sugar, salt, chicken egg, flour and milk do not lose their qualities during freezing. Yeast is stored in the freezer for 2-6 months, fats - no more than 1 month. Based on these parameters, you can calculate the length of time the product will remain in the freezer.

Refrigerated storage

At temperature conditions from 0 to +5 ° C, yeast dough is stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours. Fermentation slows down or stops altogether. The product will not have time to sour in 2 days, but on the third day an unpleasant taste will be added. It is better to make pies, muffins, and buns from this dough. For pancakes, it is recommended to use it within 24 hours.

Storage rules:

  1. The mixture for the pies is divided into portions and placed in a silicone bag. The air is released and drawn in so that it does not swell. At low temperatures, the baked goods continue to rise, so they leave some room for them.
  2. The pancake mixture is protected from air as much as possible, otherwise it will ferment. To do this, stretch cling film over the container or pour the dough into a bottle and close it tightly.

Freezer storage

Yeast dough tolerates freezing well. This does not affect the quality of the baked goods. The shelf life according to GOST is 3 months at temperatures below -18 °C. It cannot be stored longer, as the product freezes and becomes unusable.

Yeast dough cannot be re-frozen.

There are two methods of freezing:

  1. In the form of semi-finished products. Prepare the pies, set them to bake for a while, remove them from the oven, wrap a baking sheet in cling film and put them in the freezer. When needed, they take it out and finish baking it.
  2. In portions. Divide into equal parts and freeze in a bag.

It is convenient to use semi-finished products, because this way you can make many pies at a time and bake them as needed.

Storage periods and rules

Yeast dough quickly deteriorates and it becomes impossible to use it.


At room temperature it should be used within 2 hours. The sales period is one day, the products must be consumed within 72 hours. For lean yeast dough, the shelf life is 36 hours. If you make pizza from it, then the shelf life is no more than 24 hours.

Tartlets are stored at temperatures from +5 to +25 °C for 3 months.

Dough made from dough is stored in the same way as yeast dough, but is not frozen, otherwise it will not rise and will become hard and flat.


To preserve the flavor, it is made into balls, each wrapped in plastic wrap, placed in an airtight bag and frozen. After defrosting, use within 24 hours.

Puff pastry products without filling are stored for 7-10 days, with filling - no more than 3 days.

Defrosting rules

To preserve the taste, use slow defrosting:

  1. Remove from the freezer and place on a shelf away from the freezer for 12 hours. Microorganisms begin their activity.
  2. Remove from the refrigerator and leave for a while at room temperature. The yeast actively divides and the product is restored.

Liquid dough for pancakes on sponge is poured into molds, covered with cling film and sent for freezing. Once defrosted, it can be used as usual.

You can quickly defrost the baking mixture by dipping it in hot water (in a bag), placing it in the microwave for 2 minutes, or placing it in a saucepan near a running stove.

It will take half as much time to defrost purchased puff pastry. The defrosting method near the stove cannot be used, otherwise the dough will stick together. Puff pastry cannot be defrosted in the microwave. It is better to wrap it in a towel, place it on the battery, and after 30 minutes it will be ready for use. Can also be placed in hot water.

According to “SanPiN 2. 3. 2. 1324-03 Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products”, shelf life at temperatures from +2 to +6 ° C:

  • dough for baked and fried pies, kulebyak, pies - 9 hours;
  • puff pastry for cakes and pastries - 24 hours;
  • shortcrust pastry for cakes and pastries - 36 hours.

Buns, pies, kulebyaki, cheesecakes, pretzels... The list of baked goods made from yeast dough can be continued endlessly.

Housewives know how long it takes to prepare yeast dough and what a labor-intensive process it is.

Yeast dough has always required an individual approach, because it “lives” and “breathes” thanks to the yeast that makes it fluffy and light, as well as the fairly warm air surrounding it. In a cold room, yeast dough simply will not rise and will turn sour.

Therefore, knowing this feature of yeast dough, you can save it for further use: for one day, for two, for a month...

How to store yeast dough in the refrigerator

If baking yeast dough needs to be postponed for one day, then such dough is stored in the refrigerator. But it’s not enough to just put it on the shelf.

Knowing its ability to constantly rise, you need to take care that it does not become acidic in the refrigerator. After all, fermentation will continue in it, even if placed in the refrigerator, only at a slower pace. And if you place the already risen dough in the refrigerator, it will reach its maximum rise, then it will begin to fall and peroxidize.

Such dough is unlikely to rise even in a warm place. It will give off a strong smell of mash. It is better not to bake products made from such dough in the oven, because the baked goods will turn out pale, heavy and rubbery. This dough is only suitable for pies, which are best deep-fried in a frying pan.

To prevent the dough from over-acidifying in the refrigerator, before putting it there, you need to knead it well again, removing all the carbon dioxide. Then place the dough in a strong plastic bag, making sure to leave room for it to rise about twice as much, and tie it well. If there is not enough space in the bag, the dough, as it rises, will tear the bag and come out.

Yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.. Further storage significantly degrades its taste and quality.

To use this dough, you need to take it out of the refrigerator, remove it from the bag, place it on a table dusted with flour and knead well.

Then the dough should be placed in a bowl, covered with a thick towel or a lid with a small hole and left in a warm place to rise.

Finished products from such dough are slightly different in taste from the original batch, but if you consider that there are many recipes for yeast dough, and very different, then no one will even notice this difference.

How to store yeast dough in the freezer

If the yeast dough is not planned to be used in the near future, then it must be frozen.

To do this, it must be placed in the freezer as quickly as possible, preventing it from peroxidizing.

Therefore, the yeast dough must be kneaded well, removing all carbon dioxide from it, folded into a thick plastic bag, giving it a flat shape (to freeze faster), and tie. Immediately place in the freezer, choosing the coldest place for this.

When frozen, yeast dough can be stored for up to three months. without losing its taste.

To defrost such yeast dough, you need to take it out of the freezer and, without removing it from the bag, put it in a pan, closing it with a lid.

When the dough becomes soft but still cold, remove it from the bag and knead it well. Next, proceed with the dough in the same way as with any yeast dough: put it in a bowl, cover with a lid or plastic bag (not airtight, as the dough must “breathe”) and leave in a warm place to rise.

This yeast dough is used to make buns, pies, and pies.

Products made from it can be baked in the oven, as well as deep-fried in a frying pan.