How long does lemon in sugar last? Storing lemon at home (in the refrigerator, at room temperature, in the freezer)

Much is known. This citrus helps the body fight respiratory diseases, sore throat, flu, runny nose and fever. It is characterized by a high content of vitamin C, which is retained in these fruits even after long-term storage. Thanks to this, lemons are equally useful in both winter and summer. The main thing is to learn how to store them correctly so that they do not spoil ahead of time. We'll tell you where to store lemons at home in our article. Here we will look at how to properly freeze a lemon in order to preserve all the benefits of the vitamins in it.

How to store lemons in the refrigerator

Lemons can be stored in the refrigerator whole or cut. It all depends on where you plan to use them next. There are several ways to do this, but we suggest you familiarize yourself with the two most popular ones. So, in the refrigerator whole, in the same form as they were sold in the store? Let's read!

  1. The first method is to place washed and dried citrus fruits in a plastic container with a lid or pack it in a special zip bag. In this form, they need to be sent to the storage compartment for vegetables and fruits, where they can remain for up to 4-5 weeks.
  2. The second method is to store whole lemons in a jar of water. Thanks to this, they will retain their juiciness, and their peel will not have time to dry out. So, lemons are simply placed in a jar, filled with water and placed in the refrigerator on the middle shelf. The water should be changed every day, and lemons should be used as needed.

Sometimes it is recommended to store lemons by first wrapping them in parchment or greasing them with vegetable oil. But, as a rule, such methods are ineffective and allow you to preserve fruits from spoilage for a period of no more than 1 month.

Other ways to store whole lemons

There are other storage methods without using a refrigerator. In the first case, wax is used as a preservative, with which the fruit is thoroughly rubbed on all sides. The wax limits the access of oxygen to the surface, so the fruits do not spoil.

You can also use the second method. How to store lemons at home? To do this, the fruits are completely buried in the sand and removed from there as needed. Instead of sand, they can also be placed in sawdust, but then the fruits will first need to be wrapped in parchment paper.

How to store cut lemons with sugar

Many housewives prefer to store citrus fruits by first cutting them into slices and sprinkling them with sugar. This option is more reminiscent of making fresh fruit jam. To do this, lemons are cut into thin slices no more than 5 mm thick and sprinkled with sugar in a 1:1 ratio (1 kg of lemons and 1 kg of sugar).

There is another way to store lemons in the form of a blank. To do this, the fruit along with the peel is twisted through a meat grinder and mixed with sugar in the same way in a 1:1 ratio. In both the first and second cases, lemons should be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for two months.

Preserved lemons (with salt)

The previous method of storing lemons, in which they are sprinkled with sugar, is not suitable for all people. It is unlikely that they can then be used when preparing fish dishes or sauces for meat. Then the question arises: “How to store lemons in this case?” To preserve the unique aroma and at the same time remove bitterness from the zest, lemons can be preserved using ordinary table salt as a preservative.

At the very beginning, you need to prepare a liter jar, having previously sterilized it. Then wash the lemons (6-8 pieces) thoroughly, cut off the ends on both sides, place the fruits on the cut and cut them crosswise. Pour ½ tablespoon of salt into the resulting cuts and press the lemons into the jar. After all the fruits have been laid, they will need to be sprinkled with more salt (1 tablespoon). You need to compact the lemons into the jar tightly, using a mortar or other available means, until they are completely covered with juice. After this, the jar can be rolled up with a lid.

How to store lemons at home? To begin with, place the jar in a cool, dark place for a week, shaking it daily so that the salt is evenly distributed. Then the container must be moved to the refrigerator and stored for up to 6 months.

Frozen lemons

Useful vitamins and minerals remain in lemons no matter how they are stored, including freezing. The following article describes in detail how to store lemons in the freezer.

To begin, clean fruits are cut into thin circles or slices and laid out in one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. In this form, citruses are sent to the freezer for 3 hours. After this, they can be transferred to a bag or container and sent to the freezer for storage throughout the year.

It can be used in preparing various dishes or drinks, added to tea, etc. It tastes almost no different from fresh fruit.

How to Freeze Lemon Juice and Zest

Many housewives preferred the following method of freezing citrus fruits. It consists of freezing the zest and juice separately, which in some cases is much more convenient than regular frozen lemon.

So, to begin with, remove the zest from the washed fruits so as not to touch the white part of the peel. You can immediately put it in a container and put it in the freezer. Frozen zest can be added to baked goods, used in the preparation of sauces and marinades, etc.

Before preparing the juice, it is recommended to crush lemons (without zest) a little with your palm or roll them on the table. The juice is then squeezed out of them using a manual juicer or two forks and poured into ice cube trays before being placed in the freezer. The volume of one cell usually corresponds to 1 tablespoon of liquid. Frozen lemon juice can be used to make a gargle for a sore throat. It can be added to tea, salad dressings, etc.

And some more useful tips on how to preserve lemons at home. Here are some of them:

  1. Never leave fruits in the bag in which you brought them home. In this form they will not last even three days.
  2. How to store lemons at home in a room without a refrigerator? A whole fruit can be stored at room temperature for about two weeks, but a cut fruit can be stored for only 5-7 days, after which it begins to dry out and mold.
  3. A cut lemon can be stored in the refrigerator on a saucer for about 15 days if you dip it cut side down in sugar or salt.

With the modern pace of life and general busyness, most families prefer to purchase groceries once every 2-3 weeks in large hypermarkets, saving time and money. However, food still needs to be preserved with minimal loss, especially for vegetables and fruit. In this article we will look at all the ways to store lemon fruits.

How to store lemons in the refrigerator?

To preserve lemons for as long as possible, you need to choose ripe, undamaged fruits. It is worth paying attention to the hardness of the fruit; a soft lemon may indicate that it is frostbitten.

The ideal storage temperature is from 6 to 8 degrees Celsius; if the temperature is lower, the lemon can quickly spoil. At the right temperature, lemon can be stored in the refrigerator for several months.

To retain moisture, you can use parchment paper or, in extreme cases, newspaper, then the fruits will look fresher. You should not store lemon fruits in plastic bags for a long time; the fruits will quickly begin to rot.

How to keep lemons fresh?

If you have a large number of lemons, you can wrap them in tissue or parchment paper, then they will not dry out, and in case of illness or damage to the lemon, rot will not be transferred to neighboring fruits. You can also grease the fruits with vegetable oil, place them in a plastic bag and place them in a cool place. The oil film will prevent the fruits from drying out. Small quantities of lemons can be stored in a tightly sealed container.

How to preserve lemons in sugar?

Another old way to store lemons at home is to candied lemon fruits. For this you will need a glass jar and thick paper. You can peel the lemons and put them in a jar entirely, covering them with sugar; you can cut the fruits into slices without removing the peel. In both cases, we try to fill the jar to the brim. It is better to seal the jar with thick paper, but you can also use a plastic lid. If you want the candied lemon to last for several months, then you need to add lemon and sugar as the slices settle, so that the jar is filled to the brim. Store lemon in sugar in a cool, dark room.

How to store lemon juice?

If you are planning to prepare lemon juice, then you will need bottles with twists or jars for this. For long-term storage of prepared juice, containers and lids must be sterilized. The juice is poured to the brim and sealed. It should be stored in a cool place, protected from light. Another way, without sterilization, is to leave a little space while pouring the juice into the dishes and pour in almond or olive oil. If the juice is prepared for cooking, then sunflower oil is also suitable. To improve your health, it is better to drink freshly squeezed lemon juice; such juice will retain the largest amount of vitamins and minerals. You can also store lemon juice in the freezer by pouring it into special bags.

How to preserve cut lemon longer?

A cut lemon fruit loses moisture faster and may dry out. To better preserve it, you can use several methods:

  • Place a drop of vinegar in a saucer and place the lemon in it, cut side down, or wrap the cut side with a napkin soaked in vinegar;
  • Brush the cut area with whipped egg white;
  • Place the lemon on a saucer, cover with a glass and place in the refrigerator, or after placing in a glass, wrap tightly with cling film to prevent air from entering;
  • Depending on what you will use the lemon for, place it cut side down on a saucer with salt or sugar and put it in a cool, dark place;
  • Place the lemon in a container with water, cut side up, the water should not touch the cut;
  • Buy a special device for storing cut lemons - a lemon maker.

How to preserve lemon for the winter?

A small amount of lemons can be stored in the refrigerator, but if for some reason you need to store a lot of fruits, a universal method for storing fruits and vegetables - sand - is perfect. Due to its hygroscopicity, it will not allow the fruits to wither and dry out.

For better preservation, you can wrap the fruits in paper. Storage temperature should be within 6-8 °C. In addition, lemons wrapped in paper are stored well in sawdust in a cool, dark place. You can also preserve some of the lemons. Place the well-dried fruits in a dry, sterilized bottle, light a piece of candle, and immediately close it. The candle will go out when there is no oxygen left in the jar. In this way, the fruits can be stored for a very long time.

How to preserve lemon zest?

For fans of culinary art, the topic of preserving lemon zest is relevant. There are several ways to make and store this healthy and tasty product. It is important to remember that only the yellow part of the peel is used to prepare the zest; the white part gives an unpleasant bitterness.

To prepare the zest in sugar, wash the lemon in warm water with a brush. Take a not very large grater and carefully remove the top layer of lemon with it. Place the zest in jars and add sugar at the rate of 1 part zest to 2 parts sugar.

To prepare dried zest, we use either a knife or a vegetable slicer. Cut strips of zest, place them on paper in the sun and cover the top with paper or gauze. The room should be well ventilated. Dry zest should be stored in glass containers.

How to store lemon without refrigeration, at room temperature?

It is important to remember that without refrigeration, the shelf life of lemons is significantly reduced. If the fruits are fresh and healthy, their shelf life can be up to two weeks. You can extend this period by coating the fruits with vegetable oil.

You should also remember that it is better to keep lemons away from moisture, then they will not rot. You should not keep lemons at room temperature in plastic bags, they will quickly spoil. You should also avoid exposure to direct sunlight. If the lemon skin begins to dry out, you can always “reanimate” it by placing it in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Where to store ripe lemon?

For a fully ripe lemon, two basic conditions are necessary - a dark, cool room and a minimum of moisture. The optimal storage temperature for such lemons is 6-8 °C. Both basements and cellars, as well as refrigerators, are suitable for this. It is important to ensure that the room is always dry.

  • You can place the fruits in sand, or wrap them in a layer of paper;
  • You can place ripe lemons in well-dried bottles and close the lids tightly to prevent moisture from entering;
  • Lemons will be preserved well in the autumn-winter period on a glazed balcony. In severe frosts, they will need to be wrapped in old warm clothes.

How to store lemons in jars?

There are several ways to store lemons in jars:

  • Sterilize the jar and dry it, place washed and well-dried lemons in it, seal so that no moisture enters. Place the jars in a cool, dark place;
  • Place the fruits in a clean, sterilized jar, place a candle stub and carefully close with a sterile lid. Store in a cool, dark place;
  • Place peeled lemon fruits in a glass container and sterilize in a water bath, gradually adding peeled lemons until the bottle is filled. Roll up the lid tightly. Store in a basement or cellar.

How to store dried lemons?

Another great way to store lemon is to dry it. If you occasionally drink tea with lemon, and the cut fruit disappears lonely in the refrigerator, then this method is for you. Cut the lemon into thin slices, place on a paper towel, and turn over occasionally. Lemon slices will dry naturally for 3-5 days. You can speed up this process by placing lemon slices on the oven rack. The temperature should be 50-60C, the drying process will take approximately 5-6 hours. Dried lemons can be stored either in glass containers or in paper bags in a dry, dark room.

How to store lemon without zest?

It is better to store peeled lemon in the refrigerator in a glass jar. The main condition for safety is to limit the flow of air. It is better if the jar is filled to the brim. Otherwise, it is better to use sugar or honey as preservatives.

If you plan to use lemon for cooking meat or fish dishes, you can use salt. The main storage conditions are suitable temperature conditions and the absence of direct sunlight. You can also place peeled lemon in the freezer and use it in cooking.

How to properly preserve lemons in a jar of water?

To keep the lemon fresh for a long time, you can place it in a jar of water. Water must completely cover the fruit. Store the jar of lemon in the refrigerator at a temperature not lower than 6 degrees. Lemon is a heat-loving plant, and at lower temperatures it freezes and becomes soft. The water in the jar with lemon must be changed daily; after removing the old water, it is better to rinse the lemon under warm, running water. With this storage method, lemon is not only stored well and for a long time, but also retains its beneficial properties to the maximum.

How to brew tea with lemon to preserve vitamins?

Since ancient times, the tradition of drinking tea with lemon in winter has entered our lives. Whether your body is weakened or you have a seasonal cold, this drink is the most affordable and effective remedy that is always at hand.

In addition, morning tea with lemon tones and will help you lift your mood and get rid of the blues. But not everyone knows how to properly make tea with lemon in order to optimally preserve its beneficial properties.

  1. The main condition is not to throw lemon into fresh boiling water;
  2. Heat treatment partially destroys beneficial microelements and vitamins;
  3. It is better to add a slice of lemon when the temperature of the tea drops to 60-70 degrees, then this drink will not only be tasty, but also as healthy as possible.

There is nothing healthier and tastier than a variety of citrus fruits. And lemons, thanks to their wealth of vitamins, antimicrobial and cleansing effects, and excellent taste, occupy one of the first and main places. We try to buy them and keep them at home always ready. But how to preserve lemons? Without losing most of their beneficial properties? This is what we will try to figure out. There are several basic ways to properly store lemon. It can be whole or already cut, kept at room temperature or in the refrigerator. But it is necessary to maintain the necessary conditions for citrus so that it not only does not lose its freshness, but also does not cause harm.

Storing lemons at room temperature raises the most questions. Typically, it can be stored in this temperature and environment for no longer than two weeks. There are several methods that will help you store citrus fruit for longer; the main thing is to follow these rules.

Dark place. How to store lemons at home? A universal storage method is to put it in a dark and cool place. The fruits should be greased, placed in a container and placed in a cool and dark place. They can lie there for some time. It is important to remember that citrus fruits are not stored in polyethylene, as they bloom there and spoil due to the lack of air.

Sand. The sand is heated well in the oven, after which it is cooled and poured into a container 3–4 centimeters deep. Citrus fruits wrapped in parchment are placed on top and again covered with a layer of sand. The container is placed in a cool place.

Wax. The shelf life of lemon can be extended using wax. The fruits are wrapped in wax-soaked paper. You can also apply a thin layer of wax to all the fruits and place them in a container. Wax paper is relatively more expensive, but the price and quality justify each other.

Vacuum. The ideal and most proven method of storing not only citrus fruits, but also any fresh fruits and vegetables. This can be a container or a special bag, with the help of which the air is sucked out by a vacuum cleaner. This will allow you to stack and preserve any fruit for a long time.

In a refrigerator

One of the simplest and most unpretentious ways to properly store lemons at home is in the same refrigerator. How much do yellow fruits cost in such conditions - up to 3 months. The simplest thing is to place the fruits in the fruit section, where they will be kept fresh for several days. You can also wrap them in parchment paper, this will add a couple of days to them.

There is also the option of using a jar of water. The fruit is stored in it for quite a long time, since water prevents the skin from drying out and, therefore, spoiling. You only need to change the water every two to three days.

Storing cut fruits

These methods work well for whole fruit. If you already have them cut into slices or by any other method, there are several additional techniques that will allow you to eat fresh citruses. Lemons in sugar can be stored for quite a long time - all the slices are mixed in sugar and placed in a jar. How much does sugared fruit cost? Up to 6 months.

This citrus can also be stored in salt - it is also cut and transferred, but this time with sea salt, bay leaf and pepper are added. You can also store lemons in the refrigerator in a saucer, covering the whole or cut fruit with a bowl. This could be Maslenitsa or a special container with a cap.

Other storage methods

Today, lemon is an affordable product, available on store shelves almost all year round. And if during times of total shortage the question of how to store lemons for a long time was quite relevant, then recently they have always been available. But the last season showed how the price of this healthy citrus can jump, naturally not in favor of the buyer. Therefore, remembering all the proven ways to store lemons for a long time will not be superfluous.

To store lemons at home for as long as possible, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions regarding their content. At the same time, depending on the condition of the fruit, both the conditions and the duration of their storage will change. In this article we will look at how to properly store lemons at home in winter and summer, in the refrigerator and without it.

Important information about storing lemon

    Lemons can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 weeks! To do this, you will need to wash the purchased lemons and place them in a tightly closed container (for example, a plastic container or a zip bag). It must be placed in the vegetable compartment, where the optimal storage temperature is from 6 to 8 °C.

    At room temperature, lemons can be stored for no more than one week. Afterwards they begin to dry out and lose their appearance. If you plan to use the lemon during this period, then before using it, the lemon can become an excellent decoration for your kitchen by placing it in a fruit bowl or a beautiful vase.

    A cut lemon can be stored in the refrigerator for only a few days, but even here you need to know how to do it correctly. The most effective way is to store lemon in a special lemon maker. If it is not there, then store it cut side down on a saucer, lightly sprinkled with sugar or salt.

How to store lemons at home

Despite the fact that lemon at first glance can be stored for a long time, at room temperature its shelf life is significantly reduced. It quickly loses moisture, dries out, or vice versa - begins to deteriorate and mold.

Lemons can be stored without refrigeration at room temperature for no more than 14 days. To extend this period, you need to lubricate the peel with vegetable oil. This will give the citrus another week.

To prevent lemons from rotting, you need to keep them in as dry a place as possible, while avoiding sunlight.

Under no circumstances should lemons be stored in a plastic bag without refrigeration.

How to store lemons in the refrigerator

One of the most popular options is to store lemons in the refrigerator.

To store lemons for as long as possible, before placing them in the refrigerator, it is recommended to wrap each fruit in paper to absorb excess moisture. You can also pre-lubricate the lemon peels with vegetable oil, and then place the fruits in plastic bags. To store lemons for a long time, you will need to maintain the temperature in the refrigerator no higher than +8 degrees. If the above conditions are met, lemons will remain fresh for about two months.

How to store cut lemon

It is worth noting that in any case it will not be possible to store cut lemons for a long time, since they will dry out quite quickly. To slow down this process, the simplest and most correct solution would be to place the cut lemon on a plate, cut side down, and cover it with a glass on top.

Now in stores you can buy a special lemon maker, in which the cut lemon will remain fresh in the refrigerator for about 7 days.

There are a few more tricks on how to store cut lemons:

  • place the lemon cut side down on a saucer coated with vinegar or sprinkled with sugar;
  • brush the cut area with egg white;
  • Place the lemon, cut side up, in clean water so that it does not get on the cut.

How to store lemons with sugar

Most housewives believe that the only way to properly store lemons at home for a long time is to preserve them in cut form with sugar. In this case, the longest period of fruit suitability for consumption is ensured.

You can store lemons with sugar either by peeling them first or by simply cutting the fruit into thin slices.

Slicing lemons must be done using a sharp knife; the thickness of the slices must be kept to a minimum level (no more than 5 mm). After the lemon is cut, the slices are placed in a jar in layers, alternating fruit with sugar. Accordingly, first a layer of sugar is poured, then a layer of lemon is laid out, then sugar again and so on. Sugar is added to fruits in a 1-to-1 ratio, that is, for one kilogram of lemons there is one kilogram of sugar.

After placing the sliced ​​lemons in a jar, it is advisable to keep them for a week at room temperature so that the sugar is completely dissolved, and then move them to the refrigerator.

At standard temperatures, lemons can be stored in a common chamber for six months. In winter, you can take such a jar to the balcony, provided that the temperature does not drop below 0 degrees.

How else can you store lemons?

There are several other ways to store lemons, which are not so common, but are no less effective than the popular ones:

  • storing lemons in sand in the cellar;
  • storing lemons in boxes with sawdust in the cellar. To maximize shelf life, it is recommended to first wrap each fruit in wax paper;
  • Lemons can be stored in airtight bottles. To do this, place lemons tightly in clean, sterile jars, place a piece of a lit candle in it and immediately roll it up. The fire will burn off the oxygen and the lemons will last a very long time;
  • Store lemons in a jar of water. The fruits must be completely covered with water and placed in the refrigerator. The water must be changed daily.

The method and nuances of storing lemon depend on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. If the citrus is not ripe, then it should not be placed in the refrigerator, and lemons with the first signs of rotting cannot be stored. The softness of the fruit may indicate improper storage or rotting inside the fruit, so you should not store such lemons either.

Rules for storing lemon and main nuances:

  • It is better to store ripe lemons in the refrigerator wrapped in paper or newspaper;
  • Lemons should be stored in the refrigerator in the fruit compartment;
  • It is not recommended to place lemons in plastic bags (condensation and lack of oxygen will be the main reasons for the onset of the rotting process);
  • You can extend the shelf life of lemons using parchment (the fruits should be wrapped in paper and placed in the refrigerator);
  • Vegetable oil will help keep lemons looking fresh (most often this technique is used if there are a lot of lemons and you need to preserve them for as long as possible);
  • You can store lemons on the balcony in a box (it is important to choose the coolest place possible and exclude exposure to sunlight);
  • if there are a lot of lemons and you plan to store them on the balcony, then it is better to sprinkle the fruits with sand (sand retains the required level of humidity well and prevents not only rotting of the fruit, but also their drying out);
  • You can preserve lemons in sugar not only in sliced, but also in whole form (the fruits are placed in a glass jar and generously covered with sugar, after which the container is closed with a lid or paper, and then placed in the refrigerator);
  • lemons can be stored in water (whole or sliced ​​fruits are filled with water and then placed in the refrigerator);
  • under the influence of boiling water, lemon loses its beneficial properties, so fruits should not be subjected to heat treatment before storage;
  • there is no need to wash lemons before storing (this rule applies to all fruits, including citrus fruits);
  • cut lemon can be preserved for a long time with one drop of vinegar (vinegar should be dropped on a saucer, and then the lemon should be placed cut side down; it is better to place the workpiece in the refrigerator);
  • A special device called a “lemon bowl” is ideal for storing lemons (lemon can be stored in such a container, whole or cut);
  • if the lemon is intended for preparing fish or meat dishes, as well as salads, then you can sprinkle the slices with salt for long-term storage (the salt should be as coarse as possible, otherwise the dish may be over-salted);
  • If the lemon is peeled, it is better to store it in honey or sugar (you can use containers, jars or regular bowls as containers).

There are a huge number of ways to preserve cut lemons. For example, if pieces of fruit are placed on a plate and then covered with a glass, the fruit will remain juicy and fresh for a long time. It is better to wrap the glass on the plate with cling film to prevent excess air from entering. Lemons are stored well when cut in any container with tight lids, so there will be no difficulties in selecting a container.

How long and at what temperature should lemon be stored?

The optimal storage temperature for lemons is from +6 to +8 degrees. This mode is usually installed in the refrigerator compartment on the lower shelves or in the fruit storage compartments. Ripe lemons at this temperature can remain fresh for several months.

For a long time, lemons can be stored not only in the refrigerator, but also in any cool place where the temperature does not exceed +8 degrees. If you plan to store fruits on the balcony, then it is better to first wrap each of them with tissue or parchment paper.

At room temperature, lemons can be stored for 14-16 days. An important nuance in this case is the creation of the most favorable conditions: a dark place, cool conditions and the absence of direct sunlight.

Lemons cannot be stored at low temperatures.. This fruit grows in warm climates, so it spoils quickly when exposed to cold. Frozen lemon loses its taste and becomes soft. It is useless to store such citrus.

If you don't plan to use the lemon in the coming months, you can freeze it. It is better to first cut the fruit into pieces and place it in a bag or container. There is no need to freeze lemons. These fruits have a long shelf life, so they can be frozen only when absolutely necessary.

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