How many grams are in ten eggs? It is different for each individual category

A chicken egg is valuable product, which should be on everyone's menu. It contains everything necessary for a person nutrients, including protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. The shell serves as a source of calcium necessary for bones. For those who often prepare dishes using them or adhere to the system proper nutrition, it is very important to know how much a chicken egg weighs.

The largest chicken egg was discovered in Cuba. It weighed 148 g. The smallest one was laid by a chicken in New Guinea, its weight turned out to be just over 9.7 g. Average weight chicken egg- about 50 g. According to GOST (GOST R 52121-2003), there is a division into categories (depending on weight). So, the weight of one egg:

  • highest category (B) - 75 g or more;
  • category O (selected) - 65-74.9 g;
  • category 1 - 55-64.9 g;
  • category 2 - 45-54.9 g;
  • category 3 - 35-44.9 g.

The retail chain has special markings. It is placed on each individual specimen received at the poultry farm, or on the price tag and general packaging. The marking consists of two characters: C1, C2, SV, D1. In the designation C1, the first character indicates that it is table product, which must be implemented in 25 days. The letter D denotes a dietary product. Its implementation period is 7 days.

The second sign marks the category. Some manufacturers give their products distinctive features, such as a bright yolk or a new interesting taste. This is allowed by the state standard. The price of products is determined by category. The higher the category, the more expensive the product will be. The weight of the egg depends on how much the chicken weighs.

Egg weight (video)

Varieties of chickens

Currently, over 900 different breeds of chickens are known. A significant proportion of individuals were obtained through the intensive work of breeders. Depending on their purpose, breeds are divided into the following categories:

  • meat;
  • meat and egg;
  • egg-laying

Purely ornamental birds have also been bred, and their representatives are dwarf and fighting birds. The so-called “domestic” chicken is very common. Its appearance is the result of many years of breeding by crossing different valuable specimens, beneficial for farms in different regions. Domestic chicken weighs on average 2-2.5 kg.

But pure egg-laying hens have less weight. This includes, for example, white highsex. It is grown in large poultry farms. Its weight is no more than 1.5-2 kg. But the eggs obtained from it reach 65 g and even more. Domestic and Spanish naked-necked animals are general purpose animals, that is, they are meat-egg animals. With proper care, they can give you a large number of quality product.

Meat chickens include broiler chickens raised on a special diet. Although they are large, they do not have high egg production.

By selecting a special large breed and the necessary feeding of chickens, specialists receive as a result large eggs. But a large mass does not always correspond best taste. The selection of their quality for food by consumers is carried out according to individual requests and depending on the planned dishes. Thus, for baking, medium categories are usually recommended, corresponding to a weight of about 40 g.

Quail egg weight (video)

Consumption of the product

During cooking, the product does not shrink and moisture does not evaporate from it. It also does not absorb the water in which it is cooked. The shell protects against water penetration. Therefore, boiled and raw eggs usually weigh the same.

During cooking, the product does not shrink and moisture does not evaporate from it.

Only boiled eggs are eaten, after peeling them. Then the average weight of an egg without a shell will be important. And the shell makes up about 10% of their total mass. From here you can easily calculate net weight consumed product.

It is known that the white takes up 55% of the weight of the entire egg, and the yolk - 35%. If the average weight of 1 egg is 50 g, then by percentage we calculate that the share egg white It weighs 27 g, and the yolk weighs 18 g. When the egg is not used immediately, it dries out. It evaporates the moisture contained in the protein. Therefore, the protein weight may be less than expected.

It is the same for all varieties of eggs that after frying they weigh slightly less than raw. But their calorie content increases.

But do not forget that if an egg has spoiled due to improper storage, its weight may remain the same. You need to know all the given data and calculations in order to prepare food correctly. This is especially important, first of all, for cooks and cooks.

Breeders need to know the weight of a chicken egg without a shell. Only based on this parameter do they make a conclusion about the grade and price of the product. The size of each unit depends on several factors: the age of the chicken, breed and living conditions, as well as the agricultural sector.

What determines chicken productivity?

Poultry comes in several varieties: meat, decorative and egg.

If the breed is productive, lays a lot of eggs, but they are all small and weigh little, then their cost will be low. Consequently, keeping such birds will be unprofitable.

It is worth noting that a chicken egg is one of the most valuable and frequently consumed goods. It is rare to find dishes that do not contain eggs. Salads, soups, baked goods - all dishes contain proteins, yolks, or both.

Women even use raw eggs for cosmetic masks, because the product has a rich composition, the components of which have healing and rejuvenating properties. They contain vitamins and microelements.

Egg categories

To talk about the weight and size of an egg, you must first learn about its category and variety, which are determined by size and degree of freshness.

According to the degree of freshness, eggs are:

  • Dining rooms.
  • Dietary.

The store sells canteens. Their shelf life should be less than 7 days (outside the refrigerator), because after a week of storage, microorganisms that cause putrefactive processes appear inside the shell.

Dietary varieties should not be stored longer than 3 days. And if they don’t have time to implement them, the category is renamed “canteen”. Dietary products are marked with the letter “D”.

Average weights

Depending on weight, chicken products are divided into separate varieties:

  • Selected "0". 65-75
  • The first is "1". 55-65
  • The second is "2". 45-55 g.
  • The third "3". 35-45 g.

Accordingly, the average mass of one unit:

  • 0 - 70 g;
  • 1 - 60 g;
  • 2 - 50 g;
  • 3 - 40 g.

Egg weight after peeling

Consumers are more interested in the mass of the product after cleaning. Most often, ladies on a diet are interested in the weight of an egg without a shell. This is important for them to watch their calories.

The shell is very thin, but has a decent mass. It makes up 10% of the total egg weight. Therefore, after determining the total mass, you can easily find out the weight of the raw product.

Weight of yolk and white separately

These parameters are always different and depend on the egg variety. Their weight is determined based on average statistics. For example, the yolk is 35% of the mass of the egg without the shell. Accordingly, protein is 65%.

Weight of raw and boiled eggs

Many housewives wonder: do eggs change their weight when cooked? During cooking, the product is not saturated with water, because it is covered with a dense shell shell. It does not lose liquid and does not boil down, thanks to the shell. From this it follows that the mass of the product after cooking remains at the same level.

The mass decreases only during the frying process. Even when closed with a tight lid, the liquid is evaporated. And all because the egg is not protected by a shell. Fried product it becomes easier by about 20%.

Imported egg sizes

It would seem, what is the difference between domestic and European eggs? But experts are well aware that distinctive properties exist.

First of all, they lie in the parameters. And the markings imported products quite another. For example, the country of origin is determined by the numbers stamped on each copy:

  • 1 - Belgium;
  • 2 - Germany;
  • 3 - France;
  • 4 - Holland.

Also, on the shelves you can see eggs with a certain stamp in letter expression. They mean the weight of the product:

  • S - from 40 to 50 g.
  • M - from 53.9 to 63 g.
  • L - from 63.9 to 73 g.
  • VL - over 73 g.

How much does a chicken egg weigh?


Drawing conclusions, we can say that the weight of a chicken egg, freed from the shell, varies from 30 to 60 g. The main indicators here are the type of product and the method of preparation.

Chicken eggs are universal product, which is indispensable in the kitchen of any housewife. You can easily and quickly prepare breakfast from them; they are boiled, fried, made into snacks, salads, and added to baked goods. It's hard to imagine a kitchen without them. But if any complex dish, with a large set of ingredients, where you need to know a lot of products used, it would be useful to know the weight of a chicken egg. This will make it much easier to figure out how much product you will need to add in the end.

Finding out the mass of one chicken egg is not so difficult. To do this, first of all, when purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the packaging. Usually it uses special markings, which determine the category of the product and, accordingly, the weight. So, The following categories are distinguished:

It should be noted that eggs in Europe differ in weight characteristics from Russian standards. For example, Australian chickens lay an average weight of 43 grams. But for the UK, the average is an egg weighing 53 - 63 grams.

Such a different weight distribution is very interesting. Why does it depend and why is there so much different categories? One of the main factors affecting the weight of the product is is the age of the chickens. That is, young individuals, as a rule, lay much less than older chickens. Older chickens have much larger eggs. It also affects the weight characteristics and size of the bird itself and its mass. It is impossible not to take into account the breed of chicken, the quality of feed, climatic conditions, time of year and time of day. All this also affects the weight of the resulting product.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that eggs are usually divided into table and dietary. According to their markings, they are usually designated by the letters C and D. Next is the category number. The mass may also depend on this. A canteen is usually considered to be one that is more than seven days old. And dietary food is something that is not yet seven days old.

Differences in the weight of raw and boiled eggs

Why do you need to know how much it weighs? boiled egg? Everything is very simple. This kind of information is most often needed by those people who are on diets and carefully control the products used.

It should be noted that no significant changes occur during the cooking process with the egg; it is not boiled down, etc. That is, therefore, the weight of the product when cooked remains practically unchanged. Except that you need to know how much a chicken egg weighs without a shell or the white and yolk separately.

The weight of the shell also depends on what category is assigned to the product?. So, for example, in the third category the shell weighs approximately 5 grams, and in the highest category this weight will be about 10 grams. Thus, it is easy to calculate its mass without the shell. We take a product of the third category. Its weight is approximately 40 grams. It follows from this that when boiled without shell it will weigh 35 grams.

What is the best way to consume this useful product?

  1. in its raw form, this product is not very well absorbed by the human body;
  2. when consumed raw protein and yolk there is a high probability of becoming infected with salmonellosis.

Based on this, it is best to boil or fry eggs. Is it known How much does the white in one egg weigh? Calculating the weight of a protein is not so difficult if you know the category and approximate weight the whole product, as well as the mass of the shell, respectively. But, it should be noted that there is also a yolk inside, but it is a smaller amount than the white. Protein takes up approximately 56%, so knowing this, calculating its mass, knowing the total weight, is not so difficult. And the weight of the egg, as mentioned earlier, depends on the category of the final product, which is also influenced by many factors. Starting from the weight of the bird itself and ending with its nutrition.

So, an egg is a storehouse of vitamins. But, of course, it is better not to eat it raw. Great solution will soft-boiled product. If you boil two eggs for breakfast, your body will receive daily norm protein. And the yolk in liquid form, if there are no allergic reactions to it, is an excellent choleretic agent that reduces the risk of developing a heart attack and cataracts. Also, in addition to this, in chicken protein contains many microelements, B vitamins and many others necessary substances for the body to function. So this product must be present in the human diet. And it’s not difficult to determine the weight of an egg.

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Every farmer should know the mass of the resulting product, because thanks to such information in the future it will be clear to which category the products obtained from laying hens can be classified.

So, eggs can be table or diet. The first ones can be stored for 25 days at room temperature and 90 days in refrigeration chamber. The latter can last only one week.

As for the varieties, they are as follows:

  • higher;
  • selective;
  • first category;
  • second category;
  • third category.

Each variety has its own weight and marking:

  • highest – from 75 g;
  • selected - from 65 to 74 g;
  • first – from 55 to 64 g;
  • the second - from 45 to 54 g;
  • third – from 35 to 45 g.

A few words about middleweight

It is after the division into varieties that egg products will have the appropriate price category. You will have to spend the least amount of money when buying eggs from young animals, which at the beginning of their egg production do not lay very large products. Larger products are obtained from adult individuals and, accordingly, have a higher price.

If we talk about the average weight, then it is 40–60 g. They are the ones that can most often be purchased in the store, and they are the ones that are best suited for cooking.

What is the weight without shell

Answering this question is not so simple; even the most avid poultry farmers do not always know how much an egg will weigh if the shell is removed. The result is an approximate figure of 55 g (approximate, because each egg has its own mass, and it has some deviations even within the same variety).

Most often, knowing how much the product weighs without shell is important in confectionery. And for this they use percentage values:

  • shell – 12%;
  • yolk part – 32%;
  • protein part – 56%.

It is enough to remove the shell and get the percentage of the egg.

Weight of raw products

Not everyone knows that raw eggs weigh slightly less than their stated weight. When purchasing, you can pay attention to the markings and tell about the approximate weight. But at home it turns out that the mass is less.

The whole subtlety is that when the product lies on the counter, it begins to gradually lose moisture due to evaporation, and therefore the mass will also change. U fresh eggs the weight is always greater than that of those who have been waiting for their buyer for a long time.

How much does a boiled egg weigh?

Another interesting point is that while cooking is in progress, the mass will not change. Here it’s all about the shell, which creates a protective shell that prevents moisture loss, and therefore everything will remain in place. Based on this, we can safely declare that the weight of both boiled and raw eggs.

If frying is used, the mass decreases due to the evaporation of moisture.

The yolk, white and shell also have their own weight

When broken, an egg can be divided into several components:

  • protein;
  • yolk;
  • shell.

Most heavy weight will be on the protein, and the most insignificant - on the shell.

As for the numbers, the averages will look like this:

  • protein part – 33 g;
  • yolk – 22 g;
  • shell – 7 gr.

How much does an imported egg weigh?

The European Union countries have their own labeling of egg products, this applies to varieties. The smallest weight here is 30 g, and the largest is 73 g. The packaging contains data on weight, size, and also a number of other notes. Some, for example, relate to keeping birds (meaning cage or floor). Many buyers pay attention to this fact when purchasing products. Some eggs are marked with numbers that indicate the country of origin.

In the following table you can see the breeds of chickens and the weight of egg products:

Breed name

The most important source of protein in our body is bird eggs. Information about how many grams of protein are in one egg, various types have birds different meanings. The most commonly consumed are chicken and quail eggs.

In addition, nutritionists, experts healthy eating and athletes take into account the amount of pure protein in an egg, while cooks or those losing weight are interested in how many grams of protein are in one egg - as one of the components of a highly nutritious product.

Such different feathered eggs

The amount of protein in bird eggs depends on the total weight various eggs. So, for example, an average chicken egg weighs 50-55 g, a quail egg - 10-12 g, a goose egg - 200 g, a guinea fowl egg - 25 g, a pheasant egg - 60 g, a turkey egg - 75 g, and a duck egg - 90 g. Ostrich eggs (900 g) hold the top spot in terms of weight, with the Australian emu bird taking second place (780 g). If the white of an egg makes up 55-60% of its total mass, then it is easy to calculate how many grams are in the white of one egg of waterfowl or exotic birds. In official cooking they are not recommended for consumption, as they are considered a possible source of infectious diseases even after heat treatment.

How many grams of protein are in the white of one egg?

Chicken or quail protein consists of 87% water and only 11% of the main nutrient - protein. The remaining 2% is formed by various minerals and ash. To calculate how many grams are in the white of one egg, you need to know the category of chicken eggs, which takes into account many parameters, including the weight of the product. This table will help you navigate and find out the desired result without using calculations:

Formula for calculating the mass of protein in an egg

Knowing the category of chicken eggs, you can easily calculate how much 1 egg white weighs. How many grams, for example, are in the first category egg white? Its weight can be seen in the table; it is approximately 55-65 grams. Protein in the total mass of an egg occupies 56% in a chicken egg and 60% in a quail egg. For convenience, it is believed that the yolk occupies 1/3 of the mass of the egg, and the white - 2/3. Calculation formula: find out the weight of the egg in accordance with its category and multiply by 2/3. Therefore, when calculating (or from the table given in the article), we get 36.7-43.3 grams of protein as a product.

For example, in quail egg includes, on average, 6 g of protein.

For athletes and people who adhere to healthy lifestyle rules

The main role in the exceptional nutritional value and benefits of eggs is played by biological value- this is what nutritionists call the degree of product absorption. Eggs are an easily digestible food; they are 98% digestible by our body, so they nutritional value is the reference. For extension muscle mass athletes need to consume 2-3 g of quality protein per 1 kg of their body weight. Having found out how many grams of protein are in one egg, you can calculate required amount product in the diet for effective muscle building. Boiling or frying eggs without adding oil does not affect the volume of protein and it remains unchanged.

But fried egg in butter contains 14 g of protein, omelette - 17 g of protein, and with the addition grated cheese- 15 g. Protein - low calorie product(44 kcal per 100 g). Eating a two-white omelet for breakfast every day helps you lose weight by 67% more than eating other foods with the same calorie content. Many people who are losing weight have a question about why 100 grams of eggs contain 12.7 g of protein (protein), and the same amount of egg white contains only 11.1 g. It turns out that the yolk is almost 1.5 times richer in protein than protein: 16.3% vs. 1.1%.

How to properly consume egg whites?

Nutritionists recommend be sure to expose the egg or white heat treatment. Doctors do not recommend eating raw eggs, as they are only 50% digestible by the body and can also become a source of salmonellosis. Do you know how many grams of protein are in one egg? By boiling two soft-boiled eggs for breakfast, you can get your personal daily protein intake.

Liquid yolk, if you are not allergic to its components, will be an excellent choleretic agent, reduce the risk of heart attack and become an obstacle to the development of cataracts. Egg whites will provide beneficial enzymes, protein, B vitamins and glucose, vitamin K, niacin, choline and essential amino acids, helping in the synthesis and regeneration of cells and tissues of our body. There are no contraindications for egg whites, except for individual intolerance.