Sour milk curd. Homemade cottage cheese

This recipe is not so much a dish as a way to prepare an ingredient for later consumption. Most often it is bought in stores, but there is a way to make it from sour milk. Every housewife can make something like this, because the recipe is quite easy, and one might even say, very banal. The most important thing is to have sour milk on hand, and it will be very easy to prepare a delicious product from it. Many housewives call such curd from sour milk more useful than purchased, because the cooking process is controlled by them, and all the ingredients are of high quality and are present in the right amount. But very often, in order to make a homemade fermented milk product, there is no time or effort, so you have to buy ready-made. One way or another, in the arsenal of any housewife there should be a recipe for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk, so that, on occasion, you can show off your culinary skills not only in preparing gourmet dishes, but also such dairy products.

Our cooking method does not contain a large number of ingredients. All you need is sour milk for this. It should be noted that if you are making cottage cheese for the first time, then you do not need to take more than a liter. Without filling your hand, you may remain dissatisfied with the result and only regret the product spent in large quantities. Therefore, to begin with, you can prepare about 700 ml of milk “for a test”, and if you like the result, then in the future you will already think about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk in large quantities.

Now we tell the process of creating this culinary masterpiece

For cooking, you need to use only well-sour milk. To do this, you can leave it for several days without putting it in the refrigerator. Around the second day, you will get a thick mass like kefir. Most housewives call her "sour". It is with him that we will work, and talk about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk.

So, the resulting "sour" is poured into a saucepan, trying not to mix. We put on a slow fire and wait until the whey separates. As soon as we feel that the mass has warmed up, turn off the gas and remove the pan. In no case should it be brought to a boil, because then instead of cottage cheese you will get a rubber mixture, which will be very problematic to use.

As soon as the “sour” has cooled down a bit, put a piece of gauze folded several times on a colander and pour out the contents of the pan. After that, it is necessary to tie gauze, leaving the resulting curd in it so that all the liquid is glassed. The process takes a couple of hours.

Remove the finished cottage cheese from gauze and transfer to a storage container. Whey can be used as an ingredient in pancakes, fritters or buns, or simply drunk. To taste, it resembles liquid kefir and will also be very useful for the body due to the content of useful vitamins.

Now you know the recipe for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk. It turns out very satisfying, and most importantly - useful.

Recently, the dairy industry has not been very happy with us - wherever you look, reconstituted milk is everywhere. Therefore, in order to eat not only tasty, but also healthy, you have to make cottage cheese from milk at home.

It is not so difficult, you just need to get good milk - either store-bought, intended for baby food, or farm milk will do. And I will tell you how to make cottage cheese from sour milk or yogurt. I will give two proven recipes at once, choose the one that you like best.

What to look for when choosing milk? On the reputation of the manufacturer and the expiration date. The smaller the last parameter, the more likely it is that the product is natural.

Curd from sour milk at home

  • 2 liters of farm milk (or other credible)
  • 2 tbsp sour cream of any fat content

I know two ways to cook cottage cheese at home: with and without heating. The first option takes less time, the cottage cheese is dense, suitable for making cheesecakes, casseroles and other cheesecakes.

Without heating, we get a very tender, I would say juicy product, this cottage cheese is suitable for consumption in its natural form with and without additives.

Of course, the division is arbitrary, and thermally processed dishes can be prepared from tender cottage cheese. For such purposes, it needs to be squeezed out of the whey a little stronger. With this task oppression perfectly copes.

You can not ferment milk with sour cream, as described below, but make cottage cheese from sour milk on your own, without human help.

How to cook homemade cottage cheese from curdled milk

Pour milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sour cream and stir with a whisk, but without fanaticism - no need to whisk. The goal is to evenly distribute sour cream throughout the volume of liquid.

Cover the dish with a lid and leave in a warm place for a day, maybe a little more. As a result, we get a wonderful curdled milk. How to understand that it is already possible to cook cottage cheese from sour milk fermented at home? The clot should be dense and tremble like jelly, and whey will begin to exfoliate at the walls of the pan.

We put the dishes on the stove, the fire is minimal. After 10-15 minutes, the curd begins to curdle, separating from the whey. At this point, I mix the mass a little for more uniform heating (literally 4-5 movements from the edges to the center). Otherwise, at the walls, the clot heats up more than in the middle, which affects the quality of the curd.

Important! We do not bring to a boil, the fire is minimal all the time, this is the key moment to make homemade cottage cheese from milk tender. Otherwise, boiled yogurt will turn into rubber lumps.

Keep the pan on low heat for another 10-15 minutes. Then gently stir again - just a few movements from the walls to the center of the dish, do not try to break the clots into small pieces, just mix the product to equalize the temperature inside the entire volume. Remove the pan from the heat, close the lid and leave for another 10 minutes.

Immediately after this, we discard the curdled mass in a colander lined with 2-3 layers of gauze. Let the serum drain for 2 hours. Options: tie the ends of the gauze and hang the cottage cheese over the sink. When the main part of the liquid drains, to speed up the process, the cottage cheese can be put under pressure. To do this, cover the product with the ends of gauze and put a load on top. Thus, the outflow of serum will accelerate.

This recipe for making cottage cheese at home from milk requires a certain amount of time: about 24 hours for cooking yogurt and about 3 hours for heating and plumbing. Total 27 hours.

Do not be alarmed, it will take a little less than an hour for your time, the rest of the process proceeds independently, without your participation.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk without heating

As in the previous recipe, before making cottage cheese from milk, it must be fermented and turned into yogurt.

  • Pour two tablespoons of sour cream with half a glass of milk and shake thoroughly with a fork. Only then mix the resulting mixture with the total volume of milk.
  • We remove the dishes with future yogurt in a warm place. In a day, the milk will completely turn sour, turning into a dense milk clot and yellowish whey. Sometimes the souring process can take a little longer, up to 30 hours. The duration of the process depends on the ambient temperature. The warmer, the faster.
  • This time we will not heat anything. Usually, in rural life, the clot is weighed in a canvas or gauze bag. But you can get by with a more everyday set: a saucepan, a colander and gauze in 2-3 layers.
  • Weighing without heating is exactly the technique that will help make yogurt cottage cheese very tender and juicy.
  • We take a large saucepan, put a colander on top, gauze in it. Pour sour milk into a colander lined with a cloth and remove the structure with the product in the cold (refrigerator, balcony). Whey from cottage cheese will drain for 10-12 hours.

If you plan to use cottage cheese for cooking other dishes, then I recommend making it a little drier. To do this, cover the curd mass in a colander with the edges of gauze and put a small oppression on top, I use a jar of water. Hold the curd under pressure for a few more hours.

As you can see, this recipe for cottage cheese from milk at home is more time-consuming: in total, it may take 34-36 (sometimes 40) hours to get a product of good quality. Again, do not be afraid, in this case you will spend even less personal time than in the previous version - about half an hour.

Cottage cheese yield from 2 liters of milk: 400-500 gr. This is very, very inexpensive for a quality product.

How to make homemade curd from sour milk

For cooking, I need only 3 liters of fresh cow's milk.

I pour the sweet milk into the pan, without closing the lid, leave it in the room for souring. To speed up the process, you can add a tablespoon of sour cream or a crust of rye bread. This process will take up to 2 days. I note that the warmer the room, the faster the souring will occur. You can cover the pan with gauze.

When the milk turns sour (or sour), acquires a dense jelly-like consistency, it's time to cook. I mix the yogurt and put it on a slow fire.

I stir the yogurt as it heats up. I wait for the contents to warm up to a temperature of about 40 degrees and remove from heat. By this time, the sour milk has already separated into a dense white curd mass and a transparent yellowish whey. How properly warmed cottage cheese should look at this moment can be seen in the photo.

It is very important not to overheat it, otherwise home-made cottage cheese will turn out tough. I do not use a thermometer, I just dip my finger into the heated sour milk (it should not be hot) and focus on the appearance of the product.

Remove from heat and pour into a sieve. I'll leave it aside so that the glass serum. I mix from time to time.

After an hour, healthy and tasty homemade cottage cheese remains in the dishes. You can make it from sour milk at home, as you can see, easily and simply. It remains only to transfer the cottage cheese to a plate.

From a three-liter jar of fresh milk, about 400 grams of homemade cottage cheese came out. It can be eaten in any form: with herbs and salt, sour cream, honey or fruits.

And yet, homemade cottage cheese makes wonderful pastries and desserts.

I hope my recipe is useful to you. After all, the correct preparation of cottage cheese at home is easy!

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product obtained from fermented milk with the removal of whey. This is the most useful product, a source of calcium and phosphorus, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Now you can buy cottage cheese without problems in any grocery store, but the store product cannot be compared with that obtained from home products. Cooking this fermented milk product at home is a guarantee of confidence in the quality and freshness of the finished product, since the entire cooking process is personally controlled by the hostess.

Making cottage cheese at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. There are several ways to prepare it: from fresh milk (using the preparation "Calcium-chlorine"), curdled milk, kefir, using various starter cultures.

Curd from curdled milk

Making cottage cheese from sour milk is the easiest and most popular way. In this way, it has been made in domestic conditions since ancient times in the villages. For this recipe, any milk is suitable, even purchased, even homemade, from under a cow. The more milk, the more ready-made cottage cheese.

Housewives who decide to cook cottage cheese from homemade ingredients for the first time are advised to start with 1 liter of milk. The output will be small, but then, on the next attempts, you will make adjustments if the first result suddenly does not please.

So, to make cottage cheese at home you will need:

  • curdled milk
  • pot
  • colander
  • gauze

The cooking process is very simple:

  • Pour the sour milk into the pan, put it on the slowest fire.
  • Heat the contents of the bowl to 50 ° - exactly until the separation from the whey clot begins
  • After that, the pan must be immediately removed from the heat. Some housewives bring the contents to a boil - this is highly discouraged, since such a "material" is fraught with getting a very hard curd mass, more like rubber
  • The next step: fold gauze in 2-4 layers, place it on a colander so that the edges hang from the walls, and the bottom of the colander remains closed

  • Place a colander over the pan and carefully pour the milk mass into it.
  • Wait for all the whey to drain
  • Serum can not be thrown away - it will fit perfectly for okroshka, you can also knead good dough for pies on it
  • Final step: transfer the result of cooking from gauze to a plate

A delicious and healthy product made from homemade dairy ingredients is ready!

Important nuances

It would be useful to recall the conditions that will help you get the most delicious homemade cottage cheese:

  • Cottage cheese made from natural village milk will be much tastier and fatter
  • It is better not to let milk sour in the refrigerator, since at low temperatures it is more likely to deteriorate and acquire an unpleasant odor than turn into yogurt

  • If it is necessary to speed up the process of turning milk into yogurt, then for these purposes it is better to add a small amount of fermented milk, a little sour cream or a piece of cottage cheese. It is highly discouraged to use kefir or yogurt for these purposes - these products are suitable for making kefir and yogurt in particular, which has nothing to do with yogurt
  • It is better to cook cottage cheese from fresh curdled milk - it will turn out tender, will have a pleasant taste and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days

Curd from kefir

You can please your family with a truly delicious cottage cheese by preparing it on a kefir basis. There are plenty of recipes for this. One method is similar to the above fermented milk based recipe.

Wanted to pamper the household with morning porridge, but the milk turned sour? No need to get upset! They will get porridge next time, and today there will be homemade cottage cheese or cheesecakes. By the way, our grandmothers specifically made sure that milk turned sour, and you already have this product in stock! And, most importantly, it is much more useful than the variety of curd products on the shelves of stores called "homemade". They have nothing to do with cooking at home, except for the name.

Ideally, cooking cottage cheese at home looks like this. Cow's or goat's milk is poured into a large jar or container, placed in a warm and dark place. And when the product turns sour, it is wrapped in cheesecloth and hung up so that whey is glassed from the formed curd. But this process takes days! And we will consider several options for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the shortest possible time.

Cottage cheese cooked in a water bath

For this recipe, you need a little patience, a three-liter jar and 2 liters of sour milk. Pour the third "ingredient" into a jar and place in a large saucepan with water poured to the bottom. Put on a slow fire. Don't let the milk boil! At 50-60°C, it will begin to delaminate into two components: protein (cottage cheese) and a yellowish liquid (whey). This process is impossible to confuse! The main thing is not to miss attention.

Cover a clean colander with a two-layer gauze of such a size that then its ends calmly cover the contents. Place a colander in a bowl where the whey will drain. Carefully pour the hot contents of the pot into a colander to keep the cheesecloth in place. Twist the gauze with cottage cheese and hang it for an hour (some housewives leave the bag of gauze to see until the morning) so that all the liquid from it is glass.

That's all - you have the most tender cottage cheese! You can make cheesecakes from it or serve it to the table:

  • with sugar;
  • with jam;
  • with condensed milk.

And do not rush to throw away whey - this valuable product is rich in lactose, minerals and vitamins. Kvass, carbonated drinks, okroshka, food additives are made from it. Whey is involved in the production of cheese, bread, confectionery. If you are going to bake pancakes or pancakes, add whey to the dough and see for yourself that they are more tasty and tender than usual. You can pamper your hair with serum, rubbing it into the roots while washing, wipe your face, neck and hands in the morning or evening. It is good to drink it on an empty stomach.

Cooking in a multicooker

When sour milk becomes "thick", you can proceed to the next step - cooking cottage cheese from it in a slow cooker. This miracle unit is an indispensable assistant to the modern housewife in the kitchen. He cooks, and fries, and bakes, and stews. And in the “multi-cook” mode, it will prepare delicious salads, main courses, snacks and yogurts. (If you have not purchased this device yet, think about how much delicious you could make).

We turn on the multicooker. Pour our “curdled milk” into the bowl, close the lid of the unit, set the “heating” mode on the display and set the timer for 60 minutes. By the way, you don’t have to sit and watch the process at all! The multicooker itself will execute the program that you set for it.

When the timer beeps, the hour has passed. If the whey has separated, curdling is complete. The bowl of the multicooker must be removed, the cottage cheese should be thrown into the prepared colander with gauze (as described in the first block). Some put a saucer and something heavier, such as a jar of water, on the formed protein mass. So the whey will drain faster, and the curd will be grainy and crumbly.

How to make sour milk

In summer, the process of souring in a natural way will naturally occur faster. In the villages, milk is specially placed on a cooling oven. In winter, this whole procedure can take several hours. Then the milk needs to be "helped" to turn sour, that is, flavor it with sourdough - a product that includes bacteria that create an acidic environment under favorable (warm) conditions. As a result of this process, which lasts up to 8 hours, the protein is converted into a curd mass.

The classic option is to put it in a warm place, such as an oven. Rapid souring also contribute to:

  • dry bacteria for yoghurts;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream, kefir or unsweetened yogurt;
  • a piece of black bread;
  • other sour milk.

Lemon juice is also suitable as a handy oxidizing agent. But its taste will then be present in the finished cottage cheese, so this option is not recommended by many.

The most gentle way of souring is to add sour cream (kefir) to warm milk, put it in a warm place in the house, and wait until the product is fermented. “Why not buy ready-made yogurt or kefir?” - you ask. But after all, we are talking about a healthy finished product, so it is important to choose milk from an already trusted supplier so that it turns sour CORRECTLY. Alas, some milk in stores does not turn sour, but simply deteriorates.

An alternative to a water bath is to cook cottage cheese in the "cold way". True, it is made from kefir or yogurt in a bag. But you definitely need to talk about it, since the curd turns out to be the most tender and creamy.

Cooking steps:

  1. Put the bag in the freezer for several hours (or overnight).
  2. Take out the bag and thaw the contents at room temperature.
  3. Open, pour kefir into a colander with gauze or pass through a sieve.
  4. Wrap the curd mass in gauze and hang to settling the liquid for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Serve ready-made cottage cheese with confiture, raisins or candied fruits, or just like that.
  6. Whey, which is glass, can be used in baking.

Why is it better to cook cottage cheese than to buy

Cottage cheese is a unique bioproduct that Nature gave us. It was eaten by the ancient Romans, the ancient Slavs. It contains calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins, folic acid. It is one of the most popular sources of complete protein. However, the production process of its preparation is very different from homemade. And the taste of the second is softer and less spicy than that of the factory product.

It is not as difficult to prepare as it seems at first glance. And the result is a healthy product that can be consumed as an independent dish or used as an ingredient for delicious desserts.