Fusel oils in moonshine and other alcoholic beverages: influence, benefits, harm and purification. Fusel oils

When making homemade alcohol, it is impossible to avoid obtaining secondary products from the processing of raw materials into alcohol - the so-called. fusel oils. These include propyl, isopropyl amyl and isoamyl alcohols, acetaldehyde, furfural. These chemicals negatively affect the body, causing headaches, hangovers, and poisoning after drinking homemade alcohol that has not been thoroughly purified. It is possible to remove fusel oils from moonshine using folk methods involving the use of improvised means or specialized equipment.

What are fusel oils

This name is given to a whole group of substances obtained during the fermentation of starchy or fruit raw materials. In their pure form they have an oily consistency and a bitter, pungent odor. Alcoholic drinks that have not been properly purified contain these toxic high-molecular compounds that have a negative effect on the body. The largest amount of toxins contains moonshine after the initial distillation. Their presence can be easily recognized by the pungent odor of acetone.

When consuming poorly cleaned fusel, toxins very quickly enter the bloodstream, placing a heavy load on the liver, which is trying to filter them out and remove them. Even a small amount of harmful impurities that make their way through the natural purification processes in the human body causes a severe hangover. Having drunk a low-quality product with a high content of toxins, a person provides himself with a sharp headache and intestinal problems. Constant consumption of low-grade fusel leads to cirrhosis of the liver and kidney problems.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils is a mandatory process for the production of alcohol, without which it will be unfit for consumption. In industrial production, large distillation columns equipped with reflux condensers are used for purification, separating harmful impurities from alcohol vapors. The process of alcohol rectification at home is carried out using a hand-assembled or purchased moonshine still. It does a good job of neutralizing toxins, but the process can be improved by using improvised means in the following stages:

  1. Fermentation. To reduce the content of toxins in the finished mash, increase the process temperature to 30 degrees.
  2. First distillation. Vegetable oil cleaning is used, which successfully captures all toxins, which can then be removed with charcoal.
  3. Second distillation. After the final cutting off the so-called. heads and tails are often thermally cleaned. The raw materials are brought to a temperature of 70-73 degrees, at which fusel oils begin to evaporate. The disadvantage of this method is a slight loss of strength.
  4. The final stage. The final purification of the finished product is also called fining and is used in wine production. Often white clay, milk, and egg whites are used to carry out this process.


The simplest ancient method of neutralizing toxins is based on the use of temperature differences at which a change in the state of aggregation of substances contained in raw materials occurs. Well suited for preliminary and final cleaning of the product. The essence of the method is that when the moonshine is strongly cooled, the alcohol will remain in a liquid state, and the water will freeze on the walls of the container, capturing some of the toxic substances. Here's how to clean moonshine from the smell of fusel oils:

  1. Pour the product into a glass container and cover with a layer of gauze on top.
  2. Cool to low temperature. Keep the jar refrigerated for 3-4 hours. Allow the water to freeze completely and form a layer of ice on the walls of the container.
  3. If desired, repeat the process 1-2 times, after diluting the product slightly with distilled water.

Activated carbon

Purification of moonshine and improvement of its taste are effectively carried out using a natural absorbent - activated carbon. This substance perfectly absorbs toxins and easily captures aldehydes and essential oils. This method of detoxification can be carried out at all stages of distillation and preparation of moonshine without loss of effectiveness. Remember that after absorbing harmful impurities, coal after a short time (3-4 hours) begins to actively give them back, again saturating the pervak ​​with fusel oils. Cleaning steps:

  1. Take activated carbon tablets (3-4 g/liter) or plain charcoal for the barbecue. Grind them into a fine powder.
  2. Pour into a container with moonshine, stir thoroughly.
  3. Let it brew for 2-3 hours.
  4. Filter the carbon sediment through cotton wool or folded gauze.
  5. Alternatively, you can use carbon water filters. Just pass the moonshine through them 2-3 times.

Potassium permangantsovka

A very popular method of purifying moonshine is the use of potassium permanganate in the form of crystals or a medical solution. Remember safety precautions: crystalline potassium permanganate is a very caustic substance that can cause severe chemical burns on the skin. The essence of the method is that potassium permanganate, being a strong oxidizing agent, reacts with aldehydes and essential oils.

Potassium permanganate dissolves in moonshine and causes a solid sediment to form from the reacted fusel, which is simply removed by filtration through gauze. Remember that this method is only suitable for moonshine that has not undergone final purification. During the last distillation, potassium permanganate will go into the settling tank. The detoxification process is carried out as follows:

  1. Add crystals or a solution of potassium permanganate to the moonshine before the final distillation at the rate of 2-3 grams of active substance per liter.
  2. Let the alcohol sit, stirring it every hour.
  3. Remove solid sediment using cotton wool or gauze.

Egg white

Organic substances easily react chemically with each other. Likewise, egg white reacts well with many toxins contained in unrefined moonshine. It copes especially well with the removal of aldehydes, which have a detrimental effect on the human liver. This method is used strictly until the final distillation of the drink. The process should be carried out as follows:

  1. Break raw chicken eggs (1 pc/5 liters), separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat the whites thoroughly until foamy.
  3. Add to the alcoholic raw material, stir thoroughly several times until small white flakes fall out.
  4. Repeat the process 1-2 times for better results.
  5. Filter the sediment through cotton wool or gauze.


Like egg whites, dairy products contain substances that can react with fusel oils, forming a solid precipitate. For this method, plain and powdered milk, kefir, and fermented baked milk are suitable. This purification method should be used prior to the final distillation stage to avoid the introduction of unnecessary off-odors. Here's how detoxification is done using powdered milk as an example:

  1. Dilute the milk powder with water (7 g/liter) and stir until no lumps remain.
  2. Pour the liquid into the container with moonshine and stir.
  3. This cleaning process takes the longest: leave the container to sit for a week.
  4. Filter the resulting precipitate through cheesecloth.


Simple baking soda also reacts well with fusel oils, precipitating. This purification technology is used before the second distillation of the drink. To detoxify with soda, stir in moonshine, maintaining a concentration of 10 g/liter. Leave the resulting solution to settle for 8-10 hours. Filter the precipitate through a layer of gauze, cotton pads or a carbon water filter.


You can clean the mash before the initial distillation stage using hibiscus tea or orris root. The method works due to the presence of acids in these plant components, which bind fusel oils, causing them to fall out as a solid sediment at the bottom of the container. Here's how lightening is done:

  1. Pour dry hibiscus petals (hibiscus tea) or violet root (2 tbsp/liter) with water.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Remove the flowers and pour the broth into the mash.
  4. Leave the mixture to settle for a day. Next, you can begin distillation.


Clarifying the drink with white clay has long been a well-known folk method. Before you use it to clean moonshine from fusel oils, figure out where to get bentonite from. An excellent option is to buy a special powder designed to clarify alcohol. An alternative could be cat litter containing bentonite or building clay. Do not use natural clay unless necessary: ​​it is unknown what impurities it contains. Cleaning is done as follows:

  1. Grind the mineral to a powder.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of clay per 5 liters of mash, stir.
  3. Wait until the bentonite swells and precipitates.
  4. Filter the drink through cheesecloth.

Refined oil

The mash can be easily cleaned using simple store-bought vegetable oil. This happens because alcohol and water do not mix with it, unlike fusel milk. To lighten the drink according to this recipe, add an arbitrary amount of refined oil to it and seal tightly with a lid. Next, shake the container vigorously 8-10 times at intervals of 5-10 minutes so that the drops of oil capture the fusel.


This purification is used in the production of cognac. When it is infused in oak barrels, the special natural tanning agent tannin, which the wood contains, captures and binds toxin molecules, thereby neutralizing the drink. You can clarify alcohol in this way at home as follows:

  1. Collect oak bark and cut it into small chips (5-8 g/liter).
  2. Boil it over high heat for 5-10 minutes to disinfect.
  3. Add the shavings to the mash and leave to settle for 1-2 weeks, tightly sealing the container with a lid. In order for the drink to acquire a beige color and a woody taste, leave it to brew for another 2-3 months.
  4. Open the container and remove the bark.

How to clean mash

Before starting the distillation process, it is better to first clean the prepared mash from fusel oils in order to make your work easier during distillation in advance. All methods of clarifying a fermented mixture also involve the forced cessation of the yeast life process. Before starting cleaning, be sure to degas the mash by stirring it thoroughly. This will remove excess carbon dioxide and finally stop fermentation. The following substances and components are used for clarification before distillation:

  • bentonite;
  • hibiscus, hibiscus flowers;
  • Filka root;
  • gelatin;
  • dairy products;
  • egg whites.

Moonshine still with purification from fusel oils

To make moonshine at home, standard moonshine stills are used, equipped with all the necessary components for distillation, distillation and purification of the drink. The device has the following device:

  1. Distillation cube. Here the mash is heated and divided into fractions. The volatile evaporated components pass on, but the impurities remain.
  2. Steamer. The element, also called a settling tank, is intended for intermediate purification of alcohol vapors from fusel. It catches some of the heavy compounds, which are drained into a special container.
  3. Fridge. Here, the alcohol vapor condenses due to the reduced temperature and enters the distillate container.


During cyclic distillation of alcohol, liquids are formed that are given the following names: head, body, tail. They vary greatly in composition, which is explained by the difference in the degree of their purification. The most harmful and toxic part is the so-called. moonshine head. At high concentrations, the drink is very intoxicating, has a detrimental effect on the body, and causes a severe hangover. Find out how these three factions differ.

  1. Head. The most toxic part, also called “pervak”. The product obtained after the first distillation. Contains the largest amount of fusel oils.
  2. Body. Raw alcohol, the main part of the drink containing ethyl alcohol.
  3. Tail. Waste collected by the steam tank. Contains aldehydes and essential oils.


To obtain a high-quality drink, it must be cleared of impurities remaining after distillation and intermediate detoxification. The final purification of moonshine is called clarification. Bentonite, egg white and activated carbon are better suited for this purpose: they have the least impact on the organoleptic qualities of the final product.


This process is used to obtain aromatic tinctures with a pronounced taste and smell. What taste the final product will have depends on what it was insisted on. To carry out this process, fruits, juicy berries, vegetables, aromatic and simple medicinal herbs are often used. The duration of infusion may vary for different products used. Thus, the German Jägermeister liqueur is aged for up to 12 months, and cherry liqueur can be prepared in a few weeks.

How to identify fusel oils in moonshine

The presence of these toxins in a drink is very easily determined by its organoleptic characteristics. Pure moonshine, containing a large amount of toxins, has a slightly viscous consistency and a whitish tint. It is easy to distinguish fusel from a high-quality drink by the sharp unpleasant odor of acetone and aldehydes (the latter are close in smell to medical formaldehyde). Remember that the use of the so-called Pervaka has a negative effect on the kidneys, liver, and can cause serious poisoning.


What does more harm to the body, vodka or moonshine? Vodka is a product that has been thoroughly purified from so-called fusel oils, the harm of which is that they contain toxic substances. However, it is known that oils are necessary to impart a characteristic taste and color to various alcoholic products. Therefore, when making noble drinks (cognac, brandy), they are not completely distilled. During distillation, purification and other special technological methods, they try to remove the harmful by-products of oils and preserve the useful ones.

Boiling point of alcohol 78.4

What are they?

Moonshine is an alcoholic product produced at home from mash, formed from fruits, grains, beets or potatoes by adding sugar. During the fermentation process, alcohol is formed, which is then distilled using a moonshine still. Regardless of whether it is homemade or factory-made, it is impossible to obtain a completely safe product from it. During distillation, a lot of by-products are distilled together with alcohol, including poison such as methanol, as well as many other organic compounds (fusel oils).

The boiling point of alcohol is 78.4°. Fusel oils contain substances that boil at lower temperatures (acetone, acetaldehyde and others) and at higher temperatures (amyl, propyl, isoamyl and other alcohols, as well as furfural, acetyl). Many of them are poisonous and extremely dangerous for humans (for example, isoamyl alcohol, furfrurol). All of them end up in the finished alcohol as impurities. This is the reason why moonshine is harmful. However, it is these oils that affect the taste and color, so it is impossible to say unequivocally that they only cause harm.

To see what fusel oils are like, you can pour a little moonshine on a saucer and set it on fire. After the blue flame goes out, a yellow oily substance will remain on the saucer.

What are the disadvantages of making alcohol at home?

In factory conditions, distillation is carried out more carefully, with the separation of fractions and the use of special methods for removing the most toxic impurities.
Disadvantages of home distillation include:

  • Inability to strictly adhere to technology. Because of this, the initial product, the so-called “pervak,” is especially dangerous. It is recommended to get rid of it;
  • Substances that are of no benefit to human health have the same boiling point as alcohol, or a boiling point close to it, so even with careful adherence to the temperature regime, there will be too much fusel oil in the final product.

How do different alcoholic drinks differ in composition?

Alcoholic drinks differ not only in their alcohol content. Their taste and color are given by various impurities, the content of which depends on the raw materials, distillation and purification technology. The taste and quality of such noble drinks as cognac are achieved by special long-term aging under special conditions. High-quality alcohol should contain as few harmful impurities as possible, but it must retain all the harmless substances that make up fusel oils. Otherwise, they will all be only solutions of alcohol in water.

The table below shows how different alcoholic drinks differ in their fusel oil content.

Which of these drinks is more harmful? It turns out that you get drunk equally quickly from any alcoholic drink, but alcohol dependence when drinking vodka occurs much faster than when drinking noble drinks. This is explained by the fact that fusel contains compounds that block the harmful effects of pure alcohol. The benefit of these compounds is that they make it difficult for alcohol to be absorbed in the stomach and accumulate in the blood. Accordingly, the concentration of toxins in organs such as the liver, brain and others is lower. Of course, the effect of alcohol on the body manifests itself individually and depends on the following factors:

Beneficial properties of some substances

Fusel oils are a by-product of processing alcohol-containing raw materials to produce alcoholic beverages. The benefits of these substances are as follows:

  • After they are separated from alcoholic beverages during distillation, they are used as raw material for the production of amyl alcohol. This substance is used as a solvent in the food industry;
  • In addition to the harmful components contained in fusel oils (pervak ​​is especially dangerous), there are useful ones that determine the taste, color, smell and other properties that give alcoholic drinks their peculiarity;
  • They contain some components that alleviate hangovers. Therefore, when drinking cognac containing such components, the hangover symptoms are not as severe as when drinking vodka, although chemically it is purer. In addition, we must take into account that we usually measure vodka in half-liters, and cognac in glasses.

What is harmful in moonshine

What harm does the presence of fusel oils in alcoholic beverages cause? The process of breaking down toxins occurs in the liver. The more alcohol enters the body, the greater the load on the liver. Fusel oils contain high-molecular alcohols, which, due to their complex composition, are much more difficult to break down. The work of the liver becomes more complicated, the process of disinfecting toxins slows down. The hangover is prolonged.

To break down, alcohols must undergo an oxidation process with oxygen supplied by the blood. The longer the carbon chain in alcohol molecules, the more oxygen is required. When drinking large doses of alcohol, the blood supply is hampered, there is not enough oxygen, so the toxins are not completely oxidized. This produces substances that are even more toxic than ethyl alcohol.

The danger of moonshine compared to vodka is due to poor purification and a longer and more severe hangover process. Some people consider the fact that it is a "natural homemade product" to be an advantage. However, alcohol consumption is directly related to the strong effects of toxins on the human body. The production of alcohol should be carried out by specialists who are well acquainted with chemistry, toxicology, and technological equipment for the distillation of substances containing alcohol. Fusel oils, present in large quantities in homemade alcohol (moonshine), further increase the danger to the human body. Therefore, they try to clean moonshine from such oils in various ways (using activated carbon, potassium permanganate, soda or egg white, and also by freezing). The benefits of moonshine after purification from harmful components are undoubtedly greater.

Moonshine purified by double distillation with a strength of 40° is perfect for preparing medicinal homemade infusions (for example, with hawthorn). For 100 berries, take 0.5 liters of moonshine and leave for 2-3 weeks. Hawthorn contains substances that can lower blood pressure, improve the condition of blood vessels and heart function.

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Fusel oils are of interest not only to novice alcohol producers, but also to very experienced moonshiners. Today, distillers know several effective methods that can be used without fear.

Fusel oils are a kind of mixture - it is not one substance, but several. They are often called by one term, since there are more than 40 varieties of elements that fall under the concept of “fusel”.

Cleaning moonshine with coal

These substances are part of the distillate, they do not evaporate when making moonshine, and it can be difficult to get rid of them. Fusel is the main cause of intoxication; it is the presence of aldehydes, oils and esters in alcohol that leads to a person having a severe hangover.

However, not all elements are so harmful; some oils give alcohol a pleasant smell, for this reason fruit distillates are not re-distilled. Processing will remove the smell from moonshine, make it cleaner, but at the same time eliminate all the attractiveness of the drink in terms of aroma and taste.

Without a doubt, a high concentration of fusel oils in moonshine is a sign of low quality. This drink is dangerous to consume; it can be used for technical needs.

How to get rid of fusel oils at home?

Purification of distillate from fusel oils can be carried out using various components. Certain substances react with oil molecules and aldehydes and neutralize them or attract them to themselves. All cleaning methods are aimed at improving the quality of alcohol, eliminating unpleasant odors and tastes.

So, what can you use to improve the quality of the drink:

  1. Activated carbon, as well as coke or charcoal, will help remove fusel.
  2. You can clean alcohol using soda and salt.
  3. Moonshine is purified using rye or white bread.
  4. Potassium permanganate will help eliminate unpleasant odors.
  5. Milk and egg white will help improve the quality of moonshine.

It is not difficult to determine that moonshine contains fusel, just smell it before drinking. If alcohol has an unpleasant, pungent odor, and an unpleasant aftertaste remains after drinking it, then you should not drink such a drink.

Fusel oils, such as acetone, aldehyde and others, can ruin not only the quality of moonshine, but also cause severe poisoning.

Cleaning will help get rid of harmful impurities and significantly improve homemade alcohol. But it is not necessary to filter the moonshine using various methods; you can simply distill the distillate. The moonshine still will remove a significant amount of impurities when re-distilled. The device will make the drink suitable for consumption, and at the same time improve its quality and make it stronger.

But do not rush to pour moonshine into the distiller; reprocessing is carried out only after cleaning.

Coal will remove harmful impurities

How to clean moonshine from smell and fusel oils using coal? There are several ways to help clean your drink and improve its quality.

So, what kind of coal can you use:

  • activated in tablets, it is crushed into powder, and a filter is made with it;
  • Charcoal is suitable, you can make it yourself or use coals for the barbecue;
  • Some fans of making distillate at home prefer carbon filters for water.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils using activated carbon or any other carbon begins with grinding the material. Simply put, charcoal is turned into powder, then you can either immerse it in distillate to infuse the drink and get rid of impurities, or make a filter from cotton pads.

The substance acts as an absorbent; it absorbs all fusel oils, aldehydes and esters - this helps rid the drink of a strange taste and smell.

Moonshine should be left to steep for at least 2 hours; some distillate enthusiasts claim that alcohol should sit for at least 12 hours. But in crushed or other forms, coal absorbs impurities quite quickly, and after it absorbs it, it begins to give them back.

For this reason, you should not steep the drink on coal for a long time; 2–3 hours will be enough. Afterwards, the liquid will need to be filtered using a cotton pad or gauze folded in several layers.

Purification of aldehydes and ethers with coal can also take place according to another scheme. The tablets or coals are crushed, then a funnel is made from a plastic bottle. A small hole is made in the lid, first the smallest coal particles are placed on a cotton wool disk, and covered with another disk. This continues until even the largest particles of coal are laid down. The structure is covered with a layer of gauze or several cotton pads.

Moonshine is passed through the filter. This device will help filter from 5 to 10 liters of alcohol. After one use, the device is dismantled and a new one is constructed.

You can also use a water filter jug ​​whose cartridges contain carbon.

Moonshine is passed through the filter; it will help clean about 5 liters of the drink from impurities. If you plan to re-distill the product, then it will be enough to pass the alcohol through the filter 1-2 times and then send it to the distiller.

If you don’t want to recycle alcohol, you will have to pass the drink through the jug 3 to 5 times. This will help eliminate the unpleasant aroma and improve the taste of alcohol several times.

There is another way that will help rid the drink of fusel. But to do this you will have to find and burn a small log. It is better to use birch or beech. The log is burned on a fire, then the coals are collected while they are still warm, crushed into powder and dipped into the distillate.

Cleaning will take about 12 hours; the alcohol should be kept in a dark, cool place. After the specified time, the alcohol is filtered by passing it through thick cloth or gauze folded in several layers.

Salt and soda for moonshine

To rid alcohol of impurities, you can use regular salt and soda. The recipe is quite simple, it includes only 3 components:

  1. Table salt, but not iodized.
  2. Soda.
  3. Moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees.

Cleaning moonshine with soda

We calculate the proportions as follows: for 1 liter of alcohol you will need 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of soda.

Add soda and salt to the alcohol, mix everything thoroughly using a wooden spoon. The solution is left for 30 minutes, then covered with a lid and sent to a dark place. The drink will sit for at least 12 hours. During the cleaning process, it should separate into several parts; the first part must be carefully drained.

Bread and potassium permanganate for alcohol

If you need to correct the taste characteristics of alcohol, you can use bread. It is cut into slices, the crusts are cut off, the crumb is crushed by hand and sent to a container with distillate.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate

Since bread has a porous structure, it will absorb all impurities without much effort and at the same time improve the aroma of the drink. It is advisable to use rye bread, the main thing is that it is fresh and soft.

The moonshine is infused on the bread for at least 12 hours, then filtered. If white bread was used during the cleaning process, then the crusts do not need to be cut off. But the drink will have to steep longer - 3 days.

After purification, alcohol may become cloudy; filtration or re-distillation will help restore its clarity.

This method of improving the quality of the drink has a number of advantages, since bread is a natural product, it will not spoil the moonshine or change its taste. If everything is done correctly, then after 12 hours the drink will be ready for consumption, in addition, the consumer will be pleased with the aroma of alcohol. The smell of fresh baked goods, however, can be removed.

It is not difficult to clean moonshine with potassium permanganate - 3 grams of crystals are dissolved in 300 milliliters of warm water. Afterwards the solution is poured into the distillate.

Potassium permanganate works as follows:

  1. It reacts with certain substances.
  2. Attracts aldehydes and esters.
  3. Precipitates.

A chemical reaction causes the moonshine to become purified. But potassium permanganate is an oxidizing agent; it is not recommended to use it if in the future you plan to make cognac or other noble drink from alcohol.

Egg white and milk

Methods for purifying alcohol from impurities using protein and milk have certain similarities. You will need powdered milk, but pasteurized milk can also be used.

Algorithm of actions:

  • powdered milk in a volume of 60 grams is diluted with warm water (10 liters);
  • stir thoroughly so that no lumps remain;
  • pour milk into moonshine.

First, we dilute the milk in water, then wait 3 hours, pour the mixture into a container with alcohol and leave it in a dark place for 7–10 days.

During this time, the milk will react with some substances in the distillate and precipitate. White flakes will appear at the bottom of the container. They can be removed using a filter; simply pass the drink through a cloth, cotton pad or gauze folded in several layers.

If we talk about egg whites, then before you start, you need to separate the whites from the yolks, beat them, and then pour them into alcohol.

Whipped whites will instantly precipitate, attracting harmful impurities. Flakes can also be eliminated by filtration. In order to clean 1 liter of drink you will need 2 proteins.

These two methods have good results, but they will not be able to turn an outright surrogate into a noble drink. For this reason, it is recommended to re-distill the moonshine.

Fusel oils are by-products of processing alcohol-containing raw materials. They are found in any alcoholic drink. These oils determine the taste, color and other properties of alcohol. But they also have a harmful effect on the human body, as they contain toxins and toxic substances. Therefore, alcohol-containing drinks are carefully cleaned of impurities, but the beneficial substances are preserved.

Fusel oils in homemade alcohol

Fusel oils are a toxic oily liquid, a mixture of monohydric alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and other compounds (in total, the composition includes about 40 different substances). Many substances contained in fusel oils are poisonous. Isoamyl alcohol is considered the most dangerous for humans, accounting for up to 60% of the volume.

These substances in the form of impurities end up in an alcoholic drink, which causes harm to moonshine and homemade tinctures for the human body. But since fusel oils affect the basic properties of alcohol, it cannot be said that they are exclusively harmful. Their presence in the drink is important, and high-quality and thorough cleaning eliminates problems.

When preparing alcohol at home, the fermentation of raw materials produces alcohol, which is separated using a moonshine still. But it is impossible to get a completely safe drink in such a device. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how much fusel oil may be contained in moonshine: it depends on the recipe and the quality of purification.

To find out what fusel oil is, you need to pour a little moonshine into a spoon and set it on fire. It will light up with a blue flame. After the flame goes out, a yellow oily substance with an unpleasant odor will remain on the spoon.

The disadvantages of distilling alcoholic beverages at home include:

  • impossibility of strictly following all technology;
  • impossibility of high-quality purification from harmful substances contained in fusel oils.

When choosing which alcoholic drinks are better to drink, homemade or purchased, you should take into account that distillation at factories is carried out more efficiently, using special methods for removing toxic impurities.

Contents of industrial alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic drinks differ not only in alcohol content. Their characteristic properties are given by impurities, the content of which in alcohol depends on the raw materials, purification technology and other factors.

High-quality alcoholic drinks should contain as little harmful impurities as possible, while they should retain all the beneficial substances that are part of fusel oils. Without these substances, they will only be alcohol solutions.

Tablecontent of fusel oils in alcohol:

Vodka 5–15
Beer 25–100
Wine 100–630
Cognac up to 2000
Whiskey up to 4000

According to GOST 51355-99, the content of fusel oil in vodka should not exceed 5–6 mg/l.

The rate of intoxication is the same for any alcoholic drink, but dependence when drinking vodka forms much faster than when drinking other drinks. This can be explained by the fact that fusel oils contain compounds that block the harmful effects of alcohol.

Beneficial features

The benefits of these compounds are as follows:

  • They slow down the absorption of alcohol in the stomach and its accumulation in the blood. The amount of toxins in organs such as the liver and brain is reduced.
  • Fusel oils contain useful substances that determine the taste and color of alcohol.
  • They contain components that relieve hangover symptoms. Therefore, when drinking drinks such as cognac, the hangover symptoms are not as severe as when drinking vodka, although chemically it is considered purer.
  • Fusel oils have also found their use in folk medicine. They are a warming agent that is used for joint pain.

Alcoholic drinks contain fusel oils, which are toxic yellowish substances. They affect the smell, color and taste of an alcoholic drink. Fusel oils have an unpleasant odor. Interestingly, they are formed at the moment when alcohol is released from the deposited mash. Any alcoholic drink contains “fusel” in its composition.

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Today, fusel oils include about forty different components, which are divided into the following categories:

1. Those that boil up to 78.5 degrees Celsius. These include: acetone, acetic acid.

2. Those that boil at temperatures exceeding 78.5 degrees. These include the following types of alcohols: isobutylene, propyl, isoamyl, isopropyl.

It is interesting that of all the many substances that make up fusel oils, isoamyl alcohol is the most dangerous for humans. Firstly, it accounts for more than half the volume of all fusel oils. Secondly, if this alcohol gets on the skin, it will turn red, itchy, and then small but very painful blisters filled with liquid will form.

It is worth noting that different alcoholic drinks contain fusel oils of different volumes and composition. Why is that? It just all depends on what raw materials the drink was made from, what yeast was used, what technology for making moonshine was used. Vodka contains the least amount of fusel (approximately 5-15 mg per liter). In beer their volume is 30-100 mg per liter. The concentration of fusel oil is very high in cognac (about 2000 mg) and whiskey (almost 4000 mg). The wine “sivukhi”, beloved by many people, contains about 600 mg in 1 liter.

Fusel oils: good to know!

Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally how harmful fusel oils are in the overall effects of alcohol. Due to their presence, alcoholic drinks have their own specific tastes and smells. If these oils did not exist, then all people would drink ordinary alcohol solutions. But it is worth noting that too high a concentration of oils in alcohol can lead to general intoxication, that is, cause poisoning and a severe hangover. It is best if a person drinks alcohol containing a minimal amount of fusel oils. It is interesting that when producing a substance similar in composition to moonshine, from which vodka, cognac, wine or whiskey will subsequently be made, the components of fusel oils that are dangerous to humans are removed, and the harmless ones are left. It is the latter that give this or that alcohol only its recognizable recognizable notes.

Any strong alcoholic drink is produced according to its own individual process, in which a special place is given. For example, the purification of vodka and whiskey is carried out in different ways, so it is impossible to compare their harm to the human body, even though the concentration of fusel oils in vodka is several times less than in whiskey. After all, if you evaluate the quality of purification of these two drinks, it will become clear that vodka is much more dangerous than whiskey. Unfortunately, manufacturers are silent about this. It is more profitable for them to quickly produce and sell cheap vodka than to produce expensive whiskey.

As for the industrial production of alcohol, everything is clear here. There, dangerous fusel oils are removed, leaving the least harmful ones. At the same time, the taste characteristics of alcoholic beverages do not suffer. But what should people do who decide to make wine or beer at home? After all, getting rid of fusel oils without losing the taste of the drink is very, very difficult. Many winemakers claim that if high-quality raw materials are used in the production of wine or beer, production technologies are strictly observed, then the content of dangerous fusel oils will be reduced to a minimum. It is believed that the most effective way to purify moonshine is double distillation.

To avoid strong alcohol, you should stop drinking low-quality spirits and control the size of the doses consumed. As mentioned above, fusel oils contain isopropyl alcohol, which causes intoxication. The worse the vodka or whiskey is purified, the faster a person will pass out. However, this is not the worst consequence of “sivuha”. If a person drinks 1.5 liters of vodka, he will receive a lethal dose of fusel oils. Fortunately, this is difficult to do alone. And the ethanol contained will cause a person to pass out before the critical volume is drunk.