Sri Lanka what to bring as a gift. Sri Lanka what to bring

Sri Lanka is a small island state, the most beautiful among all countries in the South Asian region. Even in the distant past, merchants from all over the world came here for precious stones and spices. Currently, tourists from all over the world visit the country to admire the beauty of the local nature and excellent beaches. Over the centuries of its existence, Sri Lanka has become a cultural treasury of civilization. Tourists leaving the country take with them indelible impressions and numerous gifts. What to bring from Sri Lanka as a gift to loved ones, read the article.


The modern state, as tourists see it today, has been moving towards independence for a long time. Starting from the 6th century BC and up to the 13th century in modern chronology, almost the entire territory of Sri Lanka was dominated by the power of the Sinhalese from India. The majority of the population began to practice Buddhism. This religion has become dominant. The island of Ceylon, on which Sri Lanka is located, was opened to the Western world in 1506. Its coast until the 17th century was controlled by the Portuguese, then by the Dutch. At this time, part of the territory inside the island was occupied by independent Sinhalese kingdoms. But in 1815 the last of them disappeared.

Subsequently, the British held control of the island, Ceylon became a colony of the British Empire only in the last century (1948), but having gained independence, it remains its dominion. Sri Lanka, as a new state, arose in the second half of the 20th century (1971), when the dominion of Ceylon ceased to exist. Today, Sri Lanka is an ancient state with a rich history, which is proud of its rice fields, tea plantations and precious stones. This country attracts pilgrims with numerous Buddhist temples, tourists - with the beauty of exotic nature: golden sand on the coast, clear waters of the ocean. All conditions for recreation are created here. Many tours to Sri Lanka have been developed in Russia and other countries.

Gold Jewelry

The quality of jewelry in the country is very high, so they are in great demand among tourists. Men often buy gold jewelry for women as a gift. Product design is carried out in two traditions:

  • Halle - Western influence is felt. Gold and precious stones are used to create familiar product designs.
  • Kandy is the original tradition of Sri Lanka. The processing of metal, especially silver, is labor-intensive work.

Tourists from our country buy jewelry for gifts in the first style - Halle.


In the distant past, Sri Lanka was called "Ratna Deepa", which means "island with precious stones." Indeed, they are valued in the world for their amazing brilliance, beauty, and high quality. What to bring from Sri Lanka? As the most expensive gift for a woman, tourists buy jewelry with precious stones. Most of the deposits are located in Ratnapura. This area is called the "city of gems". Therefore, it is better to go here to buy jewelry. Blue sapphire, which is called Ceylon, is especially valued. Its value is in color, brilliance and clarity.


This is a local craft using individual design, creativity and talent of the craftsmen. Batik has many motifs: traditional and modern. An excellent gift for a person of any gender and age is clothes from Sri Lanka. What to bring to relatives, friends and relatives, everyone decides for himself. The material produced by batik manufacturers is light and comfortable. Dresses, tunics, T-shirts and much more are sewn from it. Tourists in large quantities buy tablecloths, bed linen, pillows, curtains, paintings made from natural cotton and silk.

Sri Lanka: what to bring from there as a gift? This country is known in the world for cheap high quality clothing from local manufacturers. Tourists buy it in large quantities for all family members, friends and acquaintances. Of course, the shops sell clothes and shoes of well-known brands in Europe, but at a high price. However, any thing as a gift will bring joy.

Masks and wooden products

The production of wooden objects is a fairly well-known industry in the country, which originated in temples in the 14th century. The wood carvings made by the craftsmen of the Embekka Temple were of great value. Later, the kings gave unique items to the best wood carvers. The works have undergone evolution and began to be passed from one generation to another. Bringing a small item as a gift for a family is an unprecedented luxury.

The most attractive and unique branch of woodworking is the production of masks. What souvenirs to bring from Sri Lanka? Experienced tourists are advised to go to Ambalangoda - a popular area for their manufacture and sale. There are many unique, attractive, inspiring masks here. Tourists buy them in large quantities for gifts.

Buddha figurines

What souvenirs to bring from Sri Lanka? Since this is a Buddhist country, a figurine of the founder of an ancient religion would be a good gift. Such souvenirs are made from different materials, but tourists often buy statuettes made of bronze or wood as a gift. They fill the house with an exotic atmosphere, decorating the interior.

Elephant figurines

This animal in the country is a symbol of the state. Not a single tourist will pass by the figurines of elephants. They are bought for numerous acquaintances and colleagues. Figurines are carved from various natural materials, but ebony or ebony is especially valued as a raw material. Such figurines of elephants are easy to distinguish: they have a large weight and black color, which is preserved if the figurine is rubbed. In a large assortment in all shops and tents are sold figurines of elephants made of bone. Usually they are white, but they are painted in different shades.

Leather Products

Often tourists buy last-minute tours to Sri Lanka. It happens that the period of stay on vacation in this country is shorter due to being late. In this case, there is no time to really think and go shopping in search of gifts. But there is always a way out. Souvenirs made from the skin of such an animal as a buffalo are sold everywhere on the island. Belts, purses, briefcases, handbags are always in a large assortment here, you can choose a gift for a man and a woman without leaving the same store.

Ceramic products

What to bring from Sri Lanka? A gift for a long memory are ceramics. They are often bought by tourists for their relatives. Pottery is the oldest craft in the country, dating back to the Sinhala civilization on the island. For several millennia, pottery has retained its simplicity of decoration and elegance. The assortment is rich in kitchen pots, bowls, jugs, vases. Currently, craftsmen have mastered the production of complex products. What can be brought from Sri Lanka? Terracotta figurines, figurines, vases with carved patterns are inexpensive. For their manufacture, workshops are opened away from the bustle of the city.

Lacquered products

Lacquerware is very popular with tourists. For gifts, they buy walking sticks, ashtrays, bookboards, wooden pens, jewelry, although the prices for all this are considerable. Lacquering, as a craft, originated in Kandyan, a province of Sri Lanka. The resin of the bark of trees is used as a varnish. It is cleansed and melted to a soft state. Pigments are added to it to obtain the desired color. The varnish turns out to be durable, which, in fact, attracts tourists.

Cosmetics from Sri Lanka

What to bring as a gift to a woman? Most of all, she will be pleased with Ayurvedic cosmetics. Here it is prepared from natural ingredients, those herbs that grow on the island. This cosmetics is recognized all over the world due to its magical properties, since Ayurveda recipes are used as the basis for its production. The skin looks healthy and literally blooms before our eyes, if you regularly use various skin care products. There are no chemicals in Sri Lankan cosmetics. There are few specialized stores selling it in the country. Cosmetics can be bought in regular supermarkets.

The most popular among tourists is cosmetics Nature, s Secret. It is produced on the basis of natural oils and extracts of plants growing on the island. As a gift, you can buy a soothing gel, herbal tonic for face and hair, conditioners with olive oil and much more. A tube of up to 200 milliliters costs less than two dollars. The history of cosmetics, which include herbs, plants, fruits, has 50 centuries! Many tourists buy cosmetics for the future, for a gift for the future. But this should not be done, since it has a limited shelf life - only two months, and then it should simply be thrown away, it will not bring any benefit.

Ceylon tea

It is popular all over the world. Sri Lankan tea is bought by tourists for gifts to relatives and friends in large quantities. The main thing is not to buy a fake. To do this, pay attention to the logo. If a lion with a sword is depicted on the packaging of Ceylon tea, then this is a real high-quality product from local producers. But it’s better if you visit a plantation located in Nuwara Eliya, where the best tea in Sri Lanka is sold right at the factory, you won’t find a fake here. Ceylon tea has its own marking, which reflects the quality, grade and other information. Examples:

  • Rekoe is the designation for whole rolled leaves. When brewed, a strong infusion with a rich color is obtained. The aroma of the drink is traditional, the taste is delicate.
  • Orange Pekoe - not whole leaves with buds. Taste and aroma are delicate.
  • BP1 Broken Pekoe 1 - medium sized granules. Brews quickly.


The aromatic herbs that grow on the island, which are used as spices for various dishes, have long been known throughout the world. They are grown in gardens covering a large area between Matale and Dambulla. What to bring from Sri Lanka? Tourists buy the following spices as a gift in this exotic country:

  • Cardamom. In this shade-loving plant, seeds with aroma and taste are valued. The berry itself is a light green triangular, slightly elongated capsule. Dry it only in the sun.
  • Cinnamon. A spice with a unique, pronounced smell has been known all over the world for a long time. In the Middle Ages, when ships just entered the harbor, the aroma of cinnamon was felt. Its production in the country is currently 60% of the total in the world.
  • Ginger. This spice is worth buying as a gift, since even a green plant, or rather, its root, can be used as food. Ginger is used to make tea, beer, coffee, oil, and is also widely used in confectionery needs.
  • Nutmeg. It is found in the seed of an apricot-like fruit that grows on a tall tree. The spice is valuable because it gives baked goods, soups, sausages a piquant taste.
  • Carnation. This spice is very popular in the country. It is used in marinades, sauces, whole or powdered.
  • Most often they buy pepper, which is the "king" of spices. Here it is of different types: black - unripe berries, white - the same fruits, but ripe, green is obtained without drying or processing.
  • Unusual for tourists from our country is such a spice as tamarind. Its fruit resembles jelly surrounding small seeds, and the taste is like lemon. Tamarind has a wide range of uses. It is used in the production of liquors, relieving attacks of kidney disease, and for the manufacture of medicines.

There are turmeric, fennel, curry, vanilla, anise and many other items on the island. Spices in Sri Lanka are sold in sets, which are bought by tourists for gifts to numerous relatives and friends. They do not take up much space during transportation, and will remind you of the trip for a long time.

Arak from coconut

It is a popular drink containing alcohol in the country. It resembles Scottish whiskey and Cuban rum, only its taste is much milder. The best arrack is a drink made from coconut juice, the fruit of the palm tree of the same name. Do not drink without ice and soda drink.

A rare tourist manages to return from Sri Lanka without buying anything. And this is wonderful, because sometimes souvenirs can tell a lot more about an overseas country than any guide ... And if we are not talking about cosmopolitan magnets or key chains, a souvenir can tell a lot about a country, about its history, traditions and culture.


This area of ​​Sri Lanka is called "Little England" - the most appropriate name for the land, where it rains for 10 months a year, and in the morning and evening everything is shrouded either in a milky thick fog, or in clouds descending too low. In colonial times, the British fled in this region from the summer heat and created a real resort here: they built a hippodrome, pitched golf courses - the best in Southeast Asia.

The hillsides in Nuwara Eliya - the central cool part of the country - are covered with an even, hard, fleecy green blanket of tea plantations. The phrase "Ceylon tea" has long been a stable name for a high-quality drink. Tea in Sri Lanka, until 1972 called Ceylon, they know how to grow and cook.

Tea was brought here by the British from China at the beginning of the 19th century - the first bush was planted as an experiment in the botanical garden. It turned out that this plant feels great in the highlands: the drink turned out with a mild pleasant taste.

Now Sri Lanka is the world's largest exporter of tea. Therefore, visiting the island and not going to the plantations, not tasting, not comparing different varieties of tea would be a big mistake. The tea-pickers, quickly turning over with their hands, tear off the top leaves and throw them into huge bags attached to their backs. Then the raw material goes to the factory: the leaves are dried, rolled and left for fermentation - oxidation, to then make black tea, or immediately sent to the dryer to make green tea.

Ayurvedic remedies

In the old days, Sri Lanka was famous not only for tea. Much earlier, this region gained fame thanks to spices: cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, vanilla, pepper, nutmeg ... Sri Lanka must be tasted: try different types of curries in the restaurant, each of which is unique in its combination of herbs and aromas unusual for a European . And you can get to know spices better in one of the “spice gardens” scattered around the country.

In such a garden, many fruits will be allowed to taste, including the notorious durian, the pulp of which is very tasty, but after spending a couple of minutes in the air, it begins to smell unbearably of hydrogen sulfide. They will tell you that it is useless to eat the big pineapples we are used to in order to lose weight, because only a special wild red pineapple has the desired effect. They will also teach how to use sandalwood powder for teeth whitening, cloves for toothache, red coconut oil for dandruff, cocoa for snoring, red banana extract with durian for male power.

Plants in this land have long been used in one of the oldest medical traditions in the world - Ayurveda, which has a history of three thousand years. And that is why tourists leave such gardens, having bought dozens of jars and bottles, which contain the power of leaves and roots, bark and resin of plants - there lies the disposal of wrinkles and excess hair, excess weight and high blood pressure, gastritis and impotence.

You can feel the power of local drugs before you return home. There are about 6,500 registered Ayurveda practitioners in Sri Lanka. Many hotels have Ayurvedic centers where you can take a massage course with Ayurvedic oils, herbal pastes and herbal baths.

Products with precious stones

Gemstones have been mined in Sri Lanka for centuries. It is known that even at the dawn of our era, the palaces of rulers were decorated with huge uncut stones. It was precious stones, along with no less valuable spices, that attracted Portuguese, Dutch, and then English conquerors to this island.

And until now, stones in Sri Lanka are mined in the old fashioned way. Most of the work is done by hand, without any devices: a mine is dug, the rock is washed, and garnets and emeralds, sapphires and rubies are born from the bowels of the earth.

On the island you can find stones for the fulfillment of the most cherished jewelry dream: any size, purity, color. Unfortunately, most of the local jewelers are not very creative and most of their pieces are too simple, banal and uninteresting. Therefore, some tourists buy cheap products, and then remake them at home.


In Sri Lanka, you can see the world-famous folk craft - fabric dyeing - batik. Such products are not cheap, especially if silk is signed. Why, it will become clear only to those who visit the factory.

It takes more than one day to make each picture. First, the drawing created by the artist is applied to the fabric with a special pencil, then it is repeated with wax - it covers areas that should not be painted. And then a long process of dyeing begins: a piece of fabric is lowered into a vat of paint, changes color, after which you need to thoroughly wash off the wax and apply it again - to other areas, and dye it again - now in a different color. The more colors in the picture, the more times you have to repeat everything.

Wood products

Wherever a tourist in Sri Lanka goes, souvenir merchants will accompany him everywhere. Other trinkets include wood crafts. Most often, elephants are “small-small-smaller” or figures of fishermen with fishing rods.

You can brush off annoying salesmen, tell them "Epa!"

Different types of wood will be shown at the factory, they will tell you that good furniture for the home is made from mahogany, and for the garden - from teak, from the pockmarked wood of the coconut palm, beautiful and practical dishes are obtained. And then one of the employees, like a magician, quickly adds sawdust to the glass, and the water turns bright red, a drop of lemon juice - the liquid turns yellow, lime - raspberry. So, by adding different natural ingredients, you can create 21 paints, for example, for masks.

Returning from a trip, you always want to bring a piece of the country with you so that a memorable purchase reminds you of your vacation.

From such an exotic country as Sri Lanka, you plan to bring something authentic, made in this area.

Of course, Sri Lanka is famous for its tea, but besides it, there is something to buy for yourself as a keepsake, as well as for relatives and friends as an unusual souvenir. What to choose from the variety of products offered?

Souvenirs from Sri Lanka: what to bring?


Each country has its own national alcoholic drink that every tourist should try. In Sri Lanka it is arrack.

This colorful national drink is made from the juice of coconut palm flowers with the addition of various herbs. The drink is called palm wine, coconut moonshine, local vodka and rum.

Arrak compared to rum and whiskey, but it has a soft taste. From this alcoholic drink there is no hangover. Drink it neat with ice or in cocktails, adding cola or soda.

You can also bring your own a bottle of Calypso red rum, which is made from cane sugar, burnt caramel, and red banana juice is added for color, which is considered a very healing product.

The drink has a bright caramel taste. It is drunk, mixed with carbonated drinks, lemon juice, and also added to coffee.


The country is famous for its Ayurvedic cosmetics. made from natural ingredients according to the ancient recipes of Ayurveda. You can bring essential and coconut oil with you, which has healing and rejuvenating properties.

You can also buy natural creams, toothpastes of plant origin. Especially popular toothpaste with red pepper, which not only perfectly whitens teeth, heals gums, but also has a sharp taste of hot pepper and cinnamon aroma.

Ayurvedic shampoos and lotions, hair oils and massages are very popular., sandalwood soap, face masks that will give beauty and prolong youth.


Like cosmetics Sri Lankan medicine is based on the use of the gifts of nature. Of the health benefits you can buy:

  • tincture of cinnamon, which helps with headache and toothache, relieves itching from mosquito bites;
  • on the basis of liquid from the shell, preparations are made for the treatment of gastric diseases;
  • red pineapples are used to make weight loss products;
  • red oil based on medicinal plants helps with joint diseases.

You can buy natural cough syrups, medicinal teas and tinctures, miraculous remedies for snoring, baldness, dandruff, which are made from medicinal herbs and spices.

Products and spices

A must buy in Sri Lanka is the famous tea, distinguished by its aroma and mild taste. As souvenirs, you can bring tea in an interesting package: in bags, in beautiful boxes, in unusual packages, for example, in coconut figurines.

You can buy tea with natural additives, such as cinnamon, vanilla, passion fruit.

From the products you can bring cashew nuts, buffalo cheese and, of course, exotic fruits. You can surprise your friends with red bananas, papaya, mangosteen, lychee, rambutan, drinking coconut and pineapple.

Sri Lanka is famous all over the world for its fragrant spices and spices, the choice of which is very wide: cardamom, curry leaves, saffron, nutmeg, ginger and the famous Ceylon cinnamon.

As gifts and souvenirs, you can bring sets of spices that will help you feel the taste and aroma of national cuisine.

Clothing and footwear

In Sri Lanka you can buy clothes made of natural cotton, silk, as well as batik. Blouses, dresses, skirts, scarves, stoles are sewn from natural silk. T-shirts, T-shirts, clothes for home and leisure are bought from soft high-quality cotton.

Batik is painting on fabric. The fabric is painted for bright shirts, sundresses, dresses. Pareo and hand-painted national clothes (sari and sarong) are especially popular.

Sri Lanka makes quality leather goods, so you can buy sandals made of genuine leather for yourself or as a gift.

all sorts of things

Souvenir products of Sri Lanka are presented in a very large assortment, and you can always choose something imbued with the spirit of this exotic country.

Precious stones and jewelry with them. Sri Lankan sapphires are especially famous. You can buy jewelry with them or buy an uncut stone.

Batik paintings, which depict beautiful landscapes, flowers, intricate patterns.

Buddha figurines, made of various materials, will add an exotic color to the interior and bring good luck to the owner.

Elephant figurines, which is considered a sacred animal, carved from wood or bone. Ebony figurines are especially prized.

Genuine leather products. Mostly buffalo leather is used. Bags, belts, wallets, covers for documents are sewn from it.

Wooden painted masks who have mysterious powers. The masks are cut from tropical wood and hand painted. Masks protect from evil spirits and negative energy, attract good luck and wealth, and participate in healing rituals.

Each mask has its own magical purpose, which the seller will tell about. You can buy a mask with a certain meaning or as a bright authentic souvenir.

drums are part of the religious rites of the Sri Lankans, so they are sold as a souvenir.

An unusual souvenir will be paper products made from elephant dung. Notepads, albums, photo frames, and papier-mâché figurines are made from such paper.

What can you buy as a gift?

When choosing gifts from travels, you can buy more of everything, and you can choose an individual souvenir for everyone, which will appeal to a particular person.


A man who loves style in clothes can bring factory products, for example, branded jeans or T-shirt.

Each man will appreciate the national alcoholic drink presented to him. In Sri Lanka it arrack and red rum which are popular not only among tourists, but also among locals.

Music lovers you can bring a ritual drum or a disk with ethnic music.

Would be a useful gift genuine leather products. It can be a belt, a purse or a wallet made in ethnic style.

An original gift will be national men's clothing sarong, which is worn by locals, wrapping it around the waist. Sarongs are presented in various colors and decorated with oriental ornaments.

The sarong can be worn to a themed party, or simply worn at home, surprising guests.


Each representative of the fair sex will not remain indifferent to jewelry, so you can bring as a gift jewelry with natural gemstones: sapphires, emeralds, rubies.

The stone can be chosen according to the sign of the zodiac or has a positive effect on health.

You can bring as a gift products and natural silk. This noble material will appeal to every woman, regardless of age. It can be a silk blouse, a scarf with oriental ornaments, a summer scarf, as well as bed linen.

Each hostess will appreciate as a gift unusual dishes and kitchen utensils made in ethnic style from cinnamon, coconut shell and buffalo horn.

To make the girl feel like a resident of an exotic country, you can give her a bright hand-painted sari.

For needlewomen, a pleasant and useful gift will be thin elegant lace of high quality, as well as linen and batik canvases.

Would be a useful gift natural cosmetic, which has different properties.

Home decoration can be Sri Lankan textiles. You can buy bed linen, towels, bedspreads, curtains and pillows made of natural fabrics.

To kid

From Sri Lanka, a child can bring various figurines made of wood and bones in the form of animals.

Also the child will be delighted with the coconut craft. It can be various animals, as well as handbags, lamps and caskets.

Local children play with clay and papier-mâché toys hand-painted with vibrant colors. These figurines make great gifts for kids.

Any product and souvenir bought in Sri Lanka will become not only a great memory of the trip, but also an exotic piece of furniture or an original gift.

See also video about Sri Lankan shopping:

Tea, precious stones and various spices brought world fame to the island. Many tourists who come to Sri Lanka want to buy the best souvenirs for their family and friends.

Usually they bring Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka, which is grown on the numerous plantations of the island. Ahead of you is an unforgettable excursion into the world of black tea, spices, precious stones, vegetable oils, national masks, silk and other souvenirs.

Oil, spices and Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka

Usually local travel companies organize excursions to spice growing areas. Here you will be taken to a plantation, shown various bushes, and then sent to an expensive store, where coke natural oil costs three times more than its real price. Therefore, it is best to do shopping on your own.

Ceylon black tea known throughout the world and therefore tourists buy it as a gift to their relatives, but in order not to buy a fake, you need to look for the Lion with a Sword packaging. Brands with this logo are local tea producers. If you want to buy good black tea, then it is best to go to the plantation, which is located in the mountainous region of Nuwara Eliya. Here at the factory you can buy the best Ceylon tea of ​​the highest grade. If you bring such tea home, then your relatives will appreciate it.

Fine spices have been growing on the island since ancient times. which are known all over the world. Most of the gardens are located in an area that stretches from Matale to Dambulla.

The choice of spices in Ceylon is quite wide:

  • Cardamom,
  • brown tree,
  • cinnamon sticks,
  • Pepper,
  • Ginger,
  • Carnation,
  • Vanilla,
  • Nutmeg,
  • Turmeric,
  • Anise,
  • Chilli,
  • Curry and more.

The price of such spices starts from 500 rupees per kilogram. What spices to bring from Sri Lanka is up to you.

Fruits, Ayurvedic cosmetics, red rum

In addition to spices, you can buy in the gardens of Sri Lanka exotic fruit durian, which has a pleasant taste, but repels with its smell of hydrogen sulfide. That is why it cannot be carried in public transport and carried into a hotel room.

The ripening season for this fruit in Sri Lanka is April, May and June, when you can not only enjoy Durian, but also have a good time and relax on the island.

Those who want to lose weight buy special wild red pineapples. Clove can help with toothache, red coconut oil can help with dandruff, cocoa can help with snoring, and sandalwood powder can whiten teeth. Also spices in Sri Lanka are used in natural cosmetics.

Ayurvedic cosmetics of Sri Lanka created on the basis of ancient recipes. These are various essential and coconut oils, pastes and creams. This cosmetics is used in many SPA salons and is very popular among tourists.

Most countries of the world can boast of national alcoholic beverages. And in Sri Lanka it's a coconut arak, Calypso rum, red rum. Arak tastes like a good Cuban rum, but it is much softer. The best arak is made from coconut juice.

Locals also offer tourists to try toddy. it hot alcohol cocktail, which is made from strong drinks, liquor, wine and various spices (cinnamon and cloves). It is then diluted with hot water and served in a highball glass.

Gems, clothes, souvenirs and masks

Gems and jewelry are very popular in Sri Lanka. More than 85 varieties of various precious stones lie in the bowels of the island.

There is a museum on the island where you can admire all kinds of stones. Or you can go to Ratnapura to the local mining mine and walk around the market, asking the price of uncut stones. Sapphires (blue and star) are especially popular. Beads made of moonstone, cat's eye, alexandrite, aquamarine will not cost you much.

Clothing in Sri Lanka very good quality. Silk and cotton products are especially popular. So, for example, you can buy silk shirts, blouses, pareos, cotton T-shirts, T-shirts. Usually, tourists buy women's saris and men's sarongs as a souvenir.

Also tourists take home as small souvenirs carvings of elephants, which are considered sacred animals here. That is why their tusks cannot be taken out of the island. But figurines made of black ebony can be purchased at every souvenir shop.

National masks are the most popular souvenirs of Ceylon. These products are carved from a special Kaduru tree that grows near rice fields in swampy lowlands.

"The city of Ambalangoda is the center for the manufacture of traditional Sri Lankan masks."

In Sri Lanka, tourists usually buy three types of masks:

  1. Kolam are dance masks that are used in theatrical performances.
  2. Sunny - these masks, according to legend, help restore physical and psychological harmony.
  3. Raksha - these masks are associated among the Sri Lankans with the Rakshasa tribe, who can take on various forms.

Shopping and souvenirs: what to bring from Sri Lanka

One of the most common questions is: what to buy in Sri Lanka, what souvenirs to bring to friends and relatives as a gift, and of course, what to please yourself. In this article we will try to answer this question.

Buying souvenirs: what to bring from Sri Lanka?

The question of what to bring from Sri Lanka practically does not arise - there are a lot of options and the choice is unusually wide. As a rule, a traditional set of souvenirs includes:

  • ceylon tea,
  • cosmetics, oils, Ayurvedic products,
  • spices and spices,
  • gemstone products,
  • wooden masks and figurines.


Batik is hand-painted on fabrics. Typically, paintings, clothing and home textiles are painted using the batik technique. The basis for batik is usually cotton. However, one should carefully approach the choice of the subject of purchase, since machine stamping is often issued for hand-painting.

Wood products

Wooden figurines, key chains, coasters, caskets, vases, spoons, dishes, furniture, etc. of various shapes and sizes are usually handmade by local craftsmen. If desired, the master can create a product especially for you according to your sketch. Valuable redwood, ebony, mahogany, jackfruit are used as materials. It is better to purchase wood products in workshops directly from the master, or in local stores with fixed prices.

traditional masks

Traditional masks of Sri Lanka are sold in all the resort towns of the island; this is a very popular souvenir. Initially, they were made in Ambalangoda, they served for protection, as amulets. Traditional masks are made from Kaduru wood and painted by hand. For Ambalangoda, the manufacture of traditional masks was previously a folk craft that attracted buyers from all over the island, but now there is a Museum of masks in the city, where you can see firsthand the process of their creation and coloring.

Ceylon tea and coffee

Both black and green tea are grown in Sri Lanka, but black tea is much more widespread. Also, any tea shop sells silver tips, or white tea, the most expensive drink option. The packaging of teas is varied, in local supermarkets and branded stores there are different options for both regular and gift packaging, both pure and with herbs and fruits. For connoisseurs and gourmets, specialized tea shops in resort towns sell products from the tea plantations of Dimbulla and Nuwara Eliya, Ella, Kandy and Ruhuna. The teas of these plantations differ in color, strength and strength of aroma.

You can often find familiar tea brands that miraculously differ from domestic ones in quality: Lipton, Dilma, Akbar. For those who are not a gourmet, it is recommended to purchase tea of ​​the medium BOP fraction with the marking in the form of a Sri Lankan lion. Large-leaf tea, which is popular in Russia, is practically not consumed by local residents, preferring precisely the medium and small fractions. The smaller the fraction of tea, the faster and stronger it is brewed, and tea is consumed only freshly brewed. According to the current customs rules of Sri Lanka, 2 kg of tea per person is allowed for export, but in fact this aspect is not checked in any way.

Despite the fact that before the arrival of the tea industry, the island was one of the largest producers of coffee, such a souvenir from Sri Lanka is a gift for an amateur, since not everyone will like it. Coffee is not common in local shops and is more often found in tourist supermarkets, as locals most often drink it only in cool weather.


Sri Lanka has been known for over 2,500 years as a place rich in minerals. The ancient name of the island state Ratna Dvipa is translated as the Land of Precious Stones. Sri Lanka is located in areas with a high density of gems, more than 200 minerals have been identified as precious. Gemstone mines are located in Ratnapura. Moonstone mines are located in Meetiyagoda Moonstone Mine. However, it is worth noting that finished products usually do not have an attractive design. In Sri Lanka they mine:

  • sapphire,
  • Ceylon sapphire
  • ruby,
  • alexandrite,
  • chrysoberyl,
  • star sapphire and ruby,
  • pomegranate,
  • tourmaline,
  • spinel,
  • amethyst,
  • rhinestone,
  • milky, pink and smoky quartz,
  • citrine,
  • zircon,
  • beryl,
  • chrysolite,
  • Moonstone,
  • cat eye,
  • aquamarine,
  • topaz.

You should be careful when buying jewelry with precious stones: the number of fakes in this area is huge. Buying jewelry is only in state-owned stores. licensed. When buying, according to the laws of the country, the seller must issue a receipt and a certificate for the purchased product. Theoretically (in practice, this does not occur) at customs, upon departure, you may be asked for a receipt for the purchased jewelry.


Mostly cotton is sold in fabric stores, but sometimes silk is found. The silk factory is located near Weligama. Most often, fabrics as a souvenir are used for products:

Home textiles:

  • tablecloths,
  • towels,
  • bed sheets,

And also for tailoring everyday and traditional national Sri Lankan clothes:

  • scarves,
  • pareo,
  • blouses,
  • skirts,
  • dresses,
  • sari,
  • sarong.

Ayurvedic products

Contrary to existing stereotypes, Ayurveda is not healing, but a completely scientific direction of medicine, which is supervised by the State Department of Ayurveda of Sri Lanka. The Department of Ayurveda of Sri Lanka is approved as an official Department by the Government of the island by Regulation No. 31 of 1961 (Ayurveda Act). Email address of the Department of Ayurveda in English:

The functions of the Department of Ayurveda include:

  • organization of the educational process,
  • standardization of educational and professional level of specialists,
  • conducting research in this area of ​​medicine,
  • drug manufacturing,
  • provision of medical services through a network of dispensaries and hospitals,
  • cultivation, conservation and dissemination of medicinal plants.

Sri Lankan stores sell Indian and Sri Lankan branded products: Himalaya, Dabur, Siddhalepa, Natures Secrets. Products are presented in the form of completely different natural products: from soaps, cosmetics, masks, shampoos, balms, tonics, etc. to special oils (coconut, sandalwood, amla oil), and medicines.

Do not trust the numerous spice gardens, popular with tourists visiting the island for the first time. The fact is that the products for these "gardens" are taken from the official pharmacies of the Department of Ayurveda, packaged in different jars in incomprehensible conditions, and often also diluted several times, after which the dubious product is sold at an exorbitant price to an uncomprehending tourist.

Also, one should be suspicious of the multiple shops of Ayurvedic products on the streets of resort towns - these sellers often increase the price. So, the price increase in such an Ayurvedic shop for shampoo, in comparison with it, but from the supermarket, reached 10 times.


Sri Lanka has long been known as the center of production and trade in spices and spices in Asia. Spices in the cuisine of Sri Lanka are used in abundance, both in various combinations (for cooking chicken curry or fried rice, ready-made seasonings for seafood, fish), and mono. The most popular spices of the island are:

  • Chile,
  • cinnamon (kurundu),
  • curry (karapincha),
  • tumerik,
  • black and red peppers,
  • ginger,
  • cardamom (enasal),
  • citronella (sulfur),
  • cloves (karambunatti),
  • natural vanilla pods
  • nutmeg (sadiqka),
  • coriander,
  • anise,
  • black, white and green peppers (gam miris)
  • turmeric (kakha).

You can buy spices in Sri Lanka at any supermarket, local store and markets. At the same time, preference should be given to stores where spices and spices are sold packaged.


A traditional alcoholic souvenir from Sri Lanka is a coconut vodka called "Arak" (the Sinhala name is "Arakku"). Arak is sold in all alcohol stores (and sometimes in supermarkets) in bottles of 0.7, 0.5 and 0.375l. The alcoholic drink varies by brand, the best is "old arak" (Old Arak). The local population uses it in combination with Coca Cola.

The second most popular is the red and white rum "Calypso" (Red rum & Silver Rum), sold in packaging of 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7l. This drink has a mild taste and pleasant aroma, goes well with sour juices, soda or is used in its pure form.


For example, there are "Talla ball" sesame candies, original "Thalla guli" candies made from "jaggery" - palm honey, Paul toffee - candies made from coconut flakes, Kiri and Milk toffee - candies made from palm sugar. In chain supermarkets, national desserts Vattalapam, Kaludodol are often found.

You should also pay attention to palm honey syrups and molasses - natural and very healthy sweets sold in supermarkets, including Food City. Palm molasses comes in different packaging - in bags, as well as molded in the form of sweets.

Fruits and nuts

Very often tourists bring various tropical fruits from Sri Lanka. Export of fruits from Sri Lanka is allowed in the luggage compartment. In hand luggage on an airplane, according to the rules of most airlines, it is forbidden to take fruits.

When planning the transportation of fruits, it is worth considering that:

  • not all fruits ripen after cutting, for example, pineapples. If you cut a pineapple green and wait a few days, it will turn sour, and not ripen.
  • the shelf life of most fruits, if you do not plan to transport oranges, is calculated in days, not months. So, the shelf life of a really ripe pineapple is no more than 7 days in cool conditions.
  • Fruits have seasonality, prices for them and their quality vary accordingly.

Most often, from the fruits of Sri Lanka, tourists prefer mangoes (there are several varieties of them on the island), pineapples, durian, mangosteen, rambutans, lychee, jackfruit, papaya, coconuts. The shelf life of the fruit can be clarified when buying and ask the seller to choose fruits suitable for air transportation for you. Buying fruit for a foreigner is often easier and cheaper in shops with fixed prices or supermarkets, there is a serious risk in shops to buy them much more expensive than the real price.

Along with fruits, cashew nuts are grown in Sri Lanka. There is even a village called Kajuvila in the central province of the country, the main occupation of the locals is the cultivation and sale of cashews.

Leather goods and Drums

Numerous souvenir shops abound with souvenirs and leather goods. Basically, buffalo skin is used for making souvenirs. The assortment is very wide: leather belts, bags and briefcases, drums and even folding chairs. This type of product is practically not consumed by local residents and is produced exclusively for tourists.

Initially, drums were used for ritual purposes, during various holidays and ceremonies. Over time, they have lost their exclusively religious significance and have firmly entered the daily life of the Sinhalese; not a single home event can do without drums. Every young person in Sri Lanka knows how to play the drum, as well as how to play cricket. That is why they are presented in abundance in various forms in souvenir shops and shops.

Statuettes and figurines

In souvenir shops there are many figurines made of wood of different species (sandalwood, ebony, teak, coconut), metal (silver, copper) and stone. The most common subject for a figurine or other souvenir is a Hindu or Buddhist deity. For the figurine - elephants or fishermen on a pole, etc. tourist symbols.

Shopping in Sri Lanka: buying clothes and shoes

You can often meet the question - "Is there shopping in Sri Lanka?". The answer in this case is unequivocal: there is no "shopping" here. Anticipating objections, it is worth defining the terminology and distinguishing it from buying souvenirs, which can be done without difficulty. Shopping is a pastime in large shopping malls, where you can not only make purchases, but also spend time.

So, in the strict sense of the word, there is no "shopping" in Sri Lanka. There are about 15 large, by Sri Lankan standards, shopping centers, but there is no talk of any "shopping" there. The format (according to the associative range) of the largest shopping centers is a department store, a little smaller - an ordinary suburban shopping center, and small shops - a spontaneous market under the roof.

Shopping malls Colombo:

  • No Limit (
  • Majestic City (oldest mall)
  • Liberty Plaza
  • Odel (
  • Fashion bug (

However, this does not mean at all that there are no good shops in Sri Lanka, it’s just that it’s very difficult, almost impossible, to find high-quality items of a European level. Despite the fact that a huge part of the world's production of branded clothing is made in Sri Lanka, for some reason, it reaches the shopping centers of Colombo in very small quantities. So sometimes in large stores in Kandy, Colombo and Galle you can find Levi's jeans for $50.

The choice of clothes is, of course, a matter of personal preferences and taste, and shopping mall stores have everything you need - T-shirts, pareos, dresses and sundresses, but common "holiday colors" and gaudy decor "kill" even seemingly cute things. Very popular due to the low cost of synthetics, but it is impossible to wear in the local climate - it's like putting a plastic bag on yourself in the bath.

To make a purchase of any item of clothing, you have to go through the procedure of finding a needle in a haystack. But more and more often in the resort towns you can find joint stores of Europeans and Sri Lankans, where the role of Europeans is to select the assortment. Although prices in such small shops will be higher than average, the quality will pleasantly surprise you.

There are a lot of women's shoes, for different tastes, of different quality, for different money; a lot of interesting textile shoes with ethnic motifs. Men's shoes are mainly represented by leatherette classics and flip flops of various shapes and sizes.