Chocolate bars nestle. Marketing research of demand for chocolate "Nestlé

Everyone knows the products of the Nestle company: cocoa, chocolate, sweets are produced under this brand. It is famous for its quality and popularity, it is recommended for use by children, since any product of the company contains many useful substances necessary for a growing child's body. But few people know the history of the company.

History of the company

The man after whom it got its name was a simple pharmacist, his name was Henri Nestlé. In 1966, he invented powdered milk formula, which was filled with water. It turned out very healthy and nutritious milk of artificial origin. This discovery was made for mothers who, for one reason or another, could not breastfeed their children. The invention received rapid recognition and popularity. Henri decided not to stop on his achievement and opened a factory for his own production of dry mixes for children. Its opening took place in the second half of 1966.

In parallel with this, Henri constantly experimented with ingredients. So, shortly after opening, condensed milk appeared. Further, Henri developed a unique recipe for a tasty and healthy treat by mixing milk powder and cocoa bean powder. Milk chocolate was invented in 1975. Soon Nestlé factories were founded in England and Spain. Developing, the company founded subsidiaries in Germany, Hong Kong, Bombay and Singapore.

Composition and calories

Today, the company's chocolate comes in a variety of flavors. Almonds, hazelnuts, coconut, nuts and raisins are added to it. There is a variety that combines white and dark chocolate. The taste of this product is surprisingly soft and delicate. Unlike most other similar treats, it is not overly sweet. The content of natural powder is 31 percent. For a dairy treat, this is a fairly high figure, which indicates good quality.

Ingredients: vanilla, flavor, soy lecithin, cocoa mass, cocoa powder, milk powder.

Calorie content is 514 kcal. This company also has low-calorie products, such as Nestlé Fitness cereal.

Despite the natural composition, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to eat it too often. High caloric content is good for schoolchildren and students during difficult learning tasks. However, if you abuse even natural milk chocolate, there is a risk of obesity. There may be problems with blood sugar, an increase in the level of bad cholesterol. Increasingly, there is an allergic reaction to the cocoa powder contained in any chocolate.

Nestlé is a bright representative of quality products that has maintained its reputation for many years. Chocolate and its other products are loved by sweet tooth of all ages. Remember to take precautions, then Nestlé delicacies will bring you benefit and pleasure.

Marketing research of demand for Nestle chocolate

Initially, we will analyze the chocolate market in Russia.

The level of chocolate consumption in Russia is high, but in general it is still far from Western European. On average, a Russian eats 4-5 kg ​​of chocolate products per year, while in small Switzerland - 10.6 kg, in Germany - 8.4 kg.

In a few years, the domestic chocolate market will stagnate. If in 2012 the domestic market increased by 13.4%, then in 2013 - only by 8% and amounted to 622 thousand tons. And according to the international agency Euromonitor, chocolate sales in Russia last year increased by only 4% - up to 550,000 tons.

Growth in the chocolate market over the past year has indeed tended to slow down. Undoubtedly, this is due to its active saturation. On the one hand, this is a sign of the coming stabilization of the market. On the other hand, the volume of mass consumption of chocolate in physical terms is falling, the population tends to buy chocolate less often, but more expensive.

According to experts, the potential Russian chocolate market is more capacious than it is today, however, without appropriate support from the industry, it is difficult to achieve the maximum level of chocolate consumption in the country. The active development of parallel segments of the confectionery market (cookies, cakes, waffles, marmalade, caramel, chewing gum) is also one of the reasons for the slowdown in growth.

The decline in the purchasing power of the population in the 90s turned into a serious crisis for the Russian confectionery industry. Only since 2000 there has been a steady development dynamics with an increase in production volumes. Many enterprises managed to attract significant financial resources for the modernization of production equipment and the construction of new enterprises. Due to the fact that consumers were able to pay for better and more expensive products, the growth of the segment over the past few years was provided by expensive and complex products.

Five years ago, the market for chocolate products was replete with all sorts of brands of both domestic and imported chocolate. Today, according to experts, 96% of confectionery products are produced in Russia, although foreign investors own Russian factories. The chocolate business is recognized as one of the most profitable all over the world, therefore, foreign capital is actively invested in this industry. Now, probably, there is not a single successfully operating confectionery factory that does not have a foreign share in the structure of its own funds. Today, the chocolate industry is characterized by the transition of production from a polypoly to an oligopoly (there are only a few large producers on the market).

In 2012, the production of chocolate was increased by major Western players - Nestle, Kraft Foods and Sladko. In general, about 160 factories produce chocolate products in Russia. Half of the market is controlled by the five largest companies: Nestle, Mars, Kraft Foods, Cadbury and United Confectioners. By the beginning of 2013, the United Confectioners holding, which owns 3 confectionery factories in Moscow (Babaevsky, Krasny Oktyabr, Rot Front) and 12 in the regions, owned 15.5% of the confectionery market. Small businesses still struggle to fight for a place in the sun (Table 2).

Table 2 - Shares of the main manufacturers in the retail sales of chocolate products (2013 data)

At the moment, it has become difficult to fight for both the capital and the provincial consumer, who is “spoiled” by local producers who have studied his tastes well.

Next, we analyze the segmentation of the market and the main consumers of Nestle chocolate. During which a survey was conducted on the basis of the questionnaire presented in Appendix 1. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions. The total number of respondents was 50 people.

The main buyers of Nestle chocolate have the following characteristics:

average income (high-income shoppers prefer more expensive chocolate);

accommodation in close proximity to the store;

low requirements for the range and quality of goods.

The age of buyers practically does not lend itself to differentiation. According to the study, predominantly women are buyers - about 70% of consumers, 30% of consumers are men.

Imagine segmentation by age (Figure 1).

Under 18 - 5%

From 18 to 25 years old -40%

From 25 years to 35 years - 30%

From 35 years to 50 years - 15%

Over 50 years old - 5%

Figure 1. Segmentation of consumers by age

The main buyers are women aged 18 to 25 years.

Imagine segmentation by social affiliation (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Segmentation of consumers by social class

Most of the visitors are the able-bodied population (Figure 2).

Analysis of the target audience in terms of income per month, allows you to get the following data: less than 10 thousand rubles. - 10%, 10 - 15 thousand rubles - 30%, 15 - 25 thousand rubles - 50%, more than 25 thousand rubles. - ten %.

So, the main buyers are people whose income level is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles per month.

Figure 3. Frequency of purchases made

The survey analysis also shows that the purchase is made approximately 3 times a week (33%), daily (22%) (Figure 3).

Figure 4. Consumer preferences by type of Nestle chocolate

So, the portrait of the Nestle chocolate consumer can be represented as follows. Mostly visitors are able-bodied population aged 25 to 45 with an income level in the region of 15 to 25 thousand rubles, while making purchases three times a week. Milk chocolate and milk chocolate with almonds and raisins are in the greatest demand. Mostly they buy chocolate for themselves (54%) and for their families (34%). Also, according to chocolate consumers, Nestlé should improve its assortment.

Assessment of the competitiveness of Nestle chocolate

An assessment of the competitiveness of Nestle chocolate plays a significant role (Table 3).

Table 3 - Comparative evaluation of competitors

Competitive Factor

Chocolate "Nestlé"

Chocolate Alpen Gold

Chocolate "Babaevsky"


The label is colorful, with artistic merit, attracts attention. Contains standard information as well as useful information.

The label is colorful and contains the necessary information.

The label is designed satisfactorily, contains standard information, clear inscriptions and drawings.

Taste qualities

A pronounced taste of milk chocolate, complemented by taste criteria.

Pronounced harmonious taste with a delicate chocolate or berry aroma.

Pronounced clean taste, but not very harmonious.


The tile is tightly wrapped in foil and a label.

The tile is tightly wrapped in foil and a label. Allocate exclusive forms of packaging.

Economic strategy

There is a business plan for the year ahead.

Drawing up a plan for 6 months, the price is determined (no guarantees).

The price is set without calculations, marketing analysis of the market is not carried out.

Based on the presented factors, we calculate the competitiveness criteria for each type of chocolate (Table 4).

Table 4 - Evaluation of the integral indicator of the level of competitiveness based on expert assessment

The scores were evaluated on a 10-point scale (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Assessing the competitiveness of chocolate

So the main competitor is Alpen Gold chocolate.

An integral assessment based on an expert assessment proves that Nestle chocolate received the highest score in the amount of 7.5 points and Babaevsky chocolate received the lowest score - 6 points.

Competitive advantages of Nestle chocolate are:

taste qualities

economic strategy

product labeling.

So, based on the analysis, we will develop an advertising campaign for Nestle.

Are there people who are indifferent to chocolate? Probably not. This delicacy is equally loved by adults and children, men and women around the world. And if you don’t like chocolate, you simply didn’t find “your” taste or tried a low-quality product. A well-known Swiss chocolate company, Nestlé, can satisfy the most demanding gourmet. Doubt? Then the following article is for you.

Why do we love chocolate?

Few of the lovers of cocoa products know that initially chocolate was a bitter drink, to which they added hot pepper and drank to invigorate the spirit and tone the body. Quite by chance, the pepper was replaced with sugar and chocolate got a new life - completely new taste properties were opened, while the tonic effect remained.

Indeed, chocolate has not only pleasant taste qualities: it contains substances that produce a “hormone of happiness” in a person, and also give a feeling of cheerfulness and clarity. In moderation, chocolate also has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, blood pressure and the digestive system.

The other side of the coin, oddly enough, is the taste of the product. For a wide range of consumers, a lot of sugar is added to the composition of chocolates, and unscrupulous manufacturers use vegetable fats, flavoring and aromatic additives and preservatives to reduce the cost of production. In combination with a large amount of sugar, this set can damage teeth, lead to weight gain, deterioration of the skin and blood vessels.

Is all chocolate equally good?

Chocolate, which enters the markets, can be divided into bitter, milk and white. Bitter or dark chocolate is the most useful: it contains the largest amount of cocoa in its composition (more than 55%) and the minimum amount of sugar. Not everyone can appreciate its taste. For example, children traditionally do not like such a delicacy, preferring milk chocolate to it.

Nestlé milk chocolate was first made by adding condensed milk to the classic recipe. A little later, it was replaced by milk powder, which simplified production, but at the same time did not affect the taste.

It rapidly gained popularity and today remains the most sought-after delicacy around the world.

But not all chocolate is equally good: the taste and beneficial properties of this sweet product directly depend on the composition. It should not contain artificial additives and vegetable fats. Therefore, there is no need to save money and experiment: it is better to choose proven brands that follow their reputation and know what real chocolate is. Nestlé is a Swiss company that is considered one of the world leaders in this field.

Variety of choices

When choosing chocolate, you need to be prepared for a huge assortment that manufacturers can offer today, so as not to get confused and not succumb to the persuasion of sellers. So, to make a decision, you need to know the following main products:

  • Bitter or dark chocolate. It has a pronounced taste of cocoa, contains a minimum amount of sugar and additives. Most helpful.
  • Milk chocolate. It contains milk powder and a sufficient amount of sugar. When choosing, you should monitor the absence of vegetable fats in the composition.
  • White chocolate. Does not contain cocoa beans, but is made with cocoa butter. Includes the largest amount of sugar, which is why it has the highest energy value.
  • Chocolate with additives. In any of the above types of products, nuts, raisins, marmalade, yogurt, waffles, etc. can be added. It is especially worth choosing such delicacies for people suffering from allergies.

The product is most often packaged in tiles of 100 or 200 grams, as well as in bars. In addition, each manufacturer comes up with their own exclusive forms of packaging and packaging: for example, you can buy Nestle hot or bulk chocolate and enjoy the taste as much as you want.

Milk rivers, chocolate banks

However, milk chocolate is by far the most popular. If you decide to opt for this particular type of confectionery, remember that Nestlé chocolate is the first and highest quality on the market.

The products of this company are manufactured in Switzerland and meet the highest quality standards. In addition, you can find a product for every taste. In addition to standard tiles, Nestle produces hot chocolate and bars that are in no way inferior to the classic product.

White chocolate

True connoisseurs of this dessert do not get tired of arguing about whether the white analogue has the right to be called chocolate itself. Undoubtedly! Yes, in the composition it does not contain cocoa powder and does not have the characteristic taste of a classic product. But the content of cocoa butter and the original recipe allow white chocolate to take its rightful place among the huge range of products.

Produces such a product and the company "Nestlé". White chocolate of this brand can be safely bought by those who appreciate quality. In its manufacture, vegetable fats and flavor enhancers are not used, and just enough sugar is used so as not to interrupt the taste of the chocolate itself.

White chocolate is a great alternative for those with a sweet tooth who are allergic to cocoa beans.

Gourmets must try

Chocolate "Nestlé" can satisfy the most refined taste. If you don't like the classic sweet squares, maybe you should try it hot? It is available in convenient dosed sachets and is very easy to prepare: you just need to pour the contents of the sachet with hot water or milk - and the drink is ready. It will warm the coldest evening and bring a feeling of inner warmth and happiness.

And for those who are difficult to surprise, Nestle chocolate with mint is suitable. This is a truly extraordinary combination for true connoisseurs of fine taste. The company produces such an unusual delicacy in thin small slices that resemble tea bags. Each piece skillfully combines the mild sweetness of dark chocolate with the refreshing taste of mint. If you need to surprise someone with an unusual gift, choose Nestlé mint chocolate. The photo below shows how original and unusual the box with such an exotic delicacy looks.

What do chocolate lovers say?

Of course, before choosing any product, you should not only find out as much information about it as possible, but also read the reviews of chocolate lovers. Today it is not at all difficult to do this.

Chocolate "Nestlé" leaves an exceptionally favorable impression on everyone who has tried it. Girls note a pleasant creamy aftertaste, soft delicate texture and beautiful packaging of the product.

More practical men talk about great taste along with excellent quality and convenient packaging. Everyone, regardless of taste preferences, notes the worthy composition of the product, which indicates high quality and compliance with production technology.

Therefore, it is definitely worth trying the product of this brand.

We use consciously

Of course, chocolate is a tasty and healthy delicacy. But when buying and printing another tile, you need to remember that this confectionery product contains a large amount of sugar, which can negatively affect the condition of the teeth and figure.

One 100-gram chocolate bar contains an average of 500 kilocalories. And this is a quarter of the daily intake for an adult. You don’t need to eat this sweet in front of the TV or under stress - the volume of what you eat is less controlled, and the hand itself reaches for a new piece.

By observing moderation in the use of high-quality chocolate, you will improve your mood and not harm your health!

Julia Vern 10 749 1

The progenitor of the famous NESTLE company was a successful pharmacist from Switzerland, Henry Nestlé, who was fascinated by the creation of a product for artificial feeding of children, he officially founded his brainchild in 1867, probably not even implying that his brand after a few decades would become synonymous with quality and the best traditions in the field of production food. The familiar company logo in the form of birds sitting in a nest is nothing more than the Nestlé family coat of arms, which he did not want to change even for a trademark in the form of a white cross present on the flag of his homeland.

Henry Nestle began research on infant feeding back in the 60s of the 19th century, when there was a high infant mortality due to malnutrition. Looking for the perfect alternative to breastfeeding, he experimented with milk, sugar and wheat flour, eventually developing a new product called Henry Nestlé Milk Flour. The resulting mixture was a real breakthrough, and, thanks to its unique characteristics, immediately won the trust of consumers. A premature baby, whose body rejected mother's milk and all products replacing it, helped to make sure of the quality and nutritional value of the product. When even the help of doctors was ineffective, the NESTLE milk formula performed a miracle and saved the life of the baby, after which it received great trust in society and after a few years became in demand in most European countries.

How to stay ahead of the competition?

In the mid-70s of the 19th century, Nestle, led by the new owner Jules Monner, began to produce condensed milk under its own brand. This decision was prompted by the desire of the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company to expand its range of breast milk substitutes. Meanwhile, new interesting solutions appear on the food market, one of which was milk chocolate, invented by Daniel Peter. Later he created his own company, which became a leading player in the production of chocolate, and later part of the NESTLE corporation.

At the beginning of the 20th century, these two competing companies merged under the name "Nestle and the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company", and after some time, factories in the USA and some European countries operated in the possession of the new corporation. In 1907, thanks to large-scale production in Australia, output doubled. At the same time, warehouses were being built in Singapore, Bombay and other Asian countries.

How to increase sales despite the hard times?

During the First World War, which created a detrimental environment for the production and marketing activities of the company, NESTLE sells almost all of its stocks to make up for the shortage of fresh milk in Europe. However, in the meantime, government orders are being received for the production of dry and condensed milk. To meet this demand, Nestle acquires several more factories in the US and thereby doubles production.

The post-war period brought with it a deep crisis associated with the rise in prices for raw materials and the fall of the currency, all these consequences did not bypass the Nestle company. At this time, management makes a major reorganization decision and begins to expand its traditional business with new products such as malted milk, instant drinks and powdered baby buttermilk. A revolutionary creation and one of the main discoveries of NESTLE was the instant powder NESCAFE, which appeared in 1938 and continues to be in demand among coffee lovers to this day. And even during the Second World War, which affected NESTLE with a significant reduction in profits, the unique drink enjoyed incredible popularity and was duly accepted by American soldiers and officers. Thanks to this trend, sales of NESCAFE reached a million boxes by 1943, making NESTLE the leader in the coffee business, and the company's profit by the end of World War II was more than two hundred and twenty million dollars, which was twice the profit of 1938.

The post-war period was marked for NESTLE by a period of diversification and a new alliance with Alimentana S.A. and Maggi & Co., which was the largest instant soup, condiment, and stock cube business. The result of the merger was the creation of the NESTLE Alimentana Company holding, whose composition was replenished already in 1950 by the British canned food manufacturer Crosse & Blackwell, and a little later by Findus, a manufacturer of frozen fish products. From the mid-60s to the early 70s, Libby and Stouffer were added to the holding, producing fruit juices and frozen foods, respectively.

During all this time, the popularity of NESCAFE instant coffee steadily gained momentum, the technology of drying using low-temperature vacuum was developed, thanks to which a new brand of coffee called TASTER'S CHOICE was born.

Get out of the familiar zone to stay afloat

In the mid-70s, due to the beginning of the deterioration of the economic situation, due to high prices for "black gold" and the depreciation of currencies around the world, the prices of coffee and cocoa increased significantly. NESTLE is forced to adapt to changing realities and is moving beyond its usual food business. In 1974, the company acquires shares in L'Oreal, and a little later becomes the owner of Alcon Laboratories, Inc., engaged in ophthalmic and pharmaceutical production.

A sure way to the podium

In the 1990s, favorable conditions came for the development of NESTLE, barriers to trade were abolished, new sales lines were opened in China, Central and Eastern Europe. Starting in 1996, the company's management decided to sell some brands, such as Findus, and buy new ones, such as San Pellegrino and Spillers Petfoods.

Throughout the 20th century, NESTLE changed the direction of its activities, expanded the geographical boundaries of its activities, surprised people with new inventions and developments in the food industry. It can be confidently said that NESTLE has already entered the new 21st century as the undisputed leader in the field of food production, the company has about five hundred operating factories, and the annual sales income exceeds 90 billion Swiss francs.

The year 2007 marked a symbolic return to the roots for the company with the purchase of the Gerber brand, known worldwide as a leading manufacturer of baby food. Thus, NESTLE gets the opportunity to fully continue the work of its founder, as well as to develop the concept of proper and healthy nutrition.

How did Nestlé come to Russia?

At the end of the 19th century, a merchant from St. Petersburg Alexander Wenzel and Henry Nestlé signed an agreement for the supply of milk products to the Russian Empire, from that very moment NESTLE's partnership with Russia began to develop.

In the 90s, Nestlé created a Russian distribution network, developing large-scale sales of the most popular products, such as Nescafe and Nesquik. After that, he opens a representative office, which in 1996 became an independent company called Nestle Food LLC, which ten years later, as a result of mergers, was renamed Nestle Russia.

Popular representatives of Nestlé, such as Nescafe, Rossiya-Generous soul, Maggi, Nuts, have been repeatedly awarded various awards in the field of national recognition, which is an indisputable fact of the love of Russian consumers for the company's products.

Favorite coffee from Nestlé

From 1938 to the present day, the NESCAFE brand is perhaps the most popular among all Nestle products; at the moment it has seven coffee lines produced. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

NESCAFE Classic. Granulated instant coffee, produced in soft packaging and a glass jar, has a tart classic coffee taste and rich aroma. Such a drink will be appreciated by fans of the morning traditions of drinking coffee, charging with vivacity and energy.

NESCAFE Gold. Sublimated instant coffee, which has absorbed different varieties of roasted coffee beans, balanced and harmoniously combined in one drink. In the Nescafe Gold line, you can choose soft, strong, rich coffee, or made from roasted and unroasted green beans. Supplied in a glass jar or soft zippered packaging.
NESCAFE Montego. Freeze-dried instant coffee of medium roast beans. Thanks to specially selected varieties, a unique blend of the drink is created, which has an original refined taste.
NESCAFE Gold Barista. The so-called trend in coffee production, made according to the innovative development of creating ground coffee in instant, and in no way inferior to a drink from a coffee shop. This effect is achieved by adding Arabica beans to ground coffee before crystallization. During the brewing of the product, all the shades and flavors of superfine ground grains are released.

NESCAFE Espresso. Instant coffee of a premium class, when brewed, an air foam appears on the surface. To create a delicate blend filled with fruity shades, Arabica varieties are carefully selected and dark roasted.
NESCAFE Dolce Gusto. Capsules for a coffee machine that allow you to prepare high-quality and tasty drinks at home, like in a coffee shop, while the choice of taste in this line is striking in its diversity:

  • classic black coffee;
  • hot chocolate;
  • espresso;
  • cappuccino and latte;
  • cocoa etc.

NESCAFE "3 in 1". A small stick - a lifesaver for those who want to get a boost of energy immediately, perfectly combines the taste of coffee and cream. Available in various variations: strong, soft, classic and caramel flavored.

Coffee is an indispensable drink for people leading a busy lifestyle, it is rich in antioxidants that actively prevent the aging process and many diseases of the nervous system. A variety of NESCAFE lines allows you to choose a refreshing drink to your liking and taste even the most sophisticated coffee connoisseur.

Wonder drink Nesquik

Instant chocolate drink Nesquik was developed in 1948 and it was then called Nestle Quik, the second part of the name translated from English means “quick”, thus the manufacturers symbolized the speed of dissolving cocoa powder in milk. In 1999, the brand received its current more sonorous name. The mascot of the trademark throughout its existence has been and remains the Kviki rabbit, which, along with the name of the product, sometimes changed its image.

Delicious and fragrant Nesquik cocoa is ideal for a growing body, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the skeletal system and brain activity of a child. This amazing drink is available in a classic version and with a strawberry flavor.

Chocolates from Nestle - a pleasure for all occasions

Chocolate bar "NUTS". Ideal for those times when you need to quickly stimulate brain activity, and, as you know, hazelnuts in combination with chocolate cope with this task as well as possible. In addition, the bar contains caramel and nougat.

Bar "Nesquik". Mini-chocolate, produced in different variations: with a crispy wafer or with puffed rice, nougat and milk filling. This delicacy is especially popular among children.

"KIT KAT". A bar based on crispy wafers and milk chocolate perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time. This chocolate bar first appeared in 1935 in London, since then the names and design of the wrapper have changed several times, but the quality and originality of taste have remained at the same level.

Chocolate tiles "Russia - Generous Soul". Decently represents Nestlé in the bar chocolate category, it is available in a variety of variations, each of which has an original composition that combines only the highest quality ingredients: dark and milk chocolate, marmalade, cookies, nuts and raisins.

Leading manufacturers of baby food

Henry Nestle began the development of his activities, taking as a basis the goal - to find a unique formula formula that would be a full-fledged analogue of breast milk and help solve the problem of lack and incorrectness of baby food. Having achieved the goal, the founder of NESTLE proved by his own example that you can achieve a lot in your endeavors if you have a strong desire to benefit people.

The business of the Swiss pharmacist has been successfully going on for more than 140 years. The company produces baby formulas, purees, cereals and other baby food products of famous brands, which are rightly highly valued all over the world due to the unsurpassed quality of their products.

NESTLE products are designed to provide a proper and healthy diet, bring maximum benefit to the baby, improve digestion, normalize microflora, reduce the risk of intestinal infections and strengthen the immune system. All mixtures intended for infants are as close as possible in their characteristics to natural mother's milk.

The concept of NESTLE: both in life and in the profession

The main principle of Nestlé's activities is the desire to create common values ​​and attitudes in both corporate and private life. Executive Director of Nestle S.A. Paul Bulke believes that the key to the success of any company is the desire to have a beneficial impact on society, that is, there should be corporate social responsibility for people.

The Nestlé company, producing high-quality and healthy food products, aims to stimulate the desire in society for a healthy lifestyle, proper and wholesome nutrition, as well as to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

As part of its concept, Nestlé has successfully implemented several activities:

  • Improving product quality standards. Since 2010, the Nestle Cocoa Plan program has been implemented, aimed at achieving ideal parameters for the quality and taste of the products produced. The essence of the program is to respect the environment in which cocoa trees grow, as well as the people who grow them. To this end, Nestlé is involved in the development of farms, improving the social conditions of farmers and maintaining the quality of the natural environment. In Russia, the Cocoa Plan program began with the presentation of new KIT ​​KAT bars, made in accordance with new standards.
  • Creation of innovative divisions within the company, the primary task of which is the development of unique food products, with the help of which the prevention and treatment of certain diseases is carried out.
  • Establishment of partnership relations with the Association of Free Labor, which allows timely suppression of the facts of illegal exploitation of the labor of children.
  • Acquisition of Pamlab, a medical nutrition company.

The bright yellow packaging of Nesquik chocolate has long been a symbol of wonderful creamy taste and excellent quality for the sweet tooth. And for good reason: this delicacy really differs from other chocolate bars in its affordable price and the taste of real chocolate. But Nesquik is not only chocolate, it is also cocoa, and chocolate balls, and chocolate bars for a snack on the run. How did this brand become famous?

The history of the Nesquik chocolate brand

Nesquik didn't start with chocolate. The company that now makes the beloved bars was originally a baby food company, and in 1948 developed the first cocoa powder-based product: instant cocoa powder, designed to make it easier for mothers to pamper their children. This cocoa was called Nestle Quick for the speed of its preparation. And only two years later, in 1950, the first milk chocolate bar was released, also under this name. Years passed, and in 1999 Nestle Quick turned into the short and capacious name Nesquik, familiar to everyone, as if absorbing all the chocolate sweetness of products manufactured under this name.

Rabbit Quickie - "Face" Nesquik

The well-known cheerful rabbit on the packaging of Nesquik products also did not appear immediately. He first became known as the hero of an advertisement for the Nestle Quik drink, but his sociable nature and memorable appearance made him a favorite of the public, and then the mascot (mascot) of the entire Quik product line. Around his neck, this rabbit, originally called Quick Bunny, wore a medallion with the letter Q. With the name change of the brand itself in 1999, he changed the name and the rabbit, and became Quicky. The rabbit medallion has also changed: now it has the letter N on it.

Nesquik Products

Nesquik is not only chocolate, although it is he who is known first of all to the sweet tooth. Of course, who can forget its rich taste after tasting this delicacy at least once? Nesquik is not just chocolate, it is a combination of the noble creamy taste of a dairy treat made from the best ingredients, and a milk or strawberry filling that adds new, soft and slightly sour notes to the taste. As part of this chocolate, there are no artificial colors and preservatives, which makes it not only tasty, but also healthy. And the games and stickers in each pack are great fun for kids.

In addition to chocolate under the Nesquik brand, a delicious instant cocoa drink still appears in stores. Despite the fact that strawberry is also produced, buyers are much more familiar with and love the chocolate taste and alluring cocoa aroma. This drink is quickly prepared and really makes life easier for mothers, allowing them to pamper their children with a delicious and healthy treat every day.

The demand for ready-made Nesquik breakfasts is not falling either. Delicious chocolate-flavoured balls and pillows, combined with milk, have become a favorite treat not only for many children, but also for adults. This product not only has a wonderful taste, but also contains many useful substances. A plate of chocolate-flavored Nesquik balls will surely energize you for the whole day. And milk, thanks to the ball, acquiring a chocolate taste, will definitely please cocoa lovers.

Another favorite sweet of many gourmets is Nesquik bars for a quick snack. This chocolate treat with milk filling and crunchy cereal balls pleases the sweet tooth with its wonderful taste and satiates those who have no time to waste time on a snack, and those who prefer to eat on the run. There are many useful substances in the composition of the bars, and their consumption has a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of sweet lovers.

The only drawback of Nesquik brand products is that because of their breathtaking taste, they never stale either in stores or on the table at home.