Pike stewed with carrots and onions. Pike stewed in tomato - recipe Pike fish in tomato pulp

Among edible species of freshwater fish, pike stands out for its excellent dietary qualities. But some may find it a little bland. To avoid dissatisfaction at the table, cook fish in a spicy vegetable sauce. Moreover, such a dish as stewed pike in tomato will not take much effort or time. You will need only the most affordable auxiliary products: onions, carrots, vegetable oil. As for spices, pike stewed in tomato goes well with simple black pepper. For piquancy, you can add curry, paprika, basil, oregano, and dill.

Read more about the cooking process

To start cooking pike in tomato, you should clean and gut the fish, remove as many bones as possible and cut the carcass into portioned pieces-medallions. Each one should be rolled in a thin layer of flour. In a frying pan (the best choice is cast iron, but a non-stick one with a Teflon coating is also suitable), heat the vegetable oil thoroughly and quickly fry the pike pieces until golden brown on both sides. Remove them from the pan for now. Sauté a finely chopped onion, add grated carrots and simmer over moderate heat, covering with a lid. After 10 minutes, you can return the fried fish to the pan, add a few tablespoons of tomato paste, 2/3 cup of water, mix thoroughly, season, add salt to taste and simmer at low temperature for another 15-20 minutes.

Using the above cooking method, the sauce for pike in tomato will be quite thick. If you want it to be more like a liquid gravy, then you need to add more water. In this case, it is better to stew the pike along with vegetables not in a frying pan, but in a saucepan. Make sure that the sauce does not boil too much; if necessary, reduce the heat slightly. You can also add as much water, but at the very end of cooking, pour in 100 g of low-fat sour cream, stir and immediately remove from the stove. The sauce will be quite liquid and more tender.

What to serve with stewed pike in tomato?

Almost any porridge is suitable as a side dish. It can be buckwheat, millet, rice (including wild rice), some also like unsweetened oatmeal. In addition, stewed pike in tomato goes well with boiled potatoes, as well as with baked ones in foil. You can also limit yourself to simple white bread, fried in butter. If you want to prepare a salad for such a dish, then serve it separately, not on the same plate with the fish, so that the salad dressing does not mix with the sauce.

Stewed pike is a tasty, satisfying, and low-calorie dish. Fish goes well with various vegetables and sauces. Thanks to additional ingredients added during stewing, pike loses its characteristic odor, acquiring special juiciness and a unique delicate taste. Pike stewed with carrots and onions in tomato sauce is especially tasty.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this fish is the large number of small bones. But the cooking method - preliminary frying and subsequent stewing - softens the bones, preserving the taste of the fish.

Stewed pike: recipe

The pike is first thoroughly washed, the head, fins and tail are cut off, and cleaned of scales and entrails. The prepared fish is cut into portions.


  • 1 kg of cut pike;
  • 2 carrots;
  • large onion;
  • 3 tbsp. l. tomato sauce;
  • mixture of peppers, salt, spices;
  • flour;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook stewed pike:

  1. Peel the carrots and onions. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Place the vegetables in a preheated, oiled frying pan. Add salt and fry, stirring, until softened. You can add a little water to prevent the vegetables from burning.
  3. Transfer the finished roast to a plate.
  4. Season the pike steaks with spices, salt and pepper. Roll in flour, fry in another frying pan on both sides for 5-7 minutes until deliciously brown.
  5. Place the fried vegetables on top of the fish and distribute them evenly.
  6. Mix tomato sauce with a glass of water, pour the resulting mixture over the pike and vegetables.
  7. Cover the pan with a lid and set the heat to low. Simmer for 30 minutes. You can check the readiness of the fish by lightly pressing the spinal bone with a fork - it should be soft.

This deliciously delicious dish can also be prepared in a slow cooker. The recipe is not much different from the above: vegetables and fish must first be fried, then placed in layers in an oiled multi-cooker bowl, poured with sauce and water and cooked on the “Stew” mode for 1 hour.

If desired, you can add bell peppers, tomatoes, and herbs to the proposed basic recipe. Fish is served mainly with cereal or vegetable side dishes. Stewed pike prepared in this way has a minimal calorie content: only 65 kcal per 100 grams, so it can be safely prepared for both regular and dietary meals. Bon appetit.

Stewed pike with vegetables or in sour cream is an extremely tasty fish, provided it is cooked correctly. This fish, like any other, has a specific taste, so you need to know the recipe for properly hiding this taste so that you can fully enjoy the juicy and tasty pike meat.

And although stewed in sour cream and with vegetables, be it potatoes, onions, carrots or other vegetables, is considered one of the simplest dishes from this predator, it is worth knowing how to stew pike in sour cream or how long to stew pike in the oven. This determines how satisfied your guests or your family will be with your culinary delights.

Stew pike with vegetables

In order for the pike stewed with vegetables to turn out just right, you need to strictly follow the recipe and sequence of actions. Although here, as elsewhere, there is room for bold experimentation.

What do you need?

Pike stewed with vegetables requires only fresh ingredients and a good set of seasonings:

  • fish, cleaned, washed and sliced;
  • seasonings (salt, pepper, other dried herbs for fish);
  • vegetables;
  • oil for frying.

What are we doing?

The most optimal cooking option, which produces “finger-licking” results, is in a slow cooker.

Pour vegetable oil into the bowl and set the frying mode for fish. During this time, cut the onion into rings and grate the carrots. Place vegetables on both sides of fish pieces, sprinkle with spices, set to simmer for 60 minutes, adding a little water to the bowl. An excellent side dish would be rice or potatoes, which can also be placed in the multicooker bowl.

Pike stewed in the oven in pots will also be excellent. First, prepare the fish, cut the vegetables into rings (onions, carrots, and celery are perfect). After the pot of fat has warmed up, put the vegetables in it, salt and add water.

You need to simmer in a pot until halfway through the cooking stage, then transfer the food to another vessel.

Place the chopped fish fillet in a pot from which the vegetables have been removed, then cover the fish with vegetables: onions and tomatoes cut into rings.

Sprinkle seasonings on top of the fish and vegetables, you can add breadcrumbs and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. If you plan to serve the pike cold, you need to bake the fish in vegetable oil.

To remove the pike taste, which is not loved by many, before preparing it, you must first marinate it in a marinade: a glass of lemon juice, vegetable oil, bay leaf, spices and a garlic clove crushed with a garlic press.

The next one is also incredibly tasty when prepared with tomatoes. Pike stewed in tomato is one of my favorite recipes.

Stew pike in tomato paste

So, pike stewed in tomato - let's look at how to cook it and check all the proportions of the ingredients correctly.

What do you need?

  • fish – 350 g;
  • tomato paste – 100 g;
  • water or broth - 0.5 cups;
  • onion – 50g;
  • vegetable oil – 0.5 tbsp;
  • sugar – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • spices - to taste.

What are we doing?

Finely chop the onion, fry it in oil, then mix it with the tomato and add water, spices, sugar and bring it all to a boil.

Separate the fillet from the fish, wash it and cut it, dry it lightly with a paper or waffle towel, and then pour in the sauce prepared earlier.

Cover with a lid, place on low heat and cook for 20-25 minutes. In this form, pike stewed in tomato turns out to be especially tender, and the possible smell of mud completely disappears.

Good chefs not only know how to stew pike deliciously, but also understand how to serve it to guests in an attractive way. Before serving the fish, place it in a dish, pour tomato sauce over it, and decorate with finely chopped herbs on top.

Recently, many housewives have given preference to another method of preparing fish - pike stewed in mayonnaise.

How to stew pike in mayonnaise

To prepare this rather simple at first glance dish, which is called “pike stewed in mayonnaise,” you will need a fresh carcass, which it is advisable to catch in a river with running water, and not purchase in one of the stores.

It is much juicier and softer, so the fish turns out much tastier. After all, in the river, the predator comes across other fish and fry as food, and not just frogs, leeches and newts, which are abundant in stagnant reservoirs. So, let's begin.

What do you need?

Before stewing the pike, let’s prepare all the ingredients for this wonderful dish:

  • fish;
  • lemon;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil (olive or sunflower);
  • mayonnaise.

What are we doing?

We remove the bones from the carcass, first gutting it and rinsing it under water. Remove excess moisture from the fish with a paper or waffle towel. To give the fish some sourness and to prevent the pieces from falling apart, soak each of them in lemon juice.

After rolling the pike pieces in breading, place them in a frying pan hot with oil and fry until golden brown.

While each piece of juicy pike meat is frying in a frying pan, housewives have the opportunity to do the actual work of peeling and cutting the onion into strips.

If you like cubes, this is also a suitable option.

Immediately finely chop the greens that you have on hand: thyme, parsley or celery. If the season doesn't allow you to use fresh herbs, dried herbs will work just fine.

After the pike meat is ready to fry, remove the lid and add pre-cut onions and herbs on top. Then pour mayonnaise on the fish and cover it all with a lid and cook further. It is necessary to reduce the heat on the stove to a minimum so that the fish simply simmers and does not burn.

It will take a quarter of an hour for the pike stewed in mayonnaise to reach readiness. This period of time is required for the mayonnaise to absorb all the juices from the chopped onions, and the dry pike meat, in turn, is “softened” by this juice.

Add sour cream to mayonnaise

You can add sour cream to mayonnaise. And we will get stewed pike in sour cream and mayonnaise - a kind of combined sauce. The whole dish will have a more delicate taste.

Before stewing pike in sour cream, you should prepare the pike meat in exactly the same way as we prepared it when cooking it in mayonnaise.

This dish can be safely served at the holiday table.

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I often get bored and want a fish dish prepared in a special way. A very tasty recipe - pike baked in tomato sauce in the oven. Everything is very simple, even a novice housewife can handle it. Your beloved family will be pleasantly surprised by such a new dish.

- pike 1 pc.;
- 2 carrots;
- onion 1 large onion;
- tomato paste 3 tbsp;
- dried basil, salt, fish spices, pepper;
- rice (for side dish).

Recipe with photos step by step:

If you have pike straight from the river, it must be cleaned of husks and giblets. We cut off the head, but do not throw it away. A few more of these big heads will be ready to cook. Place the head in the freezer. We wash the cleaned pike and cut it into large pieces. You can immediately place the fish in a heat-resistant baking dish. Salt the fish pieces and sprinkle with dried basil, as well as red and black pepper to taste.

For pike baked in the oven in tomato sauce, you can use special spices; they are sold in stores labeled “seasoning for fish dishes.” Distribute the grated carrots evenly over the fish.

The next layer is chopped onion.

For tomato sauce, place 3 tbsp in a cup. tomato paste and pour 150 ml of water. Season with spices.

Mix the sauce with a fork and pour it into the mold with the fish.

We send the pike to bake in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees. Cook the fish for about 35-40 minutes.

In any case, rely on your oven. You can boil rice along with pike baked in the oven. Season boiled rice with vegetable oil. To beautifully arrange rice on a plate, place the rice in a bowl and turn it right into the plate. The rice will be shaped like a bowl.

Now add pike in tomato sauce to the rice and serve to each guest.

Oh, how lucky I was - my brother shared his catch, and I got two small pike weighing 600-700 g. But that’s not all my luck - I got them already cleaned and gutted, so I cooked them right away.

Stewed pike with carrots and onions turns out incredibly tasty and tender in taste. The only drawback of this dish is the numerous pike bones, so it’s best for children to make cutlets from such fish, but for adults it’s just the thing, especially with the “” sauce - in my region they don’t serve fish dishes without it!

So, if you have a fresh pike, then you need to clean it of scales by placing it in water, and then gut it and rinse thoroughly, removing the black film inside the fish - it is bitter. Vegetables also need to be peeled and washed in water. If the vegetables are large, then reduce their quantity.

Cut the cleaned, washed pike into portions about 1.5-2 cm wide. I cut off both the fins and the tail.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes, and sauté the chopped vegetable mass in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil. This will take you about 10-15 minutes. There is no need to fry the sliced ​​vegetables - just bring them until soft so that they release their juice.

Then pour in hot water, add salt and ground black pepper, and bay leaves. Place pike pieces into the sauce and cover the container with a lid. Simmer for about 10 minutes and then turn the pieces over to the other side. Simmer for the same amount of time. If you do not serve Muzhdey sauce with the dish, then press a couple of peeled and washed garlic cloves into the frying pan, stir lightly and turn off the heat, leaving the entire contents of the container under the lid for 5 minutes - during this time the dish will absorb the aroma of garlic.

First place a bed of stewed vegetables on a plate, and on it - stewed pieces of pike. Add a little sauce and serve the stewed pike with vegetables hot. If you like cold fish dishes, then choose a deep plate, put vegetables, pieces of fish in it and pour in the remaining sauce, place in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. After this time, you will have an excellent fish aspic made from stewed pike with carrots and onions!