Chicken skewers how much meat per person. Standard portion of barbecue in grams

The weather outside is gorgeous, ahead of the weekend - it's decided - we're going to barbecue! Call friends, gather a company, set a date.

We have compiled a checklist for preparing an out-of-town event in order to easily organize a trip.

Before the trip:

  1. Determine when and where to fry kebabs in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Go to barbecues in paid and equipped places, free, but not equipped.
  2. Count the number of eaters by head. If there are vegetarians, count meat-eaters and vegetarians separately.
  3. Determine who is responsible for:
    • Buys and pickles meat;
    • Buys and collects dishes and cutlery, barbecue, table;
    • Buys, washes and cuts vegetables, herbs and bread;
    • Buys and carries drinks;
  4. Designate a coordinator who checks the training of those responsible.
  5. Calculate the budget for kebabs per person and the method of payment - who pays how much and to whom.
  6. Calculate the amount of meat for kebabs per person: a serving of kebab, enough for an adult man to eat, weighs 300 grams, 120 bread and 150 vegetables. The barbecue is fried:
    • Beef by 35%;
    • Pork by 30%;
    • Lamb by 35%;
    • Fish by 20%;
    • Leaver by 30-45%;
  7. Calculate the amount of meat for kebabs using the formula: number of eaters * 300 grams * percentage of roast (do not forget to click on% in the calculator). Get a rough idea of ​​how much and what kind of meat to take.
  8. Count the amount of bread and fresh vegetables - the total weight in grams. For grilled vegetables:
    • Raw potatoes by 30%;
    • Carrots by 20%;
    • Bulb onion by 60%;
    • Zucchini and eggplant by 20-25%;
    • Tomatoes by 40%;
    • Champignons by 50-60%;

In the shop:

  1. Take your shopping list and buy everything you need first on the list, and then add anything if you see fit. Buy from the list first. Then look at the shopping cart and see if there is anything you need to add. When I do this, usually no supplements are needed - save the budget.
    • Tip: for alcohol, take any cups, except for cardboard ones - even a small amount of alcohol dissolves the glue and leaks from cardboard cups, then the bottom falls off. It will be terrible.

Before leaving:

  1. Use boxes, boxes - eliminate distortions during transportation.
  2. Cut everything that is to come in advance - have a bite to eat immediately on the spot.
  3. Take 10% more dishes for food - insure yourself against broken and soiled dishes.

On site:

Trust the master chef!

After rest:

Take out the garbage - come again to a clean place!

Save the checklist to your phone - it will be at hand.

To calculate the required amount of barbecue, a special calculator has been created on the Internet, into which the number of guests and their approximate weight are entered.

The calculation is carried out as follows. One male person weighing more than 90 kg can eat 600 g of meat, less than ninety, then 500.

For women: weight more than 70 kg, - the norm is 500 g of meat, with less weight, 400 g will be sufficient.

For one child, no more than 300 g is required.

This is an example of calculating the amount of meat per person. Many do not bother with calculations and proceed from the average - 500 g per guest.

But during cooking, the meat will decrease in volume and weight. This is a normal process. The only thing that everyone is interested in is how much less the finished product will be. In many publications, it is said that 750 g of barbecue will be obtained from 1 kg of meat. This opinion has the right to life, but a number of factors must also be taken into account. The more layer of fat on the meat, the less shish kebab will be, because the fat will melt and naturally reduce weight.

Some nuances

Also, if you bought a frozen product, you should weigh it after parting. Often, with repeated freezing, there can be up to a kilogram of water in the form of ice on the meat.

If barbecue is not the only dish, then naturally it will need less. And in the case when you are planning a trip to nature for the whole day, you may even need an additive.

You should also consider the type of meat from which the barbecue will be. Lamb is very fatty and satisfying, it may need less than, for example, pork.

Some people like to fry not only meat, but also vegetables, such as onions, tomatoes. Then you can add them to the already marinated meat.

Who has fun in the summer - I am a children's clinic. I went to the endocrinologist with my own, the body weight deficit is 18% ... not 5, not 10 ... Eats a lot. and meat and fruits. And enough carbs too. so let's be more active, for example, with the heading Our finds ... - about cheap nuts, etc.)) *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


The older boy is tall but very thin. At 190 cm. Now weighs 56 kg. Examined in the sports display. everything is fine. Our children have such a peculiarity. He eats a lot, the activity is wild. The meat is growing.

What does the coach say? :) Take him to a good distance running coach and let him tell you if there is a deficit or not.
How many push-ups does he do? How long does it take to run 100 meters? How long will it jump? That's from this and you have to dance, and not from the readings of the scales. For some, one skeleton of the same height weighs more than the whole of me. It didn’t stop me from running for the youth team of Moscow at one time. Thin bone - immediately minus many, many kg from the norm. The percentage of fat is the same, if it is small, then the muscle mass is sufficient. Yes, at 11 years old, it cannot be insufficient, otherwise it is clear that the child is disabled.
Can he run?

Let's talk about saving and eating?)).

I decided today, in the wake of yesterday’s and the day before yesterday’s themes of Good and Jaws, to try to “live” on 1250 cash in my wallet and ancient leftovers in the refrigerator, among which: 200 grams of carpacci (or gazpachi, dry-cured meat karoch), two small pieces of cheese - imperial Ichalka and leftovers sanction, purchased BEFORE the start of the law on the destruction of Gruyere, 6 eggs, 1 cod fillet, 3 bell peppers, Crimean onions, summer garlic, manaise, potatoes, a couple of beets and 1 lemon. I paid for food with a card...


it worked out well. Class!

Moreover, if you do not take dairy and turkey from farmers, it will be even more economical. But! There is a big but. cheap (up to 50 rubles) vegetables will soon, very soon run out. Milk and eggs will take off, sausages have already flown away. there will be budget cereals and pasta.

the third day the topic hangs ... I'm grumbling because I'm sitting in Moscow ... without barbecue! But with this: My first poppy seed roll and NOT lumpy - amazing :-) it’s so even and shiny: I’ll show you right away what kind of poppy I have Probably, I bought it in Auchan, but I didn’t see it on my last visit there. 150 grams. I don't remember the price. I read at the beloniki what to do with poppy. ([link-1]) I didn't succeed!!! Probably due to the fact that we have different grandmothers :-)) (well, she advises taking a grandmother's meat grinder) I ...


your pies are very good :) my family has already forgotten what pies are :)) and I don't remember too much. With poppy seeds, I did everything I didn’t do. boiled with cream and vanilla sugar, with honey, with molasses. It was very nice:))

Dry poppy seeds can be ground in a coffee grinder, and then brewed and boiled. My grandmother had a Mriya manual coffee grinder, it looked like a small meat grinder, maybe she means it. At least the grandmother in it ground poppy seeds for pies.

I really need help in creating a balanced menu. With meat, milk, vegetables and fruits. Family 4 people (2 adults + 2 older students with daily physical activity) Breakfasts and dinners at home. Dinners at home on weekends. You need to meet a maximum of 4000 per week. I look forward to advice, preferably with recipes. And if someone makes a weekly menu ... my gratitude will know no bounds. Thank you all in advance.


good top. I thought maybe it's time to buy a multicooker...

We live like this all the time.
Nothing complicated.
I tell:
Breakfast -
Mon - oatmeal porridge, cheese sandwich, Tue - scrambled eggs with fillings (as they do in hotels), Wed - cheesecakes, Thu - hot sandwiches, Fri - millet porridge, Sat - pancakes with or without fillings, Sun - cottage cheese casserole.
Options: buckwheat porridge with milk, lazy dumplings, pancakes with and without salt (fritters can be made from anything, such as zucchini or carrots), quiche, soft-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs.
Lunches: Sat - cabbage soup on meat broth, the second - naval pasta (scroll the meat from the broth for minced meat), Sun - vegetable soup from the chicken soup set, the second - pilaf (you can add a LOT of carrots and onions, a little meat).
Mon - chicken with vegetable stew, Tue - marinated fish with mashed potatoes, Wed - meat with buckwheat, Thu - chicken breast with carrots, Fri - cutlets with boiled potatoes, Sat - baked fish with any side dish, Sun - chicken ventricles with gravy and rice.
Options: lazy cabbage rolls, hodgepodge with meat, stewed potatoes with meat, pancakes stuffed with meat from broth, vegetable casseroles, baked fish, meatballs.
There are many purely vegetable dishes, but of course they are not very satisfying, so "girly".
I advise you to make salads for dinner. Beets with garlic, carrots with garlic, cabbage with carrots, vegetable salad, cabbage with cucumbers, vinaigrette - this is inexpensive, but the table is diversified.
I can recommend inexpensive 2 chicken dishes:
1. Chicken breast with carrot puree. I randomly cut onions 2 pcs. and carrots 3 pcs. In a saucepan, they should be sautéed until soft (but not fried). Then - into a blender (it is advisable to drain the oil on which it was sautéed) and make a puree (if it is hard to puree, then add a little water or broth). At this time, fry the chopped chicken breast in the remaining oil. When the breast has changed color, put the carrot-onion puree back into the saucepan and simmer everything together. Salt, pepper.
2. The chicken is boiled in half a liter of water and half a liter of sour cream. When it boils - pour a glass of liquid and gradually mix with a spoonful of flour. Sauté the onion in the chicken fat and add, together with the diluted flour, back to the boiled chicken. Put out. Not dietary at all, but satisfying.
Gravy is poured over any side dish.
Something like that.
If I remember anything else, I'll write.

something carried me, like that Ostap :) Tell me, please, WHAT do you need to buy so that one hundred and fifty rubles DO NOT ENOUGH for dinner for two, huh? besides alcohol, of course:) To be honest, the bottom message and discussion also hooked me :). Maybe my husband and I are so small (although I didn’t notice this;), or some other trick. I came up with only lamb for 900 rubles / kg from Metro CandK, and various fish delicacies, which are from 800 rubles per kilo, and those for scales and / or shells ...


We sell zander fillets for 250 re. And I love pike perch so much, and I hate cutting fish so much! Therefore, if you buy two fillets (about 400 g), and champignons, and tasty bread, and cream, and green salad ... That's more than 150 will easily run in ... And we are not gluttons at all.

depending on which city-country these two will have dinner. Maybe not enough.

1. What part of the pork to buy for barbecue? 2. What kind of fish to buy for barbecue? 3. Please share your pork and fish marinade recipe! 4. Which onion to buy for barbecue (white or golden) and how to pickle it


We bake on the grill wrapped in foil.
Rainbow trout or sea bass. Clean the fish from the insides, remove the gills, of course, and fill the abdomen with minced meat from onions and any more greens (cut everything and crush it with your hands to let the juice go). Well. salt and pepper, lemon juice. If you find fat in the fish, cut it into minced meat too.
It turns out - fly away!
You can also bake it in the oven.

I’ll tell you about fish, because I used to live by the sea. Good fish needs only salt, pepper, lemon. Seasoning can be put into fish with a pungent odor, if the fish is dry, it can be greased with mayonnaise or oil inside and out. Why barbecue? We like to bake on coals in disposable aluminum molds, they are denser than foil. And you put whatever you want in there. Dill, adjichka, lemon, etc. You get a lot of juice. That's it, saliva has already flowed, it's a pity that I'm at work right now.

On Saturday, a male company is expected to have barbecue - together with her husband - there will be 6 people. kebabs + baked fish for one 400 g raw is enough? I also plan fresh vegetables and pickled (my own and, probably, I will add market ones ..) as a snack. But what else would they have, so as not to fool around too much, put it on the table and forget? Or something on the grill so they can fry themselves? Zucchini stewed in foil on the grill will go, what do you think? For tea what? There is nowhere to bake (Or after vodka with kebabs, tea is already ...


for 6 men at least 3 kg of raw barbecue. If you want, you can also fish, of course ...
It is also delicious to boil potatoes in their skins. And then string them on skewers with good fat (cut the potato across, potato-lard-the second half of the potato, etc.) and on the fire. once we didn’t finish the barbecue, but they swept away all such potatoes.

Small sandwiches go well with vodka separately: black bread, samzan with adjika, a piece of bacon on top. Buy/make salted cucumbers. I would also stew the eggplants (eggplants, bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, herbs). It is good cold as well. And barbecue, and vodka.

Well, that's all. It is better to cook 3-4 dishes in sufficient quantities than to baste 15 bowls with small portions.

There is little meat, why zucchini, if there are vegetables and pickles? It’s trivial to buy bread with a margin and wash and wrap potatoes in foil. The oven does not stand in advance, if the place remains in the stomachs and vodka in the bins - let them bake. Yes, so as not to get drunk on an empty stomach, put a couple of large plates with any cold cuts + cheese (sooner or later they will eat it)).

1581.70 92.36\61.82\164.99 Breakfast (10:15) 399 gr. - 327.60 kcal.: Coffee boiled with milk 0.5% (300 gr.) - 42.0 kcal. Bread English breakfast fortified (38 gr.) - 122.7 kcal. Almete tomato (18 gr.) - 47.7 kcal. Sliced ​​salchichon (10 gr.) - 35.1 kcal. Ham Parma (15 gr.) - 45.0 kcal. Slightly salted salmon Russian Sea fillet-piece (18 gr.) - 35.1 kcal. Lunch (15:39) 330 gr. - 155.10 kcal.: Actual whey + juice Orange and mango (330 gr.) - 155.1 kcal. Lunch (16:06) 190 gr...


Z: Cottage cheese - 100g,
Hercules = 40 g,
Kiwi - 2 pcs.,
dried cranberries - 5 gr,
maple syrup - 1 dessert spoon,
fat-free coffee yogurt with low sugar content,

P1: cheese, cherry tomatoes.
A: buckwheat 100g, steamed salmon - 70g, partobella mushrooms stewed with onions, 1 sweet bell pepper, coffee.

P2: Healthy Nutella: Banana, almond oil (1 tablespoon), cocoa (2 tablespoons) - mix with a fork or in a mixer. Apple.

U: baked potatoes, grilled pork, lettuce, ginger tea.

Monday, Oct 21, 2013
KBJU: 1927/147/64.3/192.3

Breakfast (06:57) 468 gr. - 252.30 kcal.:
Cottage cheese Prostokvashino 5% grained (210 gr.) - 220.5 kcal.
Cane sugar (8 gr.) - 31.8 kcal.
Black tea without sugar (250 gr.) - 0.0 kcal.

Lunch (12:28) 50 gr. - 31.00 kcal.:
Mangosteen (50 gr.) - 31.0 kcal.

Lunch (16:14) 490 gr. - 566.00 kcal.:
Homemade pickle (250 gr.) - 120.0 kcal.
Boiled pasta of the highest grade (150 gr.) - 168.0 kcal.
Cheese Russian (50 gr.) - 181.5 kcal.
Bread 8 Cereals (30 gr.) - 80.7 kcal.
Sour cream 15% fat (10 gr.) - 15.8 kcal.

Afternoon snack (16:15) 240 gr. - 248.40 kcal.:
Apple (120 gr.) - 56.4 kcal.
Chicken egg (hard boiled) (120 gr.) - 192.0 kcal.

Dinner (19:47) 810 gr. - 828.80 kcal.:
Tangerine (260 gr.) - 85.8 kcal.
Cottage cheese casserole Natalie (350 gr.) - 535.5 kcal.
baked chicken fillet (200 gr.) - 207.5 kcal.

There will be approximately 40 adults and 20 children (Grade 4). we will be in nature all day, there will be outdoor games and a lot of air :) There will be barbecues and everything you need to cook on the table, they will even help you cook :) The question is what to take and in what quantities? Do we want a barbecue for 500 grams per person, or 300 grams for children? Cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes how much? How much water and juice? And what else to put on the tables? In general, I will be glad to any suggestions, as it is necessary to draw up a budget. If you get in...


This is how we did it. For children, sausages from the grill and juice-soda, for adults, barbecue and wine-vodka (little). In a sense, since the children are more likely to want to eat, then they immediately get sausages, and it takes longer to cook kebabs, then the children already didn’t want him much and he mostly went to adults. Fresh delicious bread, vegetables and fruits, of course, were also.

03/15/2012 13:54:11, jii

Children - pasta, pizza, a separate table .... will not work? Lots of fruits/vegetables to eat with your hands? Pies? My advice is to separate children from adults.

03/15/2012 00:54:20, masha__usa

Z. Cottage cheese 0% 170g Nuts 5g P. salad with tomato and cucumber with sour cream O Potato soup 100 g low-fat cheese P 300 g strawberries U. Cottage cheese 2% 200g, 2 strawberries A glass of wine and strawberries are also planned :)

Discussion, cottage cheese 0% 90g, piece of ham
O. cottage cheese with 2 pcs. prunes, apple, h.tea glasse, cherry pie (in poppy)
Riding bikes with my husband 1.5 hours.
1 bottle of beer

I had a cake in the evening, champagne. The holiday was in honor of the discharge of my niece from the hospital. And the mother-in-law has a ruby ​​wedding today (40 years)
And morning, lunch everything is ok :) All Chmokkk :)))

Grilled homemade hamburger. Recipe for minced meat and dough for buns
...I took the lid itself with lard, which is adjacent to it from the inside. Moreover, I removed all kinds of films from the fat, however, from the lid too. I also took 2 small muscles from the same piece. I cut off only thick veins from them, and left small veins for “collagenity”, turning into “gelatinity” of the final cutlet. The ratio of fat and meat was 15/100, in other words, the standard fat content for minced meat. The lid was cut into cubes of 3 cm, sprinkled with salt and mixed, salt took 0.5% of the weight of the meat. I put the salted meat in the refrigerator in a bowl, and wrapped the unsalted small muscles and fat in paper and also put it in the refrigerator. Left it all for a day. Enough has been written about what salt does to meat so I don't have to repeat myself. I'll say that...
... Leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes. Knead the dough until gluten develops, adding water or ice to get a soft dough (I knead 3 pieces for 1 minute each in a combine, adding 50 g of water to each piece). Roll the dough into 3 identical tight balls, cover and leave alone on the table for 5-10 minutes. For the buns, I divided a portion of the dough into 70g portions and, after making hamburger-sized rings out of foil, placed each portion of dough in the ring on the baking sheet. I baked buns like bread, only slightly reduced the baking time - after all, a small bun bakes faster than a large loaf of bread. Homemade hamburgers: the final stage Now let's get back to the burgers. Before throwing them on the grill, I cut the stuffing and cooked...

Your weight Daily protein requirement 45 kg 55-77 g 52 kg 63-89 g 59 kg 71-100 g 66 kg 79-112 g 73 kg 87-124 g 79 kg 95-135 g Converting numbers into food If you weigh 59 kilograms and do not exercise too actively, you should get 47 grams of protein per day from food. Divide the "norm" into three servings. Since protein should be consumed throughout the day, you will get about 15 grams per meal. Let's take a look at how this protein requirement can be met. Breakfast: if you eat two egg whites, one yolk and a little grated cheese, you will get just about 15 grams of white...

This means that on days when your calorie intake is reduced in accordance with your diet, soup is what you need. The only advice: try to cook it yourself. Then you will know exactly how many vegetables are in it and which ones, and most importantly - how much oil and salt. How to keep track of portion sizes? Huge portions have become a problem of modern society, which is exacerbating literally before our eyes, especially considering that our physical activity is falling at the same time. We move less than our grandparents and eat more. Often the culprit for this is just too large portions. In stores, we are tempted by “Buy one, get one free” promotions, literally imposing unhealthy foods high in salt, sugar and fat on customers. Under these conditions, it's easier...

We have a problem with feeding: (The child categorically refuses to drink the mixture. Or rather, he drinks, but at night in a sleeping form. During the day, serve us adult food from a plate! It means that at the moment we feed ourselves with cereals, vegetable puree with meat and cottage cheese with kefir and fruit. Actually, these are three feedings. What to give for the fourth day? Duplicate porridge - it seems like it’s worthless, although we are not fat, but not thin either. You can’t abuse cottage cheese either, as I understand it? Give vegetables twice? Or eat .. .


And I have cottage cheese and kefir - these are two different feedings. True, we are on GV, so if it seems to me that he ate little, I can feed him. If Tema eats Agusha curd 100g, then I don't supplement it. We have cottage cheese for breakfast, and kefir for an afternoon snack or dinner. Sometimes I can’t give porridge, because. bust in the number of feedings is obtained :)

if he doesn’t drink the mixture (and it seems like a miracle, we agreed to drink Detolact-plus, we drank it for at least two evenings), I pour out part of the mixture and run to knead the porridge. On 4 meals a day (and we don’t take anything in our mouths from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m.), it’s normal to eat porridge twice

Girls, someone feeds their dogs natural? How to calculate how much to give food so as not to overeat? Puppy 8 months old, weight 4 kg. Ready to eat all the time :) For some reason, veterinarians find it difficult to even answer the question of the volume of the stomach of a small dog, it’s easier for them to say that everything is written on ready-made feeds, but there are other norms: (How many times a day and how much, approximately, do you feed your dogs, should this be related to weight? And what do you give? Thanks in advance!


Natural food is given at the rate of 1/20 of the weight of an adult animal, and for puppies, the norm is 1/12 of the weight with a margin for growth. That is, a 4-kg puppy will need 330 g of food per day! Food means 80% animal proteins and 20% fruit and vegetables, that is, 70 g of vegetables and 260 g of meat per day. Dogs are predators! Meat can be replaced with fish, cottage cheese, eggs - according to the same rules as for children, i.e. fish once a week, eggs once a day every other day, etc...

But in general, it is difficult to overfeed a puppy, the more he eats, the more he runs later :)

sneeze 3 kilos, 13.5 years. all his life he eats boiled meat 2 times a day (chicken, beef, turkey, rarely a rabbit), sometimes with buckwheat or rice or vegetables, in a small bowl - by eye - 100 grams, maybe less. sometimes even once a day. not because we don’t give, but because they refuse to eat the same thing over and over again. consecutive days

It so happened that in the 42nd year of my life, for the first time, I was faced with the need to run a household. The most urgent part of this household, as I understand it, is cooking - because you need to feed your 15-year-old son with something. In this regard, a number of questions to more adequate participants (that I don’t know how, I perfectly understand that this is a drawback and there is nothing to boast about) 1. Could you throw a list of detailed recipes for what can be cooked on Sunday - 2 days -3? (for the whole week, as I understand it, not ...


For you, the ideal combination would be the presence of a multicooker, convection oven and microwave oven. Multicooker for cooking side dishes, pilaf, any milk porridges (I cook milk porridges in a ratio of 1:6) for breakfast, stews in their own juice. Arogril for any frying - sausages, chickens, barbecue, vegetables, fish. And in the microwave, the son himself can warm up whatever he wants. Yes, and in these devices, too, I think he will figure it out quickly. On weekends, you just have to buy groceries and cook them in portions for further cooking. In your case, cut the meat into small pieces and freeze in portions, vegetables - carrots, onions, tomatoes, beets - cut or grate and also in the freezer in portions. Then, depending on what you want to cook - take a combination of the right products - throw it into the slow cooker, select the mode and usually it's ready in an hour. Good luck to you!

the simplest dish that always turns out :)
Buy a chicken and a pack of salt, pour a pack of salt on a baking sheet, put the chicken on it and put it in the oven. After about 30 minutes, I usually turn the chicken over and back into the oven for another 10 minutes. As soon as the blood stops flowing out, the chicken is ready. Tasty and juicy, salt and pepper, no need to add oil

You are smart, you all know ...))) The annual banquet is coming - August 11, the DR of my dad and one of his sons. 20 adults + children are expected. Guests arrive at 2 pm. for lunch and leave late in the evening. Drink moderately, but with soul). I don’t want to make mayonnaise salads, herring under a fur coat, I don’t want sausage cuts, etc. So far, the plan is this: appetizers - cheese rolls with herbs, eggplant caviar according to Belonika's recipe, zucchini caviar, in my opinion, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lightly salted cucumbers, salted ...


I think it's a great menu!

There is only one point I would correct. Why eggplant and squash caviar? Each of them is quite laborious, IMHO, and the dishes are of the same row. Instead of one of them, I would make pyramids of fried eggplant circles, layered with sour cream with garlic or garlic mayonnaise. Or (we simplify, but do not lose in taste) pyramids, where 1 layer is replaced by a circle of fresh tomato.
And if there is still an opportunity to cook "extra", then I would make eggplant caponata. It is served both hot and cold, so you can make it ahead of time.

you can also mushrooms such as julienne, lobio and "gruzinsky" tomatoes: a lot of dill, garlic, salt, cut the tomato halfway, stuff it there, fold it tightly, boil the water, salt, sugar 1: 2, a little vinegar and pour, on days, well...)

Shish kebab: how to prepare a marinade, choose and cut meat


got great skewers!!!

1. Barbecue on three skewers? Better on the grid.
2. From tenderloin? It is possible, but painfully expensive, and, besides, there is no taste advantage, say, over a pork neck.
3. Has the author ever been to Tashkent? There, the Uzbek shish kebab ends with a piece of fat tail, but does not alternate. And in large obzhiralovki you can order a barbecue in Caucasian style. Uzbeks make it amazingly juicy.

And then I started to climb different sites, maybe something new, I thought, I’ll dig. Well, some kind of horror. a bunch of mayonnaise and smoked breast. I don't want that, I want something interesting. Let's, as usual: who will cook what new (and old) for New Year's Eve? For convenience, I propose to write salads under SALADS, hot under HOT, etc. Go? They will not transfer us, I hope?

Menu for the week: proper nutrition for women.

Even if you don't need to lose weight, it's still worth watching your diet. Properly balanced nutrition for every day helps to maintain health and high energy levels, in addition, significantly improves the quality of life. Usually people buy some certain products, cook food for a week and eat the same way. We advise you to prepare various dishes from the basic set of cereals, meat, vegetables and add vegetables and fruits to your daily menu. Don't forget to drink...

A number of questions about fractional nutrition have arisen: 1. Portion size. Everywhere different information - fist / 2 fists / palm / palm without fingers / bowl / 200 gr. (how much is it visually????) ... Still - what is right? 2. This concept - a portion - does it include all, all food at the moment or the main one? Let me explain. For example, I want to eat meat and vegetables for dinner. With the size of a piece of meat is understandable. But cucumbers / tomatoes - how many are there? As much as you want? Or please include in the "portion"? Thank you Well-known marinades - kefir, lemon juice, onion, tomato juice...
It was possible not to write "Exotic" :o)) recipes for cooking barbecue, but write about cooking in the same kefir, lemon juice, etc ... How many hours to marinate, put under oppression, and the ratio of meat and spices ...

May 13, 2004 02:08:15 PM, Anna

This means that 5 apples, a pound of raisins or a liter of different juices per day only count as one serving each. Variety is an important part of the concept, because it ensures that the body receives the optimal amount and combination of nutrients from vegetables and fruits. The number of 5 servings per day includes vegetables and fruits from compound ready meals (soups, desserts, salads, stews, sauces, etc.). However, keep in mind that complex dishes (especially sauces, desserts and salad dressings) are often “sinned” by a high content of “bad” fats, sugar and salt. When cooking at home, pay special attention to this. Remember that it is better, where possible, to replace butter, animal fat and margarine with vegetable, and the norm of salt per adult ...

But how much meat (for barbecue) should be bought for 20-25 people? 7 kg. will it be ok? The husband takes half to work (d.r.) and the other part (smaller at home). It seems that apart from fresh vegetables, olives, nothing more is expected. Or do you need to dilute it with something?

I have a problem) Help if you can. Given - three girls, four children. A bachelorette party with kebabs in nature is planned. I can arrange delivery only incomplete, i.e. 300 meters will have to drag everything on yourself. What can you think of to minimize volumes?))) I.e. you need saucepans with meat (by the way, how much to calculate approximately? 3-4 kilograms?) Then - some water, juices, for adults a little intoxicant. It turns out a couple more bags ... But do you need something else? Salads there, or cuts? Somehow I don't...

Girls, tell me who, how, how long, what is the best meat to soak on a barbecue? What portions? And how is it then prepared? Well - and who, of course :)) I do this: 1) Pork (sirloin, chopped right on the market with a rib to the width of one rib). You can not soak at all, right in the forest you coat these portioned slices of meat with your favorite spices and salt. Cook either on the grill, if it is not there - thread a piece of meat along two skewers. 2) Pork (neck part) is cut into...


Another feature - the inhabitants of Odessa taught :) A couple of eggplant skewers and a couple of tomatoes are strung, quickly fried over the coals until soft, while the skin should slide off from both of them without the slightest difficulty. Then skewers with meat are placed on the grill, and while they are fried, the following is done: peel the eggplant and do not cut it with a knife, but how to scrape off the pulp, it should be very easy, it turns out like a puree with fibers. The same is done with tomatoes, the tough fibers at the base are discarded. These two masses are mixed, finely chopped onions are added, various chopped greens - cilantro (very desirable), parsley, dill, basil, pepper, salt, and an excellent side dish for barbecue is ready! You can bite off your fingers! In general, I hate to endure eggplant since childhood, but in such a dish I love it :)

Example: you took 150 g of buckwheat, added 700 ml of water, 5 g of salt and 20 g of butter. The total calorie content of all products will be approximately 322 * 1.5 + 600 * 0.2 \u003d 603 kcal. After cooking, the weight of the entire cooked porridge was approximately 600g (by the way, the calorie content of boiled buckwheat depends heavily on whether you cook crumbly porridge or slurry). Further 603/600 * 100 and we get the calorie content of 100 g of porridge - 100.5 cal.

The social project called "Mystery Shopper" continues. Our rubric is for those who strive for the best service. Correspondents of Sosnovoborskaya Gazeta intend to identify shortcomings in service and assess the quality of the city's services market. Where the "mystery shopper" will go next time is up to you. Call us: 3-30-70

Time for barbecue

The Mystery Shopper is on the hunt again. Hunting for quality goods and a high level of service. Is it available to pine foresters? Or in the conditions of a small city you have to be content with little? This time we decided to go to a cafe. And try the barbecue there. The choice is obvious: summer, the time of holidays and recreation. People prefer to visit street-style cafes, where the main treat, of course, is a meat dish loved by many. For today's test, we have chosen three cafes: Zvezda, Trapeza and U Vitka - the most famous and popular establishments among the Sosnovoborists. We evaluated not only the quality of the finished dish, but also the level of service in these cafes. Not as specialists, but as ordinary visitors, which are also the inhabitants of our city. But we took white gloves and electronic scales with us. And here is what we managed to see.

Cafe Zvezda

On the menu: barbecue (1 serving) -170 rubles

First of all, we looked into Zvezda - this cafe hid from prying eyes in the forested area of ​​the city. We chose a quiet time - in the late afternoon on a weekday, when there were no visitors at all in the institution. We were met only by loud music. We didn’t wait until one of the service personnel approached us, knowing in advance that this is not practiced in local cafes. What a pity... Therefore, we immediately went to the central counter, behind which a girl in an apron carefully washed the floors. When she saw us, she stopped cleaning and came up with a question:

What will you order?

We will order shish kebab, - we said. We were given a menu with the price per serving.

How many grams are in one serving? we asked.

Don't know. Five pieces, - the girl answered. And she accepted our order, promising that in 15-20 minutes everything would be brought to us.

We went to wait. In the meantime, they were looking at the establishment. While the fragrant smell of meat roasting on coals was in the air, we decided to check how clean the tables were. Putting on a white glove and swiping it across the table, the result was not surprised. Gloves turned gray from dust and dirt. Knowing full well that this is a street cafe and you should not count on cleanliness, we still hoped that our table would be wiped before serving the dish.

The waitress, who arrived in time exactly 20 minutes later, did not even try to wipe the table. The kebab ordered by us was immediately put on it. In a disposable container. In the same disposable cup, we were served tea, which was impossible to hold in our hands. Boiling water in a plastic cup seemed too scalding. If we talk about the barbecue, then the appearance of the meat was slightly pinkish and unnatural. But, it should be noted - the meat itself was not spared: the pieces were large and juicy.

Portion of shish kebab in Zvezda is quite large. Electronic scales showed that it weighs 185 grams. 5 pieces of meat barely fit on a plastic plate. Along with shish kebab (by the way, without skewers) they serve signature sauce with onions. But greens, despite the summer, were not provided for the dish. The barbecue took 20 minutes.

Cafe "Trapeza"

On the menu: barbecue (100 grams) - 200 rubles

We entered each cafe as random visitors. And, of course, they did not expect restaurant manners. But such an indifferent attitude to customers was also not expected to be seen. At Trapeza, the bartender behind the counter, who is also a waitress, was preparing a cocktail. Glancing at us, she continued her work. At this time we studied the menu. And having made a traditional barbecue order, we decided to pass the time with a portion of ice cream. Having settled on the summer veranda of the cafe, we again checked how clean the tables on the street would be and whether anyone would pay attention to them before feeding their customers. One thing pleases, already after 10 minutes they brought us a barbecue in a good glass dish (plus: normal metal appliances), sprinkled with herbs and left the meat on skewers. Tea was served in a good ceramic mug, which was very nice to see after visiting the previous establishment. But the ice cream, which we tried a little earlier, turned out to be stale, with a weathered aftertaste. There was a feeling that it had been stored in the refrigerator for a very long time and was waiting for our arrival. The request to replace the dessert with a fresher one was rejected by the waitress and offered to return the money, noting with displeasure: “We always eat it. And we don’t feel any taste!”.

In fact, the kebab weighs 105 grams. Cooking time: 10 minutes. On beautiful glassware and on skewers, the dish looks profitable and appetizing. In addition to meat, sauce and, importantly, greens are served.

"At Vitka"

On the menu: barbecue (100 grams) - 170 rubles

We move on and go to the cafe "At Vitka". In the room, two girls, employees of a cafe, are looking at something on the phone. One of them slowly breaks away to take our order and, leaning on the table, begins to write. We order regular pork. The expected waiting time is 15-20 minutes.

Are you going to sit on the street?! – the girl who ran out after us asks us, who, in all likelihood, cooks shish kebabs in this cafe herself.

Yes. Is there any difference? we wonder.

Of course, it is important for me to know in what dishes to bring you.

It turned out that on the street the dish is brought in disposable dishes, but indoors you can count on glass.

As soon as we chose a table and sat comfortably on the summer veranda, they already brought us a ready-made dish. The cooking time of meat here is simply a record - only 8 minutes. The barbecue was on skewers, but the dishes were very original. On the street, they serve it on cardboard plates, if you can call these paper coasters that way. Turning over, we found that it was a milk carton, neatly cut into pieces. The tables on the summer veranda were more than just dusty. They were forgotten to be removed after previous visitors. They didn't even try for us. Tea was served in a plastic mug, which the girl brought, holding the very edges with the fingers of both hands.

Here, the meat is served on a cardboard stand, decorating the kebab with a small leaf of lettuce. Meat is served with ketchup and onions. In fact, the finished portion of the barbecue weighs 110 grams. Cooking time - 8 minutes.

For a tasting!

Having enjoyed the smell of fried meat to our heart's content, and carefully putting each portion into bags, we go to our expert. Now comes the most delicious moment: let's try! And we offered Suren, a native of Armenia, who has been frying shish kebabs for 20 years, to act as an expert in this test. He knows how much meat you need to take to cook a barbecue, what it should be like and how long it takes to cook. Each of our samples was tasted by the hereditary "barbecue" without knowing where these dishes were brought from. We intentionally do not present here Suren's conclusions about the taste of each individual sample. Because we still believe that taste preferences are subjective. Let's just say in the end.

It is very difficult to find a barbecue made of quality meat today. Of all the samples, I would not particularly single out one. In one the meat is undercooked, in the other there is a lot of spices. Cooking a kebab usually takes 15-20 minutes. And you can find out about the readiness of meat by cutting it along with a sharp knife, - the Armenian shares his knowledge. - If the juice that comes out is pink, the meat is not ready yet, if there is no juice at all, the kebab is already “overdried”, if the juice is clear, the dish can be safely served on the table. If you cut it and saw pinkish meat inside, give it back. Don't risk your health. In general, the main secret of a good barbecue is quality meat. If the meat is good, then the barbecue will be delicious. And today everyone is trying to take meat from factories where animals are grown on artificial additives.

And finally, Suren remarked: “Shashlik is a delicate matter. It's a man's thing. And, if a woman prepares it, she will definitely spoil it!

The next campaign of the "mystery shopper" can not be called positive. And, unfortunately, we did not find any pluses in any of the cafes we checked. We hope that our observations will become an occasion to work on the bugs. And the owners of the establishments will think about offering their customers not only a quality product, but also a quality service. And where our mystery shopper will go next time and what service sector in Sosnovoborsk is worth analyzing, you can decide - our dear readers. Write to us at the email address: [email protected] marked "Mystery Shopper" or call: 3-30-77. We do not advertise to anyone, all experiments are only in the interests of consumers.

The next "series" of the project through the number