Celery calories per 100 grams. Celery: calorie content of vegetable root and leaves

Even in ancient times, the beneficial properties of celery were already known. In Greece at that time there was a whole cult of celery, its image was applied to coins, and during the Olympic Games a celery wreath adorned the head of the winner.

For the first time its unique healing qualities were studied by Hippocrates.

Currently, celery is cultivated in almost all countries. Its most popular varieties include leaf, root and petiole celery.

Celery root is a developed, fleshy, knobby, rounded root vegetable that has a specific aroma. Since when boiled it tastes like potatoes, it is most often used to make puree and cream soups.

It is worth noting that the amount of aromatic substances released by celery during heat treatment directly depends on how finely it is chopped. The calorie content of celery (stem) per 100 grams is equal to 12 kilocalories, while the nutritional value of the root vegetable itself is almost 3 times higher and equal to 34 kilocalories.

The benefits and harms of celery

According to scientists, celery is the healthiest and safest green seasoning. Its composition is quite rich and varied, it includes vitamins (A, B, C, L, PP), magnesium, calcium. In addition, celery is famous for the fact that it contains luteolin, which in turn has an anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect.

Since the calorie content of celery (stem, root) is quite low, it is an integral part of many different weight loss techniques. At the same time, nutritionists first of all pay attention to the fact that this product not only fights extra pounds, but also has a beneficial effect on the body.

In addition, experts advise limiting the use of this root vegetable if you have kidney stones, since it provokes their active movement.

You should also be careful when consuming celery if you have gastritis or stomach ulcers. In order to experience the benefits of this vegetable, it must be consumed in moderation.

Calorie content of celery

As mentioned above, the calorie content of celery root is 34 kilocalories, which is why it is one of the main ingredients of the express soup diet.

This vegetable is considered a natural fat and calorie burner, because in addition to its low calorie content, root celery can accelerate metabolic processes occurring in the body. In addition, it has a mild laxative effect, which in turn promotes the burning of fats and prevents their storage.

In order to get rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to drink two teaspoons of celery juice before each meal.

There is a recipe for a special soup for weight loss that contains celery, carrots, bell peppers, cauliflower, ginger and herbs. In order to prepare it, you need to boil the above components for 5-7 minutes, without adding any salt or any seasonings, and then leave for another 10 minutes.

This soup is very beneficial for the body, as its composition is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, celery soup, whose calorie content is only 40 kilocalories, perfectly saturates the body and relieves hunger for a long time.

A stalk of celery, whose calorie content is significantly lower than that of the root vegetable itself, improves digestion and also promotes diuretic and laxative effects.

Celery belongs to the Umbelliferae family. This is a very common vegetable crop throughout the world. Today there are dozens of plant species. The most popular of them is considered to be fragrant celery. This biennial plant sometimes reaches a height of more than 1 meter. Its homeland is Eastern Europe and central Asia. The optimal habitat is considered to be marshy areas.

In ancient times, the vegetable was used as a medicinal drug. At the moment, it increasingly serves as a table decoration. The plant began to be eaten only at the end of the 17th century. The first were the peoples of eastern and central Asia. Then the vegetable hit the shelves of America and Western Europe. Today, along with fragrant celery, its types such as root and petiole are grown.

Chemical composition

Celery greens are enriched with a whole complex of vitamins. Among them, the first place in terms of benefits and volume is occupied by carotene and ascorbic acid. There is almost 5 times more vitamin C in this vegetable than all other beneficial microelements (38 mg per 100 g of product).

It is also worth highlighting the presence of folic acid, niacin equivalent and thiamine in the plant. The celery stalk contains a large amount of pyridoxine and riboflavin, vitamins A and E. Glutamic and nicotinic acids are present in all parts of the vegetable. It is impossible not to note the high salt content, especially in the stem of the plant.

The minerals in celery leaves include potassium and sodium. These elements occupy a significant part of all useful microcomponents of the plant. In total there are more than 630 mg per 100 g of product. In addition, the vegetable contains a considerable amount of phosphorus and calcium. Other minerals include magnesium, zinc and iron. There is no cholesterol in the plant.

Celery root contains a lot of asparagine, citrine, essential oil, and mannitol. It also contains important vitamins, mainly groups B, C and PP. Other useful microelements include glycosides, potassium salts, ascorbic and oxalic acids, calcium, choline, ash and flavone substances.

Plant calorie content

One of the most important characteristics of any product is its energy value. The calorie content of celery depends on its condition. Fresh greens and vegetable stem (100 g) contain about 13 cal. Fried or baked plant can carry double the energy value. The calorie content of boiled or steamed celery is up to 10 cal. The leaves of the plant contain virtually no fat or protein. But the vegetable contains more than 2% carbohydrates.

As for celery root, its calorie content is about 32 cal. In this case, the maximum energy value is observed during frying. In this form, even without taking into account spices, the calorie content of the root vegetable will exceed 50 cal per 100 g. But this part of the plant is rich in carbohydrates (up to 7 g) and proteins (up to 1.5 g). Fats remain at around 0.3%.

The nutritional value of celery is below average. The plant is 94% water. Of the other substances, the largest amount is occupied by disaccharides and dietary fiber. Starch content - less than 0.1%.

Useful properties of celery

According to scientists, this vegetable is one of the most important and safest cultivated plants for the human body. The beneficial properties of celery are determined by its rich composition of vitamins and mineral components. Interestingly, the vegetable contains a unique substance called luteolin. It produces not only anti-inflammatory, but also a significant rejuvenating effect.

Celery is useful for the prevention of diseases of blood vessels and heart, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys. The root of the plant helps with disorders of the central nervous system: helps restore mental balance, calms in stressful situations. Vegetable juice normalizes the metabolic process, cleanses the intestines, and improves skin elasticity. Celery tincture is used to heal minor wounds and bruises. Helps neutralize pain and inflammation from bruises.

Many scientists are confident that celery can slow down the aging process of the body. This vegetable has all the properties that help cells resist the negative effects of the external environment.

The plant is also considered an essential component of any diet. The reason for this is the low calorie content of celery with a high level of vitamins.

In addition, in ancient times, the vegetable was an integral part of the “drink of love.” The fact is that the root of the plant contains a lot of natural aphrodisiac. Therefore, an infusion from it is quite capable of restoring fading feelings.

Negative action

Any part of the plant is extremely contraindicated for use by late pregnant women. It is also not recommended to use celery during breastfeeding. Otherwise, your child will likely have a serious allergic reaction, not just to this product.

It is not recommended to frequently consume the vegetable for people with kidney stones. Celery will provoke their active movement. The result will be constant pain. It is also important to be careful if you have stomach diseases, such as ulcers or gastritis.

It is worth understanding that the plant will be useful only in moderate quantities, otherwise its consumption will certainly have a negative impact on the body.

Directions for use

The low calorie content of celery makes it an indispensable element of the diet for people who want to lose extra pounds. Nutritionists say that the vegetable is able to burn large amounts of fat accumulation in the body.

Cooking is another area where celery is extremely common. Reviews from housewives show that this plant is a unique nutritional supplement. It can be used to season both hot and cold dishes, snacks, and sauces.

The vegetable is often used even in drinks. The roots are added to pickles, soups, and stews. The plant tastes somewhat like potatoes. Pairs well with carrots and apples.

It is better to chop the leaves of the plant and dry them well. It is recommended to store in a cool, dry place. The best option would be wooden boxes.

Celery root and stalk should only be stored in chopped form. Before drying, the vegetable must be washed well and cut into thin strips.

Another option is pickling celery. To do this, chop the vegetable and add plenty of salt. Roll up only after the juice appears on the surface of the jar.

Celery is a biennial or perennial plant that is medium to large in size. It can reach a length of up to a meter. The culture has pinnate, double-dissected leaf blades and small greenish-white flowers collected in umbels. Europeans were the first to eat it back in the 16th century.
In Russia, celery began to be grown during the reign of Catherine II, but only as an ornamental crop. They began adding it to food only in the 18th century. Celery has a large number of advantages and beneficial properties for representatives of different age groups, and has an extensive vitamin complex. Eating it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs and promotes weight loss. Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of this amazing plant, as well as how you can lose extra pounds.

This product has many beneficial properties. Celery contains a huge list of minerals, vitamins, acids and proteins. With regular use of this product, a slowdown in the aging process is observed. He is able to adjust water-salt metabolism.

In addition, celery can be used to treat neuroses, as it has a calming effect. People with diabetes are recommended to eat this crop in large quantities.

All parts of the crop can be eaten - leaves, stems and roots. This valuable plant is rich in vitamins such as vitamin E, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, provitamin A.

Amino acids, trace elements and essential oils, which are of great value, are contained in the leaf blades and roots of the plant. They also contain furocoumarin, which has an anticancer effect.

  • Celery is an excellent antiseptic. He is able to raise the tone. In addition, the culture has laxative and antiallergic properties. The plant has a beneficial effect on the immune system due to its high content of calcium, iron and magnesium. Celery can be used in the treatment of anemia, as it helps raise blood hemoglobin. The culture helps improve appetite and digestion. For vitamin deficiencies, celery helps replenish vitamin deficiencies.
  • Celery juice is also useful for the treatment of urolithiasis, bladder diseases, and it is good in the fight against alcoholism.
  • Celery helps neutralize acids and cleanse the blood.

What are the benefits of consuming celery for men?

This plant is very useful for men because it contains an important sex hormone (androsterone), which enhances secondary sexual characteristics and serves to increase potency. In addition, it functions as a pheromone, released later in the form of androsterone. Celery is recommended for the stronger half of humanity to use the plant to prevent prostatitis.

Celery supports good health, enhances libido and stimulates the gonads. The culture also serves to prevent many diseases of the genitourinary system and reproductive organs, which is facilitated by its diuretic properties. You can use celery as an aphrodisiac like this: pass it through a juicer, then mix the finished juice (100g) with apple juice (20–25g).

The prepared mixture must be used shortly before the expected date. Men, like women, can be overweight. In this case, eating celery can be aimed at weight loss. The plant not only removes toxic substances from the body, but also serves to normalize metabolism and remove excess fluid. Celery also contains a lot of fiber, which dulls the feeling of hunger.

What are the benefits of consuming celery for women?

Celery helps remove toxins and various toxic substances from the body. For women with painful menstruation and hormonal imbalances, celery is indispensable because it reduces pain. Helps well with menopause. Regular consumption of celery affects your appearance, so your hair, nails and skin look healthier. Women are most often exposed to spider veins and varicose veins, so it is important to strengthen blood vessels at home. Celery can come to the rescue. All you have to do is start taking the juice of this amazing plant regularly.

What negative effects can celery have?

This seemingly useful product can also cause harm to the body. In what cases can this happen? Celery is contraindicated for pregnant women, especially in the third trimester, since after consuming the product, the body begins to produce gases that have a negative effect on the baby.

Women during the lactation period should avoid celery for the same reason - increased gas formation. Since gases can enter the child’s body along with mother’s milk.

People suffering from epilepsy should not consume this plant, as the negative effects will appear on the mind. People with kidney stones should minimize the consumption of celery, since the plant can activate the movement of stones, and this will certainly lead to surgical intervention.

Celery is contraindicated for stomach ulcers and gastritis, since in these diseases the acidity of the stomach is increased, and the culture stimulates the production of gastric juice in the gastrointestinal tract.

There are also contraindications to consuming celery for people suffering from allergies, varicose veins, high blood pressure, thyroid diseases, pancreatitis, thrombophlebitis, cholecystitis, elderly people and women with painful periods. If you decide that you need to start celery juice, then check with your doctor first as there may be contraindications.

How to eat celery?

You can eat this product in boiled or dried form, drink juice and decoctions. Celery added to meat dishes as a seasoning gives them a spicy taste and aroma. It can be used for salads, soups and side dishes. Eating it raw is the best, since this is how the maximum of the beneficial components of celery enters the body. The culture is popular in the cuisines of different countries, both fresh and as a fragrant seasoning for vegetables and meat. Celery has juicier and more tender stems and leaves compared to the well-known and popular parsley, although they belong to the same family - umbelliferae.

Calorie content of celery

The culture is part of a small group of food products that have negative calorie content. It is an excellent food for people who want to stay in good physical shape and lose weight. Many people have a question: “What is negative calorie content?” Everything is extremely simple.

The calorie content of a plant is considered negative, since more calories are spent on chewing and digesting it than are contained in the product itself. Celery contains virtually no fat. So, per 100 grams of product there are only 18 kilocalories. The carbohydrate content is also low and amounts to 2–2.5%.

Celery for weight loss

For obese people, doctors and nutritionists recommend including celery in their daily diet, since, as noted earlier, it has a negative calorie content. It is known that salt retains water in the body and prevents the elimination of waste and toxins.

A good alternative to regular salt is celery salt. It is four orders of magnitude less salty, but dishes using it are not inferior in taste and aroma to food prepared with ordinary salt. This is achieved due to the microelements contained in celery and the taste of the culture.

For those who want to lose extra pounds without starving, experts recommend eating 2-3 stems or a third of the root. This effect is achieved due to a weak diuretic effect and the removal of slag-forming substances. In addition, in order for the weight loss mechanism to work at full speed, it is good to make juice from celery and drink it before breakfast. A serving of 50 grams of juice will be enough.

It is important to remember that everything is good in moderation. And follow the well-known old principle, which says that in a spoon there is medicine, in a cup there is poison. Excess celery in the diet will have a negative impact on blood composition, namely, it will lead to low hemoglobin levels, and this is all, despite the high iron content in the culture.

Celery as a dietary product

The celery diet is based on a vegetarian soup with the roots and stems of the plant. The soup includes the following list of ingredients: small cabbage, 6 medium onions, tomatoes to taste, 2 green peppers, ½ root and a bunch of celery stalks. Vegetables and herbs must be cut into small and medium pieces and placed in a saucepan with water. The soup must be brought to a boil. Then cook for another 10 minutes at maximum heat.
After this, set the heat to low and cook for another 15 minutes. You can eat celery soup whenever you want a snack, regardless of the time of day and in any quantity. You don’t need to limit your menu to just this soup, and you can’t – you could lose your health. Every day you need to add different products to the soup. Diet sequence for a week:

  1. Celery soup, any fruit except bananas, plenty of liquid (water, cranberry juice, tea and coffee without sugar and milk).
  2. Soup, vegetables (fresh, canned, boiled), herbs, baked potatoes with a small piece of butter. Legumes are not allowed - beans, peas, corn.
  3. Celery soup, vegetables and fruits, but skip the potatoes. If you follow all the rules, you can lose up to 3 kg by the end of the third day.
  4. Soup in any quantity, fresh fruits and vegetables, 3 bananas.
  5. Beef 700–800g, fresh tomatoes in any quantity, celery soup.
  6. Vegetables and boiled beef in any quantity, celery soup.
  7. This is the final day of the diet. During these days, you can eat unrefined (brown) rice in soup or with a vegetable side dish. You can drink fruit juices.
  • This vegetarian soup allows you to eat liquid, warm and fiber-rich foods during your diet.
  • There are no strict restrictions on the volume of consumption of permitted products.
  • The diet not only promotes weight loss, but also has a beneficial effect on skin tone.
  • Celery removes toxic substances, helps normalize blood pressure and improves immunity.

Negative aspects of the diet

  • Some people may experience a drop in blood sugar to critical levels during their diet. If you feel weak, tingling in your limbs and lips, or your heart rate increases, you should eat sweet fruits or give up your diet.
  • The diet requires all your willpower and patience, especially for those who are not fans of celery.
  • Large amounts of vegetables and fruits can lead to gas formation. If you suddenly feel even a hint of discomfort, it means that the vegetables in the soup must be boiled until completely softened.

The calorie content of celery per 100 grams depends on the part of the plant that is eaten. Celery is an extremely healthy product, rich in sodium, which improves kidney function and stimulates the functions of the urinary system.

The calorie content of a celery stalk per 100 grams is 12.8 kcal. 100 g of plant stem contains:

  • 0.9 g protein;
  • 0.1 g fat;
  • 2.1 g carbohydrates.

The low calorie content of stalk celery per 100 grams makes the product preferable during diets and weight loss. According to nutritionists, the stems are saturated with coarse fibers, which normalize the digestion process and improve intestinal motility.

Celery stalks contain many useful substances that provide cancer prevention and have an anti-stress effect.

Calorie content of celery root per 100 grams

The calorie content of celery root per 100 grams is slightly higher and amounts to 34 kcal. 100 g of this product contains:

  • 1.27 g protein;
  • 0.32 g fat;
  • 6.49 g carbohydrates.

The low calorie content of celery root per 100 grams makes it an integral nutritional element for diets and weight loss. The roots of the plant have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, including many vitamins B, C, E, PP, minerals potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron.

Calorie content of fried celery per 100 grams

The calorie content of fried celery per 100 grams is 91 kcal. A 100-gram serving of the dish contains:

  • 1.18 g protein;
  • 7.05 g fat;
  • 6.1 g carbohydrates.

Steps for cooking fried celery:

  • 400 g of plant roots are peeled and cut into strips;
  • the chopped root is mixed with salt, spices (added to taste), half a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • The plant is fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil, remembering to stir constantly.

Benefits of celery

The following benefits of celery are known:

  • with regular consumption of the plant, effective prevention of vascular diseases, heart disease, and atherosclerosis is ensured;
  • celery has anti-infective properties, helps strengthen the immune system, restores the functioning of the nervous system;
  • doctors recommend eating celery for diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the plant is useful for hypertension, for normalizing the functioning of the digestive system, for preventing the development of rotting processes in the intestines;
  • for gastritis, peptic ulcers and liver disorders, celery relieves inflammation and pain.

Celery is a product with “negative” calorie content. Digesting a plant uses more energy than it consumes.

Harm of celery

You should avoid eating celery if:

  • high blood pressure;
  • diagnosing thrombophlebitis and varicose veins in a person;
  • in old age and with weakened immunity;
  • with aggravated gastrointestinal diseases and kidney stones;
  • the amount of celery eaten is limited for cholecystitis, gallstones, and inflammation of the pancreas;
  • Celery juice and a celery-based diet can trigger severe allergic reactions.

This common type of vegetable crop originated from a wild plant that grew only in a swamp. Initially, it was used only for the preparation of various potions, which were used by healers and healers to cure people. After this, celery was used for a long period of time to decorate dishes.

Currently, this plant is widely used in preparing a variety of foods. To do this, you can use any part of the plant: root, petioles, stem, leaves and seeds.

Celery will be very attractive to those who are forced to diet almost constantly. After all, its calorie content is 15 kcal per 100 grams.


  • fat only 0.1 grams;
  • carbohydrates 2 grams;
  • proteins 0.8 grams.

All these data are typical only for stem celery. If we consider the root of this plant, it contains 33 kcal per 100 grams.

It is very often used in making soups and stewing. Boiled root tastes like potatoes. It is very useful to use it with fresh apples in a ratio of 1:3. You can add carrots and spicy herbs to this dish.

Root celery contains:

  • proteins – 1.3 grams;
  • fat – 0.3 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 6.5 grams.

Celery is considered a unique vegetable that burns fat perfectly. This occurs due to the acceleration of the metabolic process in the body. Its effect is similar to that of a laxative. As a result, it turns out that the fat disappears effectively and the person begins to lose weight.


The leaves of the plant are used more for herbs, which are great for salads. The leaves can be taken either fresh or dried. It is not recommended to use leaf celery roots, because they are very hard.

There is a variety called stalk celery. It has thick stems that are great for baking and frying. Moreover, such a plant gives any taste an original taste. The petioles are useful to eat both raw and baked, adding them to a variety of salads. A very healthy juice is obtained from this type of plant.

There is also root celery, in which only the root itself is valued. It can be used in dishes that are baked, fried or boiled. They are great as a side dish for meat or fish dishes. When purchasing the root of such a plant, you first need to look at its weight. After all, sometimes a large product weighs much less than a small one. This happens because a void forms inside the large fruit.

It is worth remembering that the finer the plant is chopped, the more flavorful the dish will be.

Plant characteristics

100 grams of this plant contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. And not only the stem contains useful substances, but also the root and leaves. It’s hard to even count how many there are.

The beneficial properties of celery include a good diuretic and laxative effect. Also great for getting rid of toxins. And due to the fact that it has few calories, it is often included in various diets.

100 grams of celery contain a large amount of essential oils. Such substances stimulate the body well. Help skin cells regenerate and resist various microbes. Some believe that if you regularly consume celery, you can thoroughly cleanse all the blood in the body. This removes the load from the liver, so its activity increases.

Pleasant taste sensations stimulate appetite. It is very good to serve celery with meat dishes, because in combination with them it activates the production of gastric juice. This allows you to get rid of heaviness in the stomach and safely assimilate all food.

Celery has a fairly active effect on the kidneys, so it is used during restorative procedures for various kidney diseases and urolithiasis.

It is difficult to tell how many different effects celery has on our body. It is worth remembering that using it daily with honey can strengthen your immune system. This product is also a good remedy for bad mood.

Quite often, most types of diets use celery, whose calories can surprise anyone. The only contraindication exists only for women who are pregnant or during lactation.