The secret to cleansing the body is Tibetan tea. Effective Tibetan tea for weight loss

Reading time: 4 minutes


Tibetan tea appeared several centuries ago, and it has become famous all over the world only recently. Due to the rich composition and proper brewing, the infusion is considered an excellent tool for healing and cleansing the body. Tibetan tea for weight loss is also very effective.

A healthy and tasty drink can be easily prepared at home on your own. Its brewing method is very simple. Today we will talk about Tibetan tea, find out its recipe and effect on the body.

Now there are many diets that do not give the desired effect. And some of us resort to various methods to lose extra pounds and slow down skin aging. An excellent active remedy was discovered by Tibetan monks in the fourteenth century BC, it became known to us quite recently. This is a Tibetan tea for weight loss and rejuvenation.

Youth tea recipe

For its preparation, you will need ordinary herbs that are sold in any pharmacy. It is important to know that the drink works if you choose the right ratio of herbs and follow the recommendations for its use. So, you will need one hundred grams of birch buds, St. John's wort, immortelle and chamomile.

  • Grind all components;
  • Mix herbs;
  • Put them in a cloth bag;
  • Store it in a dry ventilated room;
  • Place a tablespoon of the collection in a glass container,
  • Pour half a liter of hot water;
  • Cover with a lid and leave for half an hour.

Half of the strained Tibetan tea should be taken after breakfast. To improve the taste, honey can be added to the drink. Drink the remaining infusion in the evening after dinner, slightly heated. That amount of collection should be enough for about seven weeks. You need to be treated with Tibetan youth tea once a year.

Youth drink effect

After taking the infusion, according to the above recipe for Tibetan herbal tea, the following action is noted:

  1. St. John's wort as part of the collection, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, helps with diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  2. Chamomile acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, cleanses the body well. Tibetan tea also normalizes the digestive system;
  3. Immortelle in the composition of the drink produces a cleansing effect. It also acts as a natural antibiotic, therefore it is indicated for diseases of the genitourinary system;
  4. Birch buds help burn fat in the body.

The drink of youth of Tibetan monks helps to improve metabolism, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol and make them elastic. It is also very useful for cleansing the body, helps to remove harmful toxins and toxins, promotes weight loss.

At the beginning of taking Tibetan tea, you may feel a slight malaise. There may be weakness, headaches. This means that the process for cleansing the body has begun. All symptoms will subside in a few days.

Tibetan monks advise to cleanse the intestines before taking youth tea

Tibetan tea recipe

In Tibet, there are many traditional recipes for making a drink that are passed down from generation to generation, and here is one of them. Now it is not so easy to find the right products that are listed in the composition of the drink, so some have a replacement. But in each of them, proportions should be observed and certain actions should be performed.

To prepare Tibetan tea for weight loss you will need:

  • Seventy grams of pressed black or green tea, better than pu-erh;
  • Six glasses of yak milk;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • A glass of melted yak butter.

To get real quality Tibetan tea for weight loss, follow these steps:

  1. It is better to prepare a drink in a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into it and wait, as soon as it boils, put pressed tea. Boil the mixture for thirty minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally;
  2. When the time is up, strain the broth and add the oil and salt. Then beat the mixture with a mixer, you should get a homogeneous thick liquid. Tibetan tea cocktail is ready.

As it is now, it is difficult to find such an animal as a yak, so many replace its butter and milk with cow's, only you need to take very fatty. Other recipes allow you to use ordinary large-leaf tea instead of pressed tea, after brewing it with boiling water. Then add all other ingredients and beat.

To get a really useful Tibetan tea for weight loss, you need to know some rules:

  • When choosing tea, give preference to pure black without any additives and flavorings. Green lovers are allowed to replace the black variety with it;
  • The monks advise drinking the drink hot in order to enjoy its original taste;
  • Tea should be drunk in small sips.

Tibetan tea for weight loss has a beneficial effect on all human organs, as it contains only natural ingredients. It improves metabolism, lowers blood pressure, removes cholesterol, softens kidney stones and promotes their removal.

Can a remedy, consisting only of natural ingredients, get rid of helminths, alcohol and nicotine addiction and improve the body? Maybe. All these properties are inherent in the Tibetan collection. Doctors and experts will tell you about contraindications for use, where and at what price you can buy a remedy. And, most importantly, divorce or the truth is the cleansing action of the collection.

Go to supplier's website

The positive effect of herbs on the human body has been noticed for a long time. remove toxins and slags, promote purification and weight loss, restore health, give longevity.

The composition of the Tibetan collection includes herbs combined according to a unique recipe. It is able to have a beneficial effect on the body, prolong the youth of blood vessels and the heart, restore liver cells, and activates metabolic processes.

Herbal infusion that can restore health has helped many. There are many reviews of grateful users on the thematic forums about its effectiveness and accessibility. People note that the herbal collection is easy to brew and use, and well-being improves every time.

To cleanse the body

The healing properties of herbs, the ability to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, folk medicine has long been known. Teas, infusions and collections created on medicinal plants often help in those situations when doctors retreat, restore health and youth. The folk method of herbal treatment does not lose its relevance today.

Tibetan herbal collection has an exclusively natural composition, which guarantees:

The use of herbal collection gives an amazing effect for cleansing the body. Increasingly, buyers after a course of treatment leave feedback and share the results:

  • increased efficiency;
  • sleep normalized;
  • headaches and muscle pains stopped;
  • improved skin condition.

The Tibetan herbal recipe allows you to feel the effect after the first application.

From smoking

Constant cough, hoarse, rough voice, and in the long term, oncological diseases of the throat and lungs. Dependence on nicotine develops very quickly, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of smoking. How many times have you considered quitting smoking, but the cigarette comes back into your life? Did any known method help? The desire to smoke is stronger, and the harmful addiction does not leave you.

A natural and safe remedy in a short time after several applications is capable of:

  • suppress the desire to smoke;
  • cleanse the lungs of toxins and resins;
  • improve the condition of the body.

With the collection of Tibetan herbs, getting rid of nicotine addiction is easy and simple. This tool helps in the most advanced cases. Reviews of those who have already completed the course of treatment, and forever got rid of a bad habit, can be found on the official website of the manufacturer.

From alcoholism

Often people suffering from alcoholism do not consider their addiction a serious illness. And even if they agree to undergo medical treatment, the benefit from it is minimal.

The Tibetan fee takes effect after the first application:

  1. The liver is cleansed.
  2. Metabolic processes are activated in the body.
  3. The work of the heart muscle is normalized.
  4. The psychological dependence on alcohol disappears.

The natural composition of the product is able to have a complex effect on the body and beneficially solve the problem. Medicinal herbs, brewed like regular tea, help to get rid of nervous and emotional tension, relieve physical cravings for drinking, improve health, and assist in the removal of toxins and alcohol breakdown products.

Numerous reviews confirm that the Tibetan collection is able to bring invaluable benefits to the body and help in getting rid of alcoholism after the first course of use.


Price and where to buy

Tibetan collection, hand-picked by monks in ecologically clean areas of Tibet. They process natural substances and medicinal herbs and compose a drug according to an ancient recipe, which is then sold by an official supplier via the Internet.

The price of herbal herbal tea, which cleanses the body and suppresses cravings for smoking and alcohol, is minimal in the manufacturer's online pharmacy.

It does not have a trade margin, because the official website interacts directly with suppliers of medicinal raw materials. This is a guarantee that you will buy a quality product at an affordable price.

How much does the Tibetan fee cost in a pharmacy:

  • Moscow - 990 rubles.
  • St. Petersburg - 990 rubles.
  • Yekaterinburg - 990 rubles.
  • Omsk - 990 rubles.
  • Ukraine, Kyiv - 459 UAH.
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 459 UAH
  • Gomel - 23 Belarusian rubles
  • Almaty - 5600 tenge.

The composition of the preparation for complex cleansing

The composition of the Tibetan collection may include more than 20 components that promote cleansing and maintain the youth of the body:

  1. Root of Aralia Manchurian. In its anti-stress effect, it is comparable to ginseng root, it normalizes the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Thyme. Essential oils of the plant cleanse the lungs, develop a strong aversion to alcohol.
  3. St. John's wort. Removes heavy metals, carcinogens from the body, normalizes the digestive tract, improves appetite.
  4. Elecampane is high. The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes toxins, improves heart function.
  5. Sophora yellowing root. Causes a strong aversion to alcohol.
  6. Calendula. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, relieves shortness of breath and cough.
  7. Sage. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  8. Valerian. Calms, normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension.
  9. Coltsfoot. Normalizes metabolism, helping to get rid of excess weight.

There are also well-known medicinal plants here - string, motherwort, oregano, chamomile, yarrow, plantain, nettle, lemon balm, but they are represented in smaller proportions. The components of the collection are selected in such a way that they complement each other and have the most beneficial effect on the body.

How to drink Tibetan collection

The maximum therapeutic effect on the body, cleansing and recovery occurs with the correct intake of the drug. The composition of the product is optimal and can be recommended for use by almost any adult.

The grass is packaged in a filter bag, which is equal to a single dose. According to the recipe, one package is filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 8 hours. After preparing the infusion, it should be consumed one glass twice a day one hour before meals or one hour after meals, preferably warm.


The Tibetan collection is a drug, therefore it has a number of contraindications for use. Any herb in the composition can have a side effect, especially in case of individual intolerance. Therefore, it is not recommended to take the drug on your own, without the supervision of a doctor.

It is also unacceptable to violate the instructions for preparing the drug. It should be remembered that the composition of the drug causes cleansing of the body, which can lead to temporary disturbances in the digestive tract.

Tibetan collection - scam or true?

Addiction to smoking or alcohol is often psychological in nature. It is extremely difficult to get rid of it: the desire to quit a bad habit must be very strong.

This is what often causes negative reviews about the Tibetan collection. It is not enough just to buy a remedy and drink a course, you must have a strong desire to get rid of nicotine or alcohol addiction and never return to them.

Reviews and clinical studies will help to find out a divorce or the truth of cleansing the body with the help of medicinal herbs. Numerous checks confirm that the herbs included in Tibetan tea can help cleanse the body, suppress cravings for alcohol and tobacco, and provide real assistance in healing.

But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the desire of the patient himself, the individual characteristics and condition of the body, possible allergic reactions to individual components of the collection.

Tibetan tea has unique traditions, features and ancient history of origin. For the past 1500 years, Tibet has been enjoying a tea drink, in which it is customary to add even flour.


From this article you will learn:

Tibetan tea is usually brewed from carefully pressed pu-erh. The drink itself is prepared within 2-3 hours, and not in ordinary water, but in special milk. Then it is poured into a special dish (the locals call it donmo), made in the form of an elongated barrel. Hot drink is supplemented with salt, yak meat. All ingredients are thoroughly beaten until a homogeneous creamy mass is formed.

The final drink with a big stretch can be called traditional tea, but the resulting liquid perfectly tones and saturates the body with useful and nutritious substances. Its distinctive feature is the ability to quickly restore physical strength.

It is no secret to anyone that quite difficult weather conditions have formed in Tibet, therefore, the recipe for this drink has not changed much for several centuries, while its original qualities have survived to this day in their original form.

Beneficial features

While modern medicine is improving technologically, the wisest people are actively using the gifts of nature to maintain good spirits and external beauty. Tibetan tea based on fees is considered cleansing. Here are just a few of its useful features and capabilities:

  • Excellent anti-aging effect (it is noteworthy that not only the appearance of a person is rejuvenated, but also his internal organs).
  • Tibetan tea is able to quickly remove interstitial viruses from the body.
  • Eliminates pain in the abdomen.
  • Can be used as an excellent antidepressant.
  • Helps improve blood circulation.
  • Regulates the digestive system.
  • Eliminates heart pain.

St. John's wort and immortelle are present in the ingredients of Tibetan tea, so you can slightly increase blood pressure with regular use of the drink. However, the effect will be less pronounced than when consuming traditional and black teas.

It has been experimentally proven that regular enjoyment of this ancient drink can eliminate bad breath from the mouth. This is an extremely effective remedy for bathing procedures, since in tandem with high temperature it helps to remove toxins from the body.

Brewing Features

Ingredients needed to prepare the drink:

Cooking sequence:

  • Pu-erh tea is brewed for 30 minutes.
  • After that, you can add the above volume of milk and boil for several minutes.
  • Strain and add oil and salt to taste. After - all the ingredients are thoroughly whipped.

As for the use of Tibetan tea, it can be drunk not only hot, but also warm. As for the liquid, it just freezes. We are talking about a wonderful drink that will be simply indispensable during trips to nature.

Tea is drunk slowly, enjoying every sip. The host must constantly top up the drink for his guests, filling the cup to the very top. It is very important that each guest should drink at least 2 cups of fragrant infusion.


Tibetan tea should be abstained from bleeding ulcers. Do not drink the drink at elevated temperatures. It is worth delaying the art of tea drinking and those people who have skin irritations, inflammatory processes.

Share your favorite tea recipe with our website readers!

From time immemorial, Tibet has been famous for its healers and medicinal drinks. People who managed to visit this amazing corner of the Earth have always tried to achieve complete harmony with themselves and nature. The national product of this beautiful place is Tibetan tea, which is considered all over the world to be a drink of health, youth and longevity, which has an unusual aroma and taste.

This tea is made according to an old Tibetan recipe and is a combination of many natural herbs without artificial additives. The healing effects of natural herbs in the right amounts on human health have long been known. After drinking a cup of Tibetan tea, a person gets a boost of energy and his mood improves. This drink speeds up the metabolism, tones the body, calms the nervous system, helps to remove toxins and supplies the body with useful microelements. Regular consumption of Tibetan tea is a good prevention of many diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, sclerosis, etc.

Tibetan tea is very useful for women

Tibetan tea is especially popular among women. After all, they care most about their appearance, and this tea, like no other, gives both external and internal beauty. After all, a clear look, a healthy complexion are possible only in harmony with nature and even the most expensive cosmetics cannot give them. The result will be even more noticeable if you switch to a healthy diet and limit the use of tobacco and alcohol (it is better to give up altogether), exercise regularly and go to the bathhouse.

Tibetan tea recipe

Today, there are many recipes for making simplified versions of Tibetan tea. You can buy it at the pharmacy or make your own at home. Here is one of the recipes for making cleansing Tibetan tea at home:
  1. We grind five varieties of herbs in a coffee grinder in equal proportions: chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, sandy immortelle leaves, birch buds and wild strawberry leaves;
  2. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours.
In order for the resulting tea drink to have the most beneficial effect on the body, the collection of all herbs included in the drink should be made in one year.

Tibetan tea- This is an amazing drink with beneficial and healing properties. It will help you stay healthy and fit. Try Tibetan tea and you won't regret it!

I want to introduce you to tibetan tea recipe. Having tried it, you will touch the culture and traditions of the people living in those lands.

This drink strongly resembles the tea of ​​nomadic peoples: Mongols, Buryats, etc. They have common ingredients, but Tibetan tea has one nuance that distinguishes it from similar drinks.

Tibetan tea ingredients:

  • 30 g of oolong or just regular black tea; Some add puer.
  • 2 glasses of milk. Tibetans use yak milk. You are unlikely to find such an exotic product, so you can simply add full-fat cow's milk.
  • 500 ml. water;
  • Salt;
  • 100 g melted butter;

Preparation of Tibetan tea:

Pour tea into water and bring to a boil. Add milk, a couple of pinches of salt, butter. Beat until a dense foam forms. In Tibet, a special vessel, “donmo”, is used for such cases, but you just work with a whisk. Our high-calorie and healthy drink is ready. You can eat. There is another cooking option that does not use water. Tea is brewed for several ten minutes in milk. Which of these recipes is more “classic”, traditional, I cannot say, since they are served in both forms.

As you can see, the recipe for Tibetan tea is not that complicated. And the drink is very interesting.