Sweet yeast dough. Yeast dough using a straight method How much pressed yeast per 1 liter of milk

1 Heat the milk until warm, approximately 35-36 C, if you cannot measure the temperature, then dip your finger in the milk, it should be quite warm and your finger should be bearable. The temperature of the milk is very important so that the yeast does not die and is activated. Pour sugar into the milk and stir, watch the temperature so that the milk does not cool down! Yeast loves sweet, warm environments. Next, stir the yeast in the milk and leave it alone for 15 minutes, in a warm place, without covering it with anything.

2 Milk with yeast will produce foam, which may then begin to fall off, do not be alarmed - this is a normal, natural process.

3 Beat the eggs with salt until smooth. Eggs should be at room temperature! If you did not have time to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, dip them in warm water for a couple of minutes.

4 Melt the butter, I use the microwave and pour it into the eggs. The oil should not be hot to prevent the eggs from curdling.

5 Add the appropriate yeast with milk to the egg-butter mixture.

6 Add the sifted flour. I highly recommend sifting the flour through a fine sieve in advance, this will saturate it with oxygen and make the baked goods very airy. You can sift the flour directly into the liquid, a few tablespoons at a time. stirring first with a whisk while the dough is liquid, then, when it becomes impossible to stir, start kneading with your hands.

7 I always add flour to see how much the dough will take. We knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands, but is not too steep, that is, if 300 grams of flour is enough for you, do not try to put more into the dough, referring to the recipe, since the flour is different and its quantity may vary and depend on very many factors: oil fat content, flour quality, egg size, etc. I usually knead the dough not in a bowl, but on a table lightly powdered with flour. When kneading the dough, keep in mind that the dough loves hands! Especially men's and children's. So feel free to invite your family and let them have fun. Knead it, throw it on the table, spank it, in general, the dough needs a very good massage! I usually knead this dough for about 5-8 minutes; I have to knead some types of baked goods for 15 minutes. I don’t have a bread machine, but if you have one, I advise you to use its services))

8 When you and I have kneaded the dough, grease it with vegetable oil so that a crust does not form and put it in a clean bowl, also greased with oil. Cover the dough with a towel or cling film and leave to rise in a warm place. I usually use the oven, there is no draft and it’s warm)) I preheat the oven to 50C and put a bowl of dough in there for two batches. After 45-50 minutes, check with you to see if the dough has increased, knead it slightly and wait again for 45-60 minutes. Two approaches will be enough.

9 The dough has doubled in size, do not knead it.

You can begin to form the products.

I never make yeast dough according to a recipe. Always by eye and as the hand takes it.
There is especially wide scope for creativity in butter dough; you can put all sorts of leftovers from the refrigerator into it - sour cream, kefir, whey (if you make homemade cottage cheese ). If there are unused whites or yolks left over from other dishes, you can add them instead of whole eggs.
So this recipe is very approximate.
When preparing butter dough, you need to follow only one rule - the amount of yeast per unit of flour increases by a third!



3 tbsp flour, 1 tsp sugar, 0.5 cup water, yeast (19g Dr. Otker dry yeast or 15g SAF-moment dry yeast or 67g fresh yeast)


1 cup liquid (milk or water or whey), 1~1.5 tsp salt, ~1/4 cup sugar, 0.5 cup vegetable or melted butter (110~120g), 2 eggs, 6~6.5 glasses of flour

First we need to calculate how much yeast we need.
It is necessary to calculate the entire volume of liquid used.
In this recipe: 0.5 cups of water + 1 cup of liquid + 0.5 cups of oil + 1/3 cup of eggs (the volume of one egg is ~1/6 cup). Total 2+1/3 cups.
This amount of liquid requires 6~6.5 cups of flour.
One 250 ml glass holds 160 g of flour. Therefore, in 6~6.5 glasses there will be 960~1050g of flour. To keep things even, let's round it up to 1 kg.
On the bags of dry yeast it is written how many grams of this yeast you need to take per 500g or 1kg of flour.
For example, the company Dr. Otker requires 7g of yeast per 500g of flour.
We got a kilogram of flour. This means you need 14g of yeast. But because the dough is rich, their quantity needs to be increased by 1/3 (in some cases the quantity of yeast has to be increased by 1.5 times).
As a result, we find that for our test we need 19g of dry yeast dr. Otker or 15g of dry yeast SAF-moment or 67g of fresh yeast.

* * *

In a bowl, mix flour, sugar and yeast. Pour in about a third of 0.5 cups of warm water. Stir until a homogeneous thick dough is formed. Pour in the rest of the warm water.

Leave in a warm place until the dough bubbles.

Pour vegetable oil and 1 cup of any liquid into the dough. This can be water, milk, cream, whey, kefir, sour cream, etc.
Beat in the eggs and add salt and sugar.
Stir everything.
Add about 4 cups of flour. Stir (with a spoon, fork or whisk). You will get a sticky dough.
Continuing to mix the dough, add half a glass of flour until the dough stops stirring with a spoon.
Pour 0.5 cups of flour onto the table and dump out the dough.
Continue kneading with your hands, adding flour if it is all absorbed into the dough and it still continues to stick to the table.
Knead until the dough has a smooth, soft and non-sticky consistency.
It is advisable to knead the butter dough for a few more minutes after it has acquired the correct structure, because This dough gets better with prolonged kneading.
(For Christians, knead the smooth dough for an additional amount of time to have time to read the Lord’s Prayer 9, 12 or 15 times.)
Form the dough into a ball, cover it with polyethylene film and leave until it increases in size by 1.5~2 times.
Knead the risen dough, cover again with film and leave to rise again.
Attention! If you are using an instant yeast, such as SAF-moment, then the second approach is not needed. After the first rise of the dough, you can begin to form the products.
When the dough rises a second time, knead it again and start cutting the pies.

Yeast dough recipes:

So, at the request of the workers, I give the basic recipe for the yeast dough that I use. That's what my grandmother taught me. When I tried to tell her that this is what’s written in the book, she told me: “Do you like my pies? So listen.” I obeyed and did not regret it. I still listen to it :) This is a good point of support, then you can vary it a lot depending on what you are going to create and what products you have in general. I’ll also write how I make it, for those who have never taken on yeast dough before.

Basic principles of yeast dough:

1. Yeast must be fresh.
2. The more baking you put in the dough (butter, eggs, sugar), the more yeast you need to use. In smart books they write that “To prepare the dough, yeast is consumed from 20 to 50 g for every kilogram of flour.”
3. The kitchen where the dough is made should be warm and there should be no drafts. Yeast loves heat.
4. The dough needs to be kneaded well, patience is very important here :)

So, proportions. From this amount I get about 14-16 cheesecakes or buns OR 2 rolls. I use this dough for sweet and savory baked goods. We really like the dough to be sweet even in savory pies/pies. If you don't like it, just reduce the amount of sugar.

for 0.5 liters of milk (preferably kefir) - now I started taking about 0.75 liters of milk and the dough still rises perfectly. Our yeast is thermonuclear.
50-60 g fresh yeast (~3 bags of 7 g dry yeast)
4 - 5 tablespoons sugar
100 g butter
2-3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
enough flour to make a soft dough (~3 - 4 cups of flour)

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil - for kneading.

First you need to check the yeast. Heat half the milk (the milk should be warm, but not hot. I put it in a bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds). Add or add yeast and a spoonful of sugar to the milk. Mix everything well and place in a warm place for about 15 minutes. A cap should form in the bowl. If it is there, the yeast is fresh and you can start; if it is not there, then the dough is canceled or you need to urgently run to the store (now to a different one, since the first one sold you not fresh yeast) for a new batch.

Let's start the main process, melt the butter and cool. Never add hot oil. You will kill the yeast and the eggs will curdle! (Yes, yes, I know, the yeast is alive and we will kill it later anyway, but it doesn’t hurt).

In a large bowl, sift some of the flour - 2 cups, sugar and salt. Add eggs, COOLED butter, the rest of the milk (this should also be heated) and yeast with milk. Mix everything well. The dough should not be liquid, but not very thick.

Dust a clean table with flour and place the dough on it. (it’s much easier to work on a table than on a board, since in my opinion there’s no board big enough :)). We begin to knead slowly, gradually adding flour. When you achieve the desired consistency, remove the flour so you don’t accidentally add more. The dough should be soft and slightly stick to your hands. It’s better not to add a little flour than to add too much flour. If there is too much flour, the finished products will be dry. If the dough sticks to your hands or table, pour a little vegetable oil on your hands and table and continue kneading until it becomes elastic and stops sticking to your hands and table. This process takes 10-15 minutes.

Now you and the dough need to rest. Place the dough on a board or in a large bowl (if the bowl is aluminum, it is better to cover the bottom with cling film), sprinkle the top with flour, cover with a towel and place in a warm place. When you see that the dough has doubled in size, press it down and put it back in a warm place. How to check that the dough has risen completely? Press the dough with your finger. If the indentation remains on the dough, then the dough has reached its limit; if it rises back or tightens, then the dough has not yet risen. When the dough has risen a second time, you can start baking, or you can let it rise again.

Yeast dough with milk is widely used for preparing a variety of baked goods. Delicious pies, cheesecakes, kulebyaki, buns and even Easter cakes are baked from yeast dough. Yeast dough can be prepared according to various recipes.

The more butter, sugar and eggs you add to the dough, the more rich it will be.

In each of our recipes, you can replace live yeast with 1 packet of dry yeast (10-12 grams). The calculation is that 1 packet of dry yeast is equal to 30 grams of live yeast.

Yeast dough Recipe No. 1 - not sweet

This is an unsweetened yeast dough for savory baked goods, such as cabbage or meat pie.

  • Milk – 2 glasses.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.
  • Butter or Margarine – 50 g.

Yeast dough Recipe No. 2

This is a moderately sweet yeast dough for sweet fillings, for example, for cheesecakes with cottage cheese, fruit fillings. It’s also very tasty for pies with cabbage.

  • Milk – 2 glasses.
  • Yeast – 30-40 g (or 1 packet of dry yeast)
  • Granulated sugar - 1/2 cup.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Butter or margarine – 100 g.
  • Wheat flour – 5-6 cups.

To prepare yeast dough for 1 liter of milk, multiply my recipes by 2! There are just 4 glasses in one liter.

Yeast dough Recipe No. 3

  • Sour cream or milk - 2 cups.
  • Yeast – 50-60 g (or 2 packets of dry yeast)
  • Sugar – 1/2-1 cup.
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Margarine – 200 g.
  • Flour – 6-7 glasses.

The dough prepared according to this recipe will turn out rich and when kneading, you can add lemon zest, raisins or candied fruits to it to taste.

To prepare yeast dough, it is preferable to use premium wheat flour. Milk can be replaced with a mixture of milk and water, and butter with margarine.

Yeast dough is prepared using a sponge or straight method.

It is better to prepare rich yeast dough using the sponge method.

Yeast dough - sponge method

In a saucepan, dilute the yeast with a small amount of warm milk. Pour in the rest of the warmed milk (but not hot!).

Add half the required sugar and 1/3 flour.

Mix everything thoroughly, cover the pan with a towel and put in a warm place. This is dough.

After about an hour, the dough will rise, bubbles will appear on the surface and it will begin to settle. Now add the remaining ingredients and knead the dough until smooth. You need to knead until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Now you can grease the dough with oil or sprinkle with flour and put it in a warm place to rise.

The yeast dough will be ready as soon as it has risen twice.

Yeast dough is a non-steamed method.

In a saucepan, dilute the yeast with a small amount of warm milk. Pour in the rest of the heated milk, add sugar, salt, eggs and mix thoroughly.

Add the sifted flour and knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Now all you have to do is wait until the dough rises twice.

It may take different amounts of time to rise the dough depending on the quantity and quality of yeast and air temperature. The volume of the dough should increase by at least twofold, which must be taken into account when choosing utensils for kneading yeast dough.

The richer the dough, the longer it will take to rise. At the same time, it is very important not to miss the moment and not allow the dough to fall off. Over-sitting dough will become liquid, may acquire a sour taste and you will no longer get tasty and fluffy baked goods.

It usually takes 1-3 hours for the dough to rise, depending on the composition, so you shouldn’t let the dough sit overnight.

This mug-sieve is very convenient to use for sifting flour

Perfect yeast dough. Rules.

Regardless of the recipe and method, there are several rules that should be followed when preparing.

1. All products needed for the test must first be placed in a warm place so that they are not cold.

2. The liquid intended for the dough (water or milk) is heated to a temperature of 30-35 0 C.

At low temperatures, yeast multiplies very slowly and the dough rises poorly; at elevated temperatures, the fungi die and the dough does not rise at all. Therefore, it is desirable that the kitchen be warm enough, but not hot.

3. Before kneading, flour must be sifted to remove possible lumps or random impurities.

Sifting will also help saturate the flour with oxygen, which will make the yeast dough even more fluffy and tasty. It is very convenient to use a sieve mug to sift flour.

4. It is necessary to observe the ratio of products included in the dough.

So, when changing the amount of flour, it is necessary to proportionally change the amount of yeast, liquid and baking. The finished yeast dough is elastic, almost twice the original volume, and if you press on it with your finger, the remaining indentation will quickly disappear.

Now you can start shaping and baking the dough!

1. Warm the milk to room temperature, approximately 37 degrees and add sugar. Stir until completely dissolved.

2. Next add dry yeast.

3. And stir again until they are completely dissolved.

4. When the yeast has dissolved, pour vegetable oil into the milk and stir again so that it disperses throughout the liquid.

5. Beat the egg in there.

6. Mix the ingredients again. All ingredients should be at room temperature so as not to cool the temperature of the milk. Otherwise, the yeast will not work well in a cold environment and the dough will not rise well.

7. Sift the flour into a bowl through a fine sieve so that it is enriched with oxygen and the pies are more fluffy. Add the liquid base little by little and knead the dough with your hands. Even if you use a bread machine for kneading, still knead it with your hands.

8. Knead the dough well, for at least 5 minutes. It should not stick to the walls of the dishes or your hands. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a cotton towel and place in a warm place. Let stand for one hour until the dough doubles in volume. Knead again for 5 minutes and start forming the pies.

Note: place the formed pies on a baking sheet at a short distance from each other, because They will expand further during baking. After placing the pies on a baking sheet, leave them for about half an hour and only then place them in the roasting pan.