The best strong alcoholic drink. The strongest alcohol in the world in degrees

If food is the way to a man's heart, then drink is the way to his soul. This is something that all beverage manufacturers know. That's why they invent ever richer and more tempting flavors to please their fastidious customers. But an expert good alcohol not so easy to impress. This is why they are born the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world.

For those who are looking for a mixture that will make you feel the fire inside for a while, we have collected ten of the most impressive drinks. They are presented in order of increasing alcohol content, from least to strongest. Maybe one day you'll try them.

10. Elixir végétal de la Grande-Chartreuse - 69% alcohol

This herbal liqueur with almost three centuries of history is still produced according to secret recipe Marshal Estre. It contains the "essences" of more than 130 plants, whose aromatic and healing properties make the liqueur not only one of the strongest in the world, but also very useful, in reasonable quantities. Reviews say that it is enough to drop a few drops of liqueur on a piece of sugar or dilute a small amount of in the water, and fatigue or slight malaise will disappear as if by hand.

The herbs are kept in the monastery of La Grande Chartreuse and then processed at the distillery in Voiron by the monks. And the resulting liquor remains to mature in oak barrels, in the largest distillery cellar in the world. The monks decide when the drink is ready and then bottle it, which in turn is enclosed in an elegant wooden package. Vegetal de la Grande Chartreuse is supplied to more than 100 countries around the world.

9. Bacardi 151 - 75.5%

Yohoho, this is a real pirate strong rum. And even if you are not a pirate, but love strong drinks, then be sure to try Bacardi 151. It is an integral component of many high-quality cocktails and can burn your throat if you sip carelessly. However, once inside it no longer burns, but generates pleasant warmth.

The aftertaste of Bacardi 151 is fruity, and the aroma, according to the manufacturer, contains oak and vanilla notes. Judging by the reviews of experts, this rum has only one drawback - it is easy to get drunk with it.

8. Devil Springs Vodka - 80%

This is the perfect vodka for homemade tincture. From dried fruits to herbs, nothing escapes her fiery wrath. And when the essences of your fruits and herbs surrender to the mercy of alcohol, simply dilute the mixture with water in a 1 to 1 ratio and get the most ordinary vodka, but with an unusual taste.

7. Pincer Shanghai Strength - 88.8%

This super strong Scotch vodka was probably created to combat the cold. But who wants to fight the cold without being able to take a normal breath? However, manufacturers claim that this healthy drink, which contains milk thistle and elderberry extracts to support the liver.

One of the strongest spirits in the world was released in a limited edition and is intended mainly for the Chinese market.

By the way, Scotland is the birthplace of strong beer in the world. It bears the self-explanatory name “Snake Venom” and contains 67.5% alcohol. It even has a sticker warning that this beer should be drunk in small portions due to its very high strength. The ingredients for creating “Snake Venom” were smoky malt smoked on peat and two types of yeast. Perhaps this beer will someday get into the market if experts dare to try such a vigorous swill.

6. Poitin 1661 - 90%

National Irish drink With rich history is a type of moonshine. It was prepared in small copper pots (“pota”) from barley or potatoes.

In 1661, the sale and preparation of potine was banned in Ireland due to difficulties in taxing it and as part of a larger English effort to suppress Irish culture. This ban lasted more than three centuries, and in Northern Ireland it is still in effect.

5. Mariënburg rum – 90%

Throughout its evolution, this rum alpha male has refined its already rich texture. Being precious stone crown of Suriname, this 90% rum is a welcome gift for every connoisseur of strong alcohol. However, you can only buy real 90 percent Mariënburg rum in Suriname itself. For export products, the alcohol percentage was reduced to 81%.

4. Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled Whiskey – 92%

Strongest malt whiskey produced using a 17th century recipe. It is purified four times, making it an extremely pure alcoholic beverage.

An experiment with this whiskey showed that it is powerful enough to accelerate a sports car to 160 kilometers per hour. If it can do this to a sports car, imagine what it can do to your body.

3. Everclear Grain - 95%

The top 3 strongest drinks in the world are revealed by vodka, which for a long time was banned in the USA and Canada. Its neutral taste makes it ideal for preparing alcoholic mixtures. In 1979, it was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest alcoholic drink.

If you are brave enough to try it in pure form, make sure you have your local emergency number on speed dial.

2. Cocoroco - 96%

An alcoholic drink created in Bolivia, usually sold in tin cans with the image of a crocodile. It is made from sugarcane and coconut and is illegal in some of Bolivia's neighboring countries, such as Chile (where all alcoholic drinks with more than 55% alcohol by volume are illegal).

Few stomachs can handle Cocoroco undiluted. Usually this hellish swill is drunk, diluted with cool tea, or added to various cocktails.

1. Wratislavia Spirytus - 96%

The most strong vodka in the world, made in Poland, is nothing more than liquid fire. It is odorless and to the untrained eye looks exactly like water. But take just one sip of this drink, albeit in diluted form, and it will become clear that this is not water at all, but the most stunning experience for your taste buds.

Its name - “Bratislava Spiritus” - does not refer to Poland at all. But here all questions should be directed to the manufacturer.

Thanks to strict quality standards and a multi-level cleaning system, Wratislavia Spirytus is ideal basis for premium alcoholic mixtures and even desserts.

In its purest form, the most strong alcohol It is not recommended for use in the world. They say it can damage your insides for the rest of your life. We will not check, and we do not advise you to.

Good alcoholic drinks have been valued at all times. For example, a bottle of high-quality aged wine or cognac can cost more than one thousand dollars. This applies to all other alcoholic drinks. Strong alcoholic drink, as a rule, is more to the liking of the male half of humanity. IN different countries love different alcohol.

Popular spirits

Despite the high cost, true connoisseurs are ready to pay any amount for excellent quality and a stunning bouquet, which prevails only in natural products. Perhaps there is not a single country in the world where one or another alcoholic drink would not be very popular:

There are many more such examples that can be given, since connoisseurs of quality alcohol are located all over the world. If we consider what is the strongest alcoholic drink on earth, then after pure alcohol(96 degrees) is Georgian chacha(86-90 degrees) and Russian moonshine-pervach (80 degrees). But these strong alcoholic drinks belong to home production, you won't find them in the store.

Strong alcoholic products are often involved in holiday treats and stand at the head of the table. Do not forget that strong alcohol-containing products stay in the body longer than the lungs, therefore, when planning to celebrate a holiday and using strong alcoholic drinks, do not forget about the norm, because the hangover will be severe.

Vodka is a popular alcoholic drink in Russia

All people in the world are well aware that Russians prefer to drink vodka. According to statistics, this drink is consumed in incredibly large quantities in this country. And this is not surprising, because in Russia they learned about it back in the 14th century, when grape alcohol first entered the country. Modern vodka, which contains ethanol and water began to be produced only a whole century after this date.

Today there are two main types of vodka: flavored and ordinary. The first is still made today, while the second was extremely popular in the 16th and 17th centuries. Flavored vodka is obtained by infusion of various herbs and berries, followed by distillation. Today, the standard is 40%, which makes it similar to Scotch whiskey.

Scotch whiskey is popular all over the world

Now there is not a single country in the world where they do not know about whiskey. However, history makes it difficult to say exactly who and when began producing this drink, since Scotland and Ireland constantly dispute the rights to start production. It is generally accepted that the distillation technology used to make whiskey was brought to Scotland by Christian missionaries who learned about it from the Crusaders.

Whiskey was originally produced by the monks of Scotland. They used rye, wheat and other grains as raw materials. At the end, the drink undergoes distillation, as a result of which it is completely purified. Whiskey was originally used as a cure for the following ailments:

  • at colds it was consumed internally;
  • for bruises, the temples were rubbed on the injured area;
  • it was also used as the main element of a warming compress.

Beginning in the 17th century, whiskey began to be produced all over the world. Today, along with Scotch whiskey, drinks made in Canada, Ireland, America and even Japan are very popular. Despite this great amount manufacturers, the normal strength is considered to be 40%.

Rum is a popular drink among pirates

Despite the fact that rum is produced in several places in the world, however, the main producer of this product were and remain Caribbean Islands. Rum originates in the 17th century, when cane juice began to be fermented. Until today, the technology for making this drink has remained unchanged. To prepare it, they use the fermentation and distillation of cane juice and molasses.

There are several varieties of this drink, each with its own area of ​​application. For example, light rum is actively used for making cocktails. Golden or dark is used in cooking. The only rum that is used for drinking in its pure form is a premium drink.

Alcohol, which contains more than 20 degrees, is considered a strong drink. All over the world there are a huge number of alcoholic products with high strength. These include vodka, cognac, brandy, whiskey, sake, tequila, Calvados and others. It is simply impossible to count all their multitude. Some of them can be consumed in their pure form, while others can only be used in cocktails.

Bombay Sapphire Gin 47% ABV

Gin opens the top ten strongest alcoholic drinks in the world. Translated into Russian, the word jin means “juniper”. The general name of drinks of this kind is directly related to their composition, since they are infused with juniper. The strongest varieties have 40 degrees and above. ("Bombay Sapphire") - English gin, which is one of the strongest of its kind. With a strength of 47%, it is used both for making cocktails and consumed in its pure form, preferably with ice. Despite its strength, Bombay Sapphire has soft taste with pronounced notes of juniper, orange and lemon.

Armagnac Domaine de Jaulin ABV 48.3%

Armagnac is one of the ten strongest drinks in the world and is a relative of cognac. It is produced directly in France. Considered one of the strongest Armagnac Domaine de Jaulin(“Domaine de Jolin”) 1973 with a strength of 48.3%. It was made at the Domaine de Jolin estate by the Darroze family. Armagnac was aged in oak barrels for 37 years, and then in 2010 it was bottled in glass containers for sale. The French drink has unique taste and cask strength, as it was not chill-filtered or diluted. The aroma of Domaine de Jaulin combines notes of coffee, tobacco, fruit and oak. It is recommended to consume it in its pure form, without a snack, in order to experience the full richness of the taste.

Grappa GRAPPA Agricola Bepi Tosolini ABV 50%

Grappa- one of the strongest alcoholic drinks from Italians. It is made by distilling grape pomace, as well as its stems and seeds. One of the most fortified varieties is GRAPPA Agricola Bepi Tosolini(Bepi Tosolini), containing 50% alcohol. This drink has a crystal clear color and pleasant aroma with pronounced notes of berries and raisins. Leaves behind a light aftertaste of fruit.

Whiskey Glenfarclas 105 Strength 60%

Whiskey is considered one of the most noble drinks of all times. Its average strength is 43 degrees. But some varieties may contain more. For example, Scottish Glenfarclas whiskey 105(Grenfarklas), whose strength reaches 60%, is the strongest in the world. It is used both in its pure form and as a base for cocktails. The drink is made from cereals and yeast with the addition of water. Its initial taste is formed primarily thanks to the wood barrels in which it matures. Whiskey is mostly preferred by Americans and British.

ABV 67.5%

Beer with title Snake Venom(“Snake Venom”) and a strength of 67.5% broke all records for strength among drinks of this kind. The authors of fortified beer were Scottish producers who released this drink in 2013. Despite high rate degrees “Snake Venom” has a hop-malty, pleasant and slightly pungent taste. Manufacturers warn that the product should be drunk in small portions, like all fortified drinks such as cognac and whiskey.

ABV 70%

Is national drink Georgia and is not inferior in degree to the most fortified types of alcohol. Its strength in diluted form reaches 70% - it is with this maximum strength that this type of alcohol reaches store shelves. To make real chacha, only unripe grape varieties Isabella and Kacich are taken. The alcohol has a fortified taste with notes of grapes.

ABV 75.5%

Rum It is also considered one of the most fortified drinks in the world. It is made by fermentation and distillation cane syrup and molasses. One of the strongest representatives of this line of alcohol is Rum Bacardi 151("Bacardi") from South America, which contains 75.5%. It is aged for 8 years, thanks to which Bacardi 151 gets its original taste and astringency. The drink is most often consumed in the form of cocktails, but there are also daredevils who drink it in its pure form. The rum is amber in color and combines notes of vanilla and oak. Bacardi has about 300 awards and is the most awarded rum in the world.

ABV 85%

Jacques Senaux Black (“Jacques Seneau Black”) is considered one of the strongest absinthes in the world, produced in Spain. It received its name from the world famous French taster and blender Jacques Senault. In 1915, the production of this drink was suspended in France, as it was equated to a strong hallucinogen. But in 1956, the son of a blender, Juan Teixenne Seno, decided to open his own factory in Spain in order to restore the production of the drink according to his father’s recipe. This product, containing 85% alcohol, has a fresh and bitter aroma with notes of anise and wormwood.

ABV 95%

It is generally accepted that liqueur is a sweet, fortified alcoholic product with high content sugar, which is found in berries and fruits used for its preparation. Usually its strength is no more than 35 degrees. But, as it turns out, there is a liqueur in the world whose strength breaks all records. He is Everclear- the strongest liqueur in the world from American producers, included in the Guinness Book of Records. The drink is also called “devil’s water.” Its peculiarity is that with an alcohol content of 95% it has neither taste nor smell. It is mainly used as a base for making cocktails, since its use in its pure form is extremely dangerous. It is noteworthy that the sale of Everclear was banned in 13 US states due to its harmful influence on the body.

Vodka Wratislavia Spirytus ABV 96%

Vodka is one of the most fortified alcohol products. Usually its strength does not exceed 40-45 degrees. However, Poland invented Wratislavia Spirytus vodka, which is considered one of the strongest drinks in the world with an alcohol content of 96%. The main ingredients in the manufacture of an alcoholic product are wheat and potatoes, which give Wratislavia Spirytus original taste. Vodka has crystal transparency, thanks to thorough and multi-level purification from harmful impurities. The drink is not recommended to be consumed in its pure form, as it can cause irreparable harm health. When diluted, vodka has a pleasant and mild taste.

First, let's decide on the measurement of strength. Strength is now measured in percent by volume or " volumetric degrees" is the ratio of the volume of anhydrous alcohol in the drink to the volume of the entire drink multiplied by 100. That is, for vodka with a strength of 40% vol. the number 40 was obtained from the ratio of 0.2 to 0.5 liters (we take a half-liter bottle), multiplied by 100.

Stronger drinks are often more expensive. This is understandable, because alcohol is always more expensive than water. But that doesn't mean they are better. The fact is that the more alcohol in the drink, the worse the aromas, flavors and nuances are revealed. But for every drink, there will undoubtedly be a lover.

Strength is a matter of taste, both for the buyer and the manufacturer. The point is not that it is difficult to produce a drink with a strength of 70 degrees, the problem is who is not afraid to drink it and find in it special taste to come back and buy it again. After all, making vodka, and in principle any drink in general, stronger or weaker is not difficult.


The strongest alcoholic drink. It is made with a strength from 55 to 80 degrees. The most common bottles are up to 65% vol.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, absinthe was extremely dangerous drink, it contained an extremely high amount of thujone, a hallucinogenic substance found in wormwood. It is this herb that plays a major role in the production of absinthe. Nowadays, the content of thujone is legally limited. In Europe, 35 mg/kg has been allowed since 2008; in the USA, absinthe with a thujone content of up to 10 mg/kg can be imported. The Green Fairy of the poets of the late 19th century contained up to 200 mg/kg of thujone.

Absinthe, which contains a small amount of thujone, is not hallucinogenic, but due to its high strength it can cause strong hangover syndrome and generally cause harm to the body.


Most often we buy whiskey with a strength of 38-40% vol. It is brought to this strength after aging in barrels and blending with distilled water. But there is such a thing as cask strength whiskey; the label will say: Straight from the Cask or Cask strength. This means that the whiskey was bottled without diluting with water, at the strength that was obtained naturally during the aging process. Usually it is 50-60% vol. Bottles of cask strength are more expensive than diluted whiskey, and quite a bit of it is produced.


Bourbon also comes in much stronger than the usual 40 proof. Barrel strength on the label will be designated as barrel proof. And you can find more high-strength bourbons than classic scotches. The fact is that bourbon is not aged as long as Scotch whiskey needs; other, new barrels are used for it. In them, the aging process proceeds faster, but they give a slightly rougher taste than previously used barrels. Therefore, for bourbon, 8-9 years of aging is a lot, but for scotch whiskey- not a long time at all.

Many brands have cask strength bourbons. For example, the popular Jim Beam - 7-year-old Baker's reaches a strength of 53.5%, and Booker's - is bottled at 61-63%, and is aged for up to 8 years. Knob Creek's 9 year old is bottled at 50% ABV, while Wild Turkey's 12 year old can be 58% ABV. Sometimes the strength of bourbons can reach even 80%.


The weakest rum is Cuban. Its strength usually does not exceed 40 degrees. But other countries that produce rum make it much stronger. So, in Puerto Rico and Barbados the drink is heated to 57 degrees. And Jamaicans and Trinidadians start at 48%.

The Austrians do not lag behind their Latin American colleagues, making “Stro” - a spiced rum with a strength of 40 to 80 degrees.


Grain distillate distilled with the addition of juniper berries; other spices can also be used. Gin must be at least 37.5% ABV, there is no upper limit, but it usually ends up at 47%.

There are several varieties of gin, but the strongest was Plymouth gin. It can only be produced in the city of Plymouth. At the beginning of the 19th century, Plymouth gin was supplied to the navy and had an alcohol content of at least 57%. It was believed that with such a strength, it was not scary to spill gin on gunpowder - it would still burn.

Rat wine

It is prepared in China. To prepare the drink, newborn rats that have not yet opened their eyes are poured rice vodka. The infusion is soaked for a whole year. Afterwards, the strength of the drink reaches 57 degrees.

Spanish vodka

The strongest Spanish alcoholic drink is called El aguardiente, which means "fire water" or "burning water". This distillate is like grappa or French mark, made from grape presses, seeds and other waste from wine production. It can be kept, or it can be infused with different herbs and coffee beans. The strength of the Spanish distillate reaches 80 degrees.

Devil's water

This American vodka banned in 30 states. It is made from corn or wheat alcohol and its strength is 95 percent.

Alcohol products have gained considerable popularity in many countries. The assortment is so huge that your eyes run wide from all this variety. Types of alcoholic drinks are divided into strong, medium and weak (light). They can be completely different: elite (premium class), domestic, dangerous and safe. It is very difficult to create a unified system of alcoholic drinks, but we will try to consider many of the most popular types alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages are products made from ethanol and obtained by fermentation. Alcoholic drinks are produced from raw materials such as:

  • Barley, corn, rye, wheat, millet, rice.
  • Grapes, apples, plums, pears, pineapples, apricots.
  • Potato, sugar cane, agave, sweet potato.

Also during the manufacturing process various spices, herbs, honey, flavorings, dyes, and so on are added.

True connoisseurs strive to try all the alcoholic drinks in the world. Each country has its own national alcoholic drinks. The main thing to remember: in all states, the consumption of any alcohol is regulated by law and limited to a certain age.

Strong alcohol

The strength of such products varies from 21% and can reach 80% alcohol content. The range of alcoholic drinks is represented by well-known and widespread types of alcoholic beverages.

List of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world:

Alcoholic drinks with big amount Ethanol should be consumed only on special holidays and in small doses. They are also the highest in calories.

Medium strength alcohol

Some types of this alcohol are made from or include various fruits or fruit juices, including grapes. And as you know, grapes contain a huge amount of vitamin B, C, P and others useful microelements. Grape juice is used for gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation respiratory tract, asthma, pleurisy.

List of medium strength alcohol:

Less strong types of alcohol not only do not harm health, but are also often used as preventatives against various diseases.

Low alcohol products

And finally, the most harmless alcohol with an alcohol content of no more than 6–8%:

Low alcohol drinks are applied least harm health, and sometimes are not considered at all alcohol products. The variety of alcoholic drinks is not limited to this list. The assortment is so diverse that it is simply impossible to list the types of alcoholic drinks.

In addition to the products described above, there are even lesser known ones, which are used only in certain countries. There are also various types of cocktails obtained by mixing various types alcohol.

Alcohol production is very popular now, so it is possible that the range will continue to grow.