The hottest seasonings in the world: a review of “fiery” mixtures. Spices, seasonings, seasonings, uses and beneficial properties

Cooks and chefs always use spices in the process of creating their masterpieces. At the same time, they claim that spices are insidious, so you need to be careful with them. Of course, spices help improve the taste of a dish and give it a refined appearance, for example, by changing color. But all this can be achieved only with the skillful use of spices. In addition, you should always remember that hot spices can be both beneficial and harmful to the body. We’ll talk more about this topic in our article today.

The benefits of hot seasonings

Such spices are often used in food preservation. Thus, mustard eliminates fungal growths and kills mold, and star anise prevents the jam from becoming sugary. In addition, spicy plants enrich food with beneficial vitamins and mineral salts, so some of them can be used for medicinal purposes. Hot spices increase our body temperature. The warming effect of spices makes it easier to survive the winter period. The benefit of hot spices also lies in the fact that they serve as excellent aphrodisiacs. This property of additives allows them to be used to stimulate sexual arousal and desire.

Bay leaf has antibacterial properties, so it is used to treat stomatitis. In addition, this seasoning removes toxins from the body, improves immunity, and helps with colds. For digestive problems, doctors recommend adding cardamom to food. And the well-known chili pepper lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and stimulates the burning of calories.

Cinnamon normalizes blood sugar levels, prevents the formation of blood clots, and has antimicrobial properties. Clove essential oil has a healing effect for toothaches and relieves gum inflammation.

Harm of spicy seasonings

When using spices in the cooking process, you should remember that they can irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx, esophagus, and stomach. Therefore, people with diseases of these organs are not recommended to eat spicy food.

The opinion of nutritionists regarding the benefits or harm of spices is ambiguous. It all depends on the condition of the body. For example, people with chronic gastritis and increased secretion of gastric juice should exclude mustard and onions from their food. Garlic, green pepper, radish and horseradish can be used in limited quantities. If you have a peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, you should not eat mustard, chili pepper, horseradish and spicy snacks. It is recommended to exclude these same spices from the diet if you are obese.

People suffering from hypertension and heart failure are better off not consuming salty and spicy seasonings. You should also keep in mind that flavor enhancers contain large amounts of salt, which retains fluid in the body and disrupts the functioning of many systems.

Indian teachings say that certain spices help get rid of negative character traits. For example, to cope with fear and anxiety, you need to eat cinnamon, cloves, and cumin. Ginger, turmeric, and fennel will help you get rid of anger, hatred, and envy. Black and red pepper, cardamom, cumin, and ginger will cope with indecision, greed, and a tendency toward depression.

Spices can be used in different forms. Fresh, dried and crushed. Most often, spices are used in dried form; they have the longest shelf life.

The aroma of spices comes from components that oxidize or evaporate when exposed to air. It is best to store them in a dark, dry place in sealed containers. Ground spices retain their properties well in the refrigerator.

So, we found out that hot spices have a number of positive properties, but they can also cause some side effects. But if you eat spicy food in moderation, then there should be no health problems. So don’t give up spicy seasonings, but add just a little of them to your food.

Spices are very useful, but everything is good in moderation, harmonious. Spices were the first medicines in human history.
A very useful reminder on spices: the properties of spices and herbs, their use and beneficial properties, what to add where.

Vegetarian food- this is a great art, it will completely replace medications for you. Every food product is a medicine if it is used in accordance with knowledge of the mechanism of action on the body, properly prepared and taken in the required quantity. You should study and use spices in food in the right proportions, which will lead you to a quick recovery. - Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov

Calamus, sweet flag


Anise, as a seasoning, it is almost universal, it is added to meat and fish dishes, in salads and marinades, anise perfectly complements the taste of baked goods, fresh fruits and vegetables, and is an excellent addition to vegetable dishes, which include beets, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers . Anise widely used in canning vegetables and preparing drinks. Common anise (anise femur) increases milk lactation in nursing mothers and is a good vitamin supplement. Anise used as an antipyretic, choleretic and anti-spasmodic agent to improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Using anise seeds as a seasoning for food improves digestion because... anise seeds have a stimulating effect on the motor and secretory functions of digestion, have an expectorant and disinfectant effect. They are used for bronchitis, cough, whooping cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Star anise - star anise

Star anise has a general strengthening effect on the body, the spice is used in food to prevent flu, sore throat and infections, during stress, star anise strengthens the nervous system - it is an excellent calming plant. Star anise has emollient and expectorant properties for infections of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, and improves the health of the endocrine and immune systems. Star anise stimulates the production of estrogen, helps relieve premenstrual pain and normalize the cycle. Star anise has an anti-inflammatory, carminative effect. Star anise fruit improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate digestion, relieve spasms and enhance intestinal motility. Star Anise Essential Oil improves digestion, thins mucus and has an expectorant effect. Star anise enhances lactation and is also an excellent diuretic. Star anise tea is given to children for loss of appetite and diarrhea in young children when teeth are being cut.

Basil, basil, spices and herbs

Basil greens stimulates collagen synthesis in cells, which helps restore skin elasticity and youth.

Fresh basil greens It has a bright aroma and is used as a seasoning for many dishes. Basil goes with green, egg, chicken, crab salads, egg, pasta dishes, cheese, and fish. Basil harmonizes with tomatoes, sweet peppers, beans; it is also added when pickling cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and mushrooms.

Basil has a pungent taste and can be added to dishes to suit your taste. Nettle pesto with basil.

Recipes from country weeds

Cooking seasonings and spices are food additives. Seasonings are food improvers of plant, animal or artificial origin that have a spicy aroma, as well as dry mixtures of herbs and ready-made liquid sauces. In addition, seasonings include spices such as salt, sugar, ammonium, yeast, citric acid, monosodium glutamate, soda, carob powder, agar-agar, gelatin, etc.

Spices and seasonings - what's the difference?

Spices change the taste and texture of a dish without affecting its smell. Spices are responsible for the aroma. As for color, for example, saffron, turmeric, parsley, rose, etc. act as dyes. Artificial ones are usually classified as spices. It is impossible to draw an exact boundary between seasonings and spices, since salt flavored with ground pepper is already a seasoning, and sugar flavored with vanilla is a seasoning called vanilla sugar. The debate about terminology can be endless, but that is not our goal.

The ability to properly handle food seasonings and spices is a real art. We'll introduce you to some lesser-known but very good classic seasonings and some of the most prized spices, as well as some rules to follow when using Southern spices and seasonings. Their use with photographs of individual mixtures and plants can also be seen in the material presented to your attention.

Magic food supplements

Most of us constantly have a certain familiar set of natural herbal food additives in our kitchen, usually no more than a dozen of them. He may not change in his entire life. This is a big omission, because there are about one and a half hundred herbs used in cooking. They are included in sauces, added to food at the personal discretion of the cook, and are also combined into a bouquet that ennobles a specific product or gives a name to a whole dish.

Traveling around the world and getting acquainted with national cuisine, at some point we think: “What is included in this or that dish that we especially liked?” It is not always possible to recognize the original taste of ordinary beef, rice, cod, pasta, squid, potatoes, etc. The same products are also available in our city. Metamorphosis is achieved thanks to unusual seasonings.

The main supplier of natural aromatic and spicy additives is India. It is Indian spices and seasonings that are considered the best in the world. They are the core of any culinary seasoning. The climate of this country, as well as the islands of Ceylon and Sri Lanka, is ideal for the ripening of aromatic herbs used in cooking.

The function of spices in cooking

Let's figure out whether spices and seasonings are really so important and necessary in our kitchen? Their use in home cooking is not a cheap pleasure. One kilogram of pepper, cumin, saffron, cardamom, nigella, or any of the overseas spices costs from a thousand rubles (these are the lowest grade) and more. Why rack your brains, guessing which spices will be most harmonious in a particular dish? Isn’t it better, without further ado, to limit ourselves to salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf, dill, parsley, vanilla and cinnamon, that is, those additives that have long been established in our kitchens? For ready-made foods, it is easier and more convenient to use store-bought sauces like ketchup or mayonnaise, mustard and horseradish, and serve sweet dishes with jam and whipped cream.

This is all true, but cooking herbs and spices do much more than the additives listed above.

They are designed to highlight the best flavor and aroma notes of the prepared product. For example, the river bottom fish burbot is distinguished by its tender meat, and its liver is a more valuable delicacy than the liver of cod or poultry. However, the specific smell of mud must be eliminated, otherwise it is completely impossible to eat this fish. Properly selected spices and seasonings will save the situation. Their use should be mastered for other reasons.

Four properties

Spices and seasonings add attractiveness to dishes, firstly, by enhancing the aroma of the original product. This helps improve appetite and timely secretion of gastric juice, which promotes better digestion of food.

Secondly, some Indian herbs and spices (their names and photographs can be seen in this article) improve the appearance of products.

Thirdly, they help preserve food freshness for a longer time, acting as light preservatives and antiseptics.

Fourthly, they all have a powerful therapeutic effect on all organs and systems of the human body.

Influences the senses and creates a pleasant atmosphere

It should be noted that someone who knows how and willingly prepares delicious food is pleasant and respected in any company. No matter how embarrassing it may be to admit this, everyone is always happy when a person comes to visit with a delicious treat, and this is very conducive to establishing friendly relations.

Entering a house where the smell of cinnamon from a freshly baked apple pie, or being treated to rich borscht with aromatic herbs, you can’t help but think that the local owners are excellent people.

If you agree that delicious food comes from properly selected spices, if you think that spices and seasonings and their use in cooking is a valuable skill that promotes communication and attracts friends, then our article is for you.

Continental cuisine has long mastered Indian spices. Stores sell ready-made, packaged in bags and jars popular seasonings and spices that go well with European products. These mixtures can be purchased in stores in the form of ground spices mixed with salt, you can find well-known sets of spices, or you can try to assemble the classic seasoning yourself. This is much more interesting, and excellent quality is guaranteed.

Ras al Hanout

This is a Turkish national seasoning that has long migrated to many European and Middle Eastern cuisines. Ras el-hanout is a bouquet of spicy herbs that invariably accompanies dolma. It certainly includes basil, tarragon and oregano. In addition, a few more components are usually added at the chef’s discretion.

If you want to cook an authentic dish, go to the bazaar where Turkish spices and seasonings are sold. You may not know how to use them, but you don’t need to. It is enough to tell the merchant two words: “dolma” and “ras el-hanout”, and the spice seller will put together an individual and unique set for you. “Ras el-hanout” is a seasoning collected by the owner of the shop at his own discretion in accordance with the components included in the intended dish, as well as taking into account the personal taste preferences of the buyer. The name of the seasoning is translated as “the owner of the shop.”


Among the popular Turkish seasonings, one of the honorable places is occupied by a mixture of spices called “Baharat”. Kebab is not complete without a fragrant bouquet of cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg and mint. As an addition, you can add cumin, cardamom, cloves, coriander, Jamaican pepper and paprika. Variable seasonings may also contain ginger, savory, fenugreek, loumi, rose petals or oregano. Turkish cuisine is rarely complete without mint and savory leaves. When adding fresh leaves, be aware that they should not be cut or otherwise minced using metal knives. This provokes an oxidative reaction that distorts the properties of plants.

"Beau monde"

Europeans, who prefer seafood to meat, have long mastered southern seasonings and spices. Their use in dishes of squid, shrimp and scallops is absolutely justified. The mixture, known as Beau Monde, is a seasoning that perfectly brings out the best notes of the muscle tissue of marine invertebrates. It softens the harsh taste of algae and iodine. Suitable for both main courses and soups.

“Beaumonde” contains ten components: celery seeds, bay leaf, nutmeg flower and the nut itself, cinnamon, cloves, three types of pepper - Jamaican large peas), white and black hot pepper (peas) and salt.

"Panch Puren"

Panch Puren, as the name suggests, is a mixture of five herbs. These are the seeds of nigella, cumin, fenugreek and fennel taken in equal parts. The use of "panch puren" is very diverse.

The seeds can be fried in a frying pan with oil until the aroma appears, and then season the porridge with this oil, pour over meat or fish, and add to soup. Vegetable, meat, fish and legume dishes are ideally suited to Panch Puren.

Another way to use the five seed mixture is to grind the seeds into powder and combine with fine salt. This salt is good to sprinkle on prepared dishes and also add to marinades. The herbs and spices listed above, and their use in various dishes, allow you to realize your craving for new experiences and turn daily standing at the stove into a magical act.


It is not for nothing that saffron was chosen as the first overseas spice, which we will talk about separately. He is the record holder for the number of fakes, and this is no coincidence. Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. The king of spices and the spice of kings, as the proverb says. In a dish, saffron serves as a herb, a spice, and a dye.

It is better not to combine saffron with any other herbs, and add only a few threads to food, no more.

Turmeric, soflor, marigolds, etc. are often sold under the guise of saffron. You can distinguish a refined food additive from a fake by carefully examining it. The purple threads are the stigmas of the pistil of a flower known as the crocus. At the base these threads are paler than at the apex. The upper part is somewhat thicker and more bizarrely shaped.

One gram of saffron is valued at approximately two dollars. Why so much? The fact is that only saffron that grows in certain latitudes has unique consumer value, and it is harvested by hand. Three stigma threads are extracted from each crocus. They are the spice. Want to find real saffron? It is very difficult. Try searching stores that sell Indian herbs and spices. Its names are the same in any language - saffron and crocus. The photo clearly shows what the stigmas of a crocus look like.


The second royal spice is cardamom. There are two types of cardamom - green and black.

Green is known to many. It is added to coffee, tea, and milk drinks. Green cardamom has a very good effect on the heart muscle, and also destroys pathogenic microflora and significantly improves overall well-being. This is a universal spice, so it is included in a huge number of seasonings. Its distinctive feature is that in small quantities it enhances the aromas of other components of the dish, and in large quantities it drowns them out.

Black cardamom is less common than green cardamom on the shelves of Russian stores. It has a slightly smoky, resinous, earthy scent. It goes well with its green counterpart, but is less popular. To prepare mixtures, grind the dry capsule along with the seeds and add it to curry, masala and other seasonings.

Storage rules

Dry herbs release their aroma when heated in liquid, and seeds when heated to 60 degrees in a dry frying pan with a thick bottom. Spices should be stored in sealed glass jars, in a place protected from dampness and daylight. Whole peppercorns, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, seeds of umbrella plants (cumin, nigella, fennel, dill, caraway) and many others can be stored without losing their valuable properties for several years.

As for ready-made spices and seasonings, they are subject to more stringent requirements regarding shelf life. It is better not to make ground mixtures for future use. After a week they usually fizzle out.

A few words in conclusion

Seasonings and spices, their use is a whole science. There is no need to be afraid of experiments. There is a rule: if spices are combined with each other, it means they go with the same products. The most important thing is to use spices in very small quantities. A couple of grains of crushed cumin will play a positive role in a small dish, but an excess of even the best seasoning will spoil the product.

Remember that the art of cooking does not stand still. A well-known expert in food preparation, William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin, in his books on the use of spices, argued that bay leaves are not compatible with chicken dishes. However, Indian seasonings, discovered by Russians in recent decades, intended for flavoring poultry, offer curry-type mixtures containing this particular spice. In addition, at the time of Pokhlebkin, broiler poultry did not exist. Currently, it is generally accepted that only rosemary does not tolerate proximity to bay leaves.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to talk about all Indian, Turkish and other overseas herbs and spices in one article. Their use is described in numerous modern guides to the cuisines of different nations. Zaatar, kabsa, Cajun mixture, dukkah, adjika, suneli hops, masala, curry, sambal, khawaj - all this is just a small part of the mixtures containing wonderful spicy plants: pepper, cloves, star anise, cinnamon, asafoetida, nutmeg, saffron, sumac, nagakesharu, turmeric, cardamom, coriander, etc. Feel free to use them in your own dishes and delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious treats!

This article was born thanks to the question and answer service. When it was necessary to call the hottest seasonings, the answers were full of various names for peppers, that is, spices from a culinary point of view. The conclusion is clear: it is not at all obvious to people. Therefore, “The World of Spices” has prepared a review of seasonings around the world that have a special pungency.

How to measure spiciness

There is no need to explain to anyone what sensations spicy food causes: a feeling of “heat” in the mouth, sometimes watery eyes and what we call “a tingle in the nose.” Organic compounds are responsible for its “hotness,” for example, peperine, capsaicin, allyl isothiocyanate, etc. Depending on the percentage of these substances, we feel the degree of spiciness of the dish.

But How to measure the heat of the hottest seasonings? It turns out that back in 1912, Wilbur Scoville developed a scale that determined spiciness by the amount of sweet water required to dilute the alcohol solution of the “fiery” spice to completely “neutralize” it. Modern methods of determining pungency are no longer so primitive, but the units of measurement remain the same - Scovilles (denoted as ECU - Scoville scale unit or SHU in the English version).

The hottest seasonings

All the hottest spices in the world are rated on the Scoville scale. We have arranged them in order of increasing pungency.

Low pungency

This group includes:

Medium heat

If the previous options are not the hottest seasonings, but are common, then the next group of products covers sauces that only amateurs can master.

Strong pungency

This class of seasonings cannot be unrecognized by the design of the labels (caps). They are decorated with skulls, radioactive marks, flames and other paraphernalia of excessive “hotness”. They deserve the title " the hottest spices in the world».

The components used in them to impart heat are used in the military industry (production of tear gas, toxic paints, smoke bombs). To grow them, protective equipment is required in the form of gas masks, special suits and gloves. And eating food is often also impossible without double gloves and a respirator.


It has been proven that spicy food saves you from infectious diseases and helminthic infestations, promotes the production of the hormone endorphin, which is responsible for our level of happiness, and helps reduce weight. The downside is the appearance of gastrointestinal ulcers, hemorrhages, paralysis and even death (when consuming 3.5 g of pure capsaicin). The substances contained in hot seasonings bind to receptors through a chemical reaction, causing thermal burns to tissues. Therefore, those who try to try seasonings from the third group can only be called crazy.

25.04.2017 254 views

All over the world, there are more than three hundred types of various flavoring additives of plant and other origins, which are widely used in cooking. These are herbs, seasonings and spices that reveal or shape the taste of a dish. Different types of spices and seasonings differ in origin, composition, and use, but they are all widely used in different cuisines of the world.

Spices are understood as flavoring additives of plant origin (fruits, seeds, roots, leaves, flowers, bark). They are not consumed on their own, but are added directly during the cooking process to the main dish to reveal its taste and give it an unusual flavor. Spices are used both fresh and dried. With proper heat treatment, namely drying at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, they retain the entire range of useful substances, taste and aroma. You can read about what the spicy plant star anise is in a special section of the site.

Seasonings, as a rule, are served with the finished dish or are an integral part of it. They often contain a certain set of spices. These include sauces, mustard, horseradish, food acids (various types of vinegar), etc.

Spices are a broader concept that is synonymous with herbs and seasonings. Spices include salt, sugar, soda, starch, which affect the taste and consistency of the dish, as well as pepper, bay leaf and others. These are flavoring and aromatic additives that are available in every kitchen.

Various types of herbs and spices are introduced into the finished dish directly or through emulsions, which are various sauces. Thanks to their special consistency, spicy spices retain their aroma and impart it to the finished dish.

Types of spices

Most of the spices are herbs that have different geographical origins. Some types of spices and seasonings are widely recognized throughout the world and are used in the preparation of classical cuisine. It is difficult to imagine the process of preparing dishes without the use of black, red and allspice, bay leaves, cinnamon, and other spices. Depending on the type of plant, different parts of it can be used as a spice, having certain taste and aromatic qualities: root (ginger), flowers (cloves), bark (cinnamon), leaves (bay leaf) and others.

This group of spices also includes spicy vegetables, which are common and used everywhere. Onions, garlic, parsley, fennel, and celery can also serve as a base for cooking. In this case, other spices are added to them in small quantities.

Types of seasonings

Various fresh or dried herbs and vegetables can act both as a spice and as a single-ingredient seasoning. This group also includes multicomponent compositions in different states: in the form of a paste, liquid or dry mixture. Varieties of seasonings include a huge number of different sauces, mayonnaises and flavorings, the range of which can expand almost indefinitely.

The most widespread spices are of mineral origin (salt), vegetable (herbs and vegetables), artificially obtained (sugar, vinegar, vanillin, monosodium glutamate) and mixtures (hops-suneli, adjika, curry and others). Recently, various extracts have been gaining popularity, which are squeezes from spicy plants with a longer shelf life than dry spices. They are used not only in cooking, but also in other sectors of the economy. For example, medicinal medicine has become widespread in folk medicine, which is produced not only in the form of a dry mixture, but also as an extract.

Secrets of using spices

A wide variety of seasonings and spices does not allow their chaotic use when preparing any dishes. Certain spices are suitable for specific products and, if used incorrectly, can simply ruin their taste.

The secrets of using spices are as follows:

  1. Spices for a dish should be chosen according to such a principle that if each spice goes well with the product separately, then they will all go well together. For example, onions, garlic, savory, cinnamon, bay leaf, black pepper are suitable for chicken, both individually and as part of a mixture.
  2. One incorrectly selected aromatic additive can ruin the taste of the entire dish. For example, when baking fish, it is strictly not recommended to use cumin, which can overpower the aroma of any other herbs.
  3. Salt always enhances the effect of spices.
  4. Different spices can enhance the taste of a dish in different ways, depending on what is used as a basis. For example, black pepper, cinnamon, and cloves can be added to both sweet and savory dishes, making their taste more interesting. But there are exceptions, for example, garlic, vanilla and others.
  5. The taste of a neutral product (rice, potatoes, pasta) is determined by spices.

During the cooking process, seasonings are most often used not individually, but as part of a mixture of aromatic herbs and seasonings. Over time, through trial and error, the compositions of ingredients that were most suitable for certain dishes were determined:

  • for goulash: onion, red, black and allspice, cumin and cloves, thyme and marjoram, turmeric;
  • for poultry: rosemary, sage, thyme, basil, marjoram;
  • for fish: white and allspice, ginger, bay leaf, onion, coriander, mustard, dill and thyme;
  • for fruit desserts: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, star anise;
  • for a side dish of potatoes: onion, parsley and celery, black pepper, marjoram, nutmeg or flower, caraway and thyme, dill;
  • for home baking: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom or nutmeg.

Any type of spice can bring the taste of a dish to perfection. The main thing is to adhere to the secrets of cooking and learn to combine products with each other.