Salad with beets and cheese. Beet salad with feta cheese and garlic Boiled beets with feta cheese or cheese

Salad with beets and cheese is considered one of the fastest to prepare. It does not require special culinary knowledge and skills.

Such ease of preparation does not mean banal taste. Everyone is used to seeing beets in an ensemble with other vegetables, garlic or fish. But cheese gives the salad tenderness, satiety and gives it a festive touch.

This dish should be included in the diet of those who have intestinal problems. Beets help normalize stool and are also full of vitamins. Provitamin A, fiber, phosphorus, potassium - and this is not the entire list of useful components that beets include.

High-quality hard cheeses also contain vitamins A, E, C, as well as microelements - zinc, iodine, selenium, iron, copper, and calcium.

If you add a few new ingredients to the salad, it will sparkle with completely different colors. This is a good basis for culinary experiments.

How to prepare salad with beets and cheese - 15 varieties

The simplest cooking option, which is used as a basis in more complex recipes. “Nothing extra” is the principle of this dish. The combination of beets, cheese and garlic is perhaps the most ideal in the culinary world.


  • Boiled beets - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
  • Mayonnaise and salt to taste


Preparing the salad begins with grating the cheese and beets on a coarse grater. Squeeze the garlic using a press (you can just chop it finely). Add salt to taste. Season with mayonnaise.

The amount of garlic needs to be adjusted not only depending on taste, but also based on the taste of the beets. If it is sugary, then you need to add more garlic. Otherwise, the salad will not be expressive.

This salad is ideal for a holiday table. Although its components are not very expensive, it turns out to be a tasty and interesting dish.


  • Beetroot - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste


All ingredients are grated. Corn is added to them and the salad is mixed. The dish needs to be salted and seasoned with mayonnaise.

The egg fits perfectly into the beet and cheese company and emphasizes the delicate taste of the salad.


  • Boiled beets - 500 - 600 g
  • Eggs - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 150 - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 - 3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream to taste
  • Salt to taste


You need to take a grater and grate all the ingredients except garlic on a large section of it. Grind it in a press, and if you don’t have one, you can use a fine grater.

Season with mayonnaise. You can also prepare a sauce from sour cream and mayonnaise (use 50/50). You must first remember to salt the dish.

Instead of hard cheese, you can use processed cheese. In order for it to be grated well, it needs to be moistened with water.

The recipe is based on the use of two types of cheese - hard and feta cheese. The saltier the cheese, the better. The salad is not salted. The taste of cucumbers and cheese is enough.


  • Boiled beets - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Highly salted cheese - 100 g
  • Pickled cucumber - 3 pcs
  • Olive oil
  • Greens optional


Cut the beets into medium cubes. Grind the cheese and cheese as well. Cut the cucumber into strips or cubes as desired. Drain the liquid from it.

Mix everything and pour in olive oil.

Puff salad with beets, carrots and Trio cheese

This is a version of a layered vegetable salad that is improved with cheese. It turns out to be a very tasty and satisfying dish for a festive and everyday table.


  • Beetroot - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 250 g
  • Walnuts - a handful
  • Raisins - a handful
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Mayonnaise


First you need to prepare the layers that will make up the salad. The first layer of beets is prepared as follows: you need to grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Grind the walnuts and add to the mixture. Season with mayonnaise.

The second layer is carrot. Grate the carrots, add raisins to them. Add Mayo.

Third layer of eggs. They are rubbed in the same way and chopped garlic is added. Mix the mixture with mayonnaise.

The salad is formed in this order: beet layer - carrot layer - egg layer.

Boiled beets in this salad can be replaced with raw ones, and all other ingredients can be boiled.

A very original presentation of the salad - the beetroot filling is framed by pita bread. You can surprise your guests with this dish.


  • Beetroot - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery


The cooking process is simple. You need to boil the vegetables and grate them. Add grated cheese and crushed garlic. Season with mayonnaise.

Place the filling on a sheet of lavash and roll it up. You can also sprinkle cheese on top and heat in the microwave.

This dish can be classified as specific. This is because goat cheese has a unique taste, which is further emphasized by baked beets. But this salad is very healthy.


  • Beetroot - 2 pcs.
  • Arugula - 50 g
  • Soft goat cheese - 60 g
  • Pine nuts - 3 tbsp
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste


First you need to bake the beets. To do this, it is washed and dried. No need to clean. Wrap each vegetable in foil and pierce with a toothpick. Place it on a baking sheet and send the oven preheated to 200 degrees. The beets will bake for approximately 40 - 50 minutes.

Once it is ready, cool and cut into pieces.

Nuts need to be fried in a dry frying pan. Chop the cheese and arugula. Combine all ingredients and add olive oil and vinegar.

If the cheese is not too salty, then the salad can be salted.

A very unusual salad option. It's rare to see a combination of tomato and beets, but it makes for a delicious spring dish.


  • Beetroot - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese or feta cheese - 150 g
  • Tomato - 1 - 2 pcs
  • Pomegranate - 1/2 cup
  • Olive oil
  • Greenery


Cut the boiled beets into slices, cheese and tomatoes into cubes. Mix the ingredients, add salt and oil. Add pomegranate and herbs on top.

The recipe is also not difficult or time-consuming to prepare. Green peas add originality.


  • Boiled beets - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Canned peas - 4 tbsp
  • Greenery
  • Mayonnaise


Grate beets, eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the garlic. Combine all ingredients, including peas and herbs. Season with salt and mayonnaise.

This is a more advanced “Herring under a fur coat”. Only without potatoes and served mixed.


  • Herring (fillet) - 200 g
  • Beetroot - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Mayonnaise


Cut herring, beets, carrots and cheese into medium cubes. Chop the onion finely. Add mayonnaise and mix.

This variation involves the use of smoked sausage cheese. This culinary move will allow the salad to gain a new taste.


  • Beetroot - 2 pcs.
  • Sausage cheese - 150 - 200 g
  • Green onions - 1/2 bunch
  • Garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream


Grind the beets using a grater. Do the same with cheese. Connect these components. Add chopped garlic and chopped onion to them. Season the salad with mayonnaise and sour cream sauce.

A real assortment: there is chicken, vegetables and an apple. But it turns out to be a unique salad.


  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Beetroot - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese (brynza) - 150 g
  • Apple - 1 piece
  • Salad, greens
  • Olive oil


Cut the meat into medium pieces. Cheese, beets and apples can be chopped into cubes or in the same way as meat. Finely chop the greens and tear the salad with your hands. Season with salt and lightly pour olive oil.

Beetroot salad with feta cheese, arugula and orange juice

A very original and healthy salad. Its components are perfectly combined and contain a large number of useful microelements.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

I love feta cheese very much, I almost never leave it out of my diet, and not long ago, I began to come up with culinary dishes with it. To be honest, I am very proud of my masterpieces, and I finally decided to tell them to you. I really want you to appreciate my talents. Beetroot salad with feta cheese is the first recipe that I gave “life” to, it is very simple - to prepare, every housewife has the products from which it consists. Despite its simple composition, the taste of this dish is simply delicious! If you decide to surprise your guests with something delicious, then beetroot and cheese salad will help you do this. It will not only decorate the festive table, but will also cause a sensation, and the guests will be grateful to you for the delicious treat. When accepting praise, there is no need to be modest, because you have treated them to a new and very tasty treat. Try cooking it too - it's delicious.
Required components:
- 1 chicken egg (more is possible, of course),
- 1 beet,
- 1 pickled cucumber,
- a piece of cheese,
- mayonnaise.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Bake the beets in the oven for one hour. You can simply bake it on a rack or wrap it in foil.
Cool the finished beets, peel them, and then grate them with any divisions, to be more precise: small or large.

Chop the chicken egg (after boiling and peeling it).

Slice the cheese (this time I got cheese that tasted amazing: moderately salty and very tender).

Also cut the pickled cucumber into pieces.

Place the beets in a beautiful flower salad bowl.

Place cucumbers, egg and cheese on it.

Season the salad with beets and cheese and stir.
If you have a desire, then you can decorate the salad with herbs or, for example, cut a beautiful flower from an onion.

Recipe for salad with beets and cheese with honey dressing. How to prepare a delicious and satisfying salad from beets, cheese and nuts - a detailed description with photos.

Cooking time- 10-15 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g- 310 kcal.

Beets are one of the most popular ingredients for salads. This is because it is available throughout the year. True, the taste of a vegetable that has been lying around for the winter and a very young, just ripened vegetable is very different. Therefore, in the early summer, when the first early beets are just beginning to appear on the shelves, do not pass by, but be sure to take the opportunity to prepare a very hearty and healthy salad with this vegetable with the addition of feta cheese, garlic and honey dressing. There are quite a few ingredients in the salad, but they all go well together. The dish turns out to be moderately spicy, aromatic, with a slight piquant bitterness and very satisfying. This salad can even be eaten as a completely independent dish, supplemented with pita bread or other bread flatbread.

How to prepare beet salad with feta cheese and garlic


  • 2 small boiled or baked beets.
  • A handful of walnut kernels.
  • 100-150 g feta cheese.
  • A bunch of dill.
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
  • 1 teaspoon wine vinegar.
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably fragrant, unrefined).
  • 1 teaspoon herbs de Provence (optional)

Prepare the dressing. Combine crushed garlic, oil, honey and vinegar. Add Provençal herbs (a mixture of sage, basil, thyme, rosemary, mint, marjoram).

Clean the beets. Cut into cubes. Transfer to a salad bowl.

Place the nuts on a cutting board and run a rolling pin over them to lightly crush them. Add them to the beets.

Sprinkle cheese on top of everything. Considering that feta cheese itself is quite salty, there is usually no need to add additional salt to the salad. However, it is better to mix all the ingredients and taste the dish. You may want to add a pinch of salt.

Chop the dill.

Brynza is an amazing type of cheese that has many beneficial properties and a piquant salty taste. It is added not only to salads, but also to soups, main courses and even baked goods. Each culinary masterpiece with this dairy product acquires a special taste. If you combine feta cheese and beets in one dish, you can create one that has excellent taste and a huge number of useful properties. The beet salad with arugula and feta cheese combines a pleasant, delicate beetroot sweetness and saltiness, which in itself can no longer be ordinary and primitive. Such dishes can be included in dietary meals, present at holiday tables and serve as a light breakfast or dinner. It always looks great and has not only an amazing taste, but also an aroma.

Simple, tasty, and most importantly healthy, you can prepare it with just a minimum of ingredients. In this case, beets are one of the main components, giving the dish bright colors and making it contrasting and multifaceted. An amazing combination of this root vegetable with feta cheese and pine nuts, thanks to which feta cheese, despite its simplicity, becomes rich and nutritious.

Required components:

  • 200 gr. beets;
  • 150 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 100 gr. feta cheese;
  • 50 gr. pine nuts;
  • 40 gr. butter;
  • 20 gr. lemon juice;
  • 2 gr. salt.

Beetroot salad with feta cheese recipe:

  1. The beets are first washed and wiped with a brush, wrapped in foil and placed in the oven, baked. After baking, cool, peel and cut with a knife.
  2. The salad leaves are washed and dried well, separated into separate leaves and placed on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  3. The prepared, already chopped root vegetables are also placed there.
  4. The cheese is cut, broken by hand or cut into cubes and also poured into a dish.
  5. Pine nuts are poured into a frying pan and dried there without adding oil, poured into the rest of the products.
  6. The butter is mixed with lemon juice and salt, the dressing obtained as a result of these manipulations, poured over the salad, and everything is mixed.

Tip: It will be much easier to cut the cheese if you periodically moisten the knife with cold water.

Salad with beets and feta cheese

Adding eggs and beets to a salad makes the salad filling and can satisfy your hunger. Such a light breakfast will give you strength and energy. It has everything the body needs, and its taste is simply amazing, contrasting. Cheese cheese goes well with all ingredients and gives them a simply perfect flavor.

Required components:

  • 200 gr. beets;
  • 150 gr. cucumbers;
  • 50 gr. pine nuts;
  • 50 gr. iceberg lettuce;
  • 150 gr. feta cheese;
  • 20 gr. vegetable oil.

Salad with beets and cheese recipe:

  1. The beets must be washed with a brush and then placed in a saucepan, filled with water and boiled, then cooled and peeled and cut into strips.
  2. The nuts are browned in a dry frying pan.
  3. Wash the cucumbers and chop them finely with a knife.
  4. The cheese is crumbled by hand.
  5. Pour all the products prepared for this moment into a salad bowl, pour oil over them and mix with a spoon.

Tip: to prevent the beets from losing their bright, rich color during cooking, it is recommended to add a little citric acid or a few drops of vinegar to the water.

Beetroot salad with feta cheese

The aroma of fresh cucumbers perfectly emphasizes the taste of the other components of the dish, giving them amazing lightness and freshness, making the dish sunny and incredibly aromatic in the summer. Even feta cheese acquires an impeccable taste and aroma, becomes more noble and rich, emphasizing the beetroot tenderness, but does not overshadow it.

Required components:

  • 200 gr. pickled beets;
  • 100 gr. feta cheese;
  • 150 gr. cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 30 gr. green onions;
  • 80 gr. olives;
  • 50 gr. nuts;
  • 20 gr. vegetable oil.

Salad with cheese and beets:

  1. Lettuce leaves must be washed and dried, after which they are torn by hand.
  2. The cucumbers are washed, peeled and cut into small pieces using a knife.
  3. The greens are washed and dried, finely chopped on a board with a knife.
  4. The pickled root vegetable is placed on a board and cut into slices.
  5. The nuts are lightly browned in a dry frying pan.
  6. Cheese cheese is cut into large cubes.
  7. Pour all the already chopped products into a salad bowl.
  8. Olives are separated from the liquid and added to the salad bowl.
  9. Pour plenty of oil over everything and immediately mix with a spoon.

Tip: nuts can be replaced with sunflower seeds or sesame seeds. The taste will change, but under no circumstances will it become worse.

Beetroot and cheese salad

The presence of rice in salads will no longer surprise anyone, but buckwheat is extremely rare in them, and it’s completely in vain. It helps to ensure that the dish becomes self-sufficient, very satisfying and aromatic. This cereal goes well with all other ingredients and gives them a new flavor. The dish turns out to be unusual, but very tasty.

Required components:

  • 150 gr. feta cheese;
  • 300 gr. buckwheat;
  • 200 gr. beets;
  • 1 head of red onion;
  • 40 gr. sunflower seeds;
  • 2 gr. salt;
  • 50 gr. arugula;
  • 40 gr. butter;
  • 10 gr. honey

Beetroot and cheese salad:

  1. Pour vinegar and oil into one bowl, add honey, mix everything.
  2. The onion is peeled and chopped with a knife into thin halves of rings.
  3. The chopped onion is poured into the just prepared marinade and left in it for about ten minutes.
  4. The seeds are poured into a hot frying pan and dried for a little while.
  5. The beets are washed and then boiled in a saucepan with water, cooled and peeled, cut into small cubes with a knife.
  6. Cheese cheese is also cut into the same cubes.
  7. The buckwheat is washed and poured into a saucepan, filled with water, salt is added, boiled and then cooled.
  8. The arugula is washed and then torn by hand.
  9. All the products prepared at this moment are poured into a salad bowl, poured over with marinade, put the onion there, and mix everything with a spoon.

Important! This salad does not need to be infused; it is served immediately after cooking. After even a short period of time, it will lose the most important thing - freshness.

Beet and cheese salad

Prunes go perfectly with beets. Thanks to him, this root vegetable becomes completely different, a little unusual, more rich. The pleasant aroma of dried fruits gives this special sophistication, making it rich and contrasting. All other components only emphasize this elegance and add their own unusual notes.

Required components:

  • 300 gr. canned beets;
  • 100 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 150 gr. feta cheese;
  • 50 gr. prunes;
  • 70 gr. walnut kernels;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 20 gr. olive oil;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 5 gr. Sahara;
  • 4 gr. salt.

Preparation step by step:

  1. First of all, the garlic is freed from the husk and crushed with a garlic clove.
  2. The nuts are poured onto a towel, wrapped and tapped with a hammer to crush them.
  3. Lettuce leaves are washed especially thoroughly, then, if necessary, chopped.
  4. The cheese is cut into very small cubes.
  5. The prunes are washed and poured into a bowl, poured with boiling water and left to steep for about thirty minutes. After they have expired, the water is decanted, and the prunes themselves are cut into thin strips with a knife.
  6. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and mix it with butter, beat well.
  7. Open the jar of beets, pour the contents into a colander, strain off all the marinade and dry.
  8. Absolutely all prepared and chopped products are poured into a salad bowl, where they are poured with a mixture of lemon juice and butter and mixed.
  9. Decorate the salad with chopped nuts and immediately bring it to the table.

Tip: to make it much easier to squeeze the juice out of a lemon, you first need to roll the citrus fruit a little on a flat surface, pressing it down a little.

We draw a conclusion

Bryndza is incredibly rich in calcium and phosphorus. That is why it is recommended to include it in the diet for a number of diseases and during pregnancy. Beets are no less useful, containing not only fiber, but also a huge amount of vitamins. By combining these components in one dish, you can create an incredibly healthy salad. Even if you use mayonnaise as a dressing for a salad of boiled beets and cheese, the gastronomic masterpiece will still be extremely beneficial. Such dishes can be included in the diet of those who are forced to adhere to a diet.

Thanks to beets, it will be possible to normalize intestinal function, cleanse the body and burn excess fat. Cheese cheese will help strengthen bones and give the body strength. Salads with beets, carrots, and cheese are not only healthy, but also filling and incredibly tasty. Any of the presented recipes allows you to prepare a truly tasty, impeccable dish, which you can safely put on a festive table, and on an ordinary day you can use it to satisfy your hunger, and enjoy a healthy, pleasant meal. In addition, salads are prepared very simply and quickly, especially if the beets have been prepared in advance. You should get into the habit of boiling this root vegetable for future use so that delicious salads are on the table as often as possible.

Before we start looking at the recipe, I’ll immediately make a reservation that not many people will like this one. But vegetarians and those who love fresh, vitamin-packed and simple salads will love it. There are a lot of variations of similar salads, they are especially loved in Italy, but we also have more and more fans of them every year. We will prepare a salad from boiled beets, young arugula leaves and feta cheese.

Arugula perfectly complements the taste of beets, so this combination is considered traditional. Instead of feta cheese, you can use any other soft cheese. This can be either Adyghe cheese, or ricotta, brie, camembert, feta mascarpone, fetax, blue cheese and other varieties. The salad is served in portions, and therefore the amount of ingredients is given for one serving of salad. Since its calorie content is very low and amounts to no more than 30 kcal per 100 grams, it will perfectly complement the diet during a diet or fasting days.

What you will need to prepare:

  • Arugula – 50 gr.,
  • Beetroot – 1 pc.,
  • Cheese cheese – 50 gr.,
  • Sunflower or olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Lime or lemon - half.

Beetroot salad with arugula and feta cheese - recipe

Boil the beets until tender. You can check the readiness of the beets using a fork or knife. A fork or knife should fit into the finished beets without any problems. Cool, then peel it. Rinse. Cut into thin slices. After this, cut each circle in half. You can cut the beets into strips if desired.

Wash the arugula. Dry them with a napkin; we don’t need excess moisture. Tear off the stems. Arugula leaves and place on a flat plate.

Place the sliced ​​beets on top of the arugula leaves. Pour vegetable oil over the salad. You can use both olive and sunflower oil.

Squeeze lime or lemon juice.

Pour it over the beets. If you don’t have citrus fruits on hand, use apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar.

Crumble the cheese or any other soft cheese with your hands. Sprinkle it over your salad. It will be even tastier if you supplement it with pine nuts or walnuts, seeds, peanuts or sesame seeds, previously fried in a dry frying pan.

Beet salad with arugula and feta cheese. Photo