Salad with canned fish “Venice. Salad with canned fish

The first step is to prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Then you should take the canned fish, put it on a plate, and mash it a little with a fork.

You need to think in advance about the container in which the salad will be served. Place a cooking ring on a plate, divide the canned fish into 2 parts, and place half in the ring.

Eggs need to be peeled and the whites separated from the yolks. Only proteins will be used for the salad; they must be chopped using a grater. This is the next layer in the salad.

Then grease with mayonnaise.

On top are again canned fish.

The next layer is grated cheese.

After this, you need to start preparing the butter. It must first be placed in the freezer so that it freezes. Then quickly grate it directly onto the salad.

All that remains is to remove the culinary ring. This must be done carefully so as not to spoil appearance dishes and do not move the layers.. Pomegranate and parsley are perfect as decorations. Place a few pomegranate berries on top of the salad and some greens next to them.

The treat is ready, you can taste it. The most tender delicious salad is able to attract attention; its unusual appearance will not leave even real gourmets indifferent. True pleasure!

Salads from canned fish appeared in domestic cuisine in the early 60s. At that time, products began to gradually disappear from stores, including canned food from sea ​​fish. Canned salmon, pink salmon, and saury became scarce. Then he appeared famous salad"Mimosa" and other dishes, the central chord of which was canned fish. Each housewife prudently hid a jar fish delicacy so that on the occasion of a holiday or significant event make from small piece seafood is a small culinary miracle.

Canned fish in salads is combined with foods that seem impossible to go together - rice, eggs, apples, cucumbers, onions. But, oddly enough, at the junction of the incompatible, new, original salads arose. Many of them are still decorated today festive table in many Russian houses.

Canned salad is prepared quickly. From inexpensive and accessible ingredients, salads turn out beautiful, juicy and very tasty. You can diversify the salad, supplement the recipe with your favorite products, and experiment. We will tell you how to prepare canned fish salad according to recipes that have become classics, and we will also give you advice on how to improve the dish.

Photo classic salad mimosa with canned fish

The basic recipe for mimosa salad consists of: minimum set ingredients - eggs, onions, carrots and fish. It is better to use canned red fish (salmon, pink salmon), but saury or mackerel will also work. You can take fish canned in own juice or blanched in oil. In the latter case, the salad will be juicier and more tender.

Recipe ingredients:

  • canned fish 2 cans
  • eggs 4 pcs.
  • carrots 2 pcs.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise 200 ml.
  • salt, black pepper taste

Cooking method:

  1. Boil carrots and hard-boiled eggs. Refrigerate.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely. Pour boiling water over it. Let stand for half a minute, drain in a colander, and rinse under running cold water.
  3. Peel the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, and grate them into separate containers. Clear boiled carrots, also grate into a separate bowl.
  4. Drain liquid from canned fish. Mash the fish with a fork. You can remove the spinal bones if they are hard.
  5. Assemble the salad. To do this, place the products in layers on a flat-bottomed dish in the following sequence: fish, onions, egg whites, carrots, egg yolks. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. The layer of carrots can be salted and seasoned with ground black pepper.
  6. It's best to let the salad sit for a few hours before serving in a cool place, but you can serve it immediately after cooking.

Photo quick salad with rice and canned fish

Delicious and hearty salad obtained from canned fish and rice. Cucumber adds juiciness and freshness to the dish if you use fresh cucumbers. Fish, rice, green pea, and eggs go well together and perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger. In addition, the salad is not as greasy as mimosa, since only one of the layers is smeared with mayonnaise.

Recipe ingredients:

  • canned salmon 2 cans
  • boiled rice 2 cups
  • boiled eggs 3 pcs.
  • green pea½ can (200 g)
  • mayonnaise 50 g.
  • fresh cucumber 1 pc.
  • green onions 100 g.
  • lettuce leaves 3-4 pcs.

Method for preparing salad with rice and canned fish:

  1. Mash the canned salmon with a fork. Cut the cucumber into strips. Peel the boiled eggs and grate them. Mix boiled rice, eggs and mayonnaise. Finely chop the green onions.
  2. Place lettuce leaves on a platter. Lay out the first layer canned salmon. Next are cucumbers and a layer of green onions. Spread rice mixed with eggs and mayonnaise on top. Last layer- green pea.
  3. Let the salad sit for 30 minutes. Serve to the table.

Photo of canned fish salad with egg and cheese

Another interesting salad from canned fish. Pickled onions and hard cheese add piquancy to it. If you boil the rice and eggs the day before, this salad recipe can be prepared in 20 minutes.

Recipe ingredients:

  • sardines or saury 1 jar
  • onion 1 pc.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • hard cheese 100 g.
  • boiled rice 2 cups
  • mayonnaise 50 g.
  • vinegar 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Place the canned food in a bowl and mash with a fork along with the juice and butter. Peel the eggs and cut into large cubes. Hard cheese rub on coarse grater. Place boiled rice in the same bowl.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely. Pour the onion with a mixture of water and vinegar mixed in equal proportions. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Drain the onion in a colander. Let the marinade drain. Add pickled onions to other ingredients.
  3. Season the salad with mayonnaise. Stir until the ingredients are evenly distributed. Salt and pepper to taste. If you used canned food in oil, you can reduce the amount of mayonnaise or make a salad without mayonnaise. The oil will make the salad juicy.
  4. You can add chopped herbs to the salad - dill or parsley.

Photo of layered salad with canned fish

This recipe will appeal to those who love sprats and salads with sharp, contrasting, bright flavors. Pickled cucumbers and onions add spice to the dish, and rye crackers piquancy.

Recipe ingredients:

  • sprats 1 jar
  • boiled eggs 2 pcs.
  • onion ½ pcs.
  • pickled cucumber 2 pcs.
  • croutons with seafood flavor 40 g.
  • mayonnaise 100 g.

Method for preparing puff salad with canned fish:

  1. Remove the sprats from the jar and mash with a fork. Peel the eggs, separate them into yolks and whites, grate them into different saucers. Cut the pickled cucumber into small cubes. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  2. Place the sprats on a dish and brush the layer with mayonnaise. Next add the egg whites. Then a layer of pickles and crackers. Grease with mayonnaise again. Next add the onion and mayonnaise again. Sprinkle the top with grated boiled yolk.
  3. Let the salad sit for at least 30 minutes so that the croutons are slightly saturated with mayonnaise. Salad ready.
Canned fish salads are very popular because they are extremely easy to prepare. Even a schoolchild can make them. However, in this simple matter there are subtleties that help add variety to the dish, refine the taste, and give unique notes. Find out how to make canned fish salad even tastier and more interesting:
  • It is better to use canned fish for salads from noble varieties of fish, cooked in their own juice - trout, salmon, salmon, pink salmon. Such salads are most similar to boiled fish dishes.
  • To keep the salad tender, remove the spine bones. They become soft during the canning process, but are still tougher than fish fillets.
  • Instead of mayonnaise, you can use the oil in which the fish was preserved to dress salads.
  • Give preference to light mayonnaises specifically designed for dressing fish dishes. Or use a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream in equal proportions. The taste of the salad will be more tender.
  • You can make the taste of saury and sardine salad milder by rubbing frozen butter on a layer of fish.
  • Canned fish is combined with fresh or pickled cucumber, green apple, green onions, with dill and parsley.
  • To make the salad more nutritious, make one of the layers boiled rice or potatoes. Before adding rice or potatoes to the salad, mix them with oil, canned juice or mayonnaise.
  • Salt in canned fish salads should be used carefully. Many people generally prepare salad without salt. There is enough salt in products to create harmonious flavor combinations.

You will need to acquire:

  • 6 pieces boiled eggs hard-boiled
  • a can of canned fish
  • onion
  • 90 g hard cheese
  • 90 g butter

The bottom of the plate is lined with lettuce leaves, which serve as a basis for placing lettuce mass. We give it the desired shape, sprinkle the top with sumac and decorate with herbs, and spread the cucumber pulp in a circle. The salad turns out to be quite juicy. It can also be wrapped together with a slice of cucumber in lettuce leaves for serving as a snack.

Dandelion salad with canned fish

You will need to acquire:

  • 4 boiled eggs
  • a can of canned fish from herring, saury, sardine, mackerel
  • onion
  • 290 g of any crackers
  • mayonnaise

To form the 1st layer, you need to make a mayonnaise mesh on a flat dish, and pour purchased or on its bottom. The thickness of the layer of crackers should be 1.5 cm. Next again comes a dense mesh of mayonnaise.

In order to complete the 2nd layer, you need to knead the canned fish along with the liquid, and add finely chopped onion to the mass. After mixing the products, put them on crackers, and again we start making a dense mayonnaise mesh.

Next, we make the 3rd layer of grated egg whites and a layer of mayonnaise. To decorate the surface of the dish, use the yolk and the desired variety of greens. The yolk should be mashed. This kind of delicious salad is prepared quickly!

Salad with olives, rice and tuna

You will need to acquire:

  • a glass of rice
  • can of tuna canned in oil
  • 145 g olives, pitted
  • a couple of sweet peppers
  • spoon of vegetable oil
  • salt, ground pepper and lemon juice
    a couple of tomatoes
  • three pickled cucumbers.

We do this, and after that we drain the water, cool the rice and add to this mass pepper chopped into strips and cucumbers cut into circles. To dress the salad we use vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper and lemon juice.

Salmon salad

You will need to acquire:

  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 90 g apples
  • 210 g potatoes
  • 90 g onion
  • 90 g mayonnaise
  • greenery
  • a can of canned salmon.

Coarsely grate the boiled and cooled eggs and mash the fish using a fork. After cooling, boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes. We grind them, from which the cores and skins were previously removed (a little should be left for decoration). Chop the onion into rings. After mixing the products, season them with mayonnaise. To decorate the salad, use dill or parsley and apple slices.

Rice salad with cod liver

You will need to acquire:

  • canned cod liver
  • 190 g rice
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 210 g onions
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 90 g canned green peas
  • 3 pickles
  • parsley or dill
  • ground pepper and salt
  • 70 g of lettuce.

We boil the washed rice in salted water, the amount of which exceeds 6 times the volume of the cereal. Then let the rice drain by placing it in a colander. Shape tomatoes and onions into thin rings, cut lettuce into strips and cucumbers into slices. Finely chop the eggs. Supplement with rice and chopped vegetables. Add pepper, chopped herbs, salt, canned liquid, and carefully mix the products. Place the salad on a plate in a heap. For decoration we use lettuce leaves, egg slices and tomato slices.

Salad with tuna and canned fish

You will need to acquire:

  • 260 g vermicelli
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 4 tomatoes
  • onion
  • 11 olives
  • 11 olives stuffed
  • sweet red pepper pod
  • 130 g canned fish
  • 4 sprigs basil
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • a pinch of white pepper
  • salt.

We cook the noodles for 13 minutes by boiling, and then put them in a colander. After washing and peeling the celery, cut it into thin strips. After cooking with boiling water, you need to peel them, remove the seeds, and chop the pulp into cubes.

We produce by chopping the onion. Remove the pits from the olives and chop them into thin circles. We divide the pepper in half with a knife to remove the core and cut its pulp into cubes. Canned fish, separated from the filling, is kneaded with a fork. Basil is cut into thin pieces.

All products are mixed. To prepare the sauce, fish sauce is used, mixed with vinegar and olive oil, and also seasoned with salt and pepper. After the salad is dressed with sauce, it should soak for 25 minutes.

Salad with peas and cod liver

You will need to acquire:

  • 240 g canned cod liver
  • 140 g canned green peas
    a couple of eggs
  • onion
  • 3.5 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • half a lemon
  • dill and salt
  • one boiled potato

Cod liver is cut into small cubes. Finely chop the onion, yolks and potatoes. After mixing and salting the products, put them in a salad bowl and season with oil. Lemon slices, finely chopped egg whites, and herbs are suitable for decorating the salad.

Salmon cocktail salad

You will need to acquire:

  • 190 g canned salmon
  • a couple of boiled potatoes
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • a couple of boiled carrots
  • 160 g pitted prunes
  • 90 g walnuts
  • a glass of mayonnaise

Mash the fish and grate the potatoes. Similarly, egg whites and yolks, but separately. After steaming, dry the prunes and chop them into strips. To lubricate each layer we use mayonnaise. We use glasses to lay out all the components. You need to adhere to the following order: salmon mass, then potato mass, followed by egg whites, then carrot mass, yolk mass, and then prunes. The process of laying layers is completed. The salad is decorated with fresh herbs before eating.

Canned food is a product that can often be found in our refrigerators. Often it lies there “just in case.” However, you can make a lot of delicious salads from it.

We invite you to use our salad recipes.

Canned salad “Spring mood”

For this salad you will need:

  • two jars of canned fish;
  • five eggs;
  • two onions;
  • five to six potatoes;
  • one pack of mayonnaise;
  • green onions and dill.

Cooking process

Wash the onion thoroughly and chop finely. Open the canned fish and mash it with a fork. We peel the eggs and also finely chop them. Rub it boiled potatoes(best on a coarse grater). Then mix all the prepared ingredients, season with mayonnaise and decorate with dill.

Canned salad "Ryzhik"

To prepare this salad you will need:

  • one can of canned salmon;
  • one can of chopped champignons;
  • one onion (large);
  • one carrot;
  • mayonnaise;
  • one hundred grams of cheese;
  • salt.

Method of preparing salad

All ingredients need to be laid out in layers and coated with mayonnaise:

  1. Mash the fish with a fork and put it in a salad bowl;
  2. fry finely chopped onion together with champignons in vegetable oil (the main thing is not to pour too much vegetable oil and do not dry out the onions and mushrooms), then place them on the fish;
  3. Boil the eggs, peel and grate them on a grater (preferably a coarse one), and then place them on the mushrooms. One yolk should be left to decorate the salad;
  4. grate the cheese on a fine grater and place it on the eggs;
  5. We also chop three carrots (raw) on a fine grater and place them on the cheese;
  6. the last layer is mayonnaise, decorated with yolk.

Don’t forget that you need to coat each layer with mayonnaise, just don’t overdo it, otherwise the salad will turn out too greasy.

Canned salad “Light”

To prepare this salad, you will need the following products:

  • 125 grams of canned food in oil;
  • two onions;
  • two eggs;
  • 50 grams of greens (preferably different ones).

Cooking method

You need to finely chop the onion and add boiled and also finely chopped eggs to it. Then add and mix everything well. You can sprinkle the salad with herbs on top (it’s good when there are greens such as dill, parsley, cilantro).

Beautiful and from a can

List of required products:

  • a jar of canned food (mackerel or sardinella);
  • 150-200 grams of rice;
  • 3-4 chicken eggs;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking process

First you need to boil and cool the eggs and rice. Then put rice on a plate, mashed canned food on top, then finely chopped egg white, sprinkle a little onion, and at the end pour mayonnaise. The last layer is grated yolk and a little greenery for beauty.

If you want to cook not from canned food, but very delicious salad from this product, then our next recipe is just for you. This salad will captivate anyone who comes to visit you and tries it at least once.

Canned tuna salad

You will need the following ingredients:

  • one can of canned corn;
  • one can of tuna in its own juice;
  • four eggs;
  • four kiwis;
  • one apple;
  • onion;
  • a pack of mayonnaise;
  • green onions, cilantro;
  • salt, a little ground pepper.

Cooking method

Even a child can prepare this salad. You just need to open the pineapples, tuna, corn and drain the liquid from them. Then boil the eggs and cut large pieces. Apples, kiwi and pineapple need to be peeled and also cut into cubes. Then chop the onion and cilantro. Place all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add a little salt (because canned food is usually well salted), pepper, coat with mayonnaise and mix well. Your original salad ready to eat. Bon appetit!

We really hope that you will like the recipes for salads with canned food offered in this article.