Leg salad with purple cabbage. Purple cabbage health benefits and harms

Cabbage salads are frequent guests on our tables both on weekdays and on holidays. Purple cabbage salad looks especially bright and beautiful in combination with other colored vegetables - red tomatoes, yellow or orange peppers, green cucumbers. But this variety of cabbage is somewhat harsh, so some housewives, having once tried to make a fresh salad from it, no longer dare to do it a second time. However, if you remove a few upper leaves from this cabbage, chop it very finely and mash it with your hands until dark juice is released, then it will become juicy and not at all hard. Vinegar or lemon juice added to purple cabbage salad helps to maintain a beautiful, unusual color. By the way, in this recipe, you can replace vinegar with lemon or lime juice.

The proportions of vegetables in this salad are arbitrary, and you can choose the vegetables themselves according to your taste or according to the season. Such a purple cabbage salad does not even need additional decoration, it itself attracts attention and whets the appetite with its unusual look and fresh smell. And for vegetarians and adherents of a raw food diet, this is a real gift.

It is never too late to enrich your diet with useful vitamins and minerals, which are found in fruits and vegetables available to everyone. This also applies to such a crop as purple cabbage. Recipes for cooking dishes based on it are varied. It can be salads, and side dishes, preservation and more. A vegetable includes fiber, proteins, enzymes and more. It brings great benefits to the body, and if the dish is also very tasty and satisfying, then it will be doubly pleasant.

Product Features

Not all housewives know what can be cooked from purple cabbage. Everyone is used to white cabbage, which is used for first and second courses, or Peking as a salad ingredient. That is why lilac (as it is also called) cabbage is not so popular.

But in vain, because it contains a large amount of useful substances that the human body needs so much.

Before something can be made from purple cabbage, it must be properly processed.:

  • the head of cabbage is cleared of coarse upper leaves and those that have been damaged or have a specific color;
  • the product is washed under running cold water and dried, you can get wet with a kitchen towel;
  • before proceeding to shredding, the head of cabbage is divided into four wedges, each is cleared of the stump;
  • after that, the vegetable is cut or rubbed according to the selected recipe.

Depending on which purple cabbage recipe was chosen, it is rubbed on a special grater, chopped in a food processor or cut into strips or squares. In the future, the product can be used in finished form or amenable to heat treatment.

Stewing for garnish

Even if some people know how to cook cabbage salads with herbs, they still don’t know what can be made from purple cabbage, except for cold appetizers. And it, like white cabbage, can be stewed as a side dish. Such lilac cabbage will come out very sweet and fragrant. Vinegar, cane sugar or berry jelly can be added to give it a special taste. Cinnamon, dill seeds, nutmeg and more are suitable as spices.

To make red stewed cabbage, you need to take one head:

  • one apple and one red onion;
  • 50 g butter;
  • three tablespoons of cane sugar;
  • 150 ml of balsamic vinegar;
  • cranberry jelly;
  • cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

The vegetable is chopped at its discretion, the onion is cut into thin half-rings. The apple is cut into 4 parts and peeled from the core, then into cubes. Onions are fried in oil in a deep frying pan, spices are added to it, and everything is fried together for another 2-3 minutes. Then put the cabbage itself, pieces of apple, vinegar and sugar, everything is mixed. The fire is reduced, and everything is stewed under the lid for about 45 minutes with constant stirring. Berry jelly is added, and the dish is stewed for another 10 minutes. You can serve it with meat or as a snack.

First course

There are recipes from purple cabbage for cooking first courses, in particular cabbage soup. In order to make them, 200 g of cabbage, 2-3 potatoes, 40 g of tomato paste and a little mayonnaise are taken for one and a half liters of vegetable broth.

Potatoes must be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut like a soup. Lilac cabbage is washed and finely chopped. The broth is boiled, potatoes, cabbage are put into it in turn, salt is added and boiled for 10 minutes. After that, tomato paste is added to the broth, and the cabbage soup is cooked until tender. Before serving, the dish is seasoned with mayonnaise.

Marinating and pickling

The product can still be pickled or fermented. There are many recipes for such processing. In one of the recipes for pickling vegetables, a kilogram of chopped cabbage is taken, as well as salt, allspice, black peppercorns, bay leaf, sugar and vinegar essence.

Marinated cabbage in this way:

  • Dense heads of cabbage are selected, cleaned and cut into thin strips.
  • Two large spoons of salt are placed per kilogram. Everything is mixed and left for several hours until the cabbage releases juice and softens.
  • Cabbage is placed in jars with bay leaves and peppers.
  • The marinade is being prepared - water (1 liter) is brought to a boil, salt, sugar and vinegar essence are dissolved in it, then everything is cooled.
  • The contents of the jars are poured with marinade, they are covered with lids and pasteurized.

Lastly, the banks are rolled up, turned over and covered. In this form, they stand until completely cooled and can be stored as a blank for the winter.

You can ferment a lilac-colored vegetable along with plums, so its taste will be very piquant and original. For 3 kg of cabbage, 1 kg of plums, 5 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar, a glass of apple cider vinegar, 10 peas of black and allspice, bay leaf, cloves and 3 glasses of water are taken.

Plums need to be washed and cut into halves, removing the seeds. The outer leaves are removed from the cabbage, then it is cut into thin strips, seasoned with salt and rumpled by hand. To make a marinade, you need to mix water with sugar and spices, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. After removing from heat, vinegar is added to the marinade, and everything is mixed.

Cabbage is placed in jars in layers interspersed with plums and tightly packed. Banks are filled with strained marinade and tightly closed, after which they are placed in a bright, warm place. The jars are opened the next day and placed in a bowl so that excess marinade can flow out. Fermentation will end when the marinade stops flowing. The cabbage will be ready in less than a week.

Meat dishes

Red cabbage can be used for complex recipes with meat. For example, for duck legs with apples. For 4 legs take 2 large onions and 2 carrots, 700 ml of chicken broth, anise stars, cinnamon, rosemary and bay leaf. The cabbage will be stewed, 125 ml of wine vinegar, 100 g of brown sugar, brown sugar, onion, 750 ml of red wine, juniper berries, sage, green pepper and salt are prepared for one head.

The sauce for the dish is prepared on the basis of 500 ml of beef broth, 100 ml of cream, ground pepper, rosemary and salt. And to make caramelized apples, 2 fresh fruits need 500 ml of juice and 50 g of butter.

Step by step recipe:

  • In a large saucepan, heat some oil, put carrots, onions, bay leaves and rosemary in it and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Put the legs, pepper and salt there, pour in the chicken broth and bring to a boil.
  • The pan is transferred to a preheated oven for 2 hours, until the meat is softened. Then it is pulled out of the oven and cooled.
  • In a large saucepan, sugar is combined with vinegar, brought to a boil. It is cooked until it resembles syrup, and then cabbage and onions are added. Everything is stewed for 15 minutes.
  • Red wine, juniper berries, sage and pepper are also poured there, everything is cooked on low heat until the vegetable softens, salt is put to taste.
  • Put the beef broth and rosemary in a saucepan, boil, reduce the fire and reduce the mixture. Then add cream and pepper, spices to taste.
  • The butter is heated in a frying pan over medium heat. Apple slices are placed there and brought to a golden crust. Apple juice is gradually poured in and evaporated after each infusion.
  • The grill heats up, the duck legs are placed under the heat, skin side up, and baked until crispy.
  • Sauce, cabbage and apples are warmed up.

First, cabbage is laid out on plates. Duck legs and apples are laid out on top of it, juice is poured on top.

It is much easier to cook another second dish with cabbage - these are fried sausages with cabbage and potatoes.

For 500 g of potatoes, you need 100 ml of milk or cream, 50 g of butter, a quarter of a head of cabbage, about 5 pieces of sausages, salt and olive oil. Red cabbage is shredded and mashed by hand, seasoned with olive oil and salt. Potatoes are peeled and washed, then boiled, after which the water is drained. And the pan for some time still stands on low heat so that the remaining liquid evaporates. While still warm, potatoes are rubbed or kneaded, combined with butter and salt, milk or cream is slowly added. Sausages are fried in a pan or grill and served with a cabbage side dish and boiled potatoes.

salad preparation

Most often, purple cabbage salads are prepared. Recipes can include different dressings, vegetables and fruits, and even meat. Some of them are extremely simple, others are more complex.

Lilac Cabbage Salad Recipes:

Purple cabbage gives different dishes a unique taste, it is good as an independent dish in a stew or canned form or as a side dish. And it also contains a large number of trace elements and vitamins and is suitable for any diet and baby food.

Attention, only TODAY!

Red cabbage is Pythagoras' favorite dish. It was discovered in the Mediterranean - there, since ancient times, people have known about its benefits and not only prepared dishes from it, but also used it for medicinal purposes. But then they did not yet know how blue cabbage was called. From its relative, white-headed, it differs not only in color, but also in its properties.

Composition and benefits

The heads of this vegetable are small, but quite dense. They ripen much later than the white ones, they like coolness and retain their juiciness and freshness for a long time. The calorie content of the vegetable is small, and the composition is rich in vitamins and minerals, beta-carotene.

The rich color is due to the large amount of anthocyanins. These substances have strong antioxidant properties. Anthocyanins strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make them elastic. The product has a beneficial effect on the heart, improves skin condition - it is called "fountain of youth".

Regular use prevents the development of leukemia, neutralizes the effects of radiation, improves vision - the benefits are obvious.

Some housewives are not very fond of red cabbage, because it has little juice. But they change their attitude towards her when they learn about the benefits of blue cabbage and the absence of harm. Its mineral-vitamin complex fully compensates for this deficiency. Phytoncides reduce the activity of the causative agent of tuberculosis, normalize the functioning of the respiratory system.

  1. If you regularly eat this product, the gastrointestinal tract will function without failures, and the process of hematopoiesis will improve. Colored, or blue, cabbage has a beneficial effect on the liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland due to its high content of vegetable protein.
  2. The vitamins in this product are stored much longer, even the “fragile” vitamin C. Selenium supplies cells with oxygen, removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. Zinc stimulates the brain. Fiber and lactic acid have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, remove "bad" cholesterol.
  3. If hypertensive patients regularly eat this cabbage, their pressure will normalize. Useful properties of blue, or red cabbage, are also used in medicine. Its juice with honey is effective against colds, and compresses speed up the healing of scratches and abrasions.
  4. Another important property is the ability to reduce the effect of alcohol on the body. It is recommended to eat a few cabbage leaves or prepare blue cabbage salads before the start of the feast. Salad recipes with mayonnaise are popular.

How to cook?

In cooking, cauliflower is not as widely used as white cabbage. This is due to its rigidity and lack of juiciness. It is a little tart, but if cooked correctly, the dishes are very tasty.

Are there any contraindications?

  1. This product has no harmful properties. But people with gastrointestinal diseases should treat it with caution. Due to the large amount of fiber, cabbage is difficult to digest and should not be eaten in large quantities.
  2. It can harm people with peptic ulcers. It is allowed to use in small doses, but the product must be subjected to heat treatment. Minus one - the amount of vitamin will decrease and the taste will suffer.

Salad "Favorite"


  • Cabbage;
  • apple or wine vinegar;
  • Tomato;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt, pepper, spices;
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Blue cabbage salad can be served at feasts or included in the daily diet.
  2. Cabbage should be very finely chopped, peeled lettuce and cut into cubes.
  3. Sprinkle with apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar to remove the bitterness.
  4. Cut the tomato into cubes, chop the greens.
  5. Salt, pepper, add spices.
  6. Dress the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream.
  7. It can be eaten as an independent dish or served with meat, a side dish.


  • fresh purple cabbage - 400 gr.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.;
  • greens of dill or cilantro;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • dry basil - 1 tsp;
  • salt to taste.

Secrets of the dish

In a period when the counters abound with fresh vegetables and herbs, it is simply necessary to introduce vegetable salads into your diet. They help to replenish energy reserves, restore strength and get the necessary nutrients. These rules were followed in the Middle Ages, when this type of cabbage was discovered. Since then, nothing has changed, and people still appreciate and love the purple fruit.

The easiest to prepare and one of the most delicious is purple cabbage salad. This product should be an integral part of every housewife's kitchen. The versatility of cabbage allows you to cook completely different dishes from it every day, both in terms of cooking method and taste. However, it was salads that gained the most popularity as representatives of low-calorie cuisine.

Purple cabbage is often included in the diet menu. It is perfect for both adults and children to eat. Its juice contains many nutrients. So, for example, fiber will normalize cholesterol levels and improve digestion, and potassium will help maintain the necessary fluid in the body and prevent pressure surges. A raw vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is why it is so important to succumb to dishes from it with minimal processing.

Fresh purple cabbage salads, steamed or microwaved vegetables provide healthy and nutritious meals for your family. In order for the dishes from this product to be even tastier, and the cabbage to become even softer and juicier, the upper leaves will need to be removed. All that remains, chop and lightly remember with your hands. Cabbage will release purple juice, which contains the entire vitamin complex. To prevent the liquid from tarnishing, you can add a little vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice there.

Cooking process

The easiest recipe for purple cabbage salad is made with a minimum set of vegetables and vegetable oil. First of all, you need to make blanks.

A small head of cabbage must be washed, the upper layers separated and the main part chopped.

Cucumbers are best cut into strips, and cherry tomatoes are simply divided into halves. We also wash the greens, dry with a towel and cut.

Then place the rest of the ingredients in a salad bowl with cabbage. Mix everything gently and add spices to taste.

If there are no cucumbers and tomatoes, you can always replace them with other vegetables or even fruits. Purple cabbage salad tastes better with chopped apple, carrot, daikon, or onion. You can combine the ingredients together.

Decoration and serving

The bright purple color of cabbage in combination with greenery does not require additional decoration. The dish has a very presentable appearance. To keep the leaves fresh longer, you can lightly sprinkle the ingredients with lemon juice or vinegar.

Vegetable oil is proposed as a dressing in the recipe, as the most affordable and popular product in the kitchen. If your purple cabbage salad is not a member of a family dinner or lunch, but a solemn event or holiday, then you can safely play with marinades and sauces.

If there are apples and carrots in the salad, then garlic and a teaspoon of linseed oil will be appropriate. They will enhance the taste of the dish, making it more spicy. The aroma will be even more intense, bright and unusual.

In a standard recipe, vegetable oil can be substituted for cranberry juice and corn oil. The sour cranberry juice will give the purple cabbage an even richer color. Be sure to let the salad sit for about an hour before serving. This will make it possible to fully reveal all the qualitative characteristics of the dish.

Traditional mayonnaise or sour cream are perfect as a dressing. White and purple are a great combination of colors on a plate, and most importantly - appetizing. This variation on the purple cabbage salad will go well with baked fish, such as herring, and some kind of porridge.

With this, the culinary journey of making purple cabbage salads has come to an end. Surprise your loved ones with unusual dishes! Bon Appetit!

For cooking purple cabbage salad recipe it only takes a few minutes. The result is a side dish for meat or mushrooms, which allows you to satisfy your hunger without overeating. In addition, thanks to the anthocyanins contained in purple or red cabbage, lettuce can have a healing effect. It will stop the aging process, strengthen capillaries and remove excess cholesterol.

Ingredients for purple cabbage salad recipe with photo:

  • purple cabbage - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • pitted olives - 12-15 pcs.;
  • cilantro - 1 small bunch;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for dressing.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

How to cook purple cabbage salad recipe with photo?

Red cabbage should be shredded into long, thin strips. It is believed that purple leaves are not juicy enough. In order to fix this, you can lightly salt the chopped cabbage and knead it well with your hands. After that, the salad will become quite juicy. However, it should be noted that the purple pigments contained in the leaves can stain the skin of the hands.

Carrots must be peeled, and then cut into narrow ribbons with a special knife. You can use a grater or just cut.

Each olive should be divided into 4 parts. If desired, olives can also be added to the salad with purple cabbage. They should be cut in the same way as olives.

Rinse the cilantro, shake off the water and chop finely. You can use dill or parsley instead of cilantro. If desired, you can add onions or green onions to the salad.

Hard cheese should be grated with large holes. You can take Russian, cheddar, suluguni.

All prepared ingredients must be combined in one container, salt and mix with two forks.

Before serving, salad with purple cabbage should be seasoned with vegetable oil. It is better to take olive, unrefined oil, which will give the salad an extra flavor.

If desired, freshly squeezed lemon juice or chopped walnuts can be added to the salad. In any case, you get a healthy, dietary side dish that will help you digest heavy food.

Cook purple cabbage salad recipe with photo with pleasure and be healthy!