Raw beetroot salad with soy sauce. Raw beetroot salad - a selection of the best recipes

Salads, where raw beets are the main ingredient, are extremely useful for cleansing the intestines, which is why they are so loved to be eaten after long feasts. Among vitamin dishes that can raise weakened immunity in winter, such salads also have no equal. Let's look at the nuances of preparing cold vitamin snacks and choose our signature recipe for raw beetroot salad.

About the benefits of a raw food diet

Beets are extremely useful in their raw form, because over a long period of cooking, all the microelements necessary for the body go into the water. Everyone knows about the benefits of raw vegetables, but not everyone is ready to chew hard fibers. By rubbing vegetables on a coarse grater, people will completely protect their teeth from the laborious process of chewing, especially since young beets are unusually juicy in themselves. And if you want a clearly structured type of vegetable fibers, then get a Korean-style carrot grater, because you can grind any hard vegetables on it.

Salad of raw beets and carrots with cucumber

Many people know about the perfect combination of carrots and pickles in a vinaigrette. But not many people risk transferring this combination to a salad of similar raw ingredients. But in vain, and the point here is not even in a spicy fill. Try it - and you will be very satisfied. To prepare a vegetable base, you will need one piece:

  • carrots;
  • beets;
  • cucumber;
  • blue bow.

A salad of raw beets and carrots will turn out much spicier if you add one tablespoon of mustard grains to the filling. In addition, among the ingredients for the sauce are:

  • olive oil (in extreme cases, replace with any other vegetable) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground black pepper - 2 g;
  • salt, sugar to taste;
  • wine vinegar - a few drops.

We already know that vegetables that have just been harvested from the garden are much juicier and sweeter than those that have been stored for a long time. Therefore, we will not miss the opportunity to make such a salad in the summer as often as possible.

Preparing a spicy condiment

A slightly spicy dressing is able to balance the slightly sweet taste of summer vegetables in the right direction. Pour the French mustard seeds into the olive oil, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. The sauce is dark and beautiful. Let the butter absorb the mustard flavor while we chop the vegetables.

vegetable base

Let's start the chopping process with onions. Sweet and extraordinarily healthy finely chop into half rings. Cucumber does not need to be peeled, because it contains the lion's share of vitamins. We arm ourselves with a large grater and grind the cucumber mass. The recipe for raw beetroot and cucumber salad will disappoint you if you do not throw the grated cucumber into a colander and do not let the juice flow out properly. Be sure to do this, otherwise the dish will be watery. After that, the beets will also remain, combine all the vegetable ingredients and pour over the spicy dressing. Before serving such a salad of raw beets, recipes recommend decorating the dish with a handful of chopped greens. So the dish will look even more appetizing.

Very healthy salad with ground ginger

Ginger is simply indispensable for burning calories, and raw beets cleanse the stomach well with fiber. Therefore, such a raw beetroot salad recipe will appeal to dieters, and is also suitable as a lunch for a fasting day. Here we will also use a complex dressing, for which we will need the following ingredients:

  • olive oil - a quarter of a glass;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • turmeric and ground ginger - 1 teaspoon each;
  • salt and pepper.

It is not at all necessary to make the main ingredient of the dish out of a beautiful burgundy vegetable. It is enough to refresh traditional vegetable salads, for example, from pressed raw cabbage, by adding a small handful of grated beets. Therefore, it is not necessary to make a salad of raw beets and carrots and cabbage in equal proportions. A small part of the beetroot can bring new colors to the dish.

The hottest salads

Have you ever wondered why beetroot goes so well with especially spicy ingredients? That's right: because it itself has a sweetish and slightly tart taste. We do not miss the season of a young burgundy vegetable and actively use the time to prepare such a dish as Korean raw beetroot salad. In addition to it, we need:

  • garlic;
  • hot red pepper;
  • paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil;
  • coriander;
  • ground black pepper;
  • vinegar and sugar to taste;
  • salt.

Let everyone choose the proportions to their taste. Someone likes a light spiciness, so it’s quite limited to half a hot pepper pod. The same recommendation applies to garlic and spices. Well, the beets must be chopped on a grater for carrots in Korean. Do an experiment. Prepare this dish and serve it to your guests, and then it will be safe to say that almost all of them will think that they are being treated to tinted carrots and will never recognize the taste of beets.

Bon appetit!

Eating raw vegetables helps to maintain immunity in the body and provides a person with vitamins B and C. Fresh beets also contain folic acid and iron salts, which help strengthen the skeleton and bone tissue in general. Eating a vegetable is useful for cleansing the blood and removing toxins from the body. Eating fresh beets removes cholesterol from the body. This vegetable helps maintain a natural complexion. It can be consumed both fresh and boiled.

The list of vitamins contained in fresh beets:

  • vitamins of groups B1, B5, B6, C, E;
  • provitamin A;
  • gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • fiber and pectin.

Salads made from healthy ingredients and combining a storehouse of vitamins will bring more benefits. From red beet you can cook a variety of dishes, rich not only in vitamins, but also in useful properties. The combination of ingredients such as carrots, apples, dried fruits will give an unusual taste to the dish. Natural spices can be added to them, giving specific notes and aroma.

Such salads are useful and necessary in the daily diet of a person, especially for a growing child's body, they need to be made integral components of dinner.

Salad of beets, carrots and apples

The combination of raw sweet vegetables should be paired with sour foods. The presence of cheese and crackers in this recipe distinguishes it from a simple banal vegetable salad. Adding apples to vegetables would be quite an obvious combination. Crackers should be well fried in the oven. Also, a quick way to fry crackers is to dry them in the microwave. They need to be fried for short periods and stirred occasionally. Cheese is ideally taken as a hard variety, but if you buy cream cheese or other semi-soft cheese, it will also work. You need to take green apples to give sourness. Raw beet salad will be crunchy if you put the crackers in it before serving.

Chinese Beetroot Salad Recipe

Chinese cuisine is characterized by a beautiful presentation of the dish and spiciness in the composition. Basically, salads have a sweetish-bitter taste and are dishes for an amateur. In China, spices are sold in special stores, giving the dish a unique taste and aroma, this also includes aphrodisiacs. It is worth paying attention to the salad of beets and pork tenderloin with spicy sauce. Pork goes well with vegetables, because it is cut into small slices and added to vegetables. Also in the salad there are carrots and onions, soy sauce, salt and sugar. There is nothing surprising in the addition of soy sauce, as it is an attribute of Chinese and Japanese cuisine.

The cooking steps are simple. Since pork is a delicate product, it must be carefully cut into thin sticks and then alternately fried over high heat. You can soak it with sugar, make it sweeter. After adding carrots and onions, you can season the raw beetroot salad. As expected, the pork sauce should be spicy. It is made with soy sauce and black pepper. Well, it should stand for a couple of hours to go through all the meat. The dish will be delicious in any form, whether just mixed or laid out in layers. Jewelry is the calling card of every woman. Most often, salads began to be decorated with olives and bright vegetables, for example, a tomato.

Variations of salads with beets

Raw beetroot salad is a dish recommended by nutritionists for weight loss. In such cases, recipes for lean dishes are used. Simple salads are typical of Korean cuisine. Grate the vegetable and add a couple of ingredients is not difficult. But the cutting methods are different. For example, in the preparation of herring salad under a fur coat, thin slices of beets grated on a special grater can be used. Their taste in the composition can be changed with hot spices or a mixture of peppers. Spices such as cumin, coriander, and hot peppers can spice up a salad and make it appetizing. It is better to fill beetroot salad with maximum usefulness for the body with olive oil, and in no case mayonnaise. Mayonnaise can be seasoned if it is prepared with your own hands at home.

Vinaigrette is a traditional dish. There are many variations on this theme. The most popular recipe is Russian vinaigrette. The ingredients of such a dish will be: beets, carrots, potatoes, onions, peas, sauerkraut.

A popular summer dish are salads, including fresh beets. The young root crop has sweetness and gentle taste. It is added as the main ingredient to the dish, and it becomes vitamin. A simple beet salad includes a couple of root vegetables, nuts, garlic, herbs and wine vinegar. Add black pepper, olive oil and salt to the dressing. Grate beets on a coarse grater and add greens. Chop the nuts and mix with wine vinegar, oil, crushed garlic and salt. The advantage of this salad is that it can be eaten immediately or stand for several hours. It doesn't spoil the taste.

To replenish the vitamin-mineral complex in the body, it is enough to prepare a salad of raw beets. It will cleanse the intestines and help you lose weight. To prepare it, you need beets, young cabbage leaves, carrots, celery, cilantro, olive oil and lemon juice. Grate the root crops, cut the celery into slices, cut the cabbage also into longitudinal strips. Mix everything and season with dressing. It is made from squeezed cilantro juice combined with lemon juice, and add vegetable oil. Get a delicious and juicy salad.

Recipes for simple dishes from fresh beets

You can make a salad in haste when you are waiting for guests in a short time from fresh vegetables. There is nothing complicated. You will need beets, cucumbers, radishes, mayonnaise, garlic and herbs. The secret ingredient in this salad is cherry plum. Step-by-step preparation does not take much time. First you need to grate the beets, add chopped cucumbers, radishes and cherry plums. Mix and season separately with mayonnaise with chopped garlic. Salad is not a dietary dish due to the presence of mayonnaise in it.

Every woman should try a salad recipe with beetroot, radish and pomegranate juice. To do this, you need to buy a root crop, radish, pomegranate juice, sugar and cumin (to taste). Grate all the ingredients and then pour over the dressing. The dressing will include pomegranate juice mixed with crushed cumin.

There are many dishes from fresh beets, vitamins cannot be counted, its benefits have been proven and tested. If a person eats it, he will have low cholesterol and high hemoglobin.

The root crop belongs to useful products from which you can cook a delicious dish not only boiled, but also with the saving of all useful elements. Acceleration of metabolism, weight loss, filling the body with minerals are some of the possibilities of a vegetable. A vitamin beet salad with cheese will help keep your figure in good shape and get a boost of energy and vivacity for every day.

A healthy lifestyle allows not only to qualitatively improve the state of health, but also to rejuvenate the body. Salads from fresh and raw vegetables provide the right amount of vitamins and elements, which are the basis for normal functioning. If you have the opportunity to choose which product to eat, then it is better to give preference to raw.

The presence of fiber and biologically active substances in the composition of the beet to maintain immunity makes it indispensable in nutrition. Vegetables are useful for both children and adults. It goes well with other products and has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste, is quickly digested and saturates the body with amino acids.

The vegetable contains elements that dilate blood vessels, which helps to release excess fluid from the body and normalize pressure. Therefore, for prevention, it is useful to eat 100-150 g of beets every day or drink a glass of juice from this root crop.

A diet with this product will help get rid of cholesterol and cleanse the intestines, and the pectin in its composition will help remove toxins.

The presence of iron and copper in beets makes it possible to create new blood cells, so people with anemia cannot find a better natural cure than this juicy and tasty vegetable.

Boiled beets also retain their beneficial properties, but during cooking, the skin must not be removed from the root crop so as not to lose juice. The B vitamins in the composition are not sensitive to heat and high temperatures. Therefore, after boiling, it does not lose its useful qualities.

The juice contains a lot of betaine, which is responsible for the absorption of protein and the absorption of useful elements with meals. And also in large quantities, it well reduces blood pressure, gives strength and perfectly tones.

If drinking beetroot juice is not tasty, you can add carrots or sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetables to it and make a delicious smoothie or vitamin cocktail.

The disadvantages of beets include the presence of oxalic acid, which negatively affects those who suffer from attacks of urolithiasis.

Otherwise, it is an ideal ingredient for salads and main courses.

Raw Beetroot Recipes

The texture of the fruit and the density of the fibers do not allow it to be consumed fresh, breaking off large pieces. Hard beets with a sweetish-bitter taste and juice of a rich burgundy color. As the main ingredient in dishes, it is inedible, because cloying remains after boiling, and dense pieces quickly saturate.

Therefore, cooks, both in appetizers and in main dishes, use the vegetable as a background for food, adding ingredients with sourness, spices or interesting flavors.

Almost everyone knows the combination of beets with prunes, nuts, citrus fruits and spicy herbs. Do not pick up neutral-tasting foods or vegetables with a similar characteristic and texture.

As for the form of serving and slicing, it depends on which recipe the root vegetable is used for. If this is a vitamin salad, then the grated consistency will be ideal, when sweetness and hardness will add sophistication and sweetness to the dish.

In soups and hot dishes, they like to cut the beets into medium-sized slices so that a little juice is preserved inside and during use it mixes with the rest of the ingredients, making the food juicy.

For cocktails, the vegetable is passed through a juicer, and the cake is thrown away, as it accumulates in lumps and is bitter.

For stew, beets are cut into cubes so that the surface is fried. Visually, this adds beauty to the dish, and complements it with cloying taste.

Culinary casseroles are made with slicing into slices. So the vegetable has a chance to simmer faster and soak up the juice from other components.

But since the kitchen is a big laboratory, you don't have to deny yourself the opportunity to experiment, combining different types of cutting and serving together to create a culinary masterpiece.

Fruit options

A healthy vitamin snack that takes a couple of minutes to prepare, since all the ingredients will be used raw.

For cooking you will need:

  • Three beets of medium size.
  • One firm sweet pear.
  • A tablespoon of citric acid can be mixed in equal proportions with orange juice.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Bryndza cheese.
  • Mint for decoration.
  • Spices.
  • A handful of flax seeds.

Rinse and peel the beets so that the salad is not juicy, you can blot the peeled beets with a paper towel, this will take some moisture and red juice from the vegetable. Chop into thin slices.

Peel the pear and cut it like a beetroot. Mix in a bowl and pour over lemon juice. In a gravy boat, combine olive oil with spices, then cut the cheese into cubes and marinate for half an hour in salad dressing.

Add cooked cheese to the ingredients and pour over the remaining oil with spices, mix. Decorate with linen and mint. The recipe is simple and delicious. You can replace the pear with other fruits, but it is advisable to select dry and not sweet options so that you can feel the taste of lemon.

You will be pleased with the ease of preparation and salad with beets and apples. For the recipe you need:

  • One medium beet.
  • Two ripe sour apples.
  • Big carrot.
  • Balsamic vinegar.
  • Walnuts.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • Sunflower oil for dressing.
  • Spices.
  • Dill for decoration.

Peel beets, apples and carrots and grate on a large grater. Do not mix, let it lie down a little. During this time, grind the garlic, add oil, vinegar for sourness and spices, mix everything. Next, combine all the ingredients, pour over the resulting sauce, add walnuts and garnish with herbs.

Salad with beets, tangerines can become a real delicacy for lovers of a healthy lifestyle. For the recipe you need:

  • A few sweet tangerines.
  • One medium beet.
  • Big sour apple.
  • Nuts or sesame.
  • Olive oil.
  • Spices.
  • Prunes.

Peel and grate the root crop on a medium grater, do the same with an apple, mix the ingredients and add the tangerines peeled with slices, season with olive oil. Sprinkle nuts on top, add spices and prunes for decoration.

Salad can be an addition to the main course or served separately.

vegetable salads

Not only fruits go well with beets. To create lard, you can use the usual unsweetened ingredients.

Russula salad is prepared in just five minutes, but at the same time hearty and tasty. For cooking you need:

  • Raw beets.
  • 150-200 gr of cheese or feta.
  • Carrot.
  • Fresh celery, 50 gr.
  • Walnuts for decoration.
  • Soy sauce and olive oil.
  • Spices.

Rinse beets and carrots and peel, chop, add chopped celery and feta cubes. Mix soy sauce in equal proportions with olive oil, add salt and pepper and season the food. A combination of such a side dish with meat dishes will be delicious. And also beetroot salad with cheese can complement the diet of sports fans, because, in addition to vitamins, it will have a lot of protein and calcium.

Raw beetroot salad with garlic and cabbage will help cleanse the body of toxins. For cooking you need:

  • Medium sized beets.
  • Small white cabbage.
  • Horseradish.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Pickles.
  • Soy sauce and vegetable oil for dressing.
  • Spices.
  • Greenery for decoration.

Rinse the beets, peel and grate on a large grater, also shred the cabbage. Boil two medium-sized potatoes and cut into cubes.

Grate horseradish on a fine nozzle, add spices and soy sauce with oil and mix.

Combine all ingredients, add chopped pickled cucumbers and season with sauce. Sprinkle greens on top for decoration.

Slimming brush

All girls striving for the perfect figure are familiar with the ingredients of this dish. Although raw beetroot recipes are good for cleansing the body, brush salad is much more effective. It is easy to prepare, for this, small raw beets, medium carrots and white cabbage are suitable.

Juicy apples and lemon juice and olive oil dressing will help add sourness and fruity taste. Spices can be omitted, limited to salt.

Finely chop cabbage, fruits, carrots and grate an apple on a fine grater, mix, add dressing with lemon juice.

Salad can be decorated with herbs. It is advisable to eat in the morning and in the evening, when the body requires cleaning from toxins. In addition to improving metabolism, the salad is well saturated with vitamins. The dish is suitable as part of a diet, for meals on a fasting day and after a plentiful feast.

Another version of the brush is also popular, but apples are used instead of cabbage.

For refueling, the following options are suitable:

  • Mix in equal proportions olive or vegetable oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Mix three tablespoons of oil with two tablespoons of mustard and one honey.
  • Balsamic vinegar and linseed oil.

The latter option will add aroma and bitter taste to the salad due to flax seeds..

You can safely experiment not only with dressings, but also with salad ingredients, adding delicious vegetables or fruits to the already known ingredients. If there is no desire and opportunity to cook a brush every day, then you need to knock down a delicious cocktail from vegetables and fruits and use the drink to quench your thirst and appetite.

In order for the first result of the salad to appear, you need to eat it for at least a few weeks, alternating the dish with other recipes.

I often make fruit and vegetable salads for children and I myself like to indulge in fresh vegetables. But I focus more on greens and lettuce, and we don’t like beets. I did not know that this is such a useful root vegetable.

Vegetables are always useful, and raw beets are especially useful. We bring to your attention recipes for making simple salads from raw beets.

The subtle garlic aroma of the fantastic salad of raw beets and carrots is simply crazy, and the spicy salad with horseradish and fresh vegetables will appeal to all lovers of unusual rich flavors. Chicken breast salad is amazing! Salads with beets are quite versatile and very useful for the body. In the preparation of original and colorful salads, the simplest and most affordable products are used, and the result will surprise you with amazing taste. I am sure that homemade raw beetroot salads will certainly be appreciated in your family. Eating such a crispy yummy is a pleasure. Let's cook!

Awesome raw beetroot salad with garlic “Zhuynanoch”

We offer you the easiest vegetable salad recipe that exists. This salad is available to everyone at any time of the year. Easy, healthy and incredibly delicious!


  • fresh carrots - 1 piece (about 200 grams);
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • dill - 1 bunch (fresh-frozen is ideal);
  • fragrant sunflower oil;
  • fresh beets - 1 piece (about 200 grams);
  • salt to taste.

Awesome salad of raw beets with garlic. Step by step recipe:

  1. We wash fresh dill well and dry it from moisture (for this you can use disposable kitchen towels).
  2. Finely chop the washed dill with a sharp culinary knife. Frozen dill can be used in place of fresh dill. This will not greatly affect the taste of vegetable salad.
  3. Peel and chop one garlic clove as finely as possible.
  4. Peeled and washed carrots are grated for Korean carrots. For this salad, we need a large carrot.
  5. Peel and grate raw beets in the same way as carrots - on a grater for Korean carrots.
  6. We take a glass salad bowl (you can use any other container).
  7. In the prepared salad bowl we shift the previously grated carrots, beets, add finely chopped garlic and chopped dill. Add sunflower oil (it is best to use fragrant!). Salt the vegetable salad to taste and mix everything well. Salad ready.

The taste of this salad is simply amazing.

Salad with horseradish and fresh vegetables

My family loves the salad with horseradish and fresh vegetables. The taste of this dish will conquer even the most spoiled gourmets. Let's cook!


  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • raw carrots - 1 piece;
  • fresh horseradish root - 20-30 grams;
  • sour cream (or mayonnaise) - 2 tablespoons;
  • raw beets - 1 piece;
  • fresh parsley leaves for garnish
  • salt to taste.

Salad with horseradish and fresh vegetables. Step by step recipe:

  1. In order to prepare a stunningly delicious salad with horseradish, fresh carrots are peeled and washed well.
  2. Cut the carrots into thin strips with a sharp culinary knife.
  3. We clean and cut fresh beets for vegetable salad in the same way as carrots - into strips.
  4. Grate the fresh horseradish root on a fine grater.
  5. In a deep bowl, we shift the vegetables (carrots and beets) previously cut into strips, add the grated horseradish root, salt to taste and sugar.
  6. Then add mayonnaise and mix well. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use sour cream, only then you need to add one drop of vinegar to the salad. Homemade mayonnaise is perfect.
  7. We spread the salad with horseradish and fresh vegetables on a serving plate, if desired, decorate with fresh parsley leaves and can be served.

Incredibly delicious and simple!

Fantastic salad "Meat in vegetables"

Awesome salad with fried chicken meat and fresh vegetables is very tasty. The ingredients fit together perfectly. I recommend!


  • chicken breast - 300 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil for frying meat;
  • salt and black ground pepper to taste;
  • fresh cabbage - 500 grams;
  • carrots (fresh) - 1 piece;
  • raw beets - 1 piece.

Fantastic salad "Meat in vegetables". Step by step recipe:

  1. To prepare the salad, we need a pound of fresh cabbage. Shred the cabbage finely with a knife.
  2. Peeled and well-washed carrots are grated for Korean carrots.
  3. We rub raw beets in the same way as carrots - on a grater for Korean carrots.
  4. We take a deep salad bowl and transfer all the previously prepared vegetables (cabbage, carrots and beets) into it. Salt all the vegetables and mix.
  5. Chicken breast for a fantastic salad, cut into long strips.
  6. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and put it on the stove to warm up.
  7. We shift the pre-sliced ​​chicken meat to the heated oil, salt it to taste, add black ground pepper and mix everything well. Fry the meat until light golden brown.
  8. We transfer the fried chicken to a salad bowl with vegetables and add mayonnaise (you can use homemade mayonnaise). We mix everything well. Salad ready.

All raw beet salads are very easy to prepare. Vegetable salad ingredients are available to everyone. Cook with love!