Argentina fish – what kind of product it is, how to properly prepare it in different ways. Argentine cuisine Argentine dishes

Traditional Argentine cuisine is a mixture of national traditions of indigenous Indian peoples and all those foreign recipes that were brought here by settlers from Europe. Various meats and their derivatives are popular among Argentinean dishes.

The most popular dishes of national Argentine cuisine

Empanadas- fried pies with all kinds of fillings from minced meat, ham and cheese, potatoes. Inexpensive, nutritious and very tasty pies are considered a true folk dish of Argentina. Only Argentines eat them with wine, and not with tea, as is customary here.

Сordero al palo- the main meat dish in Patagonia, lamb roasted on a spit. This is the hallmark of Patagonian cuisine, which we strongly recommend trying.

Centolla crabs They are prepared in different ways, but in Patagonia they are considered one of the most popular products. However, other seafood is also popular in these parts.

Pizza- of course, it was brought from Italy, but they say that in Argentina it is especially tasty, and it is already difficult to understand whether this is not the local national cuisine.

Rhea ostrich meat- these birds are bred on numerous farms, and ostrich meat in Argentina will not surprise anyone.

Dulce de leche- numerous options for desserts with condensed milk. As a rule, these are croissants medialunas, pancakes, tiramisu.

Ice cream- recipes for local variants were brought by European emigrants, but here they come up with all sorts of sauces, additives and flavors. Be sure to try it.

Masamorra- a rural dessert based on maize, water, sugar and vanilla; the version with milk is also popular.

Among the typical drinks of Argentina, the best is considered mate. Brewing and drinking mate is akin to a real ceremony - a bitter, but very healthy tonic drink made from dried crushed leaves and young shoots of holly is brewed in a pumpkin calabash. Drink at any time of the day or night. Drinking mate has long become a ritual and a way of communication in Argentina. Paraguay is considered the birthplace of mate, but in Argentina it took root immediately and irrevocably.

They also love wine here. Argentine Malbec wine is made in Mendoza. The most famous among white wines is the aromatic Torrontes, which is made in the provinces of La Rioja and Salta.

Argentine cuisine Dishes of Argentine cuisine are distinguished by their bright colors and combine the traditions of several cultures. Two European ones were brought by settlers from Spain and Italy. Slaves from Africa brought elements of their cuisine. Let's add Creole traditions that have settled on the ancient Indian culture, and we get a unique symbiosis called Argentine cuisine.

At the same time, the preparation of national dishes was influenced by the culinary cultures of neighboring countries: Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile. These trends are especially noticeable in border regions, but they do not change the general idea of ​​national gastronomic traditions.

Simple and satisfying Argentine cuisine captivates everyone who meets it for the first time. A well-known set of products: meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, legumes and cereals. They are fried, stewed, boiled, baked, and always seasoned with hot sauces and aromatic seasonings.

Regional cuisine of Argentina

The vast territory of the country and various geographical conditions have determined the characteristics of the regional cuisine of Argentina. In the northwestern regions of the country, the indigenous culture of the Indians predominates. The cuisine of this region is dominated by plant foods. Dishes made from maize, potatoes, beans, avocado, and pumpkin are popular. Dairy products, in particular cheeses, are a must in the diet. Meat dishes in the region are prepared from lamb, pork, and goat. Llama meat is also used.

In the northeastern regions, where two freshwater rivers flow, fish dishes are common, which go harmoniously with boiled rice. The diet is supplemented by vegetables, eggs, milk and meat - products traditionally used for food by local Indians. The modern cuisine of these regions of Argentina has preserved ancient traditions. Here they still prepare asado - meat (including exotic animals, such as caimans), which is baked on stones.

In the southern regions, local traditions are strong, which is reflected in the local cuisine. Dishes made from the meat of armadillos and rhea ostriches are in high demand here. They are often offered to tourists. The proximity of the Atlantic coast made it possible to include a large amount of ocean fish and seafood in the local menu. Another feature of regional cuisine is the influence of Italian culture. Immigrants from the Apennine Peninsula brought with them many dishes that were successfully assimilated on Argentine soil.

Modern Argentine cuisine offers a variety of recipes. This is especially noticeable in the center of the country, where all the cultures, and therefore the cuisines, of the peoples for whom Argentina has become a second home are mixed. Donuts, tortillas, and a type of Spanish jamon are prepared here. The cuisine of this region is represented by a large number of desserts, many of which are similar to European ones. They are distinguished by the presence of local exotic fruits.

Argentine cuisine made easy

Despite all the variety and unusualness, Argentine cuisine is not difficult to prepare. Our recommendations will help you choose the right products or adapt your favorite dish to your local cuisine. We will also help you diversify your home menu with original recipes that can be used as everyday recipes or used as decoration for a holiday table.

This article is a continuation of my story about the Cuisine of Argentina and is dedicated to what sweets are preferred in this country. The first part “Argentine cuisine, main dishes”.

It is difficult to single out a specific favorite on Argentina's sweet map; people here love and know how to prepare desserts. But dulce de leche is still worth highlighting as one of the most frequently used components among confectioners in Argentina. What is it and what do you eat it with? By and large, this is our boiled condensed milk. Here they make flan from it, use it as a filling for pastafrole pies and serve it with local tropical fruits and citrus fruits.

How else do Argentines sweeten their lives, read on.

1. Alfajores de Maisena

Alfajores de Maisena are typical sweets of Latin America, although their roots go back to medieval Al-Andalus, the Spanish-Arab caliphate, where their name, which means “filled,” comes from.

Today, alfajores can be found under different brands, but in all cases the filling for them is prepared according to the traditional recipe, which includes: butter, eggs, sugar, vanilla extract, special corn starch, condensed milk and coconut flakes.

This filling is placed between 2 or more biscuits and in some versions the whole thing is covered with chocolate, sugar or other glaze.

2. Clerico or klerikot

Clerico or clericot is an alcoholic drink in essence, reminiscent of Spanish sangria. It is drunk a lot in Argentina, Paraguay and other Latin American countries.

This drink is traditional for various holidays, especially Christmas and other New Year's holidays. To prepare clerico, they use wine and various fruits to suit their taste, with the exception of watermelon. Because there is a belief that a mixture of wine and watermelon has very bad health effects.

3. Facturas

Fakturas in Argentina are traditional and are a symbol of hospitality. If you are invited to visit an Argentinean family, then your visit will definitely be accompanied by a plate of textures.

Fakturas is an assortment of a wide range of pastries with various fillings: condensed milk, sweet potato, quince marmalade, custard and others. These sweets are always accompanied by tea, coffee with milk or mate.

4. Dulce de leche

Dulce de leche is condensed milk boiled to a caramel color and taste. In Argentina and Latin America, dulce de leche is a delicacy. It is used as a sweet sauce for desserts, made into fillings, and served with ice cream, pancakes, cold cakes, flan and others.

5. Postre Vigilante

Postre Vigilante is a very simple dessert that does not require any preparation: a slice of your favorite cheese, a little quince, sweet potato or guava marmalade on top and the dessert is ready!

This dessert is popular in Argentina and Uruguay. Postre Vigilante is served differently in different regions, depending on the preferences and cheese production in each area.

6. Mate

The Mate drink has already become an integral part of the culture of Argentina and Paraguay. Everyone drinks it everywhere, they take it with them on walks, on trips and to work.

Mate is a tonic drink brewed from the leaves of the Paraguayan holly. It was drunk in the valleys of the Parana and Paraguay rivers even before the discovery of America by Europeans. Among the local Quechua Indian peoples, it was called “mati” after the name of the plant from which it was produced. Traditionally, mate was brewed in vessels made from small round gourds. Today, a whole industry has been established for the production of utensils and accessories for brewing and consuming mate.

7. Medialunas

Medialunas (half moons) are classic croissants served for breakfast in Spain and France. They are also eaten throughout Latin America and are called differently in each country: cuernitos (horns), cangrejitos (crabs), cachitos. The names are different, but the essence is the same - a puff pastry bagel.

In Argentina, medialunas can be served either plain or with sweet fillings such as dulce de leche, chocolate, ground almonds, and custard. Medialunas are an integral part of the facturas.

Before serving, an Argentine croissant can also be cut and filled with bacon, cheese and pork sausages.

8. Pastafrola

Pastafrola is a homemade open-faced pie very popular in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Like much of Argentina's cuisine, it is of Italian origin. The fillings are mainly marmalade made from quince, guava or sweet potato, as well as boiled condensed milk dulce de leche.

A characteristic feature of pastafrole is that the top of the pie is decorated with a lattice of ribbons made from the same dough as the main mass. Serve this pie with mate at any time of the day or night.

9. Pastelitos de batata

Pastelitos de batata are another very popular sweet in Argentina, filled with sweet potato marmalade. They are fried in a large amount of fat or baked in the oven. Despite the name, quince jam or boiled condensed milk can also be used as a filling.

Pastelitos de batata can be found in pastry shops and bakeries throughout the year. But they are very typical on May 25, Argentina's Motherland Day, when they are eaten with hot chocolate.

10. Tortas fritas

Tortas fritas are a classic of Argentine cuisine. This sweet, which is very easy to prepare, is usually served with mate.

Tortas fritas are popular throughout the country, but they are most traditional in the La Plata River region. Housewives often prepare them in rainy, stormy weather as a sign of gratitude to the Virgin Mary for the rain, which is necessary for good harvests.

An inhabitant of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, the Argentine fish is found in the Barents Sea; rich catches are collected in Norway, Denmark and Ireland. You can only find it frozen on sale, but it preserves the taste well, as well as the nutrients. Experienced housewives prefer to use it for frying or stewing with vegetables.

What kind of fish is Argentina?

Some housewives doubt: Argentine fish - what kind of product is it, will it make a tasty dish? It is also called silverfish for its bright silvery color, and also golden smelt, since the carcasses on the sides retain a golden tint and have a smell like smelt - fresh cucumbers. Some seafood lovers like it, but you can also get rid of it with lemon.

Serebryanka is valued by chefs for its pleasant and delicate taste. Contains many useful substances:

  • protein;
  • fats;
  • riboflavin;
  • tocopherol;
  • minerals.

Argentina fish - how to cook?

This type can be fried, stewed with vegetables, baked; there are dozens of cooking methods for Argentine fish. The characteristic smell of cucumbers is retained only by fresh fish; it can be easily removed not only with lemon juice, but also with vinegar. Some housewives consider silverfish meat to be a bit dry and soak it in a marinade.

There are no special tricks on how to cook Argentine fish, the main thing is to thoroughly clean the black mucus from the abdominal part, remove the scales, and remove the entrails. Some tips:

  1. When fried, bread crumbs will give a golden hue.
  2. It will be easier to bread in flour if you pour it into a bag, and then put the fillet pieces in there and shake.
  3. Allspice, mustard, ginger, nutmeg, and lemon are used with fish.

Argentine fish baked in the oven

Connoisseurs of fish dishes prefer boiled silverfish, with herbs and white sauce. Those who prefer spicy food like the Mexican recipe, with baking. How to cook Argentine fish in the oven is easy to figure out: plenty of herbs and pepper, although it is better to adjust the amount of chili to your taste.


  • fish – 500 g;
  • chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • dry oregano – 1 teaspoon;
  • dry basil – 1 teaspoon;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon;
  • tomato paste – 130 ml;
  • olive oil – 50 ml.


  1. Process the fish, sprinkle with salt and spices.
  2. Make cuts.
  3. Drizzle with half the lime.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Chop the garlic and fry with oregano.
  6. Add tomato paste, chili pepper, basil.
  7. Squeeze the other half of the lime.
  8. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
  9. Cover the pan with foil and add the fish.
  10. Pour over the sauce and simmer in the oven for 40 minutes.

Argentina fish in batter

All types of sea fish are good in batter, since they contain few bones. If you look at Argentinean fish recipes, fried will be at the top of the list. To get a beautiful, crispy crust, fry with the lid open, but if you want a juicier fillet, then you need to cover the frying pan with a lid.


  • fish – 2 pcs.;
  • ginger root – 3 cm;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • flour – 100 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 teaspoons;
  • vegetable oil – 75 ml;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • black pepper - to taste.


  1. Chop the fish into portions.
  2. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  3. Grate the ginger root and crush the garlic.
  4. Mix with fish and leave for half an hour.
  5. Beat the egg, dip the pieces into the mixture, into the flour, and again into the egg.
  6. Fry until crusty.

Argentina fish stew

An easy dietary, yet satisfying dinner – Argentinean fish stew with vegetables. This type goes perfectly with potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, and zucchini. Herbs include dill, parsley, sorrel, and spices include mustard, pepper, oregano. For added spice, you can try adding pineapple pieces.


  • fish – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • black pepper – 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.


  1. Process the fish and cut into pieces.
  2. Chop onion and carrots and fry.
  3. Divide the zucchini and tomatoes into rings.
  4. Stew vegetables for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Place the fish on top and sprinkle with grated garlic.
  6. Dilute tomato paste with water, add and boil.
  7. Cooking Argentine fish takes 15 minutes.

Steamed fish from Argentina

A dietary option that retains a soft and delicate taste is Argentine fish, steamed recipe. To make the dish more aromatic, add herbs, bay leaves, and spices to the water or nearby on the grill. Salt shortly before readiness so that the pulp does not lose its juiciness. If time allows, it is better to marinate the pieces.


  • fish – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • black pepper – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Chop the carcass and mix with spices.
  2. Grind carrots, onions, greens.
  3. Line the steamer basket with foil.
  4. Layer fish, vegetables, grated cheese.
  5. Turn on the program for 25 minutes.
  6. Keep on heating for another 15 minutes.

Argentina fish on the grill

The most delicious fish in Argentina is grilled; sea fish on the grill always amazes with its bouquet of aromas. It is not necessary to marinate; you can salt and pepper the cleaned fish inside and out, and add herbs. It is better to take small carcasses so that they are baked efficiently. Can be strung on twigs and cooked like a shish kebab.


  • fish – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • ground white pepper – 0.25 teaspoon;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • greens - 1 bunch.


  1. Process the carcass, rinse, dry with napkins.
  2. Rub with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Hold for 15 minutes.
  4. Grease with oil and place on the grill.
  5. Fry for 3-5 minutes. on each side, to the crust.
  6. Baked Argentinean fish served with herbs.

Hot smoked fish from Argentina

If you have your own smokehouse, it would be a sin not to take advantage of the opportunity and not prepare a popular snack for beer. Describing how to smoke Argentine sea fish, we note that you can choose a hot or cold method, the first is more reliable. It is recommended to take sawdust from an apple, cherry or acacia tree; it is permissible to mix them in equal proportions. You need to smoke for at least an hour, then let the fish cool and ventilate.


  • fish – 2 kg;
  • salt – 200 g.


  1. Process the carcass and sprinkle with salt.
  2. Leave for an hour.
  3. Rinse and drain.
  4. Cover the grill with foil and arrange the fish.
  5. Turn on the smoker for an hour.
  6. Hang the finished silverware out for airing.

Grilled Argentine fish

Argentine fish is good fried and grilled; with this processing it retains more of its characteristic taste and beneficial substances, and is also enriched with the aroma of herbs and spices, which mixes with smoke, which gives a special relish to the treat. This dish is much healthier than fried in oil, but it is important not to overcook the carcasses over the coals; they are cooked until golden brown. Lemon can be placed in the belly in halves or slices.


(Spanish: Cocina Argentina), like the cuisines of the rest of the countries of the South American continent, is a mixture of national traditional dishes and numerous European recipes that were brought here by settlers from the Old World.

A piece of delicious fried meat and a bottle of good wine (mostly red) are the primary components of the traditional gastronomic ritual in, which is widely famous for its beef (by the way, one of the best in the world) and excellent wine.

Argentine chefs are renowned for their mastery of beef. And for foreign tourists they are always happy to try twice as hard. Therefore, when you come here, take this advice: you should not look for fish restaurants here, because, despite the fact that the country is also rich in fish reserves, the hallmark of Argentina is still tender, delicious beef. By the way, Argentines rank second in the world in terms of beef consumption. And for seafood and fish it is better to go to.

Dinner in Argentina is quite late, not earlier than 9 pm. Therefore, to try out the “big cuisine” you need to go to restaurants after dark. Until then, you will have to be content with only light snacks.

The most popular dishes here are meat dishes: “parrillada” (assorted meat fried on a bbq), “asado” sausages (all also fried on the grill), “tira de asado” (a strip of fried entrecote), “milanesa” (the thinnest chop with fried potatoes), "vasio" (fried tenderloin), "locro" (stewed pork with corn), "yugoso" (meat with blood), traditional pies for the entire continent "empanadas", "bife de chorizo", "bife de lomo" , or " bife de costilla"(charcoal-fried portioned beef), "churasco" (charcoal-fried meat cubes), all kinds of exotic dishes, such as fried oxtails, ostrich meat and much more.

In Argentina, many different vegetable dishes are also prepared, which, however, are served mainly as a side dish. On the coast of the country, fish and seafood are widespread, and in the south they cook venison, lamb and lamb.