Boiled beetroot roses. Vegetable flower: master class

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Boiled carrots Is one of the most common ingredients for preparing a wide variety of dishes. This root vegetable can not only be boiled, but also fried, stewed, pickled, etc.

An interesting fact is that boiled carrots are much healthier than raw! This conclusion was reached by American scientists from the Linus Pauling Scientific Institute. In a boiled form, all the useful components of carrots are better absorbed by the body, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system and internal organs.

Eating boiled carrots is recommended by nutritionists all over the world, referring to the fact that it not only contains a large amount of all kinds of trace elements, but also contributes to weight loss! But in order for the root crop to bring as much benefit as possible, it must be properly cooked. There are several guidelines to help you with this:

  • Before cooking, the carrots only need to be washed. You do not need to remove the peel from it, as well as cut the root crop into pieces.
  • You only need to put the vegetable in cold water, which then needs to be put on fire and brought to a boil.
  • Cook the carrots until they are so soft that they can be pierced freely with a toothpick or knife.

It is carrots boiled in water that can bring more benefits to the body than a root vegetable steamed, fried or baked in the oven.

You can learn more about the beneficial properties and contraindications of boiled carrots from our article.

The use of boiled carrots in cooking

You can use boiled carrots in cooking in a huge number of ways: add to salads, bake with meat, put in jellied meat, use as decoration, etc. Anything that is enough for your imagination can be improved with the help of this root vegetable.

Boiled carrots and beets are used to make delicious vegetable salads such as Mimosa and herring under a fur coat, which usually also include boiled eggs and boiled potatoes. No less popular are salads with boiled liver, chicken breast, mushrooms, crab sticks, shrimps, sausage, onions, green peas, apple, beef, nuts, caviar and squid. Also cheese, boiled fish and garlic go well with boiled carrots. There are many recipes for making mouth-watering and hearty salads using this root vegetable, which are usually seasoned with mayonnaise, butter, sour cream or various sauces.

Boiled carrots are often canned. It is suitable for making a marinade, and when preserved, it is cut into pieces or tinder on a grater.

Delicious casseroles and diet puff salads are made from boiled carrots. And another original way to include a product in your diet is to cook cutlets from it. This carrot dish is perfect for those who are on a diet, or for people who just love healthy food. At the same time, boiled rice and greens are also added to the cutlets, if desired.

Boiled carrots can be used as a decoration for salads or vegetable, meat or fish pies and cakes. To do this, it is cut into thin slices and beautiful roses are made.

Benefit and harm

Any food used by humans can bring benefits and harm, and carrots are no exception. There is an opinion that the smaller the root vegetable, the more beneficial properties it contains. But large vegetables should not be ignored either! Let's find out why boiled carrots are so useful?

  • The root vegetable contains a large amount of pectin and fiber, which help to stabilize metabolism and improve the digestion process. However, if this trace element is in excess in the child's body, problems with the pancreas may arise.
  • Boiled carrots contain a large amount of vitamins, so this vegetable can be used to treat vitamin deficiency. In addition, root vegetables contain many antioxidants that prevent cancer cells from developing and spreading. e. I would especially like to note that it is in boiled carrots that the content of antioxidants is much higher than in raw carrots!
  • This root vegetable can also benefit those who are on a diet, since boiled carrots not only contain many useful trace elements, but also have a fairly low calorie content. There are also few carbohydrates in its composition, so you can use the product without worrying about your weight.
  • For people with diseases of the heart and circulatory system, as well as with hypertension, most doctors recommend including boiled carrots in their diet. It helps to lower blood pressure as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels..

As for the harm, then, oddly enough, the use of boiled carrots is not forbidden to anyone. The only exception is people who are allergic to this product, and everyone else, including diabetics, children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, can always eat carrots. With gastritis and pancreatitis, the daily rate of boiled root vegetables should not exceed 150 grams, and these people need to use it only in the form of mashed potatoes.

The disadvantage of such a product is that boiled carrots, consumed in large quantities, often weakens people who have weak intestines.

Cooking boiled carrots

It is imperative to cook boiled carrots correctly so that they bring as much benefit as possible. To do this, you need to take note of our simple recommendations.:

  • Rinse the root vegetable in cold water as thoroughly as possible so that no dirt remains on it.
  • Never peel or cut a vegetable into pieces before boiling, as all the beneficial components will end up in the water and will not bring the proper benefits to the body.
  • Put the carrots in cold water, which should cover the root crop completely.
  • The cooking time of the vegetable is twenty minutes. If the carrots are large, you can cook them for about half an hour, until they are tender.
  • Leave the root vegetable to cool. After this happens, you can gently peel off the carrot peel with a thin layer and cut the vegetable into pieces or grate.

In order to cool boiled carrots faster, you can immerse them in cold water for a while, and then start cleaning them.

How to clean?

There are several different ways to peel boiled carrots. To begin with, I would like to note that boiled vegetables will be easier to peel if you pour cold water over them immediately after cooking. And then you can use any method of cleaning products.

The most common way is with a vegetable peeler. With its help, you can easily peel not only boiled carrots, but also potatoes, beetroot and any other vegetables. You need to peel the root vegetable in this way: hold the carrots with your thumb and forefinger, put the peeler with the blade on the peel with your free hand and start peeling from top to bottom.

You can also peel boiled carrots with a regular knife, trying to cut as thin a layer of the skin as possible.

As a last resort, you can leave the peel intact if the carrot was grown in your own garden, as the peel contains the most vitamins. You only need to clean the root crop from dirt with a special brush..

How to store?

Cooked carrots can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months. If you want to extend the shelf life, you can grate it and send it to the freezer, where you can leave the carrots for four to five months.

How to make a rose decoration?

Boiled carrots can be used to make a lovely rose-shaped decoration that can be used to decorate salads or vegetable pies. To do this, you need a simple set of tools, as well as our recommendations. In order to make it clearer for you how to make a rose from boiled carrots, we suggest watching a training video, as well as taking note of our master class.

  1. First, boil the required amount of carrots, but do not peel them off until the root vegetable is ready. Then peel the carrots and cut into thin slices. One vegetable should make approximately 20 rings.
  2. Dip the carrot rings in the saline solution for half an hour, then place them on pre-prepared napkins to get rid of the moisture.
  3. After the carrot pieces are almost dry, place them on the table as shown in the photo. The distance between the rings should be no more than one centimeter.
  4. Now start rolling the entire strip into a roll. Do this slowly and carefully, moving from large rings to smaller ones.
  5. After making sure that you have twisted the roll as tightly as possible, use a toothpick to secure the bottom of the roll horizontally and vertically.
  6. After securing the bud with toothpicks, begin to gently unfold it. As a result, you should get a beautiful rose made from boiled carrots, which can be used to decorate salads and snacks.

Below you will find a video with which you can easily learn how to make roses from boiled carrots. Such an original decoration will make your dishes brighter and more appetizing!

It is better not to eat at all than to eat without appetite. Edibles will help make lunch boring. DIY vegetable flowers... How to turn any dish into a culinary masterpiece will be discussed and shown in this article.

Everything easy to do by yourself, for this you don't really need anything except a sharp knife and a little effort. Those who read the last article on the site could not help but notice how beautifully, in a festive way, the dish is decorated with the help of blooming roses cut from vegetables. As I promised last time, today is a master class on the production of these wonderful, extraordinarily beautiful masterpieces of art - an edible flowering garden on the table. To decorate the festive table, we need: radishes, boiled beets, tomatoes and boiled carrots.

And we will cook from all the listed vegetables: radish buds, beetroot and tomato roses, as well as carrot bells. So let's get started!

Radish buds

1. Make an arc-shaped incision with a knife in a circle along the fruit. You will have 4 or 5 "petals", depending on the size of the radish fruit.

2. Around the petals, remove the pulp with a thin layer. We give the core of the radish fruit a rounded shape and in the end, decorate the resulting beautiful bud with parsley sprigs.

Beetroot roses

1. Peel the boiled chilled beets. Using a sharp knife, cut off the base in a spiral.

2. Put the base on the dish. Let's cut out the "petals": for this we will cut off thin beetroot plates, moving with a knife in a spiral.

3. We put the petals in the bud: gently folding, put in the center of the base. Thus, we collect the whole flower from the "petals" - beet plates. Decorate the beetroot rose with parsley sprigs.

Tomato roses

1. We need a strong, ripe medium-sized tomato. We will remove the stalk from it.

2. Now, using a sharp knife, begin to cut the skin in a spiral. In this case, the knife must be moved with small movements back and forth so that the rose petals are wavy.

3. Gently fold the resulting spiral ribbon into a rose, which we decorate with a sprig of parsley.

Carrot bells

1. Peel the boiled chilled carrots and make small grooves in them. Sharpen the base with a knife so that it looks like a cone.

2. Holding the knife at an angle to the fruit, cut the pulp at the base of the carrot so as not to disturb the shape. Cutting off the first "cone", we get a "bell" with a jagged edge. Now you can start cutting the next one.

3. Put the resulting three bells to each other and decorate with greens.

As you can see, do vegetable table decorations it's not so difficult with your own hands, only three steps are separated before the transformation of an ordinary vegetable into a flower of extraordinary beauty! The main thing is to do all the work carefully, show a little effort, a little patience and then beautiful roses, bright buds and elegant bells will bloom on your table, which will completely transform any dish and raise everyone's appetite and mood!

Watch the video for another easy way to cut beetroot and carrot roses. Enjoy your viewing.

Food should not only be tasty, but also beautifully presented. After all, first we eat with our eyes, and then we proceed to the meal itself. You can simply decorate this or that dish with a sprig of greens, but flowers from whole vegetables will look much more beautiful. Bright roses, chrysanthemums, daisies will turn any dinner into a holiday.

Any tight vegetables are suitable for flowers: cucumbers, daikon, radishes, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers. It is not necessary to be proficient in carving to get a beautiful flower craft. It is enough to learn a few lessons on the formation of flowers and each hostess will be able to aesthetically serve any ordinary dish. Even the usual "Herring under a fur coat" or "Olivier" will play differently if a bouquet of beetroot or carrot roses flaunts on top. Next, we will take a step-by-step look at how simple vegetable flowers are made.

A common bulb can easily turn into a chic white chrysanthemum. This flower can be used to decorate a salad or main course.

You will need:

  • 1 small onion;
  • water at room temperature.

Manufacturing process:

  1. For chrysanthemums, a small, dense onion bulb is suitable. It is desirable that the bow be thin-walled. You can use white, pink, or blue bows. Accordingly, you get flowers of different colors.
  2. Remove the husk from the onion, cut off the top and root. With a sharp knife, cut the onion lengthwise, without cutting to the lower edge of the onion 0.5 cm. To cut, we start from the upper edge, where the feather usually grows. Now we make another longitudinal cut perpendicular to the first one. It turns out the onion is almost cut into 4 parts.
  3. We cut each quarter into several petals, moving the knife in the same direction (from top to bottom, without cutting to the end). We try to make the cuts carefully so as not to damage the neighboring petals.

    The notches should be deep enough for the flower to be lush. But if you cut too much, then the bud will simply fall apart and will not hold its shape.

  4. Pour water at room temperature into a deep bowl, place the onion in it so that the liquid completely covers it. We leave for an hour and a half. Gradually, the onions bloom in the water and turn into a lush chrysanthemum, as in the photo
  5. Depending on the type of onion, the opening time may take longer or less. If time is running out, you can gently spread the petals with your fingers, then the flower will be ready even earlier.

Fresh cucumber rose

You can decorate any salad with a beautiful rose or place it in the center of a plate with meat or vegetable cuts. Any person can make such a flower, even those who are very far from cooking and carving.

You will need:

  • 1 long fresh cucumber;
  • peeler;
  • toothpicks.

Manufacturing process:

  1. From the washed, dried cucumber, we begin to cut thin longitudinal stripes with a vegetable peeler, from which we will subsequently form petals. We will not need the very first strip with the skin.
  2. Slowly cut the stripes until we reach the core with seeds. Because parts cut with seeds will fall apart, then we turn the vegetable on its other side. Cut off strip by strip again. From one medium cucumber, 16-20 blanks are obtained.
  3. We choose the narrowest and shortest strip, roll it up with a tube with a slight spiral displacement, forming the middle of the flower.
  4. Now we form the first petal. Without letting go of the center of the bud, we take a cucumber strip with our free hand, we wind one end of it behind a spiral tube. Slightly lower we make a bend away from ourselves, lowering the other end to the base of the bud. We wrap the base of the rose with the remaining end of the strip as low as possible. The petal is ready.
  5. We apply the next strip to the base of the first petal, bend it in the same way from ourselves and wrap the bottom of the flower with the tip. We try to form the subsequent petals in a checkerboard pattern so that the base of the previous petal is covered by the next one. Because the vegetable strips are covered with sticky cucumber juice, then the petals will easily stick together. If too long blanks come across, then we shorten them in the course of work.
  6. Don't worry if somewhere the flower turns out to be asymmetrical or crooked, this will give the rose a more natural shape. To form one bud, we need about 11-12 petals.
  7. At the end of the work, the flower can be fixed with a toothpick, supplemented with several leaves from the same cucumber or several sprigs of parsley.

Using the same scheme, you can make roses from daikon, carrots, pickles, etc.

From the orange root, very beautiful bright flowers are obtained that do not need additional coloring. You can easily make a beautiful lily from a small carrot in a matter of minutes. It can be used to decorate a salad, jellied or snack cake.

You will need:

  • 1 long carrot;
  • sharp knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash carrots, peel them. We make sure that the carrots are free of damage and wormholes. Cut off the top and bottom of the root crop to make a barrel. Cutting off the excess, we form a pentagon from the carrot.
  2. Armed with a sharp knife, we cut off a thin strip-petal from each face, slightly not cutting to the very bottom. We sharpen each petal from the ends, cutting off the excess at the corners.
  3. We cut off the next row of petals, but not from the place where the first ones were cut off, but slightly shifted to the side. The petals should be staggered. Thus, we cut out 3-4 rows of petals, depending on the thickness of the carrot.
  4. Round the rest of the central part to make a cone. On this our lily is ready. The same white lily can be cut from daikon.

Pink beet bud

If you need to beautifully decorate a dish with roses, then the most beautiful rose is obtained from beetroot. The root crop has a bright color, smoothly changing shades.

You will need:

  • 1 large beet root vegetable;
  • small kitchen knife with a thin blade.

Manufacturing process:

  1. First, let's prepare the vegetable for work. Wash the beets thoroughly, clean them. Now we give it the desired shape. On one side, outline the base of the bud. We give it a conical forum, cutting off all unnecessary. The petals will be cut along the cone, the second part remains rounded.
  2. We outline the place where the first lower petal will be located. Firmly holding the root crop, cut off the first petal, not cutting to the end 1-0.5 cm. Moving from the center along the wall of the cone to its base Closer to the base, the petal should thicken, and we try to make the edge very thin.
  3. We cut out all unnecessary from under the petal. To do this, put the knife at an acute angle to the inside of the cut petal and cut off the unnecessary. This creates additional space between the rows of petals. We go in a circle, cutting off the petals - the first row is ready.
  4. Now we begin to cut the second row, just form the petals in a checkerboard pattern relative to the first row. We also remove excess pulp. If necessary, trim and round the edges of the petals.
  5. Similarly, we make the third level, only gradually reducing the size of the petals and changing their angle of inclination, since the cone will truncate more and more. The petals must be handled with extreme caution, as they are very fragile and can break off with a single careless movement.
  6. Having made 4 levels, we proceed to making the middle of the bud. We also cut out petals from it, only they turn out to be small enough.
  7. We examine the bud for the last time, level the petals. The pink beet bud is ready.

Sweet pepper flower

Using peppers of different sizes and colors, you can get a beautiful flower bouquet that you can even eat.

You will need:

  • 1 pod of sweet pepper with a tail;
  • cold water;
  • small kitchen knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Taking the pepper by the tail, we make cuts with a sharp knife. We move from the top of the pod to its base, without cutting a couple of centimeters to the tail. Cut the entire pulp of the pepper into thin strips, moving in a circle.
  2. We cut each formed narrow petal lengthwise into two more parts. Therefore, it is better to take fleshy pepper. If we only cut off the peel, it will curl up into a circle. And if a little pulp remains on the peel, then both petals will be straight.
  3. When the vegetable is finished, immerse the pepper in cold water for a quarter of an hour. The petals in the water will open, disperse to the sides, making the flower voluminous and beautiful. If we left only the skin, then it will twist into a ring, forming beautiful curls along the radius of the flower. Such a graceful flower will become a real decoration of the festive table.

Edible carrot flower

Blanks for this fabulous flower are very easy to cut. Then they are going to a toothpick and the decoration is ready. And to make the flower tasty to eat, the petals are kept in a marinade.

You will need:

  • 1 large thick carrot;
  • salt and vinegar to taste;
  • water;
  • sharp knife;
  • toothpick;
  • peeler;
  • 1 small onion onion.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash carrots, peel, make an oblique cut. Using a vegetable peeler, cut thin petals along this cut.
  2. Cut each petal from one edge in half to the center of the workpiece. At this point, the petal will fold and prick onto the toothpick during assembly.
  3. From the opposite side along the edge to the center of the workpiece, cut off narrow strips on both sides of the petal tip. For one flower we make 4 large petals and 4 slightly smaller.
  4. So, we begin to collect the flower. First put on the large petals on the edge of the toothpick. To do this, we take the first blank, string on the edge of a toothpick, first one half of the part cut in half, and then the other. Thanks to this, the petal takes the shape of a boat. The cut off antennae stick out. We string all 4 large petals, placing them opposite each other.
  5. Now we also put on smaller petals, only we arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. At the end of the toothpick we put on a piece of white onion to imitate the core of the flower.
  6. To make the flowers tastier, add table vinegar and salt to the boiled chilled water to taste. Stir everything well, put our flowers there for an hour. Decorations marinated in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

The bright red hot pepper antarium looks very impressive on the table. A dish decorated with such a flower will not go unnoticed. And making such a decoration is not difficult at all.

You will need:

  • 1 pod of hot pepper;
  • scissors;
  • sharp knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We put on rubber gloves so as not to get burned when working with hot peppers. Wash the pepper and dry it.
  2. With a sharp knife, make a longitudinal incision along one of the walls. Cut off the pulp around the stalk, cut out the tail along with the core on which the seeds are attached. You need to act carefully so that the seeds are not sprinkled, because they will be central to our craft.
  3. We unfold the pepper on the plank, give it the shape of an antarium. To do this, it is enough to round off the bottom of the workpiece and slightly trim the top so that it becomes pyramidal with a rounded edge.
  4. The final touch remains. Having stepped back from the base of the workpiece 2-3 cm, we make a puncture in the center on the front shiny side. We insert the tail from the pepper into it, and the core with the seeds remains on top, turning into a flower pistil. Antarium is ready.

The white papillote made of daikon with a bright orange core looks very bright in spring. Therefore, it is good to decorate festive dishes for March 8 and Easter with it.

You will need:

  • 1 daikon;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • sharp knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. My daikon, peel it off. Cut off the lower tapering part and the tip. You should get a blank in the form of a barrel with a height of 10-12 cm.
  2. Separately, in a bowl, prepare a cool saline solution, place the daikon blank there for an hour. After that, the radish pulp will soften and be easy to cut.
  3. Now place the keg on its side on a cutting board. We begin to cut a strip 2 mm thick and 10 cm long with a sharp knife in a circle.
  4. Fold the resulting tape in half lengthwise. We take a sharp knife and begin to make cuts from the side of the bend, not cutting to the end of 1 cm. We make notches in increments of 0.5-0.7 cm.
  5. Twist the fringe into a flower, chop it off with a toothpick.
  6. We do the same operation with carrots to get a fringe to form the center of the papillote. We attach an orange piece to the center of the flower with a toothpick. The flower is ready.

A very effective decoration for any leek dish.

You will need:

  • 1 stalk of leeks;
  • toothpick.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take a fresh onion stalk, wash it thoroughly, separate one outer leaf. Fold it in half along its entire length.
  2. With a sharp knife we ​​make notches from the side of the bend, without cutting to the edge of 1 cm.Cuts are made every 0.5 cm.
  3. We turn the workpiece in a spiral, starting from the light green part of the sheet. Then the flower will turn out light inside, and gradually darken towards the edges.
  4. We make petals from the wide part of the stem, bending equal segments of the stem in half.
  5. We attach 6 petals to the core twisted in a spiral with toothpicks. This completes the work on the flower.

So that the flowers from vegetables with your own hands do not disappoint you, choose fruits with a dense structure. Also, many vegetables tend to dry out quickly when sliced, so do not make vegetable flowers long before serving. As a last resort, store the flowers in the refrigerator until serving. If you follow these simple rules, your dishes and decorations will amaze even the most picky guest. Bon appetit, everyone!


Of course, carving masters are capable of creating real works of art, but we will carve humble roses from ordinary carrots and onions. It is better to take a pink onion to look more beautiful. We need an ordinary thin knife and a special, curly one (you can buy this at a hardware store).

Let's focus on decorating salads, dreaming of how to lose 10 kg in a week - this will distract our thoughts from eating these very salads. Boil the carrots first.

1. Using a special knife, make cuts on the onion. For this purpose, you need to take a flat onion. Divide the onion into two parts along the incision line.

2. Divide each half of the onion into curly components. They come in different sizes.

3. With boiled carrots in a circle, remove a long thin strip with an ordinary knife. We try to keep the strip as long as possible.

4. We wrap the strip in a roll.

5. It turns out some semblance of a flower.

6. Place the rolled carrot strip into the onion base. It turned out to be a kind of flower.

7. To enhance the similarity, place a slice of olive or prune in the middle of the flower.