ROASTNMILL: natural roasted ground coffee with a rich taste and rich aroma. Interesting historical facts about precious stones

How much does natural ground coffee cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

For the first time, natural ground coffee, which was packaged in tin cans, was released in 1878 in America. And about 3 decades later, the Hill Breeders company patented this type in vacuum packaging.

Currently, more than several thousand varieties of coffee are entering the market. Natural coffee lovers can be divided into 2 categories: those who purchase ground coffee, and those who prefer roasted beans. The ground product costs significantly less than beans and can be a mixture of coffees from different countries.

Depending on certain factors, natural ground coffee can be classified as: caffeinated or decaffeinated, flavored or unflavored. Interestingly, some varieties are aromatized, one might say, “on their own.” Take, for example, a variety of coffee called “Blue Mountain” - it can “boast” of its unique taste due to the fact that it is transported in rum barrels.

Preparing natural ground coffee requires certain costs, unlike instant coffee, for which you only need to have boiling water, a cup and a spoon on hand. Coffee lovers know that they brew this aromatic drink in a cezve (Turk) or in a coffee maker. All that remains is to find out which coffee grind is ideal for your coffee maker, since the brewing method is also selected based on the degree of grinding. There is even a certain rule: the shorter the drink preparation cycle, the finer the coffee grind. Of course, you can use coffee beans, just grind them before cooking.

So, there are 3 main types of coffee grinding and 3 additional ones. Coarse or coarse grinds are ideal for French press (piston coffee makers) when the optimal brew time is 7 minutes. For drip coffee makers and many other brewing methods, it is recommended to choose natural, medium-ground coffee. Here, the preparation time for the drink is reduced by a couple of minutes. Fine or fine grinding of coffee is required for use in coffee makers with cone-shaped filters. Just 1-4 minutes and the most aromatic drink is ready.

This information concerned, so to speak, the main or basic types of grinding. In addition, there are 3 more options that are familiar to true coffee connoisseurs: fine espresso grind, medium fine (coarse) grind and powdery, ultra-fine grind. Natural ground coffee of the latter type is very similar in structure to flour and is used exclusively for brewing a real Turkish drink in a cezve.

Some professionals who really understand the ins and outs of coffee grinding believe that even the level of humidity in the air plays an important role. However, it is certainly too complicated for home cooking. It is enough to determine which natural ground coffee is suitable for your coffee maker so that the prepared drink suits you.

Calorie content of natural ground coffee 200.6 kcal

Energy value of natural ground coffee (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 13.9 g (~56 kcal)
: 14.4 g (~130 kcal)
: 4.1 g (~16 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 28%|65%|8%

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world. There are many varieties and brands, so the buyer often faces a difficult choice: which coffee is the best?

In Russia, ground coffee is inferior to instant coffee in popularity. But for its lovers, there are many well-known brands on the market with their own lines of varieties.

So, how to choose the perfect coffee for yourself?

We talked about how to properly brew ground coffee in a cup.

Which ground coffee is best?

The taste of coffee beans is determined by several parameters: the ripening conditions of the plant, the climate in which it grows, weather conditions and even the composition of the soil.

Manufacturer country

  1. Coffee from India is considered strong and has spicy, bitter and sweet flavors. Indian coffee is completely devoid of sourness, which is considered a characteristic of Arabica coffee.
  2. Kenyan and Yemeni varieties famous for their high caffeine content and low acidity. Colombian and Brazilian coffee have higher acidity. Highland varieties have a delicate taste and rich aroma. The bitterness characteristic of coffee is practically not felt in them.
  3. Ethiopian coffee is of impeccable quality. Its grains produce a high-quality, strong and deep drink, in the taste of which chocolate notes are discernible and there are light fruity shades.
  4. Coffee from Brazil often has an unpleasant pharmaceutical flavor. The reason for this is the high content of quinine in the soil. Its grains are rarely used in their pure form. As a rule, they are part of blends and mixtures.
  5. Cuban coffee is exported as blends. They go on sale under the brand name “qubita”.
  6. The best single-origin coffees are sold as beans. Specialty coffee shops often provide an additional free service for grinding beans right at the point of purchase.

Today, the freeze-dried drink is gaining popularity, or what are its main differences from the instant drink - read the article at the link.

We recommend the most delicious recipe for making mochaccino: all the aroma of a high-quality Arabica variety is in your cup.


Roasting degree

The bright boxes we see in stores usually contain highly roasted coffee. Russian and European companies, purchasing grains from producers, most often roast the mixture themselves, using Italian roasting technology. This approach to the product is easy to explain. Lightly roasted ground coffee cannot be stored for long, even if it is packaged in vacuum bags.

Those who are used to buying grains by weight need to know that the strength of the finished drink depends on the degree of roasting.

For ground coffee, a strong to medium roast is considered optimal. After all, only she is able to reveal the flavor bouquet of coffee beans.

Grinding levels

The classification of grinding degrees is quite simple and understandable even to those who are not professionals in the coffee industry. It includes 5 main steps.

Rating of the best brands of ground coffee

Coffee brands are widely represented on supermarket shelves and are able to satisfy the most demanding and discerning tastes. Of course, if possible, it is better to buy a single variety rather than a mixture.

The most delicious coffees

Varieties from Central America, Kenya and Ethiopia are highly valued. Professional experts prefer Blue Mountain from Jamaica, Panamanian Geisha and Kopi Luwak (Indonesia). But buyers in different countries of the world have their own preferences regarding the choice of goods.

Coffee is one of the most refined drinks that is present in almost every home. Ground coffee has a special status. This is what all gourmets choose in order to experience the true taste of this drink, as well as feel the desired effect. Choosing ground coffee is an art that requires special knowledge. Many people can rely on the seller in this matter, however, this is a big mistake. Most often, the seller himself is not aware of the varieties and features, but is simply trying to sell you what is beneficial to him. That's why we've put together 9 expert tips to help you make the right choice from our wide variety of ground coffee.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to buy ground coffee exclusively from Brazil, Colombia or India, since that is where the huge plantations of our element are located. But you should not make a choice in favor of these countries. Countries such as Italy, Germany and others buy coffee from the above countries, and only then apply certain roasting and grinding methods to them. Moreover, the technologies of these countries are more progressive, so we can say that the final product is better. That is why it is better to give preference to progressive countries in which the necessary fruits do not grow, but coffee is produced under a well-known brand, than to “coffee” countries that do not have the proper technologies and brand.

Before choosing, decide which cooking method is right for you. Each cooking method requires ground coffee of a certain degree of grinding. Fine and ultra-fine grinding must be used in order to prepare the drink in a Turk. If you are going to brew with a filter coffee maker, then medium or coarse grind coffee will suit you. Fine grinding is inappropriate here, as it will not impart the proper taste to the finished drink. The choice between medium and coarse grinding should be made based on the specifics of your technique. Also, to make espresso in a specialized coffee maker, you will need espresso grinding.

The degree of roasting plays an important role in determining the taste. The important thing to understand here is that there is no correct degree of roasting. Roasting is as follows:

This is only a general classification, since different countries have different terminology. You need to know one thing - the higher the degree of roasting, the richer the taste of the finished drink. Always look at this parameter on the packaging so as not to find yourself in a situation where your coffee turns out to be too bitter. Remember that most often the Italian product is the most deeply roasted. Other producing countries produce completely different ground coffee.

Of course, there are an indefinite number of varieties. They all have their own special taste, which, basically, can only be recognized by a true gourmet or a person with good taste buds. However, all these varieties come down to two, which are considered classic - Arabica and Robusta. You can often find the words “100% Arabica” on packaging. Its meaning is clear, but how does it affect the taste of the drink?

Arabica has a slight acidity, rich taste and strong aroma. It has less caffeine than Robusta. The Robusta variety has a stronger taste, instead of sourness there are bitter notes, and it also contains more caffeine. You can rarely find “100% Robusta” coffee on the shelves, since it is used to dilute Arabica beans. Thus, we get a mixture for the espresso drink. Pay attention to the percentage ratio of these two varieties on the packaging to understand what kind of drink you can prepare.

Now every consumer has the opportunity to choose ground coffee with a variety of flavors. This can be a drink with chocolate, nuts, cognac and other flavors. Here the question arises, how to distinguish natural from its analogue with flavorings. The answer is as follows: natural coffee with additional aroma can only be with some kind of bulk spices. For example, with cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, etc. You can be sure that a drink with some kind of fruit, chocolate or alcohol is chemical.

Attention! Always look at the ingredients of such drinks. If it is natural, then the composition should only contain it and an additional ingredient. Drinks with chemical additives not only do not help you experience the real taste, but they can also negatively affect your health.

Inside the roasted beans there is a special gas bubble, which stores the entire aroma of this drink. After grinding, the coffee begins to “fizzle out,” which leads to a complete loss of aroma. To avoid this consequence, buy coffee in a vacuum briquette. It will best preserve the aroma of your drink and will also prevent it from spilling. Never buy coffee in paper bags that sit in the store for a long time. If you have your eye on coffee by weight, which is sold exclusively in paper bags, then ask to grind it in front of you to be sure of its freshness and aroma. When you get home, don’t forget to pour it into a jar or vacuum briquette, which you set aside specifically for your favorite drink and do not use for other purposes.

Very often, manufacturers add some kind of admixture to save money. Most often it is chicory. Of course, there is nothing bad to say about it, except that you pay for coffee and get it. To test if your coffee has extra contaminants, simply pour a handful into cold water. Good coffee will all float on top, and any impurities will settle to the bottom or color your water. This advice will allow you to understand next time whether it is worth making a choice in favor of one option or another.

The cost of coffee is not a factor that is of great importance when choosing coffee because, by following all the previous tips, you can choose good coffee at a low cost. But there are still a few nuances that you need to take into account. Don’t think that the most expensive coffee will be the most delicious and aromatic.

The high price of coffee may depend on the characteristics of its production. There are varieties whose production involves animal digestion. For example, palm civet is used to produce one of the varieties, the price of which reaches several tens of thousands of rubles per kilogram. This animal eats the fruits, after which they leave its digestion and are collected by people. These fruits are roasted, and we get a unique variety of coffee, which has a difference in price, but not a very big difference in taste. This striking example shows that you should not make a choice solely in favor of expensive coffee.

Focus on the average price, then you can be sure that this product is not overpriced due to the nature of production, but at the same time the coffee is quite good, because it costs more than budget options.

If you want to act on the principle “I’ll buy it so it lasts for a long time,” then using ground coffee is not very smart. As we already mentioned, coffee tends to “fizzle out.” Even the most proper packaging will not protect him from this. When buying coffee, expect about 5-10 days. It is during this period that freshly ground coffee can retain its full aroma and taste.

To experience the maximum degree of enjoyment of your favorite drink, follow these tips. They will allow you to turn your coffee drink into a real masterpiece that will warm you up on winter evenings and wake you up every morning.

Coffee is the second most popular drink in the world - after clean drinking water. And if just yesterday instant coffee was the most popular - fast, convenient and cheap, today the demand for natural coffee, beans and ground, is rapidly growing. With an unearthly aroma, an indescribable bitterness, thick grounds at the bottom of the cup and that same taste...

An amazing fact: the first can of ground coffee appeared in US stores in 1878, and already in 1908, the Hill Brothers company launched the ground product in vacuum packaging, which we still use today. Several thousand varieties of aromatic drink are sold in different parts of the world, catering to the most sophisticated and fastidious tastes and colors. But a natural product can only be in two forms - grains and ground powder.

Ground drinks are bought in stores much more often than grain drinks, although the most fragrant drink is made from freshly ground grains. What is the reason?

Some people simply don’t want to bother and turn on the coffee grinder every time they need to brew a fragrant cup. After all, the ground drink is 100% natural, and few can distinguish the nuances of taste and smell. Not all of us are such big coffee gourmets.

Some people are used to taking coffee powder to work and brewing it in a French press. Don't rattle the coffee grinder throughout the office? And someone looks at the price - the grain product is more expensive...

Which is better - ground or grain?

Let's dive a little into the coffee making process. Each grain is a kind of capsule, filled with natural chemicals and essential oils and protected by a hard crust. When roasting, it is the oils that give the beans their unique chocolate hue and smell.

But as soon as the shell is destroyed (after grinding), the essential oils instantly enter into a chemical reaction with the air and oxidize. In a matter of minutes, the product loses its enchanting aroma and taste.

Coffee experts assure: ground coffee lives for 15 minutes after leaving the coffee grinder. Then it's just a dead mixture. It loses its unique smell, becomes boring (after 15 minutes you can no longer distinguish different varieties by smell!), and rancid. Delicious - no doubt. But it’s not that magical drink anymore...

Don't believe me? Do an experiment. Take two sheets of paper, pour a spoonful of freshly ground coffee on one, leave for 3-4 hours without covering it. Then grind another portion, place it next to each other and smell both coffee slides. The difference is incredible! And if you repeat this experience with store-bought and home-made ground coffee, you will forever avoid shelves with “fragrant” powder. Only grain!

Video: What is the difference between instant and ground coffee

And one moment. When roasting, carbon dioxide accumulates in the beans, so the ground coffee is kept in the open air for several days before packaging. This process is called degassing. Without degassing, powder cannot be transported in vacuum packaging - the packaging will either swell or simply explode. Thus, coffee ends up in a pack having already lost a good half of its aroma.

What other advantages do freshly ground coffee have over store-bought coffee?

In addition to the bright taste, grinding coffee at home, immediately before brewing, is worth it for the following reasons.

  1. The manufacturer always strives to reduce costs. Some people show real miracles of ingenuity in this matter, adding chicory or even... acorns to ground coffee. This is not a joke at all; there are plenty of such examples in the harsh coffee market. In a dark powder you may not notice any impurities (a fried acorn is invisible), you will only feel a strange aftertaste. And you certainly won’t prove anything.
  2. A low-quality product is another reason for a suspicious taste. In ground form, the cheapest coffee cannot be distinguished from elite coffee, so manufacturers are constantly improving in the art of counterfeiting. Usually, scammers or cunning companies dilute the fragrant Arabica with cheaper varieties. Most often robusta, but sometimes also liberica, which is rarely exported at all; its place is in the confectionery industry. It tastes very bitter.
  3. For each method of preparing a charming drink there is a different grind. For a French press - large, for a coffee machine - medium, for a home Turkish coffee maker or geyser coffee maker - coffee dust. It’s easy to keep track of this in your own coffee grinder, but the manufacturer doesn’t always give you the option to choose the grind.

The conclusion from this is the simplest: buy coffee exclusively in beans and grind it at home. Even the simplest coffee grinder will provide you with a cup of aromatic, delicious drink, which cannot be said about a package of store-bought ground coffee. It’s better to buy it only for work, an office or a production facility, where a French press is waiting for you.

How to choose ground coffee?

If you still can’t always buy the product in beans, you need to learn how to choose ground coffee correctly. What should you pay attention to?

1. Grinding

First, decide where you will brew your coffee; the degree of grinding depends on this. Powder of the “wrong” grind can seriously spoil the result - for example, if you use coffee dust for an espresso machine, you will get an unintelligible and tasteless brew. All information about the degree of grinding is written on the label.

Video: Coffee grinding: 5 main types

And most importantly, regardless of the grind (fine, coarse, medium), high-quality coffee must be homogeneous.

2. Variety.

Thousands of coffee varieties differ significantly - in flavor (both berry and chocolate), astringency, bitterness, aroma... But wherever all these coffee trees grow, most of them belong to two types - Arabica and Robusta. There are also Liberica and Excelsa, but they are grown in small numbers - to enhance the taste of elite coffee blends, and Liberica is also used for confectionery production.

If you’re lucky, the manufacturer will put only one variety in the package and be sure to sign: “100% Arabica.” But more often than not, a blend awaits you in a coffee packet. If it says “espresso” on the package, it’s definitely a mixture with Robusta: in a ratio of 50/50, 60/40, 70/30.

Try to find coffee where this proportion is indicated - such information is very useful. Arabica coffee has less caffeine, giving your morning energy drink a rich taste and signature scent. Robusta is stronger, slightly bitter and perfectly invigorating - it contains the most caffeine.

If you value coffee specifically for its strength, then choose one with more robusta. If your heart is playing tricks or your blood pressure is jumping, look for pure Arabica. Another option is decaffeinated coffee. It is just as tasty, but the caffeine was “pulled out” before roasting, so the invigorating effect is minimal.

But the highest quality and most delicious coffee is still 100% Arabica, processed wet. And ideally, it is also hand-assembled.

3. Flavored or unflavored.

Coffee with additives is now at the peak of popularity - cognac, almond, amaretto, coconut... But true connoisseurs of this drink still prefer the natural version: strong flavors drown out the taste of even the best Arabica. Not to mention the fact that most additives are “identical to natural”, that is, absolute chemistry.

Definitely artificial additives are cognac and amaretto, almonds and hazelnuts, orange and chocolate. This also includes the most exotic “blends”: dessert tiramisu, pina colada, royal cherry, orange with chocolate, banana shake, etc. Natural - only spices: cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg. The most elite and expensive varieties of coffee can also be flavored naturally, transported in rum barrels.

The Arabs were the first to come up with the idea of ​​flavoring coffee. According to one version, they wanted to diversify their favorite drink; according to another, healthy spices reduced the harmfulness of strong espresso. In any case, if you want to experiment, buy the spices yourself and add them to your favorite drink. Coffee's best friends are cinnamon, star anise, nutmeg, allspice, cardamom and ginger.

4. Roasting.

The taste, strength and smell of the drink directly depend on roasting, so you need to read the label more carefully. Weak, medium, strong or maximum? Although in fact there is no single classification, and from different manufacturers a product of the same roast may differ noticeably in taste.

There is only one way out - to try, although there are general trends. Strongly roasted coffee is more bitter, but if you prefer a milder taste, choose a light roast. And pay attention: Italian coffee is usually strongly roasted!

5. Packaging.

The first option is coffee in packs.

Ground grains are usually sold in vacuum packaging - hard or soft, the main volume is 250 g. A soft pack must be selected with a special degassing valve. Firstly, you can press on it and feel the aroma of coffee, this is how a fresh product is distinguished from an already unusable one. Secondly, the presence of a valve is proof that the coffee powder was packaged immediately after roasting and grinding. Coffee in soft packs is often coarsely ground, made in the fastest (and cheapest) way.

Hard packaging is noticeably superior to soft packaging - the drink in it retains both the coffee aroma and special taste much better. It is very easy to recognize such a product - the packs of coffee look like solid bricks. The main thing is to check whether the packaging is damaged in any place (in this case it becomes soft).

A big plus of such packaging is that it usually always indicates the degree of roasting, the grinding option, and what is the best way to prepare this drink.

The second option is coffee in pods.

Pods (or monodoses) are single-use portions of ground coffee, packaged in a paper filter and foil packaging. They are intended for pod coffee machines, which are convenient to use at home, in the office, and in catering establishments. This drink is made according to the open standard Easy Serving Espresso (ESE pods), which means easily prepared espresso.

The third option is coffee in capsules.

Coffee capsules are a trend of recent decades. Today there are already more than three capsule coffee preparation systems, but there is one feature - each coffee machine has only its own special capsules. Therefore, when purchasing a capsule coffee maker, you are “doomed” to only one type of coffee. With the monotony of varieties and tastes, you can only hope for quality, so when buying a new box, be sure to open it and smell it. A bright coffee aroma is a sign of a fresh and high-quality drink.

Video: Coffee machines - is coffee from capsules good?

6. Date of production.

Freshness for coffee comes first. When buying a brand new package of your favorite drink, immediately look at the production date. Even last year’s small package has already lost its aroma - as if you opened a large package and left it like that for a month. The best option is to buy bean coffee at a specialized tea and coffee shop and ask to have it ground in front of you.

7. Brand and manufacturer.

A well-known manufacturer and a well-promoted brand is a guarantee that the ground coffee will be produced according to all standards and without suspicious impurities. Today, the main giants of ground coffee presenting their aromatic products in Russia are Jardin (Russia-Switzerland), Paulig (Finland), Jockey (Russia), Illy (Italy), Malongo (France), Lavazza (Italy), Live coffee" (Russia).

There are two main types of coffee - Robusta and Arabica.

The coffee cherries are cleaned, sorted and roasted. As a result of roasting, the grains increase in volume and change color from green to brown. It is better to grind coffee beans before preparing the drink. As for the grind, it depends on how you prepare your coffee. Coarser grinds are suitable for coffee machines, while for Turkish coffee it is better to use finely ground coffee.

Natural coffee, if you also buy it in beans, is a little more difficult to prepare and will take longer: grind the coffee beans and... But we have one life and I don’t think we should waste it. To begin with, we can tell you how.

Classic recipe


  • – 1 tbsp.
  • sugar – 3 tsp.
  • water – 350 ml.
  • ground black pepper - a pinch
  • ground cinnamon - to taste
  • rose water – 0.5 tsp.

For this coffee you need to use natural, medium-ground coffee. Before cooking, the Turk must be thoroughly washed and the required amount of coffee powder placed in it. Also add a pinch of black pepper, cinnamon and sugar to the Turk. Mix everything and add purified water. The Turk should be placed on the fire and brought to a boil over low heat. Boiling such a drink is strictly prohibited.

You need to immediately remove the Turk from the heat. After this, add rose water in small portions. This drink must be served freshly prepared, just strain through a sieve. The second method of preparing natural coffee consists of other components.

Coffee cream recipe


  • hot coffee – 250 ml.
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • fresh cream – 75 ml.
  • nutmeg - a pinch

First of all, you need to break the egg and separate the white from the yolk. For coffee you should use only the yolk. In one bowl, mix the yolk with sugar and beat until smooth.

Coffee should be brewed and poured fresh into warm cups. Before pouring coffee, cups must be heated with warm water.

Heat the cream, add the whipped yolk with sugar and put it back on the fire. Heat the entire mixture to a boil, but do not boil. Add the cream mixture to the coffee cups. Sprinkle chopped nutmeg on top of the finished coffee.

The following recipe is suitable only for adults, as it contains alcohol. But such a drink invigorates and gives a good mood.


  • natural coffee – 100 ml.
  • cognac – 6.7 tbsp.
  • orange liqueur – 6 ml.
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • cloves – 6 pcs.
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • orange zest - to taste

First you need to prepare fresh coffee in a Turk. To do this, put the required amount of ground coffee and pour water over everything, put on fire and bring to a boil.

In a separate bowl, mix cognac, liqueur, granulated sugar, 6 cloves, and the zest of some citrus (orange or lemon). This entire mixture must be heated.

Pour ready-made natural coffee into the prepared alcoholic mixture and stir. Wash the cups with warm water and pour the finished drink into them. This coffee is quite intoxicating and perfectly warms you up in cold weather.
Today, several types of coffee trees are known: Arabica, Robusta and Liberica.


Arabica is the most sought after coffee on the planet. Growing such a tree is a rather complicated process, since the plant is very sensitive to weather conditions and the place of growth. As for the ripening time for Arabica beans, this process takes about 6-9 months. , precisely because of the difficulty of growing.


Robusta is the second most popular type of coffee. This coffee contains much more caffeine than Arabica coffee. That is why this variety is most often used in mixtures. The price for such coffee is not very high, since growing the grain is much simpler than Arabica. This tree is less picky about weather conditions. and high temperature, the yield of this coffee is much greater. Robusta is also not sensitive to insects and pests. Robusta berries ripen faster - 5-6 weeks, so the number of harvests per year is from 12 to 15.


Liberica is a coffee variety that was first grown in West Africa. Currently, this variety is already grown in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries. The Liberica tree is very tall and has wide leaves. The berries of this coffee are also large and long, but the quality leaves much to be desired. That is why this type of coffee is practically not in demand in the world. This coffee is used only in mixtures, and the drink is almost impossible to find.

Cooking secrets

Almost all recipes for brewing coffee in a Turk involve heating the Turk before cooking. Then you should put the required amount of coffee powder in the Turk and also heat it a little. Then you need to put sugar in the Turk and mix. Water is added at the very end. After this, the Turk must be put on fire and brought to a boil. Cooking is required on low heat. When the foam starts to rise, the Turk needs to be removed from the heat.

To make a Turk, you need to put it on the fire three times and bring it to a boil all three times. This coffee should only be poured into warm cups.

– coffee and sugar should be heated before pouring water.

As for the coffee itself, it must be ground immediately before preparing the drink, regardless of what method you use to prepare the drink. Thus, one portion is required to be ground to be used in one preparation.

It is also important not to overdo it and not to put more coffee in the coffee pot, as this will not improve the taste, but will only make the coffee bitter and harm your health.

To make natural coffee, it is better to use filtered water. The most important condition for preparing Turkish coffee is that the foam should never be disturbed. Some recipes also call for spooning it into cups before pouring the coffee.