Biscuit roll recipe. Sponge roll: recipes

Sponge rolls with thin soft dough and delicious delicate cream are a favorite treat for those with a sweet tooth. Store bought ones are good, but homemade ones are even better. Some housewives, adding individuality to the product, decorate the roll so beautifully that it becomes like a work of art. But even without decoration, the roll is incredibly tasty. Any cream can be used for filling - curd, cream, protein, chocolate, fruit, banana, strawberry, as well as jam, preserves, condensed milk, halva. To give the product juiciness, the biscuit can be soaked in syrup, and citrus zest, vanilla, and cinnamon can be added for flavor. The top of the roll is sprinkled with coconut flakes, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, poured with icing, fondant, and decorated with chocolate, fruits, and berries.

Sponge roll - food preparation

The sponge cake for the roll is prepared very quickly, so you need to prepare all the ingredients in advance, preheat the oven, and cover the baking sheet with oiled paper. The dough is usually baked for about fifteen minutes. It is not recommended to leave the stove at this time; you need to be alert, because... Depending on the individuality of the oven, the sponge cake may bake earlier. The finished sheet of dough, while still hot (unless otherwise specified in the recipe), must be transferred to a towel and wrapped together with it into a roll, gradually removing the paper. When it cools down, unroll it, coat it with cream and roll it back.

Sponge roll - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Sponge roll with boiled condensed milk

Delicious quick roll. For the filling, instead of boiled milk, you can use regular condensed milk (1 b. condensed milk (400g) mixed with a pack of butter (200g) and a bag of vanilla sugar). If desired, decorate the product with melted chocolate or brush the top with condensed milk and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, a glass of sugar and flour each, a jar (0.5 l) of boiled condensed milk, slaked soda without a slide - 1 teaspoon. lie (or 1 teaspoon of baking soda + ½ tablespoon of vinegar (6%). Decoration (optional): 2-3 tablespoons of condensed milk, coconut flakes, chocolate - 100g, confectionery powder.

Cooking method

Prepare biscuit dough by whisking eggs with sugar, adding flour and slaked soda (or making it yourself). This volume is enough for a large baking sheet (approximately 45 by 35 cm).

Cover the entire baking tray with baking paper (grease with oil). If there is no paper of this width, lay it overlapping. Pour the dough and bake for eight minutes (200C). Divide the finished biscuit into two parts and, while still hot, remove it from the sheet and immediately, before it cools down, spread it with condensed milk and roll it up.

All that remains is to decorate it. Brush the first roll with white condensed milk and sprinkle with coconut flakes. For the second - melt the chocolate (in a water bath), after grating it, grease the top of the roll and cover with confectionery powder (very small multi-colored sticks and balls).

Recipe 2: Sponge roll with whipped cream

The peculiarity of this roll is that the sponge cake always turns out and rises well. The secret is in the boiling water that is added to the dough. The filling is whipped cream, although this is not essential - you can grease the sheet with regular jam. The ingredients are indicated for a baking tray measuring 45 by 40 cm.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, a glass of sugar, 100 ml of boiling water, a packet of baking powder (10-12g), a glass of flour. Cream: heavy cream (30%) – 800ml, 4 bags of cream fixer, 2 tablespoons. granulated sugar.

Cooking method

First, you should make some preparations so that you can immediately knead the dough and bake the biscuit. Flour - a couple of tablespoons, mixed with baking powder and sifted through a sieve. Sift the rest of the flour too (separately). Boil the kettle so that boiling water is at hand. Line a baking sheet with paper, thinly greased with oil.

Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. Continuing whipping, pour in boiling water, add flour, continuing to knead, and lastly, flour with baking powder.

Pour the dough onto the baking sheet. It turns out quite thick, spread over the surface and bake for ten to fifteen minutes (180-200C). Let it cool, spread with cream, and once cooled, roll it up into a roll along with the filling. The dough turns out soft, bends well and peels off the paper. It will be even tastier if you sprinkle finely chopped fruits or berries on the cream - kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, depending on the season.

For the cream, beat all ingredients. The fixative is an odorless and tasteless powder so that the cream does not fall off. If you can’t find a fixative, you can do it without it. Grease the top of the roll with cream and decorate as desired - with berries, fruits, biscuit or chocolate chips.

Recipe 3: Sponge roll with a pattern

This roll is not only incredibly tasty, but also looks very original, because... it is decorated with a pattern. The application technology is quite simple - part of the biscuit dough is mixed with cocoa and decorations are made from it. Preparing the biscuit will take five to seven minutes longer than usual.

Ingredients: Dough - 4 eggs, half a glass of sugar, 150g flour, teaspoonful. lie baking powder and vanilla sugar, 30g butter. Decoration: 8-10 tablespoons. biscuit dough, 2 tablespoons. milk, 3 tablespoons cocoa powder. Cream: 200g soft cheese (such as ricotto) or full-fat cottage cheese (without grains), 200ml sour cream, 100g sugar.

Cooking method

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat half a portion of sugar and yolks until white. Mix butter (melt in the microwave or in a water bath) with the yolks, add vanilla sugar, and grind thoroughly.

Beat the whites into a strong foam, adding the second half glass of sugar and add to the yolk mixture, stirring gently. Add sifted flour there (mix with baking powder) and stir with a spatula or spoon. Place part of the dough in a bowl (for decoration), pour the rest onto a baking sheet lined with oiled paper and smooth it out. Add milk and cocoa to the reserved dough and mix. Apply brown blots to the white dough lying on the baking sheet. Using a toothpick, you can adjust the design - make spirals, sun shapes, etc. Bake for 15-20 minutes (200C). Place the finished biscuit on a towel with the pattern down, and carefully peeling off the paper, roll up the roll. Let cool. Unwrap, spread cream and put back together.

For the cream, beat all the ingredients with a mixer and spread on the cake.

— To give the roll a piquant taste, the baked sponge sheet can be sprinkled with rum or cognac over the entire surface.

— You can make an analogue of Ricotto cheese for curd cream yourself. Freeze a quart bag of kefir in the freezer until it turns to stone. Take it out, remove the kefir from the bag and put it in cheesecloth. Hang the gauze or place it in a colander attached to the pan. As the kefir thaws, all the whey will go away, and soft curd will remain in the gauze. A liter of kefir will yield approximately 200 g of cottage cheese.



For the biscuit:
● 4 eggs
● 100 g sugar
● 1 tsp. baking powder
● 150 g flour


Beat eggs with sugar, add baking powder and flour and beat (I beat with a blender). Line a baking tray with baking paper, grease the vegetable oil. oil, pour out the dough 3-5 mm thick and bake in an oven preheated to 180* for 15 minutes. Take a kitchen towel, wet it with water and spread it on the table. Turn the finished biscuit over onto a towel, remove the baking paper and carefully roll it tightly together with a damp towel. Let cool.

● 3 tbsp. sour cream
● 100 g cottage cheese
● 100 g sugar
● 2 tbsp. steamed lingonberries (others are also possible)
Beat everything in a blender. Carefully unwind the towel with the roll, grease the sponge cake with cream and twist it back without the towel. Decorate the finished roll with the remaining cream and finely grated chocolate. Let it brew.



● condensed milk - 1 can;
● chicken egg - 2 pcs;
● salt - a pinch;
● soda - 1/2 tsp;
● lemon - to extinguish soda;
● flour - 1 tbsp;
● sunflower oil - for lubrication;

● curd with dried apricots - 200-300 g.


I poured condensed milk into a bowl, added eggs, and whisked everything together. I squeezed the juice out of half a lemon and doused the soda with it, pouring the resulting liquid into a bowl. Adding a pinch of salt, I gradually poured in the flour and mixed everything until the batter had a homogeneous consistency. I poured the finished dough onto a baking sheet lined and greased with sunflower oil, helping it spread evenly. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 150 degrees. for 20-25 minutes.

When the dough had risen slightly and browned, I took it out of the oven and brushed it with curd mixture with dried apricots, which I bought at the store. This is where I would first grease the dough with something alcoholic before greasing it with cottage cheese. Carefully rolled the dough into a roll, trying not to allow cracks to appear on the sides. But the dough turned out, as it seemed to me, too fluffy. In any case, everything rolled up nicely into a nice-looking roll. I cut the rolled roll into portions and placed it on a plate.



● 4 raw chicken eggs
● 350 g granulated sugar
● 130 g flour
● 2 tablespoons milk
● 2 tablespoons cocoa
● 250 g butter
● 300 g fresh raspberries
● 150 g raspberry jam
● chocolate covered seeds for decoration


Mix chicken eggs with sugar (270 g) using a hand whisk or mixer in a small saucepan.
Place this vessel in a water bath and intensively mix the egg mass until it increases 2-3 times. It is important not to overheat the dough; it should lighten and rise on the lowest heat.

At this time, the oven is already warming up. Remove the pan from the stove and continue to beat the mixture to room temperature. When it has cooled, we begin to introduce flour, adding it one tablespoon at a time.
Carefully pour the dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake the sponge cake for about fifteen minutes, until the top is slightly browned. At this time, make the cream.

Beat 200 g of butter at room temperature with the remaining sugar. Then add washed and dried raspberries to them and mix the cream to the desired consistency. Roll the finished sponge cake together with parchment and leave to cool slightly.

Then we unfold it, remove the paper and grease it with liquid raspberry jam. This will be our impregnation. After this, spread the cream onto the soaked dough and roll it up.

Melt the remaining butter with milk. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and cocoa, stir and bring to a boil. Pour the finished glaze over the roll and sprinkle with chocolate seeds. Place the roll in the refrigerator for 9-10 hours.



For the roll:
● Large eggs - 3 pcs.
● Sugar - 100 gr.
● Milk - 5 tbsp.
● Vanilla sugar - 1 pc.
● Baking powder - 1 tsp.
● Salt - a pinch
● Flour - 120 gr.
● Strawberry jam for filling.
● Powdered sugar for serving.

For the buttercream:
● Softened butter, room temperature - 100 gr.,
● Powdered sugar - 200 gr.,
● Cream 33% - 150 ml.,


1. Beat the eggs until thick, pale yellow foam, beat for about five minutes. Continue beating, gradually adding sugar. Add vanilla sugar, baking powder, salt, milk. then, gradually add flour and beat until smooth.
2. Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil, put baking paper on it, and grease it with vegetable oil (I didn’t do all these procedures, because I have good professional grade paper)
3. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, distributing the batter evenly throughout the pan and in the corners.
4. Bake the biscuit in a heated oven to 180 degrees. 14-15 minutes.
5. While the sponge cake is baking, generously sprinkle powdered sugar through a strainer onto a clean kitchen towel.
6. The baked sponge cake, immediately hot, carefully transfer to a napkin with powdered sugar, paper side up. Carefully separate the paper from the cake and roll it from the narrow edge of the sponge cake, together with the towel, into a roll.
7. Cool the wrapped roll on a wire rack for 30 minutes.
8. While the roll is cooling, you can prepare the cream.
Beat softened butter at room temperature to a fluffy soft cream. Continue beating, gradually adding powdered sugar, until smooth and creamy. Gradually add the cream and beat until smooth, fluffy white buttercream is formed; the powdered sugar should be completely dissolved. (pour in the cream gradually; if the cream is very thick, continue adding cream; if the cream is runny, add a little more powdered sugar)
9. Unroll the cooled biscuit and trim the edges to 1 cm.
Spread the cake with cream and top with strawberry jam. Roll again, wrap in parchment paper, and place in the refrigerator for three hours or overnight.



● 1/4 tbsp. milk
● 2 tbsp. l. butter
● 100 g flour
● 40 g starch
● 1 tsp. baking powder (or 1 tsp baking soda)
● 2/3 tbsp. Sahara
● 1/4 tsp. salt
● 3 eggs

● any


Preheat the oven to 190C. Cover a baking sheet measuring ~42x30 cm with parchment (mine is 25x37cm)
In a saucepan, heat milk and butter until almost boiling. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until the mass triples (it should have the consistency of thick cream). Beat for about 10 minutes.

Sift the flour and starch with baking powder and salt. Pour the flour mixture into the beaten eggs, gently stirring from bottom to top with a spatula. Place a few spoons of dough in warm milk and butter and mix. Pour the mixture into the main dough, mix. Place the dough on a baking sheet, level and bake about ~ 15 minutes (depending on your oven. If you overdo it, the roll may break because it gets too dry. Some girls cook the sponge cake in 6 minutes. Experiment).

The finished sponge cake will have a golden surface. The finished sponge cake can be rolled up immediately or after cooling. I removed the paper. I melted some strawberry jam and spread it on it. Top with whipped cream (200 ml cream, half a glass of powdered sugar). Turned it around. And then she cut it. You don’t even need any impregnation - soft, tasty!


● Chicken eggs – 1 pc.
● Flour – 3 tbsp. l. with a slide
● Vanillin – 1 tsp.
● Baking powder – 1 tsp. (or 1 tsp slaked soda)

For cream:
● Condensed milk - 1/2 can
● Softened butter – 100 g (1/2 pack)

For filling and decoration:
● Large banana - 1 pc.
● Chopped walnuts for sprinkling the finished roll - 2 handfuls

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. In a separate bowl, mix the egg, flour, condensed milk, vanilla and baking powder. The dough should be quite liquid.
3. Place greased baking paper on a baking sheet. Pour the dough onto the paper and smooth it out so that the side is proportional to the length of the banana. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes until golden brown. Meanwhile, wet a kitchen towel and wring it out well. And start preparing the cream.
4. To do this, mix softened butter and condensed milk with a mixer in a separate cup so that there are no lumps.
5. Place the finished hot cake on a damp towel and immediately grease it with cream (don’t forget to leave the cream to grease the top of the roll). Place a peeled banana on the edge of the cake and carefully roll it up.
6. Also grease the top of the roll with cream.
7. Chop the walnuts and sprinkle them on the roll. You can also decorate the roll with strawberry or kiwi pieces. You don’t have to grease the top of the roll with cream, but sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Bon appetit!


In the oven, a thin cake layer for a sponge roll is baked in about 15-20 minutes. Therefore, it will take no more than an hour to prepare a sweet delicacy from biscuit dough. Yeast rolls take much longer to prepare, but yeast dough is considered less capricious than sponge dough. That is, it almost always turns out to be quite fluffy and tasty, even for those housewives who are just starting to learn how to cook homemade pastries.

Quick sponge cake. Watch the video!

Biscuit dough for roll


Eggs (3 pieces)
flour (1 cup)
granulated sugar (1 cup)
vanillin packet

How to prepare biscuit dough for roll:

    The eggs must be thoroughly beaten, mixed with sugar; it is better to use a mixer or blender for this.

    Beat for at least five minutes. When the airy, creamy mass of eggs and sugar is ready, add flour sifted through a colander. If you do not sift the flour, the dough will not be airy.

    The beaten eggs are mixed with flour until smooth. The finished dough is distributed on a baking sheet in a thin layer. It can be leveled with a spoon to make the surface of the baked cake smoother.

    The oven must be preheated to 200°C, then place a baking sheet in it and reduce the temperature to 180°C. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Yeast dough for roll

Fans of fluffy yeast baked goods will surely enjoy this recipe. Yeast dough rolls go well with apple and poppy seed filling.


Flour (4 heaped tablespoons)
fresh yeast (25 g)
milk (1 glass)
butter or margarine (50 g)
vanilla sugar packet
sugar (4 tbsp)
salt (half teaspoon)
water (50-70 ml)

How to prepare yeast dough for roll:

    The flour must be thoroughly sifted through a sieve, then add salt, sugar, yeast, egg, warm milk and warm water.

    It is important to remember that the water and milk should not be hot, otherwise the dough will not turn out airy, since the white of the egg added to the dough will curdle.

    The butter is melted in warm milk and also poured into the bowl with the dough. The resulting dough must be stirred, covered with a lid or plastic wrap, and left for about 60-80 minutes.

    When the top of the dough rises, it is ready. Roll out the dough, put the filling on it (for example, apples with cinnamon) and roll it into a roll.

    Then the roll is laid out on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Baking time is approximately 30-40 minutes, oven temperature 180-200°C.

Whatever you say, biscuit will always remain the king of sweets and the king of desserts! Based on biscuit dough, you can prepare a lot of delicacies and they will all have the most delicate base, delicious filling and incredibly appetizing appearance.
A sponge roll with jam and whipped cream is just what you need for a holiday or celebration. Agree, everyone is pretty tired of cakes and pies, so I want something new, both in taste and in form. The good thing about the dessert is that it can be cut into small slices, which can be beautifully placed on a serving platter. This way you will please those guests who always ask for a smaller piece of cake.
At first glance, it may seem that preparing such a roll is quite difficult. But this is not so, a beautiful and tasty sponge roll can be made at home without any problems if you strictly follow the step-by-step recipe with photos. Delicate moist sponge cake, sweet jam berries and airy whipped cream create a culinary masterpiece that will appeal to both small children and adult dessert connoisseurs.

Cooking time – 1 hour. Number of servings – 8.


for biscuit dough:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar to quench the soda.

For filling:

  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of at least 33%;
  • 200 g jam or preserves;
  • 50 g powdered sugar.

1. Place sugar in a small container and crack eggs into it.

2. Using a mixer, beat the contents of the bowl until foamy.

3. Add sifted flour and soda slaked with vinegar. Soda and vinegar can be replaced with 2 tsp. baking powder for dough.

4. Beat the batter until smooth. The biscuit dough for the roll should have a lot of bubbles, and its consistency resembles liquid sour cream.

5. Prepare the form. This can be a baking sheet lined with parchment or a mat for baking thin cakes. I use a silicone mat, baking cakes with it is a pleasure. Pour the dough into the chosen form.

6. The dough spreads on its own; you just need to smooth it out a little with a spoon.

7. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cake. We check readiness with a toothpick by piercing the dough with it. If there is no batter on the toothpick, the sponge cake for the roll is ready. We take it out and cool it at room temperature. The dough will settle, but will remain tender and airy.

8. Let's move on to preparing the filling. Pour the cream into a cold, dry bowl. In order for the cream to whip well, it must also be cold. In addition, before pouring the cream, you can crush and shake the box, since all the fat collects on the walls and bottom. Add powdered sugar.

9. Whisk everything until the cream turns into a soft and airy cream. The mixer speed should be at maximum. Be careful, as the cream scatters in different directions when whipping, so choose a deep bowl. For convenience, I put the bowl in the sink.

10. Carefully separate the cooled cake from the mat. This is done quite easily. Leave it on the mat or transfer it to another flat surface.

11. Let's prepare jam. Using a spoon, spread a layer of jam evenly onto the crust. It is important not to overdo it, as the roll will be cloyingly sweet.

12. Place whipped cream on top of the jam in a neat, even layer.

13. Now we need to wrap the biscuit dough with filling into a roll. We start from the very edge very carefully so that the cake does not break.

14. Transfer the sponge roll with jam to a large flat plate for serving. We also grease the top and edges of the finished roll with cream.

15. You can decorate the roll with colored sprinkles, grated chocolate or cocoa powder poured through a strainer.

16. To make the biscuit dough pleasantly moist and literally melt in your mouth, there is a little secret. You can place the finished roll in the freezer for about 1-2 hours. Then we move the roll into the refrigerator and leave for at least 2 more hours. During this time, it will be well soaked, and the cream will set a little and become denser.

Sponge roll with whipped cream and jam is ready! You can take a sample and enjoy the delicate, subtle, unforgettable taste!

If we say that sponge roll will not be the only treat on the sweet table, then you can add several more dishes to it. These can be muffins prepared in small forms, cookies, buns or pie. It is important that the types of dessert served combine well with each other, both in taste and in appearance. Therefore, you can always leave a little cream or cocoa powder in order to decorate the second dessert dish in a similar way.

Biscuit roll! Oh, how delicious and beautiful it is! I love rolls, especially dark chocolate rolls with white cream. An assortment of such rolls is presented on the shelves of supermarkets, grocery stores, stalls and markets. But it’s easy to buy, but baking a sponge roll at home is much more interesting!

An important advantage of homemade sponge roll is that it cooks quickly. The sponge cake for the roll takes only 15-20 minutes to bake, and it only takes a couple of seconds to coat it with jam or cream - and now you have a cool homemade cake ready for tea. Another plus: the roll always looks impressive. Even the simplest one. Only because he rolls!

At first, the sponge cake for the roll sometimes cracked or did not want to roll up - but we became friends with it! It turned out that this matter has its own nuances and little secrets, which I will share with you.

So, let's reveal the secrets of the roll! And we will bake so many interesting things to the surprise and delight of your family!

Attention! Some time after writing this recipe, I found an even better recipe for sponge roll - with the addition of honey and soda. It rolls up much easier, I recommend trying it!

We can come up with so many chic, delicious options - for every taste! Rolls come with cream and jam; light and chocolate; spotted, striped and flowered!.. The scope for culinary design is huge! So the website announces Roll Week. And we'll start with a basic recipe for sponge dough for rolls.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 100 g flour.

I started adding another spoonful of starch to the flour - it gives the biscuits a special fluffiness and softness.
When you measure with a glass - a glass of 200 g, 130 g of flour or 200 g of sugar is placed in it, if flush with the edges, but we do not need a full glass of flour, but a little more than 3/4. You need 3/4 cup of sugar.

How to prepare biscuit dough for roll:

Add sugar to eggs at room temperature (contrary to popular belief, they beat better than chilled ones) and start beating with a mixer.

First at first speed, the lowest. After about half a minute, we switch to second speed, and so on, gradually increasing the speed. My mixer has 5 speeds, so in 2 minutes I reached the 5th speed and beat for another 2 minutes at the highest speed. But, of course, you should not adhere to this regime strictly - the main thing is to beat, moving from low to high speed, until you obtain a fluffy light mass, on which, when whipping, traces of the mixer whisks remain.

Be sure to sift the flour through a colander or sieve! For a biscuit it should be airy.

Mix the whipped mass with flour very carefully, using a spoon from bottom to top, so that it does not settle.

The biscuit dough for the roll is ready.

Preheat the oven to 200C, grease a sheet of confectionery parchment with oil, line a baking sheet with it and pour out the dough. Spread the biscuit dough evenly with a spoon.

Bake at 180 - 200C for 15-20 minutes - until golden brown and a dry wooden stick. Make sure that the bottom does not dry out while the top is baked.

The sponge cake for the roll is ready. We take out the baking sheet - be careful, it is hot - and, turning the cake over onto another sheet of oiled parchment, carefully remove the paper from its bottom.

I just couldn’t understand: why does the roll work out perfectly one time, but the next time it cracks and breaks? It turned out that you just need to know some little tricks! I always believed that the roll should be rolled up together with the paper and waited until it cools down. But it turns out we can do better.

To prevent the cake from cracking when folding:

1. Bake at 180-200C so that the bottom does not burn while the top is baked.

2. I turn the hot cake onto a second sheet of confectionery parchment, also greased with vegetable oil, and carefully remove the first sheet from the bottom of the cake.

3. It turns out that there is no need to roll up the roll along with the paper and wait... You just need to SOAK it! This is the main nuance and condition for success. Syrup, tea, coffee, depending on what kind of roll you have. The soaked cake becomes soft and can be rolled easily! Just be careful not to soak it too much, as the fresh sponge may become soggy.

4. And finally, it is more logical and convenient to roll the roll, so that the top side is on the inside and the bottom on the outside. That is, we spread cream or jam on the upper side.

To make the roll look neater, roll it up, trim the edges with a sharp knife... and eat it or treat your impatient household members!

The recipe for biscuit dough for rolls is universal - you can use it to make whatever kind of roll you want. What are they?.. To be continued! 🙂