Recipe for making halloumi cheese at home. Fried halloumi cheese

Cypriot Halloumi cheese (Halumi) is a pickled cheese and is usually prepared with mint added to enhance the taste.

Halloumi cheese is traditionally made from goat's or sheep's milk, but it's also delicious from cow's milk.

Due to the fact that halloumi is cooked at high temperatures, this makes it suitable for subsequent grilling and frying, which is much appreciated by lovers of this cheese.

The recipe for Cypriot Halloumi cheese is very affordable, so even a novice cheese maker can easily prepare it.


  • milk - 5 l
  • rennet - 0.35 g
  • dried or fresh
  • non-iodized salt

How to make halloumi cheese at home:

Heat the milk over low heat to 32ºC, stirring lightly in a circle with a slotted spoon.

Dilute rennet in 30-50 ml of water 10 minutes before incorporating into milk.

Pour the rennet solution into the milk, stirring with a slotted spoon to evenly distribute it throughout the volume.

Cover the pot with a lid and let it rest for 30-40 minutes. During this time, a clot should form. if the clot is not dense enough, then wait another 10-15 minutes.

Cut the clot into cubes with a knife or skewer and leave it alone for 5-10 minutes so that the whey separates and the cheese grain settles to the bottom.

Turn on the fire and slowly heat the cheese mass for 15 minutes to 38ºС, kneading with a slotted spoon in a circle.

Then turn off the heat and knead the cheese grain for another 15 minutes, during which time it will decrease in size and give up most of the whey.

After that, cover the pan with a lid and leave it alone for 5 minutes, then stir in the cheese grain and leave for another 5 minutes.

Drain the whey to grain level, then spread the cheese into molds, kneading a little with your hands. For this purpose, molds with a diameter of 10-12 cm are very suitable.

The optimal height of the cheese layer is 5-6 cm, but you can make it higher or lower. You should not make a very thick layer, as it will be difficult to bend the halloumi later.

Leave the cheese to self-press for 5 minutes, then turn over in the mold and leave for another 15 minutes. Flip after 15 minutes for an hour.

Pour the drained whey back into the cheese pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat so that the whey does not boil.

Pour the cheese into the whey. To prevent the cheese from sticking to the pan, you can put a metal grate on the bottom and stir occasionally with a slotted spoon.

If you are making cheese from cow's milk, then after about 30-40 minutes it will float, and if from goat, then after 1.5-2 hours.

In any case, you need to wait until the cheese floats to the surface on its own.

Then the cheese should be lightly crushed on the board with your hand, salt to taste, sprinkle with dried mint or put fresh leaves, bend in half and still crush with your hand.

It is better to do this with rubber gloves, as the cheese will be very hot.

Halloumi cheese prepared in this way should be laid out on a tray with holes for the outflow of liquid for cooling.

Once Halloumi has cooled down, you can eat it. Fried halloumi cheese is very tasty.

Halloumi cheese can be fried on the grill or in a pan.

Cheese can be stored in a container or cling film in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.

Good luck with your cheesemaking!

What is the best cheese for a picnic? Isn't it the one you can put on the grill? Yes, yes, halloumi can be grilled! It may be hard for you to imagine. But this cheese will not melt, its surface will only be slightly fried to a crispy golden crust, and inside it will become a little softer and more tender.

The taste of this cheese is really unique, especially when halloumi is still warm. Believe me - it's not only unusual, but also very tasty!

A bit of history

Halloumi has been around for about 6 centuries and is currently produced all over the world. The name of this cheese is associated with Cyprus, but the cheese is also very popular in Greece and the Middle East.

There are no exact facts about the history of halloumi. But most likely it comes from the cheeses of the Bedouin tribes of the Middle East. The origin of this cheese in Cyprus is lost in time, but it was definitely produced on the island for the first time before the Turkish invasion in 1571.

What kind of cheese is that?

Halloumi is a semi-hard cheese traditionally made primarily from sheep's milk (with a small amount of goat's added). According to the modern recipe, sheep's and goat's milk are used in equal proportions, and in those regions where there is no sheep's milk, only cow's milk is used (this is the option that will be described in our recipe).

The texture of halloumi is similar to that of mozzarella. The cheese is unusual in that only rennet is used in its preparation, and acid-forming bacteria are not used. Halloumi is also unique in that it has a high melting point (due to its high pH, ​​which means low acidity). That is why it can be easily fried or grilled.

Traditionally, halloumi is kept in brine until consumed, which makes the cheese more salty and denser.

The cheese is often garnished with mint to complement the flavor. Traditionally, however, mint leaves were used to preserve the original qualities of cheese (cheese was wrapped in leaves).

Cooking process

Despite the fact that halloumi is traditionally made from sheep and goat milk, in this article we will consider the option of making it from cow's milk, as it is more common. If you add goat's or sheep's milk, just lower the enzyme dose.

So, you will need:

  • 10 liters of milk;
  • ½ tsp ;
  • dried mint (optional)
  • 2-3 forms;
  • colander.
  1. Heat the milk to 30-31°C, stirring constantly. This will help to evenly heat the milk.
  2. Once the milk has reached the right temperature, add ½ tsp. in 1/5 cup water (30-40 ml) at room temperature, and pour the resulting solution into milk.

    The total coagulation time is 30-40 minutes, but a clot will begin to form after 15-20 minutes. During this time, the temperature may drop by several degrees. As with all other cheeses, the formation of the correct curd is a very important step in the production of cheese. Check the clot for readiness. To do this, make a shallow incision on the surface of the milk with a knife. If a clean separation is achieved, then the clot is ready!

  3. Cut the clot into cubes with a side of 1.5-2 cm (about the size of a walnut). Let the mass rest for 5 minutes.

    Gently mix the mass and heat to 38-40°C. Then stir the cheese grain every 3-5 minutes for 20-30 minutes.

    Leave for 10 minutes for the grain to settle. Using a colander, remove all of the curd from the whey.

    Heat the whey to 85-88°C (never let it boil!)

The next step is the formation of cheese heads:

  1. While the whey is heating, transfer the cheese grain to the moulds.
  2. Press lightly to compact the mass. If you fill several forms, then they can be stacked on top of each other. If one, then it must be loaded with a weight of 800-900 gr. Every 15-20 minutes, cheese heads that have already begun to form should be turned over.

Bonus! Whey is very easy to make.

The final stage is heating halloumi in whey:

    By the time the whey is heated to the desired temperature, a cheese head should already form from the cheese grain.

    Remove the head from the mold and place in the whey for 30-40 minutes, constantly maintaining the temperature of 85-88°C. At first, the cheese head will sink to the bottom, but as it is ready, it will float to the surface. Make sure that the cheese does not stick to the bottom, to do this, put some kind of container on the bottom.

    Once the cheese has floated, place the cheese in cold water for a few seconds and then place it on a drainage mat.

    Press lightly on the cheese head and form a dense cake.

To complete the cooking process, sprinkle the resulting cheese with salt to taste. There is no exact dosage for salt, but it is advisable to take no more than 2% of the weight of the cheese head.

At this stage, you will get Halloumi cheese, which is almost immediately ready for use, and after 3-5 days, if stored in the refrigerator, it will stop squeaking when consumed, become softer and more elastic.

As mentioned at the very beginning of the article, halloumi can be grilled until golden brown, for example, with vegetables before eating. Halloumi also goes great with fresh vegetables in salads.

Cypriots make it primarily from sheep's milk. But it can also be found from cow's milk, as well as from a mixture of cow's and goat's milk. Feel free to choose one of these two options, because in our area with sheep is very tight. As it turned out, making this cheese is not very difficult. A little time, a little patience and rennet! The latter is now quite easy to purchase, as many online stores for cheese makers have appeared.

For one head of cheese weighing about 270 g you will need:

  • 2 liters of unpasteurized milk;
  • 0.5 grams 1/8 tsp rennin;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • half a teaspoon of dried mint leaves;
  • 25 ml of drinking water.


  • pan for 3-5 liters;
  • a kitchen thermometer (or you can use a multicooker with a multicooker that will allow you to set the temperature);
  • slotted spoon and colander;
  • cheese mold or gauze;
  • measuring spoons.

Pour milk into a saucepan and heat to 31-32 degrees. We take it off the fire. We dilute rennin in water and add to milk. Mix thoroughly and leave for 40-50 minutes until a jelly-like mass is formed.

The resulting clot is carefully cut with a spatula or knife into squares of 1-1.5 cm (grid). We wait a couple of minutes, then we draw a spatula inside the mass parallel to the surface of the pan - in this way we cut the cheese clot in half to make cubes from rectangles.On medium heat, gradually warm the whey to 40 degrees, gently stirring the cheese mass, as if setting the cubes (cheese grain) in motion. As soon as the temperature reaches 40 degrees, remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for another 30-40 minutes.

Periodically, you need to stir and break large pieces of cheese mass so that they are approximately the same size. In the process, the cheese cubes will "strengthen" and settle to the bottom, and the whey will become more transparent and yellowish.We shift the cheese grain into a colander with a slotted spoon, trying to get rid of some of the whey in the process.

When all the grain is in a colander, it must be squeezed out to the maximum, pressing it against the walls with a slotted spoon. Then we shift the mass into gauze and again - into a colander, or into a cheese form. We put a small load. And leave for half an hour. After half an hour, we turn the cheese over, put the load again, but with a larger mass.

After another half an hour, repeat the procedure, again increasing the load. If the serum has stopped draining, you can proceed to the last step. Sometimes I leave the cheese to drain in the fridge overnight.The serum must be warmed up again, but already up to 85-90 degrees. Remove the pan from the heat, immerse the cheese in the hot liquid and leave for 40-45 minutes.

By the end of the "cooking" the cheese will float. Mix coarse sea salt and mint on a board.Halumi is almost ready! We take out the hot cheese with a slotted spoon from the whey. After blotting with a napkin, while it is still hot, slightly flatten it, turning it into a disk. Roll in salt with mint, fold in half, press the halves together.

That's all! Any cheese needs to "rest". Wrap in cling film or put in a container overnight. And invite your friends to a barbecue!

On a note

For halloumi, you can also use pasteurized milk with a short shelf life, just check the composition: the protein should be at least 3.0. In addition, you will need to add calcium chloride to improve the stability of the cheese grain (the amount is the same as rennin, dilute with 25 ml of water), and it is better to exclude the stage with cheese curdling, since cheese from pasteurized milk is not as plastic and, most likely, will tear. Just blot the head of cheese with a paper towel and roll in a mixture of salt and mint.

Dishes with Halloumi:

It is best to eat fried halloumi. Simply grill and serve with salad. If someone tells you that halloumi lasts only four days in the refrigerator, don't believe it! And one day will not lie, it is so tasty that it is eaten instantly!

Summer halloumi salad

For 2 servings:

  • a couple of slices of watermelon;
  • 1 small nectarine;
  • salad mix (arugula, chard, frisse);
  • 6 slices halloumi;
  • spicy herbs (to taste, for example, oregano);
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Peel the watermelon from the peel and seeds, cut into small triangles. Cut the nectarine into slices. Put the mixture of leaves on a dish, scatter the watermelon and peach on top. Preheat the pan well, lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil, fry the halloumi slices on both sides. Arrange the halloumi on top of the lettuce.

Cypriot bulgur with halloumi and vegetables

For 2 servings:

  • 120 g bulgur;
  • a handful of vermicelli;
  • a quarter of an onion, cut into thin, half rings;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • hot pepper or hot pepper sauce;
  • a couple of lemon slices;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml of water or chicken broth;
  • 6-8 slices of halloumi.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil over medium heat. As soon as the onion becomes soft and transparent, pour in the vermicelli and cook for a couple more minutes. Add washed bulgur, then broth, pepper, lemon juice and tomato paste. Stir and let it simmer over medium heat. At the end, do not forget to salt to taste. Fry the halloumi in a pan, put it on top of the bulgur. Next, bake vegetables, cut into slices or rings (onion, tomato) and add to the dish.

Chicken rolls with halloumi

For 2 servings:

  • 2 chicken fillets;
  • 2 slices halloumi;
  • olive oil;
  • dry white wine;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper.

Beat the fillet, salt and pepper, add a few drops of vegetable oil and wine, rub it all into the surface of the meat. We put halloumi and wrap it in a roll. Tie with kitchen string. We heat the oven to 200 degrees.

We heat the pan, brown the meat. We shift the meat into a heat-resistant form and bring the meat to readiness in the oven (about 25 minutes). You can use a special package for baking: 15-20 minutes are enough in it (depending on the size of the roll).

Halloumi cheese is a wonderful memory of a warm summer spent on the island of Cyprus, on the Mediterranean coast. This is a white fresh boiled cheese that can be grilled: the crust caramelizes beautifully, becomes crispy, and the cheese itself does not melt, but remains elastic. In addition, ready-made Halloumi can be very conveniently stored in the freezer for quite a long time. Sometimes a little dried mint is added to Halloumi - it gives extra freshness and zest to the taste of this wonderful cheese. Halloumi can not only be fried - this cheese is good on its own, sprinkled with lemon juice. Cypriots often combine Halloumi with watermelon (the salty taste of the cheese favorably sets off the taste of watermelon), honey and sesame, as well as tomatoes. Fried Halloumi with garlic and sesame is also very tasty, as well as Halloumi skewers with vegetables. In general, there are just a lot of options for using and preparing this cheese, everyone will find the one that suits their taste. The process of making Halloumi is not complicated at all, but quite interesting. Halloumi's ability to fry is due to its rather high melting point. Such properties are provided by the low level of acidity of the cheese (high pH), since no additional cultures are introduced into the cheese during its preparation. Let's try to cook delicious Halloumi by ourselves =)


8 l.

cow's, goat's or sheep's milk, partially skimmed ( 2.5-3%)

not UHT

1/8 tsp

[optional] dry mesophilic starter for cheeses without eyes
optional, only when using pasteurized milk

1/2 tsp

liquid rennet (veal)

dissolve in 50ml water temperature 30-35ºС
or rennet in another form, at the dosage indicated on the package
use animal rennet for this recipe

1 ½ tsp (8 ml)

calcium chloride, solution 10%

dissolve in 50 ml of water at room temperature

or be guided by the dosage indicated by the manufacturer of the drug on the package

the maximum dose of application is 2 g of dry calcium chloride per 10 liters of milk

1/2 tsp

[optional] lipase

dissolve in 50 ml of water at room temperature, let it brew for 20 minutes

2 tsp


1 tsp

[optional] dried mint

After cooking you will receive: 800 g cheese


10 l.


enameled or stainless steel, for heating milk


for a water bath , sized to fit the main pot

food thermometer
long knife

for cutting a clot


wooden or plastic

[optional] set of mini measuring spoons
[optional] set of measuring cups

2 pcs. for 500 g.

basket shape


Sterilize all equipment before making cheese. You can wash it and pour boiling water over it

Halloumi Cheese Schedule (from start to finish)

  • 1.5 hours to prepare cheese grain
  • 1 hour for pressing
  • 15-30 minutes to boil whey cheese
  • 45 minutes to dry

Halloumi cheese recipe step by step

  1. Heat the milk in a water bath to 30-32ºC, stirring constantly so that the temperature is evenly distributed. When the milk is hot, pour the calcium chloride diluted in water into it and mix well. Leave for 3 minutes.
  2. [optional] If using lipase, pour it diluted in 50 ml of water into a saucepan with milk and mix thoroughly. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. [optional] Pour the starter into a large pot of milk: sprinkle the powder on the surface of the milk, let stand and absorb moisture for 3 minutes, then mix again, distributing the starter throughout the milk. Here, sourdough is needed only to improve the taste characteristics of the cheese, if it is made with pasteurized milk. Therefore, the sourdough is added in smaller quantities than usual, and the enzyme is added immediately after the sourdough is added, so that there is no unnecessary increase in the acidity of the cheese mass.
  4. Stir the milk, then slowly pour in the diluted enzyme, constantly stirring the milk from top to bottom to distribute it as much as possible throughout the milk.
  5. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 45 minutes to curdle the milk.
    [optional] To accurately determine the required clotting time and obtain a clot of the desired consistency
    and calculate the clotting time using the formula K = F * M (multiplier = 3, F is the flocculation time in minutes). After the calculation, leave the clot alone for the remaining number of minutes. During this time, the temperature can drop by a couple of degrees - it's not scary.
  6. Swipe. If the clot is not dense enough, leave for another 10-15 minutes.
  7. Cut the clot into medium-sized cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm. First, cut into columns vertically, leave them to compact for 5 minutes, and then cut them horizontally.
  8. Heat the resulting cheese grain to 40º C for the next 15 minutes, stirring constantly so that the grains do not stick together and more whey is given off. Stir gently at first: the curd will still be quite weak and can easily crumble.
  9. When the temperature is reached, continue to stir the grain for another 20 minutes. At this time, it will become elastic and decrease in size.
  10. Leave the cheese grain alone for 5 minutes, during which time it will settle to the bottom of the pan. After that, remove so much whey from the pan so that the remaining layer of it covers a layer of curd at the bottom for a couple of centimeters. If you want to make minty halloumi, add crushed dried mint and mix it well with the cheese grain. Do not pour out the whey, but save it in a separate pan - we will need it later.
  11. Place the molds in a sink or on a drain pan. Spread the cheese grain with a slotted spoon into the molds.
  12. Leave the grain in the molds for 15 minutes to drain excess whey. During this time, the cheese mass will be compacted and consolidated.
  13. After 15 minutes, carefully flip the cheese in the molds and let it press in the other direction for another 15 minutes. To make the cheese better pressed, you can put the molds on top of each other. Continue pressing the cheese for an hour, turning every 15 minutes.
  14. While the cheese is being pressed, in order to clear the whey of protein and prepare it for cooking Halloumi, you can make an analogue of Italian Ricotta - Anari from it. The recipe is the same as for Ricotta: slowly heat the whey to 90-93º C, leave for 20 minutes, then mix in a little vinegar to help separate the albumin, then carefully remove the separated protein with a slotted spoon into a basket shape. After preparing Anari, save the used hot whey (clear and purified).
  15. After an hour of pressing, remove the cheese from the molds. Place a metal grate on the bottom of the whey pan. This will prevent the cheese from sticking to the bottom of the pot while it cooks. You can also, if there is no rack, put the cheese in the pan directly in the mold (if the mold material can withstand high temperatures) or use a colander that fits in the pan.
  16. Heat the saucepan with the whey to 85ºC. When the temperature is reached, place the cheese in the saucepan on the wire rack and cook in this way for about 15-30 minutes, maintaining the temperature. Gradually, the pieces of cheese will decrease in size and float to the surface, so you can determine their readiness.
  17. Use a slotted spoon to remove the cheese from the pan and place it on a draining container to dry. When the cheese pucks are no longer too hot, lightly flatten them with the palm of your hand so that they resemble cakes (the cheese will be soft and pliable after cooking). Sprinkle the tortillas with salt on both sides and then fold in half. Dry and refrigerate for 45 minutes (or until cheese is dry to the touch) at room temperature, turning at least 1 time during this time.
  18. Wrap the finished dried cheese in wax paper and put in the refrigerator. It will be possible to eat Halloumi in 5 days, when it will ripen a little. Fresh Halloumi must be consumed within a week, otherwise it will spoil, or you can freeze it and store it in the freezer for a much longer time (when frozen, Halloumi's properties will not disappear).
  19. [optional] The traditional way of long-term storage and aging of Halloumi is also brine storage. Place the cheeses in a container with a tight-fitting lid, leaving as little space between them as possible. Fill container with 8-12% brine

Halloumi cheese is a wonderful memory of a warm summer spent on the island of Cyprus, on the Mediterranean coast. This is a white fresh boiled cheese that can be grilled: the crust caramelizes beautifully, becomes crispy, and the cheese itself does not melt, but remains elastic. In addition, ready-made Halloumi can be very conveniently stored in the freezer for quite a long time. Sometimes a little dried mint is added to Halloumi - it gives extra freshness and zest to the taste of this wonderful cheese. Halloumi can not only be fried - this cheese is good on its own, sprinkled with lemon juice. Cypriots often combine Halloumi with watermelon (the salty taste of the cheese favorably sets off the taste of watermelon), honey and sesame, as well as tomatoes. Fried Halloumi with garlic and sesame is also very tasty, as well as Halloumi skewers with vegetables. In general, there are just a lot of options for using and preparing this cheese, everyone will find the one that suits their taste. The process of making Halloumi is not complicated at all, but quite interesting. Halloumi's ability to fry is due to its rather high melting point. Such properties are provided by the low level of acidity of the cheese (high pH), since no additional cultures are introduced into the cheese during its preparation. Let's try to cook delicious Halloumi by ourselves =)


8 l.

cow's, goat's or sheep's milk, partially skimmed ( 2.5-3%)

not UHT

1/8 tsp

[optional] dry mesophilic starter for cheeses without eyes
optional, only when using pasteurized milk

1/2 tsp

liquid rennet (veal)

dissolve in 50ml water temperature 30-35ºС
or rennet in another form, at the dosage indicated on the package
use animal rennet for this recipe

1 ½ tsp (8 ml)

calcium chloride, solution 10%

dissolve in 50 ml of water at room temperature

or be guided by the dosage indicated by the manufacturer of the drug on the package

the maximum dose of application is 2 g of dry calcium chloride per 10 liters of milk

1/2 tsp

[optional] lipase

dissolve in 50 ml of water at room temperature, let it brew for 20 minutes

2 tsp


1 tsp

[optional] dried mint

After cooking you will receive: 800 g cheese


10 l.


enameled or stainless steel, for heating milk


for a water bath , sized to fit the main pot

food thermometer
long knife

for cutting a clot


wooden or plastic

[optional] set of mini measuring spoons
[optional] set of measuring cups

2 pcs. for 500 g.

basket shape


Sterilize all equipment before making cheese. You can wash it and pour boiling water over it

Halloumi Cheese Schedule (from start to finish)

  • 1.5 hours to prepare cheese grain
  • 1 hour for pressing
  • 15-30 minutes to boil whey cheese
  • 45 minutes to dry

Halloumi cheese recipe step by step

  1. Heat the milk in a water bath to 30-32ºC, stirring constantly so that the temperature is evenly distributed. When the milk is hot, pour the calcium chloride diluted in water into it and mix well. Leave for 3 minutes.
  2. [optional] If using lipase, pour it diluted in 50 ml of water into a saucepan with milk and mix thoroughly. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. [optional] Pour the starter into a large pot of milk: sprinkle the powder on the surface of the milk, let stand and absorb moisture for 3 minutes, then mix again, distributing the starter throughout the milk. Here, sourdough is needed only to improve the taste characteristics of the cheese, if it is made with pasteurized milk. Therefore, the sourdough is added in smaller quantities than usual, and the enzyme is added immediately after the sourdough is added, so that there is no unnecessary increase in the acidity of the cheese mass.
  4. Stir the milk, then slowly pour in the diluted enzyme, constantly stirring the milk from top to bottom to distribute it as much as possible throughout the milk.
  5. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 45 minutes to curdle the milk.
    [optional] To accurately determine the required clotting time and obtain a clot of the desired consistency
    and calculate the clotting time using the formula K = F * M (multiplier = 3, F is the flocculation time in minutes). After the calculation, leave the clot alone for the remaining number of minutes. During this time, the temperature can drop by a couple of degrees - it's not scary.
  6. Swipe. If the clot is not dense enough, leave for another 10-15 minutes.
  7. Cut the clot into medium-sized cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm. First, cut into columns vertically, leave them to compact for 5 minutes, and then cut them horizontally.
  8. Heat the resulting cheese grain to 40º C for the next 15 minutes, stirring constantly so that the grains do not stick together and more whey is given off. Stir gently at first: the curd will still be quite weak and can easily crumble.
  9. When the temperature is reached, continue to stir the grain for another 20 minutes. At this time, it will become elastic and decrease in size.
  10. Leave the cheese grain alone for 5 minutes, during which time it will settle to the bottom of the pan. After that, remove so much whey from the pan so that the remaining layer of it covers a layer of curd at the bottom for a couple of centimeters. If you want to make minty halloumi, add crushed dried mint and mix it well with the cheese grain. Do not pour out the whey, but save it in a separate pan - we will need it later.
  11. Place the molds in a sink or on a drain pan. Spread the cheese grain with a slotted spoon into the molds.
  12. Leave the grain in the molds for 15 minutes to drain excess whey. During this time, the cheese mass will be compacted and consolidated.
  13. After 15 minutes, carefully flip the cheese in the molds and let it press in the other direction for another 15 minutes. To make the cheese better pressed, you can put the molds on top of each other. Continue pressing the cheese for an hour, turning every 15 minutes.
  14. While the cheese is being pressed, in order to clear the whey of protein and prepare it for cooking Halloumi, you can make an analogue of Italian Ricotta - Anari from it. The recipe is the same as for Ricotta: slowly heat the whey to 90-93º C, leave for 20 minutes, then mix in a little vinegar to help separate the albumin, then carefully remove the separated protein with a slotted spoon into a basket shape. After preparing Anari, save the used hot whey (clear and purified).
  15. After an hour of pressing, remove the cheese from the molds. Place a metal grate on the bottom of the whey pan. This will prevent the cheese from sticking to the bottom of the pot while it cooks. You can also, if there is no rack, put the cheese in the pan directly in the mold (if the mold material can withstand high temperatures) or use a colander that fits in the pan.
  16. Heat the saucepan with the whey to 85ºC. When the temperature is reached, place the cheese in the saucepan on the wire rack and cook in this way for about 15-30 minutes, maintaining the temperature. Gradually, the pieces of cheese will decrease in size and float to the surface, so you can determine their readiness.
  17. Use a slotted spoon to remove the cheese from the pan and place it on a draining container to dry. When the cheese pucks are no longer too hot, lightly flatten them with the palm of your hand so that they resemble cakes (the cheese will be soft and pliable after cooking). Sprinkle the tortillas with salt on both sides and then fold in half. Dry and refrigerate for 45 minutes (or until cheese is dry to the touch) at room temperature, turning at least 1 time during this time.
  18. Wrap the finished dried cheese in wax paper and put in the refrigerator. It will be possible to eat Halloumi in 5 days, when it will ripen a little. Fresh Halloumi must be consumed within a week, otherwise it will spoil, or you can freeze it and store it in the freezer for a much longer time (when frozen, Halloumi's properties will not disappear).
  19. [optional] The traditional way of long-term storage and aging of Halloumi is also brine storage. Place the cheeses in a container with a tight-fitting lid, leaving as little space between them as possible. Fill container with 8-12% brine