Recipe for making milk rice porridge in a slow cooker. Crumbled rice porridge in a slow cooker

Porridge, especially if it is rice porridge with milk, will be an excellent breakfast for children and adults. There is nothing difficult in preparing it, especially if you have a multicooker in the kitchen, then you don’t need to watch the milk and be afraid that your breakfast will burn.

Existing versions of this dish can easily be adapted to any multicooker model. For cooking, the “Milk porridge” option is mainly used, but if it is not there, you can use others: “Rice”, “Cooking” or “Stewing”.

As with any dish in a multicooker, the unit of measurement for the main ingredients is the multiglass that comes with the gadget, so regardless of the model of the electric pan, it will be difficult to make a mistake with the proportions.

Read about the calorie content of a cup of coffee with milk in this article.

Here you can find a recipe for homemade cottage cheese.

Recipe for rice porridge with milk in the Polaris multicooker

Each multicooker model has its own characteristics, so Polaris multicookers have the “Milk porridge” option, which is ideal for this dish, but it is at the very end of the list of programs, so you have to press the “Menu” button for a long time.

To prepare a breakfast of rice with milk, you need the following products:

  • 1 multi-scan rice cereal;
  • 4 multi-glasses milk;
  • 1 multi-glass of water;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 g table salt.

It will take 65 minutes to prepare the dish, of which 5 minutes are to measure and pour food into the bowl, and the rest of the time is spent directly cooking in the electronic assistant.

The calorie content of the finished milk-rice treat is 107.5 kcal/100 g.

  1. Measure out the required amount of rice, rinse it well under running cold water and transfer it to a multi-pan;
  2. Then pour in liquid: water and milk. Their proportions and quantity can be changed, adjusting to your taste;
  3. Add sugar and salt, put a piece of butter and mix all the products;
  4. Start the “Milk porridge” program, the duration of which will be 45 minutes. After the sound signal about the end, you can immediately serve the dish to the table, or you can keep it warm for another ¼ hour, which will make the consistency thicker and the taste more rich.

Liquid rice porridge with milk in a Redmond multicooker

The sequence of processes for preparing liquid rice porridge with milk is the same as in the previous recipe. Of course, the proportions of the ingredients will change slightly so that the dish is liquid. The mode that is suitable for cooking is “Milk porridge”.

For liquid rice porridge with milk, you need to take products in the following proportions:

  • 1 incomplete multi-cup of rice (up to 160 ml level);
  • 1000 ml milk;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 25 g butter;

Cooking time will depend on how fluffy the rice is. For crumbly cereal, 30 minutes is enough, for more boiled rice - 40 minutes. Additionally, the dish will need to be kept in the heating mode (from 10 to 15 minutes).

The calorie content of 100 g of such breakfast for children and adults will be 114.6 kcal.

  1. Grease the bottom and walls of the multi-pan with a piece of soft butter;
  2. Rinse the cereal well and transfer it to a slow cooker. Pour in milk, sweeten and salt the contents of the multi-pan. Stir the ingredients until the grains of sugar and salt are completely dissolved;
  3. Turn on the appropriate mode and set the time. After the miracle pot has finished working and is in the heating mode, the porridge can be poured into plates.

Rice porridge with milk and dried fruits in a Panasonic multicooker

You can enrich the taste of a familiar dish by adding dried fruits to the porridge. Dried apricots and raisins are ideal, but it is better not to add prunes, as they will turn the color of the finished breakfast treat into an unsightly gray shade. Dried apples and pears, although healthy, remain too hard after cooking and are inconvenient to eat, so they should not be added to rice.

For rice porridge with dried fruits in a Panasonic miracle pot you need:

  • ½ multi-cup rice cereal;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 50 g raisins and dried apricots;
  • 5 g table salt.

Since the power of Panasonic multicookers is only 500 W, the cooking time will extend to 1 hour, plus the time for preparatory processes (10-15 minutes).

Calorie content of the dish - 152.0 kcal/100 g.

  1. Rinse the cereal to remove debris and excess starch, and do the same with dried fruits;
  2. Place all the ingredients in the multicooker, mix and cook using the “Milk porridge” option. There is no need to manually set the cooking duration; it is determined automatically by the program parameters.

Rice porridge with milk and strawberries in a Philips multicooker

Bright, vitamin-rich berries can energize you throughout the day and lift your mood in the morning. So a fruit addition can deliciously diversify the menu. This recipe uses strawberries, but if you don't have them, you can use other favorite berries. In summer, this porridge is served with fresh strawberries, and in winter you can add frozen ones.

For milk rice porridge with strawberries you need to take:

  • 1 multi-cup rice;
  • 3 multi-glasses milk;
  • 1 multi-glass of water;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 300 g strawberries.

On average, cooking time will be 70-80 minutes.

The calorie content of the dish, calculated per 100 g, will be within 91.9 kcal.

Cooking procedure in a Philips multicooker:

  1. Place the washed rice cereal along with sugar, salt and butter in a multi-pan:
  2. Pour milk diluted with water over the ingredients;
  3. Prepare a dish using an item in the menu list such as “Milk porridge”;
  4. Wash the strawberries and cut large berries into small pieces. If using frozen strawberries, place them on a plate, sprinkle with a pinch of sugar and microwave for one minute;
  5. Place the finished porridge on plates and place strawberries on top.

Rice porridge with milk, honey and banana in the Mulinex multicooker

This recipe seems to have something in common with the previous one; it also uses fruits, but it is not sugar that gives the dish its sweetness, but honey. You can also add a little nutmeg to the ingredients to taste, which will add a certain piquancy.

To cook this porridge in the Mulinex multicooker, you need to take:

  • 1 multi-cup rice;
  • 2 multi-glasses of milk with at least 2.5% fat content;
  • 2 multi-glasses of drinking water;
  • 50 g bee honey;
  • 200 g bananas;
  • 3-5 g nutmeg.

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

The calorie content of this version of rice porridge is 90.1 kcal per 100 g.

  1. Dilute the milk with water and pour the resulting liquid over the washed rice in a multi-pan, add honey. Stir everything;
  2. Turn on the kitchen assistant to the “Milk porridge” (or “Soup/stew”) mode;
  3. After the end of the program, add nutmeg, stir and leave on heat for 10-15 minutes;
  4. During this time, you need to peel the bananas and cut into slices;
  5. Serve the finished rice dish, generously decorating it with banana slices on top.

Rice porridge with milk and pumpkin in a pressure cooker

Many people know about the benefits of pumpkin for the human body, but the question of how to cook it tasty is often perplexing. You can quickly and deliciously cook pumpkin in a multicooker-pressure cooker by making delicious rice porridge with milk. It is noteworthy that when cooking in this gadget, changing the volume of food does not require changing the cooking time.

The following ingredients are used for this dish:

  • 500 g pumpkin pulp without seeds and peel;
  • 1000 ml cow's milk;
  • 65 g sugar (or a little more to taste);
  • 230 g round rice;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar.

It will take no more than 30 minutes to prepare the dish.

Calorie content of pumpkin-rice porridge - 100.1 kcal/100 g.

  1. Place grated pumpkin, washed cereal, sugar, butter and vanilla sugar into the bowl of a multi-pressure cooker. Pour milk over everything;
  2. After closing the lid of the pressure cooker, set the valve to “Pressure 3” and the “Porridge” option for 15 minutes;
  3. After the beep, wait until the lock opens on its own, and you can serve delicious pumpkin porridge to the table.

For such a treat as milk porridge with rice cereal, rice with round grains is best suited, since it boils best.

It is better to cook milk rice porridge using fattier milk (from 2.5% to 3.2%), so the dish will be more aromatic and tastier.

When preparing dairy dishes in a multicooker, it happens that housewives are faced with such a problem as milk escaping through the valve. You can avoid this situation if you dilute milk with water, taking three parts milk to one part water. The taste of the finished dish will not be affected by this, and all the milk will remain in the multi-pan.

If you want to prepare milk porridge for breakfast without waking up an hour earlier, but using the “Delayed Start” option, you need to freeze the milk and put it in this form with the rest of the ingredients in the multicooker bowl. Thus, even on a summer morning, after the signal, you can have breakfast with delicious milk porridge, and not rice with sour milk.

Inexperienced housewives are often interested in the question: when to add butter to a dish? It can be placed immediately with the rest of the ingredients, in a multi-pan with ready-made porridge, or directly on a plate before serving. So the answer to the question of when depends only on personal preferences.

Traditional dietary and baby food is based on cereal dishes. Among them, rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker deserves close attention. Such a delicate delicacy will be an excellent option for a hearty and nutritious breakfast not only for a child, but also for an adult. To avoid getting tired of milk porridge with rice, you can prepare it according to different recipes. It is suggested to cook it not only just like that and season it with butter, but also with dried apricots, pumpkin, raisins, apples, cinnamon and other additives. Believe me, the dish will turn out not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty!

Basic recipe for making milk rice porridge in a slow cooker

If culinary delights are alien to you, but you are not going to give up healthy breakfast dishes, take note of the basic recipe for simple rice porridge with milk.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Number of servings - 4.


To prepare milk porridge, you need to prepare the following simple and inexpensive ingredients:

  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 4 tbsp.;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

On a note! To make the dish tender and appetizing in taste, it is recommended to use round varieties of rice.

Per serving

  • Calories: 136.62 kcal
  • Proteins: 3.5 g
  • Fat: 4.15 g
  • Carbohydrates: 21.6 g

Cooking method

The essence of cooking simple rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker is completely elementary. Any cook can master this recipe if desired.

The finished dish can be served to the table. Dried apricots, raisins, cinnamon or slices of fresh fruit will help make it more tasty.

How to cook rice porridge with dried apricots in milk in a slow cooker

You can get maximum benefit and taste by cooking rice porridge with dried apricots in a slow cooker.

Number of servings - 5.


It is suggested to prepare an appetizing milk porridge for breakfast from the following set of ingredients:

  • rice - 200 g;
  • milk - 600 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dried apricots - 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • orange - 1 pc.

Note! We only need to take the zest and juice from the orange.

Per serving

  • Calories: 140.28 kcal
  • Proteins: 3.78 g
  • Fat: 2.57 g
  • Carbohydrates: 26.28 g

Cooking method

Cooking milk rice porridge in a slow cooker with dried apricots according to the recipe with photo is not so difficult. Even such an original version with spicy notes is easily implemented by chefs.

This is how easy it is to cook an original version of milk rice porridge with dried apricots in a slow cooker.

A very healthy recipe - rice porridge with pumpkin

Another option for preparing incredibly tasty and healthy rice porridge involves using pumpkin. The amount of vitamins in such a dish is simply off the charts!

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Number of servings - 5.


To cook an appetizing and healthy delicacy, you need:

  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • pumpkin - 300 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 4 tbsp.;
  • vanillin.

On a note! Milk can be diluted with water using the components in equal parts.

Per serving

  • Calories: 113.13 kcal
  • Proteins: 3.08 g
  • Fat: 2.39 g
  • Carbohydrates: 20.54 g

Cooking method

Rice porridge can be cooked in a slow cooker with milk without any problems. But the recipe with pumpkin has some peculiarities. Meet them!

So, an appetizing, healthy dish with an unforgettable taste and sunny color is ready!

How to cook rice porridge with apple and milk

Another unusual recipe suggests cooking a delicious milk porridge from rice in milk with apples. Fruits will give this delicacy not only more benefits, but also piquant, pleasant sour notes.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Number of servings - 3.


These are the products we need to prepare delicious porridge:

  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • milk - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.

Per serving

  • Calories: 156.6 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.37 g
  • Fat: 1.14 g
  • Carbohydrates: 34.6 g

Cooking method

Preparing tender and unusual rice porridge in milk with apples and raisins is easy. Your task is simply to follow the instructions and perform all the steps step by step.

The dish is best served hot. And don’t forget that you can’t spoil porridge with butter, including this one with fruit!

Sweet option - recipe for rice porridge with milk and raisins

Rice porridge in a slow cooker with raisins turns out to be very sweet - the whole family will like the recipe with milk. Both children and adults will devour this breakfast on both cheeks.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Number of servings - 4.


To cook such an appetizing dish with a delicate milky taste, we will need to prepare the following products according to the list:

  • rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • raisins - 1/2 cup;
  • milk - 3 tbsp;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • water - 2 tbsp;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Per serving

  • Calories: 120.56 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.64 g
  • Fat: 4.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 18.71 g

Cooking method

There are usually no difficulties in cooking such a sweet version of milk porridge from rice, even if you decide to cook such a dish for the first time.

Add the remaining butter to the porridge in portions when serving. Bon appetit!

Video recipes

Video recipes will help those cooks who don’t like to bother reading simple recipes:

Rice porridge is a delicious, nutritious and healthy breakfast for the whole family that will energize you for the whole day. Due to the content of complex carbohydrates, it provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. By preparing rice porridge in a slow cooker, you will get a dish that will appeal not only to rice lovers, but even to those who are indifferent to porridge. The main thing is that the cooking process will take place without the participation of the hostess. You won’t need to stand over the pan and make sure that the porridge doesn’t burn, run away, lumps don’t form in it, etc.

What kind of rice porridge can be cooked in a slow cooker?

A multicooker will help you prepare rice porridge for every taste, from the simplest one, with water, to options with various additives. Rice porridge is prepared with water or milk. Rice porridge with water is suitable for children with allergies, the diet table, and can also be eaten during Lent.

The consistency of porridge can be crumbly, viscous or liquid. It depends on the type of rice, as well as on the proportions of water and cereal. You can take any rice - the simplest, round grain 2 varieties, or steamed. For a thicker and more viscous porridge, it is better to use regular polished rice; steamed rice produces a more crumbly porridge.

The most popular recipes for rice porridge in a slow cooker:

Rules and features of cooking rice porridge in a slow cooker

Rice porridge, like any dish, has its own cooking rules. How to cook rice porridge in a slow cooker and how long to cook it depends on what type you want to get.

The usual proportions are one part rice to two parts liquid or a little less. This is how we get crumbly boiled cereal. If you increase the amount of milk or water, the porridge will become more viscous. How much milk is needed for thin porridge depends on understanding what consistency is suitable. If the porridge turns out thick during cooking, you can always add additional liquid.

Crumbly porridge on water will turn out better if you add a little oil - butter or vegetable - to the water. This way the grains will be separated from one another. In addition, the cereal must be thoroughly washed before cooking. You can add carrots to water porridge with oil; the rice will turn out to have a light golden hue, combining the beneficial properties of cereals, oil and carrots. Now the Lenten meal is ready.

Some multicooker models do not allow you to cook in small portions. But this will not be a minus for lovers of this healthy food. After all, rice porridge can be prepared not only with the addition of fruits and vegetables. It will also work well with meat, chicken and turkey.

A simple recipe for making milk rice porridge in a slow cooker

We will need:

  • rice – 1 glass;
  • milk – 2 glasses;
  • butter – 1 dessert spoon;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker:

For porridge it is better to take short grain rice. Rinse the cereal. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl, add rice, put butter. Lightly salt, add sugar to taste, stir so that the rice does not stick together. Set the porridge cooking mode for the time specified by a specific model. In a Panasonic multicooker, this will be the automatic “Milk porridge” program. In other models, this may be the “quenching” mode. After the signal, the delicious milk rice porridge in the slow cooker is ready. Let it sit for another 10 minutes with the lid closed until it thickens.

Having prepared different types of porridge, you can determine what suits you best and learn little cooking tricks. For example, some housewives, to make the porridge more satisfying and not run away, grease the top of the bowl with a piece of butter.

The multicooker has such an interesting function - delayed mode. This is very convenient if you need to prepare porridge for the morning. By setting the timer for the right time, you can get hot, aromatic porridge. This way, you won’t have to waste precious time preparing breakfast in the morning. What’s also important is that after standing in the liquid, the rice will cook more fluffy and the porridge will turn out like it came out of a Russian oven.

Delay mode is suitable for any time of year, excluding hot summer. At high temperatures, there is a danger that the milk may sour. This can be avoided by adding extra ice cubes - this way the milk will not have time to spoil.

You will learn various ways to prepare this dish by reading below numerous recipes with photos of rice porridge in a slow cooker.

The multicooker or miracle oven has become a popular gadget in the kitchen. She controls the entire cooking process and produces truly delicious food. Rice porridge in a slow cooker is a dish that both adults and children will enjoy.

Rice porridge can be prepared crumbly or soft. It all depends on what you will cook from rice next. If crumbly porridge can be added to salads or used as a side dish, then soft porridge can be eaten with various gravies or milk.

    4 multi glasses of water

    1 tsp salt

Brief preparation:

    I rinse the rice thoroughly until the water runs clear.

    I put all the main ingredients into the multicooker bowl and mix.

    I turn on the required mode.

    I add butter and turn on the “Heat” mode for a few minutes.

If you decide to prepare milk rice porridge, then for 1 multi-glass of rice you need to take 5-6 multi-glasses of milk.

To get fluffy rice that can be added to salads or used as a side dish, you need to take 1 multi-cup of rice and 2 multi-cups of water.

There is another proportion in cooking rice in water. If we take 1 serving of rice and 1 serving of water, we will get the rice that is used to make the roll.

Regardless of what type of rice we need, whether we cook it with water or milk, the preparation is always the same.

I prefer long rice, although for milk porridges it is better to use round rice.

Be sure to wash the rice.

Add water.

Salt to taste.

Add butter.

Turn on the “Rice” program for 30-35 minutes.

After the beep, leave the porridge for another 20-40 minutes.

Rice porridge in a ratio of 1:4 is quite soft. You can see this in the photo.

It should also be said that different types of rice absorb different amounts of liquid, which must be taken into account during cooking.

This is where my secrets for cooking rice porridge in multicookers end. It would be interesting to hear about your experience of preparing this type of porridge in a slow cooker. I hope this topic will be useful to everyone who has just begun to master this type of technology.

More recipes

There is nothing complicated about cooking porridge in a slow cooker, especially since the pan itself will carry out all the settings. Our task will only be to wait for the result. As a side dish, cook rice in water, and sweet porridge tastes better with milk.

Let’s immediately agree that we always wash the cereal until it’s clear.
Remember that when washing, part of the liquid is absorbed by the rice; this is important to take into account when calculating the proportions. I always wash it several times: at t - 40 C, and then hotter - at t - 60-70 C.

In the Polaris multicooker

Even a child can prepare a dish on his own in an electric miracle oven, it’s so simple.


    water, 5 tbsp.;


    I put warm and clean rice in the oven container.

    Add rice and oil to salted water to taste and mix.

    I set the program to “Rice” and leave it for 40 minutes. The electrical appliance is so smart that it will signal when it is ready.

A 10-minute soak with butter in the “Heating” mode will make our dish especially tasty. I always try to serve it hot; for this purpose I specially heat a deep plate. This will help preserve its taste properties as much as possible.

In the Redmond slow cooker

This miracle oven has a lot of useful functions and temperature settings, but there is no off button, which is not always convenient. Therefore, if you have already given the start, the device will run the program to the end.


    water, 2 tbsp.;


    I salt water with rice at the rate of 5 g per 1 kg.

    I find the “Rice - Cereals” program in the menu.

    I select the “Setup/Timer” button and turn it on for half an hour.

    I add more butter to the cooked rice.

I always warm up the plate before serving. This way, the taste of a dish cooked in a Redmond multicooker is better preserved.

In the Ponasonik multicooker

To prepare tasty and crumbly porridge in the Ponasonik multicooker you will need a minimum of effort and time. My proportions are designed for a family of up to 4 people.


    water, 2 tbsp.;


    In the “Steam” mode I boil water.

    I put the ground grains into boiling water and don’t forget to add a little salt.

    I press the “Buckwheat” button and in 30 minutes my dish is ready.

I keep a check on the presence of water and look into the pan a couple of times. You can deliciously serve the dish with fried mushrooms and onions or just with onions. Before serving, I warm the plate to preserve the delicate flavor of the rice.

In a Philips multicooker

Porridge cooked in a Philips multicooker reminds me of the taste of childhood and grandmother. She often cooked for me according to her signature recipe. She made it so delicious that it was just “finger licking good.”


    sugar, 2 tbsp;

    salt, 1/4 tsp.


    I mix the products: milk, cereal, salt, sugar and butter in a non-stick container.

    I turn on the “Rice” or “Milk porridge” mode for 25 minutes.

    I keep it in the “Heating” mode for another quarter of an hour.

I specifically reheat the soup bowl before serving. Milk porridge is good because it can be eaten at any time, especially since it is also a dietary dish.

In a multicooker pressure cooker

In a pressure cooker, food is cooked under pressure, so it cooks a little faster than usual. I'll tell you how to make a wonderful side dish in a pressure cooker. It will complement the taste of meat, fish, fresh or stewed vegetables.


    sugar, 1-2 tbsp. l;

    salt, 0.5 tsp;


    I mix well-washed cereals with milk. salt, sugar, butter.

    I close the container with a lid and set the valve to the “Closed” position to allow steam to escape.

    The oven program “Milk porridge” will finish cooking in 20 minutes.

    I open the valve, release the steam and treat the family to a delicious milk dish.

In the Mulinex multicooker

My recipe for the Moulinex multicooker is designed for 3 proportions and is perfect for breakfast.


    sugar, 2 tbsp. l;

    salt, to taste.


    I add sugar, butter and a little salt to the rice with milk and stir it in the multicooker container.

    I turn on the “Rice” or “Milk porridge” program.

    After 25 minutes, delicious milk is laid out on a plate and awaits the eaters. .

Everything is quick and simple, the Mulinex miracle pan works, and I go about my business.

With milk


    sugar, 2 tbsp. l;

    salt, 5g per 1 kg;


    In a saucepan, carefully stir rice, milk, sugar, and salt.

    I close the lid and press the “Rice” or “Milk Porridge” button.

    After 25 minutes, the milky treat is ready.

As always, I warm up the plates. It has been proven that it tastes better this way.

With raisins

There is a little trick. I will be happy to share it with you. Probably not everyone knows that rice does not cook well in milk, so I boil it for 5-10 minutes in a large amount of water, which I then drain and add milk. Or you can immediately dilute the milk with water.

Soft and sweet raisins go very well with tender rice.


  • Types and benefits

    For almost 300 years, rice has been on the table because of its taste and beneficial properties. Our great-grandmothers cooked porridge in ordinary pans, and you and I will use a high-tech assistant.
    In addition to protein, there are many amino acids, fats and carbohydrates. It is also a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. So even those who don’t particularly like rice will agree with me that eating it is simply necessary.

    Smart multicooker pan: features and capabilities

    There are two types of this smart electrical appliance: a multicooker and a multicooker - pressure cooker. The difference is that the first type does not retain steam inside the bowl, unlike the second, so food cooks faster in a pressure cooker.

    Choosing a multicooker for yourself

    It’s up to you to decide which multicooker to choose – plastic or metal. Plastic is both cheaper and lighter than metal. The pan bowl is made of aluminum, stainless steel or ceramic and has a non-stick coating inside.

    Therefore, it must be handled carefully, not dropped or scratched. When choosing the volume of the form, be guided by the number of members of your family. It’s good when a multicooker has many programs, then you can endlessly comprehend different methods of cooking in it.

    To receive the best articles, subscribe to Alimero's pages at .

If such a serious and irreplaceable device as a multicooker appears on the household, then housewives should use it to the fullest. How many interesting, tasty and new dishes are not prepared because you have to wash a lot of dishes and constantly stand at the stove.

The advent of the multicooker took a lot of worries off the shoulders of housewives, and houses were filled with new dishes. But not only new dishes, but also everyone’s favorite, familiar and beloved ones began to be prepared tastier. A striking example is rice porridge in a slow cooker with milk. Even those who did not like this porridge before, having tried it now, will become its fans. And you can cook not just porridge, but a real masterpiece.

In order to cook truly delicious rice porridge in a slow cooker, so that everyone remembers it for a long time, you don’t need much. First of all, you need to buy exactly the rice that is suitable for porridge. Steamed long grain will not work here. You need to buy rice grains with a high starch content. All brands of short grain rice are like this. And you shouldn't buy expensive brands. The cheapest rice is ideal for cooking rice milk porridge.

Any milk will do. There is also no need to chase milk with a high percentage of fat content. And, of course, maintaining proportions is important. The most commonly used ratio of rice cereal to total liquid (milk + water) is 1:4. The porridge is of moderate thickness. If you need to make a thinner or more viscous porridge, the basic proportion changes slightly up or down.

Thick rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

The porridge turns out very filling and tasty. It is better to buy milk for this recipe with 2.5% fat content. If desired, you can add some raisins to the porridge.


If desired, you can add steamed dried fruits or fresh berries to the porridge. The taste will change for the better, but this question is not for everyone.

This is a recipe for exactly the kind of porridge that everyone remembers from their distant childhood and Soviet public catering. An island of nostalgia on the family table.

Calorie content per 100 g: 181.78 kcal


  1. Rinse short grain rice in cold water until the water becomes completely clear. This is worth paying attention to because otherwise the porridge can easily escape through the valve. This is a fairly common occurrence, especially for multicookers with small bowls;
  2. It is recommended to briefly soak thoroughly washed rice with warm water and let it stand;
  3. Coat the walls of the multicooker bowl well with butter;
  4. Drain the rice using a sieve. Transfer the rice to the slow cooker. Pour in pre-boiled water and milk. If you plan to cook on a delayed start, the water must be boiled;
  5. Pour granulated sugar and salt into a bowl. Vary the amount of sugar according to taste. Some people like sweeter porridge, others less so. This moment of preparation is extremely individual;
  6. Stir the contents of the bowl well. To cover with a lid. Set the “Milk porridge/Porridge” program and start the multicooker with the “Start” button. Cook the porridge until the end of the cycle.

If the porridge is thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of warm milk.

Pumpkin rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

A very good option is milk rice porridge with the addition of pumpkin. You need to take advantage of the moment when the season begins - prices fall and many varieties of pumpkin appear on the shelves.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Calorie content per 100 g: 195.53 kcal


  1. Wash the pumpkin. Peel off the skin. Carefully scrape the seeds out of the middle with a spoon. Cut the pumpkin pulp into medium cubes;
  2. Transfer the prepared pumpkin to a multicooker bowl. Sprinkle sugar on top. Stir. Let soak for 10 minutes;
  3. Boil the milk. At the same time, boil a kettle of water;
  4. Rinse short grain rice thoroughly. Place in a bowl, pour boiling water for 12 minutes. Then drain the water;
  5. Cut the butter into pieces. Add it to the multi-cooker bowl along with the rice. Stir well;
  6. Add milk and boiling water to the bowl. Cover the multicooker bowl with a lid. Select the “Milk porridge/Grains” program. Start the multicooker. Wait for the complete cooking cycle to complete. Turn off the equipment. Without opening the lid, leave the porridge for 6-8 minutes. Then remove the lid and place the porridge among portioned plates. Add a piece of butter to each and serve.

When buying a pumpkin, ask the seller if it is a sweet variety. Sweeter varieties of pumpkins are better suited for rice porridge than others.

Thick porridge is a dish that a large number of people love. But the same number of eaters prefer liquid rice porridge with milk.

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Calorie content per 100 g: 220.19 kcal


  1. First of all, you need to rinse the rice grains until the water becomes completely clear. After this, let the water drain completely, leaving the cereal in a colander for a while;
  2. When the water has drained, transfer the rice grains to the multicooker bowl. Fill with bottled water. Then add milk. Add granulated sugar and the required amount of salt. This ratio of water and milk makes it possible to obtain porridge with a more delicate taste. This also reduces the likelihood that the porridge will escape from the multicooker;
  3. Set up the Milk Porridge program. Close the multicooker with a lid. Run a full cycle. Cook liquid rice porridge until the end of the cooking cycle signal. If your device does not have the “Milk porridge” program, you can set the “Stew” program, increasing the cooking time. After the porridge is ready, transfer it to serving plates. Place a piece of butter in each and serve.

Do not keep the finished porridge in the slow cooker for a long time - it will immediately begin to thicken. The result will be something completely different from what was planned.

Quick rice porridge with milk powder in a slow cooker

If you have milk powder in the house, rice porridge can be cooked using it. And it won’t taste any worse.

Cooking time: 55 minutes

Calorie content per 100 g: 192.14 kcal


  1. Rinse the rice until the water runs clear. Transfer to slow cooker;
  2. Add granulated sugar and salt. Throw in a piece of butter;
  3. Next, you should dilute the milk. In a separate bowl, using a whisk, stir milk with water (half a glass) until it becomes liquid sour cream. After this, pour in the amount of water indicated in the recipe and stir so that there are no lumps;
  4. Pour the resulting milk into the multicooker bowl;
  5. Close the lid. Set the “Porridge” program and cook until the end of the cycle;
  6. When serving, place a piece of butter on a plate.

In order to be completely sure of the correct dilution of milk, it is worth reading the instructions that are on any package of powdered milk.

  • if the multicooker does not have a special mode, you can use the “Stewing”, “Soup” or “Simmering” modes;
  • coat the multi-cooker bowl in a circle closer to the top with butter and the porridge will not escape;
  • be sure to rinse the rice until the water is completely clear;
  • It is recommended to dilute the milk at least a little with water, then the chances of the porridge escaping will be reduced to zero.

Rice porridge with milk will not only add variety to your table, but will also bring joy to children and adults. Add dried fruits or berries to the porridge and you will get an even more delicious dish. Even those who don’t like porridge will be happy to eat porridge with fresh berries or fruits.