Recipe for cucumbers in mineral water. Crispy pickles on a mineral water per day

Salted cucumbers on mineral water are a convenient and, perhaps, one of the fastest ways to pickle fresh vegetables. You can eat lightly salted cucumbers, using mineral water marinade for pickling them, after a few hours. So, you can always have fresh and tasty pickles for the festive table.

You can cook them both in a bag and in any other convenient dish: a saucepan, a jar, a basin. Write down the easiest and fastest recipe for salted cucumbers on mineral water at home, it will definitely come in handy!

On a note!

If you choose to cook lightly salted cucumbers in a package on a mineral water for 5 hours, then you should know that you can pickle in this way, both cucumbers from the garden, and cucumbers of all varieties bought in the store in autumn, winter or spring.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Dish type: salted cucumbers
  • Servings:4
  • 30 min

To quickly make delicious crispy lightly salted cucumbers, prepare:

  • bag or any other container for pickling;
  • 1 kg of cucumbers (it is better if they are medium-sized vegetables with a minimum number of seeds inside);
  • 1 liter of mineral water (any mineral water will do, but only highly carbonated);
  • 2.5-3 dessert spoons of salt without a slide (to your taste);
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • dill greens.

Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water - a step by step recipe with a photo:

We will cook crispy salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic and dill. Optionally, you can add any greens that your family loves.

  1. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the tips, leaving the vegetables whole if they are small and medium-sized cucumbers (up to 10 cm). If the vegetables are taken large, then they should be cut into circles. The thickness for circles in this case is about one and a half centimeters, maybe 2 cm, but no more than two is better.
  2. Take a bag or any prepared container, put half of the cooked herbs and garlic on the bottom (we recommend cutting the garlic cloves into slices).
  3. Put the cucumbers on top of the greens and cover with the remaining seasonings.
  4. Pour mineral water into any jar or saucepan and dissolve salt in it.
  5. Pour the cucumbers with the prepared brine so that it completely covers the vegetables.
  6. Leave to infuse for an hour at room temperature and 3-5 hours in the refrigerator. Salted cucumbers made according to such a simple recipe can be consumed after a specified period of time. But more fragrant and salty cucumbers will become 12-15 hours later. That is why, if you are preparing salted cucumbers for the holiday, we recommend doing them in the evening so that the dish is infused in a mineral water marinade overnight.

Note to the owner!

The specified recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in the package provides for not only quick cooking. With mineral water marinade, you can also make crispy cucumbers in any other container. for example, in a basin, bowl or saucepan.

It is important to note that crispy lightly salted cucumbers can be made quickly and tasty according to this method, both in summer at the height of the summer season, and at any other time of the year, the main thing is to have fresh vegetables, spices and mineral water on hand.

Incredibly crispy, moderately salty and insanely delicious - this is how you can describe cucumbers pickled in mineral water. This method of salting allows you to get a nutritious cold snack that will certainly surprise all family members and friends. Salted cucumbers on a mineral water is a great idea to diversify your diet, as well as enjoy your favorite pickles even in the summer.

About the snack

The salting process itself does not differ in special technology, it even has its advantages:

  • no need to mess with boiling water;
  • cucumbers are salted much faster and are ready to eat in less than a day after cooking;
  • thanks to cold salting, all the most useful microelements of this vegetable are preserved, making such an appetizer not only insanely tasty, but also nutritious for the body.

The recipe for pickling lightly salted cucumbers on a mineral water is very simple and does not require any special components. But still, the choice of the main ingredients should be approached with special attention. The best raw materials for pickling will be cucumbers collected from your garden. Young fruits will not only exceed the number of useful trace elements, but even after salting they will remain quite crispy.

If it is not possible to use your own crop, then you can take purchased cucumbers. In this case, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the fruit. They should be elastic and without damage. Medium sized cucumbers are ideal.

Any mineral can be used. Also, as additives, you should take fresh dill and horseradish leaves. To have a richer aroma, be sure to add garlic, and to spice up, use allspice with peas. The amount of herbs, garlic and pepper can be adjusted to taste.

Below you can see the simplest recipe for pickling lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water.

Not everyone likes pickles, as they have a too rich taste. The downside is the long waiting time. In this case, it is possible to get a quick and savory snack. A common recipe is salted cucumbers prepared on mineral water. The very next day after putting it in the refrigerator, you can taste the finished dish.

If you want to pickle cucumbers in purified mineral water with gas, you should find out the advantages of this quick preservation method:

  1. Cucumber fruits are crispy, elastic, with a rich salt flavor.
  2. The possibility of a quick and less hassle cooking method makes pickling a great option for a snack.
  3. There is no need to use boiling water, since the whole process is carried out using cold mineral water.
  4. The components retain their texture, taste and most of the nutrients, unlike long-term salting.

Preparation of ingredients

To salt in a quick way, you will need the following main components:

  • gherkins;
  • mineral water with increased formation of gases;
  • salt, preferably sea salt, with large crystals;
  • garlic bulb cloves;
  • greens - dill and parsley.

To taste, you can add spices, herbs, cherry leaves, currants or other ingredients. Preparation should begin with vegetables. Cucumbers are best taken small. If the fruits are large, then they must be cut. Tips can be left or removed. Rinse cucumbers, remove thorns.

Garlic should be peeled and cut into slices of each clove. Dill umbrellas must be divided into tops and stems with herbs, and parsley must be washed.

Step by step cooking instructions

A step-by-step easy recipe for making little salts includes a list of ingredients:

  • slightly unripe gherkins of the same size - 1 kilogram;
  • umbrella dill - 5 pieces;
  • garlic cloves - 6 pieces;
  • horseradish root - 1 piece;
  • laurel leaves - 3 pieces;
  • large salt crystals - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 small spoon;
  • carbonated mineral water.

Salting is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Preparation of components - wash the gherkins, cut off the ends; Peel the garlic, wash the dill.
  2. Put greens and chopped horseradish root on the bottom of the prepared dishes.
  3. Put the cucumber fruits on top of the dill in a dense layer, slightly crushing them.
  4. Sprinkle everything with chopped garlic, dill and chopped horseradish.
  5. Lay out the second layer of cucumbers and cover it with the remaining elements.
  6. Prepare salt filling - pour salt and pour carbonated mineral water, add bay leaf and granulated sugar, mix.
  7. Put the brine in a bowl with stacked cucumbers, cover and put in a cold place for 12 hours or a day.

The resulting pickled cucumbers will pleasantly surprise you with their rich taste and aroma, and mineral water will add crunchiness to them.

What can be added to cucumbers

If you like to experiment, you can diversify the standard recipe. You can add to the main ingredients:

  • leaves of horseradish, cherry, currant or oak;
  • green apple with a sour taste - cut into thin slices one small piece;
  • Hungarian plum - chop several pitted fruits into four pieces each;
  • zucchini - cut into semicircles of medium thickness.

Consider the recipes for each additional ingredient.

Leaves of oak, currant, horseradish

To prepare delicious salted cucumbers, you can add oak, horseradish or currant leaves. This will give the dish an unusual, bright taste.

Recipe for lightly salted currant leaves:

  1. Rinse small cucumbers of approximately the same length and leave in cold clean water for several hours.
  2. Trim the tips of the fruits, divide the dill umbrellas into several parts and rinse with currant leaves, peel the garlic.
  3. Put a piece of greens and a couple of cloves of garlic into the prepared saucepan, add a few peas of black pepper.
  4. Submerge half of the cucumbers.
  5. Put the remaining herbs, garlic and seasonings.
  6. Add the second part of cucumber fruits and mix everything.
  7. Preparing the brine - pour salt into the mineral water until it dissolves, pour the contents of the pan.
  8. Cover with a plate and refrigerate.

In the morning you will get crispy, elastic cucumbers with a pleasant taste and aroma.

Hard sour apple

  • for cooking, take dishes made of glass, ceramics or wood, rinse thoroughly;
  • wash one apple and cut into slices, the second - finely grate to release the juice;
  • put fruit slices, dill umbrellas, chopped garlic, peppercorns and horseradish or cherry leaves (optional) on the bottom of the container;
  • dip the gherkins on greens and seasonings, cover everything with grated apples on top;
  • prepare a salting liquid - mix mineral water with gas and salt;
  • pour the contents of the container, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

Salted cucumbers according to this recipe will pleasantly surprise you with a delicate sour-sweet aftertaste.

Plum Hungarian

Salting vegetables with plums is an original recipe that not everyone will like:

  • wash cucumbers of equal sizes, remove seeds from fruits and cut each fruit into four parts;
  • clean the jar with soda, rinse well;
  • at the bottom put half the plums, cherry leaves, dill umbrellas and chopped garlic cloves;
  • add cucumbers and the rest of the ingredients on top;
  • pour the contents with saline on a mineral water, cover the jar with gauze, leave it in the room for a day and a half, then put it in the refrigerator for several days.

Using Hungarian plums will give the finished dish a sweetish taste. The recipe is suitable for true connoisseurs of unusual combinations.

vegetable marrow

For salting you will need:

  • fresh gherkins;
  • medium sized zucchini;
  • highly carbonated mineral water;
  • coarse salt;
  • a spoonful of granulated sugar;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • stems and dill umbrellas;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • allspice peas;
  • slice of lemon (to taste)
  1. Wash the gherkins, leave in cool water for several hours, cut off the ends by 2-3 centimeters.
  2. Rinse the zucchini, cut into circles about 1.5 centimeters thick.
  3. Rinse dishes, scald with boiling water.
  4. Put leaves, dill and garlic on the bottom.
  5. Dip vegetables tightly on top, sprinkle with peppercorns and add a slice of lemon.
  6. Mix mineral water with salt and sugar and pour over the prepared ingredients with the mixture.
  7. Cover with a plate or lid, put in a cold place.

Salted cucumbers with zucchini can be stored for several months.


Salted cucumbers are allowed to eat on a diet. There are only 12 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

If for health reasons you cannot consume a lot of salt, for example, with hypertension, then quick cooking will be an excellent alternative to long-term pickles. In almost unlimited quantities, slightly salted cucumbers are allowed during pregnancy. They will help to cope with nausea and toxicosis.


Salted cucumbers on mineral water- This is a dish of Russian national cuisine, which is prepared from fresh cucumbers, with the help of short-term salting. It was for a short period of salting that cucumbers got their name. Often, during cold cooking, spices are added to cucumbers, such as garlic, cherry leaves, horseradish, dill, parsley.

Unusually, they can be eaten without any additional processing. Lightly salted cucumbers can be eaten as a completely independent snack, or used as an addition to some salads. In addition to all this, salted cucumbers are considered the most common snack for alcoholic beverages.

Small vegetables are considered the best for pickling, because the process must be quick. Also, when choosing cucumbers, pay attention to the thickness of the peel. It should be thin, thanks to it the cucumbers will pickle faster.

Is there any benefit to eating lightly salted cucumbers? Of course, yes, because they are not heat treated. Salted cucumbers improve the functioning of the digestive tract, and also enrich the body with oxygen. This type of cucumber neutralizes the effects of alcohol on the body, which is why they are the best snack for strong alcohol.

The most versatile step-by-step cooking recipe with a photo for pickling cucumbers in mineral water, you can study further.


  • (1 kg)

  • (1 l)

  • (4 tablespoons)

  • (1 bunch)

  • (1 head)

  • ()

Cooking steps

    First, let's put all the ingredients in front of us on the table to be sure of their quantity.

    For pickling, you will need cucumbers 10-20 cm in size; pimples must be present on the skin of the vegetable. Cucumbers with smooth skin, not so tasty.

    If you don't like spicy, you can leave out the pepper, but trust me, it won't hurt.

    First, pour sea salt into mineral water, and wait until it is completely dissolved. Next, a violent reaction begins, splashes and gas escape.

    While the mineral water is reacting with salt, you can cut off the “butts” of the cucumbers.

    Grind dill not very finely, with the help of hands. Cut the chili pepper into circles, and peel the garlic and cut into small plates.

    At the bottom of the dish, where they will be, cucumbers are salted, we throw dill branches, put cucumbers on top and sprinkle with dill, chili pepper and garlic.

    Fill all the ingredients with mineral water. And put it in the fridge overnight. Sutra you can already enjoy the cooked dish.

    By the way, there is a way to cook such lightly salted cucumbers in a bag, all the steps are the same, only in the bag all the ingredients can be distributed evenly.

    Such a recipe will greatly facilitate your life and give a new taste to the usual snack.