Spices and seasonings or what to add to soups. What spices will make the soup tastier and more aromatic? Secrets of chefs What greens go well with mushroom soup

Mushrooms have a fairly strong natural taste and smell, however, during heat treatment they tend to lose these valuable properties.

That is why properly selected spices can not only preserve the rich flavor bouquet of mushroom dishes, but also enhance it.

In addition, mushrooms contain difficult-to-digest vegetable protein, so spices in mushroom dishes also promote good digestion.

Of the variety of culinary herbs, the following are suitable for mushrooms:
1. Parsley, green onions, dill (both fresh and dried);
2. Garlic (fresh and dried herbs, root);
3. Mediterranean herbs: oregano, rosemary and thyme;
4. Nutmeg

The first three types of herbs are intended only to emphasize the natural aroma of mushrooms.

Parsley, onion and dill have a light spicy smell and will perfectly complement pickled mushrooms or a salad of fresh vegetables with mushrooms.
In these cases, use a small amount of herbs - they should not focus all the attention on themselves, but gently highlight the mushroom flavor in the dish.

Garlic is the undoubted leader among spices.
He has long found his calling in many vegetable, meat, and, of course, mushroom dishes. Like onions, garlic reveals itself brightest during the process of stewing and frying mushrooms. Use in any quantity (to taste).

Mediterranean (Italian and Provençal, in particular) herbs are characterized by a spicy aroma and slightly refreshing taste, so their best use is in soups and summer dishes with mushrooms.
For example, chilled mushroom soup served with a pinch of oregano will be an excellent treat during the hot season.

A vegetable side dish with mushrooms and a sprig of rosemary will turn from familiar food into an original and memorable dish.

Mediterranean herbs are also very relevant for mushroom sauces: a dried mixture of thyme and rosemary will add a pleasant flavor contrast to the finished dish.

It is best to use these herbs in the middle of the cooking process, or at the very end (depending on the recipe and the type of mushroom).

Nutmeg is one of the most expensive and powerful spices. Muscat is universal in use and sets the mood for many dishes, and in combination with mushrooms it is simply perfect.
Nutmeg is ideal for dishes with mushrooms and sour cream.

The spice balances well and reveals the mushroom flavor. It is most important to use ground nutmeg in long-cooking dishes.

However, to get the maximum benefit, aroma and taste from nutmeg, it is enough to take a very small amount of spice - literally from 1/3 to ½ teaspoon of ground or fresh grated nut (it should be remembered that grated nutmeg is stronger than dried ground).


It is worth highlighting a few more components of the ideal seasoning for mushrooms: allspice, black and white pepper, paprika, bay leaf, fenugreek and coriander (cilantro).

Combined in one bouquet, these mushroom spices are suitable for almost any mushroom dish, enriching it with benefits and wonderful aroma.


As we know, mushrooms are one of those foods that in themselves have a strong taste and pronounced aroma.

Types of mushrooms popular in home cooking (for example, champignons or oyster mushrooms) require a slight presence of spices, and especially delicate varieties of mushrooms require a delicate approach.
Thus, the porcini mushroom, chanterelles and saffron milk caps, beloved since childhood, have such a delicate taste that they practically cannot tolerate a large amount of spices.
Here it will be enough to season the dish with a pinch of sea salt and ground white pepper: due to the absence of the amniotic membrane, the grains of this pepper have a mild effect, and dishes with it have a refined appearance.
It is recommended to season bitter varieties of mushrooms more generously, preferably with fresh herbs.

When preparing mushroom dishes, try to replace vinegar (often required in recipes) with light citrus or berry juice: lemon, orange, apple, currant, etc.

If you are interested in better absorption of mushroom dishes by the body, you can turn not only to healing spices, but also to ordinary baking soda.

So, to soften the dense texture of mushrooms of this variety, such as podgrudki, add no more than ¼ teaspoon of soda to the broth with mushrooms: it will dissolve the walls of the mushroom cells and help the proteins that are heavy for our body to decompose.

So, to summarize:
Ideal for pickled mushrooms: black pepper, allspice, garlic, dill, cloves, onion, bay leaf, rosemary
For fried mushrooms: parsley, onion, dill, herbs de Provence, nutmeg
For mushroom sauces: thyme, rosemary, onion, garlic, black pepper
For mushroom soups: Provençal herbs, black pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg, dill, parsley, cilantro
For salted mushrooms: bay leaf, dill seeds, garlic, black peppercorns
Cook with pleasure, use your favorite spices for mushrooms and be healthy!

First courses and broths are an integral component of proper nutrition. Properly selected seasonings will allow every housewife to get the excellent taste of the prepared soup.

But what spices for soup? will be appropriate, and which ones are recommended to be abandoned?

Herbs and spices for soup

Let's start with the simplest.

No hot dish is complete without salt and peppercorns.

The first component is introduced into the broth at the last stage of preparation, the second - at the beginning.

Some recipes involve the use of paprika and chili.

Traditional first courses of Slavic cuisine require the addition of dried or fresh roots.

Onions, carrots, celery roots, and parsley improve the flavor and aromatic qualities of finished dishes.

List of the most popular spices for all types of soup

The main share of spices for first courses are herbs:

  • mustard seeds,
  • coriander
  • thyme,
  • laurel,
  • savory,
  • garlic,
  • parsley,
  • rosemary,
  • dill

As a rule, the bookmark is carried out at the end of the heat treatment, with the exception of fresh herbs, which are added after removal from the heat.

Additional seasonings include fried and fresh tomatoes, lemon, sour cream dressings, and olives.

Tomatoes are added to dressings and fried in vegetable oils.

Olives and lemon slices are added when serving in sour first courses, such as solyanka.

Selection of spices for soups

Let's take a closer look at the composition of spices that can be added to soups depending on their main components.

Remember that not all spices can be suitable for all soups; for example, you should not put in fish soup what will go into chicken soup and vice versa.

Spices for pea, bean, lentil soups

In this case, spices with a pronounced aroma are appropriate, which will emphasize the specificity of the finished first course. It could be:

  1. coriander
  2. nutmeg
  3. caraway
  4. garlic
  5. basil
  6. mint
  7. hyssop
  8. laurel

I love different spices and seasonings. Don’t feed me bread, let me sprinkle a spoonful of some other spice into my favorite or new dish. However, you need to know what to add where and what you can experiment with. In one of the cookbooks I found an article about the compatibility of spices and seasonings with various dishes. I present it to your attention.


For meat soups The best seasonings to use are black pepper, nutmeg, basil, rosemary, saffron, dried mushrooms, parsley, onion, garlic, bay leaf, cardamom, thyme and curry.

In vegetable soup It is best to add garlic, marjoram, parsley, borage, peppermint, yarrow, curry, ground black pepper, parsnips, fresh herbs, purslane, rosemary.

In mushroom soup you can add tarragon, cayenne pepper, red hot pepper, garlic, cumin, basil, rosemary, onion, lovage, ground black pepper.

For the onion soup The following seasonings are best suited: caraway, basil, thyme, garlic, marjoram, nutmeg.

In potato soups It is best to add nutmeg, bay leaf, caraway seeds, basil, yarrow, kupir, parsnips, allspice, ground black pepper and garlic.

For the pea soup It is better to use cloves, nutmeg, savory, coriander, cumin and garlic.

In fish soups It is best to add hot red pepper, thyme, curry, garlic, nutmeg, marjoram, sage, bay leaf, savory, cayenne pepper, lavender and lovage.

For preparing cabbage soup and borscht The following seasonings are best suited: ground black pepper, juniper, cumin, marjoram, rosemary, red bell pepper, basil, lovage, bay leaf, kupyr, dried parsley, cayenne pepper.

In bean soups you should add garlic, ground black pepper, basil, nutmeg, savory, red hot pepper, marjoram, cumin, coriander and hyssop.


For the cauliflower garnish Basil, nutmeg, savory are suitable.

For side dishes - white cabbage It is best to add cumin, coriander, red hot and sweet peppers, cloves, borage, garlic, marjoram and onions.

For the spinach garnish Dried dill, basil, and garlic are best.

In fried or oven-baked potato dishes you can add the following spices: marjoram, nutmeg, basil, cumin, bay leaf, thyme, savory and ground black pepper.

In other potato dishes you should add onion, marjoram, nutmeg, basil, cumin, dill, thyme, savory, parsley, bay leaf, kupyr, calamus and celery.

For rice side dishes It is best to use ginger, lovage, kupir, garlic, curry, tarragon, parsley, marjoram, almonds, coriander, saffron, oregano and purslane.


When preparing fried lamb you can add the following seasonings: basil, garlic, cumin, bay leaf, marjoram, saffron, red hot pepper, cloves, ginger, rosemary, cardamom, capers, juniper, peppermint.

For pork dishes It is best to use marjoram, black pepper, bay leaf, oregano, juniper, coriander, lemon balm, savory, caraway, thyme, sweet red pepper, garlic.

When preparing fried poultry it is necessary to use ground black pepper, sage, curry, cumin, marjoram, thyme, cinnamon, tarragon, ginger, savory.

For cooking game In its own juice, the following seasonings are best suited: cloves, curry, rosemary, cumin, juniper, basil, dry garlic, ground black pepper, thyme, sage, coriander, yarrow, nutmeg, bay leaf and marjoram.

For dishes with fried game The following spices and seasonings are most often used: ground black pepper, bay leaf, garlic, juniper, cumin, rosemary, lemon balm and oregano.

For cooking steak Use horseradish, basil, cardamom, sage and rosemary as seasonings.

When preparing goulash It is best to use garlic, cumin, yarrow, ginger, oregano, rosemary, marjoram; bay leaf, ground black pepper and cayenne pepper.

If you decide to serve meat stew at your holiday table, then when preparing it, it is best to use the following seasonings. red hot and sweet peppers, garlic, cloves, basil, capers, curry, tarragon, juniper, savory and, of course, ground black pepper.

When preparing homemade sausage It is best to use bay leaf, ground black pepper, dry garlic, red hot pepper, thyme, basil and cumin as seasonings.

And if you want to make jelly , then the most suitable seasonings for it would be allspice, cloves, bay leaves, red hot and sweet peppers, dry garlic and ground black pepper.

When frying fish the most suitable seasonings and spices for it would be basil, cumin, dry garlic, savory, ground black pepper, cardamom, coriander, almonds, curry, fennel, nutmeg, borage, dried dill, sweet red pepper.

For boiling fish It is best to use the following spices and seasonings: bay leaf, rosemary, lemon balm, curry, fennel, allspice, savory, basil.

For other fish dishes, you can also use parsley root, marjoram, ground black pepper, garlic, red sweet pepper, coriander, curry, lemon balm, peppermint, bay leaf, thyme, white mustard, parsnip, sage, savory, allspice.

Spices are a good thing, they add variety to our dishes. However, it is worth remembering that the saying “you can’t spoil porridge with butter” clearly does not apply here. At the same time, it is impossible to say exactly how much seasoning should be put in a particular dish. This is a purely individual matter. So go for it! Experiment!

Preparing mushroom soup involves several steps, especially if you plan to make pureed mushroom soup. This mushroom soup recipe strives to ensure that the soup has a pleasant, distinctive taste that cannot be confused with any other. We will tell you how to cook mushroom soup, and this original first course will surely become your calling card.

How to cook mushroom soup? is a question that worries many. You can cook lean mushroom soup, you can cook mushroom soup with chicken broth or mushroom soup with meat broth, and in addition – mushroom soup with processed cheese or mushroom soup with cream. So it's a matter of taste and your choice of caloric content of the dish. In addition to mushrooms, various ingredients are added to this soup, for example, they prepare mushroom soup with meat, mushroom soup with chicken, mushroom soup with noodles, mushroom soup with noodles, mushroom soup with barley. If we talk about the types of mushrooms, then it should be said that you can cook mushroom and champignon soup, mushroom soup from chanterelles, mushroom soup from porcini mushrooms, mushroom soup from oyster mushrooms, mushroom soup from boletus, mushroom soup from honey mushrooms.

To know how to prepare mushroom soup, first of all, you should choose which mushrooms it will be prepared from, because mushroom soup is prepared from fresh mushrooms, mushroom soup from dried mushrooms, and even mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, for example, mushroom soup from frozen champignons . Let's start with how to prepare mushroom soup from dried mushrooms. Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms can please you all year round, you just have to stock up on dried mushrooms. Dry mushrooms should be pre-soaked for several hours in water, and only then cooked.

Cheese and mushroom soup has a unique aroma; mushroom soup with cheese is often prepared in the form of a puree soup. It will also be useful for you to learn how to prepare cream of mushroom soup. To do this, mushrooms are first stewed in butter and flour, cream and milk are added, then they are crushed in a blender and poured with broth. In this way you can prepare cream of mushroom soup from champignons, cream of mushroom soup with cream. If you decide to make mushroom cream soup from champignons, boil several small mushrooms whole, cut them thinly across and put them in a plate, you will get not only a tasty mushroom cream soup, but also a beautiful one. The recipe for mushroom soup from champignons can generally be considered one of the most popular, due to the fact that champignons are one of the most accessible mushrooms. A similar recipe is used to prepare mushroom cream soup, creamy mushroom soup recipe, creamy mushroom soup recipe with cream, or some other thick mushroom soup. You can find the recipe with photos of all the operations of preparing mushroom soup on our website.