Provencal herbs. What is this? Application, composition, recipes

Food plays an important role not only for health, but also for the soul, so food should be enjoyable, balanced and tasty. And seasonings for dishes have a direct bearing on improving the taste and aroma of food. For the first time, the combination of fragrant plants was used by French chefs. For cooking, they began to use aromatic herbs grown in the province of Provence, hence the name - Provençal herbs. I hope that you will be interested to know what is included in the composition, what are the proportions of herbs and for what dishes this seasoning is simply necessary.

Gourmets argue that for the full spectrum of taste, six shades of taste must be present: sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, sour and astringent.

The seasoning that I will talk about is characterized by the fact that it has all the necessary components; it is this fact that expands the range of applications. The seasoning enriches the taste of many dishes and goes well with all types of meat, fish, beef, pork, and lamb. It is added to roasts, minced meat, fried potatoes, and used for baking various vegetables and meat products.

Provençal herbs are used as an additive to meat and vegetable salads, added to sauces, sprinkled on omelettes and scrambled eggs. The seasoning perfectly improves the taste of first courses; it is added during the preparation of soups and broths, placed in savory baked goods, for example, when kneading dough for making bread, or sprinkled on pizza before baking.

What is included in Provencal herbs and proportions

Provencal herbs were first heard of at the end of the 20th century as a result of culinary experiments by French chefs. The required components of this seasoning are basil, marjoram and rosemary, the rest can be added as desired and preferred. Let's take a closer look at what herbs are included in the composition:

  • Basil originated from India and Iran, cultivated for over a thousand years, using leaves in the mixture. adds a slight pleasant spiciness and, of course, imbues dishes with wonderful feelings - love and devotion, like a medicine, helps with colds, cleanses the blood and mind;
  • Marjoram originated on the lands of North Africa two thousand years ago; leaves and dried buds are used in culinary recipes. It gives dishes a spicy aroma with notes of camphor; it is used as a medicine for stomach disorders;
  • Rosemary appeared in the Mediterranean several thousand years ago. Leaves are used for seasoning, which impart a bitter taste and perfectly complement meat and poultry dishes. The medicinal properties are that rosemary helps in the treatment of liver, asthma, and colds;

  • Thyme or appeared in tropical lands since time immemorial, the leaves are used in the mixture. They give dishes a sharp, bitter taste, as a medicine used for nervous disorders;
  • Fennel- the closest relative of the well-known dill, otherwise it is called pharmaceutical dill. It has a sweetish smell, reminiscent of anise. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Tarragon or tarragon increases appetite, has an unusual smell and taste, and has a pungent, slightly spicy aroma. He came to us from the countries of Asia Minor;
  • Oregano or oregano O originated from England more than 2 thousand years ago. For the body, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • laurel foxT has a spicy taste and aroma. Read more about bay leaves.
  • Lemon zest – this is the outer colored layer of the fruit, it has a bitter-sweet fruity aroma, a slightly sugary taste;
  • Sage originated from Southern Europe and the Mediterranean more than two hundred years ago. It perfectly complements fish and vegetable dishes, is used as a healing agent for pulmonary insufficiency, and is an excellent rejuvenating agent;
  • Peppermint originated in England around the 17th century as a result of cross-pollination of wild herbs. Leaves collected during the budding phase are used for seasoning; it adds spiciness and tartness to dishes. Helps with gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Dill came to us from Central Asia and North Africa, has a calming effect and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. gives dishes a fresh, warmish-spicy aroma.;
  • Lavender flowers have a slightly cooling effect and add piquancy to sauces, salads, meat and fish dishes. This plant appeared in the Mediterranean more than 2 thousand years ago. Lavender has a whole range of beneficial qualities and it helps to cure 167 diseases, it is a good antibiotic and antiseptic.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Each herb individually has big amount healing properties, the properties collected together are only enhanced and complemented.

Some experts cannot imagine cooking without seasonings and spices. As mentioned above, Provençal herbs originated from the distant province of Provence, however, in our country you can easily grow these plants. A mixture of these plants perfectly complements dishes and also improves your emotional state.

I would like to emphasize that Provençal herbs contain a large amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements. It contains mineral salts, aromatic oils, organic acids, enzymes, tannins, resins. Regular use has a healing effect:

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Weight loss;
  • Calming effect.

Provencal herbs are an environmentally friendly product and are excellent in taste for all dishes (sauce, salads, cold and hot).

The spice has no special contraindications, but still, the person using the mixture for cooking should know the composition and, if there is some incompatibility with the plants included in the composition, should not use it. Experts recommend using the seasoning with caution for people with hypertension and thrombophlebitis. For women who are in an interesting position and are breastfeeding, you should also not use Provençal herbs.

It is worth noting that excessive use of this seasoning can lead to irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Follow the norm and enjoy the harmony of taste of the prepared dishes.

Provençal herbs - proportions for cooking at home

Let's immediately note that the name of the seasoning was formed as a result of the work of French chefs, but this does not mean at all that preparing this mixture will be problematic. All of the above herbs included in the composition can be grown independently and accordingly preparing the seasoning will not be difficult. Let's take a closer look at home cooking technology:

  • Prepare dry herbs according to the ingredients;
  • Grind the substrate;
  • Add ingredients in equal parts. If you prefer a certain taste, then it is possible to slightly increase the amount, about 2 times;
  • The prepared mixture should be poured into a dry container, covered with a lid and left for storage for about six months.

Provençal herbs perfectly retain their healing qualities even in dry form, and storage for 6 months gives the seasoning sophistication and unique taste.

The advantage of seasoning is that you can create a mixture that suits you perfectly, because you don’t have to add all the plants, some can be excluded. Let’s not forget one thing - the base is made up of three herbs - rosemary, marjoram and thyme.

There are no specific proportions; it is enough to add all the herbs in equal quantities; you can maintain the proportions in spoons or grams, slightly increasing the amount of your favorite components.

Let's share a little advice on using the seasoning: before adding to dishes, Provencal herbs should be heated a little in a frying pan, this will enhance the taste and emphasize the sophistication.

Where to add Provencal herbs - recipes for use

Today, recipes with Provençal herbs are gaining an army of fans.

Let's imagine a recipe for olive oil with seasoning:

  • take one part each of the crushed dry parts of oregano, rosemary and lavender flowers;
  • two parts each of basil, thyme, marjoram, peppermint and sage;
  • mix with 1 liter of olive oil.

The resulting product will perfectly complement your dishes and add a sharp, spicy flavor.

The following recipe was borrowed from famous French chefs. We present a recipe for making potatoes with Provençal herbs; the advantage of this dish is its incomparable taste and speed of preparation.

  • Cream – 300 milliliters;
  • Laurel - three leaves;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Peeled potatoes, cut into circles - 1 kilogram;
  • Half a glass of grated Parmesan;
  • Seasoning and salt to taste.

Heat the cream, fine garlic, bay leaves and herbs and grease a baking tray with oil. Lay out the potatoes, pour over the heated mixture, stir, sprinkle with cheese, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 205 degrees. It will take about 40 minutes to prepare.

Consider a recipe for cooking chicken with Provençal herbs, for this you will need:

  • The chicken carcass, wings and fatty layers should be cut off;
  • Salt, black pepper;
  • Shallot head, cut into rings;
  • Chopped lemon zest;
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • A tablespoon of honey;
  • Seasoning to taste.

Chicken meat is salted, peppered, herbs and zest are added, and greased with oil. Brush the carcass with honey and butter and bake for 40 minutes until a crust appears. Periodically, the chicken should be basted with the juices from the roasting pan.

The recipe for making buns requires the following ingredients:

  • Flour – 600 grams;
  • Warm water – 350 milliliters;
  • A teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • Sugar – 20 grams;
  • Olive oil – 8 table. spoon;
  • Three tablespoons of Provençal herbs and a pinch of salt.

Dissolve salt, yeast and sugar in warm water, add flour passed through a sieve. Pour in the oil and knead the dough until it becomes elastic. Grease the surface of the dough with oil and let stand for 3 hours. Roll out the dough into a layer of 0.5 centimeters, grease with oil, sprinkle with seasoning, roll up. Divide the roll into buns, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Bon appetit!

Dear readers, today we learned how wide the range of uses of this wonderful and most importantly healthy seasoning is. We hope that the advice will be useful, listen to your body, please and take care. Be healthy!

A mixture of Provencal herbs can be bought by going to any supermarket. Many people love these seasonings; they are in demand in cooking. By improving the aroma and taste of dishes, Provencal spices make them special, piquant and unusual. The mixture is easy to prepare yourself. About what Provencal herbs are - composition, proportions, what is included in them and in what dishes they are most appropriate - further on this page “Popular about health” in the article.

What is included in herbs de Provence?

The seasoning was first used in South-Eastern France, namely in Provence, which is where the name came from. Initially, the composition of Provencal herbs looked like this:

Thyme or thyme

From this list, the main and mandatory components are thyme, marjoram and rosemary. They create a unique bouquet of aromas when seasoning is used in dishes. In an exclusively Provencal recipe, lavender is also present, due to which its aroma is so enriched that it is impossible to repeat it with any other spice. It is thanks to lavender that dishes acquire the aroma of the sea and the southern coast of France.

Stores sell ready-made mixtures of Provençal spices. Each of the herbs included in their composition has unique beneficial properties and is considered medicinal. Therefore, they are used in cooking not only to improve taste, but also for health.

Rosemary is an aromatic spice that has a bitter taste and a resinous aroma. Ideally, use fresh leaves of the plant, but this is a very strong spice. Add a small amount when preparing the Provençal mixture, otherwise the dishes will taste bitter. Rosemary improves appetite and the digestive process. It is a natural disinfectant and tonic.

Marjoram – has a pungent taste. This plant has long been considered medicinal and is considered an aid to the digestive system.

Thyme is a spice with a fragrant aroma, an integral component of French cuisine. The addition of thyme has a tonic and warming effect. Consuming this herb helps strengthen hair, calm down after stress, and restore strength and energy. It also has an antihelminthic effect.

Basil is a spice that contains vitamins PP and C, strengthens the immune system, helps fight respiratory infections and. Once in the oral cavity, basil has a disinfecting effect and kills bacteria.

Oregano is in our nature. It has a choleretic effect, so it is added carefully if there are contraindications and. Oregano calms the nervous system well and prevents respiratory diseases.

Mint – As for this plant, it is known for both its aroma and its calming effect. Adding it to dishes will relieve headaches, eliminate stomach upset, and cure insomnia.

Sage - It is believed that it has a unique rejuvenating property. It cures frigidity. It soothes and prevents the formation of fungal diseases.

Provençal herbs are not combined with all products. They are good to use with lamb and pork, fatty fish and poultry. Provençal spices are added to potatoes when baking, as well as to stews of vegetables or legumes. Baked goods and even bread, in which a small pinch of these spices are added to the dough, also have an amazing aroma.

If you want to add a touch of sophistication and Mediterranean flair to your lunch menu, be sure to use Provençal herbs.

Provençal herbs - proportions for cooking at home

It is not necessary to use absolutely all the herbs from the proposed list. If you don’t like a certain plant, its smell or taste, you don’t have to add it at all. As for the proportions, according to the recipe, all herbs are taken in equal proportions. If you want to emphasize a certain note, you can add more of one or another component. In any case, the base is a marjoram-rosemary-thyme mixture.

The mixture also includes table salt. Its quantity should not exceed a third of the total weight of all prepared and chopped herbs.

We grind all the herbs, using both dry and freshly picked. Mix evenly with salt. Pour the resulting mixture into a dry container and cover with a lid so that the aroma does not dissipate. Store for no more than six months.

The composition of herbs for the Provencal mixture cannot be called strict and unambiguous. Each cook or housewife is guided by their own taste preferences, as well as the wishes of those for whom the dishes are prepared. Do not rush to say that the Provencal mixture is not to your liking. Perhaps by removing any component, you will achieve an optimal and pleasant combination for yourself.

We can feel a whiff of the Mediterranean aroma, its cuisine and its herbs. Imagine yourself at a table in one of the many cafes, for example, in ancient Aix-Provence. And Provençal herbs, the composition of which we will now analyze, will help us with this. Moreover, we won’t have to travel far to get them.

Modern reality is reducing borders and bringing distant countries with their traditions closer to us. You just need to go to the nearest supermarket and choose from among the many packets of seasonings the one that says “herbes de Provence” to bring the Cote d'Azur closer to you.

Herbes de Provence - what are their properties?

Or you can try making a mixture of aromatic Provençal herbs yourself. So, what is included in the Provençal seasoning and is it possible to grow all this in the conditions of central Russia? Or buy from grandmothers at markets?

Provencal herbs include:

  • thyme (thyme),
  • rosemary,
  • basil,
  • marjoram,
  • sage,
  • oregano (oregano),
  • mint,
  • lavender (a little and not always).


Rosemary is best added fresh to Provencal seasoning, so it will have a more pronounced taste and aroma of pine needles. Rosemary adds a slight bitterness to the dish, so you should not store dishes prepared with rosemary for long periods of time, otherwise they will become bitter. Rosemary is added to many Mediterranean dishes and is especially popular among those on a diet. After all, it improves digestion, has a diuretic, choleretic and antidepressant effect.

But the beneficial properties of rosemary do not end there. Adding it to food will help strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lower cholesterol levels, improve vision, cure gastrointestinal diseases, improve cerebral circulation and vision. In general, we can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of rosemary. You can add it to meat, poultry, fish, and savory baked goods.


Thyme is widely used in French cuisine, because this spice is very aromatic and retains all its beneficial properties even when dried. When adding Provencal herbs to a mixture, thyme (this is the second name for thyme) is not crushed too much so that the dish does not acquire a bitter aftertaste. Used for cooking vegetables, meat, fish and poultry. You can add a little thyme to tea for a tonic effect.


Marjoram, like rosemary, is best used fresh. The longer it is stored, the more it loses its unique aroma and pungent taste. Marjoram is successfully used for cooking meat, poultry, mushrooms, and beans. It is especially good to add marjoram to fatty meat dishes, such as fried pork, as it helps improve digestion.


Sage has a tart, subtle aroma. It is added in minimal quantities. When there is too much sage it can ruin the taste of the dish. Good with marjoram, oregano, rosemary. Added to veal, fish, beef, and used for salting lard. Perfectly enriches the taste of potatoes, vegetables, soups with meat broths.


Oregano and oregano are the same thing for those who don’t know. It has fragrant and very fragrant leaves. Aromatic, slightly burning taste. That's why organigano is added to pizza, sausage or pate mixtures.


Mint grows everywhere. Both in Russia and in the Mediterranean. Its cooling mint taste is known even to small children. It is added to drinks, meat and vegetable dishes, sweets and cookies. It is difficult to list all the products in which mint can be used.


Lavender is used in everything from desserts like ice cream to meat dishes and various cakes, cookies and pies. Lavender flowers and leaves can be used as is, but the stems and buds are dried. Lavender is combined with fennel, oregano, rosemary and thyme as a food seasoning.

A mixture of Provencal herbs at home

To prepare Provençal herbs at home, you need to take equal parts of rosemary, marjoram and thyme. These are the three main components contained in Provençal seasoning. Everything else needs to be added with caution, since Provençal herbs are very aromatic and it’s easy to get an absolutely killer taste of the finished dish by violating the proportions.
You can add lavender, basil, mint and oregano. But additional spices should be no more than a third of the volume of the main components. Experiment.

If you like the aroma of the dry mixture, try it on a neutral-tasting dish, such as mashed potatoes. If everything is as it should be, expand the use of the original seasoning from a mixture of Provençal herbs on meat or fish dishes.

In the end, you will create several types of Provencal herb mixtures for different dishes, which will make you a recognized master of the culinary arts, able to prepare Mediterranean dishes.
If you have grown all the herbs we mentioned on your plot or even on your windowsill, then prepare them correctly. Tie the herbs into small bunches and dry them in a well-ventilated area. Grind and mix. You can add sea salt, but not more than a third of the volume of Provençal seasoning.

Store in packaging such as a thick paper bag or cloth bag, tightly tied. You can store a mixture of Provençal herbs in a tin or tightly closed glass container only when you are completely sure that everything has been thoroughly dried and there will be no musty smell or, worse, moldiness. Plastic containers are not suitable for this purpose in any way.

If you buy the mixture in a store, be sure to check the expiration date. It is better not to buy Provencal herbs with an expired shelf life; they either completely lose their aroma or, even worse, acquire an unpleasant odor. Well, now let’s try to cook meat with Provençal herbs from a bag of ready-made mixture bought in a store.

Pork baked with Provençal herbs


  • 500 grams lean pork tenderloin
  • 2 tablespoons herbs de Provence
  • Ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil.


  1. Rinse the meat in cool water, dry on a paper towel and rub with salt, Provençal herbs and ground black pepper. Place in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. Remove the marinated meat and place in a small saucepan. Pour water so that it covers only a third of the height of the piece of pork. Place the pan over high heat and wait for the broth to boil. Then reduce the gas to minimum, cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer the pork for 40 minutes.
  3. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil, remove the meat and cut it lengthwise into two pieces. Place both pieces cut sides down on a greased baking sheet.
  4. Using a silicone brush, brush the top of the meat with olive oil.
  5. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes so that the meat with Provencal herbs is covered with a golden crust. Serve with fresh vegetables and herbs.

Provencal herbs expand the boundaries of culinary art to unimaginable horizons. Start trying to add a mixture of Provençal herbs to your daily cooking and soon the food on your table will become not only very tasty, but also very healthy. After all, Provencal herbs, the composition of which you now know, also have healing properties.

Alpine meadows saturated with greenery are significant not only for their mountain pastures. They are rich in a variety of spicy herbs, the heady aroma of which hangs in the air. In the European part, on the territory of France, the mountain range hides a cozy corner called Provence. Exactly there Provençal herbs, composition which we will consider further - an integral part of the national cuisine.

Composition of Provencal herbs

In Provence, fresh herbs are most often used:

Dried Provençal herbs are prepared for export, the composition of which may differ from one manufacturer to another. Tarragon, mint, oregano, sage, etc. are added to the mixture (which was previously known as Provençal).

It’s easy to make your own seasoning – you just need to mix the herbs that make up it. Of course, the aroma will be slightly different each time, but this is not critical.

The benefits of Provencal herbs and their use

Separately, each of the components that make up Provençal herbs is medicinal. Combining into a seasoning, they all create a flavor and aromatic harmony that has a beneficial effect on human health: they promote the breakdown of fatty foods, serve as a good addition to a salt-free diet and awaken sensuality.

Provencal herbs are consumed along with potatoes, fish, meat, poultry, and vegetables. They make aromatic baked goods (not sweet). The mixture adds appetizing and sophistication to dietary, fresh dishes, soups, salads and sauces. It is appropriate to season French and Mediterranean dishes with it.

The mixture is conditionally contraindicated for people with allergies, women carrying and nursing babies, hypertensive patients and people with a tendency to seizures. Moderation is the best measure of the benefits and harms of Provençal herbs, the composition of which is harmless in small doses.

Food plays an important role not only for health, but also for the soul, so food should be enjoyable, balanced and tasty. And seasonings for dishes have a direct bearing on improving the taste and aroma of food. For the first time, the combination of fragrant plants was used by French chefs. For cooking, they began to use aromatic herbs grown in the province of Provence, hence the name - Provençal herbs. I hope that you will be interested to know what is included in the composition, what are the proportions of herbs and for what dishes this seasoning is simply necessary.

Gourmets argue that for the full spectrum of taste, six shades of taste must be present: sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, sour and astringent.

The seasoning that I will talk about is characterized by the fact that it has all the necessary components; it is this fact that expands the range of applications. The seasoning enriches the taste of many dishes and goes well with all types of meat, fish, beef, pork, and lamb. It is added to roasts, minced meat, fried potatoes, and used for baking various vegetables and meat products.

Provençal herbs are used as an additive to meat and vegetable salads, added to sauces, sprinkled on omelettes and scrambled eggs. The seasoning perfectly improves the taste of first courses; it is added during the preparation of soups and broths, placed in savory baked goods, for example, when kneading dough for making bread, or sprinkled on pizza before baking.

What is included in Provencal herbs and proportions

Provencal herbs were first heard of at the end of the 20th century as a result of culinary experiments by French chefs. The required components of this seasoning are basil, marjoram and rosemary, the rest can be added as desired and preferred. Let's take a closer look at what herbs are included in the composition:

  • Basil originated from India and Iran, cultivated for over a thousand years, using leaves in the mixture. adds a slight pleasant spiciness and, of course, imbues dishes with wonderful feelings - love and devotion, like a medicine, helps with colds, cleanses the blood and mind;
  • Marjoram originated on the lands of North Africa two thousand years ago; leaves and dried buds are used in culinary recipes. It gives dishes a spicy aroma with notes of camphor; it is used as a medicine for stomach disorders;
  • Rosemary appeared in the Mediterranean several thousand years ago. Leaves are used for seasoning, which impart a bitter taste and perfectly complement meat and poultry dishes. The medicinal properties are that rosemary helps in the treatment of liver, asthma, and colds;

  • Thyme or appeared in tropical lands since time immemorial, the leaves are used in the mixture. They give dishes a sharp, bitter taste, as a medicine used for nervous disorders;
  • Fennel- the closest relative of the well-known dill, otherwise it is called pharmaceutical dill. It has a sweetish smell, reminiscent of anise. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Tarragon or tarragon increases appetite, has an unusual smell and taste, and has a pungent, slightly spicy aroma. He came to us from the countries of Asia Minor;
  • Oregano or oregano O originated from England more than 2 thousand years ago. For the body, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • laurel foxT has a spicy taste and aroma. Read more about bay leaves.
  • Lemon zest – this is the outer colored layer of the fruit, it has a bitter-sweet fruity aroma, a slightly sugary taste;
  • Sage originated from Southern Europe and the Mediterranean more than two hundred years ago. It perfectly complements fish and vegetable dishes, is used as a healing agent for pulmonary insufficiency, and is an excellent rejuvenating agent;
  • Peppermint originated in England around the 17th century as a result of cross-pollination of wild herbs. Leaves collected during the budding phase are used for seasoning; it adds spiciness and tartness to dishes. Helps with gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Dill came to us from Central Asia and North Africa, has a calming effect and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. gives dishes a fresh, warmish-spicy aroma.;
  • Lavender flowers have a slightly cooling effect and add piquancy to sauces, salads, meat and fish dishes. This plant appeared in the Mediterranean more than 2 thousand years ago. Lavender has a whole range of beneficial qualities and it helps to cure 167 diseases, it is a good antibiotic and antiseptic.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Each herb individually has a large number of healing properties; when taken together, the properties are only enhanced and complemented.

Some experts cannot imagine cooking without seasonings and spices. As mentioned above, Provençal herbs originated from the distant province of Provence, however, in our country you can easily grow these plants. A mixture of these plants perfectly complements dishes and also improves your emotional state.

I would like to emphasize that Provençal herbs contain a large amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements. It contains mineral salts, aromatic oils, organic acids, enzymes, tannins, resins. Regular use has a healing effect:

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Weight loss;
  • Calming effect.

Provencal herbs are an environmentally friendly product and are excellent in taste for all dishes (sauce, salads, cold and hot).

The spice has no special contraindications, but still, the person using the mixture for cooking should know the composition and, if there is some incompatibility with the plants included in the composition, should not use it. Experts recommend using the seasoning with caution for people with hypertension and thrombophlebitis. For women who are in an interesting position and are breastfeeding, you should also not use Provençal herbs.

It is worth noting that excessive use of this seasoning can lead to irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Follow the norm and enjoy the harmony of taste of the prepared dishes.

Provençal herbs - proportions for cooking at home

Let's immediately note that the name of the seasoning was formed as a result of the work of French chefs, but this does not mean at all that preparing this mixture will be problematic. All of the above herbs included in the composition can be grown independently and accordingly preparing the seasoning will not be difficult. Let's take a closer look at home cooking technology:

  • Prepare dry herbs according to the ingredients;
  • Grind the substrate;
  • Add ingredients in equal parts. If you prefer a certain taste, then it is possible to slightly increase the amount, about 2 times;
  • The prepared mixture should be poured into a dry container, covered with a lid and left for storage for about six months.

Provençal herbs perfectly retain their healing qualities even in dry form, and storage for 6 months gives the seasoning sophistication and unique taste.

The advantage of seasoning is that you can create a mixture that suits you perfectly, because you don’t have to add all the plants, some can be excluded. Let’s not forget one thing - the base is made up of three herbs - rosemary, marjoram and thyme.

There are no specific proportions; it is enough to add all the herbs in equal quantities; you can maintain the proportions in spoons or grams, slightly increasing the amount of your favorite components.

Let's share a little advice on using the seasoning: before adding to dishes, Provencal herbs should be heated a little in a frying pan, this will enhance the taste and emphasize the sophistication.

Where to add Provencal herbs - recipes for use

Today, recipes with Provençal herbs are gaining an army of fans.

Let's imagine a recipe for olive oil with seasoning:

  • take one part each of the crushed dry parts of oregano, rosemary and lavender flowers;
  • two parts each of basil, thyme, marjoram, peppermint and sage;
  • mix with 1 liter of olive oil.

The resulting product will perfectly complement your dishes and add a sharp, spicy flavor.

The following recipe was borrowed from famous French chefs. We present a recipe for making potatoes with Provençal herbs; the advantage of this dish is its incomparable taste and speed of preparation.

  • Cream – 300 milliliters;
  • Laurel - three leaves;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Peeled potatoes, cut into circles - 1 kilogram;
  • Half a glass of grated Parmesan;
  • Seasoning and salt to taste.

Heat the cream, fine garlic, bay leaves and herbs and grease a baking tray with oil. Lay out the potatoes, pour over the heated mixture, stir, sprinkle with cheese, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 205 degrees. It will take about 40 minutes to prepare.

Consider a recipe for cooking chicken with Provençal herbs, for this you will need:

  • The chicken carcass, wings and fatty layers should be cut off;
  • Salt, black pepper;
  • Shallot head, cut into rings;
  • Chopped lemon zest;
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • A tablespoon of honey;
  • Seasoning to taste.

Chicken meat is salted, peppered, herbs and zest are added, and greased with oil. Brush the carcass with honey and butter and bake for 40 minutes until a crust appears. Periodically, the chicken should be basted with the juices from the roasting pan.

The recipe for making buns requires the following ingredients:

  • Flour – 600 grams;
  • Warm water – 350 milliliters;
  • A teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • Sugar – 20 grams;
  • Olive oil – 8 table. spoon;
  • Three tablespoons of Provençal herbs and a pinch of salt.

Dissolve salt, yeast and sugar in warm water, add flour passed through a sieve. Pour in the oil and knead the dough until it becomes elastic. Grease the surface of the dough with oil and let stand for 3 hours. Roll out the dough into a layer of 0.5 centimeters, grease with oil, sprinkle with seasoning, roll up. Divide the roll into buns, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Bon appetit!

Dear readers, today we learned how wide the range of uses of this wonderful and most importantly healthy seasoning is. We hope that the advice will be useful, listen to your body, please and take care. Be healthy!