Contraindications and harm of kvass. Useful properties of kvass for humans

This healthy and tasty drink has its own history. It dates back to the times when kvass contained a large percentage of alcohol. That is why the word “ferment” still means drinking alcoholic beverages today. After the invention of vodka, the amount of alcohol in kvass decreased, and today it is produced in industrial quantities as low-alcohol or non-alcoholic, approved for all age categories of consumers. So, what do you need to know about the preparation and alcohol content of this drink?

About the benefits of kvass

This soft drink becomes especially popular in the summer because it perfectly quenches thirst and has a pleasant taste. Kvass has a positive effect on the body, improving digestion and increasing tone. This is a product of lactic acid fermentation. In terms of its effect on the body, it is similar to yogurt, kefir, kumiss, and acidophilus. Kvass also has a positive effect on metabolism and the cardiovascular system. The calorie content of the product can support the body during forced fasting.

Kvass contains vitamins E and B1, microelements, amino acids, and sugars. The lactic acid contained in the drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Sugary substances give strength. It is worth noting that kvass, which we often buy in retail chains, is often a kvass drink, that is, counterfeit. This means that there is little benefit from it, and sometimes allergic reactions are possible.

About preparing the drink

There are many recipes for its preparation. It is necessary to separate the drink made according to GOST standards in industrial production conditions, and the one that is prepared in domestic conditions. In the latter case, it is made from malt, water, sugar with the addition of yeast to speed up fermentation. Also, housewives often use bread crusts to prepare the drink at home. In this case, fermentation occurs due to the content of starch and glucose in flour products. During the ripening process of the drink, alcohol and lactic acid molecules are produced.

Sometimes, when preparing kvass in order to reduce the alcohol level, housewives refuse to add yeast. And to give kvass a special taste, berries, herbs, raisins, and apples are added during the fermentation process. Such additives, by the way, increase the amount of alcohol in drinking.

Another option for making kvass at home is to ferment only vegetables and fruits. They contain starch and fructose, and their peel contains wild yeast that promotes fermentation.
As a result, ethanol, esters, and fusel oils are produced. Immediately after consuming such a drink, monitoring the level of alcohol in the blood will show its high percentage. If we talk about an industrially produced product, then hops are not added to malt kvass. Fermentation occurs due to the production of lactic acid bacteria. This process is stopped by transferring the drink to a cold place. If it is stopped on time, it means the drink was made according to all the rules. It contains from 0.7 to 2.6 percent alcohol. Alcohol, by the way, is contained in all types of bread kvass. The industrial product is safe for drivers because the amount of ethanol in it is minimal.

The product made by industrial method contains water, milk and carbon dioxide, and sugar.

Kvass and transport management

Many novice motorists are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drive after drinking a drink. If he had a high alcohol content, then troubles may arise on the road. For example, the alcohol content in kvass prepared at home increases every day. It can reach 8%. Homemade kvass, well fermented and fully ripe, contains as much alcohol as beer. Therefore, in order to avoid problems on the road after consuming such a product, it is better to wait 5-6 hours.

Kvass, bought in a store or prepared at home using a yeast-free method, does not contain much alcohol. If the product contains no more than 1.5%, then after consuming a liter portion a person will receive a dose of alcohol equivalent to a 0.33 liter can of 4.5% beer. Then, within half an hour, the breathalyzer will determine a slight degree of intoxication. In this condition, you do not need to drive. It is necessary to wait until the alcohol disappears from the body.

How is kvass prepared?

There are quite a lot of recipes for its preparation. It is necessary to separate kvass made according to GOST in industrial production conditions from the drink made in domestic conditions.

In domestic conditions, it, like beer, is prepared from malt, which is diluted in warm water with sugar, and yeast is added to all this to speed up fermentation. At home, in addition to malt, they use bread crusts. Fermentation in this case occurs due to the fact that flour products contain starch, a sugar-containing substance that is actively fermented. This process produces lactic acid and alcohol molecules.

Sometimes, when preparing a soft drink at home, housewives refuse yeast in order to lower the alcohol level; sometimes, on the contrary, they add it precisely for this purpose. To give the drink special shades of taste, you can use berries, herbs, hops, apples, pears, and raisins. All of these additives increase the amount of alcohol in a homemade drink.

This traditional Russian drink can be obtained by fermenting only fruits and vegetables that contain fructose and starch. On the skins of all vegetables and fruits there is wild yeast that interacts with sugars, and the fermentation process begins, as a result of which esters, ethanol and fusel oils are produced. Such kvass, when monitored, will definitely give an unacceptably high percentage of alcohol in the blood in the first hour after consumption.

No hops, this natural yeast component, are added to industrially produced malt kvass, so the fermentation process takes place through the production of lactic acid bacteria, and alcoholic fermentation is stopped by transferring the prepared drink to a cold place.

Traditional ready-made kvass contains water, sugar, lactic acid, and carbon dioxide, which are formed when acids combine with alcohol. They give the drink a unique taste. If the fermentation process is stopped on time and the drink is made according to all the rules, then it contains from 0.7 to 2.6 percent alcohol. Alcohol is contained in almost all types of bread kvass. Industrial kvass is safe for drivers because it contains a minimal amount of ethanol.

To obtain non-alcoholic kvass, use any plant product filled with water. For example, to get it from radishes, they grate it and fill it with water, leave them where it is warm for three days, then filter and put them in the refrigerator. Non-alcoholic kvass is prepared from birch, beet and carrot sap, leaving them warm. Anyone can drink it without fear.

The beneficial effects of kvass on the body

It was a common drink in the past and its properties have been well studied. The drink has a beneficial effect on the body, increasing tone and improving digestion.

Pathogenic bacteria do not develop in kvass, and if they get into it they quickly die. This product of lactic acid fermentation is similar in its effect on the body to kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, and koumiss. It improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, metabolism. This drink can be used as a staple food. Its calorie content can support the body during forced fasting.

Kvass improves metabolism, contains vitamins, free amino acids, sugars and microelements. It contains a lot of vitamins B1 and E, which explains its beneficial properties and valuable enzymes.

Is it possible to drink kvass before driving?

Many people whose life is connected with driving a car ask whether or not they can drink kvass before getting behind the wheel. If the drink had a high alcohol content, then troubles may arise on the road. It should be remembered that the alcohol content in this drink, while it is prepared at home, increases every day, and in a mature product can reach 8%. The best way to avoid problems after drinking kvass is to wait for a while so that the alcohol has time to dissipate.

Naturally fermented kvass, purchased in a store or made independently using a yeast-free method, contains a small percentage of alcohol. If the alcohol content in it is no more than 1.5%, then after drinking just a liter, a person will receive a dose equivalent to a 0.33 liter can of 4.5% beer. Within half an hour after drinking, the breathalyzer will detect mild intoxication. It is better not to get behind the wheel in such a state, but to wait until the alcohol disappears from the body.

Is it possible to drink kvass after coding?

If no violations of technology were made when preparing kvass and there is no more alcohol in it than required according to GOST, then such a drink will only be useful, and nothing terrible will happen to a person who is coded for alcoholism. Whether it is possible to drink kvass after a person has stopped drinking must be decided depending on the conditions under which the drink was produced and how many degrees it contains.

Homemade kvass that is well fermented and fully ripe can have an alcohol content similar to beer. For this reason, alcoholism and kvass are often incompatible. If the coding was carried out using medications based on disulfiram or another substance used in the treatment of alcohol dependence, then such a drink can lead to an attack of suffocation and other symptoms that the doctor warned about.

Drinking kvass after coding, if it was not medicinal, but psychotherapeutic, is also not recommended, so as not to cause unnecessary associations and not return the insatiable desire to drink.

The subconscious of people with alcoholism often reacts to minimal doses of alcohol and forces them to break all prohibitions. For this reason, alcoholic tinctures and drinks with a low alcohol content are prohibited for a coded person. Kvass is not recommended for use in case of liver cirrhosis, gastritis and hypertension, which often affects people who have abused alcohol and have undergone coding.

Since kvass is the name given to drinks made under different conditions and according to different recipes, before drinking them, you should understand what exactly is being offered to you and whether it can be consumed.

Acceptable standards by law

According to the norms of the law adopted earlier, drivers had a very difficult time. It would seem that completely harmless products can increase the level of alcohol in the exhaled air and in the blood. Any number on the breathalyzer other than zero was considered a violation. Kvass is also on this list. If you got behind the wheel immediately after drinking kvass, you could pay a considerable fine and lose your license for a period of 18 to 24 months. More than unfair, because innocent people can be punished.

Changes in regulations

To date, the norms have been changed by introducing amendments to the law. Is it possible to drink kvass while driving in 2017? The answer to this question is ambiguous. It’s possible, but not every kvass.

Standards that are acceptable:

  • 0.16 ppm in exhaled air;
  • 0.35 ppm in the blood.

When consuming certain types of kvass, the level of alcohol in the blood exceeds the permissible limits allowed by law. Therefore, love for a natural product can lead to a fine.

What is possible and what is not? Beverage quantity

To the question, is it possible to drink homemade kvass while driving, the answer is no. This product is prohibited because it contains more alcohol than any other product.

And a couple more tips for homemade drink lovers:

  • if you really want kvass, then drink a little, no more than 0.5 liters;
  • If you need to get behind the wheel right away, it is better to wait fifteen to twenty minutes, during which time the alcohol content will drop to zero.

The easiest way to avoid unnecessary trouble is to refuse an intoxicating drink, no matter how light it may be.

Bottled drink

Today there are two types of kvass on sale. Namely: bottled and barrel. They are sold on tap. Various experiments conducted by drivers and patrol officers who are wondering whether it is possible to drink kvass while driving provide interesting results. Now we will consider them further.

When consuming “packaged” alcohol, the breathalyzer produces numbers within the permissible norm, not higher than 0.16 ppm. Depending on the manufacturer of this drink, the indicators may be different, but still will not exceed the norm. After drinking kvass, you can drive, but only bottled kvass. But that is not all.

Barrel drink. How to drink?

Barrel kvass, like a homemade drink, is included in the stop list. After using it, the breathalyzer produces readings almost twice as high as the permissible limit. This means that you should not drink kvass while driving, especially homemade or barrel kvass. Why? This is mentioned above. Alcohol disappears quite quickly after drinking barrel kvass; just wait ten to fifteen minutes.

After 25 minutes, the breathalyzer readings will be zero. If it turns out that the driver was caught red-handed immediately after consuming barrel or homemade kvass, it is worth asking for the test to be repeated. The next test will show the absence of alcohol, and the driver will not be punished. The main thing is still the initial testing, and after it the traffic police officer can send the offender to the hospital to donate blood and determine the level of alcohol in it.

What do doctors say about this?

And what do doctors answer to the question, is it possible to drink kvass while driving? Any person, even one who does not drink, has alcohol in his blood in small quantities. The use of medications, certain foods and non-alcoholic drinks, including kvass, increases it to a dangerous level, which will be recorded by a sensitive breathalyzer.

Accepting a norm equal to zero was completely wrong. Today, the standards set by the government can be considered acceptable. A road service employee will not fine you for drinking packaged kvass. But it’s better to postpone the consumption of homemade and cask drinks until another time, when you don’t have to drive.

Healthy kvass

Kvass is a tasty and healthy drink, almost everyone loves it. Men, women and children drink it. It is rich in vitamins B and E, minerals. Kvass improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is a source of vitamin C. In hot weather, it perfectly quenches thirst and gives strength to work long and efficiently. A low alcohol content is present in kvass due to the fermentation process during preparation, from 1.5 to 2.6 degrees. Some special varieties of kvass are stronger, up to four to five degrees. Is it possible to drink kvass while driving? Yes, you can drink the drink before driving. Kvass in plastic bottles has a small amount of alcohol; depending on the manufacturer, this drink can be of higher or lower strength. After consuming it, a breath alcohol test will show data within normal limits. Therefore, you can get behind the wheel without any problems.

When can I have barrel kvass?

Some types of drink are stronger. As mentioned above, when drinking barrel and homemade kvass, a breathalyzer gives a result twice as high as the norm, as when drinking light beer. Once behind the wheel after 30-45 minutes, the driver can be calm about the tester’s readings.

During this time, not a trace of alcohol will remain. Also, the amount of alcohol and how long it lasts depends on the weight and height of the person drinking it. For example, the consumption of the same amount of kvass by people with different body weights will vary greatly.

What affects the alcohol tester readings?

Breathalyzer readings can also be affected by:

  • health status (presence of chronic diseases);
  • taking medications;
  • consumption of foods that increase the level of alcohol in the blood and in the exhaled air;
  • amount of product consumed;
  • how much time has passed since consuming the drink, and in this case kvass.

A little conclusion

As it turned out, kvass can be equated to alcoholic beverages. Alcohol stays in the body for a very short time after drinking kvass. After some time, you can safely get behind the wheel. Previously, when zero was the norm, it was quite difficult for drivers. By consuming kvass, fruit juices, and kefir, you could easily lose your rights. The current level of alcohol content in exhaled air of 0.16 ppm makes it possible to consume weak kvass.

Such interesting information about the drink gives food for thought. In any case, the decision to drive or abstain will remain with the driver of the vehicle.

Does homemade kvass contain alcohol? In what quantity?

    Any fermentation product contains degrees and kvass is no exception. If you drank kvass, then most likely within an hour or two hours your breathalyzer may show the presence of alcohol. Some specially make strong kvass, which is about 9-12 degrees, it is like mash. And ordinary kvass may contain a small amount of alcohol, about 1.2 percent alcohol. So it’s dangerous to get behind the wheel right away if you know that you can be tested with a breathalyzer.

    It is quite difficult to determine without an alcohol meter what percentage of ethanol is in homemade kvass. The recipe and storage conditions for kvass are different for everyone.

    If you do not take into account all the correction factors about body weight, good digestion and the availability of snacks and other factors, then people driving are better off playing it safe and not taking kvass before the trip. And if you still succumb to temptation, you should wait at least an hour for every two hundred grams of kvass you take before getting behind the wheel - it will be more correct.

    Homemade kvass is prepared with the addition of yeast, sugar and crackers, so during the fermentation process alcohol from 0.5% to 2% is formed, but a lot depends on how much sugar you added, the more sugar, the greater the strength of the kvass and the alcohol percentage naturally increases , therefore, the concentration of alcohol in the preparation of kvass can be adjusted to your own.

    And if you add it while preparing kvass berries, then the percentage of alcohol increases.

    It is risky to drive after drinking kvass.

    Contains an average of 1 to 2 percent, but it all depends on the amount of sugar.

    It is known that from 100 grams of sugar, about 50 ml is obtained. pure ethanol (100% alcohol).

    So, armed with this knowledge, we calculate the weight of sugar in grams, convert it to milliliters of ethanol, and calculate what percentage it is of the capacity in which fermentation took place.

    Kvass is a delicious drink produced by fermentation, just like the popular kefir and yogurt. Not many people know that homemade kvass is rich in vitamins B and E, it also contains iron and potassium, but it also contains alcohol up to 2.6 degrees

    People who are coded from drunkenness have heard all about it from a narcologist, so for them it is a taboo, but for everyone else it brings only pleasure and health.

    Yes, it does, but it all depends on what recipe for making kvass you used and how long you kept it. And the proportion ranges from 0.7 to 2.7 percent alcohol. In this case, it is better not to drive.

    Depends on how much yeast and sugar is added to the kvass.

    Even if you do as it is written on the label that is stuck on a jar of kvass wort that is sold in stores, then after fermentation for just 12 hours it will already be at least 3 degrees. If you hold it longer, kvass will become like strong beer. From personal experience, kvass tastes like beer, even if made according to the most harmless recipes. According to recipes like nuclear kvass from Tati Tanya (half a pack of yeast, three glasses of sugar) it will be like Baltic Nine.

    It depends on what kind of kvass and how it was prepared. Some women add yeast and sugar to kvass and put it in a warm place. Fermentation occurs and what is called mash is formed, which is also called kvass. This aged liquid has up to 9 degrees of alcohol, like beer, and in some cases up to 11 like grape or plum wine. It all depends on the amount of ingredients. And if you drink such kvass, then you will definitely not be able to drive, even if you called this drink kvass. Although we received and consumed grain wine. If you drank a drink made without yeast, the amount of alcohol in it will be up to five degrees if you used malt. Not a little either. But if it’s just black bread, sugar and water, then it’s 2 percent. So kvass can also be strong.

    Yes, natural kvass contains alcohol. Because kvass contains sugar and is formed by fermentation. Typically, kvass contains from 1 to 2 percent alcohol. Therefore, after even half a liter of kvass, it is better not to get behind the wheel; you can risk your rights.

    Naturally fermented kvass(and homemade kvass refers to exactly this) contains a small alcohol percentage. Even if the alcohol content in nm is no more than 1.5%, then after drinking a liter of kvass in one sitting (and in the summer heat it’s a piece of cake), a person will receive a dose equivalent to a 0.33 liter can of 4.5% beer. Within half an hour after drinking, the detector is almost guaranteed to detect mild intoxication. So, it’s really better not to get behind the wheel, at least not right away.

How is kvass made?

All kvass can be divided into homemade and factory-made. With the second option everything is simple. After trying it once, you will already understand its taste and strength. But homemade kvass is often unpredictable. Different recipes create different types of kvass. Some can be very alcoholic.

Now let's consider ways to prepare kvass:

The benefits of kvass

Since kvass is far from a new drink, its advantages have been thoroughly studied.

  • Firstly, he perfect fit for those who have digestive problems.
  • Secondly, he Helps the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Thirdly, it is so high in calories that for a while can satisfy hunger. Sometimes they replace one meal.

The ideal thing is that pathogenic bacteria cannot develop in kvass. They die immediately when hit. This guarantees safety. You don’t have to worry about how long the kvass was in the bottle.

How much alcohol is in kvass: a question for drivers

Many people take kvass too calmly. Of course, an ordinary person can drink it calmly and not worry. But drivers should know that even that kvass, which contains a small percentage of alcohol, is still may show mild intoxication on the breathalyzer.

This is especially true for homemade kvass, which quickly gain strength. Even one glass can lead to drunkenness. Factory-made kvass is not very dangerous.

If you drink 1 liter, you should wait 30 minutes for everything to dissipate.

Kvass does not affect the driver’s consciousness or performance. It is worth taking into account the percentage of alcohol in a drink only in order to avoid getting into an awkward situation if you have to undergo a check on the road.

Well-prepared kvass is a healthy drink for everyone, even the coded ones. Since the percentage of alcohol is very small. In fact, it is often compared to kefir. But with homemade kvass it’s a little more complicated. It is worth analyzing how strong it is.

This drink can be prepared so that it is no different from regular beer. Then it is strictly prohibited. In cases where the encoding was done with the help of medications, a small amount of kvass can lead to suffocation. Store-bought kvass will not cause such reactions.

The second question concerns psychotherapeutic coding. Kvass is strictly prohibited here. Its color and smell can trigger previous preferences. Then the person will begin to actively drink only kvass. And, of course, he may relapse and start drinking alcohol again.

If you consciously stop drinking and perceive kvass as an ordinary drink, then there is no problem. If the addiction is strong and you have not yet overcome yourself, it is better to refuse temptations.

Why kvass?

There are plenty of cool soft drinks. But we have to agree that not all of them are useful. Most of them contain so many dyes that you can forget about losing weight or eating healthy. In addition, they only irritate the taste buds and make you thirsty.

Kvass works differently. It allows you to pee to your heart's content, satisfies hunger, and brings only benefits. It can be safely used by people of any age. Only in case of serious illnesses should you consult a doctor.

Types of kvass

Now the production facility produces a non-alcoholic or low-alcohol, pleasant-tasting tonic cocktail under the same name - kvass. Kvass made at home can be either a strong or weak cocktail. The strength of a homemade drink depends on the ingredients included in it. If kvass is prepared using malt, yeast and sugar, it will be an alcoholic cocktail and it is better not to drive after drinking it.

Kvass is especially popular in the summer; it perfectly quenches thirst and can serve as an excellent alternative to beer, which is so popular among men in the hot season. The sucrose contained in the drink tones the body and gives it strength. Lactic acid has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. But not all kvass that is now sold in stores is real. Very often this is a counterfeit product called “kvass cocktail”.

How is the drink prepared?

There are a great many recipes for preparing this tonic, traditionally Russian drink. Each province, volost and even small village had its own “secrets” of its manufacture. But they all have one thing in common: the use of yeast and malt. Therefore, village homemade kvass is, by definition, alcoholic. Sometimes housewives, in order to lower the alcohol level, prepare a tonic drink without adding yeast. And sometimes they are used to prepare weak alcoholic cocktails.

The volume of alcohol contained in the drink increases if, in addition to the main ingredients, various herbs, berries, pears, apples, hops, and raisins are added to it. Each of these additives gives kvass an amazing and unique flavor.

Fruits and vegetables that contain starch and fructose can also serve as the basis for making Russian kvass. When tested, such a cocktail will show an increased level of alcohol contained in it, since it is also prepared with yeast, only natural. The fact is that on the peels of vegetables and fruits there are wild yeasts, which, interacting with sugars, begin the fermentation process and as a result, ethanol, esters and fusel oils are formed. In the first 60 minutes after drinking a cocktail, the alcohol level will simply go through the roof.

The process of making Russian kvass in production is somewhat different from homemade: there is no natural yeast element - hops and therefore the fermentation of the drink occurs due to the production of lactic acid bacteria. Alcoholic fermentation is artificially stopped by placing the drink in a cool place.

Bread kvass almost always contains alcohol. If the recipe and preparation technology are followed, the resulting drink contains a minimum amount of alcohol - from 0.7% to 2.6%. A cool cocktail made in production poses absolutely no danger to drivers, since the percentage of ethanol in it is very low and it is almost impossible to get drunk from it. It is absolutely safe and its use is not limited even at a very young age.

A soft drink is obtained by mixing ordinary water with any product of plant origin.

Can be prepared from radish:

  • grate the vegetable;
  • fill with water and place in a warm place for 3–4 days;
  • strain and refrigerate.

You can also use birch or any vegetable sap.

Is it possible to drink kvass while driving and how much?

With the onset of summer heat, kvass becomes the most popular drink. But what should drivers sweltering from the heat do? Can they “skip” at least some of this cool, tonic cocktail while driving? Alcohol in kvass: how much ppm does it contain and how long does it last? Here is an approximate table showing the level of alcohol in the blood of a man of average build after drinking 1 liter.

Kvass alcohol evaporates from the body almost immediately, no matter how much you consume it (provided that you did not drink a bucket of kvass). The alcohol content in three mugs of yeast kvass is only 0.2 ppm, and even after 15 minutes they turn into 0.0 ppm.

As you can see, drinking a cold cocktail while driving is undesirable, but if you stop somewhere to rest for 15-20 minutes, then you can drink a little of this drink.

What other foods can increase the alcohol content and how much is it in ppm?

Alcohol levels also increase when you consume the following foods:

  • Various juices - up to 0.4-0.5 ppm.
  • Menthol lollipops - up to 0.1-0.4.
  • Medicines containing alcohol - up to 0.1-0.3.
  • Orange - up to 0.1-0.2.
  • Ripe fruits and berries - up to 0.1-0.2.
  • The mouth freshener can make you drunk up to 0.4-0.5 ppm.

Kvass is not a strong alcoholic cocktail, but still, after drinking it, you should not immediately get behind the wheel. You need to wait 10-15 minutes, or better yet, half an hour, and then certainly not a single traffic police officer will undermine you.

Specifics of making kvass

To understand whether there is alcohol in kvass and what its percentage level is, you need to better understand the technology for making the ancient drink. The word “kvass” itself comes from “kvasit”, that is, “drinking intoxicating drinks”. By the way, this expression has become firmly established and is widely used today.

Kvass combines various drinks that differ in strength. GOST standards do not impose strict requirements on the content of ethyl alcohol for the kvass product.

The hop product can have varying degrees of strength, it all depends on the manufacturing technology used and the strength of the wort. There are types of product that even use vodka. In this case, we are talking about a low-alcohol product called “alcoholic strong kvass.”

As for the home cooking option, in this option, due to the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, the kvass product will also contain ethanol. Traditionally, the following ingredients are used to make a foamy drink:

  1. Malt.
  2. Warm water.
  3. Bread (barley or rye).
  4. Sugar (often raisins or dried apricots are used instead of sugar).

If yeast is added to the main components, the percentage of alcohol in kvass increases. The more yeast product is used, the stronger the drink will be.. The wort may also include various additional plant ingredients, for example:

  • raisin;
  • berries;
  • dried apricots;
  • spices;
  • fruits (pears, apples).

These additives add piquancy and brightness to the final product, but also help increase its flavor. You can also make non-alcoholic kvass at home. To make it, take the sap of birch or vegetables (radish, carrots, beets). The squeeze is placed in a warm place for 3-4 days, and then sent to the cold. In this case, there will be no alcohol in homemade kvass at all.

During the industrial production of kvass base from malt, the percentage of ethanol content in it will be minimal. This is achieved by short-term fermentation, which is stopped by cooling the product. On average, the alcohol content in kvass in this case will vary between 0.7-2.6%.

Modern production produces a wide range of kvass drinks, but they inherently have no similarity with true bread kvass. Such drinks do not contain alcohol, but they also do not have any benefits.

Moreover, leavened industrial drinking liquids are quite harmful, as they contain many chemical sweeteners, preservatives and flavorings. It is better not to offer this product to children at all.

The healing powers of kvass

True bread kvass is an excellent substitute for artificial vitamins. Made exclusively from plant-based, natural products, real kvass has a number of the following effects:

  • enhances potency;
  • reanimates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regulates metabolic processes;
  • helps improve the health of gums and teeth;
  • improves a person’s condition with atherosclerosis;
  • helps in the treatment of pustular skin diseases;
  • supplies the body with a large amount of vitamins.

It is especially recommended to drink real kvass for people suffering from various cardiovascular diseases.. It also becomes useful for obese patients; nutritionists often include this drink in diets. The healing substances that make up the foamy bread stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the body.

Homemade bread kvass is similar in its effect to fermented milk products. Therefore, it can be used as a complete and extremely healthy food product.

The foamy drink perfectly quenches thirst and increases vitality. It helps digest heavy dishes (meat and fatty foods), normalizes stomach acidity, which is especially useful in the treatment of atrophic gastritis. It is highly recommended to take it in the presence of various intestinal disorders.

When is kvass harmful?

But there is no need to talk about usefulness if the leaven product is made using industrial technology. In this production, bread kvass is subjected to preservation and pasteurization. These processes “kill” all the beneficial properties of the drink, and preservation also adds harmful properties to it. Such a foam product becomes harmful and hazardous to health.

Knowing how many degrees there are in kvass, we can assume its potential danger for expectant mothers and young children. This category of the population is not recommended to drink an aromatic drink, even homemade. Potential harm comes from kvass, especially industrial production, to people suffering from:

  • gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • liver cirrhosis.

Kvass and driving

Is it possible to freshen up with this product before getting behind the wheel? Here you should focus on what kind of kvass is consumed: an alcoholic drink or not. If the temperature of the product is too high, troubles may arise on the road. It is worth remembering that home-made kvass in its mature form can reach 8% alcohol.

If this product was purchased in a store, pay attention to the specifics of its manufacture. If it is naturally fermented, then this drink will also contain ethanol. Manufacturers usually indicate the strength of the drink on the label.

Know that with an ethanol concentration of 1.5%, drinking a liter of kvass, a person will receive a dose of intoxication equivalent to 0.33 liters of beer with a strength of 4.5%.

In this case, the breathalyzer will show a slight degree of intoxication within 30-60 minutes after consumption. Ideally, before driving after drinking homemade kvass, wait a few hours so that the foamy drink has time to dissipate.

Legislative norms

When considering the advisability of consuming a kvass product before driving a car, it is worth remembering the basic legislative norms for drivers. All modern regulations are based on laws adopted in September 2013. Having studied the legislation, you can see amendments there that talk about the errors of breathalyzers, which are taken into account by traffic police officers.

When driving a car, the limit of alcohol in exhaled air is 0.16 mg per liter of air flow.

This relaxation allows car owners to travel after consuming kefir, light kvass and other fermented products (kumis, Ayran, Tan). But with regard to a kvass drink with a high ethanol content, it is better not to take risks, but to wait for a while, and only then hit the road.

How does ethanol break down in kvass?

How can a car owner determine exactly when he can get behind the wheel after consuming an aromatic kvass drink? You can find out this using the diagram below (the figures are for the average man of middle age and moderate weight). Ethanol breakdown will occur at the following rates:

But these data are based on the consumption of “light weight” kvass. In the case of stronger products, the withdrawal time increases significantly. Therefore, it is better not to rush, but to take a break after a pleasant “drink of kvass” for about an hour, and only then calmly hit the road.

Kvass and coding for alcoholism

Whether it is possible to drink kvass after being coded for alcohol should be determined based on the strength of the foamy bread. If the product is prepared according to GOST technologies with a minimum alcohol content (0.7-0.8%), then you can drink it calmly and receive pleasure and benefit. A stronger product should be avoided during the entire therapeutic course of treatment.

Benefits of the drink for depression

A very common side effect after encoding sessions is depressive states. In cases where the manifestations of depression are not caused by an unbearable desire to drink alcohol, such a patient can take kvass. It is useful for symptoms of depressive disorder.

The kvass product contains bioactive substances that help improve tone, mood and increase vital energy.

Therefore, consuming such a product is even beneficial, but only in a situation where a person is confidently walking along the path of complete recovery. Otherwise (if alcoholic depression develops), any kind of kvass product (except non-alcoholic) is prohibited. There is a high risk of failure of the coding mode.

Kvass with various coding techniques

Psychological. You should not consume strong leaven even after psychological coding. There is a high risk of unnecessary and harmful associations and an increased desire to return to the previous alcoholic lifestyle. After all, the subconscious of alcoholics is extremely sensitive after coding sessions. And such a situation, even in the case of consumption of a minimal dose of alcohol, can reduce the efforts of narcologists to zero.

Medication. Homemade kvass, which has gone through all stages of maturation and fermentation, is similar in strength to beer. Therefore, its use in the treatment of alcoholism is unacceptable. Especially if the encoding was carried out using a drug based on disulfiram. This combination leads to severe intoxication of the body and the manifestation of a number of extremely painful symptoms.. In particular:

  • headache;
  • feeling of heat;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • respiratory depression;
  • nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • feeling of chest tightness;
  • redness of the skin;
  • feeling of fear, incomprehensible anxiety.

But such a reaction can occur if you take a very large amount of kvass with a high ethanol content. A disulfiram-like reaction is extremely dangerous. If timely assistance is not provided, the patient may experience arterial collapse (a sharp drop in blood pressure to a critical level). This situation is fraught with death.

If kvass is made exclusively from natural ingredients, it becomes an invaluable assistant for humans, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. The aromatic drink restores strength after debilitating illnesses and is good as a prophylaxis to prevent various ailments.

By consuming it in moderation, listening to all recommendations and monitoring the level of ethanol in its composition, you can drink the aromatic foam without any fear for your health. In this case, kvass will bring only one benefit.

Olya Smirnova wrote that her mother makes it all year round and they drink it all the time, and not just in the hot season. I got to thinking, times change, taste preferences too, but kvass remains one of my favorite drinks for a long time. What is the secret of such popularity, let's figure it out.

Let's start with the history of when this drink appeared, why people loved it and how it was made.

Historical facts about bread kvass

Despite the fact that the ancient Egyptians had a drink similar to kvass, it is still considered Russian; in Egypt it was prepared differently and it was more of an alcoholic drink. In Greece they also made similar drinks, but based on fruits.

It was bread kvass that appeared in Rus' and, as they say, completely by accident. Somehow water got into the barrel where the grain was lying, it began to turn sour and even sprouted. The owner of this grain decided to revive it to avoid losses. He began to dry it and grind it, but, naturally, he didn’t get high-quality flour, but instead turned out to be malt. He poured boiling water over it, left it to ferment, thinking it would be useful for livestock feed, but as a result of fermentation, a pleasant drink was obtained. This was the first bread kvass.

Only later it was improved by coming up with the idea of ​​making wort - the base for real kvass. This is why kvass is considered Russian, since wort is our Russian exclusive technology.

As historians say, kvass was made before, but it was first mentioned in the chronicles of 989, at the time of an important event for Rus' - the adoption of Christianity. By order of Prince Vladimir, in honor of this event, food, honey and kvass were distributed to the people.

Previously, preparing kvass was a rather lengthy process, almost a ritual action, and guests were invited to try new kvass. Each housewife had her own special recipe and she did not disclose it, but passed it on by inheritance. In the villages, the most delicious kvass was named after its owner - “Daryin kvass”, “Maryin kvass”. To give a special taste and aroma, honey, raisins and various herbs were added.

In Rus', kvass was very popular, there were a huge number of types of kvass and they made it not only from bread, but also from fruits, berries, herbs and roots. There was even such a profession as a kvasnik, and people in this profession were treated with honor and respect.

Why, Peter I, a lover of everything Western, was not averse to drinking another glass of kvass; he even invented his own recipe - kvass with horseradish and used it to improve his health after feasts.

Alexander Suvorov revered bread kvass for protecting against scurvy and helping to recover faster from wounds. The Russian army always carried barrels of kvass with them and not only ordinary soldiers, but also high ranks drank it.

The well-known Italian Casanova also appreciated Russian kvass and he wrote about kvass like this:

“The Russians have a delicious drink... it is much superior to the sherbet of Constantinople... and it is also very cheap, since they sell a large barrel for a ruble.”

He was happy to restore his strength, wasted in amorous affairs, with our kvass.

Indeed, in Rus', kvass was considered not just a tasty drink, but a medicinal one. On the wedding day, the groom was required to drink kvass for the birth of healthy offspring. In hospitals there were always containers of kvass and it was given to the sick without fail. So how is kvass useful?

Bread kvass - benefits and harms

Speaking about the benefits of this drink for our body, we will talk specifically about homemade kvass, since I strongly doubt that store-bought kvass can be classified as medicinal drinks.

Although this drink is many years old, traditional healers and scientific minds are still in the stage of reflection, which makes it medicinal. Some say that due to the effect of fermentation, as a result of which it is enriched with useful substances and microorganisms. Others say that it is due to the beneficial properties of the cereals from which it is made. Probably, the combination of both gives a useful and even medicinal effect to this drink, and its composition speaks about the same.

Bread kvass contains vitamins A, group B, E, C, PP, useful minerals such as fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, copper, zinc, molybdenum and iron, and also contains organic acids, amino acids, yeast, and enzymes.

Thanks to this vitamin and mineral composition, kvass has a truly beneficial effect on our body.

Useful properties of bread kvass

  1. In terms of its effect on our body, natural bread kvass can be equated to kefir or yogurt; it has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, suppressing the growth of harmful microflora, thereby helping to get rid of dysbacteriosis.
  2. Normalizes metabolism, helps the body get rid of toxins, thanks to kvass, better breakdown of food occurs.
  3. Useful for the cardiovascular system, in cases of cerebral circulation disorders, and cleanses blood vessels well.
  4. It has a positive effect on the endocrine system of our body.
  5. Calms the nerves, therefore useful for fatigue, insomnia, neuroses and depression.
  6. It has a good effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails. The famous surgeon N.I. Pirogov recommended bread kvass as a means of accelerating the healing of bones during fractures.
  7. Increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. The bactericidal properties of kvass were proven by the scientist V.S. Sotnikov; his studies showed that typhoid and paratyphoid microorganisms die in kvass.
  8. The enzymes that make up kvass make it useful even for eye diseases - glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, myopia.
  9. Useful for people with kidney and liver diseases. N.V. Sklifosovsky argued that kvass is an excellent preventive measure for liver cirrhosis and peptic ulcers.
  10. And finally, what most people use it for is that it perfectly quenches thirst, prevents dehydration, helps with overheating, relieving heat in the body.

Yes, our ancestors knew a lot about drinks and bread kvass prepared at home is really healthy. And most importantly, making it is not at all difficult, the composition of the ingredients is simple and accessible to everyone.

Contraindications to the use of kvass

Of course, kvass can cause us harm if you don’t know what contraindications there are for its use. And in case of chronic diseases, it would be a good idea to ask your doctor whether you can drink this drink or not.

  • It is not recommended to drink, especially sour varieties of kvass, for people who have acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive system and gastritis with high acidity.
  • Bread kvass may cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to gluten.
  • Nursing mothers should drink kvass with caution, as it can cause bloating and colic in the baby.
  • Child nutrition experts do not recommend giving kvass to children under 3 years of age.

As you can see, there are not many contraindications to consuming homemade kvass. There is one more nuance - homemade kvass can be made without yeast and using yeast. Which one is healthier?

Kvass with yeast or without yeast - which is better

I looked through a lot of information, but found the answer only in Tatyana Litvinova’s book “Kvass - a healer for 100 diseases.”

So this book says that yeast in kvass is a useful and necessary ingredient, since it is they that saturate kvass with B vitamins, PP, organic acids, help retain moisture in the body and that is why kvass quenches thirst so well.

Kvass without yeast also contains yeast, which is obtained naturally, but there is probably less of it. Therefore, bread kvass both with yeast and prepared without yeast is useful.

But there is an important point and this relates to contraindications - yeast contains purines, which inhibit the removal of uric acid from the body, and this can lead to inflammatory processes in the joints.

People with chronic renal failure and a disease such as gout should not drink kvass with yeast.

If you do not have such diseases, then you can safely drink kvass with yeast, if you like it better.

I hope the information about the benefits and harms of bread kvass was useful to you. Personally, I learned a lot about this delicious drink. So make homemade kvass (I talked about the recipes last time) and please yourself and your loved ones with a tasty and healthy drink.

If you don’t like homemade kvass or don’t want to make it, then watch a video on how to choose the right store-bought kvass.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

What is kvass:

What is kvass, the benefits and harms of kvass for the human body, and does it have any medicinal properties? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and show interest in traditional methods of treatment, in particular in treatment with medicinal plants, fruits and vegetables. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Kvass has been a well-known and beloved drink since ancient times. And since hoary antiquity, the benefits of kvass have not been in doubt. Back in the 3rd millennium BC. e. the Egyptians brewed a drink that, in fact, was the predecessor of kvass. Doctors of antiquity described various recipes for its production and pointed out the health benefits of kvass. Today, many types of kvass are very popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Kvass is a drink obtained as a result of unfinished lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation of wort. The alcohol content in kvass can reach 1.2%, which is why some researchers equate kvass with beer. Today, many varieties of kvass are known - bread, fruit, berry - depending on the raw materials.

Now you can see on store shelves an abundance of drinks in plastic bottles called “Kvass”. For most of them, the similarity with traditional kvass is limited only by the name. The benefits of kvass in these bottles are also questionable.

We consume kvass, first of all, as a healthy and tasty drink, but the possibilities for its use are much wider. Kvass can be used as an ingredient for preparing various dishes. It is suitable for first and second courses, various sauces, and even for baking pies. But perhaps the most popular of all kvass-based dishes is okroshka. This cold dish has survived to this day since the times of pre-Petrine Russia, and is still popular. The “ancestor” of modern okroshka recipes was the common roach, which was soaked in kvass - the traditional food of Volga barge haulers. Gradually, okroshka recipes became much more varied.

Benefits of kvass:

The benefits of kvass as a drink are very great. It quenches thirst well, normalizes metabolism, and has a strengthening effect on the human heart and blood vessels. The properties of kvass (carbon dioxide content) also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Kvass is a nutritious drink; the energy value of kvass is quite high. Among the beneficial substances that determine the beneficial properties of this drink, free amino acids, vitamins, microelements, sugars, and enzymes should be noted. Kvass is a rich source of vitamins such as B1 and E. In terms of its effect on the human body, kvass can be compared with kefir, acidophilus, and whey.

Here’s another undoubted benefit of kvass. The acidity level of the finished kvass determines its antibacterial properties, so without exaggeration it can be called a medicinal drink. It improves immunity, is useful for dysbiosis, high blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

This healing drink is useful to drink:

  • heart patients, hypertensive patients;
  • people suffering from gastritis with low acidity;
  • patients with a weakened nervous system;
  • people who have impaired cerebral circulation;
  • people with liver diseases;
  • people with kidney diseases;
  • men with problems related to potency;
  • people with problem skin;
  • people trying to lose weight;
  • for those who have eye problems.

Kvass also strengthens tooth enamel, heals ulcers, and even decomposes and removes dead or diseased cells from the body. This drink is successfully used for chest pain caused by inflammation of the pulmonary membrane, although for this you do not need to drink it, but mix the dough with the addition of apple cider vinegar, sunflower oil and wine. The resulting mixture is perfect for a warming compress.

The healing properties of kvass increase significantly if various medicinal herbs are used in its production. It has been proven that yeast, for all its usefulness, contains purine bases in its composition, which can lead to the deposition of salts in joints and blood vessels. Therefore, Academician B. Bolotov advises adding not only herbs to your kvass, but also sour cream or whey. Then the lactic acid bacteria will process the harmful by-products that are always contained in plants in varying quantities and make them useful for our body.

By choosing certain types of plants, the effect of kvass can be directed. For example, kvass made from raw beets perfectly helps with hypertension, and for diabetes mellitus it will be more beneficial to drink a drink infused with sage. Moreover, vegetable and herbal kvass can also be used when preparing first courses.

The medicinal properties of kvass were also recognized by such famous surgeons as N. I. Pirogov and N. V. Sklifosovsky. Nikolai Ivanovich was sure that this drink accelerates the healing process of bone fractures, strengthens the skin and cleanses the kidneys. Sklifosovsky argued that kvass is an excellent preventive measure for liver cirrhosis and peptic ulcers.

Kvass, harm:

Kvass is contraindicated in case of increased acidity of the digestive system, urolithiasis, cirrhosis of the liver. It is also not recommended for people suffering from gout, urolithiasis, and hypertension. Diseases of the digestive tract can have a different nature, so it is impossible to say with certainty whether in this case there will be more harm or benefit from drinking the drink. Such questions should be discussed with your doctor. And for a healthy person, the benefits of kvass are undeniable.

Composition of kvass:

The chemical composition of kvass is by no means simple. It contains many amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and minerals. For example, kvass contains vitamins PP and B, as well as vitamin H and E. It also contains 8 essential amino acids: tryptophan, lysine, phenylalanine, valine, isoleucine, methionine threonine, leucine. Kvass contains fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, copper, zinc, molybdenum and iron.

For 100 gr. There is approximately 20 grams of product. carbohydrates, and there is practically no protein in it. Up to 2% of this drink consists of alcohols. The energy value is on average 30 kilocalories per 100 grams. product (depending on the chemical composition of a particular variety of kvass).

Bread kvass:

The raw materials for this type of kvass are rye flour, sugar, malt (rye or barley), yeast, kvass bread and water. The range of kvass today is wide: kvass for okroshka, bread kvass and other drinks made from raw grain. This kvass can be stored for no more than 2 days at a temperature of 2 to 12°C.

The beneficial properties of kvass are due to its raw materials - kvass wort, obtained from barley, sprouted wheat grains, rye and oats, bread crusts, yeast, raisins and other ingredients. During fermentation, kvass is “populated” with a mass of beneficial microorganisms, which have a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract and will help with dysbacteriosis. And the vitamins of this drink strengthen the immune system, improve the health of the body and help cope with vitamin deficiency and anemia.

It has been reliably established that kvass was known during the times of Kievan Rus. Ancient chronicles that have survived to this day say that during the period of adoption of Christianity, Prince Vladimir ordered the distribution of food, honey and kvass to people. This drink was consumed by almost everyone, regardless of social class, and over time it became truly popular. Residents of villages and villages used it as a natural body fragrance, pouring it on their heater when washing in a Russian bath. Peasants, especially in the summer, always took a jug of kvass with them when they went to field work, as it quenched their thirst well and toned them up. There were more varieties of it. The most popular of them were the following:

  • with the addition of mint leaves and raisins;
  • on rye and crushed barley malt;
  • the so-called northern kvass, made from wholemeal rye flour, Icelandic moss flour and blackcurrant leaves;
  • Ukrainian, or Little Russian, kvass, the basis of which was dried crushed rye malt, raisins, cinnamon and mint leaves.

There were also sweet, sour, made from apples and beets; intended only for okroshka, the so-called kvass, daily, rich, etc.

The listed types of kvass were made exclusively from grain raw materials. Also, when preparing the drink, buckwheat flour was added; this kvass was called spring kvass.

Sergey Kashin “Homemade kvass”

Classic recipe for homemade bread kvass:


4 liters of water, 600 g of rye crackers, 100 g of sugar, 20 g of raisins, 10 g of yeast, 5 g of mint.

Cooking method

Pour the rye crackers into a deep container, pour boiling water over them, then cover tightly with a lid and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain the finished wort through cheesecloth, then add yeast, sugar, mint leaves previously dissolved in warm water, cover with a napkin and leave for 10–12 hours.

When foam begins to form, strain again and pour into ½ liter bottles, adding a few washed raisins to each bottle, seal well and keep for 4 hours at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator or cellar. After 3 days, the young kvass will be ready.

Fruit kvass:

Classic (meaning bread) kvass is a fairly high-calorie drink. They are not suitable for people who are overweight or who want to lose weight. But fruit and berry kvass for such cases - you can’t imagine anything better! They will be useful to everyone - because they contain many vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other substances that berries and fruits contain in abundance.

Any fresh or dried fruit is suitable for fruit and berry kvass: apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, currants, rowan berries, cranberries, etc. This kvass can be prepared from fruit and berry juices.

There is nothing complicated about this. Hard fruits should be crushed and seeds removed, crush the berries and remove the seeds. Just don’t use plastic or aluminum dishes for this! Raspberries, wild strawberries, strawberries are simply washed without chopping. Dried fruits are first soaked for a day in warm water, and only then used.

Fruits or berries are placed in a glass or enamel container: sweet fruits - up to the edges of the dish, sour ones - up to about half, pour cool boiled water, place in a cold place (refrigerator, basement) and leave to ferment. After 2-3 days, the kvass will be ready. It's also a good idea to add honey to it. It is stored in the same way as bread.

Apple kvass recipe:


3 liters of water, 1 kg of apples, 400 g of sugar, 10 g of yeast.

Cooking method

Cut the apples into slices, place in a deep container, add 2½ liters of water and keep on low heat until they are softened.

Then strain the broth and pour into a clean glass container.

In a separate container, mix the yeast with 500 ml of warm water and add to the apple broth, add sugar and stir it all thoroughly with a wooden spoon.

Place in a cool place for 3 days, then pour into bottles and seal tightly.

Vegetable kvass:

In the old days, vegetable kvass was a drink of poor people. It is also very rich in vitamins and minerals - a great help for our health. Vegetable kvass is prepared in the same way as fruit or berry kvass.

Beet kvass recipe:


2 liters of water, 1 kg of beets, 100 g of sugar, 50 g of dry rye rinds.

Cooking method

Wash the beets, peel and grate them on a fine grater, then transfer them to a 3-liter glass jar.

Pour warm boiled water into it, add sugar and rye rinds.

Cover the jar with several layers of gauze and put it in a warm place to ferment for 3 days.

Strain the finished kvass, pour into bottles, carefully seal and store in the refrigerator (cellar).

Traditional medicine calls it the first non-drug remedy for hypertension. Moreover, this drink can be used as an emergency remedy to help with a hypertensive crisis. Just one glass of beet kvass lowers blood pressure. It will only take 20 minutes from the moment the drink was drunk and the pressure will return to normal. Moreover, it immediately alleviates the symptoms accompanying the disease. In order to normalize blood pressure, you should undergo a course of treatment with beet kvass, but the effect can last for years.

Beet kvass has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. It promotes the expansion of blood vessels and normalizes their rhythmic contraction, eliminates their blockage, and heals the lymph.

Normalizes metabolic processes, the pectins contained in it destroy putrefactive bacteria. Organic acids and fiber enhance intestinal motility. It is used for the deposition of stones in the liver and kidneys. Used for atherosclerosis.

Thanks to its regular use, anemia, fatigue, and dizziness are cured.

Kvass in diets for weight loss:

Kvass is a national low-alcohol drink that perfectly quenches thirst and tones. It has a diuretic effect. Along with excess moisture, harmful substances are also removed from the body. As a result, fat is quickly broken down, metabolism and overall well-being improves. Kvass can be based not only on bread, but also on beets, honey, mint, and even celandine.

How bread kvass is useful for weight loss:

  • It doesn't have many calories (35 Kcal per 100 ml).
  • It improves food digestion and metabolism.
  • Helps restore metabolism.
  • During the diet, it provides the body with vitamins and nutrients.
  • How beet kvass is useful for weight loss:
  • Kvass from beets has a mild diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body, which is good for weight loss and swelling.
  • Nutritionists recommend spending fasting days on beet kvass; it helps you lose weight faster.
  • This kvass improves the condition of the skin after losing weight, as it contains substances that improve the general condition. These substances help restore collagen fibers, which are responsible for skin elasticity.
  • Increases insulin levels in the blood, which lowers sugar and increases the illusion of satiety. Consequently, the feeling of hunger is dulled.

Another great way to lose weight is a mixture of bread and beet drinks. For this drink, pour beets in a jar with fresh homemade bread kvass and leave for 24 hours. You can also ferment bread and beets together. Add half a kilogram of rye crumb to the chopped beets and place the container for fermentation for 3-4 days.

Kvass is considered an original Russian invention. Although stubborn historians claim that a similar drink was drunk in Ancient Egypt, and it came to us from Byzantium. The first chronicle mentions of kvass are found after the baptism of Rus', when Prince Vladimir ordered “food, honey and kvass” to be distributed to the people.

Everyone really drank kvass: from kings to peasants. The latter, by the way, when going to the field, always took a pot of kvass with them. It was believed that this drink relieves fatigue, gives strength and helps with many diseases (scurvy, fever, abdominal pain).


In Soviet times, kvass production was put on an industrial footing. Therefore, by the end of the twentieth century, the recipe for village kvass was almost lost. Sweet sodas came into fashion: making kvass was too labor-intensive.

Only two decades ago the revival of centuries-old kvass traditions began. Thus, a technologist from the company traveled to dozens of villages, recreating the technology of kvass brewing literally bit by bit. As a result, specialists from the Ochakovo laboratory managed to unravel the secret of the unique starter and set up the production of real Russian kvass.

Now there is a huge selection of kvass on store shelves. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows that the current GOST for kvass is not strict and many manufacturers take advantage of this. Kvass is brewed using a simplified technology: one yeast fermentation, and the desired sourness is added by adding citric or lactic acid at the end.

Also, unlike our ancestors, few people know what effect kvass has on the body. Here are five reasons to drink kvass every day.

1. Kvass normalizes intestinal function

At the end of the 19th century, it was proven that kvass, thanks to the acids it contains, promotes the successful digestion of plant foods. The doctor and owner of the kvass production I.M. Yakovlev wrote in 1893:

Along with coarse plant foods, Russians always consume kvass. Everyone knows that plant and starchy foods contain a lot of indigestible substances. By seasoning coarse plant foods containing difficult-to-digest fiber with kvass, Russian people have healthy digestive organs and rarely suffer from digestive disorders.

The basis of kvass is malt and a combined starter. It contains lactic acid bacteria (as in kefir) and a specially bred pure yeast culture. Double fermentation creates a natural acidic environment that regulates the bacterial flora in the intestines and improves digestion.

Therefore, the effect of kvass on the body is similar to kefir and yogurt. It activates metabolism, promotes the absorption of food and the rapid emptying of the intestines.

The carbon dioxide contained in kvass also promotes digestion. It makes the drink foam, awakening the appetite of those who drink it.


2. Kvass vitaminizes and refreshes

Yeast microorganisms that make up kvass contribute to the production of B vitamins. They, in turn, almost do not accumulate in the body and must be regularly supplied with food.

Kvass is rich in vitamins B1, B2 and B3. The first is necessary for cell growth and development, as well as maintaining normal heart function. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is essential for healthy skin, nails and hair, while niacin (B3) has vasodilating properties and protects the nervous system.

Kvass also contains some ascorbic acid, vitamin E and a number of important microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus). All these components make kvass a real health cocktail, which also perfectly quenches thirst.

3. Kvass - a nutritious and low-calorie drink

In the old days, kvass was eaten with rye bread and radishes, and okroshka and botvinya were made from it. However, military doctor V.S. Sotnikov notes in his writings that for the common people kvass often served as “the only food.”

Cabbage soup with meat, but if not, it’s bread with kvass.

Popular proverb

Is it really possible to satisfy hunger with kvass? For a while, yes. After all, the energy value of this drink consists mainly of carbohydrates - 77%. At the same time, there is no fat in kvass at all, and its average calorie content is only 27 kcal per 100 grams of product.

There are even fewer calories in white kvass. They are considered ideal for okroshka: unsweetened, perfectly complement the taste of vegetables, meat and special okroshka dressing.

Unlike overseas sodas, where the sugar content is simply off the charts, kvass can be drunk even by those who are watching their figure. A glass of kvass is an excellent solution if there is still a long time before lunch, but your strength is already running low.

4. Kvass discourages cravings for alcohol

Until the 12th century, kvass in Rus' was stronger than beer and was considered an alcoholic drink. But then they began to distinguish between brewed kvass (“created”), which was intoxicating, and ordinary refreshing kvass, which soured naturally.

Wine is for fun, and kvass is for the soul.

Popular proverb

Now the alcohol content in kvass, especially industrially produced, as a rule, does not exceed 1%, and even that is eliminated from the body literally in half an hour. The drink, prepared according to all standards, is completely safe even for children. By the way, so-called fruit and berry kvass are recommended for children. They use natural apple juice as a sweetener, not refined sugar.

It has been observed that kvass suppresses cravings for beer and other alcoholic beverages. It does not replace them, but rather interrupts the “appetite”. After kvass you don’t want anything else. Therefore, if you arrived at the party by car and at the end of the evening you have to drive again or you simply do not want to drink alcohol, drink kvass. ;)

5. Kvass is simply delicious

In the 15th century in Rus' there were more than 500 varieties of kvass: bread, okroshechny, barley, apple, daily, berry and many others.

Even more interesting facts about kvass, its properties and traditions associated with it can be found in Moscow, at the Museum of Traditional Russian Beverages. You can sign up for a tour

After the new law came into force, which prohibited the previously permitted blood alcohol level of 0.3 ppm, most drivers panicked.

The question immediately arose: is it possible to drink kvass while driving, or at least kefir? After all, it is known that these harmless drinks increase blood alcohol levels. Even a stale orange will show a positive result when tested with a breathalyzer.

The ppm standard for drivers in 2019 differs significantly from the standards that were established in 2010–2013, when the amount of alcohol in both the blood and exhaled air was unacceptable.

This law has now been repealed for multiple reasons.

Promille is a value determined by the degree of intoxication, calculated from the alcohol content in the blood.

It was found that 0.1 ppm contains 0.045 mg of alcohol per 1 liter. Thus, the fact of alcohol consumption is quite easy to establish.

It takes a certain amount of time for alcohol to dissipate; a breathalyzer can accurately determine the presence of alcohol in the body.

In order to understand how much you should not drive after drinking kvass, you should familiarize yourself with the amount of alcohol in the blood that will be found after drinking 1 liter of kvass. The drink comes in bottles and drafts.

Bottled kvass has the following indicators:

  • immediately after consumption, bottled kvass will show the highest amount of alcohol - 2.0 ppm;
  • after 5 minutes the amount of alcohol will decrease to 0.1 ppm;
  • after 10 minutes the alcohol will completely disappear, the breathalyzer will show 0.0 ppm.

Therefore, if the driver did not drink alcohol, but he was stopped and the result of the alcohol test is positive, there is no need to panic. You need to concentrate and remember what was used shortly before. Harmless products can increase alcohol levels in just 15-20 minutes. And it’s enough just to insist on re-checking. And in order to protect yourself from this procedure, it is important to remember how long it takes for alcohol to dissipate after kvass, wait for this period and only then continue on your way.

Indicators of barrel kvass:

  • alcohol concentration immediately after consumption - 5.0 ppm;
  • after five minutes - 0.4 ppm;
  • after 10 minutes - 0.0 ppm.

Thus, many foods and drinks can trigger a positive test for alcohol.

To avoid trouble, you should consider how much you can’t drive after drinking kvass. This is especially true for those who like to consume this product when it is prepared independently.

There are many recipes for homemade kvass, and the strength may vary. A lot of sugar and yeast in the drink increases the strength to 7-8%. Although in a standard drink this figure does not exceed 1.2%.

Therefore, drivers should not consume kvass prepared at home.. In addition, an important point is that the amount of ppm in a person’s blood depends on his body weight. The lower your weight, the higher the alcohol content in your body.

Devices issued by the traffic police are not perfect and may have errors. Due to these features, drinking kvass in large quantities is not recommended. The strength of the drink should not exceed 1.2%.

When taking an alcohol test, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the device used to take the measurement must be approved for use in Russia. The check should always take place only in the presence of two witnesses, and video recording must be made.

Video: Is it possible to drink kvass while driving? Check it out for yourself!

There are other products that are completely harmless, without any alcoholic impurities at first glance. But in reality, they will show the number of ppm on a special device. The alcohol content is quite low, but still there.

These products include:

Any of the above products contains a small amount of alcohol, which is eliminated over time. It is for these reasons that the zero content was abolished.

After all, if a driver drinks a glass of kvass or kefir, alcohol will be detected in his blood when tested. And this entails not only fines, but also deprivation of a driver’s license for 18-24 months.

This fact has caused a lot of controversy. Therefore, in 2013, a new law was adopted that abolished the zero quantity. In accordance with it, the permissible alcohol limit while driving is 0.16 ppm in exhaled air and 0.35 in the blood.

An amendment was made to the Code of Administrative Offenses in the Russian Federation and traffic rules. These changes are also in effect in 2019.

But it is important for a car driver to understand that if alcohol quickly disappears from the body without a trace from harmless products, then after drinking wine or alcoholic beer you cannot drive.

The punishment for this is quite harsh and you can easily lose your rights. In addition, every drunk driver puts himself and others at risk.

If a driver is stopped drunk, he will be deprived of his driving license for a period of 1.5 to 2 years. In case of repeated violation, you will be left without driving rights for 3 years. The driver cannot refuse a medical examination. Otherwise, he loses his license for 2 years.

Any driver should know that driving while intoxicated is prohibited by law. Violation of this will result in serious punishment and deprivation of your driver's license.

Modern breathalyzers will not allow you to cheat. The right decision would be to stop drinking alcohol.

Is it possible to drink kvass while driving? This is a relevant question for lovers of this drink. The product is one that contains alcohol in its composition. If you drink it and immediately get tested, the breathalyzer will show a positive result.

But the presence of alcohol from kvass alone does not threaten the driver. You can request a re-verification. Since after 15-20 minutes, the alcohol completely disappears.