The use of food additives. The use of food additives in the meat industry

Today in supermarkets you can find a huge variety of products in which it is quite easy to get confused. Bright packaging, seductive pictures, shiny labels, plus all this is complemented by promotional price tags, and we make a purchase. Stop, first you need to carefully study the packaging, namely the composition of this product. The fewer incomprehensible words in it, the better. For example, GOST condensed milk contains only natural milk and sugar, but the same product, but produced according to TU, has a completely different composition. It contains stabilizers and emulsifiers, as well as various E-labeled substances. Today we will talk about them: a table of harmful food additives should be at hand for everyone to prevent them from being eaten.

What are various food additives used for?

First of all, you should be alerted to the "E" markings - they denote food additives that are used throughout the world as preservatives and stabilizers, flavor and aroma enhancers, thickeners and leavening agents. All this is necessary to improve the nutritional properties of the product, as well as increase its shelf life.

Why is a table of harmful food additives needed, and are all substances labeled "E" harmful? No, there are neutral, harmful and even dangerous ones, and therefore it is important for each of us to know them and be able to distinguish them. After all, the quality and duration of our lives are highly dependent on what we eat. The more vitamins and minerals in the diet and less "chemistry", the better.

natural or artificial

Despite the assurances of manufacturers, almost all additives are artificial, and therefore potentially dangerous. These are synthetic chemicals. Considering that even the safest of them sometimes cause a reaction in especially sensitive people, it is clear that the table of harmful food additives should be known to everyone. However, there is another subtlety here: not all manufacturers warn you that their product contains additives with the "E" index. They often get around with general phrases like "does not contain artificial colors and flavors." Others note the presence of stabilizers and thickeners, but do not indicate which additives were used. In this case, there is only one way out: refuse to buy and choose a more honest manufacturer. This is especially important if the product is imported, because no one can guarantee that it does not contain prohibited products. Perhaps this will allow you to look at the goods in supermarkets in a different way, because, despite the attractive appearance, almost all of them contain preservatives.

What does the numeric code next to the "E" mean?

Below we will consider what the table of harmful food additives includes, but for now let's look at what these mysterious numbers mean. If the code starts with one, then you have a dye. All preservatives start at 2, the number 3 stands for antioxidants - they are used to slow down or prevent spoilage of the product. All 4 are stabilizers, substances that help maintain the consistency of the product in the required form. The number 5 stands for emulsifiers, they work in tandem with stabilizers and preserve the structure of the product. The flavor and aroma enhancers that create the notes and shades we love so much start at 6. Some products contain special substances that prevent foaming, they are marked with the number 9. If you have a four-digit index, then this indicates the presence of sweeteners in the composition. The realities of life show that you need to know harmful food additives ("E"). The table will help you identify foods that should not be consumed in time.

Such different nutritional supplements "E"

This label can hide quite harmless and even useful substances, for example, plant extracts. This is the well-known acetic acid (E260). Relatively safe additives E can be considered baking soda (E500), or ordinary chalk (E170) and many others.

However, there are many more harmful substances than useful ones. You are mistaken if you think that these include only artificial additives, natural ones also sin with a negative effect on the body. Moreover, the more often they are used, the stronger and more pronounced their impact will be.

Useful Supplements

You should not immediately return the product to the shelf just because it contains E. You need to look and analyze what substance is hidden behind it. The following table of harmful and beneficial food additives will help you make the right choice. For example, the most common apple contains pectin, ascorbic acid and riboflavin, that is, E300, E440, E101, but it cannot be called harmful.

The most common health supplements are curcumins, or E100 - these substances help control weight and are actively used in the manufacture of fitness products. E101 is the usual one, which is famous for the fact that it synthesizes hemoglobin and is involved in metabolism. E160d - it helps to strengthen the immune system. E270 is a powerful antioxidant that is widely used in pharmacology. To enrich products with iodine, the additive E916, that is, calcium iodate, is used. We must not forget about E322 lecithin - this supplement supports the immune system and improves blood formation.

Relatively harmless additives

Today the topic of our conversation is "Table of food additives" E ". Useful and harmful, they are ubiquitous in the most common foods. In this group, we should mention the dyes that are used by the most famous confectionery companies to give an attractive appearance to creams and cakes. This is chlorophyrol , or E140, green dye.Betanin is also known, that is, a red dye.It is extracted from the most ordinary beetroot, the juice of which tints creams perfectly at home.

This group includes calcium carbonate (E170) and regular baking soda. Despite the fact that these substances do not pose a threat to life, in large quantities they can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. E290 is ordinary carbon dioxide, all carbonated drinks are made with it. Every kitchen should have a table of food additives E. Useful and harmful, they are presented in such a large quantity today that it is very difficult to remember what this or that substance means.

Supplements to Avoid

Today, the table contains 11 groups of additives, among which are dangerous, prohibited, harmful to the skin and disturbing blood pressure substances. Since every person needs to avoid products containing dangerous "E-shki", we will consider each group separately. Do not neglect your health and rely on the manufacturer. Many of them are guided only by momentary profit and do not think about reputation. Moreover, it is much easier to periodically close the production and open it under a different name, releasing products with new labels. That is why you should be aware of harmful "E" food additives. The table will help you navigate and not forget what this or that code means. So let's get started.

Dangerous Additives

This group includes a lot of dyes, so if you see confectionery colored with think about whether it is worth taking them to your children. Be sure to study harmful food additives "E": the table is updated periodically, so you need to update the printout, which is best kept next to the kitchen table.

This includes E102, namely tartrazine. It causes asthma attacks and is banned in several countries. E110 - yellow dye, banned in many countries, as it causes an allergic reaction and nausea. E120 - carminic acid (until studies have proven harm, but doctors strongly recommend avoiding it). Red dyes E124, E127 and E129 are banned in a number of countries because they are carcinogens. This also includes E155 (brown dye) and E180 (ruby ritol).

E220 - sulfur dioxide - should be used with caution in people with renal insufficiency. Feel free to postpone products containing E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242. Recognized as dangerous

Very dangerous

If the previous group of additives is dangerous or potentially dangerous, then the representatives of this category should be treated more than carefully. The fact is that the table of supplements gives you only code designations, behind which substances are hidden that stimulate the growth of cancer cells. To completely avoid contact with them, you will have to give up most confectionery and seriously reconsider your view of the diet. The simpler the better, so bran biscuits, cereals, and fruits are the safest bet.

However, back to our conversation. The table of the most dangerous additives "E" includes dyes such as E123 (amaranth). It is banned all over the world, as it causes developmental pathologies in the fetus. In addition, this group includes E510, E513E, E527.

Prohibited substances: table of the most harmful food additives "E"

It should be noted that in Russia there are very soft rules for manufacturing companies. Only 5 additives are officially banned, although the number is much higher worldwide. This is E952 - cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts. This one was discontinued, as it was found out that it is a strong carcinogen. E-216 - para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester - is also prohibited in Russia. But it's not all harmful food additives ("E"). The table refers to this group a number of dyes - these are E152, E130, E125, E126, E121, E111.

Substances that cause skin rashes

Everyone imagines the effect of carcinogens on the body, so you need to do everything necessary to exclude from the menu products containing the most harmful food additives. The table at hand will help you stop in time and not make an unnecessary purchase. Women should especially think about it, because many conditionally safe supplements cause deterioration of the skin condition. This is E151 (black, shiny BN) - in a number of countries it is generally prohibited. Second on the list is E231 (orthophenylphenol) and E232 (calcium orthophenylphenol). Aspartame, or E951, a favorite sugar substitute for many, also has a number of side effects and is not recommended for use without special reasons.

Summing up

You can use this table every day. A food additive, the harmful effect of which is not fully understood, should be excluded from the diet. This group includes quite a lot of different "E" - these are E124, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E247, E471. To optimize your diet and eat as few synthetic additives as possible, study the product packaging before buying. The less in the composition of the various components and incomprehensible terms, the better. Do not purchase unfamiliar products, as well as those on the packaging of which there is no composition, and give preference to well-known manufacturers.

Avoid products with bright, unnatural colors. They may contain too many dyes and preservatives. Give preference to natural products, cereals, sour-milk, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is this diet that is guaranteed not to contain harmful and dangerous substances. To maintain your health for the longest possible time, try to avoid foods that contain harmful food additives ("E"). A table that includes the main ones will become your reliable assistant.

Use of nutritional supplements

Food additives include natural compounds and synthetic substances that are specially added to food and beverages to perform certain technological functions. The main objectives of the introduction of food additives in foods and drinks are:
1. Creation of new or improvement of existing technologies for the preparation and processing of food raw materials, as well as the manufacture, packaging, transportation and storage of food.
2. Increasing the stability and resistance of food products and drinks to various influences that worsen their quality indicators.
3. Creation and preservation of food structure.
4. Change (for the better) or preservation of the organoleptic properties and appearance of food and beverages.
All food additives should not mask the consequences of using non-standard raw materials, conducting technological processes in unsanitary conditions and violating technological discipline.

Food additives are divided into four groups:
1. Additives that regulate the taste and aroma of foods and drinks (flavor and aroma enhancers, flavors, sweeteners, salt and sugar substitutes, acids, acidifiers) or improve the color of foods and drinks (color stabilizers, dyes, bleaches).
2. Additives that regulate the consistency and form the texture of products (gelling agents, thickeners, foaming agents, emulsifiers, fillers, etc.).
3. Additives that increase the safety of food products and increase their shelf life (preservatives, protective gases, antioxidants and their sealants, water-retaining agents, anti-caking agents, film formers, stabilizers).
4. Additives that facilitate and accelerate the course of technological and biotechnological processes (enzyme preparations, leavening agents, extractants, clarifiers, desiccants, defoamers, baking and confectionery improvers, etc.).

Most food additives have complex technological functions that manifest themselves depending on the characteristics of the food system. This classification is based on the technological functions of food additives, which do not include substances and compounds that increase the nutritional value of food products, such as vitamins, macronutrients, amino acids. Food additives also include "non-nutritional substances" added to food, usually in small amounts, to improve appearance, taste, texture, or to increase shelf life. The main reasons for the widespread use of food additives in food production include:
1. The modern development of trade at the world level, leading to the need to transport food products (including perishable and fast-stale) over long distances.
2. Constantly increasing requirements of the modern consumer to the quality and range of food products while maintaining low cost.
3. Creation of new types of food products and drinks that meet the modern requirements of nutrition science.
4. Development of new and improvement of existing technology for new and traditional food products.

Food additives must meet the following requirements:
1. This particular supplement must be tested for human safety.
2. The additive can be recommended within the limits of its established safety and technological necessity.
provided that the use of the substance does not mislead the consumer as to the type and composition of the food and drink in which it is added.
3. For this additive, the purity criteria necessary to achieve a certain level of food quality must be established.
When determining the feasibility and effectiveness of the use of a food additive both in the production of traditional food and beverages, where it has not been used before, and in the creation of new food and beverage technology, it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of the food systems into which the food additive is introduced, to correctly determine the stage and the method of its introduction, to evaluate the economic and social efficiency of use. It should be especially noted that the concept of rational nutrition, approved by FAO/WHO experts and adopted in the Russian Federation, implies the need for a certain amount of food components to enter the human body. These include organic compounds and mineral substances, which directly or in a transformed form belong to food additives approved for use (there are more than 300 of them). Of these, about 200 food additives are direct participants in metabolic physiological processes, substrates and regulators of metabolism. These are proteins, vitamins, amino acids, oligopeptides and derivatives of their compounds, esters of glycerol, phosphatides and fatty acids, digestible dyes, complex and simple carbohydrates, minerals. In the process of metabolism in the human body, primarily plastic and energy types of metabolism, other food additives do not take an active part.

It's no secret that many food additives are very dangerous. In a lifetime, a person eats about 40 tons of food. More than 25% of this is chemicals and life-threatening substances. Flavorings, dyes, thickeners, flavor enhancers, GMO products, preservatives. We consume chemicals every day, and often without even thinking about it. Food additives make food tastier, more beautiful, but not healthy and healthy, but dangerous to health and sometimes life.

Sunset Yellow E110

Dye Sunset Yellow FCF, also known as Yellow-Orange S, labeled E-110, is a bright orange color that dissolves easily in water.

Dye E110 is added to a huge amount of food. It contains some canned vegetables, dairy products, sauces, croutons, chips, instant soups and purees, canned fish. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks may also contain this additive. Yellow "sunset" E110 can often be found in sweets. Ice cream, jams, jellies, icing, marmalade, marzipans, hot chocolate - all these sweets may contain E110 dye. It is mainly used to give yellow, orange, caramel and chocolate color.

Impact on the human body

The dye E110 can lead to allergic reactions, especially in people with aspirin intolerance. This allergy can manifest as nausea, hives (rash), nasal congestion, rhinitis (runny nose). In addition, there is indirect evidence that E-110 can provoke hyperactivity and attention deficit in children.

For humans, it is no more dangerous than any other food allergen and carcinogen, for example, citrus fruits or fried meat. However, since it does not carry any useful properties, a number of human rights groups are in favor of banning E110 in order to avoid the potential risks associated with it.

Banned in Norway, Finland and Russia, but allowed in the rest of the European Union and the United States.

Sodium sorbate (E201)

Sodium sorbate is one of the common preservatives - substances that increase the shelf life of food products, protecting them from spoilage by the waste products of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Sodium sorbate is widely used in the preparation of fruits and vegetables, juices and drinks.

It can be found in candied fruits, cheeses, cider, sweet sauces, dried fruits, fillings, fermented milk, frozen convenience foods, meat and fish products, fruit salads, margarine, processed cheeses, soft drinks, soup concentrates, sweets, yoghurts.

As a negative effect on the human body, it is indicated that sodium sorbate sometimes provokes allergic reactions, such as reddening of the skin or itching, but when consumed in recommended doses, it is well tolerated by the body.

Ascorbic acid (E300)

Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that is a natural antioxidant. It has properties to bind free radicals, thereby stopping their destructive function. Vitamin C is able to enhance the active action of other antioxidants.

Ascorbic acid is used to preserve the natural color of meat products and protects products from oxidative phenomena and processes. Being a natural substance, ascorbic acid is naturally found in many plant products such as: citrus fruits, potatoes, white cabbage, peppers, black currants and others. There is especially a lot of vitamin C in fresh herbs and, which is especially important during periods of exacerbation of diseases, in sauerkraut and onions.

Effect on the human body:

The properties of E-300 are diverse and have a very beneficial effect on the human body. Vitamin C stabilizes the function of blood clotting, regulates the amount of lipids, participates in the formation of connective and bone tissues. Ascorbic acid improves the functioning of the human immune system and provides protection for the body against various infections, as well as numerous allergens.

Orthophosphoric acid E338

Orthophosphoric acid E338 refers to inorganic acids, is an antioxidant.

Orthophosphoric acid E338 is used in various fields of human activity. In industry, it is involved in soldering as a flux for ferrous metals, stainless steel, oxidized copper. In molecular biology, an additive is necessary for a number of studies. It shows its qualities very well in the process of cleaning metal parts and surfaces from rust and prevents subsequent corrosion by covering it with a protective film.

In the food industry, phosphoric acid E338 is used as an acidity regulator, mainly in sweet sodas. E338 is also added to sausage products, in the production of cheeses and processed cheeses, in baking powders intended for bakeries. Orthophosphoric acid is also used in sugar making.

It plays an important role in the agricultural sector in the production of fertilizers for the soil, the production of phosphates for livestock feed. There is also an additive in detergents, cleaning and softening synthetic products.

Effect on the human body:

Orthophosphoric acid E-338 increases the acidity of the body, which negatively affects its acid-base balance. In this case, the forced displacement of calcium from the teeth and bones occurs, which leads to the appearance of caries and the development of early osteoporosis. In addition, it is contraindicated for people with a natural high level of acidity. Additive E338 is not safe. A concentrated solution, once on the skin or mucous membranes, leads to burns. When inhaled vapors of phosphoric acid develop atrophic processes in the nasopharynx, bleeding from the nose may occur, tooth enamel and the tooth itself crumble, even a change in the composition of the blood is observed. With frequent and abundant use of E338 in food, disturbances occur in the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, aversion to food, and weight loss appear.

Ethylcellulose (E462)

Ethylcellulose is a stabilizing agent used to maintain the viscosity and consistency of food products. The additive can be used as a thickener capable of significantly increasing the viscosity of products. E-462 has the properties of preserving the structure of food products, and contribute to obtaining products with the required consistency. Ethylcellulose is especially widely used to stabilize disperse systems: suspensions, foams and emulsions.

Ethylcellulose in the food industry can be part of:

  • - instant soups and ready-made sauces,
  • - canned soups and sauces,
  • - deep-frozen products,
  • - fruit fillers and other fruit processing products,
  • - fruit and vegetable preserves,
  • - fermented milk mixtures and dry milk products,
  • - desserts, jelly, mayonnaise,
  • - processed cheeses and cheese products,
  • - confectionery and sugar products,
  • - ketchups and various low-calorie food products.

Effect on the human body:

Ethylcellulose is one of the additives not allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation, therefore, excessive consumption of products with this additive can lead to the development of severe inflammation of the mucous membranes of the body and especially the organs of the digestive system. In children, there may be a state of nervousness. Additive E462 can cause acute indigestion. Being a conditionally dangerous substance, ethylcellulose can have a negative effect on the skin. Additive E-462 is not an allergen, but, however, when working with it, certain safety measures should be observed.

Potassium carbonate (E501)

The use of potassium carbonate in the modern food industry is limited. Now the additive E501 is used as an acidity regulator and stabilizer of soft drinks, and potassium carbonate also appears in the composition (impurity) of baking soda.

Effect on the human body:

Additive E501 is dangerous in suspension. Getting into the respiratory tract of a person during breathing, it can cause severe irritation, an allergic reaction, and provoke an asthmatic attack in chronic patients. When in contact with the skin in its pure form, it can also lead to local irritation and eczema. In this case, it is desirable to wash off the powder as soon as possible with running water. It has a number of contraindications for use in baby food.

Monosodium glutamate (E621)

Monosodium glutamate supplement has the form of a crystalline white powder or pure white crystals. E621 is odorless and has a specific and characteristic taste. It is completely soluble in an aqueous medium, has an average level of solubility in ethanol and is completely insoluble in ether. Monosodium glutamate is obtained by microbiological synthesis. E621 can be of natural and synthetic origin. The additive has the ability to increase the sensitivity of the receptors of the tongue, and, as a result, enhance the taste sensations. As a result, it is used mainly as a food additive - an effective flavor enhancer.

The flavor and aroma enhancer E621 is most often added to canned dishes, concentrates of ready-made first and second courses intended for instant cooking. It is also present in canned fish and meat, pates, chips, sauces, crackers, mayonnaise, ketchups, and other prepared foods with added salt.

Impact on the human body

The human body recognizes the food supplement E621 as a normal nucleic acid, it is absorbed and metabolized. According to the latest data, the E621 additive definitely harms the body. In sensitive individuals or at high doses, monosodium glutamate may cause a specific "Chinese restaurant" syndrome. It manifests itself in general weakness, palpitations, temporary loss of sensation in the back and neck. May cause loss of vision and thinning of the eye retina (the result of experiments on rats). Leads to glaucoma. Hygiene standards allow the maximum allowable daily dose for humans - 120 mg of acid per 1 kilogram of body weight. According to the latest data from foreign sources, studies were carried out as a result of which it was proved that E621 with prolonged use can lead to a number of serious diseases, such as: Alzheimer's disease, autism, attention deficit disorder, diabetes, hyperactivity disorder, migraine, as a result, as it turned out E621 can bring significant harm, especially to children.

Glycine (E640)

In the food industry, glycine is used to optimize the taste and smell of some beverages, mainly alcoholic beverages. In some types of products, the flavor enhancer E640 is added as a carrier of useful substances.

Impact on the human body

In rare cases, glycine can cause an allergic reaction. Additive E640 acts as a regulator of metabolic processes in the body, activates protective inhibition of the central nervous system, reduces mental and emotional stress, and has a beneficial effect on mental performance. It has been noticed that glycine improves mood, facilitates falling asleep, and normalizes the rhythm of sleep. Studies have shown that glycine can reduce the toxic and destructive effects of alcohol on the nervous system.

Tetracyclines (E701)

Dietary supplement E701 is an antibiotic that can disrupt the formation of complexes between the ribosome and RNA, and also leads to the suppression of protein synthesis. Tetracyclines are active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Tetracyclines have a fairly wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, so the substance belongs to antimicrobial drugs. But if you use an antibiotic for a long time, bacteria become resistant to it.

In the food industry, tetracyclines are added to dairy and sour-milk products. As a residual effect of the treatment of livestock, E701 can be found in meat, eggs. The main function of an antibiotic is to suppress germs and infections.

Effect on the human body:

This antibiotic tends to accumulate in the human or animal body, which leads to the fact that in case of illness, treatment with tetracyclines or similar drugs will not work. E701 also accumulates in the bones, regular use of an antibiotic can lead to the development of allergies, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, esophagitis, glossitis, gastritis, dysphagia, hepatotoxic effect, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Avoparcin (E715)

The antibiotic avoparcin is an effective agent that fights gram-positive bacteria, destroying the walls of bacterial cells. The main task of the drug is the prevention and treatment of necrotic enteritis in chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls. In addition, the E715 additive is used in animal husbandry, as a feed additive for livestock, to accelerate the growth of animals and birds.

The use of food additive E715 was allowed in Australia and some countries of the European Union, but due to the negative impact on human health, avoparcin was excluded from the list of allowed additives. The main scope of the antibiotic is veterinary medicine and industrial animal husbandry.

Effect on the human body:

The danger of avoparcin for health lies in many factors, including the development of allergic reactions, decreased immunity, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the addition of E715 can provoke the appearance of bacterial immunity to various antibiotics, which can lead to their resistance and severe clinical conditions of the patient.

Isobutane (E943b)

Isobutane is a colorless, odorless, combustible gas. It is highly soluble in solvents of organic origin, in water, ether and alcohol. In nature, the E943b additive is found in petroleum gases and gas condensate.

In the food industry, isobutane acts as a propellant in inhalation and food packaging, in particular, it is part of the deodorant mixtures in cans. Sometimes it is used as a flavoring solvent (technological and extraction). The E943b additive is widely used as a refrigerant in the production of household refrigerators, air conditioners, and freezers. Its distinctive property is that it does not have a negative effect on the ozone layer.

Impact on the human body

In the food industry, the doses of isobutane that enter the final product, ready for consumption, are negligible. This suggests that isobutane in the food industry is safe for human health. The danger is the addition of E943b in high concentrations and at unacceptably high temperatures, which can lead to self-ignition of the substance or its explosion.

The meat industry is one of the oldest branches of the food industry. The significance of the meat industry in the system of the national economy of the country is determined, first of all, by the fact that it provides the population of the country with products that are the main source of human protein nutrition. Meat and its processing technologies are of increasing interest.

Additives - substances that are not provided as mandatory in the recipe, but are introduced during the production of sausages to improve them - increase color intensity, storage stability, better taste and aroma, or reduce losses during heat treatment. Additives are also used for more rational use of raw materials.

The use of food additives is permissible only if they do not threaten human health even with prolonged consumption in the composition of the product, and provided that the technological tasks set cannot be solved in any other way. Based on the technological functions of additives, they are divided into several groups:

ü increasing the intensity and stability of color;

ü increasing the water-holding capacity of meat

ü improving the taste and aroma of products;

ü used as additional sources of protein;

inhibition of fat oxidation;

s preservatives.

The following reasons for the widespread use of additives by food manufacturers can be identified:

§ modern methods of trade in the conditions of transportation of food products (including perishable and quickly stale products) over long distances, which determined the need for the use of additives that increase the shelf life of their quality;

§ rapidly changing individual ideas of the modern consumer about food products, including their taste and attractive appearance, low cost, ease of use; the satisfaction of such needs is associated with the use of, for example, flavors, dyes and other food additives;

§ Creation of new types of food that meets the modern requirements of nutrition science, which is associated with the use of food additives that regulate the consistency of food products;

§ improvement of technology for obtaining traditional food products, creation of new food products, including functional products.

So we can conclude that additives are of great importance for the food, and in particular the meat industry.

Let's cover the topic according to a plan corresponding to the classification of additives according to their technological functions.

Substances that increase the efficiency and color stability of meat products

Ascorbic acid and its derivatives

To obtain a bright and stable color, ascorbic, isoascorbic (erythorbic) acids, ascorbate, sodium isoascorbate (erythorbate) are used.

Ascorbic acid (C 6 H 8 O 6) and sodium ascorbate are used to accelerate the reactions of color formation of meat products, improve the appearance and increase the stability of color during storage.

The action of ascorbic acid is based on its strong reducing properties, as a result of which it directly reacts with nitrous acid obtained from nitrite in the acidic environment of meat. Nitric oxide, iodine and ascorbic acid dehydrate are formed.

Ascorbic acid and ascorbinates reduce the residual content of nitrites in the finished product by 22-38%, enhance the antibacterial properties of nitrite, and inhibit the formation of nitrosamines in the product by 32-35%. The optimal amount of ascorbic acid and its derivatives is 0.02-0.05% by weight of the raw material. The use of sodium salts is considered to be preferable to the corresponding acids, since the reaction between acids and nitrite proceeds very quickly, with the possible loss of nitrogen oxides. Salts are added by 0.01-0.02% more than acids.

Neutralization of ascorbic acid is carried out with sodium carbonate by introducing 16 g of baking soda (NaHCO 3) into 1 liter of a 3% aqueous solution of ascorbic acid. The pH value of the solution after neutralization should not exceed 7.0. When using phosphates, neutralization of ascorbic acid is not performed.

Solutions of ascorbic acid and ascorbate are very sensitive to the presence of certain metals, and therefore they are stored in plastic, aluminum or stainless steel containers.

Sodium isoascorbate(sodium erythorbate) acts on raw materials similarly to ascorbate or ascorbic acid. It is used for:

Improving the process of forming the color of meat products;

Stabilization and increase of stability during storage of finished products;

Prevention of fat oxidation;

Improving the taste and aromatic characteristics of finished products.

The use of ascorbic acid, ascorbinates and erythorbates contributes to the production of products with increased environmental safety.

In addition to ascorbic acid, to preserve the color of fresh meat, nicotinic acid, which is a vitamin of group B. The content of nicotinic acid or its amide in the amount of 0.0065% is considered acceptable, because. at this concentration, both substances are completely harmless. However, nicotinic acid has not been widely used. A mixture consisting of ascorbic and nicotinic acids turned out to be more effective.

To increase the intensity and stability of the color, it is also recommended to add glucono delta lactone(GDL). It is a white crystalline powder with a pleasant taste. The higher the concentration of GDL, the more the pH decreases.

The cleavage of the lactone in an aqueous solution is the slower, the lower the temperature of the solution; slower in food than in solution. Due to the water content in meat and meat products, an equilibrium is also established between lactone and gluconic acid, which depends not only on temperature and GDL concentration, but also on other factors.

When equilibrium is established, a lactone that has a slightly acidic reaction produces gluconic acid with a sour taste and low pH.

Like the acids found in meat, gluconic acid is involved in flavor formation.

GDL can be added to the curing mixture if it is desirable to obtain a brine with a reduced pH, and in a dry curing mixture it does not have an acidic taste, only after dissolving the curing mixture in water can a brine with the required degree of acidity be obtained.


Saltpeter (nitrate) is potassium (KNO 3) and sodium (NaNO 3) in the form of white crystals.

In the manufacture of sausages, saltpeter is reduced to nitrite. Saltpeter has preservative properties, but since it is used in small quantities, it does not have a noticeable preservative effect.

In sausage production, both sodium and potassium nitrate are used. Sodium nitrate dissolves worse than potassium nitrate, therefore, when preparing a brine with an admixture of sodium nitrate, it is necessary to carefully monitor that it dissolves completely.

Upon acceptance, saltpeter samples must be transferred to the laboratory for analysis in order to determine its suitability for use in production. Saltpeter must contain at least 98% nitrate and no more than 2% moisture. If saltpeter has impurities that are insoluble in water, foreign smell, impurities of toxic substances and excessive moisture, it is not accepted. Saltpeter, recognized as suitable, is carefully sieved before use to avoid foreign objects getting into the minced meat.

Store saltpeter in a dry place, but not together with salt or other chemicals (nitrite, bleach, etc.) and odorous substances, as saltpeter absorbs odors.

The effect of saltpeter, which has absorbed excess moisture, is weakened during storage: then the portion added to the brine is correspondingly increased, since the dosages are taken taking into account the moisture content of not more than 2%.


Sodium nitrite (NaNO 2) is a nitrate reduction product. The purpose of nitrite in sausage production is to preserve the red color of the meat; partly used its preservative properties. Sodium nitrite - yellowish color, absolutely odorless and pollution-free. It has the ability to easily absorb odors as well as moisture from the air.

Sodium nitrite is used in the form of solutions (with a concentration not exceeding 2.5%); in syringe brines, the nitrite concentration is typically between 0.02 and 0.1%.

The role of sodium nitrite is multifunctional: in addition to its participation in the formation of nitroso pigments, a significant role of nitrite in the formation of flavor and aroma characteristics, the presence of an antioxidant effect on lipids, a pronounced inhibitory effect on the growth of microorganisms, toxigenic molds and the formation of toxins by them were noted.

In practice, it should be remembered that when preparing brines, the simultaneous addition of sodium nitrite and ascorbic acid is unacceptable in order to avoid intensive decomposition of nitrite. To obtain a stable color, sodium nitrite and ascorbate (erythorbate) are used.

Substances that increase the water-holding capacity of meat

Increasing the water-holding capacity and bringing it closer to that of fresh meat is very important in the manufacture of sausages and smoked meats. The loss of meat juice during heat treatment leads to tissue dehydration, a decrease in juiciness, a deterioration in the consistency, structure and taste of sausage products. The addition of salt alone cannot restore the full water-holding capacity of meat lost during refrigeration, freezing or storage. Therefore, chemicals are recommended that have a more or less effective effect in the presence of sodium chloride.


The expediency of using phosphates in the production of meat products has been confirmed by many years of practice of their use. Phosphate salts and their mixtures are included in the formulations of curing brines of sausages and other meat products in order to increase its water-holding capacity, coherence and adhesiveness of meat system components, stability of minced emulsions, increase the yield of finished products, as well as improve color, flavor and aroma bouquet and consistency meat products.

Food phosphates used in the production of meat products include sodium and potassium salts of phosphoric acids:

Ortho- (mono-) phosphoric (H 3 PO 4);

Pyro- (di-) phosphoric (H 4 P 2 O 4);

Triphosphoric (H 5 P 3 O 10);

Metaphosphoric (HPO 3).

To make up for the loss of moisture that occurs during the manufacture of sausages, it is necessary to add water to the minced meat of boiled sausages and sausages. In order for the meat to absorb more water, it needs to swell. To do this, salt is added to the meat. Swollen meat fibers are able, within certain limits, to perceive the added water and, depending on the composition of the meat, retain this water even after roasting and boiling. Table salt causes swelling of the meat fibers and this phenomenon is nothing more than the effect of inorganic ions on the colloid. Other mineral salts also create a similar effect.

Table salt causes the maximum swelling of the meat fibers, and hence the binding of water, at a 5% concentration. With increasing concentration, the swelling begins to decrease, and at an even higher concentration, the swollen fibers even shrink. Different salts cause the most swelling of the meat at different concentrations. Phosphates give the best effect at a concentration of 0.3% and a concentration of table salt in meat of 2-2.5%.

The effect obtained when using phosphates is explained by their specific effect on muscle proteins and other components of minced meat.

An increase in the water-holding capacity of meat with the addition of alkaline phosphates is associated with a shift in pH to the alkaline side.

The addition of acid phosphates, such as sodium hexametaphosphate, lowers the pH and water-holding capacity of the meat. Neutral phosphates do not change the properties of meat.

However, an excessive increase in pH is undesirable, because. this gives the product an unpleasant taste, so mixtures of alkaline, neutral and acid phosphates are most often used so that the pH does not exceed 6.5.

Phosphates significantly increase the water-holding capacity of minced meat, and as a result, the yield of sausages and reduces shrinkage.


Carrageenan is a complex polysaccharide, hydrocolloid, represented mainly by D-galactose. It is made from red seaweed.

Carrageenans are divided into several groups:

Lambda carrageenan - poorly soluble in cold water;

Iota-carrageenan - forms gels of medium viscosity;

Kappa-carrageenan - forms very dense gels and is the main technology in meat products.

Carrageenan has a high gel-forming and water-binding capacity. Due to the presence of negative charges on the surface, it easily interacts with proteins and cations; forms after the "heating-cooling" cycle a strong spatial grid. Neutral in taste and smell. At pH 8 to 9, some types of carrageenans have a pronounced emulsifying ability.

At the same time, unlike other additives, carrageenan in meat systems simultaneously forms a single matrix with salt-soluble muscle proteins and strengthens it, providing the required technological effect.

The use of carrageenan in the production of meat products makes it possible to:

Increase the yield of meat products;

Improve organoleptic indicators (juiciness, consistency, cohesion, color, appearance, sliceability);

Eliminate the likelihood of formation of broth-fat edema during heat treatment;

Stabilize the appearance of the product during its storage in vacuum packaging by reducing the effect of moisture cut-off (syneresis);

The most effective use of carrageenan in the technological process of production of meat products from raw materials with a high content of adipose and connective tissue, mechanically deboned meat, poultry meat.

The use of carrageenan does not require additional equipment and changes in the standard technological process.

The dosage level of carrageenan in the production of meat products ranges from 0.2 to 2.0%.

The introduction of carrageenan into raw meat is carried out in dry (powdered) or hydrated (dissolved) form. In the manufacture of emulsified meat products (boiled sausages, frankfurters, sausages), carrageenan is added in dry form at the mixing stage or during the first phase of cutting pre-salted (low-fat) raw materials.

agar- a mixture of polysaccharides and agaropectin obtained from algae. In terms of technological action, it is somewhat inferior to carrageenan. Introduction rates - up to 200 g per 100 kg of raw materials.

Pectins- gelling substances released from fruits, which have a high water-binding capacity. As a rule, they are part of multicomponent mixtures used in the technology of whole-muscle and restructured products. Quantitative limits of use - up to 1.5% by weight of raw materials.

Alginic acid and sodium alginate- products derived from algae and used as binding, gelling and emulsifying agents. Alginic acid binds water well, but does not dissolve in water itself, and therefore it is best used in the production of restructured meat products. Sodium alginate - soluble salt; can be used both in the form of an aqueous solution and as part of a syringe brine in quantities of 0.5-1.0%. To avoid discoloration of meat, it is recommended to use sodium alginate mixed with calcium carbonate at concentrations of 0.7 and 0.3%, respectively.

Substances that improve the taste of foods

sugar and glucose

In the production of sausages and smoked pork, beet or cane sugar is used, which is a carbohydrate - sucrose. Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. Sucrose does not ferment, does not have a reducing ability, and therefore its purpose in salting is reduced only to improving the taste of products.

The breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose occurs under the action of the enzyme invertase, which is found in yeast and some microorganisms, but is not present in meat.

Glucose is found in various fruits and fruits, it is obtained as a result of the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, for example, various types of starch (potato, corn, rice). Glucose is fermented, has a reducing ability, therefore, in its presence, nitrite is less intensively oxidized and salted meat retains its color better.

Both sugar and glucose are used in dry or dissolved form according to strictly established dosages (recipes). When using glucose instead of sugar, the color improves significantly. Crystalline glucose must contain at least 99.5% pure glucose; in granulated sugar - not less than 99.75% sucrose.


Spices and spices are products of plant origin added to food to give it a pleasant taste and smell.

Most spices contain essential oils that act on the olfactory nerves and thereby increase salivation. Part of the spices (pepper) contains islet flavoring substances that promote the release of digestive juices. Some spices containing essential oils have the same property: cloves, nutmeg, as well as some vegetables - parsley, onion, garlic.

Spices are classified according to the parts of the plants from which they are obtained: seeds - nutmeg and nutmeg; fruits - star anise (star anise), cardamom, peppers (ordinary, clove, Spanish, cayenne), cumin, anise, coriander; flowers and their parts - carnation, saffron; leaves - bay leaf, marjoram; bulbs - garlic, onion.

Methods of administration:

Adding to raw meat in the process of massaging it;

As part of syringe brines;

By surface rubbing of raw materials;

As part of filling marinades and brines.

Monosodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate is the most important component of the protein molecule glutamic acid, from which it is produced. This is a food product, it can also be used at home as a seasoning. Once in the human body, it helps to improve metabolism, so it is widely used both in nutrition and in medical practice in a number of countries.

Monosodium glutamate is a white or yellowish crystalline powder with a sweetish aftertaste.

Monosodium glutamate added in its pure form does not add any new taste, smell or color to food products, but it more fully reveals and improves their natural taste and aroma, helps to preserve their palatability and restore such qualities that are usually weakened after long-term storage. products, and also weakens unpleasant aftertastes (rancidity, defrosting, etc.).

Monosodium glutamate prevents rancidity and oxidation of meat products during long-term storage. MOUTH allowed the addition of 100 g of sodium glutamate per 1 quintal of minced boiled sausages and frankfurters, regardless of their grade.

Substances used as supplemental protein sources

egg whites;

Milk protein preparations;

soy isolates.

egg whites(melange, egg white, egg albumin, egg powder) have high solubility, adhesion, water-binding ability. Usage rates are limited to 1-2% due to the appearance of a rubbery texture, as well as economic considerations.

Milk protein preparations(milk powder, whole and skimmed, whey protein concentrate, whey, coprecipitate, sodium caseinate) are used both as part of injection brines (liquid preparations), and by introducing into the massager during the processing of raw materials. The quantitative limits of use are determined by technological expediency.

The use of soy protein isolates allows:

ü improve the functional and technological properties of raw materials (water-binding, gel-forming, emulsifying, adhesive abilities), especially with a high content of adipose and connective tissue, defrosted, beef, etc.

ü improve the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product - tenderness, juiciness, texture, consistency, color - for products made from beef, lamb and horse meat);

ü increase the yield and stability of the properties of products during storage (due to the antioxidant effect of SBI in relation to lipids);

ü avoid the appearance of syneresis (separation of free moisture) when storing sliced ​​finished products in vacuum packed form;

ü reduce the mass fraction of fat, cholesterol content and total calorie content of meat products, balance the ratio of fat: protein;

ü increase the digestibility and assimilation of the protein component in the body;

ü reduce the share of marriage from 7 to 2%;

ü reduce the cost of finished products.

Substances that inhibit fat oxidation

Animal fats during processing and especially more or less long-term storage are oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. Due to oxidative changes, their nutritional value decreases, since fat-soluble vitamins and essential polyunsaturated fatty acids are destroyed, and oxidative spoilage products that are toxic to the human and animal body appear and accumulate. The commercial quality of fats deteriorates, the bacon turns yellow and acquires an unpleasant smell and taste, and sausages in which yellowed pieces of bacon are found are rejected.

Antioxidants are used to prevent fat oxidation.

Antioxidants are substances that are involved in the autoxidation process and form stable intermediate products, i.e. substances that block the chain reaction.

Synergists enhance the action of antioxidants, but do not themselves have antioxidant properties.

Natural antioxidants include:

Tocopherols used in emulsions in amounts up to 0.3%;

Ascorbic acid (introduction rates 0.01-0.1%);

Propyl gallate (quantitative limits of introduction from 0.005 to 0.02%);

Soybean oil containing a significant amount of tocopherol (use rate 0.1-0.6%);

Rosemary, cardamom, coriander, mustard, red pepper and extracts obtained on their basis (quantitative limits of introduction from 0.03 to 0.2%).

Citric acid, its esters, sodium and potassium salts, as well as tartaric acid in amounts of 0.05-0.02% expression exhibit synergistic properties. Monoisopropyl citrate (0.02% by weight of raw material) and phosphoric acid (0.01%) have similar properties.

Antioxidants also include alkaline phosphates.


Preservatives - chemicals used to slow down or prevent undesirable changes in food products of biological origin caused by microorganisms - bacteria, molds, yeasts in order to increase their shelf life.

First of all, these include: table salt, sodium nitrite, sugar, calcium chloride, acetic, citric, lactic, ascorbic acid and their salts.

Acetic acid (CH3COOH) is used as a component of marinades and as a preservative.

Lactic acid - monobasic hydroxycarboxylic acid is used in the form of a solution or a sodium salt with neutral pH to stabilize the properties of finished products during storage, suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms, regulate the level of water-binding capacity of raw materials, and intensify the color formation process.

The inhibitory effect of food acids, in particular on E. coli and Proteus, is manifested in concentrations above 0.01%. According to the effectiveness of the effect on bacteria, acids can be arranged in the following sequence: acetic > citric > lactic. In relation to thermophiles, citric acid is the most bactericidal.

Substances that provide prolongation of shelf life


Additives are not the last place in the food industry, including the meat industry. They improve the presentation, diversify the taste of the finished product, extend the shelf life and perform many other necessary functions.

The classification of additives given in this work is very rough and abstract. This is mainly due to the fact that almost each of the additives used in the food industry, and in particular the meat industry, can perform several functions at the same time, and some additives must go in combination with others and be a mixture.

Additives play an important role both in relation to the technological process and from an economic point of view: shortening the maturation of meat, saving raw materials, extending storage periods, giving a marketable (attractive) appearance. And also from a consumer visual and organoleptic point of view: the same attractive appearance, aroma and taste, as well as nutritional value.

The existence of a wide variety of additives makes it possible to expand and deepen the market for meat products by reducing prices, increasing the variety of flavors of familiar products, as well as the possible emergence of innovative products and recipes.


1. Alekhina L.T., Bolshakov A.S., Boreskov V.G. and others / Ed. Rogova I.A. Technology of meat and meat products. – M.: Agropromizdat, 1988. – 576 p.

2. Zharinov A.I., Kuznetsova O.V., Cherkashina N.A. Fundamentals of modern meat processing technologies. - M., 1997. - 179 p.

3. Konnikov A.G. Technology of sausage production / A. G. Konnikov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Pishchepromizdat, 1961. - 519 p.

4. Lavrova L.P., Krylova V.V. Technology of sausage products. - M .: "Food industry", 1975. - 344 p.

Food and biological active additives

Nutritional supplements- chemical or natural substances that are not used in their pure form as a food product or a typical food ingredient, which are intended to be introduced into the food product during its processing, processing, production, storage or transportation (regardless of its nutritional value) as an additional component that has a direct or indirect impact on the characteristics of the food product (STB 1100-98). Currently, about 2 thousand food additives are used in the food industry.

Nutritional supplements can be divided into three main groups according to their purpose:

Improving the organoleptic properties of products: food colorings; color-correcting and bleaching agents; flavoring and taste; product consistency improvers;

Inhibiting microbiological and oxidative spoilage of products: preservatives, antioxidants;

Technology-driven: process accelerators - leavening agents, foaming agents, solvents, etc.

The classification of food additives according to the purpose according to the proposed digital codification system is as follows:

E10O-E182- dyes(used to color some food products in different colors);

E200 and beyond - preservatives(contribute to long-term storage of food); IEZOO and beyond - antioxidants, differently, antioxidants(slow down oxidation and thereby protect food from spoilage, similar in action to preservatives);

E900 and beyond - antifoam substances (reduce foam, for example, when pouring juices). Same here , as well as the newly formed E1000 group includes glazing(from "icing") agents; sweeten juices and confectionery; supplements, preventing caking sugar, salt; for processing flour, starch, etc.

The main form of state legislation regulating the use of food additives in the Republic of Belarus is the State Standards, Hygienic Requirements for the Quality and Safety of Food Raw Materials and Food Products and Medical and Biological Requirements for Sanitary Standards for the Quality of Food Raw Materials and Food Products (Food Additives. Supplement to the MBT ").

The main groups of food additives that have the greatest hygienic significance are characterized below.

Food colorings are divided into three groups:

Natural dyes of plant and animal origin;

Artificial (synthetic), organic dyes;

Mineral dyes (limited use).

natural dyes from a hygienic point of view, they are most preferable for use in the food industry, since they contain biologically active, flavoring and aromatic substances that give finished products not only an attractive appearance, but also a natural aroma and taste. Natural dyes are obtained from vegetable raw materials (carrots, rosehips, beets, pomegranate peels, rose petals, pumpkins, peppers, calendula flowers, etc.).

Carotenoids- a large group of pigments of yellow, orange and red colors. More than 300 carotenoids have been found. For example, an annual capsicum contains up to 100 individual carotenoid pigments: carotene, capsorubin, capsanin, cryptoxanthin, and others. The term "carotenoids" refers to many vegetable yellow and orange pigments that are soluble in fats and fatty media.

Anoxic carotenoids include lycopene and α-, β-, γ-carotenes.

Most common β-carotene, simultaneously being an antioxidant and provitamin A. In the body, decaying, it transforms into this vitamin. Carotene is used to color cow butter, cheese, mayonnaise, margarine, fish products, etc.

β-carotene is widely used in the production of therapeutic and prophylactic products as an antioxidant, to extend the shelf life of the product and increase the nutritional value (kefir, yogurt, curd products, mousses, etc.). It is widely used for coloring and fortifying fruit and vegetable juices, confectionery and bread products, ice cream, etc.

Lycopene- the main pigment of the fruits of red tomatoes. Its source is waste processing of ripe tomatoes.

Yellow dyes include extract annatto, called bioxin, which is obtained from the substance surrounding the seeds of Bixa annatica. Bixin 160V is used for tinting

butter and cheeses.

Flavonoids combine a large group of natural pigments, which are phenolic glycosides: yellow flavones and flavonols, anthocyanins red, purple and blue. Flavonol quercetin and its glycosides are a yellow dye that is found in onion scales, pears, plums, and citrus fruits. The raw materials for obtaining yellow dyes quercetin and rutin (vitamin P) are buckwheat green mass, horse chestnut flowers, and onion scales. Quercetin and rutin have antioxidant properties.

Yellow natural dye - turmeric and turmeric E100 is obtained from plants of the ginger family. Turmeric rhizome powder is called tumeric. It is poorly soluble in water, which is why it is used in the form of an alcohol solution.

Anthocyanins have a wide range of colors. Depending on the reaction of the environment, anthocyanins can change color. So, red-violet anthocyanin isolated from red cabbage at pH 4-5 acquires a pink color, pH 2-3 - red, pH 7 - blue, pH 10-green. To obtain anthocyanin dyes, the juice of blackberries, viburnum, mountain ash and other plants is used. Red dyes E162 are obtained from pomace of cranberries, red beets, blueberries, black currants, raspberries and other raw materials. These dyes are widely used in the production of alcoholic beverages, confectionery and for coloring non-alcoholic!


The green color of the dyed product is given by chloryphyll E140 and its derivatives, which are obtained from needles, nettle leaves, and other plant materials. The dye is used for coloring confectionery, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, etc.

Dye trigonella- blue-green powder is used for tinting and flavoring green cheese and processed cheeses.

Natural dyes are sugar color(E150 caramel) - a dark-colored sugar caramelization product obtained by heating it with ammonia or ammonium sulfate. For tinting alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, the dairy industry uses burnt sugar, obtained without the use of ammonia and salts.

natural red is carmine E120. By chemical nature, it is an anthraquinone derivative. The coloring matter is carmic acid. Source - cochineal - insect (aphid),| living on some types of cacti in Africa and South America.

artificial(synthetic) dyes are less sensitive to processing and storage conditions, and, of course, more stable than natural dyes.

Approved for use in the Republic of Belarus are indocarmine E132, tartrazine E102, ponceau 4R (crimson 4R), sunset yellow E110, quinolenic yellow E104, aerubine E121 charming red E129, patent blue E131, brilliant blue FCF E133, green E142, strong green FCF E143 etc.

Indigo Carmine El 32(disodium salt of indigodisulfonic acid) when dissolved in water forms a blue solution. Used in the production of confectionery, creams for cakes and pastries, drinks.

Tartrazine E102 has a synonym for "sour yellow", when dissolved in water gives orange-yellow solutions. It is used in the production of confectionery, soft drinks and syrups with artificial essences, alcoholic beverages, ice cream. The combination of indigo carmine with tartrazine allows you to dye products in green.

Ponceau 4R E124 used in a concentration of not more than 60 mg / l for tinting syrups, yellow "sunset" E110 - in the production of soft drinks.

Synthetic dyes- methyl violet and fuchsin sour- used for lack of meat, marking eggs and cheeses.

There is information about the harmful effects on the human body of artificial dyes and other food additives that have a carcinogenic and other effect. Therefore, the FAO-WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives has defined an acceptable daily intake (ADI) in milligrams per 1 kg of human body weight.

Based on these data, the Codex Alimentarius Commission compiled a list of additives recommended for use in food production.

Among the red dyes, the list includes azorubine E122, amaranth E123, erythrosin E127, beet red E162. Of the yellow dyes, annatto extract E160B, cantac-nin E161g, carotene E160a, riboflavins E101, tartrazine E102, quinoline yellow E104 are recommended. Brown dye - sugar color (simple caramel) E150a can be used without restriction. Of the green dyes, chlorophyll E140 is most applicable.

From inorganic dyes - iron oxides E172 (black, red and yellow) and dioxide E171 are allowed for use, but in limited quantities.

It is forbidden to use food colorings for tinting: milk, meat, bread, flour (children's and diet food products.

Color-correcting and bleaching agents are not dyes, but some of them, interacting with food nutrients, form products of the desired color. Others prevent the degradation of natural coloring substances found in foods and help stabilize color or cause discoloration of undesirable compounds that occur during processing or storage of foods.

Sodium nitrite and potassium E249 and E250 used to give sausage products a stable color. Nitrites are added to milk formula or brine, where they are hydrolyzed to form nitric oxide, which interacts with myoglobin, and nitrosomyoglobin is formed, which has a stable red color. During heat treatment, nitrosomyoglobin undergoes changes with the formation of denatured globin and nitrosomyochromogen, which give brown shades to sausages and smoked meats. Doses of nitrites are normalized: in sausages per 100 g of the product, no more than 5 mg in semi-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages, no more than 3 mg in raw-smoked ones.

Currently, the use of nitrates and nitrites in the meat processing industry is of current importance, since they enter the body along with plant foods. To reduce the formation of nitrosamines (they have carcinogenic properties), when smoking “products, ascorbic acid should be added, combining nitrates and nitrites.

Used to stabilize color and as a preservative. sulfur dioxide E220 and its compound E221-E228. Food products are treated with gaseous sulfurous anhydride, aqueous solutions of sulfurous acid H 2 SO 3: sodium bisulfite, calcium bisulfite, sodium pyrosulfite, potassium pyrosulfite or potassium metabisulfite.

Sulfur dioxide and sulfites protect fresh and processed fruits and vegetables from enzymatic browning.

Sulfur dioxide bleaches fish fillets, mushrooms, crabs and other products. Sulfur dioxide is prohibited from being used in meat products in order to avoid falsification and masking of spoiled goods.

Sulfurous acid is used in products that are not a source of vitamin B) (thiamine), since the content of B 1 decreases during heat treatment.

Hygiene studies have proven the negative effect of oxidizing bleaches (containing active oxygen or active chlorine) on products: vitamins are destroyed, unsaturated fatty acids are oxidized, amino acids change.

In some countries, the following bleaching agents are used: bromates, persulfates, ozone, hydrogen peroxides and benzoyl.

potassium bromate- the most common flour bleach. In the process of technological processing it turns into potassium bromide. The latter is part of the products and therefore non-toxic. However, there is evidence that this compound destroys thiamine, nicotinamide and methionine.

Of the compounds containing active chlorine, gaseous chlorine dioxide E926 and sodium and calcium hypochlorites are used to treat crops and vegetable oils, but they destroy tocopherols.

Therefore, the FAO-WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives and the Codex Alimentarius Commission limit the allowable concentration of chlorine dioxide and potassium bromate for flour (20 mg/kg). In the production of food products, it is forbidden to use potassium and calcium bromates E924a and E924b, potassium and ammonium persulfates E922 and E923, chlorine E925, chlorine dioxide E926 and a number of other flour and bread improvers.

Aroma-forming substances significantly improve the aroma and taste of food, increase its digestibility, stimulate appetite, enhancing the activity of the digestive organs.

Flavorings are used to communicate, enhance and modify, as well as to standardize the aroma, mask undesirable flavors of food products.

The taste of the product is determined by the presence of several main components in it, such as sugar, acid, salt, etc. The aroma is caused by thousands of microenzymes, which are quantitatively represented by thousands of ingredients, which together make up less than one millionth of the product. In the process of storage of raw materials and components used for the production of food products, in the process of technological processing, the components responsible for the taste and aroma of the product undergo changes, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

It is the smell and taste of the product along with the appearance that determine the choice of food by the consumer.

There are four types of food additives used to improve the taste and smell of foods: flavors; flavor and aroma enhancers; flavoring agents and acidity regulators.

Flavors are divided into three groups:

Natural, occurring naturally in nature (e.g. essential oils) and compounds or mixtures extracted from natural raw materials (citral, eugenol);

Identical to natural, derived from substances identified in nature, but "born in the laboratory". In their molecular structure, they are fully consistent with natural substances and may include both natural and identical natural ingredients;

Artificial, which are obtained by synthesis, they contain at least one substance that does not exist in nature.

Flavoring substances Depending on their purpose and functionality, they can be produced in the form of:

Solutions of aromatic substances in ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol and other solvents approved by the health authorities;

Oil-in-water emulsions using various stabilizing additives;

Dry mixtures obtained by dispersing aromatic substances on a dry carrier;

Additives dried by spray drying, during which the microencapsulation of aromatic substances occurs due to the presence of special gum stabilizers in the mixture.

Firms - manufacturers of additives, which occupy a leading position in the world, are constantly improving their products. In recent years, such aromatic additives have appeared, such as:

Encapsulated Captiff (Captiff) TM, providing long shelf life without visible changes in both the flavors themselves and the final products in which they are used;

Flavor-aromatic with a system of controlled long-term release of aroma, used for chewing gums;

Living Flavors TM, which reproduce the taste and aroma of fresh, ripe, unpicked fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs;

Topiff (Topiff) TM - fruit fillings, resistant to heat.

Currently, more than 1,000 foreign firms are engaged in the development and production of food flavors and flavoring substances. The leading European manufacturers are Akras and Perlarom.

Among the available variety of flavors, consider essential oils, essences, as well as compositions from them.

Essential oils- these are multicomponent mixtures, usually with a predominance of one substance: they are all volatile, optically active, mostly insoluble in water and quickly oxidized in the light.

The composition of the essential oils of dill, anise, fennel includes a key substance of acetylphenol nature; in clove oil 78-90% phenol eugenol; in the essential oil of cinnamon, cinnamic aldehyde predominates; in caraway oil - carvone; in the essential oil of peppermint and curly mint, the main substance is menthol, etc.

All flavors and essential oils tend to be obtained in a highly concentrated form, and they are not suitable for food in their pure form. Their dosage depends on the required aroma intensity and the type of product and its technology. Usually, the flavoring is added with salt or sugar syrup and mixed thoroughly.

For the manufacture of sausages, compositions of essential oils obtained from domestic aromatic plants and dry carriers consisting of salt, sugar and ground red pepper are used.

The list of natural essential oils available for sale: anise, orange, basil, clove, grapefruit, cinnamon, lemon, bay, onion, mint, nutmeg, pepper (black pepper), caraway, cardamom, tangerine, dill, garlic, almond, etc.

aromatic essences- is a concentrated solution of fragrant substances of natural or artificial origin. Natural essences are obtained by extraction or infusion of plant materials (fruits, berries, flowers, etc.). Fragrances are mixed with table salt, sucrose, starch, etc. Artificial essences contain compounds obtained by synthesis, identical to natural ones or not found in products.

Currently, manufacturers are offered essences of more than 100 items. A wide range of essences is available in the retail network: apricot; a pineapple; Orange; banana; vanilla creamy; pear; melon; duchess; kiwi; Strawberry; cranberry-lingonberry; Garnet; peach; almond; strawberry; lemon; dark milk chocolate; rum, etc. They are widely used for confectionery, soft and alcoholic drinks, ice cream, desserts, fermented milk products.

Sanitary rules limit the total addition of essential oils to 0.05%, essences and 1.5%.

The modern food flavoring market is extremely diverse. Manufacturers and suppliers, when offering goods to consumers, group food flavors, as a rule, according to their intended purpose: flavors of the sweet group (apricot, pineapple, orange, peanut, banana, bergamot, cherry, melon, strawberry, kiwi, coconut, hazelnut, coffee , lemon, raspberry, mango, honey, almond, chocolate, apple, etc.); natural essential oils (anise, orange, basil, cloves, geranium, coriander, rosemary, fennel, etc.); vanilla; flavorings for alcoholic beverages (red wines, Muscat type, Isabella type, grapes, whiskey, cognac, prunes, etc.); gastronomic flavors (barbecue, mustard, curry, ketchup, smoked meats, shrimp, crabs, raw and fried onions, margarine, butter, meat, sour cream, cheddar cheese, herb spices, etc.)

As flavor and aroma enhancers food products use L-glutamic acid E621-E624. Glutamic acid and its salts are used in the production of canned meat, food concentrates, first and second courses, and are not used in baby food. Excessive consumption of "glutamines" can cause nausea, diarrhea, colic, headache, chest compressions.

As taste improvers abroad, isomers of ribonucleic acids and their disodium salts, sodium inosinate, disodium inosinate E631 are used; sodium guanylate, disodium guanylate E627, extragol.

One of the simplest means of enhancing taste and aroma is table salt, which is widely used in the food industry.

There are four main types of taste: sour (cherry, lactic, citric, malic and other acids); sweet (sugar, saccharin, some amino acids); salty (table salt); bitter (quinine, caffeine, potassium, calcium and magnesium salts).

Sweeteners differ in origin (natural and artificial), in the degree of sweetness (with high and low sugar equivalent), in caloric content (high-calorie, low-calorie, non-caloric), in chemical structure (molecular weight, type of chemical compounds), in the degree of assimilation by the human body, etc. .

Natural sweeteners are produced from plant materials without the use of chemical synthesis techniques. These include: tuamatin, miraculin, monelin, stevioside, dihydrochalcones.

Tuamatin E957- the sweetest known substance. It is 80-100 thousand times as sweet as sucrose, easily soluble in water, stable in an acidic environment at pH 2.5-5.6 and elevated temperatures. Produced in the UK under the name Falune.

Miraculin- a glycoprotein, the protein part of which consists of 373 amino acids, the carbohydrate part - of glucose, fructose, arabinose and other sugars. Obtained from the fruit of the African plant Richazdella dulcifia. Differs in thermal stability at pH 3-12.

Monelin- a protein consisting of two polypeptide chains pH 2-10, at other pH and heating, the sweet taste disappears. Monelin is obtained from the African cultivated grape Dioscophyllum cumminsii.

Stevioside- a mixture of sweet substances of a glycosidic structure, obtained by aqueous extraction from the leaves of a South American plant (Stevia Zebalioena Berfoni), followed by purification from ballast substances and drying of the extract. Stevioside is a white powder, easily soluble in water and 300 times sweeter than sucrose. The sensation of sweetness is longer than that of sucrose. Technologies have been developed for the use of both powder and natural plants in the production of canned food, non-alcoholic, alcoholic and tea drinks.

Dihydrochalcones- flavonone derivatives - 7 glycosides isolated from citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits), 30-300 times sweeter than sucrose. Digyrochalcones are poorly soluble in water and resistant to acidic environments. In Russia, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone E959 is approved for use.

TO artificial sweeteners include saccharin, cyclamates, potassium acesulfate, aspartame.

Sodium and potassium salts are used to sweeten foods. saccharin E954. Saccharin is 400-500 times sweeter than sucrose, it is not absorbed by the body, 98% is excreted in the urine.

Cyclomats E952- salts of cyclohexylamino-N-sulfonic acid. As sweeteners, only sodium and calcium salts are used. The compound has a pleasant taste, is highly soluble in water, and is used in the manufacture of confectionery and beverages.

Potassium acesulfate (aspartame) sweeter than sucrose by 160-200 times. White crystalline powder, characterized by relatively low resistance to pH, temperature, storage conditions, which creates certain problems in the technology of its consumption.

They produce as partham under the brand name Nutra Sweet (Nutra Sweet). Used in the technology of more than 5,000 product names. Virtually no calories, suitable for all age groups and diabetics. Aspartame is most widely used in the non-alcoholic industry, in the production of yogurt, canned milk, confectionery, etc. It is the only low-calorie sweetener that tastes like sugar.

Polyhydric alcohols- sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol and lactitol are almost completely absorbed by the body. They are used as sweeteners in products intended for patients with diabetes and other diseases. The sweetness of xylitol E967 is 0.85 of the sweetness of sucrose, sorbitol - 0.6.

Maltitol and maltitol E965, along with sweeteners, serve as stabilizers and emulsifiers.

Lactitol E966 is used as a sweetener and texturizer.

Currently, the production of sweet products obtained by complete hydrolysis of starch (glucose, fructose, glucose and glucose-fruit syrups) is expanding; with incomplete hydrolysis of molasses (low sugar, caramel molasses, maltodextrins, etc.).

The consumption of sweeteners worldwide is on the rise due to the demands of nutritional science and the desire for low-calorie healthy foods.* Sweeteners are physiologically safe when used in acceptable doses.

Acidity regulators- food acids and alkalizing substances. In the process of food production, it becomes necessary to regulate the reaction of the environment in order to achieve a certain effect during the production or storage of the product or to emphasize its taste. This is achieved by adding food acids, which give the products a specific taste and thus contribute to their better assimilation. Acidity is of great importance in assessing the quality of food products.

In the food industry, citric, tartaric, adipic, lactic, malic, orthophosphoric, carbonic, and acetic acids are used.

Citric acid E330 has a mild, pleasant, sour taste, does not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and is therefore widely used in the confectionery, alcoholic beverage industry, and in the production of soft drinks. Citric acid is obtained biochemically, and in southern countries from lemon juice (25 kg of citric acid is obtained from 1 ton of lemons), DSD (permissible daily dose) - 0-60 mg / kg.

Tartaric acid E334 obtained from winemaking waste, DSD - 0-6 mg / kg.

Adipic acid E355 obtained from phenol, sometimes used instead of lemon or wine, but it has a less pronounced taste.

Orthophosphoric (phosphoric) acid E338 and its salts (E339-E341) serve as acidity regulators. DSD - 0-5 mg / kg.

Carbonic acid E290 used in the carbonation of drinks.

Lactic acid E270 formed during lactic acid fermentation of sugars (for example, when fermenting vegetables, fruits) It is used in the production of confectionery, soft drinks, some types of beer and for acidifying butter.

Malic acid E296 obtained by synthesis from phenol. The intermediate product is maleic acid (it has toxic properties), it is not used for the production of baby food. This acid is used in the production of soft drinks and confectionery in limited quantities.

Acidity regulators are potassium fumarates E366, calcium E367, ammonium E368, succinic acid E363, acetic acid E260.

Alkalizing substances are used to reduce acidity, for example, in the production of powdered and condensed milk, dry effervescent products, biscuits (as a leavening agent). These include: sodium carbonates E500, potassium carbonates E501, ammonium carbonates E503.

Product consistency regulators- emulsifiers, stabilizers, foaming agents, water-retaining and other substances. All these additives create and maintain the desired consistency of the product, as one of the characteristics of organoleptic properties. They are an integral part of the product and are introduced during the technological process.

Thickeners and gelling agents high viscosity form high-viscosity solutions in water. Gelling agents and structurants also convert water into a bound form and form a gel.

Natural thickeners: E406 agar, E440 pectins, mucus from flax seeds, oats, quince, carob, etc. (E407, E409-412, E 415-419, etc.).

Semi-synthetic thickeners also obtained from a plant base by modifying the physicochemical properties of cellulose or starch. These include: methylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, amylopectin, etc. (E461-E467).

agar- the most common gelling agent, used in arbitrary ice cream, creams, puddings, marmalade, meat jelly, pates, jellies. Agar is obtained" seaweed. The gelling ability is 10 times higher than gelatin.

Gelatin- a mixture of protein polypeptides, obtained from cartilage, tendons and tissues of farm animals, has neither taste nor smell, is widely used in cooking, in the manufacture of ice cream, brawn, desserts, fish, meat products, etc. Proc gelatin drivers: Belgium, Germany.

Pectins E440- complex polysaccharides, built from the residues of galacturonic acid, which is a product of glucose oxidation. The raw materials for obtaining pectins are apple pomace, beet pulp, citrus peels. Pectins are used to make jelly, fruit juices, marmalade, ice cream, etc. The main suppliers of pectins to the world market: Germany, Denmark, Italy, France. The leader in the production of pectin (more than 100 varieties) is the production association "Herbstrait und Fuchs KG" (Germany). In the implementation there is a therapeutic and prophylactic food supplement - "Medetopect", which contains pectin substances. It has the ability to remove heavy metals from the body, as well as the ability to reduce cholesterol in the blood, improves digestion, and reduces excess weight.

native starch and modified (i.e. with a directionally changed property, starches are widely used in the food industry as thickeners and gelling agents. The raw materials for the production of modified starches are potatoes, corn, sorghum, peas, wheat, etc.

Sanitary rules allow about 20 types of modified starches as food additives: E1400-E1414, E1420-E1423, E1440, E1442, E1443, E1450. Modified starches are used in the confectionery, baking industry, for the production of ice cream, etc.

The subgroup of thickeners and stabilizers also includes cellulose E460 and its derivatives E461-E467. Widely used in the production of ice cream, mousses, jellies, creams, confectionery.

Sodium alginates E401 and E402 are used as thickeners and stabilizers for the production of ketchups, sauces, mayonnaise, marmalade, pastes, creams, ice cream, for clarification of wines and juices.

Alginates are obtained on the basis of seaweed - kelp. As food additives, ammonium alginates E403 and calcium E404 are allowed for use as thickeners, and alginate E405 has emulsifying properties and is used as a stabilizer in the production of ice cream, orange juice concentrates. Alginates are used for meat products, cheeses, fruits as foaming agents.

Emulsifiers and stabilizers- These are substances that reduce surface tension at the phase boundary and are added to food products to obtain finely dispersed and stable colloidal systems. They are used to create emulsions of fat in water or water in fat. Emulsifiers can cause foaming.

Lecithins (mixtures of phosphatides) used as emulsifiers in the manufacture of margarine, chocolate, mayonnaise, sauces, and some confectionery. E322 lecithins are obtained from vegetable oils (soybean, rarely sunflower).

Ammonium salts phosphatidylic acid E442 are synthetic analogues of lecithins. They are produced on the basis of soybean (commercial name VN emulsifier) ​​and rapeseed (RM emulsifier) ​​oils, on the basis of edible lard (FOLS emulsifier).

The use of synthetic emulsifiers makes it possible to achieve a wide variety of properties and functions of these substances in the process of obtaining products and maintaining their quality. According to the chemical structure, these substances are esters, for the preparation of which glycerol, polyglycerol, prolypropylene glycol, sorbitol are used as alcohols, and higher fatty acids (citric, tartaric, lactic, succinic) are used as acids. Various combinations of these substances, the degree of their esterification make it possible to obtain a wide range of additives with various properties. The most common logo products are monoglycerides.

Mono- and diglycerides E471 fatty acids have emulsifying, stabilizing and antioxidant properties. They can be used as protective coatings for cheese, nuts, fruit, meat. Emulsifiers T1 and T2 - E471, E472 maintain the stability of the fat emulsion, preventing separation and release of free fat.

Esters of glycerol, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids and acetic, lactic, citric, tartaric, succinic and fatty acids - E472 (a, c, c, e, e, d), have emulsifying, stabilizing and complexing properties. They are widely used in the production of ice cream, mayonnaise, margarine, pasta, in the confectionery industry, and bakery.

Surfactants are widely used in the food industry as thinners. These include soy or sunflower phosphatide concentrates, esters of monosaccharides with citric acid, phosphoglyceride, synthetic fatty sugars, etc.

Foaming agents are used in the production of marshmallows, marshmallows, whipped fillings for sweets, halva.

Egg whites in fresh, dry and frozen form, dried blood serum, milk proteins are used as foaming agents. Moisture-retaining substances include E452 polyphosphates and E450 pyrophosphates, E421 mannitol, sorbitol and E420 sorbitol alcohol. They improve the consistency of confectionery and bakery products, and when used in the production of meat sausages, in frozen meat and fish, they increase moisture absorption and water-holding capacity.

preservatives and antioxidants. The reason for food spoilage in most cases is the multiplication of microorganisms in them and the accumulation of their metabolic products. Classical methods of preservation - cooling, pasteurization, sterilization, smoking, salting, adding sugar, salt, etc. For the purpose of long-term storage of products, chemical preservatives and antioxidants are used that do not have any negative effect on the organoleptic properties, nutritional value of the product and consumer health .

There are no universal preservatives suitable for preserving the quality of all food products.

When using any preservatives the acidity of the medium must be taken into account. Low-acid products spoil more easily, and the dose of preservative for them should be increased by 30-40% compared to conventional products.

Sulfur dioxide E220(sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide), aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid and its salts E221-E228 (sulfites, hydrosulfites, pyrosulfites and bisulfites) - all these compounds inhibit the growth of molds, yeasts and aerobic bacteria, and also protect potatoes, vegetables, fruits from enzymatic browning.

Sulfur dioxide, sulfurous acid are widely used in the food industry in the production of fruit and vegetable purees, jams, jams, juices, tomato paste, semi-finished products from berries and fruits, etc.

Sorbic acid E200 and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts E201-E203 are widely used in the preservation of products - vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, fish, in the production of cheese, margarine, wine.

The antimicrobial action of sorbic acid is effective. Typically used in concentrations of 0.1%.

Benzoic acid E210 and its salts - sodium, potassium, calcium E211-E213 inhibit the activity of enzymes in the microbial cell that carry out redox reactions, and have a detrimental effect mainly on the growth of butyric acid bacteria and yeast. Benzoic acid does not accumulate in the human body, it is part of some berries (cranberries, lingonberries) and fruits as a natural compound; esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid - in the composition of plant alkaloids and pigments.

Benzoic acid is used in the preservation of fruit purees, juices, fruit confectionery, caviar products, fish preserves, soft drinks, margarine. LSD of benzoic acid 0-5 mg/kg.

Santohin used to lengthen the shelf life of apples, treating their surface with a water-alcohol solution of the drug.

Yuglon used to improve the stability of non-alcoholic beverages during storage.

Dimethyl dicarbonate E242 used for wines, fruit juices, soft drinks, has an antimicrobial effect.

Hydrogen peroxide used to preserve broths, bleach gelatin and blood (obtained from slaughter).

Propionic acid E280 and its sodium salts E281 are used as a preservative in the production of bakery and confectionery products, preventing mold.

Formic acid E236 and its salts (sodium and calcium E237 and E238) have strong antiseptic properties, they are used as salt substitutes in dietary nutrition.

Sodium chloride- is widely used in the food industry as an antimicrobial agent. The daily requirement is 10-15 g, including 2-5 g provided by the natural content in food.

Antibiotics used as a preservative. They have the following requirements:


Wide spectrum of action;

The ability to be easily inactivated during storage or heat treatment;

No influence on the organic properties and quality of the product.

These include nisin, biomycin, nystatin, etc.

Nisin E234- an antibiotic produced by lactic streptococci, inhibits the growth of various types of staphylococci, reduces the resistance of spores of heat-resistant bacteria to heat, which increases the effect of sterilization, is non-toxic, quickly decomposes, is used to prevent swelling of cheeses, in the production of canned milk and vegetables, granular sturgeon caviar.

Biomycin has a broad bacteriostatic effect, but does not inhibit yeast and mold. Biomycin is used to a limited extent only in the composition of ice (5 g per 1 ton of ice) for transporting freshly caught cod fish in conditions of expedition fishing. It is not recommended to add biomycin to dairy products, process vegetables and fruits.

Nystatin inhibits the development of microorganisms. Together with biomycin, it is used for processing meat carcasses during long-distance transportation by irrigation with a solution (100 mg / l of biomycin and 200 mg / l of nystatin). Regulatory documentation does not allow the presence of these antibiotics in meat broths.

Antioxidants (antioxidants) used to increase the shelf life of fat-containing foods, protecting them from oxidative spoilage. Oxidation of fats leads to the formation of hydroxides, aldehydes, ketones, which give the products a rancid and greasy taste, which leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of the products. To prevent oxidative damage, antioxidants are used, which are divided into two groups - natural and synthetic.

TO natural antioxidants relate tocopherols: concentrate of a mixture of tocopherols E306 and α-tocopherol E307; ascorbic acid (vitamin C) E300, flavones (quercetin), etc.

Tocopherols are present in unrefined vegetable oils. It is used to increase the stability of margarine, rendered animal fats, cow butter.

Ascorbic acid EZOO(vitamin C) and its salts - sodium ascorbate E301 are used as antioxidants and synergists of other antioxidants in the sausage and canning industry, in the production of margarines, in winemaking. Used as antioxidants ascorbates E302, potassium E33, ascorbyl palmitate E304, ascorbyl stearate E305.

Synthetic antioxidants- butylhydroxylantisol E321, etc. These drugs are used to slow down the oxidation of rendered fats and salted bacon. They can be impregnated with packaging material for fats and fat-containing products. Synthetic dyes EZ12-EZ12 gallates - gallonic acid esters (propyl, octyl and do-doyl gallates) have been widely used to delay the oxidation of fats in the manufacture of food concentrates (broth, chicken and meat cubes).

Antioxidants of both natural and synthetic origin are widely used abroad.

Antioxidants include smoke preparations, which are used to impart certain flavor properties to products and increase resistance to oxidative and microbial spoilage. Currently, a progressive method of smoking is the use of smoke preparations instead of smoke smoking. Smoke preparations are used for processing meat, fish products, cheeses, etc. There are oil-based smoke preparations in the sale and in the form of aqueous solutions, which are used as flavorings for the surface treatment of products. The suppliers of smoke preparations are Russia, Switzerland, France, etc.,

In the food industry, enzyme preparations E1100, E1101 are widely used in the production of beer, wine, cheese, bread, alcohol, vitamins, etc.

Enzymes obtained from animal tissues (rennet) and plant organisms (ficin), isolated from microorganisms. In brewing, enzyme preparations from mold fungi Aspergillus flavus, strain 716 and Trichothecium roseum are used to increase the yield of sha, its quality and storage stability. For the maturation of salted herring, enzyme preparations from mold fungi Aspergillus toiricola, strain 3374 and PC Aspergillus oryzae are used. The rennet enzyme renin, obtained from the stomachs of calves and lambs, is used to coagulate milk proteins in the production of cottage cheese and rennet cheeses.

Currently, bacterial starters and bacterial preparations are widely used for the production of fermented milk products, sour cream, cottage cheese and meat products. The industry produces a number of products containing bifidobacteria - Biokefir, bioyogurt, etc. They help maintain a normal balance of the human intestinal microflora and are especially necessary for children, the elderly and sick people. Some data on food additives according to the Codex Alimentarius are presented in Table 10.1.