Cooking dishes from yukola fish. Dried pike yukola - a step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking with hot red pepper at home

In principle, any fish can be suitable for yukola, the main condition is its preparation literally "from the net" i.e. actually from live fish. There was a case on the Aldan River when I taught the guys how to make yukola from pike. Sushi is also made from live fish in Japan. The fish is taken without being washed, as its meat is elastic and does not fall apart. Completely descaled

This post shows the cooking technology "For Yourself", but the production technology is practically the same except that everything is done on a special table and wearing gloves

An incision is made on the sides near the head, first on one side, then on the other, and the fillet is cut out.

The fillet is cut out carefully freeing from the bones. This is done from both sides without cutting the tail. Then cut off the head. Immediately at the beginning of cutting, the head cannot be cut off, the head serves as a kind of holder for the entire carcass

No matter how sorry it is, after the carcass, the extra part of the fillet is also cut out. Leave a thin 0.5-1 cm layer of meat on the peel. Of course, you can leave a little more, but this will no longer be an authentic dish, and drying will be long and of poor quality. Thick cuts are made on dried-smoked products, called yukola on the market.

Carefully, without cutting the skin, 2-3 longitudinal cuts are made on the fillet, depending on the width of the fillet

then very carefully, again without cutting the skin with a knife, notches are made completely cutting the fillet to the skin. The filigree of performance is gained by experience, a person must feel with his fingers like a surgeon (to cut a sore without damaging the thin shells of organs). A skin incision is allowed only in the middle of the skin, but not at the edges. Here the carpenter is worried in front of the camera and, in an effort to show motherhood, makes mistakes (This is always the case with masters :))

Oblique incisions are made in the abdominal region (this is the fattest part)

That's all, now the yukola is hung turned inside out on args. Salt is not necessary. A fresh breeze makes the yukola perfectly dry. Smoke yukola is not comme il faut by default, you can smoke fish without exhausting cuts. Hanging meat inside by the tail is also not good. Drying of the closed fillet will not occur and the yukola will simply deteriorate

Upstairs, yukola, already starting to dry, and below, fresh fillets

Now about the excesses that can occur during drying. The fillet in a fresh, dry breeze should quickly grab a thin crust of 0.01 mm. This crust will not be able to break through his .... fly and deposit their eggs. Freshly made yukola does not attract flies. Even if a fly sits on a fillet, it will not see prospects for its offspring. There is no stink, no colleagues, or maybe it's a bald head of a person. Thus, the fillet is quickly covered with high-quality packaging that does not allow bacteria to pass through but allows air to pass through. Drying takes place within 5-6 days depending on the weather. In wet weather, the yukola deteriorates and therefore it is transferred to the yurt, where it is cured on a fire and grandmother's tobacco smoke

From the remaining parts of the fish: Head, fat back and abdomen make a five-minute and fish soup (this is in our case). When harvesting yukola on an industrial scale, they are thrown away. That is why, due to the labor intensity of the process and the cost, the price of yukola has always been expensive. Initially, yukola was harvested in large quantities to feed dogs in winter and to feed fishermen and hunters on the go. Yukola does not deteriorate, is lightweight and, most importantly, high in calories with the addition of all possible trace elements. For these qualities, fishermen and hunters carried her with them. Yukola can be added to the dry rations of special forces or as space food. Yukola is a piece product and it does not happen in large batches. Yukola is good with beer or dry white wine. Yukola can be crushed and mixed with soaked cloudberries (well, this is for gourmets), then it is very good for cold vodka or berry tincture. Yukola is eaten with small pieces of salt in a wooden salt shaker and washed down with tea. Yukola can be crumbled into your ear from carp, then you get the unique taste of "Ubaiym hotuttan yyppyta". Yukola is the perfect snack and there is never too much of it. To enhance the impression of watching a premiere movie, it is useful to take a yukola to the cinema. In general, those who constantly carry a yukola with them are more likely to take place in this life.

Some people don't eat leather, but I do. As a child, he did not know how to eat yukola skin and constantly choked. I chewed one part, the other was already tormenting the walls of the stomach, I could not chew it in any way and pulled it back like a snake. Recovering his breath, he repeated his gastronomic feat.



Under this name, dried fish is known in Eastern Siberia, mainly from salmon species, prepared by the natives (Yakuts, Kamchadals, Aleuts, etc.) for future use to feed themselves and their main livestock - dogs in winter. The cut fish is directly dried in thin pieces in the air, which gives it. Yu. The main fish from which Yu is prepared is the so-called red fish (Oncorhynchus nërka, Jard.). Its flow occurs from mid-June and, moreover, in such abundance that during the course the entire river is a continuous swaying mass and its entire surface is covered with fish feathers, that is, fins. This phenomenon is known in Kamchatka under the name "fleece". Residents take advantage of several days of the most dense course in order to prepare as many fish as possible: they catch it directly with scoops from the river into the boat. Having quickly filled the boat, the industrialist takes the prey to the village, throws it ashore under the hanger, where the women immediately set to cleaning and plaiting the caught fish: they cut out the spine with the head, while the two halves of the fish body, connected at the tail, are transferred to the old men, who, with the help of long poles hang it in rows on hangers to dry. When the fish dries, it is folded in packs of 50 pieces. to the barn, which ends the simple procedure for preparing this daily bread for the native and his dogs. In the absence of a sufficient amount of cheap salt in the region, there cannot be a simpler and cheaper way of preparing fish than drying Yu. to regret eating only cod and small fish, and not the noble breed of salmon. From an 8-pound fish, only 1 1/2 pounds Yu is obtained, 4/5 is wasted. Recently, they began to make powder from Yu. - "porsha". Other salmon species of the Eastern Ocean - coho salmon, pink salmon and haiko - are not used in the Yu, with the exception of only the last one, from which the natives sometimes belated for some reason cook Yu from red fish, but this Yu is already considered the second grade. The shortage of fish in the south is a real disaster, equal to a lean year, and concern for a sufficient amount of harvested south is one of the main concerns of the local administration.

N. Bn.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


See what "Yukola" is in other dictionaries:

    yukola- yukola, s ... Russian spelling dictionary

    - (kamch.). Fish prepared in a special way (nelma, whitefish, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) in Sibirsk. polar. countries. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. YUKOLA in the polar Siberian countries prepared especially. fish… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    The Far Eastern name for dried fish, slightly fermented in pits. Only fleece whitefish, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon go to yukola. Yukola in the Far East (Kamchatka, Chukotka) is also fed to dogs. (Culinary Dictionary of V.V. Pokhlebkin, 2002) ... Culinary Dictionary

    Smoked fish dried in the sun among the peoples of the East. Siberia and North. America... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    YUKOLA, s, f. In the North and the Far East: dried fish. Feed sled dogs with yukola. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Female, kamch. dried, loose and slightly pickled in pits rune fish, whitefish, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, etc .; both people and dogs feed on yukola. Jukolit? psk. wag, feint, prevaricate. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Exist., number of synonyms: 2 fish (773) relay race (9) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    YUKOLA- sun-dried or smoked fish among the fishing peoples of Eastern Siberia and North America ... Ethnographic dictionary

    yukola- yukola, dried in the sun or smoked fish among the fishing peoples of Eastern Siberia and North America ... Encyclopedia "Peoples and Religions of the World"

    This term has other meanings, see Yukola (meanings). Entrance to the competition center Salo Jukola (2006) Jukola (Finnish ... Wikipedia

    Fish dried in the air and salted in the pits, kamch. (Dal), the upper layer of fish fat, removed along with the skin, Kolymsk. (Bogoraz). Possibly, from the Komi ju river and a word close to Fin. kala fish, hung. hal - the same? Wed sighed. [Steinitz (ZfS, 5, 1960,… … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

Fishing is an extremely efficient way of obtaining food. Yes, it takes a lot of time. Yes, it requires certain knowledge. But, nevertheless, anyone can take a fishing rod, dig up worms, go to the river and catch something for their dinner. Yes, even this can be done, although it is more difficult.

But another question arises - how to store such fish further? You can, of course, pickle corny, but it will at least be tasteless. And this is where old Siberian recipes come to our aid, which the indigenous population has been using for hundreds of years. Prepared from fish yukola which can be safely stored for several months. And it is this method of harvesting and storing fish that our today's article will be devoted to.

So. The first thing you need to know: yukola can be prepared from absolutely any fish. Another thing is that in many cases it will not be tasty and especially healthy. In Siberia, fish harvested in this way is used to feed dogs. And, characteristically, the dogs are happy to eat it. If you want to prepare yukola for personal use, it is better to choose varieties of fish that are high in fat content. In Siberia, whitefish and muksun were most often taken for this, however, any salmon fish is suitable, as long as it is fatty.

Recipe yukola simple as hell. We take the carcass of the fish, clean it from scales (not necessary), cut off the head, cut the stomach and pull out all the insides. Next, we make an incision along the spine, pull out the ridge and large bones. It turns out two strips of fillet, connected in the tail area. We make many transverse incisions on each half without cutting the skin. We hang the fish in the shade, but in a well-ventilated area. We cover it with gauze so that the flies do not stick. We are waiting for three weeks. All.

What could be the problem:

  • The fish may turn out to be too dry, since the original raw material was not fat enough. The solution is to soak in warm water and eat as such. By the way, most of the traditional methods of using yukola just mean pre-soaking the fish in cold or warm water. But nothing prevents eating it in a dry form - it will only be a little harsh.
  • Fish can dry in the sun. In this case yukola will be too dry, dark and ugly. Plus, some of the nutrients will still be destroyed. But yes, it will dry faster. The solution is to pre-arrange the drying place in such a way that the sun's rays do not fall there.
  • Initially, the wrong fish was selected. Yukola will differ little from the classic ram, only the taste will not be salty. The nutritional value will be low, and the taste will be so-so.

prepared in this way yukola may be stored for several months. It must be wrapped in a thick cloth or paper, closed from the sun and protected from moisture.

Dried fish, which is prepared in a special way, is called "yukola". They make it from a wide variety of fish species that are found in one region or another. The best and most delicious yukola is obtained from whitefish, whitefish, because they have a high fat content. This dish is very popular with hunters, because it is stored for a very long time.

A little about fish

The method of preparing such fish came to us from Siberia and the Far East. This is a kind of alternative to canned food, but much tastier and healthier. Yukola fish is a satisfying and protein-rich food that has a very long shelf life. There are approximately 145 kilocalories per 100 grams, it all depends on the type of fish. Plus, it can be cooked even in field conditions. In the classic fish yukola recipe, salt and any spices and seasonings are completely absent. The product is completely natural. Everything was done without salt so that people were not tormented by thirst. Ready fish yukola can be added to soups and main dishes. It also makes a great snack for beer lovers.

Classic fish yukola recipe

Pike is one of the most popular and affordable varieties of fish for making such a treat. It is better to take fresh specimens that have recently been caught. So, we cook yukola fish as follows:

  1. We clean the fish from scales, remove all the insides and rinse thoroughly in water.
  2. Next, we cut the pike along the spine, but do not reach the tail. You should get two halves that are connected by a tail.
  3. As for the head, do as you see fit - you can leave it, you can cut it off. And if possible, remove the spine and large bones.
  4. On each half of the fish, you need to make transverse cuts, about three centimeters wide. Then the fish will cook faster.
  5. Now you need to hang each carcass on a rope on the veranda or in the yard. The chosen place should be well ventilated, without direct sunlight.
  6. We leave the fish to dry for three to six days, it all depends on the size.

Yukola with spices

This recipe is suitable not only for those who have a private house, but also for those who live in an apartment. Let's start cooking.

  1. Peel the selected fish, gut, cut off the head, tail and rinse thoroughly in water.
  2. Next, we remove the ridge, large bones, we get two halves connected in the tail area.
  3. We take salt, ground red pepper, suneli hops or any herbs, spices to your taste. Rub this mixture into the fish.
  4. Next, put the carcasses in a container close to each other, sprinkle generously with salt and leave for eight to ten hours.
  5. Now we take each carcass and hang it on the balcony.

Yukola in brine

This is a simple and not so long way to cook amazingly tasty fish. We will need:

  • Pike - about one and a half kilograms.
  • Salt - three to four tablespoons.
  • Sugar - one and a half tablespoons.
  • Bay leaf - four pieces.
  • Red ground pepper - three tablespoons.
  • Dried basil - three tablespoons.
  • Water - one liter.

The cooking method is:

  1. Gut the fish, remove scales and rinse well under running water.
  2. Remove the head and cut the pike in half, but in such a way that it remains fastened at the tail. Remove the spine and, if possible, the bones. Regular tweezers will help you with this.
  3. Now make transverse cuts on each fillet half, without touching the skin. Pieces should be two centimeters.
  4. Next, cook the brine. Pour water into a saucepan, throw laurel, salt, sugar, basil and pepper into it. Put everything on fire, bring to a boil.
  5. After that, let the brine cool completely and place the fish there for 12 hours.
  6. After the time has passed, hang the pike in a well-ventilated area for two days, or dry it near the fire for about three hours. Don't forget to wrap with gauze.
  7. Now you need to bring the fish to full readiness in the oven.
  8. To do this, lay the yukola on the wire rack, put parchment paper on the bottom (fat will drip from the fish).
  9. Set the oven to a temperature of 60 degrees and simmer it for about four hours. After that, the product is ready for use.

To make the fish really tasty, you need to follow certain rules:

When you follow the rules and the cooking algorithm, you will definitely get a tasty and healthy yukola fish.