Make delicious iced tea. How to make iced tea at home tasty and fast

Firstly, to prepare iced tea you must use only purified water; too hard water will spoil not only the appearance, but also the taste of the drink.

Secondly, it is important to brew tea only with hot, but not boiling water, and dilute half the portion with warm water - this is important so that the drink cools down faster. It is not recommended to use cold water to cool tea, otherwise the taste may change. To prevent the drink from becoming cloudy, cool it at room temperature for an hour, and then just place it in the refrigerator.

Thirdly, it is better not to use loose leaf tea to prepare this drink, since it contains large amounts of talanin, which forms a cloudy sediment.

Fourthly, to cool the drink, you need to put an ice cube in a glass and then pour the tea, but not vice versa.

Fifthly, it is not recommended to squeeze the tea leaves after brewing; you need to let it brew well, otherwise the drink will lose its refined taste. And if you want to diversify the taste of tea, you can add honey, fruit syrup, cream, and so on.

Iced tea recipes

To make lemon and honey tea, brew any type of tea you like and let steep for 10 minutes. Then add 2-3 teaspoons of natural honey and a few slices of lemon. Place the drink in the refrigerator to cool for 3-4 hours. Serve with a few ice cubes added to the glass.

To prepare a cooling drink with mint, take better green tea - you will get a tea rich in taste and aroma, which perfectly relieves fatigue and thirst. It is better to use fresh mint leaves, which you brew with green tea. Add sugar and lemon juice to taste. Leave the brewed tea for 7-10 minutes, then strain, cool to room temperature, and then cool in the refrigerator for several hours.

You can also make fruit tea. Pour hot water over tea and mint leaves, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain, add sugar if desired and let cool slightly. Now add a little fruit liqueur, orange and lemon juice to the drink. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator. Serve the finished tea garnished with lemon slices and mint sprigs.

Don't be afraid to experiment and come up with your own

Today we will tell you how to make iced tea at home and provide several recipes for its preparation. And also, below you will find a few for tea.

It is better to prepare an infusion for iced tea from good varieties of black, green and red tea. It must be brewed strong, given that, when mixed with ice, it will become a tea drink of medium strength.

A glass or porcelain teapot with thick walls is ideal for brewing tea. As “fillers” you can use freshly squeezed juices, syrups, fruits, berries, as well as some spices and flowers, for example, mint, cinnamon, jasmine, cloves.

After mixing the tea with the ingredients, cool it to room temperature, then pour it into tall glasses filled with ice cubes. Ice can also be prepared in advance; if desired, juice can be added to the water for freezing.

A glass of tea can be decorated with those pieces of fruits and berries that formed the taste of the drink. Drinking through a straw is both more convenient and aesthetically pleasing.



1 liter of water,
5 teaspoons green tea,
1 lemon,
3-4 sprigs of mint,
sugar to taste,
ice cubes.

Preparation. Brew green tea, add sugar to taste. Once the green tea has cooled, mix it with the juice of one lemon, adding a finely chopped handful of fresh mint. To stir thoroughly. Serve with ice cubes.


500 ml water,
3 teaspoons black tea,
one lemon,
a small piece of ginger,
1 tablespoon brown sugar,
ice cubes.

Preparation. Pour tea, cinnamon, peeled ginger, cloves into a teapot and pour boiling water over it. After the tea has steeped, cool it. Fill the jug halfway with ice cubes. Cut the lemon into slices, sprinkle with sugar, add to ice. Pour iced tea into a pitcher with ice and lemon and let steep for 2-3 minutes. Pour into glasses garnished with lemon wedges.


1 liter of water,
5 teaspoons black tea,
1 apple,
1 orange,
200 g fresh strawberries,
1 peach,
sugar to taste,

Preparation. Brew tea, leave it to steep for 10-15 minutes, then cool. Wash the fruit, peel the apple, cut into large pieces. Cut the peach into slices. Cut the orange in half. Leave one half for decoration, remove the peel from the second, chop coarsely and scald with boiling water, chop the pulp. Mash the strawberries with a fork. Mix tea infusion and fruit in a jug. Serve in tall glasses with ice cubes.


500 ml water,
3 teaspoons black tea,
300 g black currants,
3 nectarines,
1 orange,
a few sprigs of mint.

Preparation. Brew tea. Rub the berries through a sieve and squeeze the juice out of the nectarine. Mix tea with juice and berries. Stir, pour into glasses with pieces of ice and mint, garnish with orange.

Iced tea is an excellent drink to quench your thirst. This drink will increase the tone of the entire body as a whole and saturate it with the necessary moisture. There are a large number of ice tea recipes, let's look at some of them.

Iced citrus tea


  1. Freshly brewed green tea – 1 l
  2. Grapefruit - 1 piece
  3. Lemon – 1 piece
  4. Orange – 1 piece
  5. Crushed ice - 150 g


Let the brewed tea cool completely. At this time, cut the orange and lemon into small slices. We completely extract the pulp from the grapefruit. Add the prepared fruits to the cooled tea, add ice and serve.

Iced green tea


  1. Water - 3 l
  2. Green tea brewing - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Mint - 2 sprigs
  4. Lemon – 1 piece
  5. Honey - 2 tbsp. l.


Bring the water to a boil and then cool to 80 degrees. Under no circumstances should you brew green tea with boiling water, this will kill all its beneficial properties and taste. More information about the health benefits of green tea, you can read in the article. Pour the tea leaves with water that has cooled to 80 degrees, add to it and leave to steep for 5 minutes. Then strain the tea and cool. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, add it to the tea, add honey, and stir everything very thoroughly. Cool the finished tea in the refrigerator or add crushed ice to the drink.

Ice tea with lemon


  1. Strongly brewed tea - 0.5 l
  2. Lemon - 4 slices
  3. Carbonated mineral unsalted water – 0.5 l
  4. Sugar and honey - to taste


Boil water, add sugar to it, stir and pour this mixture into lemon in small containers and set to freeze. Add honey to tea and cool well. Place ice and lemon in each glass, pour iced tea and add sparkling water. You can freeze not only lemon in ice, but also other fruits, cut into small pieces or berries.

Egyptian hibiscus iced tea


  1. Hibiscus - 1 tsp.
  2. Water - 1 tbsp
  3. Sugar - 2 pieces


Add hibiscus to cold water, put on fire and bring the mixture to a boil, immediately add sugar and stir. Cover the tea with a lid and leave it until it cools down. When the tea has cooled, strain it and cool it very much. An alternative to refrigeration is adding crushed ice.

Iced tea with spices


  1. Tea - 2 tbsp.
  2. Ginger powder - 1 tsp.
  3. Cinnamon - 1 piece
  4. Cloves - 4 pcs.
  5. Mint tea - 1 tsp.
  6. Boiling water - 0.5 l
  7. Juice of 3 lemons
  8. Sugar, crushed ice - to taste


Take regular tea, mint tea and spices and pour boiling water over it all. Let sit for six minutes, then strain and add sugar to taste. When the liquid has cooled completely, add lemon juice and a little sparkling water. Pour the resulting tea into glasses and add crushed ice to taste.

Properly prepared iced tea very tasty and, most importantly, healthy. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare such tea yourself, because it will not contain harmful additives that are contained in store-bought tea. This will only benefit the body.

Good health to you and bon appetit!

Iced tea is a variant of a cold drink. This drink perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes in the heat, and also benefits the entire body due to its components. Today this drink can be bought in any store. But you cannot be sure of the quality of the product. Therefore, it is better to prepare iced tea at home yourself.

People learned about iced tea in the 19th century; its history begins in the southern United States. At that time, Americans consumed black Indian tea and drank it warm. But in those parts there is a hot climate, and people cooled the drink with pieces of ice. Soon, lemon slices, sprigs of mint and lime began to be added to tea to give the drink a fresh and refined taste. Although the drink was invented by Americans, Switzerland is considered the birthplace of iced tea. Max Sprenger, who visited America, fell in love with iced tea and, returning to Switzerland, patented the idea of ​​​​producing a bottled soft drink.

Cooking methods

Initially, ice tea was simply brewed black tea that was cooled and flavored with various flavorings. At home, ice tea can be prepared in three ways:

  1. Brewing. Regular tea leaves or granules are brewed with boiling water and boiled until strong. Then the resulting tea leaves are diluted with cold water or fruit juice. You can add spices, herbs and fruits and berries to the liquid.
  2. Infusion. Take leaves of tea, fruit crops, herbs, pour boiling water over them and leave for a certain time.
  3. Classic preparation. This method is considered the most accurate, and is used in bars. Place ice cubes in a glass, add the main ingredients for tea and pour boiling water over it. The liquid is brewed and immediately cooled.

To make the tea tasty and healthy, follow the recommendations when preparing it at home:

  • the main component should be tea leaves, not granules or disposable bags;
  • You must use clean filtered or bottled water;
  • use stevia, fruit syrups or honey instead of sugar;
  • additional ingredients should be healthy and natural: ginger, mint, citruses.

Lemon iced tea recipe

Lemon ice tea is a drink that has become a classic. To prepare it you need the following components:

  • tea leaves - 3 teaspoons;
  • boiling water – 1 liter;
  • honey – 2 tablespoons;
  • 1 lemon;
  • pieces of ice.

Pour boiling water over tea leaves, leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Pour the juice from half a lemon into the liquid. Cut the remaining fruit into thin slices and add to tea. Add honey there and stir until dissolved. Cool the drink and serve with ice. You can prepare iced green tea in the same way.

With lemon and mint

Required ingredients:

  • boiling water – 1 liter;
  • tea leaves – 2-3 teaspoons;
  • lemon – 2 slices;
  • mint – 3-4 sprigs.

First, the tea leaves are filled with boiling water. After brewing and infusion, the liquid is filtered, mint and lemon are added to it. After cooling, the drink is ready to drink!

Citrus tea

A citrus cold cocktail, which you can easily prepare yourself at home, is also a great refresher in hot weather.

Required Products:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 1 orange;
  • green leaf tea – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • boiling water – 2 liters;
  • ice cubes.

The drink is prepared according to the following recipe: tea leaves are brewed and infused. Then the liquid is filtered and cooled, orange and lemon cut into slices and grapefruit pulp are added to it. Ice is added before serving.

There are many options for making fruit iced tea. Both black and green varieties can be used as tea leaves.

Recipe 1


  • liter of boiling water;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 lime;
  • black tea leaves - 3 tsp. ;
  • mint sprigs – 3-4 pieces.

Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and add fresh mint. Cut the peeled apple and lime into slices and add to the liquid.

Recipe 2


  • liter of boiling water;
  • strawberry syrup - half a glass;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar to taste.

The drink is brewed in the standard way, infused, and all the necessary products are added.

Recipe 3


  • liter of boiling water;
  • black leaf tea – 3-4 spoons;
  • apple – 1;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

Pour boiling water over the tea leaves, add cinnamon and leave. Then add apple cubes and lemon juice. Cool and consume.

Ginger iced tea

This type is not only tasty and refreshing, but also incredibly healthy due to its composition.


  • liter of boiling water;
  • green leaves - 1 tsp. ;
  • ginger – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon zest - a small slice;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • cloves – 3 grains;
  • honey to taste.

First, you should brew the tea leaves, add all the ingredients and boil over low heat for about 15 minutes. After this, cool the drink and consume.


Diets and healthy eating 05.07.2015

We have summer weather in Yaroslavl. There is no sweltering heat yet, when it is impossible to go outside. Everything is very nice. During the day it’s about 20-23 degrees, no more. But now I really want to quench my thirst with something refreshing. I have already written about homemade lemonade recipes on my blog. Those who have not read the article and who are interested, I invite you to read it. The article is called . Everything is great about homemade lemonades, but sparkling water is not for everyone. And without it, this drink will have a different name.

Today I want to talk about iced tea, which can perfectly cope with this task and bring freshness into our daily lives. Everyone is probably familiar with iced tea in a jar, bag, or bottle, which you can buy in a store. Recently we have the opportunity to choose from an assortment.

So, factory-produced iced teas .

Perhaps the most famous varieties of packaged ice tea are Lipton Ice Tea, Nestia, Ahmad, Tazo tea and some others. I won’t comment on these teas, I’ll just say it in a nutshell; after drinking this tea, I experience, excuse me, nausea. There is no taste, just chemistry. And what’s more decent, the price for a half-liter bottle is simply surprising.

And if you know that natural tea cannot be stored for more than 3 days, it means that preservatives have been added. It’s good if it’s natural (for example, citric acid). But most often, unfortunately, sodium benzoate is added to it, which, among other things, contributes to weight gain. Iced tea can also provoke the formation of kidney stones. And it is equal in harm to beer and carbonated drinks. And we must not forget that ordinary loose leaf tea contains important substances, microelements that are so beneficial for health, but factory-produced iced tea is no different.

What do you need to know when choosing iced tea in a store?

How to choose iced tea?

  • Look at the composition. The more natural the drink, the more benefits it will bring to the body. It should say Tea extract and purified water.
  • Choose teas with natural flavors rather than artificial ones.
  • Drinks with sweeteners (the reduced amount of calories that seems to attract us at first glance) quench thirst worse than teas with regular sugar.
  • The best packaging option is a bottle, because... it is poured hot, i.e. cooked under pressure at 120 degrees, then cooled and poured. With this bottling method, preservatives are used much less frequently.
  • The bottles are also good because we can see its contents. The tea should not be cloudy. A small sediment is quite acceptable.

Since many people buy this factory-produced iced tea, I suggest watching a video about the quality of these drinks, about the composition, which iced tea is more harmless for health, and much, much more. The material is interesting.

For those who haven’t watched the video yet, I’ll just tell you some useful information: the winners of the iced tea were tea from the brands “Favorite Tea,” the leader of the qualifying round, and “My Family.”

Homemade iced tea. Recipes.

But we all understand perfectly well that there is nothing better than homemade preparation of such drinks. There is nothing simpler and more useful. Prepare it at home and enjoy the taste. Moreover, your creativity will tell you new tastes. No chemicals, no preservatives, everything is homemade. The only important thing is to take precautions. Don't drink it very cold.

How to make iced tea at home? Little subtleties and tricks.

The basis of this drink is proper brewing. You can take any tea: black, green, jasmine, bergamot - any tea you like. The main thing is the correct ratio of tea and boiling water. It is recommended to brew 1 teaspoon of tea leaves per glass of boiling water. It is important not to boil the water. The water should just boil. Brew for about 5-7 minutes. And don't use tea bags for this. There is no need to even discuss anything here.

Meanwhile, prepare glasses. You need to put them in the freezer first. If you then pour tea into such glasses, it will turn out transparent. Here's the trick. Now ice is added to the glass. Precisely in a glass, not in tea. This is another trick and subtlety. Pour the tea leaves into it in a thin stream, very carefully so as not to crack the wine glass. About half or 3/4. Add water at room temperature. If desired and without allergies, add a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon to the tea. It's better not to add sugar. Let's take an example from the Chinese, who never do this. They believe that sugar has its own taste, and tea has its own. By mixing tea with sugar, they call it aromatic water.

Another option for making iced tea at home. Iced tea with juice.

Place ice in a prepared wine glass (see previous recipe), pour in tea leaves (about half of the glass) and juice. I really like it with freshly squeezed orange juice. Add about 2 teaspoons of sugar (I never do). Better a drop of honey. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

For children it is possible prepare iced tea with juice and sparkling water . Just take it a little. Everything follows the same pattern. Ice (only smaller amounts), tea leaves, sparkling water. Sugar or honey to taste. Decorate everything. Drink immediately before gas escapes.

By the way, in hot countries they only drink hot tea to quench their thirst, because hot water is absorbed faster. And many nutritionists are now saying that the healthiest thing to do in the summer is to simply drink filtered water with lime juice. So let's not overdo it with iced teas either. So, if you're in the mood, you can pamper yourself a little. But this does not mean that you need to drink it throughout the day and in large quantities.

You can make iced tea with milk, with oranges, apricots, grapefruit, apples, berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants, wild strawberries, cherries, blueberries, etc. will give the tea a special aroma). Don't forget the ginger! This is just a miracle! I suggest reading about teas with ginger in the article and. Take these recipes as a basis. Just follow the recipe for preparing iced tea.

You can add whipped cream and ice cream on top; grated chocolate, of course, is not so healthy, but sometimes you can treat yourself, why not?). Some people like to add alcohol to iced tea. But this will be a different drink. And we must remember that, especially in summer, you need to be very careful with alcohol, and it is best to give it up completely.

Iced tea "Dachny".

This is my favorite recipe for iced tea: ice, tea leaves, currant leaves (blackcurrant is best), to taste - about 3-6 leaves per small teapot, a few mint leaves, you can add strawberry leaves, rose hips, whatever you like and what is at hand. You can also add berries.

Interesting Facts . Did you know that the American President's favorite iced tea is berry iced tea. The basis is hibiscus tea, raspberries and blueberries, and blackberry leaves. We can try it too.

My heartfelt gift today Andre Rieu's Love theme from Romeo and Juliet . This is an amazing Dutch violinist and conductor. King of Waltzes. He is so charming, sensitive to music, such a theme of Love... Let Love live in every heart. Without this we simply die. But we flourish with her. Ready to move mountains. I suggest you listen to everything.

I wish everyone a summer mood, health, wonderful, healthy drinks for health, beauty, Love and touching life.

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