The stainless steel pan was burnt. Cleaning pots - classified materials

Sometimes it happens that you turn away from the stove for a minute (talk on the phone, answer a message in in social networks or something else), and - the pan burned. The question immediately arises - how to clean it?

Salt. If you want to clean a burnt pan, then you shouldn’t put it off “for later.”
Feel free to fill a stainless steel and aluminum pan cold water, leave for a short time, then pour out the water and add a sufficient amount table salt. After 2-3 hours, burnt food can be easily cleaned with a kitchen sponge. Some housewives add salt to cold water, but there are cases that after adding salt in this way, dark spots may appear on a stainless pan that cannot be removed.
An enamel pan should not be immediately filled with cold water; the pan must be allowed to cool, otherwise the enamel may be damaged under the influence of cold water. Pour salt into the bottom of the cooled pan, leave for a couple to three hours, and then wash the pan hot water. If the burn was too strong, you will most likely have to repeat the procedure.
Boiling pots
Pour into the bottom of a metal pan hot water, add a tablespoon of soda. Let the pan with soda stand for 30 - 50 minutes, then put it on the stove, boil for 5-10 minutes, remove from heat. After the pan with the soda solution has cooled, rinse traditional way pan - food residues will be easily removed.
To clean a burnt enamel pan, make a steep brine: for 1 liter of water – 5-6 table. spoons of salt. Pour it into the pan and boil for 40 - 45 minutes. Burnt food should come away from the sides and bottom of the pan.
Activated carbon. This method is also suitable for enamel pans, and for aluminum, as well as for stainless steel pans. It is especially effective when milk burns. Take a few tablets activated carbon and grind them to a powder state. Pour this powder into the bottom of the pan and let stand for 30-40 minutes. Then pour cold water into the pan and leave to stand for another half hour. After this, the pan can be easily washed with any dishwashing detergent.
Vinegar. Pour onto the burnt surface of the pan table vinegar or its substitute (citric acid, freshly squeezed lemon juice). Cover with a lid and let stand for about two hours. Then wash the pan with detergent. Vinegar is especially good for aluminum pans. Thanks to the vinegar aluminum pan It will be cleaned not only of burnt marks, but also of the resulting blackness.
Milk serum. This simple product will help get rid of burnt marks in enamel, aluminum and stainless steel pans. Pour whey into the pan, 1-2 cm above the level of the burnt area and leave for 24 hours. Then drain off the whey and wash the pan with detergent. Thanks to the various acids contained in the whey, the main pieces of burnt food should easily come away from the surface of the pan.
Soda. If not only the bottom of the pan is damaged, but also its outer surface, then in a good way to get rid of burnt food is to boil the pan itself in soda solution. But do not forget to remove the plastic parts from it before doing this.
Place the sufferer in a pan much larger than the burnt one.
Pour in a solution prepared at the rate of: 5-6 liters of water – a pack baking soda(0.5 kg) and place on the stove. The water should cover the pan by 2-3 cm.
After boiling, reduce heat and simmer for about two more hours.
Then turn off the stove and wait until the pans cool down.
Remove the pan to be cleaned and wash it in the usual way.

Burnt marks and all hard-to-reach places will be cleaned, and the pan will return to its original appearance. This can be done with an enameled, aluminum, or stainless steel pan.
Soda-salt mixture.
To clean burnt aluminum and enamel pans, mix equal amounts of baking soda and salt.
Fill the bottom of the burnt pan with this mixture, add enough warm water to make a paste.
Cover the pan with a lid and let it sit for 24 hours.
After a day, replace the soda-salt mixture and add water so that the burnt area is covered.
Then you should put the pan on the stove, boil and leave to simmer over low heat for another half hour.
Wait until the pan cools down and rinse it as usual.

For stainless steel pans, this method should be used with caution: there is a high probability of dark stains from salt appearing. It is better to replace salt and soda with vinegar and boil the vinegar-water solution for about 10 minutes.
Soap. Pour hot water into a stainless steel, aluminum or enamel pan, add liquid soap or dishwashing detergent, and stir. Boil for about 15-20 minutes. After cooling, clean the pan with a kitchen sponge. This method is effective if the burn marks are not very pronounced, that is, with weak burning.
Sour apples. According to some housewives, an enamel pan can be put in order by boiling the skins of it in it. sour apples or rhubarb.
Special means. If you don’t want to wait a long time and boil, then simply purchase products designed to remove burnt and ingrained fats. Of course, before using them, you need to read the instructions and make sure that the product is suitable for cleaning this type of pan. For example, Schumanit is suitable for cleaning enamel pans, but it is prohibited for cleaning aluminum products. There are many more products, such as “Amway”, “Sanita-gel”, “Cillit Bang”, etc.

As practice shows, burnt bottom of the pan- the most common problem that every housewife has to face. How to save your favorite utensils and return them to their original appearance? Ways clean a burnt pan a lot, but the choice will depend on the material from which it is made.

An enamel pan is burnt - what to do?

If we're talking about about an enamel pan, then the owner of the “victim” should know that the sooner the rescue operation is started, the greater the likelihood that it will be possible to completely restore its original appearance.

But at the same time, do not rush to pour cold water into a hot pan, otherwise you will have to deal with a more serious problem - peeling enamel. Let the pan cool and then fill with warm water. And refrain from using “harsh measures” in the form of metal brushes or graters - they will scratch the surface and greatly reduce the service life of the product.

Try using ordinary table salt: you can simply sprinkle it in a thick layer on a damp bottom and wait about 2.5 hours. You can speed up the process by cooking saline solution, at the rate of 6 or 7 large spoons of salt per 1 liter of water. Now pour this solution into the pan and boil for half an hour: burnt food residues should be removed from the bottom and walls of the pan.

Also an enamel pan if it's burnt.

The bottom of the pan is burnt - what to do?

Clean the burnt bottom of the pan it is also possible with the help of soda: prepare a concentrated soda solution, pour it over the burnt bottom overnight. In the morning, just put the pan on the fire and let its contents boil for an hour and a half. And finally, try boiling a solution of citric acid or alcohol vinegar in a saucepan.

The “soda” method will also save aluminum cookware. In addition, in this case, you can use the usual onion. You just need to finely chop the onion, add water and boil. If you don’t want to bother with onions, replace them with a few drops of ammonia. But it is not recommended to use a metal grater: the bottom of aluminum cookware may become distorted.

Burnt pan made of stainless steel easily clean activated carbon tablets: crush several pieces, fill the bottom with the resulting powder and pour in a little warm water to form a thick paste. Let it sit for half an hour. Next, the burnt crust can be removed with an ordinary hard sponge.

Coffee grounds are good for cleaning the bottom of pots and cleaning dirty
hands. Copper utensils will become shiny again if you rub them with wool.
with a cloth dampened lemon juice and sprinkled with salt, wash with water and wipe immediately with a clean woolen cloth. A bad smell in the pan will disappear if you wash it in salt water.

Porridge, milk, jam are burnt - how to clean the pan?

You can make a soap solution based on any dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. The pan should be boiled for about 15 minutes. This method, by the way, works great for ceramic surfaces.

With Teflon cookware, such troubles happen extremely rarely, but if you are “lucky”, do not use powders or any abrasive cleaning pastes. Fill the bottom with alkali-free detergent, let it sit for a while, and boil.

Now you know several ways to clean and wash pans if your porridge, milk or jam is burnt.

Sometimes dishes lose their beauty and shine as a result of long-term use, and sometimes it happens that cleaning is necessary due to our carelessness - when the pan is burnt and the bottom is covered with soot, which cannot be washed off in the usual way.

  • As a rule, before cleaning a burnt, old or simply very dirty pan, we soak it in a soapy solution and then try to wash it with brushes and hard sponges. Often this procedure solves the problem. But what to do in special difficult cases, when soaking doesn’t help or when you just want to get through the routine as quickly as possible? In this article you will learn 8 tricks on how to clean pots as quickly and efficiently as possible. with minimal effort improvised and special means.

Before you get started, try to understand what material your pan is made of. After all, metals react differently to cleaning products. Thus, salt is harmful to stainless steel, acid is harmful to enamel, soda is harmful to aluminum, and any abrasives are harmful to all types of non-stick coatings. Read more about the rules for caring for pots depending on the type of material at the end of the article.

Method 1. First aid for a dirty/burnt pan - boiling with soapy water

To remove most contaminants, weak and medium degree Often this simple but effective method is enough.

  1. Fill a pan with hot water and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Then place the utensils on the stove and bring the solution to a boil.
  1. Cook the soap solution over low heat for another 15 minutes or more (depending on the amount of soot).
  2. Use a spatula to scrape off any remaining residue from the pan. And wipe what remains on the walls and bottom with the hard side of the sponge.

Method 2. How to clean a pan with soda and vinegar

This simple but working method is suitable for cleaning all types of pans (enamel, cast iron, Teflon and steel), but is NOT suitable for washing aluminum cookware without non-stick coating or enamel.


  1. Dilute water and 9% vinegar in a 1:1 ratio in a dirty saucepan so that the solution covers the dirt, then bring it to a boil.
  2. Remove the boiled solution from the heat (!) and add 2-3 tablespoons of soda to it - the mixture should foam and sizzle! Let it stand for another 10-20 minutes (you can put it back on low heat). As the burnt material softens, scrape it off with a spatula.

  1. Wash and rinse the pan as usual.
  • It is important to remove the pan from the heat as soon as it boils. vinegar solution and only then add soda. If this is not done, then you will have to wash the stove along with the dishes. At the same time, do not hesitate to add soda.
  • Baking soda and vinegar work well separately.
  • You can strengthen the soda-vinegar solution by adding a third of a bar of laundry soap (72%).
  • Local dirt can be rubbed with a hard sponge and soda paste (soda + water in a 1:1 ratio).
  • Stubborn deposits and grease on the outside and inside can be removed by boiling the pan for 30-120 minutes in a large container.

Method 3. How to clean burnt or very old pans

This Soviet trick with laundry soap and silicate glue is suitable for the most advanced cases, when the pan is covered with multi-layers of black soot and grease on the outside and inside.

You will need: For 4 liters of water you will need household supplies. soap 72% (1/3 or ½ bar), 1 cup silicate glue. Also prepare a medium grater and large saucepan or a metal bucket (for example, 10-liter).


  1. Place the dirty pan in a larger bucket/pot, fill it with water and bring to a boil.
  2. While the water is heating, grate the laundry soap on a medium grater.
  3. Add soap shavings, silicate glue, and soda (optional) to boiled water.

  1. Boil the resulting mixture for 30 minutes or more depending on the degree of contamination, then wash the dishes as usual. Black burns and greasy deposits will come off easily.

Tip: to enhance the effect, you can add baking soda or soda ash to the solution at the rate of 1/3 pack per 4 liters of water (except for uncoated aluminum pans).

Method 4. How to clean a pan from fat and carbon deposits using salt

The best way Clean a cast iron pan or cauldron, as well as enamel utensils, using salt. It absorbs fat perfectly. In addition, being a soft abrasive, it also removes burnt marks well.

  1. Place a few handfuls of salt in the bottom (the more fat, the more salt you need to use) and scrub with a paper towel and a couple drops of dishwashing liquid.
  2. Simply rinse the pan under water (you don't need to use dishwashing liquid).

  • It is better to clean a burnt cast iron pan with coarse salt.
  • Any pan, except a steel one, can be easily cleaned of scale and carbon deposits by boiling a strong brine solution in it (5-6 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) for 30-40 minutes over low heat.

Method 5. How to clean a burnt pan with vinegar

Vinegar - powerful tool against burning and limescale. However, it is not advisable to use it for cleaning enamel pans.


  1. Fill the bottom of the pan with vinegar (9%) and let sit for 1-3 hours. As the burnt material softens, carefully scrape it off with a spatula. You can reduce the smell of vinegar by packing the pan in a bag or wrapping it in cling film. And, of course, don't forget to open the window!
  2. Wash the dishes as usual.

Method 6. Cleaning with citric acid

If you don't have vinegar at home, clean the burnt pan or dishes with limescale using citric acid. Like vinegar, citric acid is contraindicated for enamel cookware.


  1. To clean the pan, boil water in it (you don’t need a lot, the main thing is that the water covers the smoke), add 2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid and boil the resulting solution for another 15 minutes.
  2. As the burnt material softens, scrape it off with a spatula. Finally, wash the burnt bottom as usual.

Method 7. How to clean a pan from soot and grease using grease removers

Special grease removers come to the rescue in the most hopeless cases, when you need to wash very old and burnt pans with minimal effort. It is important to carry out cleaning with rubber gloves and with the windows open, and then thoroughly rinse off any remaining product. Keep in mind that most grease removers are contraindicated for washing aluminum and Teflon pans.

  • Here are some super-effective products: Shumanit (Bagi), Oven Cleaner (Amway), Chister, Sparkling Kazan, Giant (Bagi).

General instructions:

  1. Treat problem areas with the product inside or outside the pan.
  2. Pack the pan in a bag or wrap it in cling film (!) - this trick will reduce the spread of the pungent odor throughout the apartment. Let the product work for 10-40 minutes.
  3. Wash the dishes as usual, then rinse them thoroughly several times.
  • To be on the safe side, chemical residues inside the pan can be removed with table vinegar (9%).
  • If you have children or pets, it is better to use Amway Oven Cleaner. It is sold only through the company’s online store and dealers, it is quite expensive, but it works more efficiently and faster than its analogues, it is used economically, and most importantly, it has almost no smell.

Method 8. How to clean a pan with “White” or other chlorine bleach

Ordinary “Belizna” or any other equivalent cleans pots perfectly.


  1. Fill a pan with water and add Whiteness to it at the rate of 1 tablespoon/3 liters of water (approximately).
  2. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and cook for another 15-30 minutes.
  3. After boiling, wash the pan in the usual way, and then boil the dishes again with clean water to completely remove any remaining bleach.
  4. To be sure, you can wipe the inside of the pan with a vinegar solution.

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Stainless steel panEnameled utensilsCast iron pan/cauldronAluminum cookware WITHOUT non-stick coatingTeflon pan (dishes with any non-stick coating)
Contraindications Does not tolerate the use of salt (the pan may darken and lose its shine)Acids and harsh abrasives are contraindicated.Do not soak for a long time, otherwise the dishes may become rusty. For the same reason cast iron cauldrons and pots cannot be washed in the dishwasherDo not use soda to clean aluminum cookware or use alkali-based products - this can be harmful to both the utensils and humans. It is not advisable to wash an aluminum pan in the dishwasher.Abrasive agents (including soda), hard brushes and sponges, and even more so scrapers are unacceptable.
RecommendationsYou can restore the shine of a stainless steel pan with special cleaners for stainless steel utensils.It’s good to use vinegar or salt - they can remove dark deposits or burnt marks inside the dishesSoot, grease and rust with cast iron pan easy to clean with saltIt's good to use products based on ammonia, special cleaning products for porcelain or glasswareManufacturers recommend cleaning pans with a non-stick coating by boiling. soap solution within 20 minutes

Kitchen utensils made of stainless steel rightfully occupy a leading position in the market of cooking goods: firstly, you can cook the most various dishes, without fear that the walls will fade and the bottom will become cloudy, and secondly, this material is not subject to destruction even under the influence of high temperatures. But the main thing is why housewives fell in love with this cookware - for its resistance to oxidation in principle and, as a consequence, to corrosion processes due to the presence of chromium and its compounds in its composition.

Advice: since stainless steel is further divided into several classes depending on its intended purpose, you should purchase any utensils made from this material only after fully familiarizing yourself with its data (for example, class I - corrosion-resistant).

At the same time, pots, pans and other kitchen utensils made of stainless steel are less susceptible to burning: in order for food to stick to the bottom or walls of such dishes, it is necessary to leave it on high fire for quite a long time. Cleaning a burnt pan is quite simple; the main thing is to know a few fundamental rules for handling such utensils and not to use low-quality chemicals.

Cleaning the inside of the pan

There are several ways to clean the internal burnt surface of a pan, and they differ in the means used: for example, light stuck-on dirt can be removed, for example, using regular baking soda, while strong dirt can be removed using special acids, vinegar and other chemicals. When choosing one method or another, you should rely on:

  1. Time elapsed since food solidified at the bottom;
  2. The thickness of the adhered layer;
  3. Characteristics of the cookware itself (for example, most models of stainless cookware are afraid of salts and chlorine-containing solutions).

Cleaning with Baking Soda
Baking soda should always be in the kitchen: with its help you can not only clean the pan from carbon deposits, but also remove greasy stains from any surfaces and even get rid of small cracks by replacing it with putty.

The cleaning process is quite simple: first you need to wash the dishes as much as burnt food allows, and then wipe dry internal walls and the bottom (including soot). After this, you need to sprinkle soda liberally on the dirt, and, what is important, distribute it evenly on all sides. Finally, the pan is left in this state for 1.5-2 hours, after which it is cleaned with an ordinary sponge.

Tip: The amount of soda used should be determined experimentally, since it depends on the amount of burnt food. However, in most cases, approximately 100-125 milliliters is enough.

If the pan has been left for a long time, and the volume of burnt food is large enough, you can prepare a soda paste: to do this, add 90-100 ml of water to the above amount of soda. The resulting mixture will literally bind the carbon deposits, and removing it after 2-3 hours will be much easier.

Cleaning with warm water
If you don’t have soda on hand, then you can use this method, which, however, will take several large quantity time. It is necessary to fill the saucepan with warm (35-37 degrees) water to a level slightly higher than the carbon deposits, and leave it in this state for 5-6 hours, tightly closing the lid and wrapping it in a blanket so that the water does not cool down. After three hours, the water can be changed.

Then you should pour freshly boiled water into the pan and add two or three tablespoons of table salt (it is important, not cold, otherwise it will have a detrimental effect on the pan) and again leave the dishes alone for an hour or two. After these operations, it will be much easier to remove carbon deposits, but it should be noted that in no case should you use hard abrasive brushes: although they are excellent at scraping off burnt food, at the same time they leave microcracks, which in the future will be healed with salt or other carbon deposits.

Cleaning with activated carbon and whey
You can clean a burnt pan using solutions whose main components are the listed ingredients. The difference between them is that activated carbon must first be crushed into powder and added to cold water, while whey is recommended to be added to warm boiled water.

Important: a solution containing activated carbon is especially good at combating soot formed as a result of drying on the walls of dairy products and cereals.

Also, a solution containing activated carbon must be drained from the pan after 15-30 minutes, while a suspension of whey and water must be drained after 24 hours. In both cases, carbon deposits must be covered by at least 2-3 centimeters.

Cleaning with Vinegar and Other Chemicals
Removing carbon deposits with vinegar is even easier: just pour a small amount of it onto a soft cloth and gently rub it over the carbon deposits. Vinegar, being a product of a weak acid of the same name, copes well with deeply burnt food, without in any way harming the surfaces of the pan.

Tip: You can use vinegar instead citric acid. To clean carbon deposits, simply dilute a solution of one tablespoon of acid and 250 milliliters of water.

After using both vinegar and citric acid, be sure to, firstly, thoroughly rinse the pan several times with regular running water, then wipe it dry with a towel.

There are slightly fewer ways to clean the outer surface of a stainless pan, since soaking the entire outer part in most cases is quite problematic, unless you have to take up an entire sink.

In this case, it is generally prohibited to use abrasive means, since the result of such a procedure may be great amount scratches, which will then be impossible to remove, and constant exposure to fire at the bottom will gradually destroy the structure of the cookware (even heat-resistant ones).

Cleaning with baking soda and glue
Using these two ingredients, you need to make a soft paste, which, firstly, will absorb a certain amount of soot during the first wipe, and secondly, will allow you to remove burnt food quite gently later. Typically, the following proportions of components are used for preparation: 100-150 grams of soda and approximately 20 grams of glue are taken per liter of water. The mixture must be completely passed over the burnt area so that the soot remains completely under it for half an hour.

Tip: to speed up the process, you can place the saucepan on medium heat.

Cleaning with chemicals
In numerous supermarkets in Russia you can easily find non-aggressive, soft care products for various surfaces, for example, Amway Oven Cleaner and the like. In most cases, the instructions for their use are universal:

  1. First, heat the pan well over medium heat.
  2. Then the composition of the product is applied to the burnt surface using a sprayer and left on it for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, the carbon deposits are carefully wiped off with a soft sponge. If the slightest pieces still remain on the surface of the dish, the procedure should be repeated by heating the pan again.

Window glass cleaner can help completely remove carbon deposits from both the external and internal surfaces. It is only necessary to apply approximately 15-25 milliliters to the surface using a distributor (about 2-3 injections) and clean the problem area using a soft cloth.

Important: you need to use only those products based on weak acids. Even if they contain a very small amount of salts, they must be used in compliance with certain measures, that is, quickly apply the product, clean off the deposits and thoroughly rinse the dishes.

After using any chemicals, the surface of the pan should be washed with warm water and wiped dry with a soft cloth. Using soap after various products is not advisable.

General tips for caring for cookware made from stainless steel

There are several main rules for caring for stainless cookware, the observance of which will, firstly, extend their service life, and secondly, avoid any problems with removing burnt marks from both surfaces.

Under no circumstances should you leave washing dishes “for later”, as this can lead to carbon deposits. Moreover, many manufacturers call for transferring the dish into a container immediately after cooking, and thoroughly rinse the stainless steel utensils themselves. This will not take much time, plus it will help preserve the original appearance of the dishes.

It is also not recommended to use a dishwasher or air dry a stainless pan, as this may cause various stains. In order for it to last as long as possible, it is better to use a regular towel immediately after washing and using it.

Video: how to clean a stainless steel pan from burning

Any woman who cooks food faces the problem of burning. Most often, sweet dishes, such as jam, burn. And it is very difficult to clean burnt sugar from metal pans without damaging the coating. However, there are many effective methods that will help with this. These are common products available to any housewife. The main thing is to know how to use them correctly.

The method for cleaning burnt jam or caramel from dishes depends on how much crust has formed. If the burn is small, it will be enough to soak it with water and add a little detergent. If the sugar is very burnt, then this will not be enough. More serious methods are needed here.

You can try to scrape off the burnt crust with a knife or other sharp tools, but then the coating will be completely damaged and the dishes will have to be thrown away. However, you can get by with improvised means. Before you wash the pan from burnt jam, you need to select correct method. On the household, the most effective for cleaning burnt marks are: vinegar, soda, salt, citric acid, activated carbon.

Cleaning with Vinegar

If your jam is burnt, you can use regular 9% vinegar. It is necessary to fill the bottom with it for 2-3 hours, and then wash off with detergent. If there is heavy carbon deposits, then you must first fill the pan with water, add shavings of laundry soap and boil. After the water boils, pour half a glass of vinegar and leave until cool. After cleaning, wash thoroughly to remove any remaining soap and vinegar.

Baking Soda as an Ideal Cleanser

Soda is good when it is necessary to clean not only the inside, but also the outside. It is enough to pour 1 liter of water inside, add 2-3 tablespoons of soda and boil for 10 minutes. Do not forget that the more burnt it is, the longer it is worth keeping the dishes on the fire. When the water cools, the crust will be easily washed off. For external burns, place the dishes in a container of water and do the same.

Use of salt

It is necessary to cover the burnt area with salt, add a little water and put it on the stove. Boil for an hour. Don't forget to check that the water doesn't evaporate. At the end of the hour, the crust will come off on its own and can be washed off with water.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is good at cleaning burnt crusts from stainless steel cookware. For this purpose in a small amount of add 2 tablespoons of acid to the water, pour it into the burnt pan and put it on the fire until it boils. Boil for 15-20 minutes and wash off the water along with the carbon deposits.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon tablets must be crushed to a powder and covered with burnt areas. Leave for half an hour then fill with cold water and leave for another 30 minutes. The plaque will come off with the water.

In addition to home remedies, you can find in stores universal means for cleaning dishes. These are all kinds of sprays, destick liquids, powders, etc. But before you clean the pan from burnt sugar, you need to carefully prepare. To use them Precautions must be observed:

  • Work only with gloves.
  • Wear a protective mask.
  • After use, wash dishes and hands thoroughly.

Depending on what metal the pan coating is made of, choose different way cleaning. Each metal is specific, and this must be taken into account when choosing a substance that will be used to clean the pan. Main types of cooking utensils:

  1. Enameled;
  2. Aluminum;
  3. Made from stainless steel.

Enamel cookware has a very thin bottom, so it is more prone to burning. But if jam is burnt in an enamel pan, or the question arises of how to clean the pan from burnt jam, there is only one answer: use soda or salt. If it's really burnt, vinegar or activated charcoal work well.

Before cleaning the dishes from burnt sugar, you need to cool them and only then try to clean them. If the deposit is small, you can use soda or salt . For severe burns, vinegar will help better.. After cooking the caramel, carbon deposits will help remove the charcoal. If a burnt pan has cooled and hardened, you should never scrub it with a brush. You may damage the enamel coating.

Cleaning aluminum pans. An aluminum pan is least suitable for making jam. When cooking, the acids from the berries destroy the special protective film, which leads to harmful substances alloys get into food and cause severe harm human health. If you decide to do this, immediately after cooking you need to put the jam into jars so that there is no unpleasant metallic taste. For this type of pan, it is best to use citric acid. Never pour cold water into a hot aluminum pan, as this may cause it to become deformed.

How to remove carbon deposits and burnt sugar with stainless steel pans? A stainless steel pan or basin is most often used for making jam. They have a thick bottom, which prevents burning. If trouble happens, vinegar and salt will help. Fill with water, add salt and vinegar, leave overnight. Stainless steel like new.

Burnt jam can upset any housewife. Sometimes the cleaning problem seems unsolvable. However, if you use the advice in this article, you will not be afraid of any burning.

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