Festive New Year's cookies. Delicious baked goods for the New Year: original and quick recipes

In my family there is one small but very important person who this winter will look forward to miracles, the fulfillment of wishes, a decorated Christmas tree and Santa Claus with gifts. Therefore, I decided that I would definitely bake New Year’s cookies for the most important winter holiday, and I would start preparing recipes with photos now, so that later I wouldn’t have to look for interesting ideas in a hurry. Of course, there will be plenty of sweets for the New Year. But candy is candy, and the little one will devour interesting and tasty cookies on both cheeks, just have time to add a new portion of fragrant pastries to the basket. This day will be loudly crunchy, smelling of cinnamon and ginger, spreading cheerful children's laughter throughout the house!

Shortbread cookies "New Year's deer"

Many may argue that deer are not a symbol of the “our” New Year. Well, let! I am not against traditions adopted from “foreign” inhabitants, if they are cheerful and harmless. What's bad if there are more excuses for a good mood? After all, these cute and, of course, tasty New Year's cookies with funny faces of deer are a wonderful reason for the joy of little and big sweet tooths! Let's cook?

Take from the products (about 10-12 pieces):

For the base:

For decoration:

How to prepare "New Year's Reindeer" cookies (recipe with photo):

Cut the chilled butter into small cubes. Or grate on a coarse grater (frozen). Place in a bowl for kneading dough.

Add sifted flour.

Quickly rub the contents of the bowl with your hands until breadcrumbs form. This is the whole secret of friability. The oil envelops the flour, which prevents the release of gluten from it, so the baked goods are airy and crumbly. It is important that the butter fat does not begin to melt from the warmth of your hands. So try to grind quickly. Or leave it to the food processor.

Then add fine white and vanilla sugar and egg yolk. If desired, you can beat them before adding them to make the dough more homogeneous. Instead of yolk, you can use clean water (about a tablespoon). But since the recipe contains protein, we will find a use for the second part of the chicken egg.

Knead the dough quickly. It will be elastic and not sticky to your hands. There is no need to knead with your hands for a long time. When the mass becomes homogeneous, wrap it in food grade polyethylene and put it in a cool place to “rest” for 30-60 minutes. Not enough liquid to mold the crumbs into something dough-like? Pour in a spoonful of water. But don't overdo it. so as not to serve cookies with an exclusively hard stone texture for the New Year. Place the “rested” base between two sheets of baking paper. Roll out into a layer about 1-1.5 cm thick. Take a glass or round mold and cut out the blanks.

Transfer to a baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees.

While the cookies are cooling, prepare the custard protein cream. This will require you to perform several actions at the same time, so it is important to calculate your time. Pour the sugar into a saucepan or thick-bottomed pan, add water and set to cook.

Start beating the whites. You can add a small pinch of salt. When the mass beats to a dense white foam, the syrup should be ready. To check its readiness, take a drop and place it on a chilled saucer. Doesn't it spread? Add to the protein mixture without stopping the mixer. Beat the cream for a few more minutes. Once it cools, it should hold its shape well.

Pipe a small ball of cream onto the cooled pieces, outlining the nose. Let me tell you right away that there will be an excess of cream, so the remaining can be used for other treats. I “recycled” it during the preparation of “Snow-Covered Christmas Trees,” which I’ll talk about later.

“Glue” the red chocolate jelly beans in the middle. The nose of the "New Year's deer" is ready.

Melt the chocolate. You can read how to do this correctly here. And draw dotted eyes and small horns. When the chocolate elements have hardened, you can treat the little ones with a sweet tooth. But adults will probably remember the New Year's party, where these funny and tasty cookies were served, so I think the photo recipe will be useful to you.

Recipe for New Year's cookies "Fir cones"

I still can’t decide whether these are New Year’s cookies or cakes... But I know one thing for sure: sweet “Bumps” made from shortcrust pastry are not only tasty and beautiful, but also easy in terms of the cost of culinary resources. Therefore, from preparing them you will receive exclusively bonuses: happy children's faces, no need to fool your head with a complex dessert and an originally decorated New Year's table.

For baking you will need (6-8 "Cones"):

Recipe for making New Year's cookies with step-by-step photos:

I’ll write it right away before I forget. Instead of homemade shortcrust pastry, you can use ready-made cookies. But it is important that it is neutral in taste. Biscuits are perfect. Just break it into small pieces (not crumbs). And proceed to the next stage of preparing the delicacy. And to prepare the dough, the butter (or margarine) must be cold, not soft. Chop it into small pieces. Pour into a deep, spacious bowl.

Sift the above amount of flour there. Add a small pinch of fine salt. No sugar required. You can put vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Grind both components until they turn into fine crumbs. First, you can start grinding with a fork, and then switch to manual “mode”. Because the warmth of your hands will melt the butter and the cookies will become less crumbly.

Happened? Great! Then think about the binding ingredient. In this recipe I used sour cream, as the photo eloquently demonstrates, and the cookies turned out crumbly, so it’s not a shame to serve them for the New Year. But it can be replaced with cold, clean water, liquid honey, egg yolk or milk. The quantity is the same (1 tbsp).

Mix everything. Achieve a uniform consistency and wrap the dough in cling film. Place in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary to make the sand base easier to grate.

Grate on a coarse grater. Spread in a thin layer on a greased baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven to bake.

After 10-12 minutes of baking at 180-200 degrees, you will have this “Fir Cones” base.

Cool the resulting golden brown crumbs. Transfer it to a deep bowl. Add condensed milk or jam. I decided to “sweeten” the New Year by adding plum-chocolate jam to the cookies. It turned out fabulously delicious. But it won’t be any worse with condensed milk. You can also use chocolate ganache or soft caramel. You can add crushed candied fruits or dried fruits, nuts and other goodies to the sand crumbs.

Stir. You will get a viscous mass.

To shape the cookies you will need a glass or narrow coffee cup. You can get by with sleight of hand, but it will take longer. Cover the inner surface of the selected dish with cling film to make it easier to remove the finished treat. Place the sweet mixture inside and form oblong cookies in the shape of cones.

Store dessert in a cool place until serving. And before giving it to those with a sweet tooth, sprinkle with powder. The result will be a sweet imitation of snow.

Fragrant cookies with ginger and cinnamon

Cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, honey... Just imagine how fragrant it is! And if it is also “packed” in a crumbly “shell”... Delicious! Cookies can be made in the shape of people, stars, Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen or regular circles. To make it even tastier, decorate with icing, powder or chocolate!


How to bake gingerbread New Year's cookies:

Sift the flour mixed with baking powder into a deep bowl. Add sugar.

Add all the spices. It is not necessary to add cardamom. You can add a little more cinnamon; it won’t ruin the taste of the delicacy.

Add cold butter chopped into small cubes to the bulk products. It should be a little soft.

Grind with your hands until you obtain a crumbly consistency. At the initial stage, you can help yourself with a fork. Or even entrust this procedure to a food processor or blender with a butterfly attachment. Add chicken yolk. We don't need protein. You can use it to make icing for decorating gingerbread men. I "suddenly" ran out of powder, so I didn't decorate my Christmas cookies. But this did not affect the taste. Also add honey to other foods. Has “Bee Gold” thickened due to long-term storage? Melt it in a water bath.

Knead the dough. Doesn't fit well? Add a little cold clean water. Form a ball and wrap it in film. Place in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Roll out the sand base into a thin (no more than 1-1.5 cm) layer. Using a special mold, cut out the blank figures. Transfer to a baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes. The delicacy is prepared quickly, be careful not to burn it.

Cool the baked goods. Decorate as desired and serve with milk, tea, coffee or mulled wine (option for adults). Ginger cookies can be prepared not only for New Year and Christmas, but also when you just want to cheer yourself up, so you will definitely need the recipe.

Happy and memorable holidays with the aroma of New Year's baking!

In life, much more depends on us than we think, and if today, tired after a long day of work, everyday worries and everyday life, it seems to you that the New Year is a cheerful and joyful holiday in itself, it will be organized and take place on its own, think about something else . There are problems every day. Difficulties are an everyday reality. Difficulties are what make us get up and move forward. And the New Year is so rare!.. And it’s worth trying a little to make it magical and special this time - despite fatigue, limited budget, lack of inspiration and other significant and not so significant reasons.

Try to find time and make New Year's cookies. Just put everything aside, go to the kitchen and start creating right now! The magic of this simple process is so strong that you will certainly feel the New Year starting to knock on your door!

5 reasons to make New Year's cookies:

1. Gift

Beautifully made and equally beautifully packaged homemade cookies make the perfect Christmas tree gift. Choose the idea that is most interesting to you, make original boxes with your own hands, add small cards with warm words - such an edible surprise will be remembered for a long time!

2. Enjoy the process

Creating, creating extraordinary beauty with your own hands is so cool! Just imagine - you are kneading the dough by hand, the kitchen smells of cinnamon and tangerines, and you turned on some kind of Christmas movie, kind and naive, and together with your child you conjure snowflakes, and then laughingly decorate them with multi-colored glaze and come up with funny wishes for everyone to whom you plan to give New Year's cookies... Isn't this happiness?

3. Delicious

It's no secret that homemade cookies are such a huge and wonderful layer of childhood that cannot be tasteless by definition! Now imagine that you create this miracle yourself - with those components that you like the most... with those additives that correspond to your personal idea of ​​​​ideal baked goods.... Can't you already feel what amazing cookies are waiting for you?

4. Holiday atmosphere

Well, maybe you personally don’t need Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, snow, gifts to understand that the calendar says December 31st, but for children, the concept of a holiday is made up of precisely these details - the smell of tangerines scattered throughout the house confetti, cookies in the form of snowflakes and cakes with snowmen.

5. Everyone can do it - but am I the red-haired/armless/disorganized one (underline as appropriate)?

Making New Year's cookies is not always inspiration and impulse. Sometimes it’s worth making an effort, forcing yourself to strain a little, so that you end up with a basket of beautiful homemade baked goods, a good mood and the confidence that you can do anything in the world!

Clock cookies

Tick-tock, tick-tock... The clock hands methodically bid farewell to the old year, hastening the minutes in anticipation of the holiday. The dial winks, smiles and seems to promise: just be patient a little, the New Year is about to come!

Cookies in the shape of a clock, which will ring midnight in a minute, are not only delicious, but also very symbolic. Be sure to cook! The proposed recipe is proven to be excellent: the cookies are rich in taste, bright chocolate, and elegant.

Dough ingredients

200 g softened butter
30 g sour cream
200 g powdered sugar
2 yolks
60 g cocoa powder
350 g flour
1/3 tsp. salt

Ingredients for glaze

20 g protein;
100 g powdered sugar.

If you really, really don’t have time to play with homemade cookies, but really want to cook something special for the New Year, buy any round cookies with a smooth surface at the bakery, fill them with chocolate glaze at home, and then draw the clock hands and dial yourself using icing .


  1. Place softened butter, sour cream and yolks in a bowl, add powdered sugar and salt, turn on the mixer and mix the mixture until smooth and a slight increase in volume. There is no need to whisk diligently - it's more about mixing.
  1. Add cocoa, mix. You don’t have to do it carefully - just so that most of the cocoa is combined with most of the butter, albeit with lumps and unmixed places.
  1. Sift the flour and add it to the dough in small portions. You shouldn’t lay out the entire volume at once - it’s likely that you will need a little less than indicated in the recipe (this depends on many factors - for example, the fat content and moisture content of sour cream and butter). As a result, you need to get soft but not sticky dough with a glossy shine. We collect it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  1. Roll out chilled dough into a layer about 2-3 mm thick, trying to do it as evenly as possible - how you cope with the task now will determine how neat and beautiful your “watch” will be in the end. And yes, it’s best to roll it out right away on a sheet of baking paper or silicone mat– the dough is quite delicate, and when transferring the dough from the table to a baking sheet, you risk deforming its perfectly smooth beauty.
  1. Let's bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for up to 10 minutes, carefully remove the cookies from the baking sheet and transfer to a board or wire rack to cool.
  1. When all the chocolate pieces have reached room temperature, you can start decorating. Prepare the icing: lightly beat the egg white with a fork (not into foam, but rather just into foam - so that the mass simply loses its viscosity), mix with gradually added powdered sugar. If you first beat the egg white into a stable foam, the glaze will turn out thick and not pourable, you will not be able to draw anything with it, so be careful and do not try to improve what is good.
  1. Transfer the icing into a pastry bag with the smallest tip (“one”, or better yet “zero”) and draw clock faces on cookies– arrows, numbers, decor. If there are no special attachments, you can roll cornets from baking paper.

From the Magic Food collection

Cookies "Santa Claus's Staff"

In recent years, Santa Claus's staff has significantly changed its appearance - if during our childhood it was straight, massive and crystal-white, now it has become hook-shaped and bright. Cookies of this shape will be a cute decoration for the New Year's table.

Ingredients for red dough

100 g butter
60 g sugar
1 yolk
1/3 tsp. salt
3-4 drops red food coloring

Ingredients for white dough

170 g flour
100 g butter
60 g sugar
1 yolk
1/3 tsp. salt

We mix two types of dough - beat the butter with sugar and yolk until the grains are completely dissolved, add salt and flour. Add coloring to the red dough before adding flour. If you wish, you can prepare a double portion of the dough at once, which you then divide in half, mix the dye into one of them - it will be difficult to knead the finished dough so that the dye is evenly distributed throughout the entire mass, but it is possible. Choose the option that is more convenient for you.

Carefully roll out long, thin “sausages” from both types of dough - it’s more convenient to do this on a lightly floured surface. Then we brush off the excess flour with a brush and weave both “ropes” together, trying to ensure that the weaving step is the same. Using a knife or dough scraper, divide the woven ropes into equal parts approximately 7 cm long, form a staff from each piece, place it on a baking sheet and bake until done for about 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Advice: If you are fundamentally against the use of food coloring in cooking, make the staves in a white and brown color scheme, replacing the dye in the red dough with cocoa. This, of course, is not a classic, but it is also quite festive and recognizable.

Brownie Cookies: Christmas Trees

Who doesn't love brownies? Everyone loves classic American baking! Bake these chocolate brownie cookies according to the standard recipe, but after you take the fragrant cake out of the oven, cut it into triangles rather than the usual squares. Insert a straw or a long candy into the base of each one, decorate with green icing - Christmas trees are coming to your table!


  • 100 g butter
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate
  • 50 g cocoa
  • 40 g flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1/3 tsp. coarse sea salt
  • approximately 150 g of powdered sugar, green coloring and 2-3 tsp. lemon juice for glaze

Melt the butter in a water bath, add the chocolate broken into pieces, stirring, and keep over hot water until completely smooth.

In a separate bowl, mix cocoa, salt, flour. Pour the dry mixture into the chocolate-butter mixture, stir and add the eggs one at a time, beating until smooth each time.

Pour the resulting dough into a form lined with baking paper (size - approximately 20x20 cm), bake brownies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for no more than 20 minutes - the “correct” cookies should be soft, almost knitted on the inside, but crispy on the outside.

Remove the pan from the oven and after cooling slightly for 3-4 minutes, cut into portion triangles. Then wait until it cools completely and start decorating.

To prepare the glaze, mix powdered sugar, a few drops of food coloring and lemon juice to a consistency that suits you personally - a little thicker (it will be denser) or a little thinner (it will be smoother). Apply glaze to each triangle, and once dry, transfer to a plate.

Advice: If you don’t want to “play” with the glaze, you can melt white chocolate, tint it with spinach juice, put it in a homemade cornet and quickly apply a design on triangular brownies. Alternatively, you can simply whip cream or make Swiss meringue. The above icing recipe is also suitable for decorating these cookies.

Macaroons polvorones

Polvorones is an ordinary guest on the holiday table in Spain: this is our bowl of Olivier, only in a sweet version, it is certainly baked for the New Year, and it is prepared in large quantities so that it is enough for all the long winter holidays, so that it can be distributed with to guests and to be able to treat everyone who looks into the house, from friends to the courier who delivered the parcel. Perhaps this is the most festive, most unusual and fragrant version of New Year's cookies, which are gradually entering our culinary culture from other countries of the world. Polvorones may not become a traditional pastry in your family, but you should try it at least once!


  • 110 g flour
  • 100 g butter
  • 40 g powdered sugar
  • 50 g peeled almonds
  • 1/3 tsp. salt

Grind the almonds with a blender into fine, fine crumbs, scatter them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. We set the temperature to 150 degrees and dry the nut mass for about an hour, periodically shaking the baking sheet and thus mixing its contents. The almond crumbs should acquire a pleasant creamy hue and give an unreal aroma that floats throughout the house.

Cool thoroughly - at least 3 hours, preferably overnight.

Mix almond crumbs, wheat flour and powdered sugar, add salt. Melt the butter, pour it into the dry mixture and knead until smooth, elastic (the dough will not be smooth due to large almond fractions, but you should strive for this). If the mass does not agree to acquire the desired consistency, add a little more oil or lard (pork fat - by the way, in some recipes polvorones is completely cooked with it). Knead.

Roll out the dough into a layer 8-10 mm thick (these cookies are traditionally thick), cut out the figures with molds, place them on a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for about 25 minutes - classic polvorones should remain pale and light.

There is another traditional way of molding cookies - due to the fact that they are baked in large quantities for the New Year, there is neither time nor desire to play with rolling out and cutting out, so they simply scoop out the dough from a common ball with a tablespoon and simply turn it over onto a baking sheet , helping with your fingers to remove the resulting “hemisphere” onto the sheet.

Advice: Christmas trees, snowmen and other snowflakes are, of course, incredibly festive and New Year's-like, however, you can go with another, less standard and predictable option. Cut the cookies into regular squares, bake, and after cooling, stack them in stacks of 5-6 pieces and tie them beautifully with ribbons - you’ll get cute stylized “boxes” with gifts. A little troublesome, but the sincere joy of your friends is worth it!

But this idea with multi-colored Christmas trees is for those who are ready to devote time to preparing for the New Year. You can assemble the pyramids together with your child - fun is guaranteed!

10 Easy New Year's Cookie Ideas:

  1. Store-bought pretzel crackers are almost ready-made Santa Claus reindeer antlers! Prepare cookies according to your favorite recipe, shape them into ovals, place horns (two pretzels) at the top of the “head”, after baking, make eyes and a mouth out of chocolate.
  1. Any round cookie is an excellent preparation for snowflakes: prepare the icing according to a proven recipe and draw the desired patterns on top of the baked dough. Don't forget that such snowflakes will look beautiful if the dough and icing are contrasting in color.
  1. Don't you think that New Year's confetti and Easter colorful decor for Easter cakes look incredibly similar to each other? Bake cookies, pour melted chocolate and, while it is hot, sprinkle with round multi-colored sugar decorations. Confetti cookies are ready!
  1. Mix corn flakes, nuts, candied fruits broken into small pieces in one bowl, add some well-hardening cream (for example, mix melted butter with chewing marshmallows and a drop of green dye), place the resulting mass on a sheet of foil in the form of small Christmas wreaths, decorate with small colored decorations and dried fruits. Once hardened, you will have beautiful Christmas cookies.
  1. If you beat a couple of egg whites with powdered sugar properly, and then add a drop of green dye to the bowl, the mixture can be placed on a baking sheet in the form of beautiful small Christmas trees. After baking, you can decorate the meringue as you wish.
  1. Of course, cookie cutters make life much easier, however, there are plenty of items that you can cut out yourself using a knife. Make a template for mittens, a New Year's ball for the Christmas tree, Santa Claus's boot, funny bells, a snow-covered house - and create wonderful holiday cookies!
  1. Don't forget about the gingerbread men - these cookies can be decorated in the form of a Christmas tree garland: by decorating the Christmas tree with it, you will give your children and guests another reason to believe in miracles!
  1. Any cookie will become New Year's if you make it in the classic New Year's colors - white, green and red. Prepare three types of dough, divide each into 5-10 parts, mix the resulting pieces, form one large ball, which you roll into a layer. Using cutters, cut out snowflakes, Christmas trees and other New Year's figures - they will be bright and festive.
  1. Great idea - snowman cookies. “Building” snow comrades from round blanks is as easy as shelling pears; even children can handle the job with pleasure.
  1. As a gift, you can make New Year's cookies that are placed on a cup. In houses, hearts or snowflakes, make a small rectangular slit about 2 cm long and 3-4 mm wide, bake. Such baked goods can serve as an excellent addition to the main New Year's gift: buy a dozen of the most ordinary white cups and a set of ceramic paints, sign each one, decorate with homemade cookies, pack in transparent film and hide under the Christmas tree.

May your New Year be magical and beautiful, and may you have a lot of energy, time and inspiration to organize all the planned winter, delicious, fragrant miracles!

DIY gifts "New Year's cookies"

Crafts from gingerbread dough for children 7-10 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Gnevanova Olga Mikhailovna, social teacher, State Autonomous Institution SO “Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the City of Kachkanar”, Sverdlovsk Region.
Description: This master class is intended for school-age students, caring and loving parents, educators, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: gift, interior decoration.
Target: making a gift for the New Year holidays.
Educational: teach how to make a gift from gingerbread dough.
Educational: Develop aesthetic taste and compositional skills, taste, fine motor skills in the process of work.
Educational: to foster interest in joint creative activities of children and adults.

Making Christmas gingerbread or Christmas cookies can become a good Christmas tradition in your family.
Children will accept your idea with a bang, with pleasure, show their creativity and cut out interesting figures from dough and decorate gingerbread cookies and cookies, and you will be able to keep their first culinary masterpieces as a souvenir. Moreover, if you show a little imagination and cut out figures with cookie cutters: a man, stars, horseshoes, Christmas trees, a month, a boot and thread bright ribbons into the cookies... op... and beautiful Christmas tree decorations are ready.
We will prepare wonderful New Year's cookies in the form of beautiful hearts, mittens, and gingerbread men.

Gingerbread dough recipe:
200 g sugar
2 eggs
100 g honey
200g margarine
3 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
Spices to taste: 1 tsp cinnamon, 0.5 tsp ginger, 0.5 tsp cardomom, 0.5 tsp. nutmeg.
Method for making ginger cookies
Beat the sugar and eggs into a homogeneous mass and add a little honey heated in a water bath. Add softened margarine and combine with egg and sugar mass. Lastly, add the sifted flour, as well as spices, and knead the dough until it becomes elastic and smooth. Then we wrap it in cling film or put it in a polythene bag and place it in the refrigerator for an hour - then when cutting it will be elastic.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5-7 mm and cut out mittens and men using a pastry knife according to the stencils, following safety rules and under the guidance of an adult. And we squeeze out the hearts and stars using molds - the second option for making ginger cookies.

We make a hole in each workpiece using any tube.

After we form the cookies, place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 -200* for 10 minutes.

You can use molds to make various animals: bear, hedgehog, fox, moose, squirrel, snail.

We offer a third version of Christmas cookies. Roll out the dough and cut strips 7-8 cm wide with a curly knife. As shown in the photo.

The result is equilateral triangles. Cut the dough on one side and get a Christmas tree.

We also make holes for the ribbons.

After the cookies have cooled, we begin making decorations. Making the glaze. There are several ways: one is to buy it in a store, this is not a problem now, the second is to do it yourself.

Separate the white from the yolk, and using a mixer, beat until a stable white mass has increased in volume by 2-3 times, add 1 dessert spoon of lemon juice. Add powdered sugar gradually. Beating time is 5-7 minutes. On average we use 200 grams of powdered sugar per protein.

We transfer the finished mass into a plastic bag, cut off the very tip and proceed to the most interesting part, painting the cookies, showing imagination and developing creative abilities.

Pour colored sprinkles in the form of sticks, polka dots, and stars onto the glaze.

When the icing on the cookies dries, we thread braid or satin ribbons of your choice through the holes.

You can decorate with white and dark chocolate.

This is a nice dish to put on the table and treat to family and friends.

Our little animals were outlined with white icing and strings were threaded through them. You can also play a New Year's fairy tale.

Mom kneaded the dough
She gave me a piece
We made cookies with her,
Who wants what?
Rolled out with a rolling pin
Dough for circles
Cut out with a mold
Stars and flowers.
Baked in the oven
We are our cookies
It turned out delicious
Simply delicious!

Hi guys!

Do you want to make your own New Year's cookies as a gift for your loved ones? So you've come to the right place.

December is already gaining momentum, and many have begun to think about what to give their family and friends for the New Year. I am one of those for whom a gift handmade- There is the most valuable and sincere manifestation of feelings. That’s why I very often practice hand-made gifts. And the only possible option for a homemade gift for me and my not quite sewn handles is edible gift.

I usually make cupcakes or cookies for gifts. But for the New Year it’s still better to give a box of cookies, because some of the cookies that you and I will learn how to make today will be suitable not only for a “side dish” for tea, but also for decorating the Christmas tree.

Can you imagine how nice it will be to receive pre-holiday boxes or bags with sweet gifts for your work colleagues or a kindergarten teacher, or a lonely grandmother neighbor... In general, the list of happy gift recipients can be listed endlessly.

But I’d better list mine for you favorite and proven New Year's cookie recipes. There are only 5 of them.

Well, to make our delicious gift smell like New Year, we will fill it with the aromas of vanilla, ginger, cloves and cinnamon. And our gift, prepared from the bottom of our hearts and with best wishes, will certainly be appreciated.

Yes, and I’ll tell you a secret: I decorate New Year’s cakes with these painted New Year’s cookies. It turns out very cool.

One last thing: when decorating cookies, I almost always use the same glaze: Grind 1 egg white with a spatula with 200 g. powdered sugar and a few drops of lemon juice.

1. New Year's gingerbread and honey gingerbread

First up is the new recipe. I tried it for the first time this year. And I was very pleased. The gingerbreads turn out tender, soft, slightly layered... In fact, they resemble gingerbread. At the same time, they are moderately spicy and not cloying. I definitely like these cookies, although I am not a fan of spices in desserts.

By the way, very cool gift boxes for such cookies can be select here .

For gingerbread we will need:

  • sugar - 160 gr.
  • flour -350 gr.
  • butter, cold - 110 gr.
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • honey - 50 g
  • ground cinnamon - 2 tsp.
  • nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • ginger - 2 tsp.
  • cloves - 1 pinch
  • soda - ½ tsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.

This is in case you remember to prepare your gifts at the last minute. If you prefer thin and crispy cookies, this simple recipe is for you.

Also, in this recipe I like that only egg yolk is used in the dough, and accordingly we use the white for glaze. Here is such a coincidence))

For ginger cookies we will need:

  • butter - 125 gr.
  • brown sugar - 125 gr.
  • white sugar - 35 gr.
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - 250 gr.
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • ground ginger - ¼ tsp.
  • ground cinnamon - ¼ tsp.
  • ground cloves - 1 pinch
  • ground nutmeg - 1 pinch (optional)

And this recipe is for those who do not recognize ginger and other spicy spices. As a rule, these are men. Therefore, for them, your loved ones, you can prepare these soft, crumbly cookies with almond flour and a light vanilla aroma. But you won’t be able to decorate the Christmas tree with such cookies - they are too delicate.

For macaroons we need:

  • flour - 300 gr.
  • ground almonds - 120 gr.
  • sugar - 120 gr.
  • butter, softened - 180 gr.
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • vanilla pod - 1 pc. or vanilla essence - 1 tsp. or vanillin - 1 pinch

And this, on the contrary, is the spiciest, most aromatic, richest cookie on the entire list. We add as many as 5 spices to it: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and cardamom.

For New Year's ginger cookies we will need:

  • flour - 250 gr.
  • butter, cold - 100 gr.
  • brown sugar - 250 gr.
  • soda - 1 gr. (≈ ½ tsp)
  • ground cinnamon - 4 gr. (≈ 2 tsp)
  • mix of spices (ground ginger, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg) - 5 gr.
  • milk - 30−40 ml

And for the laziest - the fastest and simplest shaped cookies, which can also be prepared as a gift. In addition, this is a win-win option for the most hopeless conservatives who do not recognize any newfangled trends and will only be happy with a good shortbread cookie.

For quick shortbread cookies we will need:

  • flour - 175 gr.
  • butter - 100 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 25 gr.
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • zest of ½ lemon
  • cold water - 1-2 tbsp.

Happy New Year everyone! And many delicious gifts!

Good luck, love and patience.

New Year is a favorite and long-awaited holiday for many people; it is customary to prepare various dishes for the festive table, including baked goods. Children especially love it, but adults, having become a little children this evening, will not refuse this treat. Cookies can be a good holiday baking option; they are baked in many countries for the New Year. With the advent of the necessary components for traditional New Year's cookies on sale in our country, this dessert has become quite popular and here, baking for the New Year has become more accessible, many people are fond of it.

How are New Year's cookies different from others? The secret is simple: the main difference lies in the shape of the products; chefs try to make New Year's cookies taking into account the holiday symbols. New Year's baked goods are often distinguished by their spicy taste and unusual aroma, which is achieved thanks to the smells of cloves, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric and other aromatic spices. It is with spices that New Year's cookies outperform their simpler counterparts.

New Year's cookies are prepared easily and quickly, and you can find any use for them on the holiday, besides treats.

You can decorate a New Year's tree with your own hand-made New Year's cookies, or you can give them as a gift to a loved one, beautifully placing them in the same homemade box. At the same time, it is advisable to beautifully decorate cookies for the New Year with icing, chocolate, and various confectionery additives. This will add a festive feel to the New Year's cookies. The recipe will tell you the order of your actions when making them, but it is also advisable to see how experienced chefs decorate New Year's cookies. A recipe with a photo exists just for this. New Year's baking for 2019 should be very beautiful; the recipe with photo must be chosen carefully, taking into account suitable symbolism. New Year's cookies will do; the recipe with photos for this holiday should please the Pig, the patron saint of 2019. To the basic recipe for New Year's cookies, it is worth adding bright dyes and aromatic “fiery” seasonings.

But first, study the experience of the masters; they know exactly how to make New Year’s cookies. Recipes with photos posted on our website will help you with this.

Your guests, especially children, should definitely like your baked goods for the New Year 2019. Recipes with photos on our website are why we recommend them for study.

To any basic version of the dough, you can safely add vanillin, cinnamon, nut crumbs and other aromatic and beautiful ingredients;

The dough needs to be refrigerated for 2 hours; it will become more suitable for rolling out. You need to achieve a sheet thickness of about 1 centimeter;

Prepare in advance different molds in the form of festive figures: stars, snowmen, snowflakes, Christmas trees, cones, animals, etc.;

In the absence of molds, you can make a stencil out of cardboard and cut out cookies according to it, but this is a more difficult path;

You can also make cookies using inverted cups, glasses of different diameters, you can cut out figures with a sharp and thin knife;

The prepared products should be placed on a parchment-lined baking sheet at some distance from each other; the cookies may increase in size. The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees, and place a baking sheet in it for 10-12 minutes;

Any New Year's cookie recipe requires bright decoration. Melt white chocolate in a water bath and use a pastry syringe or a homemade bag to color the cookies as you wish;

For this you can use glaze, which is prepared as follows: beat the white of one egg with one teaspoon of lemon juice and two cups of powdered sugar. The powder needs to be added little by little until the glaze reaches the desired consistency, not too thick, but not completely liquid; Food coloring is added as desired;

If you intend to draw a more complex pattern on your product, wait until the previous layer of glaze dries;

If colored sprinkles or edible decorative balls are used for decoration, then, on the contrary, there is no need to wait for the glaze to dry;

It is better to store such cookies in tightly closed cardboard or metal boxes so that they do not harden quickly.