Proper cleaning of moonshine with food and caustic soda. Rules and technology for cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate and soda

Preparing all kinds of alcoholic beverages at home is a fairly common occupation among the people. The range of such products includes wines, liqueurs, cognacs, but moonshine is the most popular. Its main advantages include:

  • high degree and similarity with expensive brands of alcoholic beverages;
  • environmental friendliness and availability of products for cooking;
  • the ability to protect yourself from falsifications that are offered and distributed in the retail network;
  • manufacturing economy.

To obtain a safe product, it is necessary not only to follow all technological requirements and recipes, but also to correctly eliminate harmful impurities from its composition. In this case, it is worthwhile to deal in detail with the question of how to clean moonshine with baking soda. This method is the most common and quite effective.

Fusel impurities and acetic aldehyde are dangerous substances in an alcoholic beverage. They not only have a detrimental effect on the human body, but also, with their unpleasant odor, significantly worsen the overall impression of moonshine.

For those who want to know how to properly and effectively clean moonshine with soda, it is worth considering that as a cleaner it is necessary to give preference to such a food variety as sodium bicarbonate. Caustic or soda ash are not suitable for this procedure. These are very aggressive chemicals that, on their own, can cause significant harm to health.

Soda cleaning involves the absorption of all hazardous compounds by the main ingredient and the release of sediment. It is he who is most harmful to the human body. Therefore, obtaining the most attractive product for consumption is based on the use of additional filtration or re-distillation.

For everyone who is wondering how to effectively clean moonshine with soda at home, you need to understand the complexity of this process and listen to the recommendations of experienced professionals:

  • cleaning efficiency will increase with a decrease in the strength of the drink, which should be brought to 40 degrees;
  • it is necessary to carefully approach the process of removing sediment that is dangerous to humans;
  • as a filter, it is desirable to use its carbon counterpart and cotton wool;
  • repeated distillation will give a crystal clear product.

Such simple nuances can not only give nobleness and lightness to an ancient drink, but also preserve the desired strength.

Stages of purification of moonshine

The effect of soda cleaning of an alcoholic drink depends on the correct technology for its implementation. When asked how to properly clean moonshine with baking soda, the answer of experts contains several recommended steps:

  • preparation of soda solution - dilution of soda with water in the same proportion. The fact is taken into account that for each liter of alcohol product, no more than 10 g of sodium bicarbonate must be added;
  • the resulting soda concentrate must be added to a container with moonshine, shake well and tightly close the lid;
  • after 30-40 minutes, repeat the mixing procedure and leave the drink for 12-14 hours in a dark, cool place;
  • Filtration is one of the most important cleaning steps. As improvised devices, you can use activated carbon and cotton wool.

Experienced moonshiners claim that in order to obtain a flawless product, this method is just an intermediate process between the primary and re-distillation of the drink.

For greater clarity and clarity of the entire technology, and to clarify the intricacies of the procedure, watch the video on how to properly clean moonshine with baking soda:

How to clean moonshine with soda from fusel oils and unpleasant odors

An uncompromising technique that allows you to simultaneously get rid of all kinds of dangerous mixtures in moonshine is based on the use of several components: potassium permanganate, food and caustic soda (alkali). This three-component compound has a comprehensive cleansing effect:

  • acetic acid is absorbed by sodium bicarbonate;
  • fusel oils are neutralized with potassium permanganate;
  • alkali carries out additional cleaning from all remaining impurities.

The sequence of the cleaning process consists of simple steps:

  • preparation of manganese solution - mix 250 ml of water and 1.5 g of potassium permanganate. This volume is designed for 1 liter of moonshine;
  • soda solution is prepared by mixing equal amounts of baking soda and water, according to the method described above;
  • pour both solutions into the drink to be purified and mix thoroughly. Infuse the resulting compound for no more than 40 minutes;
  • preparation of an alkaline mixture, involves the addition of water to the alkali in a ratio of 1: 1. Based on 1 liter of alcoholic beverage, 2 g of soda is taken;
  • after adding an alkaline solution to an alcohol product, shake everything up, close the lid tightly and leave for 14 hours in a dark place. The result of cleaning is the loss of harmful sediment.

A feature of this procedure is the need to re-distill the drink. Otherwise, the presence of dangerous residues of soda and manganese can significantly harm human health.

Since acetic acid and certain varieties of fusel oils are the main sources of an unpleasant odor, their elimination will make it possible to remove it in the alcoholic product itself. Therefore, for those who are interested in how to effectively clean moonshine from an unpleasant smell with soda, both the first and second methods are ideal.

The main thing to remember is that thorough filtration from the resulting precipitation is a guarantee not only of the impeccable taste of the drink, but, above all, the safety of the health of its tasters!

Soda is a very budgetary and simple moonshine cleaner from acetic acid. It is useless to filter fusel oils and other harmful impurities in this way, so it is better to choose other methods for these purposes. Many are interested potential harm, which can cause moonshine soda. We will devote a separate chapter to this topic, which goes a little lower.

The cleaning technology is simple and fast, so this method has already proven itself among moonshiners. Sodium bicarbonate does not filter moonshine as well as milk or a water filter, but it can be used for a change. We believe that it is advisable to use it for spot cleaning, when you perfectly understand what and for what purposes you are doing.

After mixing, the drink becomes cloudy. After precipitation and filtration, it disappears.

The danger is only sediment, which drops out during cleaning. It is in it that all harmful substances are collected, which must be excluded from our product without fail. To do this, a mixture of moonshine and soda is filtered through a thick layer of cotton wool or gauze so that all solid particles of sediment do not pass.

There are no more consequences and there can be no more. By correctly observing the cleaning technology, you will achieve a certain degree of cleaning, so soda will only benefit.

Note that we are talking about baking soda. We will write about other soda compounds separately.

Step by step cleaning process

As in most of these cases, the whole point comes down to mixing the cleaner and moonshine, insisting and filtering the sediment through gauze. All this can be done at home without additional equipment. Step by step technology is as follows:

Whether to distill moonshine again is up to you. She will never be redundant.

  1. We take soda in proportions of 10 grams per 1 liter of product and mix it with the same amount of water (10 grams of soda per 10 ml of water).
  2. The resulting mixture slowly pour moonshine and stir.
  3. Shake vigorously.
  4. We wait half an hour, after which we shake vigorously again.
  5. We put for 12 hours in a dark place.
  6. We drain the moonshine from the sediment through a thick layer of gauze or cotton wool.
  7. If there are any problems with the drink, it is recommended to re-distill the distillate (it never hurts anyway).

The optimum strength for purification is 40% unless a second distillation is planned.

On video Alexandra Winnie the Pooh you can see how this process happens visually. The author recommends using this method before the second distillation.

I repeat that the meaning of our whole undertaking is to filter acetic acid, which should be present at a minimum in an alcoholic beverage. Fusel oils and other impurities practically remain in the initial amount, except that cotton wool will slightly reduce their amount.

It will probably be interesting for you to read our opinion on and, which are sometimes used for combined cleaning. I want to say right away that we recommend only soda and salt, and all other methods are extremely ineffective and even dangerous for the body.

To clean moonshine from fusel oils as much as possible, you need to choose the most appropriate method. Each technique is quite simple and is made using substances that are available in every home. Purification of moonshine removes an unpleasant smell and taste, giving a special softness to alcohol. There are many ways to get rid of bad taste. However, not all methods are harmless and help expel pleasant, high-quality alcohol. How to properly clean moonshine is of interest to many manufacturers of this folk drink.


Moonshine has been around for a long time. Methods for making homemade alcohol are passed down from generation to generation. Moonshine recipes are countless. The products for its preparation are different, therefore moonshine of different quality is produced. This factor also depends on the fusel oils that are present in the liquid after the distillation of the mash.

Unpleasant smell and taste are not the only disadvantages of moonshine. For human health, fusel oils are dangerous. They can lead to poisoning of the body. These toxic substances are created during the fermentation of mash. Most of the fusel oils remain in it during distillation. But even a small proportion of them, which has passed into home-made vodka along with alcohol fumes, is a serious danger.

Fusel oils in moonshine

To reduce the content of toxic oils and expel high-quality alcohol, you need:

  • make a bookmark for mash from proven ingredients: sugar, wheat, barley;
  • ensure the correct mode of fermentation;
  • during distillation, adhere to the optimum heating temperature.

Fusel oils are by-products of viscous substances in alcohol with an unpleasant odor, formed during the production of alcohol from starch-containing, sugar and fruit components during the fermentation process. With a strong boil of the mash, the amount of evaporated fusel oils increases, which then condense in the cooling tube along with alcohol. Therefore, monitor the temperature of the heating of the mash in the apparatus. It should not exceed 90 C.

It's important to know!

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Among the available products used to clean homemade moonshine, the most popular are:

  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • baking soda;
  • Activated carbon;
  • charcoal;
  • milk;
  • poultry eggs.

Cleaning moonshine with eggs

They are added to the produced moonshine to bind and separate harmful components from alcohol. After the formation of a precipitate, homemade vodka is filtered. How to clean moonshine with these products?


The technology for cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate is simple. It is diluted in alcohol produced during distillation at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter. Stir well so that all the crystals dissolve completely and leave for a day to settle. Complete clarification of the liquid and sediment in the form of flakes at the bottom of the can will notify the end of the process. It remains to strain the alcohol through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. To improve the filtration process, activated carbon powder can be placed on the fabric.

Technology for cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate

Use only the indicated proportion, a large amount of potassium permanganate can adversely affect the body and also cause poisoning.


To clean moonshine from harmful substances and not harm the body, you can use ordinary soda. It is widely used in baking and for other household purposes in every home. To neutralize acetic acid, which is in moonshine, it is administered in an amount of 1 g per 1 liter.

Alcohol cleaning soda

Keep in mind, the amount of soda in a teaspoon without a slide is 12g. Use these parameters when calculating when you determine how much it will need to be added to moonshine. The action of soda lasts at least 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to filter the alcohol neutralized by it.


These preparations differ in composition, but are similar in their absorbent properties. They are the substances that fusel oils and other poisons in moonshine "stick" to. They are used in different ways:

  1. Put any coal to filter the condensed alcohol in a watering can on cotton wool during the distillation of mash.
  2. At the rate of 50 g per 1 liter, activated carbon powder is poured into a jar of homemade alcohol and left for a month. Every day, carefully shake the mixture of coal with moonshine. After a month, the mixture must be filtered through several layers of gauze.
  3. Charcoal filtration is also carried out, but the process of binding fusel oils in moonshine is accelerated from 30 to 3 days. Therefore, 3 days after filtering, homemade alcohol will be ready for use.

Filtration with charcoal

Purification of moonshine with the help of different types of coal chips is of the highest quality. This technique can be used at the final stage in combination with other options for getting rid of alcohol from fusel oils. This guarantees the preparation of the purest drink when brewing at home.


You can very effectively cleanse moonshine with milk. The content of casein and albumin in it determines the removal of harmful components in homemade vodka when they are chemically combined. The use of this product makes it possible to prepare high-quality alcohol of our own production. Here are some cleaning methods with milk:

  1. Purification of milk mash during the distillation process. This technique is used to precipitate harmful substances and condense pure alcohol vapors without fusel oils. Use the ratio: 1 liter of milk to 5 liters of mash. The prepared alcohol is distilled several times until a transparent state. The effect will be enhanced when using activated carbon on cotton wool in a kitchen watering can, where moonshine drips.
  2. If you need to purify already distilled alcohol from ordinary mash, use the following proportion for this: 2 liters of milk per 10 liters of moonshine. Within a week, the created mixture should be mixed and stored in a dark place. Milk protein will curdle when combined with fusel oils and settle to the bottom. The procedure for removing harmful impurities from alcohol is completed by filtration through several layers of gauze. Then the filtered moonshine needs to be distilled again.

Purification of distilled alcohol with milk

Use only skimmed milk so as not to get an unpleasant taste and cloudy moonshine.

Cleansing with milk is a safe and effective way, which is distinguished by its simplicity and affordability. After preparing pure alcohol with this method, you will be pleasantly surprised by the softness of moonshine when consumed.


The principle of action of egg white to remove poisons is similar to the milk technique. In the process of coagulation, toxic impurities in the alcohol solution bind with protein components and settle to the bottom. To remove harmful particles from 1 liter of moonshine, you need to use 2 eggs. First, the proteins are beaten a little until a homogeneous consistency and then poured into a container with homemade vodka. When all the sediment sinks to the bottom, you will need to filter the alcohol with gauze. In the purified moonshine, in no case should flakes with harmful particles remain. Pay attention to the freshness of the eggs. If they do not sink in water, they should not be eaten and used to purify alcohol. Such eggs can poison a person.

The principle of action of egg white to remove poisons

Often, manufacturers of homemade moonshine believe that alcohol made by oneself cannot harm the body. However, do not forget to clean it after distilling the mash. It contains poisons. Be sure to use the above methods of purification of this drink in order to protect yourself from poisoning. Only then can you calmly set out a decanter of homemade vodka for yourself and your guests, without fear of discomfort during the holiday and the next day. You just have to choose a way to clean the moonshine. Take care of yourself!

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Each distiller will be able to determine the contamination of moonshine, for this it is enough to pour a little drink on a saucer and set it on fire until it completely evaporates. At the bottom, as a rule, there will be sediment, which is the component containing fusel oils.

The oily consistency can be pale yellow or brown in color, its distinguishing feature is a sharp unpleasant odor. In addition to this component, the raw material also contains methyl alcohol, acids and other components. Therefore, the purification of moonshine with soda is an important step in the preparation of a quality drink.

For these purposes, you can use:

  • baking soda (NaHCO3);
  • caustic (NaOH).

In the process of cleaning moonshine, you can still use alkali, but it must first be mixed with other extinguishing elements, since it acts aggressively on the body.

Standard distillate purification method

Cleaning moonshine with baking soda does not have any difficulties. First you need to prepare the following components.


  • soda - 50 gr.;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • moonshine - 5 l.

How to properly clean:

The proportions can be reduced or increased, but only based on the specified parameters. Then follow the steps:

  1. Make a soda solution in water and pour the mixture into a jar of moonshine.
  2. Close the lid tightly, shake well and place in a cool place for half an hour.
  3. At the end of this time, mix everything again and put it in a dark part of the room for 12 hours.
  4. After the appearance of sediment at the bottom, the raw material is filtered through a funnel with a cotton-gauze filter and wooden charcoal.

After cleaning the moonshine with soda, its crystals should not remain in alcohol. If the first filtration is poor, it will need to be repeated.

In this case, it is impossible to do without the secondary distillation of alcohol, since there is a possibility of deterioration not only in the taste and aroma of the drink, but also in the health of the taster.

Benefit and harm

Cleaning moonshine with soda at home is considered a fairly effective method. The crystals of the component are able to eliminate acidic compounds and precipitate fusel oils to the bottom. But if you use the method not according to the recommended recipe or filter the liquid poorly, the taste of the drink may deteriorate.

Also, such a mixture will adversely affect the human body. Soda solution violates the microflora and mucous membrane of the stomach, and this leads to the development of gastrointestinal diseases. That is why with the use of soda in the purification of moonshine, it is imperative to filter the distillate well and re-distill it.

Combined cleansing with potassium permanganate

Homemade moonshine with a high concentration of alcohol should be diluted with bottled water before soda cleaning until a strength of 35-40 ° is obtained. This is due to the fact that the cleaning ingredient is not capable of separating harmful impurities under such conditions, and besides, dilution will then be required for secondary distillation.

If you clean moonshine with a caustic, food composition and manganese at the same time, not only acids, fusel oils, but also essential elements with other harmful impurities can be removed from the liquid.


  • homemade moonshine - 10 l;
  • baking soda - up to 100 gr. caustic - 20 gr.;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • potassium permanganate - 15 gr.

Cleaning method steps:

Before cleaning, dilute the caustic powder with water. This composition is placed in the cleaning liquid after its complete preparation.

  • make a soda solution in water, add potassium permanganate;
  • mix with food mixture;
  • leave the components for 30 minutes and then shake everything again;
  • pour into an alcoholic drink;
  • close tightly with a lid, stir and put in a cool place for a day.

Such a process is ineffective and in some sense even dangerous to human health. Sodium hydroxide is a caustic alkali and has the ability to corrode everything that comes into contact with it.

VIDEO: Salt and soda for pure distillate

Cleaning with baking soda and potassium permanganate

Thanks to the use of potassium permanganate in the process of cleaning alcohol with a soda solution, one can observe how many harmful components were contained in alcohol. The point is the coloring ability of permanganate, when reacting with foreign components, it gives them a rich purple hue.

Potassium permanganate should only be used in combination with other cleaners, since it cannot completely clean the product on its own.


  • permanganate - 1.5 gr.;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • baking soda - 10 gr.

Filtration method

Dissolve the permanganate in 200 ml of water, and make a soda solution with the remaining 100 ml. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients with alcohol, then add the manganese solution and shake again. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, then tightly close the lid and place in a dark, cold place for 15 hours. The final stage is repeated filtration and secondary distillation.

Using a baking soda solution

This recipe for cleaning a fortified drink was used in the second half of the nineteenth century. To carry out the process, alcohol and standard table products are used, which are available in the kitchen of every housewife.


  • rock salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • drinking soda - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • moonshine with a strength of 40% - 1 l.


  1. Pour salt and soda into an alcoholic drink, taking into account the recommended amount, stir until partially dissolved and leave for 30 minutes. Then shake again and leave in a cool room for 10-14 hours.
  2. During this time, a chemical reaction will occur, due to which harmful components will precipitate at the bottom of the container. This mixture can be removed by filtering through a funnel with a cotton plug equipped with charcoal.

A few words in conclusion

Experts do not recommend using cleaning methods using a combination of components such as two types of soda and potassium permanganate. This combination will not only bring little benefit, but can also cause the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Of the listed variations, only soda-salt solution should be distinguished. It is harmless to the body, but also not able to completely eliminate harmful components from the drink, so re-distillation is a mandatory step.

Experienced moonshiners do not recommend filtering distillate made from fruit or berry mash with soda solution. It is much more efficient and safe for organoleptics to use a carbon filter. You can make a primitive coal column yourself:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle, make several holes in the cork.
  2. Line the bottom with two layers of gauze.
  3. Pour in the charcoal, shaking it so that it is tightly packed.

The coal column is ready, it remains to pass the distillate through it.

VIDEO: How to get odorless moonshine

Everyone who is seriously engaged in moonshine brewing and has already prepared more than one liter of drink knows that cleaning moonshine from fusel oils, harmful formations, and impurities is just as important as making high-quality home brew. The craftsmen came up with and tested many ways to achieve the purity of the product, in particular, with soda and salt.

There are many proven ways to clean alcohol from unpleasant odors and tastes: filtering with soda, activated carbon, milk, salt, settling, distillation. A popular and at the same time controversial method is cleaning moonshine with soda and salt. The effect of these components is undoubtedly positive, but there are a number of side undesirable results.

It has long been established that salt and soda have a strong antiseptic effect. They are able to purify liquids from harmful bacteria or impurities. Moonshine always contains acetic acid, as well as formic acid. Yes, there is not much of it, but accumulating in the body during the use of the potion, the acid will cause diseases of the tissues of the kidneys and liver. It is her detrimental effect that nullifies soda. As for salt, its addition neutralizes toxic substances in the liquid. These two agents are used both separately and in combination. Combining the components will give a stronger effect.

What kind of soda is right?

Before you start cleaning moonshine, you should make sure that this is exactly what you need to do. After all, the process is not the easiest, it requires care, caution. And also after it you need to re-distill the product. To check, it is enough to collect alcohol in a spoon and set it on fire. If at the bottom, after combustion, an oily formation remains, then there are a lot of fusel oils in the drink. This will also be reported by a characteristic unpleasant odor.

When a distiller has determined that his product needs to be refined, he must choose the right soda. This method involves the use of:

  1. sodium bicarbonate or baking soda.
  2. Mixing caustic soda with food and adding potassium permanganate to them.

It is important to remember that caustic soda is an alkali, an active agent that can cause severe damage to a person through direct contact. Soda ash is also not suitable due to its aggressive chemical properties. It is better to clean the dishes with it, the moonshine still after cooking moonshine. You can get potassium permanganate only in a pharmacy by prescription. The best way out is a combination of the above means to achieve the most positive result. Such filtration can be done before and after the second distillation.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of the method are visible immediately after the second distillation:

The drink will become transparent.

The unpleasant smell will disappear.

Harmful acids, toxic substances will be removed.

The taste will become more pleasant, softer.

Harm, subject to all the rules of the process and safety precautions when working with chemicals, the drink will not cause. At the same time, reacting with acids, fusel oils, soda particles form flakes that precipitate. If it enters the human body, trouble cannot be avoided, since the thick contains everything harmful that the soda has collected on itself. This leads to the fact that the mixture requires careful filtration, as well as re-distillation.

Soda cleaning method

After multiple trials and errors in attempts to clean moonshine with soda, the following algorithm of actions was deduced:

  1. Make sure that the strength of the moonshine being cleaned does not exceed 45 °.
  2. Soda solution with water will be one to one by weight. Per liter of alcohol take 10 g of sodium bicarbonate.
  3. Mix soda solution with moonshine. Cover tightly with a lid and leave to stand for an hour.
  4. This is followed by a 12-hour period during which all chemical reactions of the active substances will take place. It is better to infuse alcohol in a dark place.
  5. There should have been some sediment. It is filtered out by pouring moonshine through a double layer of cotton wool. For maximum quality, a crushed charcoal tablet is also placed on top at the exit.
  6. Now follows a second distillation, after which the alcohol is poured into glass containers.

The clause regarding re-distillation is obligatory. By failing to do so, the distiller runs the risk of consuming the harmful residues of the chemical reaction. So you can cause great harm to the stomach, liver, kidneys. And the taste of a drink with soda is not the most pleasant, everyone remembers it from childhood, when they had to gargle with a sore throat with a solution.

Mixing baking soda and salt

When it is necessary to soften the taste of alcohol, while eliminating possible toxins, salt is connected to the filtration. The algorithm of actions does not change much and looks like this:

  1. If there is no desire to delay the cleaning process, you need to lower the degree of the drink to 25–30 °.
  2. Prepare a mixture of soda, salt, moonshine for cleaning in the following proportions:
    • salt - a teaspoon;
    • table soda - a teaspoon;
    • moonshine - one liter.
  1. Before mixing the powder part with the liquid, salt and soda should be dissolved in a small amount of warm boiled water. This will make it easier to add components to the base.
  2. After stirring such a drink with a wooden spoon, let it stand for several hours calmly.
  3. The mixture is shaken several times before filtration. Filtered strong alcohol is sent for re-distillation.
  4. Pour into bottles.

Everyone has different taste preferences, and the drink has not only a crystal look, but also a neutral taste. It can be diversified by adding honey, lemon zest, cinnamon, orange zest, apple skin.

The combination of soda with potassium permanganate

Experienced moonshiners are thrifty. When they want to clean their drink as much as possible, the “forbidden” potassium permanganate is used. In addition, caustic soda is mixed in to eliminate unnecessary compounds.


  1. Moonshine - one liter.
  2. Baking soda - 10 g.
  3. Caustic soda - two grams.
  4. Potassium permanganate - 1.5 g.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients. Dissolve in a small amount of warm boiled water. Immediately pour into moonshine.
  2. The mixture stands for about an hour, periodically shaken.
  3. Remove the moonshine in a dark place, keep up to two weeks.
  4. Strain through a charcoal filter.
  5. Carry out a second run.

There are many options for how to rid moonshine of harmful components. In addition to those mentioned, butter, rye bread, egg white, milk help. It all depends on the preferences of the winemaker. Methods for filtering alcoholic beverages need to be tried, and then choose the one that is more to your liking.