Pomelo (Citrus grandis). Description, types and cultivation of pomelo

; The fruits of this plant are also called.


Pomelo gardens. Pinghe County, Fujian

Currently grown extensively in southern China, Thailand, Taiwan, southern Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Tahiti and Israel. It grows in small quantities in many countries, for example in the USA (California).

Main varieties

  • Khao horn. Color - yellowish-green. The pulp is white and sweet.
  • Khao namphung. Pear-shaped. Yellowish-green peel. The pulp is yellowish-white and sweet.
  • Khao paen. The shape is a flattened ball. Yellowish-green peel. White pulp, sour taste.
  • Khao phuang. Pear-shaped. Greenish-yellow peel. Yellowish-white, sweet and sour pulp.
  • Thongdi. Ball shape. Dark green peel. The pulp is pink and sweet.


Pomelo fruits are consumed raw and processed. Pomelo is an integral part of many national Thai and Chinese dishes.

In China, during the Chinese New Year, these fruits are given to each other as a symbol of prosperity and well-being. The Chinese living in Thailand use pomelo for religious celebrations, and very often they offer pomelo as a gift to the spirits.

Calorie content, chemical composition

Calorie content of 100 g of fruit pulp is 25-39 kcal.

The fruits contain:

  • 7.6-11.1% dry matter
  • 0.5-0.7% protein
  • 0.1-0.3% fat
  • 0.4-0.8% fiber
  • 0.4-0.7% ash

Mineral composition.

Almost everyone loves juicy, aromatic, healthy and delicious citrus fruits. Many of them no longer even seem exotic to us - for example, lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits, which have become an integral part of our diet. The fruit that we will talk about today is not as familiar as the ones listed above, but it has been familiar and enjoyed by many for a very long time - let’s look at the pomelo, its composition, beneficial properties and areas of application.

What does a citrus tree look like and where does it grow?

Pomelo are large, bright green, yellow or orange balls that resemble a very large grapefruit. The fruit is covered with a rather thick peel, which hides juicy and sweet reddish, yellowish, greenish or almost white pulp.
The tree on which these citrus fruits grow is an evergreen, it has an impressive growth, up to 15 m, and a spherical crown. The homeland of this plant is considered to be China and Southeast Asia - it should be noted that in its native lands, pomelo symbolizes well-being and prosperity.

At the moment, it is grown on an industrial scale in many countries, namely the USA, Japan, China, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Israel, as well as Taiwan and Tahiti.

Did you know? For the first time, a pomelo tree was grown from a seed on the island of Barbados. This citrus fruit is the largest on our planet.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Low calorie content and rich vitamin and mineral composition make this citrus fruit especially attractive. And all because it contains vitamins: A, B, C and PP.

It contains the following minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • magnesium.

100 g of pomelo contains only 38 kcal, and its BJU indicators are as follows:

  • 0.6 g protein;
  • 0.2 g fat;
  • 6.7 g carbohydrates.

Pomelo also contains:

  • 89.1 g water;
  • 0.48 g ash;
  • 1 g dietary fiber.

Important! The seeds, pulp and peel of this fruit contain a large number of essential oils.

What are the benefits of pomelo?

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, pomelo can bring great benefits to the body, namely:

  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Prevents aging of cells and the body as a whole.
  • Strengthens the heart and cleanses blood vessels.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • It is a product for the prevention of cancer.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • Reduces alcohol intoxication.
  • Effective against cough, even asthmatic.
  • Prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Helps strengthen bones and accelerates their healing during fractures.
  • Perfectly quenches thirst.
  • It lifts your spirits.
  • Has a tonic effect.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Increases the body's endurance.
  • Protects skin from ultraviolet exposure.

For women

The female body is greatly affected by malfunctions of the intestines, this especially often happens after eating fatty and fried foods. The result of improper intestinal motility can be constipation, and fecal retention in the body, in turn, will have a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

Regular presence of a fruit such as pomelo in your diet will help prevent or correct such problems.

In addition, the citrus in question helps to prolong youth and preserve beauty. It also helps prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.

Did you know? The closest relative of pomelo in terms of composition and taste is grapefruit, which, by the way, appeared as a result of pollination of oranges with the pollen of this plant.

For men

Pomelo is considered a powerful aphrodisiac; it can increase sexual desire, as well as have a beneficial effect on male potency and improve sperm quality.

In addition, this fruit is considered an excellent remedy for the prevention of prostate cancer.

It also has a positive effect on the health of those men who regularly engage in sports, as it prevents ligament tears and muscle strains, and also promotes rapid recovery of the body after physical activity.

Features of use

Pomelo, undoubtedly, is a healthy product, but it is important to use it correctly, especially in situations where the body is especially vulnerable, that is, during the period of bearing and feeding a baby, during diets and certain diseases.

During pregnancy

This fruit is indicated for women in an “interesting” position for a number of reasons, namely:

  • Saturates the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • Helps cope with disorders nervous system, bad mood and depression.
  • Normalizes stool.
  • Relieves swelling and symptoms of toxicosis.
  • Helps avoid gaining excess weight during this period.
  • Contains folic acid, which is necessary for embryo development.
  • It is an effective and safe means for the prevention of colds and viral diseases.
  • Has a positive effect on the formation of the fetal skeleton.

But it is worth remembering that, like all citrus fruits, pomelo can cause severe allergic reactions, so you should eat it during pregnancy with caution, and if any adverse reactions occur, exclude it from the diet and immediately consult a doctor.

When breastfeeding

Moreover, the absence of allergic reactions in the mother does not at all guarantee that eating a citrus fruit will not affect the baby, so it is not worth the risk.

When losing weight

For those who want to lose extra pounds, pomelo can become a faithful assistant, because this fruit speeds up metabolism and helps cleanse the body.

In addition, pomelo satisfies hunger, saturates the body with energy and nutrients, although it is low in calories. It has become an integral part of many popular diets, as it has another feature - the ability to accelerate the process of fat breakdown.

For diabetes

People suffering from diabetes mellitus are contraindicated in foods with a high glycemic index. Pomelo has a low sugar level, so diabetics can and should use it: the fruit normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

At what age can children

Pediatricians have different opinions on this issue: some believe that this fruit can be introduced into a baby’s diet from the age of one year, while others believe that no earlier than 3 years.

It is necessary to be guided by the health status of each individual child.

If the baby does not have a tendency to allergic reactions, then you can carefully begin to introduce pomelo into the diet after 12 months: first, try a teaspoon of juice, and if there are no problems, give the pulp in small portions and observe the body’s reaction.
In cases where there are no manifestations of allergies, feel free to pamper your little one with this delicious fruit.

In other cases, if a child is susceptible to dermatitis, diathesis and allergies, it is better to postpone introduction to this citrus fruit until 3-5 years of age.

How to choose when purchasing

In order to choose a tasty and healthy fruit in a store or market, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • it should be dense to the touch;
  • the peel should be uniform, without dents or cracks;
  • the color must be uniform, without specks and have an exceptionally glossy tint;
  • The heavier the pomelo, the juicier it is.

Important! The most useful fruits are those collected in December - February, so the end of winter - the beginning of spring isbest time to buy citrus fruit.

How to store at home

There will be no problems with storing the fruit, as it will feel great at room temperature for a month. If you plan to store it longer, then it is better to put the pomelo in the refrigerator, cellar or on the balcony, that is, store it in a cool place, protected from light.

If the pomelo has already been peeled, then in this form it is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Many people are interested in the question of how to prepare the fruit for consumption, what it goes with, and how to use it correctly. Let's look at all these points in detail.

How to clean and eat

To begin with, the fruit is washed and peeled from the thick peel. This can be done either with a knife or by hand. Then it is divided into slices, after which the films are removed from each of them, leaving only the juicy and sweet pulp.

Why might it taste bitter?

If the pomelo is properly cleaned and all the white layers are removed from it, then bitterness can only be caused by the fact that the fruit is not ripe. Unripe fruits cannot do any harm, but they also have virtually no benefit.

Is it possible to have a pomelo at night?

The fruit helps to quickly saturate the body and also quenches thirst. Such a vitamin dinner will only be beneficial, even if it takes place at a very late time.

Did you know? Watermelon and pomelo have one thing in common: both large berries and large citrus fruits have a strong diuretic effect.

What can be done and where to add

In addition to the fact that this fruit can be a separate snack or serve as a dessert, its pulp can be added to fruit, vegetable, meat and fish salads, and also used to make candied fruits, marmalades, jams and preserves.

It should be taken into account that only non-thermally processed fruits will bring great benefits to the body.

You can make juice from pomelo, which can be an independent drink and a component of a variety of non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails.
This fruit goes well with almost all products, the only exception being milk, since in combination with milk proteins a reaction can occur that will lead to bloating and complicate the work of the stomach.

Important! It is better to consume pomelo after meals or before bed, but it is not recommended to eat it on an empty stomach.

How can it be used in cosmetology?

If you combine the internal use of this fruit with external use, you can achieve amazing results. Due to the high content of nutrients, this product is classified as a product of beauty, health and youth.

Moisturizing face mask

In order to fill the skin with moisture, improve its color and texture, you can prepare the following mask:

  • 3-4 pomelo slices must be cleared of veins and finely chopped;
  • add 1 tsp to the fruit mixture. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • Mix thoroughly and apply an even layer to the face, neck and décolleté.

After 15-20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water or freshly brewed green tea, cooled to an acceptable temperature. After this, apply moisturizer to the skin and enjoy the result.

Body Scrub

Preparing a scrub will not take much of your time and labor, and the results after the procedure will pleasantly please you.

To prepare peeling at home, you will need:

  • pomelo peel and pulp – 100 g;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

The peel and pulp of citrus fruits are crushed and mixed with the remaining ingredients. The finished mass is evenly applied to the steamed body, avoiding the chest area.
The scrub should be left on the skin for 10-15 minutes, during which it is easy to massage the skin, then rinse with warm or contrast water and apply moisturizer. The procedure should be carried out no more than once every 3 days.

Contraindications and harm

Pomelo can cause harm only in cases where a person has an individual intolerance to the components included in its composition. It is also not recommended to eat too much of this citrus - 4-5 slices a day are enough to maintain body tone.

You should not eat this fruit:

  • with a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • during the acute course of hepatitis or colitis, as well as with nephritis;
  • with increased acidity.

It is also worth remembering that pomelo has a laxative effect, and can also worsen or improve the effect of some medications, so if you have any health problems, it is better to consult your doctor before using it.

Now you know about all the beneficial properties of this fruit, as well as how to eat it correctly and what to combine it with.

If you adhere to a healthy diet, then pomelo will certainly become a worthy addition to your balanced diet and will help control your weight and the concentration of nutrients in the body.

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lat. Citrus grandis or Citrus maxima) - a species of plant from the genus Citrus. This name also refers to the fruits of this plant.

Other names for this fruit, which can be found in various sources: pamela, pomela, pompelmousse, sheddock or shaddock.

Shaddock pomelo was named after the English captain Shaddock, who brought pomelo seeds to Western India from the Malay Archipelago in the 17th century.

The name comes from the English "pomelo", "pummelo" and "pumelo", as well as from the Dutch "pompelmoes" - pompelmus.

An evergreen tree up to 15 meters high with a spherical crown. The leaves are large. The flowers are white, 3 to 7 cm in diameter, solitary or from 2 to 10 in an inflorescence. The fruit is covered with a thick peel and is divided into large segments, sealed together by a rigid partition. Each lobe may contain seeds. The color of ripe fruits ranges from pale green to yellow, they are larger in size than grapefruit, they also differ from it in larger fibers and a sweeter taste.

Pomelo is considered the largest of the citrus fruits. The weight of the fruit can reach 10 kilograms, diameter - 30 centimeters. The taste is sour-sweet with notes of bitterness. The pulp of pomelo is drier than that of other citrus fruits.

Pomelo originally appeared in Southeast Asia, Malaysia, and grew on the islands of Tonga and Fiji. It was known in China as early as 100 BC. e. This fruit was brought to Europe by sailors in the 14th century.

Pomelo fruits are consumed raw and processed. Pomelo is an integral part of many national Thai and Chinese dishes.

In China, during the Chinese New Year, these fruits are given to each other as a symbol of prosperity and well-being. The Chinese living in Thailand use pomelo for religious celebrations. Very often, broomsticks are presented as a gift to the spirits.

Currently, pomelo is actively grown in southern China, Thailand, Taiwan, southern Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, the islands of Tahiti and Israel. It grows in small quantities in many countries, for example in the USA (California).

According to some sources, pomelo has about 20 varieties, the most popular of them are varieties "Khao horn" And "Thongdi".

Pomelo varieties

Pomelo "Khao horn". Color - yellowish-green. The pulp is white and sweet.

Pomelo "Khao namphung". Pear-shaped. Yellowish-green peel. The pulp is yellowish-white and sweet.

Pomelo "Khao paen". The pomelo variety has been cultivated mainly in the south of Bangkok (Thailand) for about 160 years.

The shape of the fruit is a flattened ball. The fruit is soft. The thickness of the peel is 1-2 cm, the color is greenish-yellowish. The peel may look somewhat wrinkled - this feature appears after prolonged storage and does not in any way indicate spoilage of the fruit. The pulp itself is large in size and is divided into 12-15 segments, which are difficult to divide, but the film peels off from them very well.
The pomelo pulp of the “Khao paen” variety is very juicy, sweet, slightly sour in taste with a slight hint of bitterness, white in color. The grains in the fruits are underdeveloped when harvested, and become fully developed already on the store counter.

This variety was bred in 1929 in the USA.

Pomelo "Khao phuang". Artificially bred in 1913 in the Philippines by American researcher P.J. Wester. The original fruit for cultivation was taken from the garden of Prince Jugelar (Bangkok) and grafted onto a tangerine tree of the calamondin variety. The trees bore fruit in 1916.

The fruit is in the shape of an oblong pear, with a neck, about 12 cm wide or more, green skin, which when ripe turns greenish-yellow and becomes smooth and shiny, 1.25 - 2 cm thick. The pulp is divided into 11-13 lobes, which are easy to separate. The film from the lobules and the membranes between them are usually not eaten. This variety of pomelo is juicy and has an excellent taste, slightly sour, becomes sweet when ripe, not bitter. There are almost no seeds.

The main exporter of this variety is Thailand, because there the conditions for growing a given fruit are most appropriate. However, the cultivation of this variety of pomelo can also be found in the USA (California), where this pomelo is almost as good in taste and other properties as its relatives from Thailand.

Pomelo "Thongdi". A variety of pomelo bred in Thailand. The fruit has a large spherical shape, about 15 cm in diameter, and in relation to other varieties, a small thickness of the peel - about 1 cm. The pulp is pinkish in color, juicy, and has an excellent sweet taste. There are a lot of seeds. The tree grows well in conditions unfavorable for citrus fruits.

Growing pomelo in natural conditions

Temperature. Pomelo prefers to grow in tropical and subtropical climates, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 30 0 C.

The soil. Pomelo trees prefer a mixture of sand, clay, limestone, and ordinary soil enriched with salts (sea water) as soil. This growing pomelo can be found on the coasts of Florida (USA), the Bahamas, Thailand, in limestone cliffs, in Malaysia, even near abandoned tin mines. Also in Thailand, some residents dig special trenches leading from the coast, and due to constant tides, the soil under the pomelo is fed with salt water.

The need for salt for this fruit is due to the fact that under this condition the fruit itself has a juicier and sweeter taste.

Flowering and harvest. Pomelo can bloom from 2 to 4 times a year, and accordingly produce 4 harvests per year.

Reproduction. Pomelo is propagated by seeds and aerial shoots.

In order to grow pomelo from seeds, you must first keep fresh seeds for about 80 days in conditions with a temperature of 5 0 C and a relative humidity of 56-58%. Only after this can the seeds be planted.

Growing pomelo at home

Lighting. Pomelo prefers bright, diffused light. It is good to take the plant out into the fresh air from spring to autumn, but remember that after wintering the plant cannot be placed in direct sunlight, because If there is a sharp change in lighting conditions, the leaves may get sunburned.

Temperature. The optimal temperature for growing pomelo is 24-30°C. The only thing is that during the heating season you cannot place plants on the windowsill, under which there is a radiator, because... a direct stream of hot air actually destroys the leaves of the plant, with all the resulting consequences.

Watering. For irrigation, it is imperative to use only settled, melted, rain or river water.

For pomelo, it is very important to follow the recommended watering schedule. Both excess and lack of moisture in the soil have a detrimental effect on its normal development. Drying out the soil in the pot leads to the death of the roots, shedding of leaves and often to the death of the plant. Excessive watering causes the soil to become sour (it begins to smell like mold or ammonia). The plant loses its ability to suck water from it and without a quick transplant, it may also die.

In home conditions, which may vary greatly in microclimate, it is unrealistic to recommend at what time intervals plants should be watered. This depends on many factors: temperature and humidity of the surrounding air, as well as the size of the pot, the age of the plant, the number of leaves on it, the composition of the earthen coma, light level, time of year, and so on. There is a simple rule: the smaller the pot and the looser the soil in it, the faster it dries out. Accordingly, the larger the pot and the denser the soil, the less often watering is required.

For pomelo, it is important to maintain moderate substrate moisture.

Spraying. Frequent spraying of the plant crown is also of great importance. Spray with a fine dispersion, soft, settled water. This procedure increases the humidity of the air, saturating it with vapor, and thereby reduces the evaporation of water by the leaves and facilitates the life of the roots. This is a relatively effective technique for humidifying dry air, which has a negative effect on plants. Frequent spraying creates a regime favorable for them. Dry air has a particularly detrimental effect on recently transplanted or rooted plants, as well as those just taken from greenhouses and hothouses. Therefore, they need to be sprayed with a spray bottle even 2-3 times a day with lukewarm, soft, settled water. If the water contains a lot of salts, white streaks may appear on the leaves. This is a trace of dried salts. Getting rid of such marks may not be so easy, although there are a number of techniques available.

Good results can be achieved by using air humidifiers. These devices can maintain a certain air humidity throughout the day. Which has a beneficial effect on plants. Humidifiers are especially effective in winter, when the air in our rooms is especially dry.

Fertilizer. Like all plants, for normal existence, growth, flowering and fruiting, pomelo needs, first of all, basic chemical elements - the so-called macroelements: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and in addition iron, calcium, sulfur and magnesium.

Most of all, the plant consumes nitrogen, since it is part of protein and is the basis of all life processes. Pomelo are especially demanding of this nutrient at the beginning of growth and during fruit set. Sufficient nitrogen intake promotes good shoot development and the formation of high-quality foliage with a healthy dark green color.

Phosphorus is part of complex proteins and is involved in the construction of plant cells, speeds up fruiting, improves the quality of fruits, increasing their sugar and vitamin content. Normal phosphorus nutrition contributes to the respiration of the pomelo, the good development of its root system, the formation of the ovary and, consequently, productivity. Therefore, phosphorus is most effective at the beginning of the growing season, but with the simultaneous introduction of other elements into the soil, primarily nitrogen and potassium.

Potassium promotes nitrogen absorption. In addition, it increases the intensity of photosynthesis of leaves, improves metabolism, and pomelo promotes the accumulation of sugar in fruits. Potassium accelerates the ripening and lignification of shoots, the ripening of fruits, increases productivity, as well as the resistance of trees to diseases.

The divalent calcium ion is of great importance in plant life. It is present in all cellular structures and stabilizes their functions. Calcium is especially important for the normal development and activity of the root system.

With a deficiency of this element, the formation and growth of roots is delayed. Lack of calcium primarily affects the development of young organs. A characteristic sign is discoloration of the growth cone and young leaves, as well as their curling. Brown spots are also observed on young leaves. Excess calcium negatively affects the absorption of iron, zinc, and manganese.

Magnesium is part of chlorophyll. It activates many enzymes. A lack of magnesium is accompanied by chlorosis of the leaves - they begin to turn pale (or pink) between the veins from the middle to the edges, become variegated, and the edges of the leaves curl. The root system develops poorly and the plants become depleted.

Transfer. The dormant period of citrus fruits ends around the end of February - at this time the buds swell on the plants and new shoots appear. But even earlier, plant roots begin to grow, requiring increased nutrition. Therefore, it is quite important to be on time with the spring transshipment. Its recommended time is the second half of February - early March. You can use garden soil as a substrate, but it is better to use special soil for citrus fruits. It can be made from equal parts of turf soil, well-rotted three-year-old manure and leaf humus with the addition of river sand (about 10 percent of the total mass). For adult citrus fruits, a slightly different composition is recommended: two parts each of turf, deciduous soil, garden compost and one part each of manure humus and river sand. In large tub specimens, instead of reloading the top layer of soil, the substrate is new and nutritious. The pH of the substrate should be from 5.5 to 7.5.

Regular replanting of the pomelo into fresh soil is required not only to replenish nutrients, but also because over time in a flower pot (especially at its bottom with poor drainage), the initial acidity of the soil changes. Replacing the old soil with a new one helps to correct it. Do not forget that citrus fruits react painfully to complete replanting, which is why it is replaced by transshipment with partial replacement of the substrate, so as not to injure the roots of the plants too much.

The main thing is not to be late with transshipment. This is especially important for young plants, as their roots grow very quickly. The size of the dishes and the frequency of handling primarily depend on the degree of their growth, and not on the age of the citrus fruit, as indicated in many manuals. Dishes that are too tight and too spacious are also unsuitable. In the first case, due to the insufficient volume of soil, the plant will not have enough nutrients, and in the second, the substrate turns sour, causing root diseases. The main rule when deciding to transfer a plant to a new container: replant when the roots of the plant completely envelop the entire earthen ball and rest against the walls of the pot. You can check the condition of the earthen ball by very carefully removing the plant from the pot. The technique of the procedure is as follows: tap the container with the plant on all sides with any hard object, then firmly hold the stem between your fingers with your left hand, and, supporting the pot with the same palm, turn it down. With your right hand, tap on the bottom and remove the pot.

Strong entanglement of an old clod of earth with roots indicates the need for urgent transshipment. It is also required in cases where citrus stops growing or develops very slowly, when underdeveloped branches appear or leaves turn yellow. If necessary, transshipment and replanting are possible at all times of the year, although it is better to avoid it during budding, flowering and fruiting of trees. In case of transplantation in the autumn-winter period, it is worth taking care of additional lighting.

You should always remember that pomelo, like other citrus fruits, is handled extremely carefully and only with a clod of earth, so as not to disturb the delicate roots in any way. No pruning is allowed; only completely dried or rotten parts can be carefully removed. The destruction of the earthen clod and the inevitable damage to the roots often leads to prolonged inhibition of development, and even to the death of the plant.

If for some reason the roots are disturbed, then this advice will help: it is useful to cover the plant on top with a glass jar or plastic bag for two to three weeks. It will not be superfluous to spray the plant with bioregulators: epin or zircon.

Container for pomelo Any kind is suitable - clay, wood, plastic - they even grow in plastic bags. The basic rule is to have a hole for water to drain and have good drainage. During the next transshipment, the new container should be larger in diameter than the old one by about 3-5, and the tub by 10-15 centimeters. The pot must be placed on a pallet.

Plant the plant like this: Place a shard with the convex side up on the drainage hole (instead of shards you can use caps from plastic bottles with cutouts on the sides), then a layer of drainage made of coarse sand or expanded clay. You can lay charcoal on the drainage, in a layer of about 1 cm. If available, you can put a little dry rotted manure on the drainage as a nutrient reserve, then pour several handfuls of substrate. Carefully lower the lump with the plant, supporting it by the stem with your left hand, and evenly filling the soil between the lump and the walls of the dish with your right hand. The root collar should be at the level of the upper edges of the pot or slightly lower, otherwise it may then rot from excess moisture. To fill the pot more evenly with soil, tap its bottom on the table. But you should not pack the soil too tightly.

If the plant is in a very depressed state, if the root is rotting, if the substrate is strongly alkalized, if the plant does not like the substrate, etc. What is desirable is not transshipment, but rather replanting with a complete replacement of the substrate.

Before transplanting, new clay pots are kept in water for several hours, while old ones are thoroughly washed, cleaned of dirt and mold and disinfected by calcination. Plastic containers last the longest. It is only advisable to arrange the drainage in them in a thicker layer than usual, since the substrate in such containers dries out more slowly.

For large adult pomelo, wooden containers are well suited - cone-shaped boxes, tubs made of oak or pine boards. Tubs made from other types of wood, especially linden, are less suitable as they rot quickly. They can last longer if the inside is lightly burned until a uniform thin layer of charcoal appears.

Reproduction. In citrus growing, there are two methods of plant propagation - seed and vegetative (grafting, cuttings and layering). The most powerful trees grow from seeds, but they have to wait a long time for fruiting. Grafted, cuttings and grown from layerings develop more slowly, especially when the cuttings are taken not from indoor plants, but from greenhouse plants, but with good care this difference can be smoothed out. They are usually propagated in the spring or in the first summer months. Pomelo is propagated only by seeds and air layering

Seed propagation. Plant pomelo seeds in a substrate composed of light humus with the addition of river sand immediately after eating the fruit itself. Otherwise, they will dry out and will not germinate. The seeds do not lose their viability only in the fruits themselves, which are stored for several months.

They are sown to a depth of one centimeter. Water immediately. If you keep the soil moist all the time, then after about a month seedlings appear, often several sprouts from one seed, which is due to the multi-germ nature of citrus seeds.

Shoots that already have two leaves should be transplanted one at a time into small pots with fertile, loose soil. This is done carefully: the seedling is taken with two fingers of the left hand near the base, with a fork immersed in the ground, pry up the root and transfer the plant with the earthen lump to a new pot, where a recess has been made in the soil in advance. All that remains is to add a little soil (to the root collar) and water it.
From the first days of life, it is advisable to accustom seedlings to harsh conditions - lack of light in autumn-winter and dry air. That is, there should be no illumination for them, and it is not necessary to spray them often. Of course, not all seedlings will then develop normally, but the task is precisely to select the most stable ones. And when those that develop faster than others and lose leaves to a lesser extent are identified, it makes sense to apply special techniques to them that accelerate the passage of the necessary stages of growth.

Reproduction by air layering. Unlike lemon and citron, cuttings of orange, grapefruit and pomelo are more difficult to root. Therefore, they use so-called “aerial” rooting, which also allows you to immediately get a new large tree that can bloom the next year. With this method of propagation, it is possible to root the shoot directly on the mother plant. This is exactly what the citrus growers of Adjara have been doing for a long time. In the spring, in the crown of a large tree, they selected a three- to four-year-old branch on which they removed a ring of bark 1-2 centimeters wide. A tin funnel filled with wet sand, moss and light soil was placed in this place. Thanks to the local climate, moisture was retained in the funnel, which contributed to the formation of callus on the branches, and then roots. In the fall it was cut off and planted in the ground, and the next year the young tree was already blooming and bearing its first fruits.

In indoor conditions, the principle of “aerial” rooting remains the same, but the technique itself changes somewhat. First of all, choose a branch with well-developed side shoots in all directions, so that after the formation of roots you will immediately have a properly formed tree. On it, 15-20 centimeters below the last lateral branch, a ring of bark a centimeter wide is removed with a sharp knife (another option is possible - strong constriction with wire). Then, a soft plastic pot, previously cut on one side (vertically), is placed on the branch so that the ringed area is in the very middle of the container, the walls of which are carefully sewn together with wire. The fastened pot will “sit” firmly on the branch if its lower drainage hole exactly matches its diameter. Moss, sawdust or small shavings are placed in layers at the very bottom of the pot. All this is covered with sand, and then with turf humus with the addition of one third of sand (the mixture should be wet).

The rooting of the cuttings will be known by the resumption of its growth, but there is no need to rush to cut off the branch. We must wait until the growth of young shoots stops and the leaves fully ripen.

From the moment the buds on the branch swell, a quarter glass of 0.05% ammonium nitrate solution (half a gram per liter of water) is poured into the container weekly.

The procedure for rooting cuttings is greatly simplified if, instead of a pot, you use ordinary plastic film, in which the branch is wrapped and then tied with a rope on two opposite sides (the earth mixture is the same, it is advisable to soak it with a 0.01% heteroauxin solution). By retaining moisture for a long time and retaining heat well, the film significantly promotes root formation.

After about six months, the cuttings are separated from the mother bush. The branch under the root collar of a new plant has to be cut in two steps. The first time is under the pot, when they are separated from the mother plant, and the second time is when the roots are freed from moss, sawdust, sand and soil and the excess part of the stem is exposed - from the bottom to the roots.

Then the new tree is planted in a pot with nutritious soil. At first, cover it from the sun with a sheet of white paper, spraying the leaves with water daily. If the plant begins to wither, then put a large plastic bag on the crown, and then, after 3-4 weeks, periodically remove it, accustoming the tree to the outside air.

On sale you can find pomelo in various types and colors, which depends not on the ripeness of the fruit, but more from his variety.

So, for example, if you see a pomelo with a light green or yellowish rind color, you can safely buy it. The only thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing is the presence of burgundy spots, stripes, burgundy dents, or rather their absence, because These are signs indicating that this fruit is already spoiled and it is better to discard it. When the fruit is still ripe, it should be a little soft when you press it. If the fruit produces a good aroma, this indicates its juiciness and rich taste.

On sale, broomsticks are usually wrapped in thin oilcloth and covered with mesh on top. Before peeling the fruit, the peel must be washed well, because... it is treated with various chemicals for long-term storage of the fruit.

When you peel the peel, you may be a little surprised, because... its thickness is quite thick, and you might think that half the cost of the fruit is its peel, but I can please you, because... The rind of a pomelo is quite light, weighing no more than the rind of a smaller grapefruit.

Under the skin you will also find a light yellow or reddish fruit. The color depends on the variety. Next, the pomelo slices must be cleaned of the internal membranes, which are very hard and bitter if consumed. That's all, the pomelo is ready to use, both in its natural form and as an ingredient for a recipe.

I would also like to note that you should not squeeze the juice from the pomelo, because... it doesn’t have a lot of juice like its own, so it’s better to use oranges and grapefruits for these purposes.

Bon appetit!

How to store pomelo

Fresh pomelo fruit can be stored at home at room temperature for a month. Peeled pomelo can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Chemical composition of pomelo— 4 mg
Magnesium - 6 mg
Sodium - 1 mg
Potassium - 216 mg
Phosphorus – 17 mg


Iron - 0.11 mg
Zinc - 0.08 mg
Copper - 48 mcg
Manganese - 0.017 mg

Like all other citrus fruits, pomelo has a wide range of beneficial properties for humans. For example, in pomelo great amount B vitamins, vitamin C and carotene, as well as potassium, limonoids and essential oils.

Pomelo fruit- belongs to a genus of plants from the Citrus family. In addition, there are other names for this fruit, such as “pamela”, “pompelmousse” and “shaddock”. The homeland of these fruits is Southeast Asia. The best is considered to be the pomelo that grows in Thailand.

The weight of the fruits on average reaches about 1.5 kg, and their diameter is about 20 cm. The pomelo has a round shape, but sometimes flattened and pear-shaped fruits are also found. The smooth peel can be pale green or bright yellow, depending on the type of fruit (see photo). Under the thick peel there is pulp, which is divided into segments. The sweet and aromatic pomelo pulp can be green, yellow, pink and even reddish in color.

Beneficial features

Due to the content of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, pomelo has an antioxidant effect, which means it helps strengthen the immune system and copes well with colds. In addition, thanks to the vitamin E content, the fruit helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, and it also cleanses blood vessels from plaques. Considering this, we can say that regular use of pomelo is an excellent prevention of heart attack and stroke.

The fruit contains limonoids, which are essentially excellent prevention of cancer development, and they also resist the proliferation and growth of cancer cells. Since pomelo contains potassium, its consumption has a positive effect on the heart muscle, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and helps normalize blood pressure.

The peel of the fruit contains quite a lot of essential oils, which have a positive effect on mood and increase the tone of the whole body. Besides this they have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.

The beneficial properties of pomelo are used in cosmetics. For example, you can make a mask from the fruit that is suitable for any skin type. It will help moisturize the skin and improve its condition when tired. The juice from the fruit can be used as a vitamin facial lotion.

Use in cooking

Compared to other citrus fruits, pomelo is not eaten as often, but this fruit is still included in the recipe for some dishes. For example, in Europe, salads containing this citrus fruit are very popular. It is very important to clean the film from the cloves before use to remove bitterness. The pulp is used as a filling in a variety of baked goods, and marmalade is also made from it.

The taste of pomelo goes well with meat and fish dishes. In addition, this fruit helps these foods be better digested. From the juicy pulp or pomelo juice you can make an original sauce that goes with a huge number of dishes.

Benefits of pomelo fruit and treatment

The benefits of pomelo fruit are due to its rich composition, which makes it possible to use it to treat various diseases. For example, crushed fruit peel is recommended for use for inflammation and minor skin damage. Traditional healers say that regular consumption of pomelo helps improve immunity and should be used as a preventive measure and for the treatment of influenza, colds and various viral diseases.

Harm of pomelo fruit and contraindications

Pomelo fruit can cause harm to people with individual intolerance to the product. Allergy sufferers should avoid eating this fruit.

An exotic citrus called “pamela” appeared in our country relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity and love. This is a relative of the familiar oranges, tangerines and lemons. Entire legends are made up about the beneficial effects of culture on the human body. What exactly is citrus, what are the benefits and harms of pamela? Let's figure it out.

Pamelo - description of where and how the fruit grows

An exotic fruit called “pomelo” or “pamela”, or “shaddog” belongs to the citrus family. This is a round fruit of a yellow-green color, and quite large in size: it can weigh 2-3 kg, but there is also a pomelo weighing 10 kg.

The culture is a large tree (can reach 10 meters in height). The plant blooms with large white flowers and ripens from August to November.

The birthplace of the culture is the Pacific Islands and China. The English navigator Shaddock brought pomelo to Europe, in whose honor the name of the fruit was established in some countries. In China, the plant is especially popular; pomelo is presented as a New Year gift; the culture is a symbol of prosperity and good luck.

Pamela fruit looks like a grapefruit, only larger in size.

There are different varieties of this crop. Depending on the variety, the fruits differ from each other in shape and color. They can be round, flattened, pear-shaped. Inside, citrus is yellow, greenish, white and pink. Pamela fruit tastes like an orange.

Important! Unripe fruits have the greatest value. It is recommended to use them only when picked.

Now the plant is cultivated on an industrial scale in many countries and regions.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Low calorie citrus. This explains its popularity in weight loss diets. 100 g of product contains only 35 kcal. But in terms of its nutritional properties, the culture is very valuable. Just 300-400 g of aromatic and tasty pulp can satisfy a person, without any additional dishes.

Citrus contains large amounts of calcium and potassium, sodium and phosphorus, as well as iron. It contains valuable B vitamins, as well as A and C.

The benefits of pamela for the human body

This exotic fruit from the citrus family has a beneficial effect on the human body. Its benefits are truly enormous.

The tasty product contains many vitamins, essential oils and microelements that have a positive effect on human health:

  1. A huge amount of vitamin C helps to quickly and effectively cope with any cold.
  2. The presence of vitamin A and antioxidants help prevent the division of cancer cells and stop the growth of tumor diseases.
  3. Microelements prevent the aging of the body.
  4. Enzymes perfectly break down fats and proteins, which prevents obesity and activates digestion.

You can learn about the benefits of culture from the video:

Important! The most valuable part of the citrus fruit is the veins. Although they have a slightly bitter taste, they should not be thrown away. It is the veins that effectively cleanse the intestines.

Citrus, when consumed regularly, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Culture increases physical activity, performance and endurance. Therefore, it is also particularly popular among athletes.

The fruit increases hemoglobin and is a natural antibiotic.

Particular attention is paid to the issue of the benefits and harms of culture in diabetes. Pomelo lowers blood sugar levels, so it is recommended for use for diabetes. The only potential harm in this case is a possible allergic reaction of the body.

Citrus improves vision and lowers blood pressure.

For women and men

The fruit is beneficial for both women and men. It stops the aging process in the body, effectively cleanses the intestines and helps to activate the body's protective properties.

Attention! Studies have shown that pomelo cures asthma.

So there are people who got rid of this disease after a 3-year Pamela diet.

Pomelo is actively used in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

Pamela improves blood circulation, which is an excellent prevention of prostatitis in men.

For pregnant women and breastfeeding

The benefits of pamela for pregnant women are undeniable. Vitamins and microelements in citrus contribute to the full development of the unborn child and the normal course of pregnancy in general.

Important! Nursing mothers can also eat pomelo, but in moderation and in the absence of individual intolerance to citrus fruits.

Like all its citrus relatives, pomelo is a fairly strong allergen.

For weight loss

Women especially value pomelo for its low calorie content. Pamela is an important element in various weight loss diets. The Pamela diet will help you lose weight and will not deplete your body, but, on the contrary, will saturate it with useful substances.

How to eat pomelo fruit correctly

Pomelo is consumed raw. To do this, you need to peel it from the top peel, divide it into slices and enjoy the aroma and sweet taste with a pleasant bitterness. Veins also need to be eaten; they are very healthy and effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

Application of the fruit

Pamela is used not only in all kinds of diets, but also simply for healthy eating, in folk medicine and in cosmetology.

Use in folk medicine

For our latitudes, pomelo is still considered an exotic fruit. Therefore, its use in folk medicine is not yet so popular. But still, some traditional healers recommend using this fruit for burns, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, and severe coughs.

In cooking

Even the thick peel of the pomelo is used in cooking. Candied fruits and sweets are made from it, and also added to soups and side dishes as a natural flavoring.

At home, you can brew aromatic and healthy tea from dried pamela peel.

The fruit itself is added to various salads. Pomelo also makes very tasty and healthy freshly squeezed juice.

In cosmetology

The pulp of the fruit, its peel, and even the leaves of the plant are actively used for cosmetic purposes.

Pamela peel contains many bioflavonoids and vitamin C. Together, these beneficial substances prevent the destruction of hyaluronic acid in the skin. It is this acid that is responsible for the youth and beauty of the skin. Therefore, the peel of the culture is actively used both in professional beauty salons and at home. A variety of face masks are made from it.

During the winter cold, it is very useful to wipe your face with citrus slices. Pomelo juice will help tighten the shape of your face.

Harm and contraindications of pomelo

The harm from such a fruit is minimal. The use of the product is contraindicated only in certain cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to citrus fruits, which can lead to an allergic reaction on the skin. This reaction manifests itself as itching and hives.
  2. Significantly increased stomach acidity.
  3. Nephritis and hepatitis in acute form.
  4. Acute form of gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis.
  5. Taking certain medications. Pamela can either enhance or weaken the effect of medications.

How to choose and store pamela

Choosing a product is quite difficult. It’s just hard to determine its ripeness by eye. It is important to pay attention to the peel. A ripe fruit has a slightly glossy, shiny peel, without spots, cracks or damage.

Particular attention should be paid to the citrus aroma. The stronger the aroma, the riper and tastier the fruit.

Storing citrus is also not difficult. Pamela stays fresh for two weeks even without refrigeration. The peeled fruit is stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.


The exotic fruit is truly a storehouse of useful substances for humans. It is recommended to be used for many diseases, as well as to activate the immune system and achieve quality weight loss. A minimum of contraindications makes citrus suitable for consumption by both adults and children.

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