Get carrot juice. Six Great Carrot Juice Recipes

A carrot juice recipe for the winter is the process of preparing an incredibly healthy and vitamin-rich drink.

It would seem that carrots are available in stores all year round, and freshly squeezed juice is much healthier.

However, the juice is prepared from freshly harvested homemade carrots, filled with substances valuable to the body.

This is why you need to prepare carrot juice for the winter in the fall if you have your own garden or bought environmentally friendly, “homegrown” carrots without nitrates.

Preserving carrot juice is very simple: it is heated, poured into jars, pasteurized in hot water, and then sealed.

Such homemade preparations should be stored in a cool and dark place, preferably in the cellar.

A simple recipe for carrot juice for the winter

1. Rinse the carrots thoroughly and peel off the top layer.

2. Pass through a juicer.

3. The resulting juice can be slightly salted if desired, and also acidified with citric acid or lemon juice.

4. Heat in a saucepan to 85 degrees.

5. Pour into jars scalded with boiling water up to the hangers, cover with boiled lids.

6. Sterilize in a large saucepan of boiling water over low heat. Duration of sterilization: 0.5 liter jars - 30 minutes, 1 liter - 45 minutes.

7. Carefully remove one at a time from the pan and immediately roll up the lids.

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Canning carrot juice without sterilization

This is a method of preparing carrot juice for the winter without a juicer with the addition of granulated sugar.


  • water – 1 l
  • juicy ripe carrots – 1 kg
  • sugar – 1-2 tbsp.

Homemade carrot juice recipe:

1. Wash the carrots well and peel them.

2. Cut into small cubes and grind in a blender.

3. Add 1-2 cups of water to the carrot puree and stir.

4. Place on the stove and bring to a boil.

5. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat to low. Cook until the carrots soften, then cool.

6. Make syrup from the remaining water and sugar, boil it for 7-10 minutes.

7. Beat the carrot puree with a mixer until smooth, pour into a clean enamel pan.

8. Add syrup, boil for 5 minutes, stirring.

9. Pour the carrot juice into a sterilized jar and seal with a boiled metal lid.

10. Turn the jar of juice upside down and wrap it in a blanket until it cools.

Before drinking, carrot juice can be mixed with any other juice: apple, pear, grape, etc.

Leading nutritionists strongly advise diluting fruit and vegetable juices by half with water and not consuming them in their pure form.

You need to add a little fat to carrot juice - vegetable oil, sour cream or cream.

After all, its most useful components are fat-soluble.

When I was just getting acquainted with juice therapy - this amazing page of alternative medicine - I was struck by the statement I read in one article: “Carrot juice helps bring the entire body to a normal state.” It sounds mysterious (because there is nothing concrete), but it is fascinating.

However, you can verify for yourself that the body is returning to normal without any books if you start taking 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice on an empty stomach (if there are no contraindications). The body seems to be filled with freshness, energy and strength, the head clears, and the mood becomes complacent and even. I want to move mountains and smile.

The secret of the magical effect of carrots on the human body lies in its nutritional composition. Carrots are the leader in the content of carotene - provitamin A. It contains vitamins B, PP, E, K, C, D, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, copper, potassium, iron and other minerals and substances. Freshly squeezed carrot juice only enhances the magical properties of carrots and allows us to drink them in large sips rather than eat them in small pieces. Literally, because in juice they are absorbed faster and better.

For health and medicinal purposes, carrot juice is usually squeezed out, which, firstly, is absorbed better and faster than the vegetable itself, and secondly, contains beneficial nutrients in high concentration.

Are the benefits of carrot juice undeniable?

Carrot juice is a whole vitamin complex, a factory for the production of energy and good mood. Juice strengthens the immune system, which is important both during the cold season and in the spring, when the body lacks many substances. Immunostimulation contributes, in particular, to the high content carotene(provitamin A).

In addition to ingestion, carrot juice is also used as an external medicine: since ancient times it has been applied to burns, wounds, ulcers. Now the drink is often recommended as a folk recipe for various skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis and others. However, when used as an external remedy for skin diseases, you must also take carrot juice internally. As with conjunctivitis and ophthalmia(rinse eyes and drink).

Carrots are good for you for digestive disorders, promotes natural removal of stones from the liver and kidneys.

It is believed that raw carrot juice is beneficial for the nervous system, it strengthens it and makes it more resilient. But as for the supposedly unique medicinal properties of raw carrot juice for ulcers and cancer patients, then, unfortunately, this information has not been confirmed. On the contrary, people who are already sick should abstain from carrot juice, and there is no benefit from juice in preventing these diseases.

Nursing mothers You should also pay attention to this drink, because it helps improve milk quality. The benefits of carrot juice for pregnant women and young children are no less obvious, but it is important to be careful: consume daily, but in small portions.

Sometimes carrot drink juice instead of an aperitif, that is, to improve appetite and prepare the stomach and digestive system for work.

Carrot juice: contraindications

No matter how useful this juice is, it should not be consumed in unlimited quantities by everyone - it has quite a few contraindications. Those who have aggravated stomach or duodenal ulcers, gastritis, or simply increased acidity will have to refuse the drink. In addition, people suffering from diabetes should only take it after consulting a doctor, since carrots contain a lot of sugar.

Uncontrolled consumption of freshly squeezed juice can eventually cause headaches, nausea, lethargy and weakness. By the way, another side effect experienced by those who began treatment in this way without following dosages has an aesthetic significance: carrot fans may have a yellowish tint to their skin. After you stop taking the juice, your appearance will return to normal, so you shouldn’t worry about this temporary defect.

Carrot juice is contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, high acidity, diabetes (consume limited!). Side effect of long-term consumption of carrot juice: reversible jaundice.

How to drink carrot juice correctly

Recommendations for taking any vegetable juices (except beetroot) are approximately the same. You need to drink them 30 minutes before meals, fresh. It is better not to put juices in the refrigerator, but to prepare them immediately before consumption, otherwise they will quickly lose their healing power and vitamins.

In the morning, beneficial substances are well absorbed, so you should start your day with a drink: it will charge you with vigor and drive and will help protect the body. The maximum dose per day is 3 glasses, but it is best to visit a doctor before starting juice therapy so that he can make individual recommendations. (Perhaps your “dose” is no more than 1/2 glass per day, or maybe 3 liters will be just right)

In order for the drink to be better absorbed, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, a little milk or cream. If desired, carrot juice can be drunk not in its pure form, but combined with other vegetables and fruits. For example, celery, beets or lemon. Mixes such as carrot-apple, carrot-pumpkin, and carrot-orange are also popular. Mixes are generally considered a healthier and more balanced drink than pure juices.

How to make carrot juice

Store-bought drinks packaged in cans or boxes are unlikely to contain the vitamins, minerals and trace elements stated on the packaging, but they definitely contain preservatives and other “by-products”. Therefore, it is best to prepare juice at home.

The easiest way to get the drink is using a juicer: to do this, just peel and top the carrots and load them into the device. The output will be an orange liquid without pulp and with a pleasant sweetish taste.

If you don’t have a juicer at hand, you can use the old method. Using a blender, food processor or fine grater, grind the carrots to a puree-like state, then wrap the entire mass in gauze folded in several layers. Now you need to squeeze the carrots well until you get juice. The method is quite labor-intensive, but effective.

Some recipes advise adding sugar syrup to the juice for taste, but it is better to do without it, because carrots are already sweet, and the benefits of such manipulations may decrease. If you want to make the drink more pleasant, it is better to pour a spoon of lemon juice into it.

How to store it correctly

Fresh juice can be stored for no more than 20-30 minutes, after which it loses its vitamins and microelements. So prepare the drink right before drinking and in small quantities. This is quite troublesome, so if desired, carrot juice can be preserved. The jars will first need to be sterilized, the drink heated to 80 degrees, passed through gauze so that there is no sediment left, and rolled up. Store in a dark place, but at above-zero temperatures. The disadvantage of this storage method is that heating and other manipulations significantly reduce the benefits of the juice: it will not be as effective as freshly squeezed juice.

Another method of preparation is freezing. The juice should be poured into containers immediately after preparation and stored in the refrigerator. It is best to set the freezer to the lowest possible temperature until the liquid “sets” completely. Before drinking, the juice will need to be left at room temperature and then drunk immediately.

Carrots are most beneficial when they are in season, that is, at the very end of summer and autumn. At this time, it contains a lot of vitamins and practically no foreign substances or growth accelerators. It's tastier and sweeter. “Winter” carrots are usually not as good, so there will be much less benefit from them.

This juice is low in calories - it contains less than 30 kcal per 100 ml, so it can be used as part of a diet. But in this case, you should not actively lean on it: half a glass in the morning is enough to replenish the vitamin deficiency.

During the long winter months, the human body lacks vitamins, so people are interested in preparations that retain most of the nutrients. Carrot juice, stored for the winter, is no exception. They try to prepare it in such a way that the drink retains many elements necessary for the human body.

In order to make a tasty and healthy drink for the winter, you should choose the right carrots. What signs to look out for:

  • Focus on the color of the root crop. The most delicious juice comes from carrots, which have a rich, bright orange color. Such vegetables have more benefits.
  • Vegetable size. You should not buy very large carrots. It accumulates harmful substances that enter the fruit as a result of treatment with chemicals. It is better to use medium-sized or locally grown root crops for this purpose.
  • Degree of maturity. The best vegetables for preparing the drink are those that are well-ripened, have a lot of juice, and are as healthy as possible.

The preparation of root vegetables is carried out as follows:

  1. The fruits should be washed thoroughly. It is advisable not to cut off the top layer, which is located immediately under the skin. It contains the main percentage of carotene. To clean the surface, lightly scrape it with a sharp knife.
  2. Afterwards, you should rinse the carrots again and remove any dirt that remains from cleaning.

After completing the preparations, proceed to further actions.

Subtleties of technology

Depending on the chosen method of preparation, there are certain subtleties, which, when followed, produce a tasty and healthy drink for the winter that will be stored for a long time.

Using a juicer

Prepared carrots (1 kg) are chopped and sent to the juicer. The resulting liquid is poured into a glass container and left to settle for approximately 40 minutes. Citrus zest is added to add flavor. At the end of time, strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

To slightly reduce the concentrate of the carrot drink, add a little water to it. Then pour into a cooking container. Place on low heat and bring to a boil. Continue to simmer for 8 minutes.

Do not let the workpiece boil too much; the temperature should be no more than 80⁰С.

Then add sugar - approximately 100 g, not all at once, but in parts. After it dissolves, pour 2 g of citric acid into the mixture.

Pour the finished drink into dry sterilized jars and place in a container for sterilization, do not close the lids. Sterilize for 25 minutes. Roll up and wrap until completely cool.

Through a meat grinder

In order to prepare carrot juice using a regular meat grinder, you will have to work a little. To begin with, the root vegetables are twisted, then, using gauze, the liquid is drained.

Further cooking technology does not differ from cooking using a juicer. If you want to make juice with pulp, it is better not to use a meat grinder for this purpose. The consistency is very rough.

In a juicer

For housewives who have this device at their disposal, the process of preparing a drink is greatly simplified. It is necessary to cut the vegetables into small pieces and put them in the raw materials department.

Pour warm water into the juicer container and close the hose with a clamp. Put on fire. Cooking time from 30 to 70 minutes.

Distribute the hot juice into jars, roll up and wrap until cool at room temperature.

Regular Carrot Juice Recipe

When preparing at home, it’s easy to prepare a vitamin drink for the winter; you just need to follow the instructions exactly.

You will need any available quantity of carrots; add sugar at the rate of 1 liter of liquid: 20-60 g of sand.

Use any available method to make juice from carrots. Pour into a container and place on low heat. Bring to a boil and add sugar, dissolve the grains and boil for another 1-2 minutes. Pour the prepared juice into jars, sterilize for 25-30 minutes if the jars are liter. Then roll it up and store it.

Preparing a carrot drink is not at all difficult, and it will have a lot of benefits in winter.

Recipe without sterilization

You will need 1 liter of water, 500 g of root vegetables, 100 g of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon. spoons of citric acid.

The drink is prepared in this way: the carrots are chopped, poured with water and put on fire. Cook for 40 minutes. Using an immersion blender, grind the mass along with water. Then add citric acid and put on fire. If the mixture is too thick, add water.

The final stage is pouring the drink into prepared jars, rolling and wrapping until it cools.

To prepare carrot juice without sterilization, you don’t need to spend a lot of effort, and it’s difficult to overestimate the degree of usefulness.

Carrot juice with orange

To prepare such juice for the winter, you should prepare 2 kg of vegetables, 0.5 kg of oranges, 1 liter of water, 100 g of sugar.

Prepare carrot juice. Grind the zest on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Connect them together, add 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of zest. Leave for 30 minutes. brew. Heat the mixture over the fire, without bringing it to a boil, add sugar and wait until it is completely dissolved.

Pour into jars, pasteurize for 30-40 minutes. At the end of time, roll up and wrap well for a day.

Canning Methods

Harvesting is carried out in 2 ways:

  • Pasteurization. First, the mixture is brought to a boil and poured into containers. The jars must be closed with lids and sterilized for 20 to 45 minutes. Only then roll it up.
  • Hot spill. The mixture is boiled over a fire and poured into jars while hot. Then you should roll them up.

The choice of method depends on the personal preferences of the housewife.

Juice storage

Carrot drink has a long shelf life. Of course, subject to strict adherence to the recipe and preparation rules.

If the lid of a can of juice is swollen, such a drink is dangerous to human health.

Depending on the amount of finished juice, it is stored in the refrigerator or cellar. Conditions must be optimal for storage: humidity no more than 80%, temperature from 0 to + 20 ⁰С.

Those who care about their health should take a closer look at the juice preparations of this root vegetable. Its benefits are undeniable, and the preparation process is simple and accessible.

Carrot juice for the winter, which you prepared yourself, will be an excellent helper in cool weather. It's no secret that in autumn and winter, when it gets very cold outside, the body lacks the vitamins and warmth of the sun that it received in abundance in the summer. Due to a lack of vitamins, the immune system often malfunctions, causing a person to suffer from colds. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to constantly maintain the required amount of vitamins in the body. Carrot juice, closed for the winter, will help to do this.

Very often, apples, pumpkin and even beets are added to juice along with carrots. Of course, the more different healthy ingredients, the tastier and healthier the juice will be..

To prepare this delicious homemade drink, you only need carrots and a little lemon juice. It is also advisable to prepare the juicer in advance, rinse and wipe it from dust so that no microbes get into the juice, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.

Even a child can prepare carrot juice for the winter using a juicer. The cooking process is very simple, and it will take very little time. We invite you to verify this by using our recipe, which also contains step-by-step photos of the cooking process.

Wonderful orange juice from carrots is a real healing balm. It is very useful in reasonable quantities, has amazing healing properties and a pleasant fresh taste.

Of course, we are talking about a natural product, and not a substitute from a store bag. There is nothing healthy in industrial juices.

Therefore, those who care about their health and want to please their family should think about making carrot juice at home.

Making a beautiful orange drink at home is not at all difficult, although you will have to tinker. A bonus for work - a fantastically healthy, environmentally friendly, very tasty drink. You can give it to children with peace of mind, not only in its pure form, but also as a delicious cocktail with honey, ice cream or milk.

Making carrot juice at home is also a great way to preserve your carrot harvest. This vegetable cannot be stored for a long time, it withers and loses its beneficial qualities.

There are a lot of carrot juice recipes. Each experienced housewife has her own. Moreover, you can prepare the drink for the winter and simply drink it freshly prepared.

Carrot juice at home - general principles of preparation

You will need a lot of fresh, dense young carrots. Its size does not matter, but it is more convenient and faster to work with large root crops. The carrots must be thoroughly washed to completely remove soil.

Vegetable juice for the winter

If the vegetables are too dirty, you can first fill them with water in a large basin, brush them, and then rinse them under running cold water.

You need to peel the carrots, cut off the tip along with the tops, and then chop them. There are many ways. The simplest one is a juicer. If you don’t have one, a powerful blender, food processor, or meat grinder will do. If you have nothing at hand except a grater, that will do. Then the mass needs to be squeezed out thoroughly. If you don't have a juicer, you can use a press. You can filter carrot juice at home through a gauze filter - a gauze cloth folded three to four times.

To preserve carrot juice for the winter, two main methods are used: hot pouring and pasteurization. In the first case, the squeezed juice must be boiled, poured into prepared jars, and immediately sealed.

Pasteurization (sterilization)- the process of heating juice poured into jars in boiling water for fifteen to twenty-five minutes. Pasteurization temperature 85 or 90 degrees. A flat wooden board or cloth folded in several layers is placed at the bottom of the pan or bucket. You need to carefully place a jar covered with a lid and filled with juice on it. For proper pasteurization, water must be filled to the neck of the jar. After pasteurization is complete, seal the jar.

Before use, jars for winter preparations should be thoroughly washed with baking soda or soap, boiled over steam for ten to fifteen minutes, or sterilized in a hot oven. Scald the lids with boiling water.

Hot jars are cooled with the neck down, covered with a thick blanket, blanket, or old fur coat. A long period of thermal rest will complete the preservation process.

Carrot juice at home “Concentrated”

Classic carrot juice is very easy to prepare at home. All you need is a carrot and a little sugar. The juice is concentrated, so when consumed it can be diluted a little with water or cream.


A kilogram of fresh carrots;

Sugar to taste (fifty - one hundred grams).

Cooking method:

Grind carrots in any way.

Extract the juice using a juicer or vegetable press.

Allow the juice to sit for sediment to settle.

Carefully strain the juice through a gauze filter or fine sieve.

Pour the filtered juice into a jar, pasteurize, and cool.

Homemade carrot juice with citrus zest

A delicious carrot drink with a joyful hint of orange and lemon lifts your spirits.

Very tasty, festive, healthy!


A kilogram of bright carrots;

Half a glass of sugar (depend on your taste);

Half a liter of water;

A pinch of citric acid;


Cooking method:

Puree juicy carrots.

Remove the zest from the orange and lemon using a grater.

Mix carrot puree and zest and set aside for two hours.

When the puree is infused, squeeze out the juice.

Add a pinch of citric acid to the juice, add sugar, stir and put on low gas.

Heat the juice to 80 degrees, without bringing to a boil.

Pour into jars, sterilize, roll up.

Carrot juice at home in a juicer

A very quick and convenient way to prepare carrot juice at home is a juicer. The juice is completely natural, without added sugar. Therefore, before consumption, it should be sweetened to taste or used as a base for cocktails.



Cooking method:

Cut the prepared carrots into pieces with a knife and place in the juicer container.

Fill the lower part of the device with water.

Cover the vegetables with a lid and follow the instructions for the device.

Pour the hot juice into treated jars and seal.

Homemade apple and carrot juice

Apple and carrot juice is very tasty. Children often like it much more than pure carrot. The traditional proportion of dismounting juices is one to two. The result is a soft, fresh, pleasant drink.


A kilogram of carrots;

Two kilograms of apples;

One hundred grams of sugar (to taste).

Cooking method:

Chop and chop the apples and squeeze out the juice.

Separately, squeeze the juice from the carrots.

Measure the proportions of juices for blending and pour into a common container for heat treatment.

Add granulated sugar to the juice and stir.

Bring the juice to a boil, simmer for five minutes.

Immediately pour into jars, seal, and cool.

Carrot juice can be stored at home for two years. It is best to keep jars in a cool, dark place.

Homemade carrot juice with pumpkin

A thick, pleasant, healthy drink is obtained by mixing carrot and pumpkin juice.


Half a kilo of carrots;

Half a kilo of pumpkin pulp;

A glass of sugar;

Two lemons.

Cooking method:

Puree the peeled pumpkin on a fine grater or in a blender, squeeze out the juice.

Chop the carrots and squeeze out the juice.

Pour boiling water over lemons and squeeze out the juice.

Gently mix the three types of juices.

Add sugar to taste (you can reduce or increase the amount), stir and boil for five minutes.

Filter the juice.

Pour the drink into jars and seal.

Homemade carrot juice with pulp

The classic version of carrot juice at home can be conveniently prepared with pulp. This will save the housewife from the need to filter the product, and will give the drink itself greater nutritional value and a mild taste.


Three kilograms of carrots;

Half a liter of water;

Two spoons of sugar syrup (10%).

Cooking method:

Puree the carrots.

Dilute the carrot mixture with water and cook over low heat. When the carrots become soft, remove from heat.

Pass the mixture through a juicer and beat with a blender.

Add sugar syrup to the puree and stir.

Heat the juice for five minutes at a low simmer.

Pour into jars and seal.

Carrot juice at home “Carrot-orange cocktail”

It is not necessary to store carrot juice for the winter. Freshly squeezed juice is very tasty and should be drunk immediately. The drink cannot be stored, as most of the beneficial substances disappear as a result of oxidation. Fresh carrot juice at home can be mixed with orange, apple, lemon, pear and served in the form of cocktails.


A kilogram of carrots;

Two oranges.

Cooking method:

Puree the carrots.

Boil half a liter of water.

Pour boiling water over the carrot puree and stir.

Leave covered for half an hour.

Strain the drink and remove the pulp.

Squeeze juice from oranges.

Mix carrot and orange juices.

Sweeten if desired, add an ice cube, garnish with a mint leaf and serve.

Homemade carrot juice with milkshake ice cream

An excellent cocktail based on carrot juice at home can be easily and simply prepared from milk, ice cream, syrup from any jam, vanilla and cinnamon.


A faceted glass of fresh carrot juice;

Two glasses of milk;

One hundred grams of vanilla creme brulee, ice cream or milk ice cream;

Two tablespoons of jam syrup;

A pinch of vanilla and cinnamon (optional).

Cooking method:

Squeeze a glass of fresh juice from carrots.

Place ice cream, syrup, vanilla in a blender, pour in carrot juice, add cinnamon if desired.

Beat until foam appears.

Pour in the milk and beat for another two to three minutes.

Pour into glasses, garnish with mint, and serve.

Carrot juice at home “Weight loss cocktail”

Losing weight with carrot juice at home is quite possible.

You just need to know how to prepare the right weight loss cocktail.


Two carrots;

A glass of skim milk.

Cooking method:

Squeeze juice from carrots. It is not necessary to clean it too much of the pulp: filtering alone is quite enough.

Combine freshly squeezed juice and skim milk.

Beat the drink thoroughly with a mixer, blender or by hand with a pastry whisk. Foam should appear.

If desired, add a pinch of salt while whipping.

Drink a delicious cocktail on an empty stomach for exactly seven days.

Weigh in and rejoice!

Carrot juice at home - tricks and useful tips

  • In order for the beneficial substances from carrot juice to be better and more correctly absorbed, you need to add a little butter, heavy sour cream or heavy cream to it. Not only sunflower oil, but also grape, olive, linseed or blended oil is suitable.
  • Carrot juice is rich in vitamins A, K, B, E, D, calcium, potassium, and fluorine. The drink significantly improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, the condition of nails, skin, hair, normalizes liver function, and helps to lose weight.
  • However, taking carrot juice often and in large quantities is strictly prohibited: you can get “carotene jaundice”, provoke vomiting, and headaches.
  • You should drink carrot juice not with food, but in the intervals between main meals.
  • Freshly squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day without losing its beneficial properties.
  • After long-term storage, the drink must be shaken, since carrot juice very quickly gives sediment.
  • If possible, there is no need to sweeten carrot juice: it is already quite sweet.

    If there is a need to limit sugar, then you need to know: a glass of carrot juice contains the daily sugar requirement. This circumstance must be taken into account when serving juice with ice cream, syrup, jam, etc.

  • Well-pulped carrot juice should be similar to regular milk. To beat this, you need to filter the drink several times.
  • An original idea is to serve carrot juice with berries or fruits.
  • Carrot-pumpkin juice is very useful for weight loss, and not freshly squeezed: canned juice is acceptable.

    You should strictly adhere to the correct proportion: take three parts pumpkin juice to one part carrot juice. Naturally, there is no need to add any sugar to the drink. Drink the juice between meals or on an empty stomach in the morning. The duration of treatment is no longer than ten days.

  • To squeeze carrot juice at home without a gauze filter, you can place a small amount of pureed carrots in a sieve, place it over a saucepan and press firmly on the mass with the bottom of a glass, spoon, etc.
  • Carrot juice can be blended with fresh beet juice. You will get a healthy drink that is interesting in color and taste. If the taste seems too strong or unpleasant, you can dilute the beetroot and carrot juice with water.
  • Carrot juice can treat stomach ailments. The drink should be drunk in ten-day courses in spring or autumn. Every day, an hour and a half before meals, you should drink one tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice.

Carrots are rich in sugar and carotene, and also have a valuable mineral composition.

Therefore, carrot juice can serve as a dietary product, especially useful for children. Carrot juice, like tomato juice, should contain pulp rich in carotene.

Carrot juice is made as follows. Carrots are sorted by quality and size, washed in a paddle or drum washer, inspected and cleaned, removing remaining greens and the thin part of the root (the ends are cut off), as well as the skin. Peeling can be done by treating the carrots in a hot alkaline solution, followed by rinsing in water or exposing the raw material to high pressure steam.

How to seal carrot juice for the winter

For the same purpose, carrots are processed in machines with a grating surface (carborundum machine).

Peeled carrots, whole or cut into strips 5-7 mm thick, are blanched by steam in a closed scalder (digester) at a temperature of 95-105 ° C for 10-18 minutes. As a result of heat treatment, the oxidative enzymes contained in carrots are destroyed, which cause darkening and deterioration in the taste of the product. In addition, when blanching, the carrot tissue softens, which makes it possible to wipe it. You should avoid boiling carrots during blanching, as this leads to increased losses and deterioration in the color of the product.

After blanching, whole carrots are crushed and then wiped using a grinding machine with a sieve opening diameter of 0.75-1.0 mm. In Germany, instead, raw carrots are crushed and the juice is squeezed out using hydraulic pack presses or centrifuges. The pulp remaining after pressing is wiped and mixed with the squeezed juice. This product is rich in carotene and has a natural color and good taste.

In order to give the pureed mass the consistency of a drink and improve the taste of the product, it is mixed with 10% sugar syrup in a 1:1 ratio. At the same time, ascorbic acid (0.02-0.03%) can be introduced into the product as an antioxidant, which helps preserve the color of the product.

After the pulping machine, the carrot pulp particles are relatively large in size. To obtain a finer consistency, carrot juice should be homogenized under a pressure of 12-15 Mn/m2 (120-150 at).

Before packaging, air is removed from the product by treatment in a deaerator or vacuum apparatus.

Carrot juice is packaged in glass jars or bottles, which are sealed with lacquered tin lids on a vacuum sealing machine, and then sterilized at a temperature of 120 ° C for 25-30 minutes (depending on the size of the container) at a back pressure of 245 kn/m 2 ( 2.5 at), after which it is cooled. Carotene is sensitive to light, and therefore it is advisable to produce carrot juice in brown glass bottles.

To improve the taste of the product and increase its resistance against microorganisms, it is advisable to add citric acid to carrot juice or blend it with orange, apple, cranberry, blueberry, lingonberry, etc. juices.

In Czechoslovakia they produce carrot juice mixed with sugar syrup. This product, called "Carotella", contains 70% solids and is diluted with water before use.

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How to make carrot juice for the winter at home, options for preparing a mixture of juices

Carrot juice with pulp for the winter will provide all the necessary vitamin complex that the body so needs during the snowy winter season. In addition, carrot juice prepared at home is full of natural flavors that bring divine pleasure while consuming it. This homemade drink with pulp is recommended for all adults and children to drink daily. Especially for the younger generation, carrot juice is especially necessary in the diet, because such a drinking preparation from vegetables will make children's immunity much stronger.

This recipe for vegetable juice for the winter includes step-by-step technological instructions with photos, which will certainly prove useful to you in the process of preparing the carrot preparation. Thanks to this, making juice with carrot pulp is much easier and faster. In order for the homemade preparation to be preserved for as long as possible in the future, it must be stored in initially processed jars.

Let's start creating carrot nectar for the winter without sterilization!

Carrot juice is considered extremely healthy, but preparing a fresh batch of carrot juice every time can be quite tedious. In addition, “winter” carrots are usually not nearly as juicy as young ones. Therefore, to enjoy a delicious vitamin drink regardless of the season, you can drink it at home carrot juice for the winter. How exactly to do this will be discussed in more detail later.

Carrot juice for the winter is best prepared in season from young, elastic root vegetables. You can seal the juice either in its pure form or with the addition of sugar or citric acid. Combinations of carrot juice with apple, pumpkin or orange are also extremely popular - the result is both tasty and doubly healthy.

To extract juice from fresh carrots, it is best to use a juicer for hard vegetables and fruits. If you don’t have one on hand, you can chop the carrots on a fine grater, place them in gauze folded in several layers, and then squeeze them by hand. In addition, you can prepare carrot juice with pulp.

Carrot juice for the winter (with sterilization)

  • carrot
  • citric acid - to taste


To prepare carrot juice for the winter, you can use this simple recipe.

For each liter of juice, take from 1.5 to 2 kg of root vegetables, depending on the juiciness of the carrots.

Wash the carrots thoroughly and scrape off the skin with a knife. Using a juicer, extract the juice from the carrots. Add citric acid to taste.

Pour the juice into clean, sterilized jars and place the jars to sterilize. For 0.5 liter cans, 30 minutes is enough, for 1 liter cans - 45 minutes. Upon completion of sterilization, jars of juice should be immediately sealed, hermetically sealed with boiled lids.

After cooling, store the juice in a cool, dark place.

Carrot juice for the winter with pulp and sugar (without sterilization)

To prepare you will need:


In this way, you can prepare carrot juice for the winter if you don’t have a juicer at hand.

First, wash and peel the carrots, then grate the root vegetables on a coarse grater.

Add water to the resulting mass at the rate of 0.5 tbsp. for every kilogram. Simmer the carrots over low heat until soft.

Grind the stewed carrots in a blender until you obtain a homogeneous puree. Next, add 1 liter of sugar syrup for each liter of finished puree (100 g of sugar per 1 liter of water).

While stirring thoroughly over low heat, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Immediately pour into sterilized jars and seal with boiled lids.

To prepare you will need:

  • apple juice - 2 l
  • carrot juice - 1 l
  • sugar - 100 g


The combination of carrot juice and apple juice is one of the most successful. The juice is not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Apple and carrot juice for the winter

To prepare carrot-apple juice according to this recipe, use a juicer to squeeze the juice separately from fresh apples and carrots in advance.

Mix the resulting juices, add sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat, then simmer for about 5 minutes. Immediately pour the boiling juice into sterilized jars and seal with boiled lids.

Turn the jars of juice upside down, wrap them, and leave until completely cool. Then store in a cool, dark place.

Bon appetit!

It is not difficult to prepare carrot juice for the winter at home, but the result is a very valuable and healthy product. This preparation contains vitamins and microelements. After all, every housewife, when preserving food for the winter, always pays special attention to jars of natural juices. And what they can be, everything here is decided by the tastes and preferences of the people for whom preservation is being done for the winter.

Carrot juice: benefits and harms

Like all food products, natural carrot juice has a number of positive and negative properties. What are the benefits of carrot juice for the human body?

The useful qualities of the workpiece include:

  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • improved appetite;
  • blood purification and improvement of the quality of its formation;
  • reduction in blood cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • increased hemoglobin in the blood;
  • antibacterial and antiseptic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • provides resistance to cancer cells;
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

Important! Very often the drink is used for anemia. It should be remembered that along with the fact that carrot juice has beneficial properties, you also need to know some contraindications.

This series includes:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance to the component.

Even a completely healthy person may experience problems due to an overdose of the presented product. They will manifest themselves in lethargy, drowsiness, and headache. Excessive consumption of the product can stress the pancreas. As a result, a change in skin color and an increase in body temperature are possible.

Methods for obtaining carrot juice and preservation methods

There are several ways to prepare juice from carrots for the winter and methods of preservation. You can get a carrot drink using various methods. The most common of them:

  1. Using a meat grinder. This method is considered very labor-intensive. It takes a significant amount of time, because you have to grind the vegetables in a meat grinder manually.
  2. Mechanical juicer. To get juice from carrots, you need to twist them using an auger.
  3. Electric juicer. Spinning at this time is carried out automatically. The cook only needs to put carrots into the device.

There are 2 main methods of canning juice made from carrots for the winter:

  1. Hot spill. In the presented version, it is necessary to heat the juice to a certain temperature and boil over low heat. After pouring them into jars, you must immediately close the workpiece with a lid and roll it up for the winter. Afterwards, the jar should be turned upside down and allowed to cool.
  2. Pasteurization. In this case, the carrot preparation is heated to a certain temperature, but not brought to a boil. Afterwards, the juice must be poured into jars and closed with tin lids. The pasteurization process lasts approximately 20 minutes. The heating temperature reaches about 90 degrees Celsius. At the end of the procedure, the jars should be tightly sealed for the winter so that the seal is not broken.

How to make carrot juice at home

To prepare a natural product for the winter, the cook will need a large amount of dense and fresh carrots. The size of the root vegetables does not matter greatly, however, it will be much more convenient for the cook to work with larger vegetables. They are much easier to clean and cut. If vegetables turn out to be heavily contaminated in the ground, then before you start cleaning them, you should thoroughly rinse them in a basin and then under running water.

At the first stage, you should remove the peel from the carrot, and then remove the tip on which the tops of the plant are located. Next, chop the root vegetable into small pieces. There are many ways to do this, but the simplest and fastest is considered to be a juicer.

Everyone knows perfectly well how freshly squeezed carrot juice is beneficial for humans; it contains a lot of useful substances and microelements. You can also grind the product using a meat grinder, a food processor or an ordinary grater. The last option is very labor-intensive. You can also use a press when making a workpiece. Gauze cloth is used as a filter; it is folded in several layers to make the juice of better quality.

Carrot juice for the winter through a meat grinder

The benefits of carrot juice for the body are very great. One of the simplest ways to obtain juice from carrots for the winter is to pass it through a meat grinder. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • water -1 liter;
  • carrots – 2 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar -3 tablespoons;
  • lemon – ½ part.
  1. We take carrots, peel them from the top layer, wash them, and pass them through a meat grinder.
  2. We disinfect the jars and lids into which the product will be poured.
  3. We remove the resulting cake by straining the liquid through cheesecloth.
  4. Add flavorings to the juice: sugar, lemon.
  5. Pour a small amount of water and set to boil for 5 minutes.
  6. Afterwards, pour the prepared mixture into prepared containers, roll up the jars, turn them over, and let them cool.

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Carrot juice for the winter from a juicer

Very often we get natural carrot juice for the winter from a juicer. In this form, it retains a greater number of beneficial properties for the human body. To prepare a high-quality and tasty product for the winter, you will need products such as carrots and sugar.

Cooking sequence:

  1. We pass the carrots through a juicer and let the resulting mixture settle; strain using gauze into a special pan.
  2. Place the pan on low heat, simmer before it starts to boil, and repeat this action twice.
  3. Add sugar to the drink, mix it and pour it into jars.
  4. The jars with the contents are carefully sterilized so that the preparation lasts longer, and then they are rolled up for the winter.

Carrot juice with pulp for the winter

By analogy, pumpkin and carrot juice is prepared for the winter using a juicer. This method is also very common and quite simple.

Apple-carrot juice for the winter: recipes

One of the most delicious and very healthy is a drink made from carrots and apples. Making apple and carrot juice for the winter using a juicer is quite simple and quick according to the recipe below.

Ingredients necessary to obtain natural juice for the winter:

  • carrots -1 kilogram;
  • apples -3 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup.

Drink preparation technique:

  1. We peel the carrots and apples from the top layer, cut them and run them through a juicer, pour both masses into the pan, add sugar, bring the mixture to a boil, then cook for another 5 minutes.
  2. Pour the finished juice into sterilized jars and seal them for the winter.

How to drink correctly

Not every person knows how to properly drink freshly squeezed carrot juice. The homemade drink should be consumed 30 minutes before meals. This product should be prepared carefully and its expiration date must be taken into account. After six months, the product can lose all its value and becomes completely useless. Over time, important substances begin to decrease and break down, and the drink loses its value. To benefit from its use, you should drink 600 grams of the drink daily.

By drinking juice in the morning, you can energize yourself for the whole day. Faster absorption occurs when combined with products such as sunflower oil, cream, milk. The significant content of vitamin A in carrots has a beneficial effect on the normal digestibility of fat in the human body.

Carrot juice for the liver

Carrot juice has certain benefits and harms for the liver. It actively cleanses the blood and removes toxic substances from the body. For the liver, such a product is an excellent antioxidant that protects the membrane from free radicals. Vitamin E contained in carrots normalizes fat metabolism and prevents possible obesity. In case of overdose, a person may experience carotene jaundice.

All famous world doctors advise drinking carrot juice during pregnancy. It has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of the unborn baby. A woman manages to receive useful microelements that contribute to the normal development of the fetus. Daily consumption of carrot drink can not only have a beneficial effect on the unborn baby, but also on the immune system of the female body.


Carrot juice is one of the healthiest among the huge variety of natural drinks. It is very difficult to find a quality product in the store, so many people prefer to cook it at home. It's quite easy to prepare. A high-quality and tasty drink can only be obtained if all points of the instructions are fully followed. A valuable and healthy preparation prepared for the winter can please a person on a frosty cold day.

Look, carrot juice for the winter at home, video: