Beneficial properties of green tea. Is green tea good for you? Why is green tea harmful?

We all know that green tea is one of the most beneficial foods for the human body. It contains great amount vitamins and minerals, also rich in other beneficial substances. A little-known fact is that the same tea bushes are used to make green tea as red, black and yellow tea, the only difference lies in the way the leaves themselves are processed. Green tea does not go through the withering procedure, which is why it retains maximum nutrients.

Green tea: beneficial properties

Below you will learn in more detail about the benefits of green tea. It is worth noting that this type of tea contains hundreds of organic compounds and chemicals, as well as a large amount of vitamins. It is interesting that it contains almost all vitamins known to science.

Beneficial properties of green tea:

  1. Regular consumption of this drink has a good effect on the immune system, and it prevents the occurrence of many chronic diseases and will also help destroy bacteria.
  2. Green tea has an antioxidant effect and actively fights cancer cells; it is recommended to be consumed for the prevention of cancer.
  3. Green tea is also used for weight loss, because it is able to regulate metabolism. This drink contains flavonoids that regulate sugar levels in the human body and have an insulin-like effect.
  4. One cup of freshly brewed green tea can save you from a sharp headache; it is also considered a real antidepressant, because it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  5. It is recommended to regularly drink green tea for food poisoning and dysbacteriosis. In case of drug poisoning, it is best to drink green tea with added sugar and milk.
  6. This tea has an antimicrobial effect and is often used as a cure for dysentery. Green tea contains catechins, which are effective against coccal, typhoid and dysentery bacteria.
  7. If you do not know whether green tea is healthy, then it is worth remembering that blood vessels from this tea become more elastic, their walls are strengthened, and the danger of internal hemorrhages is prevented.
  8. It has a positive effect on the excretory system, tea activates the spleen and liver, serves as a preventative against the formation of stones in the kidneys, liver and bladder.

Green tea: contraindications

This drink contains a huge amount of vitamins, but is there any harm from green tea? It is worth remembering that even this very healthy drink should not be abused; drinking only 2-3 cups a day is enough, otherwise tea can harm your body.

Green tea contraindications:

  • One of the main contraindications is old age. This is due to the fact that the drink can have a negative effect on the joints, rheumatoid arthritis or gout may worsen; if these diseases are present, then you can drink only one cup per week.
  • You should not drink too much tea a day, as this can cause the formation of gallstones or kidney stones, which is due to the high content of polyphenols in the drink.
  • Why is green tea harmful? It is not recommended to drink green tea at high temperatures, as this increases the load on the kidneys several times.
  • For gastritis, erosion, and exacerbations of ulcers, it is also recommended to stop drinking green tea, because it significantly increases the acidity of gastric juice.

Green tea and weight loss

Green tea for weight loss is very effective - it helps speed up metabolism. This tea is the most effective for weight loss among other types of tea: it can improve the metabolic process, remove waste and toxins from the body. In a fairly short time, you can easily, and most importantly without harm to your health, lose weight naturally.

How to lose weight with green tea:

  1. If you want to lose weight in a short time, then green tea will help you, as it has a diuretic effect, making it easy to remove excess fluid from the body. In order to enhance this effect, you can add a little skim milk to your tea.
  2. Tea should be drunk about 3-5 times a day, and you should not add sweetener or sugar to the tea. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, and do not eat late in the evening. It is best to drink tea a little cool, this is necessary so that the body heats it up on its own and at the same time spends additional calories.
  3. You can lose weight with green tea, but you need to follow a few basic rules. For example, replacing your main meals with a cup of green tea will help you lose weight faster. Arrange fasting days with only green tea, this will improve intestinal function and help you lose weight.

Methods and volumes of using green tea

  1. Take 4 tsp. green tea leaves, pour 2 liters of milk over it all, it should be hot and boiled, leave to brew for 20 minutes. Drink this tea throughout the day.
  2. Brew green tea with 1 liter of water, it should be strong enough, then add 1 liter of milk to the tea. This drink is ideal for a fasting day.
  3. Remember that if you want to give yourself a fasting day, then throughout the day you need to drink not only green tea, but also water, at least 1.5 liters. This will help restore water balance and remove toxins from the body.

Green tea during pregnancy

If you are wondering whether green tea can be consumed by pregnant women, the clear answer is yes, but in limited quantities. After all, green tea is a source of additional vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, iron and calcium, which are often lacking in pregnant women.

Green tea is very beneficial during pregnancy, but it is best not to overuse it, because it creates additional stress on the kidneys, which is why you should drink no more than three cups a week.

Green tea during pregnancy has a positive effect on the immunity of the woman and child, it normalizes heart function, maintains sugar levels in the body, while being a preventive measure against diabetes in mother and child.

So many good words have been said about it that it’s even somehow inconvenient to discuss the benefits and harms of green tea. But many, although they know about its healing abilities, cannot say exactly what they are. Usually the matter is limited to a couple of properties - “cleans blood vessels”, “helps to lose weight”. What is then unique about the drink? Let's find out!

Healing talents of weakly fermented tea

Green and black tea are not even relatives, otherwise they are essentially the same “character”, because tea leaves for the first and second types are collected from the same bushes. It's all about processing. Green tea, unlike black tea, is not fermented. The moisture is simply evaporated from it. Thanks to gentle production technology, it completely retains the valuable substances inherent in it by nature.

What are these components that determine the properties of green tea and its benefits and harms? It contains a veritable arsenal of antioxidants. There are as many of them in a cup of emerald drink as in ten glasses of fresh apple juice! About 15-30% of its composition comes from tannins. These are up to 30 types of polyphenolic compounds, including tannin, catechins and others.

The unique aroma of green tea is provided by the presence of essential oils, and they largely determine the quality of such a drink. It contains amino acids, among which glutamic acid should be noted - it normalizes metabolism and restores “shaken” nerves. Green tea contains plant proteins, so it will not only make you drink, but also nourish you.

To explain the benefits of green tea, just look at the list of its medicinal properties.

The healing effects of green tea:

  • inhibits aging, prolongs youth, increases lifespan: this effect is associated with a high content of antioxidants;
  • reduces the likelihood of getting cancer: Japanese scientists conducted studies for 12 years that confirmed that daily consumption of such a “product” significantly reduces the growth rate of a malignant tumor (but to obtain this result you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of tea, which is 19 cups) ;
  • increases immunity;
  • removes waste, carcinogens, neutralizes toxins;
  • supports the heart, reduces the risk of heart attack by half;
  • promotes the destruction of excess fat, suppresses appetite, which helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • improves metabolism;
  • removes “bad” cholesterol;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • increases the strength of blood vessels;
  • reduces cravings for alcohol;
  • activates brain activity;
  • protects the liver from the destructive effects of alcohol;
  • reduces pressure (by 10-20 units);
  • prevents caries and gum inflammation;
  • provides sharp vision;
  • gives vigor, increases performance;
  • neutralizes the negative impact of the waves emitted by a computer monitor.

It is widely believed that green tea is better than regular water at quenching thirst and restoring water loss.

Does drinking harm your kidneys?

What is green tea for the kidneys? Is such a drink beneficial or harmful to this vital organ? It is a powerful diuretic. If you drink it like water - often and in large quantities, you can lead yourself to dehydration. This will increase the concentration of salts and acids in the kidneys. As a result, stones will appear in them.

It is strictly not recommended to consume it in large quantities for those people who suffer from diseases of the urinary system. Urologists advise limiting yourself to a couple of small cups per day. And after drinking tea, you should definitely drink 250 ml of plain water to compensate for the loss of fluid.

That's how I cured it! Possible negative consequences

Among drinks for daily use (we are not talking about herbal infusions), it is difficult to find a more multifunctional “medicine” than green tea. Its benefits and harm to the body are incomparable.

But this does not mean that if you drink it in liters, you can throw away all the medicines from your home medicine cabinet and forget the way to the clinic. Green tea requires careful handling. If you drink it excessively, too strong, and even on an empty stomach, you may encounter very unpleasant side effects.

Adverse reactions that green tea can cause:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • irritability;
  • loose stools;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of discomfort when urinating;
  • convulsions.

To avoid such “surprises”, it is enough to adhere to simple rules: drink only high-quality tea, drink no more than 2-3 cups per day, take the last portion at least three hours before bedtime, do not swallow a scalding drink (if its temperature is above 60 degrees , then it will increase the risk of stomach cancer).

Important! If you drink green tea in liters, you can end up with liver problems, as an overdose of polyphenols will occur.

And I would drink, but my health does not dictate!

If you drink it without taking into account contraindications, then all the benefits of green tea will come to naught. Even such an eminent “doctor” is not for everyone.

Diagnoses for which it is better to avoid this drink:

  • urolithiasis: since green tea has a fairly pronounced diuretic effect, it can provoke the movement of stones;
  • anemia: this drink impairs the absorption of iron in the body;
  • ulcers, serious pathologies of the digestive system: if there are such problems, then you will have to exclude this tea from the menu, because it increases acidity;
  • nervous disorders that are accompanied by overexcitation, insomnia, tachycardia: tea will only aggravate the patient’s condition, as it contains caffeine;
  • hypotension: green tea will cause your blood pressure to drop even lower, but this will not happen if you prepare it in a weak concentration, but if you pour a heaping spoonful into one cup, your blood pressure may drop to critical levels;
  • gout.

Green tea is not suitable for young children either, because their nervous systems are still developing. This means that there is no need for them to take “stimulants” (even natural ones).

There are different opinions as to whether green tea is allowed for expectant mothers. Its benefits and harms to the body of a pregnant woman have not yet been fully studied. But gynecologists do not recommend using it in the first trimester, as it causes the uterus to become more toned, which creates a risk of fetal rejection.

Starting from the fourth month, such a strict ban is lifted, but in order to eliminate even the slightest risks for the baby, it is better for a pregnant woman to limit herself to one cup of this “medicine” per day.

Drink according to the rules!

How to use its healing and health properties to get all the benefits of green tea? In order to experience the healing power of the Japanese centenarians’ drink on your own health, you need to learn how to prepare it correctly.

Five main secrets of making green tea:

  • for brewing, use a faience (or, in extreme cases, ceramic) teapot with a lid;
  • take clean (not tap!) water, add 1 small spoon of tea leaves per 250 ml of liquid;
  • pour them into a preheated teapot;
  • rinse the tea leaf with mild boiling water (this will reduce the concentration of caffeine), then fill it with hot water (with a temperature of 70 to 85°);
  • do not dilute the tea with water, but instead of sugar, take honey (add it when the temperature of the drink drops to 50 degrees).

Important! According to experts in tea traditions, such a drink reveals all its healing properties only from the third brew!

It was known for its healing properties more than 4000 years ago. This tea comes from the same tea leaves as other types of tea, which differ in the way they are processed. Green tea is not fermented, which allows it to retain maximum nutrients. This type of tea has a rich history, shrouded in legends.

Green tea: what legends and history talk about

The story goes back to distant China. Tea began to be cultivated there even before our era. The Classic Book of Plants of the Divine Husbandman, written more than 2,500 years ago, tells the story of the Yellow Emperor as a healer. Research on various plants led him to poisoning. Leaves brewed in a vessel helped him remove toxins and avoid death.

Another legend tells about Bodhidharma, the founder of the Chan teachings. During his nine-year sitting meditation in the Shaolin Temple, he tore out his eyelids, which closed against his will, and wonderful tea bushes grew from them. Green tea leaves have since been used by monks to combat sleep.

In China, tea began to be used as a medicine. There were special officials responsible for the storage of tea and its consumption in the emperor's palace. Ordinary people could also be treated with tea; tea bushes grew in many provinces.

During the Tang Dynasty, it began to be used as a drink, and tea drinking became a kind of philosophy. Tea trees began to be grown in Buddhist temples, and important visitors to the temples were treated to a tasty drink. Lu Yu created the famous tea ceremony by researching tea. He wrote about the culture of drinking the drink in The Canon of Tea.

Features of green tea production

The technological chain of green tea production is designed in such a way that all beneficial substances are preserved in an active state. After picking, the tea leaves are left in the open air to dry. The leaves become wilted and soft, after which they are dried with hot air. This drying prevents the leaves from oxidizing. Tea leaves are rolled in a variety of ways to produce green tea with a unique appearance.

Tea leaves can have different appearances:

  • Strongly twisted along the transverse axis. This type of tea is called pearl tea in China. The tea is marked with the Gunpowder symbol, which means gunpowder. It actually resembles balls or peculiar scales.
  • Loosely twisted. The tea leaves of this tea are practically not twisted, the tea looks like whole leaf tea.
  • Strongly twisted along the longitudinal axis. The tea looks like twisted spiral sticks. A striking example of this type of tea is the subspecies of elite gyekuro tea.

The process of twisting tea leaves increases the shelf life of the tea leaves, preserving its best properties, and allows you to regulate the process of extracting essential oils during brewing. Which type is better? Strongly twisted tea leaves produce a richer, stronger green tea. The leaves of elite green tea varieties are rolled by hand. High-quality tea has a natural green tint; darkening of the leaves is considered a defect.

The main producers of tea are Japan and China, although green tea is also grown in India, Ceylon, and Kenya. Zhejian Province is the largest producer of average quality tea, while Fujian Province produces higher quality tea. Elite tea is grown in Japan in the province of Uji.

Composition of green tea

  • Tannins. These substances occupy more than one third of the composition of tea. They include various compounds of polyphenols, tannin, and catechins. High-grade green tea is rich in tannin, the amount is 2 times higher than the tannin content in black tea. When combined with caffeine, it forms caffeine tannate, which helps stimulate the nervous system.
  • Alkaloids: caffeine, theophylline, theobromine. Green tea contains 1 to 4% caffeine, which is more than coffee. The amount of caffeine depends on the growing conditions of the tea, the size of the tea leaves, the processing method, and the brewing temperature.
  • Vitamins. Vitamin C contained in tea helps improve immunity. The carotene content exceeds the amount of vitamin A in carrots. This vitamin is good for vision. Green tea contains all B vitamins. They help fight viruses, regulate the body's carbohydrate balance, reduce cholesterol, and have an antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Minerals and trace elements. These are iron, fluorine, potassium, sodium, gold, magnesium, calcium. The leaves contain a sufficient amount of essential oils, some of which are lost during processing.
  • Enzymes and amino acids. Japanese green tea varieties are rich in the best protein composition. When drinking tea without sugar, you don't have to worry about extra pounds. Green tea has no calories.

Benefits of green tea

The benefits are due to their rich chemical composition.

Tea is an excellent energy stimulant. This is a drink of good mood, well-being, vigor and health. Regular consumption of green tea prevents the occurrence of chronic diseases, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and helps destroy bacteria. Green tea has antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Scientists from Japan believe that green tea has unique properties that can actively fight cancer. It is included in the diet of cancer patients because it supports the immune system and removes carcinogens from the body. Green tea is able to remove salts of heavy metals - the dangerous radioactive isotope strontium-90, mercury, lead, zinc and cadmium. It neutralizes the negative effects of any radiation. This one is for those who spend a lot of time on electronic devices.

Green tea is a drink of longevity and youth. It regulates metabolism and blood sugar levels. Tea extract is actively used in cosmetology, as it improves complexion, slows down the aging of the body, and is an excellent antioxidant. Rinsing oily hair with a decoction of tea leaves improves their condition. Masks made from brewed green tea are effective; ice cubes made from a strong infusion tone and refresh the skin.

A cup of green tea can relieve headaches and cope with stress. For an exhausted nervous system, this is a real find, tasty and without chemicals. Drinking green tea will also help to activate the brain, and green tea is also useful for concentrating.

For poor digestion, indigestion, poisoning, green tea will help. Its properties destroy pathogenic microbes in the stomach, enhance the motility of the digestive tract, and remove toxins from the body. Strong tea taken after meals four times a day helps with painful colitis. In case of drug poisoning, you should drink a cup of green tea with sugar and milk.

Green tea affects the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, preventing the formation of blood clots. Doctors recommend tea for the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. Dutch scientists conducted a series of studies showing that people who drank four cups of green tea a day avoided heart attacks. In the initial stage of hypertension, a tea drink reduces blood pressure by 10-20 units.

Strong green tea helps with eye inflammation to relieve tension and fatigue. Proven benefits for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis. For rhinitis, it is useful to rinse the sinuses with a decoction of green tea. In dentistry, tea is recommended for the prevention of caries as a mouth rinse.

Green tea is consumed to prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys and liver, and to activate the work of the spleen and liver.

Green tea: contraindications

The benefits of green tea have been proven, but you should still not abuse it.

  • It is not recommended for older people due to the fact that tea can trigger negative processes in the joints. This is dangerous for rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
  • Large amounts of tea have a bad effect on diseased kidneys. Tea increases acidity, so you should not drink it if gastritis or stomach ulcers worsen.
  • Due to the increased stress on the kidneys, green tea is not recommended at high temperatures.
  • A dangerous load awaits the kidneys if you combine alcohol and green tea.
  • The presence of caffeine makes green tea harmful for hypertensive patients, people who suffer from changes in blood pressure.
  • Tea is contraindicated for thyroid diseases.
  • You should not drink stale or low-quality tea.
  • You should not drink tea very hot and strong, so as not to provoke a headache and burn your internal organs.
  • Women during lactation should be careful when drinking green tea; caffeine can have an stimulating effect on the child and impair his sleep.

The best varieties of green tea

There are hundreds of varieties of green tea. Depending on the country of growth, time of collection, processing process, they differ in appearance, taste and aroma. Chinese, Japanese, Georgian and Ceylon varieties are recognized as the best all over the world.

When choosing the best green tea, you need to pay special attention to its brewing. Using soft water at a certain temperature and good tea will allow you to get a high-quality, tasty and healthy drink. Green tea can deliver indescribable pleasure, produce a beneficial effect, and allow you to heal and rejuvenate the body. Regular consumption of tea is the key to longevity, beauty and youth.

All tea lovers should know the benefits of green tea. This will allow you to consume the drink correctly and also expand the possibilities of its use. Proper intake of the infusion can help with many conditions, as well as prevent various diseases.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of green tea

The calorie content and composition of tea is calculated for a dry leaf. When brewing, some substances may disappear, while others may move from one class to the second. But with proper preparation, you can extract the maximum amount of benefit from the drink.

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamin PP (niacin);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • iron;
  • catechins;
  • polyphenols;
  • tocopherols;
  • caffeine.

The calorie content of the drink is low. There are 83 kcal per 100 g of raw material, while a portion requires a fortieth of this weight. One cup of tea contains 1.6 kcal. But if you add sugar or honey, this number will increase to account for the sweetness. Therefore, the greatest benefit can be obtained by consuming the pure product.

What are the benefits of green tea for women?

The beneficial properties of green tea are often used by women to maintain health and beauty. Its extracts are added to creams that have a beneficial effect on problem skin. For those who do not like the taste of the drink, we have developed dietary supplements containing crushed leaves. They have the same properties as the infusion, but are compressed into a more convenient form.

It is especially effective to wash your face with tea infusion in the morning and evening. This helps relieve inflammation and soothe the skin. You can also freeze it and use it as a tonic in the morning, helping you wake up faster and tone yourself up.

Regular drinking of green tea in the morning will give you energy, make it easier to get up and give you a good mood for the whole day.

It will also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which will make it easy to maintain yourself at the desired weight. Drinking this drink helps improve the well-being and appearance of any woman.

One of the most popular drinks all over the world is tea. Many nations have special tea drinking traditions. In addition, there are many varieties of the drink. But those people who care about their health have long paid attention to green tea. It is believed that it contains more vitamins and microelements and does not have a negative effect on the body. This is due to the fact that for its preparation the leaves are almost not processed and retain all their natural properties. Especially important for women. Its benefits and harms have long been studied and are known to many, but not everyone knows how to properly brew and consume this drink. And any young lady who cares about her health should study well what properties green tea has.

What beneficial substances do these leaves contain?

All the positive properties of this drink are explained by its special composition. Tea leaves are treated with hot steam. This keeps nutrients and vitamins intact. The leaves of the drink contain:

  • Caffeine. In green tea it is not in its pure form, therefore it has no negative effect on health;
  • Zinc is an important element for women's beauty;
  • Polyphenols, which play an important role in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • Vitamins, especially in large quantities - C and P;
  • Theotanin, which helps remove radiation from the body;
  • Proteins and amino acids, so the drink has high nutritional value.

It contains a lot of tannins and cakhetins, which is why the taste of green tea is so tart and bitter.

What effect does green tea have on the body?

The benefits of this drink have been proven many centuries ago. Green tea leaves have been used in the treatment of various diseases. And recent research by scientists has confirmed that they really have a positive effect on the body. Firstly, they improve digestion and increase the acidity of gastric juice, cleanse toxins and have fat-burning properties. Secondly, this drink improves performance, increases energy and strength, improves memory and strengthens the nervous system, and has an anti-stress effect.

Thirdly, green tea stimulates the thyroid gland, has a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect, helps restore brain function after a stroke, protects teeth from caries, has a diuretic effect and helps eliminate swelling, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and cleanses blood vessels. In hot weather, the drink quenches thirst and replenishes fluid reserves.

Green tea for women

The benefits and harms of this drink are not known to all tea drinkers. Many people prefer traditional varieties, but in vain. After all, it is green tea that helps to smoothly improve performance and replenish the lack of nutrients and minerals, from which women so often suffer. They especially like that this drink speeds up metabolism and promotes fat burning. Even a cup of green tea a day helps a young lady maintain her youth and beauty. And if you add mint when brewing, the drink will also normalize hormonal levels.

The use of green tea for various diseases

During attacks of nausea, it is recommended to chew dry leaves. It is better to use high-quality large-leaf tea. This helps well with motion sickness and toxicosis in pregnant women. Green tea is useful for diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, as it has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. This drink helps with dysbiosis and digestive disorders. It normalizes intestinal microflora and metabolism. Effectively copes with cleansing the body in case of poisoning, as it is able to neutralize and remove toxins.

The antibacterial properties of green tea help fight colds. It is especially effective when combined with honey and lemon. Inflammatory eye diseases and stye are treated with compresses made from dried or used tea leaves. A decoction of tea leaves can be used to rinse your mouth and throat for sore throat, laryngitis or stomatitis. It quickly heals ulcers and relieves inflammation. Every woman who has children knows that freshly brewed tea compresses help relieve pain from injuries and bruises. This drink is useful for diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar levels.

Green tea for youth and beauty

It is especially useful for women. Many representatives of the fairer sex know that with its help you can lose weight. After all, green tea speeds up metabolism and helps cleanse the body of toxins. There is a special diet based on vegetables and fruits, cereals and lean meat. But its main effect is associated with drinking seven cups of green tea a day - after all, this drink can reduce appetite. In addition to benefits for the figure, the fragrant leaves have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Green tea is often used in cosmetology. Rinse oily hair with it: the decoction gives volume and shine to the curls. A mask made from chilled tea leaves helps eliminate vascular mesh on the face, and ice cubes from tea effectively tone and moisturize the skin. By the way, to clear your face of rashes and improve its color, you need to wash your face with the decoction.

When should you not drink green tea?

But this drink does not always have a positive effect on the body. It is especially important to know when green tea is not recommended for women. Its benefits and harms have been sufficiently studied, but not everyone knows. And in some cases, this drink can have adverse health effects. For example, in people suffering from nervous exhaustion, green tea can cause insomnia, loss of energy, or irritability.

It is not recommended to indulge in this drink if you have tachycardia, problems with blood pressure and nervous excitement. And for hypotension, green tea is strictly contraindicated. Do not use it if you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity. And what’s most offensive for women is that it is undesirable to drink strong drink while breastfeeding and even during menstruation. But sometimes you want it that way! People suffering from gout should not drink it because of the high amount of purines it contains.

Choose green tea

The price of this drink varies widely - from 50 to 1 thousand rubles per 100 grams. This depends not only on the variety, but also on the quality of the tea. Therefore, you need to learn how to choose it correctly. What should people pay attention to when they want to choose a quality drink?

First of all, evaluate the amount of debris, twigs and broken leaves - there should not be a lot of them. Fresh green tea has a natural color, and if the leaves are very dark or brown, it means it was not stored correctly. For tea to be beneficial, it should not be overdried or waterlogged.

It is not recommended to buy green tea in bags. In this form, they most often sell low-quality, highly crushed goods. It loses many beneficial properties, but many people like this kind of green tea. Its price is quite low, and it is more convenient to use it in this form.

How to brew green tea?

It is very important to prepare the drink correctly so that it retains all its healing properties. You cannot pour boiling water over the leaves; the water temperature should not be higher than 85 degrees. The best drink is made in porcelain dishes. Moreover, the kettle must be rinsed with boiling water before brewing. Green tea is infused for at least 5 minutes. The finished drink should have a light green or yellow color and a subtle aroma of dry plants. Sometimes it is recommended to pour hot water into the tea leaves in three doses: it is believed that this will transfer more nutrients into the water. The peculiarity of green tea is that it can be brewed 2-3 times. But it is not recommended to store it for more than a day.

Drinking the drink correctly

In ancient times, especially in the East, there were special tea drinking rituals. Modern scientists have confirmed that many of them are still relevant today. After all, drinking this drink must obey certain rules. Green tea is very beneficial for women. The benefits and harms of the drink are already known to them, it remains to find out: what rules need to be followed? They are very simple:

  1. You should not drink it on an empty stomach.
  2. It is best to drink green tea for breakfast, as when drunk in the evening, it has an stimulating effect.
  3. This drink should not be combined with alcohol.
  4. It is not recommended to drink green tea with sugar.

The drink goes well with honey and various herbs. For example, tea with jasmine tones the body well, while tea with lemon balm calms, relieves spasms and improves sleep. And if you add ginger, the drink will help with weight loss, lower cholesterol and improve digestion.