Useful properties of apples. Apples contain many vitamins and other beneficial substances

Medicinal properties apples What medicinal preparations can be prepared from apples at home.

Useful and healing properties of apples

Apple fruits contain a large amount of substances necessary for the body person for normal work. These include sugars, malic and citric acids, minerals(manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron), vitamins C, P, etc. Due to the calcium content, apples are an indispensable product for children whose skeletal system It is still just being formed, and for older people, from whose body this substance is actively washed away.

Pectins, which are part of apples, have the property of binding harmful elements (including radioactive ones) into gastrointestinal tract and remove them from the body.

That is why fresh fruits Recommended for those who want to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Fiber, which apples are rich in, enhances intestinal motility, which is very important for constipation, sluggish digestion and for the prevention of colorectal cancer.

Apples are an essential component of diets, aimed at weight loss. They are also used for diseases such as atherosclerosis, gout, kidney and liver dysfunction. According to dentists, chewing an apple removes up to 96% of harmful bacteria from the mouth.

Largest quantity nutrients contain fresh apples. They are used in the production of medicines that contain malate iron. Such drugs are indispensable for anemia.

Apples contain chlorogenic acid, which helps cleanse the body of oxalic acid and has a beneficial effect on liver function.

It has been proven that regular use apples reduce blood cholesterol levels. One apple with skin contains an average of 3.5 g of fiber, which is more than 10% daily requirement organism in these substances. Fiber molecules attach to cholesterol, facilitating its removal from the body. Thus, the risk of vascular blockage is significantly reduced.

The phytoncides contained in apples help fight dysentery pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, and group A viruses. Closer to the center of the apple, the activity of these substances increases.

Doctors recommend eating apples for gastritis and many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Apple juice is good for of cardio-vascular system and after heart disease, heart surgery, etc. In addition, it is rich in elements that improve hematopoiesis.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat a number of diseases (including obesity). Apple vinegar, which can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home. It helps to quickly restore strength after physical or emotional stress.

Healing recipes from apples

Apple vinegar. How to make apple cider vinegar

Take 500 g of apples, remove damaged areas and stems, grate, place in a glass container, add 600 ml of water, add 50 g of honey, 5 g of yeast, 10 g stale rye of bread. Keep at a temperature of 20-30 ° C for 10 days, stirring the contents regularly with a wooden spoon. Then drain the liquid and squeeze out the remainder through cheesecloth.

Strain the resulting juice, pour into a glass container, add 25 g of honey, mix, cover with gauze, leave in a warm place until the liquid becomes transparent (usually about 2 months).

Strain the finished vinegar, pour into a clean, dry bottle and store in a cool place.

Apple cider vinegar tonic drink

Dilute 5 ml of apple cider vinegar and 20 g of honey in 250 ml of water. Take 50-100 ml once a day.

Apples for cough treatment

Apple peel infusion for coughs

Take 15 g of apple peel, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave covered for 10 minutes. Take 130 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Apple decoction

Pour 1 liter of water over 3 unpeeled apples, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and take 250 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Apple and onion pulp for coughs

Grate 200 g apples and 200 g onions, combine, add 20 g of honey and mix. Take 15 g 3-4 times a day in between meals.

How to treat with apples? And not only can it be treated, but thanks to this delicious fruit you can protect yourself from illness and old age. One apple a day - this recipe has been known for many hundreds of years.

It's okay if you eat a little more, for example with a pie. In this article I will tell you about modern and old recipes traditional medicine, which uses apples to this day to treat diseases.

But to ensure you complete the course of treatment effectively, consult your doctor. An established diagnosis must be made. The article will give simple recipes apple treatments and effective in use.

How to protect yourself from disease and old age with apples. How are they treated? Many hundreds of years ethnoscience uses apples for healing. Do you want to know your annual apple consumption?

There are different data - from thirty-five to forty-seven kilograms per year. This works out to an average of about one to two apples a day. If you consulted a doctor or nutritionist and he prescribed you a fasting day on the apple diet, it means you need to eat one and a half to two kilograms per day - this is not scary, but it should only be one day. You must know and remember one thing that is very important to you.


To lose weight, savage diets that advise illiterate people to eat apples for weeks are the path to metabolic disorders and, as a consequence, to real diseases.

I will try to talk about effective ancient and modern recipes traditional medicine treatment with apples. In which apples are used to treat a variety of diseases.


Remember! For treatment to be effective, your doctor must diagnose your illness. If you just want to take preventive measures for your body, consult your doctor first.

General strengthening with apples will greatly benefit your body. The main thing is to do it correctly. This can be done not only with the apples themselves, but also with flowers. An infusion of apple blossoms will help you with this.

What you will need:

  • half a liter of water
  • ten grams of elecampane rhizome
  • ten grams of salvia officinalis leaves
  • ten grams of St. John's wort (herb)
  • ten grams of common chicory (herb)
  • ten grams of pharmaceutical chamomile
  • ten grams of annual sunflower
  • ten grams of walnut leaves
  • ten grams of blood red hawthorn (flowers)
  • ten grams of white mulberry (leaves)
  • two tablespoons of apple blossoms

How to prepare the infusion:

Pour the entire mixture into a thermos and fill it with boiling water. Close and leave to infuse for three to four hours, then strain.

How to use the infusion:

You need to drink the prepared infusion three or four times a day before meals, a third of a glass.

Apple is a cure for flu

What you will need for this:

  • one medium apple
  • half a liter of water

How to prepare this medicine:

Cut into small pieces apple, pour into a thermos and fill with boiling water. Leave to infuse for one to two hours, then strain.

How to take the infusion:

Drink it warm three to four times a day, one glass after meals.

How to treat a cough with an apple

To do this, you need to prepare an infusion of apple leaves. What you will need for this:

  • dried apple leaves one tablespoon
  • half a liter of water

Cooking method:

For this you will also need a thermos. Pour dry apple tree leaves into it and pour boiling water over them. Let it steep for twenty minutes, then strain.

How to use the infusion:

Drink it warm, a third of a glass, up to four to five times a day before meals. It is very simple but effective to treat a cough with apples. If you eat them regularly, you will effectively help yourself. In this case, these are dry apple tree leaves.

Treatment of sore throat with apple

If you have acute tonsillitis, treating a sore throat with an apple will help you with this. In this case it is an apple-onion mixture. This mixture is very easy to prepare. What you need for this is an apple, onion and honey.

What you will need:

  • one medium apple
  • one teaspoon of honey
  • one small onion

Cooking method:

Peel the onion and apple and grate fine grater. When your gruel is ready, add honey to it and mix well. Take two or three teaspoons three to four times a day.

You can treat a sore throat with a solution of apple cider vinegar, which you can prepare yourself at home. If you are interested, read this article: “” Well, now how can you treat a sore throat with apple cider vinegar.

You will need:

  • half a liter of water
  • one teaspoon apple cider vinegar

Pour apple cider vinegar into boiled warm water and mix well. You need to gargle with a warm solution of apple cider vinegar up to four to five times a day. Treating a sore throat with an apple helps very quickly, the main thing is to do it correctly.

This fruit can treat diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the organs of vision and many more diseases for which an apple can help.

Be healthy and happy.

Video - dried apples - beneficial properties and vitamins

The effectiveness of treating a variety of diseases with apples is not inferior to that of many medicinal herbs. Treatment with apples an affordable option for many compatriots in this difficult time for them.

The benefits of apples

Apples are the most common fruit in the world. It is not surprising that they form an integral part of the human diet and that they have long been used in the fight against various diseases.

The benefits of apples have been proven throughout the history of their human consumption. Their usefulness in the fight against diseases is explained by the presence in fruits large quantity substances that contribute to this. Below are some more specific facts about the benefits of apples.

1. Apple trees with their apple fruits are classified as adaptogen plants. The fruit contains a lot of fructose, vitamins C and group B, magnesium, potassium and almost two dozen other macro- and microelements. Their entire set contributes, when entering the body, to increase its nonspecific resistance to various harmful physical, chemical and biological influences.

In particular:

  • fructose brings quick energy and helps better supply brain cells with nutrition;
  • vitamin B5 increases the digestibility of fats and sugars;
  • Vitamin C promotes decomposition and removal of toxins, slows down skin aging.

2. Apples are rich in fiber, pectin, and ballast substances. They improve digestion, and the latter can even destroy bacteria.

3. Apples contain:

  • potassium – normalizes kidney activity;
  • iron – participates in the regulation of hematopoiesis;
  • chromium – carbohydrates are better absorbed with it; it helps reduce “bad” cholesterol and increase “good” cholesterol, protects the heart and blood vessels;
  • zinc – reduces weight, strengthens the immune system;
  • phosphorus – leads to good brain function.

4. The available vitamins P, B, C, E, A, together with manganese, copper and plant antibiotics-phytoncides, promote the growth of immunity, strengthen the body’s defenses, and make it easier to withstand stress.

5. Found in apples:

  • “epicachetin polyphenol”: scientists claim that this substance helps maintain vascular elasticity, and therefore reduces the risk of myocardial infarction;
  • Quercetin: This substance protects brain cells and significantly reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease.

6. Containing 85% water, apples are able to compensate for fluid loss.

7. Apples have a slight diuretic effect.

Contraindications for treatment with apples

These fruits, if consumed in a healthy manner, have no contraindications. If there are a lot of them, they can cause pain in a person suffering from ulcers, erosion, colitis, gastritis, and can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Apple treatment recipes

Apple juice treatment

In treatment I use juice obtained from apples that have not been peeled. Thanks to the significant number of people present in it useful substances, juice is good for everyone without exception. It has practically no contraindications. It can help with gastritis, in which there is low acidity, with anemia, with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The juice will help cope with infection in the intestines, inflammation of the kidneys and kidney stones, gout, and hypertension. It is used in the fight against obesity.

Liver treatment

Apple juice helps restore liver function and promotes normal functioning of the bile ducts. However, you can engage in treatment with its help only after agreeing on the procedure and all related issues with your doctor.

To treat the liver, juice should be drunk 3…4 times a day. and continue this for a month. Take half a glass of juice each time, but with half a tsp added to it. honey Later they take a break for 1...2 weeks, and, if necessary, repeat everything.

Cataract treatment

This eye disease is well treated with apple juice, especially at the initial stage. Preparing a recipe for this involves performing the following operations:

  • take a fresh apple and cut off the top;
  • cut out the core containing the seeds with a knife;
  • honey is poured into the resulting cavity;
  • the cut top of the apple is returned to its place (it serves as a lid);
  • leaves the apple for 2 days. in the room;
  • then the contents that have formed in the recess of the apple are poured into a glass container; the drops are ready; they are stored in the refrigerator;
  • use drops morning and evening; Place 2 drops in each eye.

Getting rid of obesity

Deciding to fight overweight it will be useful to drink Apple juice mixed with melon, lemon and tomato juices. The ratio is, respectively, 1/2 cup, 50, 25, 25 ml.

Apple cider vinegar treatment

This product, obtained from apples, has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Vinegar boosts immunity, helps maintain acid-base balance, and cures skin diseases of various natures.

Most recipes using vinegar are based on using its solution. To prepare it, you need to dilute tbsp in a glass of water. vinegar.

Treatment of joints

For joint diseases, the use of apple cider vinegar solution can be different:

  • take it orally for 1…2 months; drink three times a day half an hour before meals; when improvement occurs, reduce the amount of fluid taken to a glass per day;
  • to relieve acute pain in the joints, drink a glass of vinegar solution every hour; do this for at least 12 hours. contract;
  • for pain caused by developing arthritis, drink a glass of solution once a day, which contains not only apple cider vinegar (2 tsp), but also tomato juice(2 tsp).

Treatment with fresh apples

The therapeutic effect on the human body is exerted not only by concentrated substances prepared from apples, but by the fruit itself. Therefore, it is not surprising that in order to combat various diseases use fresh apples.

Treatment of gastritis

This very common disease is treated with fresh apples. You can use the following recipes:

  • take green apples, grate them finely with the skin (for example, on a grater) - throw away the core and seeds; the resulting pulp is eaten in the morning, immediately getting out of bed; later they also don’t eat or drink anything for 4…5 hours; do this at first for a month every day, the next month with a break of 1...2 days, the third month - once a week;
  • This recipe completely repeats the previous one, but take 300 g of apples and add 20 g of honey to the pulp obtained from them.

Treatment of warts

To remove warts from the body, chop apples (for example, with a blender) and apply the resulting pulp to problem areas. Leave it on for up to an hour, then wash off the mass.

Treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis

The recipe is:

  • two whole apples are poured with a liter of boiling water; cover the container with a lid;
  • place the container in a warm place for 4 hours;
  • remove the lid, crush the apples a little without removing them from the water;
  • mix everything, filter;
  • Take a glass, adding a tablespoon to the infusion. honey

Treatment of burns

Applying apple slices to the burnt area will help relieve pain and inflammation.

Treatment with apple decoctions

We are used to preparing various decoctions (for example, compotes) from apples, which we happily drink instead of water. But you can cook from fruits and their parts medicinal decoctions, which are purposefully used to combat various diseases and conditions of the body.

Cough treatment

The following apple recipes will help treat this common condition:

  • Peel the apples, take a tablespoon, place them in a glass and pour boiling water over them; let it brew to make something like tea; drink this infusion half a glass before meals a lot (5...6 rubles) per day;
  • Place 2...3 apples in a saucepan, pour a liter of water into it, put on fire for 15 minutes. boil; after a little cooling, drink a glass before meals 3 rubles. per day.

Treatment of psoriasis

This unpleasant skin disease can also be defeated using apples. For this:

  • make tea using viburnum flowers (take a teaspoon per glass of boiling water);
  • peel the apples; take tbsp. the latter is poured with tea prepared from viburnum;
  • 1 hour. infuse the drink;
  • drink the resulting infusion half a glass before meals, before bedtime; course - month.

General restorative treatment

The tea drink is also useful as a general tonic that improves immunity. For this:

  • take a couple of apples (Antonovka is very good for this recipe); cut them finely;
  • chopped apple slices are placed inside a thermos;
  • fill the thermos with boiling water, close and leave for 3 hours;
  • the resulting infusion is drunk constantly during the day; You can add a little honey to it.

This recipe not only strengthens your body, but also helps fight enterocolitis, gout, cough, gastritis, and rheumatism.

Eliminate cracked heels

This problem can be solved by apple pulp, which is obtained in this way:

  • apples are cut into small cubes;
  • place the pieces in a container;
  • add a little milk, cook until a paste forms;
  • the resulting slurry is cooled;
  • use it by applying it to cracks in a thick layer;
  • Leave it on for half an hour and wash it off.

The procedure is performed every day until complete cure.

Treatment with dried apples

Such apples are used by traditional healers during periods when fresh fruits are not available. Decoctions, compotes, infusions are prepared from them and used to treat the same conditions as fresh fruits. It is especially useful to drink decoctions of dried apples to combat coughs, colds, and better work intestines.

Treatment with baked apples

Baked fruits can be eaten even by those who suffer from high acidity and other gastrointestinal diseases. Their medicinal properties are especially evident in pleurisy. With such an illness, you need to eat several of them all day long. And only in a warm form (immediately after baking).

Apples are the most common fruit in Russia. The product is cheap, tasty and beneficial for the body. Everything is known about fresh apples, but dried ones... They are also present in abundance on store shelves. Come with different flavoring additives: with honey, chocolate, sun-dried and dried. This product is quite different from fresh apples. How to choose, how to store and how to properly eat dried apples?

What are the benefits of dried apples?

Dried apples are a very special product. Apples are primarily fiber, pectin, vitamin C, and sugar. Apples form inside us a jelly-like mass called pectin, which mixes with water, thickens, and then concentrates and removes cholesterol, toxic substances and carcinogens from the body. This is the huge benefit dried apples for the body.

Dried apples improve digestion, because they contain much more fiber than fresh ones.

The high potassium content in dried apples makes them a mild diuretic and helps remove fluid from the body, so they are useful for preventing edema.

What is the harm of dried apples?

Vitamin C is destroyed. Drying is one of them the best ways preparations, because a dried apple not only preserves, but also increases the amount of many useful substances: pectin, minerals, some vitamins, but ... except vitamin C. Unfortunately, this vitamin is destroyed during the drying process. And the higher the temperature, the more it will collapse.

But if you set the drying temperature to no higher than 60, the process will last longer, but valuable vitamin C will be completely preserved. This condition can be taken into account at home. Unscrupulous manufacturers will most likely opt for...

Lots of calories. In dried apples, the number of calories increases many times over.

For comparison: 100g of fresh apples - 55 kcal, dried - 360 kcal
Definitely, dried apples have more calories than fresh ones. The fact is that during drying, moisture evaporates, leaving only dry matter.

But everything will be fine if you don’t overindulge and overeat - Golden Rule weight loss Compared to fresh apples, the dose should be reduced by 10 times. Then harm from dried apples there won't be any for the figure.

How to choose healthy dried apples

The main thing is that the product does not contain mold, which happens if storage conditions are violated.

On store shelves you can often see delicious dried apples sprinkled with sugar, vanilla, and chocolate. This product is of a different nature. Bright, beautiful, white and not wrinkled apples are always obtained as a result of using chemical substances. To prepare them, sulfur-containing acids are used, which are sprayed in the chambers where the apples are dried. As a result, the color becomes more beautiful than it actually is, the product is stored longer and is not subject to mold.

Real apples are wrinkled, unsightly and grey. This means that the product was prepared without chemical intervention naturally. It is correct to dry apples in a special dryer using regular dry hot air with ventilation.

To keep the apples light, just dip them in the solution before drying. citric acid for 10 minutes. Then the apples will not lose color during the drying process, but at the same time they will not be subjected to chemical treatment.

How and where to properly store dried apples

Dried apples are ideally stored in a glass or ceramic jar with a tight-fitting lid in a dark place. Even all winter.

The benefits of compote and decoction of dried apples

We already know that some vitamins (C, for example) are destroyed during drying, while others, on the contrary, accumulate. Preparing compote means additional destruction of vitamins, since it heat treatment. But there is a way out. All benefits of dried apple compote will be saved if:

Place the apples in a thermos and pour hot water, add a little honey, and leave covered for an hour. Thus, a wonderful and useful decoction from dried apples, because vitamin C will not “die”.

Compote of dried apples with cloves

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. The water has boiled - add 100 grams of sand or honey. Now add 1 tsp. citric acid, a few cloves. In 3 minutes the compote is ready!

At increased acidity, peptic ulcer stomach, preference should be given to sweet fruits, and, conversely, people suffering from gastritis with low acidity, spastic colitis and gallbladder dyskinesia are more suitable for sour varieties. In one case, apples need to be peeled, but in another - not.
After all, the peel has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular diseases, and excess cholesterol is well absorbed and removed from the body by pectin, which is abundant in apples, and especially in their peel.

Russian healers noticed that Antonov apples help with dysentery and indigestion. You need to grate 2 kg of them, after peeling them, and preferably on a plastic grater. Take 2 tbsp for the first 2-3 days. spoons 4-5 times a day, excluding other foods, and then 5-7 days in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening before bed.

~ For varicose veins, you need to drink 1 glass of warm morning and evening apple compote with grounds. Cut 4 unpeeled apples, add 1.0 - 1.5 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Sugar - to taste.

~ To strengthen nervous system useful apple infusion, which is prepared as in the previous case, but is not boiled, but left to infuse for 30 minutes. You should drink it as often as possible.

~ For those who need constant long-term visual strain, it is good to apply boiled and mashed apples to them to reduce eye fatigue.

~ If you have a persistent cough, you will need apples, onions and honey in equal proportions. Rub apples and onions, add honey, mix and take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day between meals.

~ When overweight, heart failure, poor sleep, it is useful to arrange apple days. During this day, up to 1.5 kg of fresh apples are eaten in 5-7 meals. If you can't bear hunger, you can eat egg, hard-boiled.

~ For prevention colds and sanitization of the oral cavity, it is useful to eat, chewing thoroughly, sweet and sour apples. Interestingly, this reduces the yellowness of the surface of the tooth enamel.

~ For gastritis with low acidity, you need to eat 2 medium-sized green apples, grated on a fine grater, in the morning on an empty stomach. Eating no earlier than 4 hours. During the first month of treatment, apple pulp is taken daily, during the second - once every 2-3 days, during the third - once a week.

In the villages it was believed that if the smoker wishes and strictly follows the requirements of the prescription, one can quit smoking in 3 days. But for this you need to wait 3 days apple diet. All this time there is sour apples with black bread, and drink tea as a liquid on one of medicinal plants(St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, calendula) 0.5 cup at least 5-6 times a day. Brew 2 tablespoons of herbs with 0.5 liters of boiling water, warm, leave for 1 hour, strain while hot.

~ For intestinal atony and constipation, it is useful to eat 2-3 unpeeled apples every morning on an empty stomach, and eat baked apples at lunch and in the evening.

~ When urolithiasis and polyarthritis, apples are peeled, dried and ground into powder. Then pour 1 tablespoon of powder into 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, at lunch before meals and in the evening before bed.

~ In Rus', such an external remedy made from apples was extremely popular. Mix mashed apples with butter or pork fat equally, this ointment, as they used to say - “fondant”, was applied under a bandage to wounds that did not heal for a long time.

~ Grate fresh apples and apply the resulting pulp to burned, frostbitten and inflamed areas of the body.

~ It is known that apples contain a lot of iron (which is why they darken without the peel when exposed to air), so they are recommended to be taken for anemia.

~ For chronic rheumatism and gout, abundant consumption of apples is indicated. If you have gout, it is better not to peel them.

~ Sour apples were often used to remove warts. To do this, several times a day a fresh, freshly cut apple slice was placed under the bandage. It was believed that this method was more reliable than using celandine.

~ To prevent gastritis, it is useful to eat half a glass every morning and evening for a week applesauce from kilo-sweet apples. After a month, repeat the dose.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, herbalist Viktor Kosterov
Healthy lifestyle No. 3 2016