Useful properties of coconut for humans. What are the benefits of coconut?

For some citizens in our country, this fruit still retains its mystery. What is the benefit of the snow-white pulp and delicate transparent milk of coconut? And should you be careful when consuming this overseas delicacy?

It is believed that knowledge about coconuts came to us from Indonesia, Brazil, Thailand and the Philippines. In addition, the name of the palm tree has Portuguese roots. The word "coco" means "monkey" in Portuguese. The fact is that three spots on the surface of the fruit are very similar to the face of a monkey.

What does it consist of?

It belongs to the Palm family and the genus Cocos (being its only representative). The coconut nut is mistakenly called. From the biological side, this fruit is a drupe by type, weighing up to 2.5 kg.

It contains an outer shell (exocarp) and an inner shell (endocarp - three spots or pores “flaunt” on it).

Under the shell there is endosperm and white pulp with a unique valuable composition. At first, the endosperm is a clear liquid with drops of oil - coconut water. During the ripening process, the water becomes coconut milk - a milky emulsion. In a finally ripened coconut, the milk thickens and becomes hard.

Calories and nutritional value

Fruit pulp in 100 gr. contains approximately 360 kcal. The calorie content of coconut water is almost zero (per 100 g - 16.7 kcal). Nutrient content per 100 grams:

Properties of the fruit

The unusualness of this tree is manifested in its comfortable existence near sea water. However, he doesn’t need it. With its shallow roots, the palm tree easily absorbs moisture from the richly irrigated soil on the seashore.

Interestingly, salt water does not harm coconut husks. A nut that has fallen into the sea and washed ashore after a long journey gives life to a new palm tree.

Healing ingredients

Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, this fruit is an ideal way to saturate and replenish energy:

Content mg/100 g % of daily value
vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0,066 5,12
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,02 1,26
vitamin B3 or PP (niacin) 0,54 2,8
vitamin B4 (choline) 12,1 1720
vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0,3 3,7
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,054 2,7
vitamin B9 (folic acid) 0,026 0,01
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 3,3 4,7
vitamin E (tocopherol) 0,24 0,78
vitamin K (phylloquinone) 0,0002 0,00016
potassium 356 7,32
calcium 14 1,19
magnesium 32 9,6
sodium 20 2
phosphorus 113 15,55
iron 2,43 23,09
manganese 1,5 90
copper 0,435 44,37
selenium 0,01 33
zinc 1,1 12,9

These substances are contained to a greater or lesser extent in the pulp itself, intrafruit fluid, and oil.

Why is it useful?

Coconut is useful in the following cases:

  • urological and nervous diseases;
  • following a vegetarian diet;
  • hormonal imbalance (thyroid pathology);
  • metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • weakened immunity;
  • visual impairment and eye diseases;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • joint diseases.

The benefits of coconut for the heart are due to the presence of saturated (but healthy) fats, which normalize cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis. Coconut inhibits the growth of tumors. Its milk and pulp are an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. These properties allow the product to be used to combat allergic skin manifestations and acne.

Thanks to fiber, coconut stimulates intestinal activity. Coconut pulp and oil reduce the body's tolerance to antibiotics. You can also make ear drops from coconut pulp to help with pain.

Coconut water

It is not common to find fruits with coconut water. It is found in unripe fruits. This does not mean coconut milk (obtained by mixing the pulp with water). They taste different. Coconut water is low in calories, free of unhealthy fats, and tastes cool and sweet-sour.

The benefits of coconut water include:

  • quenching thirst;
  • restoration of water balance in the body;
  • ridding the bladder of infections.

The saturation of useful substances gives coconut water the properties of an almost saline solution.

Pasteurized coconut water, without preservatives and dangerous impurities, represents this wonderful liquid with full preservation of the beneficial properties of coconut, delivered directly to the human body. Of course, fresh fruit is healthier. But it is not always possible to use it constantly.

It is not in vain that this wonderful fruit is so widely used in various areas of human activity. We almost never eat it fresh. But if such an opportunity arises, you cannot shy away from it. After all, the unique properties of this unusual product bring obvious benefits to human health and appearance.

Contraindications and harm

Coconuts have virtually no contraindications, except for individual immunity. Sensitive people should take this into account.

Also, they should not be used by people prone to diarrhea and weight gain.

Areas of use

Fresh or dried fruit pulp, as well as flakes, are used for food. Regular consumption of products with coconut pulp normalizes metabolism. Coconut gives you a boost of energy without excess fat. Coconut flakes and dishes with them strengthen the immune system and provide good protection against viral and fungal infections. Coconut flakes cleanse the intestines of toxins.

It is added to:

  • salads;
  • baking;
  • porridge;
  • snacks;
  • puddings.

Prepared from coconut milk:

  • soups;
  • sauces;
  • beverages;
  • sweet dishes;
  • Dessert.

But the benefits of coconut are not limited to the fields of cooking, medicine and cosmetics. The fibers found on the hard shell (coir) are used to make strong ropes, ropes, carpets, brushes and other household items and building materials. Various souvenirs, toys, dishes and even musical instruments are made from the shell itself.

For cosmetic purposes

Coconut milk is useful for internal and external use (masks and lotions). Together with glucose, coconut milk is used in medicine for intravenous injections. This solution has an effect on dehydration by maintaining the desired fluid level.

Its exceptional benefits for the skin are manifested in the fact that it tones and refreshes it. Makes dull and aging skin elastic. Treating acne and allergic rashes with coconut milk gives excellent results. It dries and soothes inflamed skin.

Coconut oil

It is actively used in cosmetic procedures. After its external use, the appearance becomes more attractive.

Coconut oil is simply irreplaceable if the skin is dry, cracked and red. Due to the presence of saturated fatty acids in it, it is quickly absorbed, moisturizes the skin and makes it velvety.

Coconut oil is effective for all types of burns (including sunburn). Dull, split ends from the effects of this product become healthy and shiny.

In addition, coconut oil is a valuable dietary product. The presence of lauric acid in it means protection against pathogenic microorganisms, yeast, bacteria, viruses, fungi. Capric acid stimulates antimicrobial activity. Coconut oil is easy on the liver because it is easy to digest and promotes healthy intestinal flora.

Delicious recipes

First of all, the coconut must be opened. To do this you will have to arm yourself with a knife and a hammer:

  1. Using the tip of a knife, make a hole in one of the three eyes, which will be softer than the others.
  2. Drain the liquid and drink immediately; it does not keep for long.
  3. Using a hammer, start tapping the perimeter, turning the fruit.
  4. After a couple of laps, the shell will crack.
  5. Now it can be easily removed by simply pulling it to the sides. If you're lucky, the pulp will remain intact.

Now you can start cooking.

Recipe No. 1 “Three in one”

From one coconut you can get three useful products at once:

  1. Grind the pulp using a blender or grater.
  2. Fill the resulting shavings with warm water.
  3. Leave for a while until completely cooled.
  4. Remember to masher the pulp. Don't beat it!
  5. After three to four hours, strain the mixture. The shavings can be dried.
  6. Place the liquid in the refrigerator for several hours.
  7. Make a hole in the solidified oil and carefully drain the bottom layer of liquid.
  8. Collect the oil in a separate container.

Thus, from one fruit you can get about 50 g of butter, a glass of whey (low-concentrated milk) and a whole “mountain” of fresh aromatic shavings.

Recipe No. 2 “Vitamin Raffaello”

The remaining shavings are perfect for this dessert.


  • a mixture of any nuts and coconut flakes (in any proportion) – 250 grams;
  • medium-sized bananas - 1.5 pieces;
  • dates – 20 pieces;
  • coconut shavings for the top layer - 1 cup.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the coconut-nut mixture into flour or very fine crumbs using a blender or meat grinder (croll several times).
  2. Grind the dates (removing the pits) and bananas to a paste. Half a banana can be replaced with some other soft fruits (apricots, peaches, mangoes, etc.).
  3. If the mass is too thick, add a little water or juice.
  4. Mix it with nut flour.
  5. Roll the resulting dough into balls (to reduce stickiness, grease your hands with coconut oil).
  6. Sprinkle shavings on top.
  7. Place the finished sweets in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

This dessert turns out to be very satisfying and no less healthy. For greater originality, you can place a small whole nut or berry in the center of each ball.

Recipe No. 3 “Lazy coconut oatmeal” without cooking

This recipe will help diversify your usual breakfast.


  • oatmeal (which takes 20 minutes to cook) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • coconut milk – 1 glass;
  • honey (maple syrup) – 2 teaspoons;
  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, etc.) – 2 handfuls;
  • coconut shavings - for decoration.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour milk over the cereal and mix well. You can use ready-made coconut milk, or you can make your own. To do this, beat the pulp of one coconut with a blender with 300 - 400 ml of warm water and strain.
  2. Add berries and sweetener to taste.
  3. Transfer the thoroughly mixed mass into a sealed container and leave in the refrigerator for several hours, or better yet, overnight.
  4. In the morning (or after the required time has passed), take out the prepared breakfast, decorate it with coconut flakes and enjoy the surprisingly delicate taste of the exotic delicacy.

This recipe can be varied by adding poppy seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, nuts, or dried fruits. It is not recommended to use sugar, condensed milk and other similar products as a sweetener, because... this will make the porridge much less healthy.


Are you ready to take the coconut knowledge test?

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Draws up and conducts personal training programs for body correction. Specializes in sports traumatology and physiotherapy. Conducts classical medical and sports massage sessions. Conducts medical and biological monitoring.

Coconut is a tropical delicacy that is famous for its nutritional properties, unique taste and benefits for the whole body. This fruit, which grows on hot ocean coasts, is effectively used in many areas of human activity - we will consider its features in this article.

Calories, nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals

First of all, it is worth mentioning where coconut palms can most often be found - Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Sri Lanka. The nut consists of a hard shell, inner pulp and coconut water or milk.

The contents of the nut have many beneficial properties, are very nutritious and are effectively used for medicinal purposes. Coconut contains many chemical elements that have a positive effect on human health: B vitamins, as well as K, C, E.

Did you know? The coconut is not a nut at all, as we traditionally call it. Coconut is a stone fruit, also called a drupe, and its close relatives are plum, peach and apricot.

It also contains macro- and microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, lauric acid.

This entire vitamin and mineral complex contains the following amount of BJU (per 100 g of coconut pulp):

  • calorie content - 360 kcal;
  • proteins - 3.33 g;
  • fats - 3.49 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15.23 g.

100 g of coconut water contains:

  • calorie content - 16.7 kcal;
  • proteins - 4 g;
  • fats - 27 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6 g.

What are the benefits of coconut for the body?

The healing properties of the coconut fruit are a real salvation for people suffering from the following ailments:

  • inflammatory processes, infections, viruses, bacteria - properties appear due to the lauric acid present in the composition, which is also found in the breast milk of a nursing mother;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system because it contains large amounts of magnesium, boron and bromine. Also responsible for the absence of depression, because it promotes the production of serotonin and endorphin;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • helminthiasis, especially in milk;
  • has a positive effect on the course and prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • normalizes hormonal balance, prevents enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • promotes normal digestion, for example, heals ulcers, eliminates constipation;
  • an effective remedy to combat atherosclerosis;
  • reliable protection and prevention of cancer;
  • has a beneficial effect on joints.

Video: beneficial properties of coconut

Important! Thanks to its bactericidal propertiescoconutit does not rot, it is not afraid of moisture, it can maintain firmness and elasticity for several years if it does not have any deformations.


Coconut effectively protects the female body from the occurrence of cancerous tumors, in particular breast cancer. It is often used in the beauty industry because it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face and body.

Coconut oil eliminates the problems of oily skin: it is recommended to apply it to problem areas, and it dries and normalizes the secretion of subcutaneous sebum. The oil is often used as a remedy to help get rid of wrinkles, and in adolescence it is a fairly effective way to get rid of acne.
It also has a good effect on the condition of the hair, improving its structure and appearance due to the fact that it provides the necessary nutrition. Coconut milk helps eliminate varicose veins. In cosmetology it is used as a makeup remover and skin care product, and also as a hygienic lipstick.

Recommended for use by pregnant women to lighten age spots that appear during pregnancy and prevent stretch marks. Has a positive effect in the healing of postpartum injuries.


Coconut milk can be used as a shaving cream and then as a sanitizer after this process. Eating coconut is a powerful aphrodisiac that helps men establish or increase their desire for intimacy with women.

In case of serious problems with the skin, for example, the appearance of eczema or psoriasis, coconut is an effective remedy. It also has a good effect on joints, keeping them youthful and mobile.

Features of use

There are times when the consumption of a particular food product should be treated with special caution and increased attention. Most often this is due to age-related characteristics or certain health conditions, as well as diseases and allergic predispositions.

During pregnancy

During this special period in a woman’s life, it is not only beneficial for her to eat coconut, but it can also be effectively used as a cosmetic product.
Coconut milk helps increase the elasticity of the skin during the active changes in the body of a pregnant woman, which in turn prevents the appearance of such unpleasant stretch marks on the body. To do this, you need to systematically rub it with light massage movements into the areas most susceptible to their appearance.

When breastfeeding

During lactation, women are recommended to drink a few tablespoons of coconut milk to increase the nutritional value of breast milk. The rich vitamin and mineral composition will help normalize breastfeeding and make it more complete.

Coconut milk can also relieve irritation of the delicate skin of the nipples during intensive breastfeeding and during the period when the baby begins to cut teeth.

When losing weight

Despite the high calorie content of coconut pulp, its milk is a low-calorie product.
In addition, moderate consumption of coconuts helps improve metabolism and normalizes the digestive system and is therefore an excellent tool for weight loss.

For diabetes

People suffering from diabetes should be wary of consuming this product. So, for example, fruit pulp is allowed to be eaten in limited quantities, but coconut oil is prohibited.

For gastritis

For diseases of the digestive system, in particular gastritis, as well as ulcers, etc., coconut should be consumed in moderation. It normalizes the intestinal microflora and can be used in the diet of people who are intolerant to cow's milk.

However, do not forget about the caloric content of the product: milk can overload the stomach, and it will be difficult for it to cope with it, but at the same time, fiber helps improve digestion.

At what age can children

In those countries where coconut grows everywhere, children begin to introduce it to their food quite early. Coconut milk promotes good functioning of the nervous system, calms, and eliminates hyperactivity in children.

It promotes the active development of thinking and the full growth of a healthy and strong baby. Children living in countries where coconut trees do not grow can begin to introduce a new product for them, just like any other new product for a baby, in small quantities, observing the reaction of the child’s body.

How to choose a delicious coconut when buying

Choosing a coconut fruit is not a common thing for people living far from hot tropical countries, so it is best before going to the store and purchasing the desired delicacy to familiarize yourself with some tips that will help you purchase the most delicious and high-quality coconut.

Video: how to choose the right coconut First of all, you should ask the seller about when the delivery of this batch of coconuts was made. When choosing a coconut, you need to take several fruits in your hands and determine the one that will have the greatest weight: visually it should seem small.

This will mean that it contains a large amount of liquid and is a quality product. In addition, you can shake the nut a little - the gurgling sound will be a good signal that this is a ripe fruit.

If the coconut is very light and you do not hear splashing and gurgling inside, this means that the fruit could have damage to the outer shell and the liquid has leaked out, or it has been stored for quite a long time and all the liquid has evaporated. As a result, the pulp may have fungal infections and a bad, spoiled taste.

You should not choose deformed or damaged fruits. If there are cracks and dents, the tightness of the shell is compromised, and therefore the sterility of the pulp and milk - processes of rotting and bacterial growth can begin there.
You should also pay attention to the three points that are located on the pointed side of the fruit: one of them should be harder than the other two. It is necessary to make sure that during transportation of the coconut the soft points are not damaged, since in this case the inside of the nut may contain mold.

The coconut fruit should not be wet. If you see wet areas on the product, this may mean that there is a crack in the product and its contents are leaking out little by little. Before eating, you should inspect the inside of the coconut. The pulp should be uniform in color and have a pleasant, not pungent odor.

It is worth noting that all these tips will help you determine the highest quality product from those presented in your store’s assortment, but they do not at all guarantee its excellent taste, since the transportation process takes quite a long time and requires compliance with certain conditions.
In addition, an apparently ideal fruit may still be unsuitable for consumption if its pulp is not uniform in color and has an unpleasant taste.

To open a coconut, we will need a large ordinary kitchen knife, preferably with a heavy handle and a wide blade, and one small knife with a narrow blade. First of all, you should take a coconut fruit and turn it up with the pointed side with 3 dark dots on top.

Having chosen a point that stands out from all the others, we begin to pick at it with a small knife. In this way, the coconut milk can be extracted from the fruit. To open it, take a nut in one hand and a wide, large knife in the other and start knocking on the fruit with the flat side of the knife.

Video: how to open a coconut at home Tapping should be done by rotating the coconut in a circle in your hand. The process must be continued for 1-2 minutes, constantly tapping the surface of the nut until you hear it crack. Next, you should continue to knock on the fruit, turning it around its axis until a characteristic crack appears on the body.

After the crack becomes significant, you can try to open the coconut with your hands - with a little effort, break it into pieces.

Important! Some peoples living on the Pacific coast have a tradition of planting a coconut tree when a baby is born in the family. They claim that his health can be judged for the rest of his life by the condition and growth of the tree.

How and with what it is eaten

The pulp of the fruit, fresh or dried, is used to normalize metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. It is used in the preparation of baked goods, puddings, snacks, salads and cereals. Coconut milk often becomes one of the ingredients in the preparation of all kinds of desserts, drinks, sauces and soups.

Coconut goes especially well with the following products:

  • chicken meat and;
  • shrimp, squid and other seafood;
  • porridge, for example, oatmeal, rice, millet;
  • fruits - , lime, ;
  • spices -

Many people like exotic fruits. After all, you really want to enjoy something else besides apples, pears and grapes. One of the favorite overseas crops is coconut. As you know, this happens with coconut. Although it is not forbidden, it is inaccessible - it is incredibly difficult to open it. And therefore you want to enjoy it even more than, say, pineapple. In addition, this nut is incredibly healthy. Everything in it is valuable: pulp, milk, and even fiber. There is practically no waste from coconut drupes. This is truly a wonderful plant that deserves to be enjoyed.

Coconut as a plant

Coconut is a fruit belonging to the palm plant family. The culture grows on a slender, tall palm tree with dense, smooth and long leaves. bears round fruits up to 30 centimeters long and weighing from one and a half to two and a half kilograms. The top of the nut is covered with a strong shell with hard fibers. Inside the drupe there is a delicate pulp that is white in color and has a sweet taste. The fruit can take about ten months to ripen. When the nut turns brown, it means it is ripe and can be picked. If the shell of the fruit has a green tint, then it is not yet ripe and it is better not to remove it from the palm tree.

The nut shell is so hard that even during transportation of the product across the ocean it is not susceptible to damage. Even after traveling, it is able to germinate in new places.

Since the coconut palm loves the sandy soil of sea coasts, it can be found in abundance in India, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and other countries where a tropical climate prevails.

What's in a coconut?

The composition of coconut is extremely diverse. It contains many B vitamins (B1-B3, B5, B6 and B9). It also contains minerals such as calcium and potassium. In addition, the fruit contains water, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. In small quantities, the drupe is enriched with vitamins H, E and C, and minerals such as manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, sodium and others.

Coconut has a very high calorie content, amounting to 362 kilocalories for every hundred grams of product. But you should not refuse to eat the fruit because of this. You just need to eat it not often and in limited portions.

Properties of the exotic fruit

For the human body, the properties of coconut are simply invaluable. In those countries where the fruit grows, it is considered a real gift from the gods. In all Indian hospitals, seriously ill patients are prescribed coconut water as a restorative and restorative remedy. Coconut helps regulate the functioning of almost all metabolic processes. It promotes the synthesis of amino acids and normalizes the condition of nerve tissue. The plant fiber contained in drupes has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Coconut contains a certain amount of lauric acid, which inhibits the proliferation of various pathogenic organisms and gives the product antimicrobial properties. Coconut water perfectly regulates blood pressure and removes cholesterol from blood vessels. It can be used to reduce fever and maintain salt balance. The juice dissolves stones and treats kidney diseases.

Benefit plus harm

Coconut, which is described in this article, is used to treat many ailments. But it also has many contraindications. But let's talk about everything one by one. Fresh fruit pulp improves digestion, replenishes lack of energy, improves vision, strengthens the heart and prevents the development of tumors. Fragrant and sweet nut milk perfectly tones and refreshes the skin. Coconut water is especially useful for aging and dull skin. Teenagers can use this juice to combat acne.

But despite all its advantages, the fruits of the coconut palm can also cause harm. There are few contraindications for eating drupes, but they do exist. And first of all, it is necessary to note individual intolerance and allergies to the product. People who are overweight are not recommended to eat coconut due to its high calorie content. Since the fruit has a laxative effect, it is better to avoid it if diarrhea bothers you. Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is also a contraindication to consuming exotic delicacies.

Application in culinary arts

Due to the fact that coconut has an incredibly pleasant smell and taste, it has found its wide application in culinary matters. As a rule, the pulp of the fruit is used, which is dried to make flakes, or grated.

The product harmonizes perfectly with various meat dishes, providing them with a spicy flavor. This is why milk and the drupe pulp itself are incredibly popular ingredients in East Asian gastronomy. There they are added to both main courses and soups.

But the nut is most in demand for preparing sweet dishes and desserts. It is added to creams and baked goods, and also mixed with sweet cereals and cottage cheese.

Opening the fruit

Readers are probably most interested in the question of how to open a coconut at home? After all, this is not a simple matter at all and requires extraordinary efforts. If you have a screwdriver in your house, the procedure will be quite easy and you will not damage the flesh of the drupe. If you want to get two identical halves of a nut, then you need to drill holes exactly along the “equator” line at a distance of two to three centimeters from each other. If you need to get halves with sharp edges, then the same holes need to be drilled in a checkerboard pattern along the “equator”. After the holes have been made, you should split the coconut and use a kitchen knife to finally open it.

You can also open the drupe with an ordinary knife with a heavy handle. Along the “equator” of the fruit, you need to make deep notches with the tip of the tool. Then you should cut the shell along these marks. If the procedure is unsuccessful, it is recommended to throw in a coconut. But it is important to do this so that the impact of the fall falls on the place where the sawing was carried out.

People's stories about the delicious fruit

Coconut receives different reviews. It belongs to those products that you either like from the first bite or you don’t. Therefore, people who like it say that its taste is truly a heavenly pleasure. Those who have not accepted the fruit note the hardness of its pulp and the incomprehensible taste of the milk. But all consumers speak positively about the cosmetic benefits of drupes, claiming that it has the most miraculous effect on the skin.

The beneficial properties of coconut have been known since ancient times.

Coconut came to our country from Indonesia, Brazil, Sri Lanka and other warm countries.

Coconut is a drupe consisting of pulp and liquid.

The name of coconut translated from Portuguese means "monkey". The Portuguese named this fruit so because the three spots on the surface of the coconut resemble the face of a monkey.

But why does coconut remain without much attention on Russian shelves? How many benefits will eating coconut bring to the human body?

To get answers to these questions, it is worth studying the composition of this fruit in detail.

Composition and calorie content of coconut

The coconut is a fruit consisting of two layers and liquid.

The outer layer - the shell or exocarp - is very durable and difficult to mechanically impact. The inner layer is the endocarp or copra - the edible part of the coconut, the pulp. It is on the inside that those three spots are located, because of which the coconut got its name. Coconut liquid or endosperm ripens with the coconut, and coconut water produces coconut milk.

When the fruit is ripe, coconut milk thickens and hardens.

Composition of coconut pulp (per 100 g):

Proteins - 3.33 g

Fats – 33.49 g

Carbohydrates – 6.23 g

Dietary fiber – 9 g

Water – 46.99 g

Ash – 0.97 g

Mono- and disaccharides – 6.23 g

Saturated fatty acids – 29.698 g

The pulp contains quite a lot of fats, so the calorie content of coconut is high - 353 kcal per 100 g. And dry coconut contains even more calories - 592 kcal per 100 grams. As for coconut water, it contains 16.7 kcal per 100g.

Coconut contains a lot of vitamins (per 100 grams of edible part):

Vitamin B1 – 0.066 mg

Vitamin B2 – 0.02 mg

Vitamin B3 – 0.3 mg

Vitamin B6 – 0.054 mg

Vitamin B9 – 26 mcg

Vitamin C – 3.3 mg

Vitamin E – 0.24 mg

Vitamin K – 0.2 mcg

Vitamin PP – 0.54 mg

Choline – 12.1 mg

In addition to vitamins, coconut pulp contains micro and trace elements that have a positive effect on human health:



But this is not a complete list of the beneficial components of this tropical fruit. Coconut contains amino acids, antioxidants, fiber and natural oils.

American scientists claim that The composition of coconut water is close to the composition of human blood. This water contains minerals in the quantities that a person needs. Therefore, after physical activity or sports training, it is healthier to drink coconut water than sports drinks. But you need to drink coconut water immediately after opening the coconut.

The beneficial properties of coconut can be explained by its composition, but not all people know what benefits consuming this tropical fruit will bring to the body. And the range of uses of coconut is quite wide, so the positive effects of this fruit are felt both inside and outside.

How can coconut be used beneficially?

Coconut pulp famous for its pleasant taste. This pulp is consumed both raw and dry.

Dry coconut is used to make coconut flakes, which are used in baking, making desserts, puddings, smoothies, etc. Coconut pulp is added to salads, snacks, and porridges. This tropical fruit gives dishes a sweetish aroma and a specific taste.

Coconut milk also used in cooking. It is added to soups, meat and fish dishes. Sauces and drinks are also made from this milk.

It is obtained from dried coconut pulp Coconut oil, which is used not only in cooking. Coconut oil is popular in cosmetology, pharmaceutical and perfume industries.

Coconut oil is good for hair and scalp. Regular use of this oil will help prevent split ends and hair splitting. Coconut oil nourishes, moisturizes and protects hair. It is recommended to use this product for those who suffer from excessive dry hair. But it is worth remembering that coconut oil washes out the unnatural pigment from the hair, so it is better not to apply this product to freshly colored hair.

Coconut oil is good for the skin. It helps maintain youthful skin and improve metabolic processes. The use of this oil for massage purposes is popular. The aroma of coconut has a calming effect, so it helps you relax during a massage.

In addition, coconut is even used in the production of construction and household materials. More precisely, not the whole coconut, but only its solid part. The fibers found in the coconut shell are called coconut coir.

Ropes, ropes, brushes, carpets, etc. are made from these fibers. Coconut coir is used to make the hard layer of mattresses as it is highly durable.

Coconut shells are part of absorbent medications that have a positive effect on intestinal function and help remove toxins and waste from the body.

coconut shell used to make dishes, toys and souvenirs that tourists bring with them from warm countries. Even musical instruments are made from this shell.

What are the benefits of coconut for the human body?

The edible part of the coconut - pulp and milk - contains vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of human internal organs.

Coconut pulp is rich in protein, so consumption of this tasty part of coconut is recommended for those who want to gain weight. The benefits of coconut for athletes and bodybuilders in particular are undeniable. Coconut will help build muscle mass in a short time and nourish the body with energy, since this exotic fruit contains a large amount of calories.

Coconut – strong aphrodesiac, which increases sexual desire. This fruit has a positive effect on human reproductive functions. In addition, coconut helps treat urological diseases.

This tropical fruit contains cellulose, so coconut is useful for constipation and other gastrointestinal problems. Coconut helps relieve bloating, gas and stomach pain.

This fruit can be consumed even by people suffering from stomach ulcers. Coconut milk will not only help alleviate the symptoms of this disease, but also help heal the ulcer. Coconut milk is also effective for kidney and gall bladder diseases.

Coconut has a positive effect on the thyroid gland. This exotic fruit contains a considerable amount of iodine, so coconut helps to cope with diseases such as colloid goiter and other pathologies of the thyroid gland.

Coconut contains lauric acid, which is the main acid found in breast milk. Together with vitamins and minerals, lauric acid will help strengthen the human immune system, increase resistance to many diseases and improve well-being. The substances that make up coconut help speed up metabolism.

Scientists say that coconut helps fight the appearance of cancerous tumors. This is especially true for breast cancer, so women should include this tropical fruit in their diet.

In addition to the above, coconut helps with eye diseases and vision impairment, heart and vascular diseases, and joint diseases.

For colds, sore throats and flu, it is recommended to consume coconut milk, as it will soothe a sore throat. Coconut has anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, drinking some coconut milk can provide your body with energy and essential nutrients.

There has long been a debate among scientists and nutritionists about the benefits and harms of coconut. The beneficial properties of this fruit are undeniable, but will eating coconut cause harm to the human body?

Coconut: what are the health benefits?

It is widely believed that coconut, due to its high calorie and fat content, is harmful to the health of the heart and blood vessels. However, studies have shown that the fats that are part of this tropical fruit do not cause cardiovascular diseases, because not all fats have the same effect on cholesterol levels. But it is still not recommended for people who have problems with excess weight to consume coconuts.

The consumption of this fruit is not recommended for those who have a tendency to diarrhea. Coconut has no other contraindications. There are rare cases of individual intolerance or allergic reactions, so if a person has never eaten this fruit, you should not eat too much of it the first time.

Is coconut good or bad for children?

All children love sweets with coconut flakes, but will eating coconut be harmful? A child's stomach is more susceptible to food than that of adults, so this tropical fruit should not be introduced into a child's diet before one and a half to two years. You should not give coconut to children with allergies early, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. Ideally, all tropical fruits are introduced into a child’s diet from the age of three.

Coconut contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development and good growth of the child's body. Calcium has a positive effect on the skeletal system and teeth, and iron helps prevent anemia.

This tropical fruit has a beneficial effect on children's skin. Coconut oil is an excellent natural skin care product for babies. In addition, coconut oil helps protect your baby's skin from sun damage.

There are no contraindications for children to eat coconut. You should not consume this fruit only in case of individual intolerance or allergies. Coconut will help ensure normal growth and development of the child, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals and energize.

Coconut is a large, round fruit of the coconut palm with a hard, fuzzy shell, thin brown rind, and white flesh, eaten fresh or dried, flaked or grated.

Coconut is a plant of the Palm family (Arecaceae) and the only species of the genus Cocos.

One of the features of these trees is that they willingly live in close proximity to sea water, although they do not need it at all. This is explained by the ease with which the shallow roots of palm trees absorb moisture from the abundantly irrigated soil on the sea coast.

Coconut husks are not damaged in salt water. This means that a nut that has fallen into the sea waves can be carried out into the open sea and, after long wanderings, thrown onto some distant shore, where after some time a young palm tree will be born.

How to choose a coconut?

Coconuts often get pricked during transportation, so the milk spills out of them and they themselves rot. So if you see even a small crack on a coconut, don’t buy it. A good coconut should definitely have milk splashing around, you can hear it clearly.

The coconut flesh should not only be easily separated from the shell, but also from the shell layer (between the white and the shell itself). If not, then the nut was removed green. And the flesh should be soft. It is usually used in the form of small chips.

Use of coconut in cooking

Coconuts are used in fruit salads, desserts, pies, soups and sometimes in main dishes.

Coconut oil is a vegetable fatty oil obtained from copra. It is made by hot pressing fresh dried coconut pulp. It is used mainly in soap making, for the production of cosmetics, for preparing cooling fillings for waffle cakes and in the production of margarine.

With the popularity of Asian cuisine, coconut meat has more recently been used in European recipes.

How to open a coconut

On top of each coconut there are 3 indentations in the shape of an isosceles triangle. First you need to pierce (with a screwdriver, a narrow knife, scissors) the hole that is located closest to the top. You can strain up to two-thirds of a glass from one nut.

Next, a hammer will come in handy :) holding the coconut in one hand, you need to turn it, tap on the so-called golden ratio of the coconut (about a third from the end with black eyes), and it is along this line that a crack will appear quite unexpectedly - this is a natural fault line. All you have to do is stick the tip of a knife into it and apply a little pressure, and the coconut will split open on its own. Although if you open a coconut from the supermarket and it is not the freshest, having a hammer will come in handy again.

Calorie content of coconut

Coconut is considered a high-calorie food due to its high fat content. 100 g of coconut contains 354 kcal. The energy value of coconut oil is 862 kcal per 100 g. However, coconut milk contains only 19 kcal. Excessive consumption of coconuts can cause excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of coconuts

Coconut contains many healing substances, natural oils and antioxidants.

Coconut contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin, folate and fiber.

Coconut pulp improves digestion and vision, restores strength, improves immunity, and prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular and cancer diseases.

Coconut has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Coconut milk has a pleasant smell and sweet taste, it is very good for the skin and contains about 27% fat, 6% carbohydrates and 4% protein. The milk perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, restores the elasticity of aging and dull skin. It can be used especially successfully to treat acne and allergic rashes, soothe and dry inflamed skin.

Coconut oil consists of triglycerides and medium-chain saturated fatty acids, due to which it is absorbed very quickly, remarkably moisturizes and gives the skin a velvety feel. In particular, lauric acid has a negative effect on a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses. Coconut oil also contains capric acid (7% of the fatty acid composition), which stimulates antimicrobial activity. Coconut oil is easy to digest and does not put stress on the liver. It is good for your stomach and promotes healthy intestinal flora.