Useful properties and possible harm of oxygen cocktails. Rules for preparing and taking a healthy oxygen cocktail

This drink helps prevent hypoxia of the body. Oxygen cocktail, or oxygen foam, is gaining more and more popularity every year. Find out what are the benefits and harms of this drink, what are the contraindications for taking it.

What is an oxygen cocktail

Oxygen foam is an oxygenated liquid into which to improve palatability add berries, fruits and other components. An oxygen cocktail is, in fact, a drink familiar to everyone since childhood, only enriched with the gas necessary for any living being. Initially, only wealthy patients of sanatoriums and rest homes could try the healthy foam. With invention the latest technologies the production of the drink became available to the masses. So, you can buy foam in pharmacies, oxybars and sanatoriums at a price of 100-120 rubles. per litre.

Oxygen cocktail - composition

The first ozone drinks were made from raw egg whites. The taste of such a cocktail left much to be desired, and the foam formed during oxygenation quickly settled. Later dry egg whites were used. The composition of the oxygen cocktail in modern interpretation includes licorice or licorice root, as well as a solution of gelatin. During preparation, special food foaming agents are added to the drink. The liquid base of an oxydrink can be:

  • milk;
  • fruit juices: pear, apple, grape;
  • all kinds of syrups;
  • water.

Oxygen cocktail - benefits and harms

Proponents of oxygen therapy claim that an ozone drink will benefit almost anyone. The benefits and harms of an oxygen cocktail are a matter of controversy in the medical community. Unlike apologists for ozone therapy, opponents of this trend are sure that it is impossible to obtain the missing amount of ozone through gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they express the idea that oxygen therapy can provoke the development various diseases digestive system.

What is useful oxygen cocktail

The beneficial effects of foam on the human body are largely undisputed. This raises a logical question: what are the benefits of oxygen cocktails? It is important to note that some of the manufacturers' claims in this regard are only a publicity stunt and nothing more. The drink has the same effect as if the patient drank herbal tea or vitamin complex. Experts recommend drinking oxypenka for insomnia and flatulence, cerebrovascular accidents. So, the benefits of oxygen cocktails are the following:

  • elimination of symptoms of chronic fatigue;
  • prevention of oxygen starvation of the body;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • prevention of frequent colds and chronic diseases.

Oxygen cocktail - contraindications

This healthy drink positive influence on the body only proper manufacture. Separately, it is worth mentioning the method of using an antihypoxic agent. Air foam should not be drunk through a straw: this can cause a burn of the mucous membrane oral cavity. By the way, doctors warn that the most safe way to take foam is to eat it from a spoon. In addition, the foam is forbidden to eat with bronchial asthma. Along with this, the following contraindications for oxygen cocktails are distinguished:

  • individual intolerance to the components of a healthy drink;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • adhesive process in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholecystitis;
  • urolithiasis.

Oxygen cocktail during pregnancy

The second half of the gestation period is dangerous for the development of intrauterine hypoxia. For this reason, in many antenatal clinics, expectant mothers are prescribed oxypenka as a preventive measure for this serious complication. Oxygen cocktail for pregnant women is very useful. Foam contains the most optimal set of vitamins. The drink helps to avoid not only oxygen starvation, but also increase resistance female body many diseases. Plus, oxypenka has a low calorie content, which is especially useful for overweight pregnant women.

Oxygen cocktail for children

Treatment with oxypenka has no age restrictions. A growing child is actively developing and it often happens that angiogenesis does not keep pace with the constantly emerging new cellular structures. Due to the lack of the required number of vessels children's body begins to experience symptoms of oxygen starvation. With the help of an oxydrink, you can easily make up for the lack of a vital substance in the body. For this reason, the benefits of an oxygen cocktail for children are simply undeniable. In addition, children, as a rule, enjoy drinking this delicious drink.

How to make an oxygen cocktail at home

There are many recipes for how to make your own oxygen mixture. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the ingredients used and the existing indications. Before adding this or that component, it is necessary to make sure of its anti-allergenic nature. If you are using raw protein to make an oxi drink, wash thoroughly beforehand. eggshell. Oxygen cocktail at home is made according to the following recipes:

  1. Fruity drink. For one serving of airy foam, pour 70 ml into 130 ml of milk apple juice and add 6 g vanilla oxygen mixture. The resulting drink must be saturated with oxygen, then consumed once throughout the day.
  2. A cocktail with anti-inflammatory properties. The preparation of the drink involves the use of a whole set of medicinal herbs: calendula, chamomile, thyme. In a liter of milk, add 2 tbsp. l. mixtures of dry plants. The transformation of infused medicinal herbs into oxypenka is carried out using a special apparatus.


Oxygen cocktail

Oxygen cocktail- an oxygenated drink. To form the structure of the cocktail, food foaming agents are used - licorice root extract or spum mixtures. Sanatoriums, rest houses and other health-improving establishments often add vitaminizing ingredients to the cocktail. The taste of an oxygen cocktail depends entirely on the components of its base; oxygen itself has no taste or smell. It is believed to have tonic properties. Used in therapeutic and preventive purposes as one of the concomitant means of oxygen therapy. It can help eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome and get rid of hypoxia, activate cell metabolism, etc.

Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) can cause irreversible changes in the state of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and other body systems. Enrichment of tissues with additional oxygen (oxygen therapy) helps to normalize the functioning of the immune system, cell metabolism, reduce fatigue, etc. . In Russia, for oxygen therapy, they use the means necessary to enrich the body with oxygen, for example, oxygen concentrators, generators, oxygen cocktails, etc. Such tools are available in oxygen bars, medical and preventive institutions. In addition, it is possible to carry out oxygen therapy at home. According to studies conducted in the 1960s, stomach tissues absorb oxygen more efficiently, so enteral oxygen therapy, based on the use of drinks saturated with this gas, as an element of a complex for the prevention and treatment of various acute and chronic diseases, can have a positive effect on the body.

Invention history

For the first time, the recipe for making an oxygen cocktail was invented by Academician N. N. Sirotinin in the 60s of the XX century. ., reported at a meeting of the oxygen committee at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in 1963. The Soviet scientist conducted research on the respiratory function of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract and the possibility of enriching the body with oxygen, the introduction of medical 99% oxygen in the form of foam ( increased content oxygen in the blood is achieved primarily in the blood plasma due to the large difference between 99% concentration of medical oxygen and 16-18% oxygen content in venous blood) through the digestive tract. In progress clinical trials a probe was inserted into the patient's stomach, through which about 2 liters of oxygen entered the body. Despite the obvious positive trend in the condition of patients (the therapeutic effect is the elimination of hypoxia, anthelmintic, direct healing effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and the general positive reflex effect of oxygen on the gastric mucosa), scientists were forced to abandon this method of oxygen therapy in favor of a more gentle in the form of oxygen foam taken orally, which had the same therapeutic effect. Later, scientists began to feed the foaming mixture into the Bobrov apparatus, fill it with oxygen and pass it into the patient's mouth through a special tube. Then, in medical and preventive medical institutions, it became customary to serve oxygen foam in various dishes and eat it with spoons. Then this dish was called " oxygen cocktail". Since the middle of the last century, this technique has not changed much, only the composition of the foaming mixture and methods of oxygen enrichment have improved. Initially, an oxygen cocktail was prepared in sanatoriums, dispensaries, school and preschool institutions, as well as hospitals in the USSR. However, the use of cylinders with compressed O 2 in the manufacture of the drink (used in 1968), which presented difficulties in operation, made this oxygen therapy a privilege for patients of elite medical and preventive institutions, but since 1970 health devices began to be produced by order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, designed specifically for the production of oxygen foam and easy to operate. Currently, interest in oxygen cocktails has resumed.

The composition of the oxygen cocktail

The main component of the oxygen cocktail is gaseous oxygen, (it is a food additive E948 that meets the international requirements of the FAO / WHO JECFA (Joint Committee of Experts on Food Additives of the Codex Alimentarius Commission) for an O2 content of more than 99.0%, CO less than 0.001%, CO2 less than 0, 03%, hydrocarbons less than 0.01% no odor (letter of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences No. 72-01-17 / 275 dated 03.05.2012)), with which the blend syrup is saturated and which, according to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, has in an oxygen cocktail (see also reference book "Medicines" M. D. Mashkovsky M 2010 section "Oxygen") therapeutic and prophylactic effect, and which corresponds in the Russian Federation and the Customs Union only medical gaseous oxygen GOST 5583-78 (table 1, measurements 1, 2, 3, 5-7, 9) (letter of the Federal Rospotrebnadzor No. 01 / 4986-12-31 dated 03.05.2012) or liquid medical (after gasification, possibly mixed with nitrogen, made in the same way as food additive E941 (content more than 99.0% , O2 less than 0.1%, CO less than 0.001%), at a concentration of 70-90% oxygen, the rest nitrogen). In terms of quality and safety, medical oxygen in the Russian Federation also complies with the EU E948 standards for oxygen as a food additive, and the standards for medical oxygen of the US State Pharmacopoeia, the EU Pharmacopoeia, the oxygen content is at least 99.5% and also the almost complete absence harmful impurities and gases. It is produced by low-temperature distillation by enterprises that have a pharmaceutical license, in accordance with the Technical Regulations for the production of medical gases. There are no such stringent requirements for technical oxygen. Even technical oxygen of the 1st grade with an oxygen content of 99.7% is unacceptable, since there is no guarantee that there are no impurities in the atmospheric air that are harmful to health and is prohibited in the Russian Federation by the Law “On circulation medicines". In the US, oxygen is dispensed by prescription only. In the Russian Federation, an oxygen cocktail is prescribed for children only on the recommendation of a doctor SanPin p.15.25 and SanPiN p.6.32. To use an oxygen cocktail as a food product, it is also required to have a technological instruction SanPiN p.

Juices (apple, pear, grape, cherry, sea buckthorn, raspberry), syrups, water, milk and fruit drinks are used as the basis of the cocktail. It is not recommended to use oily and carbonated liquids, as well as juices with pulp, as they prevent the formation of a homogeneous foam. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, healing infusions of plants and herbs are suitable as a basis, for example, hawthorn, immortelle, motherwort and wild rose. Another component of the oxygen cocktail is a foaming element, due to which foam is formed in the drink. Gelatin is used as such an element, egg white and licorice root. The composition of the first oxygen cocktails included raw egg white, but, as clinical studies have shown, this component had significant drawbacks and side effects, such as hyperallergenicity, unpleasant taste and the possibility of infectious diseases. Now the best foaming elements are licorice root, which has foaming, general tonic and soothing properties, and dry egg white, which is part of almost all modern mixtures for oxygen cocktails, has the highest foaming and foam-retaining properties, and is also devoid of all of the above disadvantages crude protein. . An oxygen cocktail may also include vitamin and mineral components that are resistant to oxygen. All components must have documents in the Russian Federation confirming the quality and safety of medicines (medical oxygen, licorice root, medicinal herbs) - registration certificate of the Federal Roszdravnadzor, for food additives (foodstuffs) registration certificates of Rospotrebnadzor (including the food additive oxygen E948), manufacturer's declarations based on compliance with the norms of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union, supported by laboratory tests of accredited laboratories.

Cooking method

There are several traditional ways to prepare an oxygen cocktail: using an oxygen cocktail, an oxygen stone or an oxygen mixer connected to a gas source (oxygen concentrator, cylinder). To prepare a cocktail, pour 2 grams of a foaming agent into a 400 ml container and add 100 ml of base liquid (juice, fruit drink, milk, etc.). The mixer, connected to an oxygen source, is then lowered into the mixture. Within a few seconds, the liquid is filled with gas. Then turn on the oxygen mixer for 10-15 seconds and froth the drink. In order to prepare a cocktail with an oxygen stone, you need to lower the stone, connected to an oxygen cartridge or concentrator, into a container with a mixture of base liquid and foaming agent. The traditional method of obtaining an oxygen cocktail (foam) since 1970 on health devices (oxygen foam formers) was developed by N.N. Sirotinin, a student of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Academician. professor Zanozdra (Kiev), which are still produced by several manufacturers in Russia, include a vessel in the form of a small canister (weighing 2-4 kg. with a pressure reducing reducer that contains a supply of medical oxygen gaseous GOST 5583-78 or food oxygen (registered food additive E948), which, after dispensing 200-500 portions of 200-250 ml of foam, must be refilled at the oxygen plant (station, or at the Ministry of Emergency Situations) and a container of 0.5-1.0 liters (approved for contact with food by sanitary services), closed with a lid on release and containing a solution for preparing an oxygen cocktail, into which oxygen is supplied through the tube from the Health apparatus and sprayed in the blending syrup with an oxygen spray, after which the foam enters the prepared glasses through the outgoing tube in 10-20 seconds and is taken with spoons or tubes inside the body. Similarly, disposable small cans are used - scrollers complete with a solution container (there are disposable, there are reusable - oxygen cocktails), with a supply of oxygen for several servings. Any use of medical oxygen gas (or dietary supplement E948) is easy to distinguish, no power required, can be distinguished.

Oxygen Cocktail Safety

Oxygen and oxygen-air mixtures are always oil and fat hazardous, i.e. when oxygen comes into contact with fat (oil), oil always ignites (it happens - this requires a spark, but when high blood pressure often not required), although gaseous medical oxygen GOST 5583-78 itself never BURN, it supports (intensifies) combustion processes. An explosion of pure medical oxygen in an oxygen cocktail is technically IMPOSSIBLE, i.e. there will be no blast wave, but burns from burning fat are possible (even from a small can that fits in your pocket) if you grease (oil) any apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail (any part of it in contact with oxygen, and containers for blending syrup). Burnout of oil upon contact with oxygen occurs within a matter of seconds within a radius of no more than 1 meter and immediately ends. Therefore, an employee dispensing an oxygen cocktail to organized groups must MANDATORY be instructed and have a written safety clearance from a medical organization or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. People preparing an oxygen cocktail on their own should be aware of the oil hazard of oxygen and keep everything that can come into contact with oxygen clean and wash their hands before work. It is important that there is no one near the worker at the start (a few seconds after the oxygen supply) of the oxygen supply, if there is no contact with the oil, then there will be no further ignition. Any oxygen-air equipment is the same in terms of technology potential danger(2A (medium) of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergencies also considers it. But in principle, the technical danger of any source of oxygen for an oxygen cocktail is very small, a TV or a washing machine is potentially more dangerous.

The mechanism of the effect of an oxygen cocktail on the body

As studies by Russian scientists show, having penetrated into the stomach and intestines, the contents of the foam in the form of oxygen, vitamins and microelements are immediately absorbed into the blood. The assimilation of such oxygen is much faster. It is believed that the absorbed oxygen, turning into energy biological processes, normalizes metabolism, improves blood circulation, redox reactions, stimulates immunity. Improved metabolic processes stimulate the assimilation of the components of the cocktail, and their beneficial effect intensifies. .

Clinical studies of oxygen cocktail

In the gynecological department of rehabilitation treatment of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after academician V. I. Kulakov, clinical studies were conducted on the use of oxygen cocktails in rehabilitation treatment. Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) is manifested in the deterioration of the blood supply to the tissues and systems of the body, which is confirmed during the diagnosis using ECG, rheoencephalography, rheography of the pelvic organs and vascular Doppler. Hypoxia has a negative effect on the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Insufficient oxygen supply can lead to pathological disorders of metabolic processes and functions of the vital organs of the fetus, as well as increase the risk of trauma during childbirth. In clinical studies, it was found that the use of oxygen cocktails in complex treatment patients of the center (including children and adolescents) suffering from inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages, can contribute to the normalization of metabolic and reflex processes, activate antioxidants in the blood plasma. According to the observations of the scientists of the center, as a result, the efficiency increases and the psycho-emotional state of patients improves, which has been proven by numerous medical and psychological studies. In 2005, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences conducted a study of the effectiveness of oxygen cocktails in the complex treatment of patients in school and preschool age with chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems, often ill and weakened children. During the study, patients took 200 ml of the cocktail daily. Clinical studies have not identified side effects oxygen cocktail, stool changes, nausea and vomiting caused by the use of the drink. Scientists came to the conclusion that an oxygen cocktail can activate cellular metabolism, reduce fatigue, increase working capacity, stimulate immune system. An improvement in the state of the body was noted in all patients with pathologies. respiratory system and in 85% of children with diseases of the digestive system. The effectiveness of using an oxygen cocktail for the prevention and treatment of placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia was confirmed in the course of clinical studies conducted in 2006 at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Thus, in the course of clinical studies conducted by Russian scientists, it was found that an oxygen cocktail as a concomitant element of oxygen therapy can have the following effects on the body:

Indications and contraindications

Russian medical institutions can recommend women during pregnancy, athletes, children and adolescents, residents of large cities with poor environmental conditions, people suffering from hypoxia, diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, immune problems, insomnia, chronic fatigue and excess weight take oxygen cocktails in combination with other means of treatment and prevention.

After taking a cocktail, bouts of flatulence may begin. If you have a serious illness, you should consult your doctor before using the drink. Contraindications to the use of oxygen cocktails can be:

Oxygen - singlent cocktail (therapy)

An oxygen-single (or ozone) cocktail (correct therapy) is a medical physiotherapeutic method (proposed by the Swedish scientist Van der Valk 1996), based on the exposure of oxygen molecules to ultraviolet radiation, in which oxygen receives additional energy, which it gives to the body (and also forms some the amount of ozone that has a bactericidal effect). It is required to use this foam immediately, in any case not more than within five minutes, since the oxygen activity decreases rapidly and there is no effect later. For several years in Ukraine (MIT-S) has been used in the form of foam taken orally, outwardly the same as an oxygen cocktail (initially used in all countries in the form of breathing (inhalation), it has nothing to do with an oxygen cocktail and does not replace it, since air is used, but these are completely different things - oxygen - singlet foam is nothing more than an oxygen cocktail drinking water for vodka). But most people in Ukraine believe that their children take an oxygen cocktail (because they are misled, usually out of ignorance), but the oxygen content in the air is 21%, and in medical oxygen more than 99.5%. Only medical organizations can legally engage in oxygen-single therapy, but in the CIS it is massively used by private entrepreneurs - not doctors (in Europe and the USA this is not possible, since there are very serious sanctions for not having a medical license). According to the Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "The use of oxygen-ozone mixture in dermatology and cosmetology No. 2003-84" dated 12.02.2004. for internal therapy (i.e. for ingestion), only medical oxygen gas can be used

The rise in popularity of oxygen cocktails cannot be called spontaneous or unexpected. Since the 60s of the last century, they have been used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in clinics and sanatoriums. The drink production technology has become so popular that it is offered to gym customers and just fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Oxygen cocktail - what is it?

Knowing what an oxygen cocktail is for, the first thing to do is to find out what it is and how it is useful. It is a foamy liquid with a light structure, useful supplements and flavorings. The base itself has no taste characteristics, so the sensations from eating it depend entirely on all other ingredients. The flavor base can be juice, fruit syrup, herbal infusion or even sea. What is useful for an oxygen cocktail is the ability to become a kind of sweetener for medicines.

Why an oxygen cocktail is useful - expert opinion

To find out if an oxygen cocktail is useful, the opinion of doctors and scientists is taken into account. They believe that the oxygen in the mixture is absolutely different from the one that enters the body during breathing. It is enriched with ions that activate chemical reactions between different components of the composition. During whipping in a mixer or aerator, an easily digestible foam is formed, which becomes a conductor for vitamins and medicinal extracts.

Oxygen cocktail - myth or reality?

Not for the first year there has been a theory that the beneficial properties of oxygen are a myth invented for the sake of making money on visitors to sanatoriums, fitness bars, spa resorts. It is based on knowledge at the level of a school biology course, which tells about the absorption of oxygen into the lungs, but not into the stomach. Since the stomach is not involved in the physiological process of respiration, the benefit of enriched foam from a cup is questionable.

Before deciding whether or not, you need to understand the mechanism of its influence. The liquid turned into bubbles is absorbed by the body several times faster, and with it the strongest antioxidant enters the bloodstream. Drinks counteract the formation of free radicals, slowing down the aging of the body - internal and external.

Oxygen cocktail - composition

In that healthy drink distinguish between basic and additional components. The base ones are oxygen and a foaming agent, which contributes to its transformation into bubbles. Only oxygen is used that meets the requirements of GOST and international standards. Juices, tinctures, milk are suitable as topping additives. An oxygen cocktail, whose chemical composition is safe, can be harmful if egg white is added to it. Protein reduces the shelf life from two days to several hours and creates a risk of salmonellosis.

How to drink an oxygen cocktail?

The average calorie content of the product is about 300 Kcal per 100 g. There are also diet recipes, which include syrups and decoctions of herbs without sugar, then energy value"bubbles" is reduced to 35-50 kcal per 100 g. For example, licorice root, gelatin fillers and chamomile decoction do not harm the figure. In general, it is recommended that flavorings be added to an oxygen cocktail only for adults and children over 5 years of age to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

Get off the product maximum benefit you can only know how to take an oxygen cocktail. It is prescribed for children from two years old, but it is forbidden to drink it more than once or twice a day. In order not to disturb the gastric mucosa, the drink is drunk in small sips and a couple of hours after eating. The course can last 10-14 days. You can repeat the reception after a few months.

Oxygen cocktail - pros and cons

The beneficial properties of an oxygen cocktail are invaluable: the reason for this is its unique composition. Among its advantages - increased stamina, vigor, and overall well-being. The list of diseases for which it is useful is not by chance so wide: the mixture of ingredients affects many processes in human body. Drinking "canned air" bubbles is the easiest way to prevent brain starvation.

No matter how useful an oxygen cocktail is, its main disadvantage is the impossibility of being used as the main medicine. It supports the internal organs during treatment with more serious drugs, but does not itself have sufficient strength to intensively treat even one known disease. It is included in the register of medicinal preparations, but in action it is similar to a dietary supplement.

Oxygen Slimming Cocktail

Every losing weight girl would like to know what an oxygen cocktail is rich in, what it gives in combination with diets. A rigid low-calorie diet causes weakness, decreased concentration and drowsiness. Here on help will come mixture enriched with oxygen bubbles: it relieves swelling, speeds up metabolism and gives energy. For these purposes, the composition should include: echinacea, chamomile, rose hips or cinnamon.

Oxygen cocktail and sport

The oxygen drink has gained popularity among athletes due to its restorative effect after intense physical activity any nature. It has nothing to do with doping, which is prohibited for use after training and before competitions. In agreement with the trainer, it is allowed to add multivitamins and minerals to it. It is prescribed at the first signs of fatigue and brain hypoxia. Already after the first applications, the quality of training and its duration increase noticeably.

Oxygen cocktail contraindications

In the absence of contraindications, the therapeutic effect of the drink is incredibly high. There are few reasons to stop using it - especially in comparison with other medicines. An oxygen cocktail cannot cause harm only if its use does not occur against the background of the following diseases:

  • Exacerbation of an attack bronchial asthma any etiology. Whatever caused Asthma, its acute course precludes even inhalation and oxygen enrichment.
  • Allergy to the components of the composition. It sometimes includes herbal teas, gelatin, flavored syrup, or other fragrance. They provoke individual intolerance.
  • Decreased lung volume. In addition to asthma, there are diseases that reduce the amount of air entering the tissues - for example, obstructive syndrome or "smoker's lungs".
  • Ulcer. An irritated stomach will nullify everything that an oxygen cocktail is useful for. It will react aggressively to dyes or mixtures with sour berries and protein.

A drink with magical "bubbles" is inexpensive, so even given the absence of potent ingredients, it should be included in the diet periodically. General support for the body, an increase in the body's defenses, a surge of strength - this is a small part of the useful properties of the product. With a minimum list of side effects, it gives maximum benefit in almost any disease.

The oxygen cocktail was invented by the Soviet scientist N.N. Sirotinin, and was originally intended to treat diseases digestive tract. This drink, which consists of 99% active oxygen, has now received widespread in medical institutions. However, not everyone knows the benefits and harms of oxygen foam for the body.


The basis medicinal drink contains pure oxygen and vitamins. Modern cocktails may contain:

  • natural juice;
  • herbal infusions;
  • dairy products;
  • fruit drinks;
  • fruit syrups.

Usually, in the process of making a cocktail, soda and juices with pulp are not used, as they can interfere with the formation of foam.

A flavoring base and protein are added to the container. Oxygen is supplied by a special device, which foams the contents. The foaming element retains O2 in the drink and promotes its absorption by internal organs.

What are the benefits for adults

Oxygen foam, getting into the internal organs, instantly dissolves in the circulatory system and spreads throughout the body. Regular use of the drink, you can improve your well-being and get rid of many diseases:

  • improve metabolism;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • eliminate sleep disorders;
  • stabilize body weight;
  • get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • restore strength after physical exertion;
  • improve blood circulation, get rid of anemia.

An oxygen cocktail for adults is used as an additional remedy in the treatment of diseases of internal organs:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory organs;
  • nervous system;
  • liver;
  • skin pathologies.

The drink quickly supplies tissues and cells of internal systems with oxygen in full, and also eliminates oxygen deficiency. It has been proven that one serving of a cocktail replaces a two-hour walk in the forest.

A medicinal drink is very useful during childbearing. The foam will help to enrich the body with oxygen, which is especially important during pregnancy.

After using it:

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61 years old

  • the emotional state returns to normal;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • relaxation comes.

Oxygen foam will help:

  • prevent placental insufficiency and oxygen hypoxia of the fetus;
  • maintain normal hemoglobin levels;
  • exclude frequent viral diseases;
  • improve sleep;
  • prevent weight gain.

In addition, taking an oxygen cocktail during pregnancy contributes to the birth of a healthy baby with stronger immunity.

Benefits for children

Foam has a beneficial effect on memory and concentration, due to the rapid supply of oxygen to the brain.

Most often, a cocktail is prescribed for weakened children who are prone to frequent colds in order to improve health, increase immunity, replenish energy expended, and also enrich the body with essential vitamins.

With the systematic intake of the drink, you can adjust the function of all internal organs. Oxygen foam for children will help get rid of:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

The cocktail is also a good prevention of colds.

At correct use oxygen foam is quickly absorbed by the stomach and dissolves in the blood, while oxygen enters the internal organs faster than when it is inhaled.


With all its advantages, the drink can be harmful:

  • In the presence of inflammation of the internal organs, an oversaturation of the body with oxygen can provoke complications.
  • The use of foam leads to an acceleration of metabolism, which is often the reason for the movement of stones into gallbladder or kidneys. As a result, blockage of the ducts may occur, and an inflammatory process may develop.
  • In addition, oxygen cocktails are not recommended for people with gastric ulcers, gastritis with high acidity. In this case, the use of foam should be agreed with the attending physician.

The harm of oxygen foam can be hidden in its components. Therefore, before use, its composition should be clarified. In addition to the use of fruit juices or milk, raw egg white, which is often the cause of salmonellosis in children, can be added to the cocktail.


Foam is used with caution by people with the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • adhesive processes in the intestine;
  • diabetes;
  • any kind of poisoning;
  • inflammation of the duodenum;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • allergic reactions to foam components;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • urolithiasis.

The recommended dose of the drink is 1-2 glasses per day. The duration of treatment is 14 days. To avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, the foam must be taken correctly. The cocktail is consumed with a teaspoon, in small portions.

If you drink a drink through a straw or take it in unlimited quantities, it can cause a burn of the esophagus, irritation of the gastric mucosa, and bloating.

It is worth remembering that a cocktail is not a medicine. Oxygen foam is used as an additional means of maintaining normal well-being, but not as an independent medicine.

The history of the oxygen cocktail originates in the USSR. The discovery took place in the 60s. Scientists have proven that the stomach, like the lungs, is able to absorb oxygen. The therapy instantly gained popularity and was widely used in health facilities. Today, thanks to modern technology, everyone can afford an oxygen cocktail.

What is an oxygen cocktail

  1. Many are deeply mistaken, thinking that the oxygen cocktail came to us from abroad. The product was created by the Soviet academician N.N. Sirotkin. Initially, the composition was called "Oxygen Film", the composition was prescribed in medical institutions.
  2. The cocktail is recommended to drink at any age, there are no restrictions. The product is enriched with a vitamin complex and pure oxygen. Benefit achieved chemical composition and individual manufacturing technology. The basis of the cocktail includes natural juice, fruit drink, milk, herbal infusions.
  3. Cocktail is currently stocked fruit syrups or honey. Oxygen in the drink is present in the form of a soft and sweet foam. The latter is created using a special foaming agent, most often it is licorice root or egg white.
  4. The finished product is obtained by means of an oxygen mixer connected to a special condenser flask. The production technology of the drink is quite simple, a foaming agent is added to the basis of the product. Next, the components are sent to the container, which receives oxygen flows.
  5. At the exit, we have quite tasty foam, there are practically no contraindications for the drink. The composition is useful from an early age. After drinking, the oxygen cocktail enters the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to light basis suction useful components happens instantly.

Oxygen cocktail: chemical composition

A cocktail with an oxygen concentration of 80-99%. The saturation of the drink depends on the component that acts as a source of oxygen. A more concentrated composition is in a special purpose medical cylinder. It is not recommended to install such cylinders in small establishments, as it is impractical. More often in living conditions install oxygen condensers or small tanks.
  1. Aromatic flavor base. It is allowed to apply natural juices without pulp (it prevents the formation of foam), purified water, milk, fruit drinks. In health resorts, infusions on medicinal herbs or vitaminized complexes.
  2. Foaming product. The component acts as a composition that retains active oxygen in the cocktail. The product also optimizes the absorption of particles in the body. Licorice root and egg white act as foaming agents.

The effect of an oxygen cocktail

  1. The drink helps people cope with chronic fatigue and increased fatigue. Often, such ailments occur against the background of various pathologies. It is allowed to drink an oxygen cocktail as a medical composition if the disease is not included in the list of contraindications.
  2. The drink replenishes the level of oxygen in organs or tissues during hypoxia of various forms. The cocktail helps to get rid of ailments associated with the cardiovascular system. It does not matter in what form the pathology is, acute or chronic.
  3. An oxygen-based cocktail helps to cope with stressful conditions and insomnia on a neurotic basis. The composition fights against ailments of the digestive system and the stages of obesity.
  4. An oxygen product is often used to restore the immune system after overcoming complex diseases. It is strongly recommended to systematically use a cocktail for people who live in megacities where air pollution is high.
  5. The composition is effective for ascariasis in children. An oxygen cocktail eliminates the signs of hypoxia. Experts recommend regular use of an oxygen cocktail during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In the first case, the composition has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus.

  1. Experts have proven that if you use only 1 standard glass of oxygen cocktail per day, the body receives a huge dose of essential trace elements. A similar amount of useful particles for the body can be compared with a 2-hour walk through a pine grove.
  2. Oxygen is absorbed precisely through the walls of the stomach, thereby tissues and organs are saturated with everything necessary. The drink is beneficial not only in the treatment of ailments, but also prevents them. The immune system is rapidly recovering, dormant cells are activated.
  3. With the systematic use of the composition, the body significantly increases efficiency, normalizes sleep. A person actively resists stressful situations. It is recommended to give the product to children who are 3 years old.
  4. The drink brings special benefits to the fair sex in position. An oxygen cocktail expands the volume of blood flow in a woman's body. The process has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. As a result, the baby will not suffer from oxygen deficiency.
  5. The drink helps to normalize the blood microcirculation of a pregnant girl. The conditions for the development of the fetus are optimized, hypoxia in the baby is excluded. Train your child with early years to cocktails, as a result, the organs will be enriched with oxygen.
  6. With the systematic use of the drink, the child will not develop classical diseases. The body will resist seasonal viruses and infections. The drink helps children increase mental and physical stamina.
  7. As a result of regular use of an oxygen cocktail, active saturation of brain cells occurs. The body more easily tolerates nervous tension and similar situations. Soon, the activity of the brain and the tone of the whole organism increase. The composition has been proven to improve concentration and vision.
  8. The systematic use of the drink helps to get rid of bad habits. The composition removes accumulated toxic compounds, in a short time the purification of the lungs begins and respiratory tract in smokers.
  9. Many athletes cannot imagine life without oxygen cocktails, in addition to beneficial properties for the body, the composition actively burns overweight. The drink is proven to be the best dietary composition. The calorie content of the product is close to zero, and when consumed, the body acquires a feeling of fullness.
  10. An oxygen-based cocktail breaks down fatty tissues at the cellular level. Nutritionists have proven that if you follow a 2-day drink-based diet, you can replace the classic 7-day fast. In this case, an oxygen cocktail should be consumed every 2-3 hours (5-6 times a day).
  11. The active effect of an oxygen cocktail on the body helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries, blood vessels and collagen synthesis. For such a simple reason, experts recommend drinking a drink to improve the condition of the epidermis. The skin is cleared, finds freshness and elasticity.

The benefits of an oxygen cocktail for children

  1. In schools and kindergartens, parents are often offered to improve their health and strengthen the child's immune system. It's no secret that babies are subjected to mental stress and harmful effects ecology.
  2. Together, all factors adversely affect the general condition of children. An oxygen-based cocktail replenishes the expended energy. The drink charges the body with useful enzymes and strengthens the protective shell of the body.
  3. Every child can use an oxygen cocktail. Thanks to good taste, the drink simultaneously saturates the body with vital vitamins. Useful composition improves the functioning of all internal organs.
  4. As a result of drinking the drink, the activity of the intestines and stomach is stabilized, the composition resists the formation of heart ailments, and the work of the respiratory organs is normalized.
  5. Experts strongly recommend using an oxygen cocktail for children who attend school classes. The composition has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. This reduces the risk of stressful situations.
  6. At regular use drink, nervousness disappears, concentration of attention increases noticeably and physical activity. It is strongly recommended to use the composition after suffering ailments.
  7. A cocktail in the shortest possible time helps the body restore lost strength. The remaining pathogenic bacteria die, the activity of the child increases markedly. It is worth considering the fact that an oxygen cocktail is prohibited for children who are prone to allergies or have pathologies of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.

  1. In this case, the benefit is obvious. IN shortest time after drinking the drink, relaxation sets in, blood pressure normalizes, the psycho-emotional background stabilizes.
  2. It has been scientifically proven that if future mom during the period of carrying the fetus, she systematically used oxygen cocktails, the baby is born completely healthy and with a stronger immune system.
  3. An oxygen cocktail during pregnancy prevents placental insufficiency and oxygen starvation of the baby. The drink maintains hemoglobin in the blood of the mother and child at a favorable level.
  4. Significantly reduces the risk of infection with viral and seasonal ailments. Sleep patterns will soon improve. Metabolism normalizes, the risk of quickly gaining extra pounds disappears.

Harm of an oxygen cocktail

  1. It is worth knowing that an excess of oxygen in the body can lead to inflammatory processes of existing ailments. Therefore, do not abuse the drink.
  2. An oxygen cocktail provokes an acceleration of metabolism. As a result possible stones in the kidneys or gallbladder may begin to move. Soon the ducts will clog, there will be a serious inflammation.
  3. It is forbidden to drink an oxygen cocktail for people suffering from peptic ulcer. Ask your doctor if you can drink the drink if you have gastritis or high acidity.

Blood and cells are actively enriched with oxygen. As a result, the body receives a complex saturation with the necessary trace elements. Through this, metabolic processes are accelerated, a person feels much better after the first intake of a cocktail.

Video: how to make an oxygen cocktail