Useful properties and contraindications of kumis. Healing properties of kumis

Koumiss- a foaming drink with a pleasant sour smell and taste, prepared at home by fermentation from mare's milk, including a lot of useful medicinal properties.

Here we will talk about how to cook, make kumis (cooking recipe), how you can drink it on occasions. Kumis therapy gives good results not only in the treatment of initial and sluggish forms of tuberculosis. It enables the body to increase its defenses and heal many incurable diseases.

Composition of kumis: useful medicinal properties, benefits

Mare's milk has long been used to prepare a lactic acid drink. The peoples who roamed in the southeastern part of Europe and Central Asia ate mainly animal products, the main of which was mare's milk. Since mare's milk quickly turns sour and spoils, the nomads found a way to process it into kumis, which lasts longer.

By chemical composition koumiss closer to breast milk than a cow.

He contains:

  1. proteins,
  2. carbohydrates,
  3. milk sugar,
  4. alcohol (1%),
  5. a lot of easily digestible nutrients and trace elements.

Kumis therapy gives a good result if it is carried out in the steppe expanses of Kyrgyzstan and Bashkiria. Kumis is also effective remedy with bronchiectasis and chronic bronchitis.

The preparation of kumis is based on lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation.

Both types of fermentation must take place simultaneously so that their products (lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide) are in the kumis in certain concentrations. For the preparation of kumis, sourdough is required. Among the Bashkirs and Kirghiz, the sourdough is usually a sediment of strong old kumis prepared in autumn, well washed and dried in the sun. The starter culture is prepared by adding culture of lactic acid sticks and yeast to steamed or warmed mare's milk.

According to its fortress, kumis is divided into:

  1. weak,
  2. average,
  3. strong.

Kumis species differ mainly in alcohol content and acidity.

Under the influence of drinking kumis, appetite, gastric acid secretion and food absorption are improved. Kumis has an exciting effect on gastrointestinal secretion, in some respects it is able to replace hydrochloric acid with a lack of it in gastric juice, it is more easily digested and better absorbed than milk. In addition, when drinking kumis, the digestibility of fats and proteins in food increases. Weak kumis has a laxative effect on the intestines, while strong kumis slows down its activity. After a two-month consumption of kumis in sanatoriums, the weight of patients usually increases from 3 to 7 kg.

Kumis: contraindications, harm

Contraindications to the use of kumis: individual intolerance to mare's milk, harm can only be caused in cases of allergy to this product... In practice, it is relatively rare.

Kumis treatment of tuberculosis patients in a sanatorium: how to drink

A patient with tuberculosis, sensitive to all irritants, a large number of kumis can cause a strong reaction, contribute to the deterioration of the process.

Therefore, the dosage of kumis therapy should be strictly individual.

In the first two days, kumis is given six times a day, 100 ml.

If the patient tolerates kumis well, then on the third day they begin to give him 250 ml six times a day, observing the body's reaction to this dose.

A weak patient is given 50 ml six times a day to avoid exacerbation. With good tolerance, every two days, add 50 ml per dose, bringing the dose to 250 ml.

Indications for kumis therapy at home

  1. fresh forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (fresh focal, infiltrative and disseminated forms, primary tuberculosis complex, tumor-like or infiltrative bronchoadenitis) without decay and with decay in a state of compensation or unsharp subcompensation;
  2. (normal or subfebrile temperature not higher than 37.2 ° C, slight weakness, slight shortness of breath), lack of a pronounced tendency to progression;
  3. chronic subcompensated forms of tuberculosis with symptoms of exacerbation or progression of the process;
  4. exudative pleurisy of tuberculous etiology;
  5. fresh and chronic forms of tuberculosis of the lymph nodes.

In the countries of East and North Africa, kumis is considered the drink of the elderly. It gives vigor to both the body and the spirit, regulates the intestines and the cardiovascular system. In Bashkiria and Kalmykia, kumis is a must-have product in every home.

In Russia, kumys hospitals are located in the Voronezh region (sanatorium "Khrenovoe"), in Kazakhstan (resort Borovoe), in Bashkiria (station Shafranovo), in Stavropol on the Volga (resort Manych).

In some regions of Russia they prepare cow kumis... It is made from skimmed cow's milk (reverse), adding 25 percent water and 5 percent sugar. Cow kumis, like all lactic acid drinks from cow's milk, is useful dietary product nutrition and can contribute to weight gain in some patients, improved appetite.

In terms of chemical composition and therapeutic effect, cow kumis is significantly inferior to natural mare kumis.

Video: How to cook kumis at home

From mare's milk

From cow's milk

Traditional recipe for making kumis

A peace Shamaev - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Kumis and its application in medical practice

ShamaevAmir Gabdrakhmanovich was born in 1929 in the .S Aryshevo Meleuzovsky district. After graduating from the Bashkir State Medical Institute, he worked as the head of the district health department and the chief physician of the Yumaguzinsky district of the BASSR. In the 60s, he headed the sanatorium. Chekhov and the all-Union resort of Shafranovo. He served as head of the Ural zonal department of special sanatoriums of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, chairman of the Bashkir regional council for the management of trade unions' resorts. Since April 1977 he worked as an assistant and associate professor of the tuberculosis department of the Belarusian State Medical Institute, since 1985 - the chief physician of the city clinical hospital No. 21, since 1987 - the chief physician of the Republican Cardiological Dispensary. In 1999 he was elected chairman of the Republican licensing and accreditation commissions at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, full member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship of Russia. For many years he was the chairman of the Problem Commission for Kumis-making and Kumis Treatment of the Ural Zonal Directorate of Special Sanatoriums of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The healing properties of kumis, like any other remedy from traditional medicine, have undoubtedly been known for a long time.

In Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, as well as Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Kalmykia and other republics and regions of Russia, kumis is not only a favorite drink, but also remedy... In many resorts of the country, kumis has long been used to treat patients with tuberculosis and other diseases.

The development of kumis making and kumis therapy is associated with the names of N.V. Postnikov, A.N. Rubel, P.Yu.Berlin, A.V. Segrist, M.N. Karnaukhova, J.A. Saigin, M.G. Kuramshina, L.M. Horowitz-Vlasova, N.A. Kramova, Z.Sh. Zagidullina, G.N. Teregulov, S.V. Bazanova and many others.

The scientific substantiation of kumis therapy is associated with the name of doctor N.V. Postnikov. He was the first, on the basis of a deep and comprehensive study of kumis therapy in the sanatorium he organized, in three words - "nourishes, strengthens, renews" - expressed the essence of the action of kumis on the body. The closest friend and scientist N.V. Postnikov, the English scientist George Carrick, describes this cradle of Russian sanatorium construction as follows: an institution 6 versts from Samara with the aim of treating consumption and other debilitating diseases with fermenting mare's milk. Further, in his famous book "About kumys" D. Karrick writes that "in a few years, kumis gained fame not only throughout Russia, but also in neighboring countries, as the most effective remedy against consumption ".

For many years, the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy was treated with Bashkir kumys.

At the beginning XX century, the center of scientific research of kumis treatment and kumis making moved from the Volga to Bashkiria.

First of all, mention should be made of the original research of Professor A.N. Rubel, who for 13 years (1903-1916) headed the Andreevskaya kumys hospital in Bashkiria. He carefully developed a sanatorium regimen and indications for kumis therapy. A.N. Rubel considered kumis treatment in general as an active, strengthening, training method of treating patients with predominantly early forms of tuberculosis and demanded the improvement of sanatoriums. As you know, A.P. Chekhov was treated with Bashkir kumys in the Andreevsky sanatorium.

The father of modern kumis therapy is rightfully considered to be Professor P.Yu.Berlin, who worked for many years in the Shafran resort together with Professor L.I. Model. Together with their students and followers, they managed to prove that mare's milk and kumis contain 4-6 times more vital vitamins than cow's.

Kumis has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, hematopoiesis, improves appetite, food absorption, normalizes the secretory and motor functions of the digestive system and has an irritating effect on the respiratory center as a whole, causing a reaction in it, which leads to the resorption of inflammatory foci (in particular, tuberculous infiltrates).

A significant contribution to this doctrine was made by the work of scientists from Bashkortostan. BV Suleimanov proved by chemical and biological methods that vitamin C is also contained in sufficient quantity in winter kumis. In other words, the horse's body is capable of endogenously receiving vitamin C. The antibiotic properties of kumis yeast and kumis sticks are of exceptional interest.

Back in 1940 V.M. Markov-Osorgin(Bashkir Medical Institute) proved that after combining the daily culture of kumis sticks with cultures of dysentery, typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever, a rapid death of infectious microbes is observed. Subsequently, professors M.G. Zhilin (Orenburg), E.P. Soloviev, A.A. Shuster (Ufa), M.G. Kuramshina (Alma-Ata) proved that kumis yeast, fermenting lactose, causes the death of tubercle bacilli ... The well-known specialist in kumis therapy in Bashkiria V.K. Ogorodnikov, together with F.O.Shvey, carefully developed indications and contraindications for kumis therapy in the 1940s. In particular, the authors pointed out the beneficial effect of kumis on the cardiovascular system at the correct dosage in tuberculosis patients. A step forward was the use of kumis in urinary tuberculosis. The founder of the organization of urological departments at the Shafranovo resort and in the Glukhovskaya sanatorium was professor L.P.Kraiselburd, who, on the basis of thorough tests, boldly broke the empirically established idea of ​​contraindications to the use of kumis in kidney tuberculosis.

The use of kumis in the sanatoriums of Bashkortostan is by no means limited to tuberculosis diseases. Professor G.N. Teregulov has long proved the beneficial effect of kumis in chronic bronchitis, pneumoclerosis, pneumoconiosis. WITH great benefit kumis is used for chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

According to Professor Z.Sh. Zagidullin and famous kumisotherapist ZV Askarova, the treatment of chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency with kumis is a very effective remedy. The observations of Professor S.V. Bazanova proved that the treatment of functional disorders of the intestine (stomach) and gallbladder with kumis can be successfully used in an out-of-resort setting (in a hospital or at home). For the first time in the history of kumis treatment, Professor S.V. Mikhailovsky successfully used kumis in the treatment of ear, throat, nose in the form of burials in the sanatorium Yumatovo.

Kumis plays an important role in the problem of longevity. The most important measure of protection against premature aging should be considered lipotropic substances, which are rich in kumis. It is no coincidence that about 100 thousand people over the age of 70 live in Bashkortostan, moreover, mainly in areas where kumis is prepared.

Kumis is a product of alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of mare's milk under certain conditions temperature regime and aeration. Comparison of the composition of mare's milk and kumis allows us to assert that the matter is not limited to one fermentation, deeper physical and chemical processes take place in kumis. According to the generally accepted opinion of P.Yu.Berlin, kumis is a biological substance that is constantly changing due to the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria and yeast.

Kumis contains easily digestible proteins and fats, milk sugar, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol, a large amount of vitamins, enzymes, and minerals. Essential Nutrients the constituent parts of kumis (proteins, fats, sugar) are absorbed almost completely (up to 95%). Kumis helps to increase the digestibility of fats and proteins contained in food, especially meat.

The many-sided beneficial effect of kumis is explained by its biostimulant properties. It was found that kumis has a tonic effect on the nervous system, enhances redox processes, regulates acid-base balance, increases metabolism, stimulates activity of cardio-vascular system and the respiratory center, secretory, motor function gastrointestinal tract, reduces the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, intoxication, revives hematopoiesis - the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin increases, stimulates lymph formation, increases the protective function of the liver, increasing the reserves of glycogen in it, etc.

Kumis successfully combines a complex of many valuable nutrients and antibiotic substances. Currently, science has numerous data from experimental and clinical studies that confirm the healing properties of kumis.

The great advances in antibiotic therapy for tuberculosis and advances in pulmonary surgery have not diminished interest in kumis treatment. The popularity of kumis and kumis therapy is growing. This is evidenced by numerous scientific studies and an increase in the number of kumis-medicinal sanatoriums.

It is well known that the progressive course of the tuberculous process is accompanied not only by local, destructive changes, but also by a sharp decrease in the immunobiological and reactive capabilities of the organism. The observations of phthisiatricians have proven that kumis treatment leads to an increase in the function of the body's natural defense mechanisms, creates a more stable, easily coordinating balance of organ functions.

The conducted literature review and our observations showed that during kumis treatment, the drug resistance of microbacteria develops relatively slowly, and the patients themselves tolerate antibacterial drugs better. Surgeons' studies have proven that after kumis treatment, patients can more easily tolerate surgery and the postoperative period proceeds with fewer complications, as a result of which the effectiveness of surgical treatment increases. Kumis has antibacterial properties.

Our special observations of patients who received chemotherapy in combination with kumis showed that the frequency of side effects during chemotherapy in combination with kumis is significantly lower than in hospitals without kumis. As is known from the literature, the frequency of side effects ranges from 15.7% (D.D. Yablokov) to 25.0% (N.A. Shmelev), and total drug intolerance reaches 4.8% (N.A. Shmelev). In the kumis-treatment sanatoriums of Bashkortostan, the frequency of side effects ranged from 0.7 to 6.0%, respectively, and complete intolerance to drugs was noted only in 0.7% of patients.

Of interest is a group of 56 patients who were observed at the Shafranovo resort. According to dispensaries, 10 of them could not tolerate streptomycin, 29 - PASK, 14 - all GINK drugs, 3 - ethionamide. After taking kumis for 3-4 weeks, these patients were prescribed against the background of kumis therapy exactly those drugs, the tolerance of which was indicated. 8 patients out of 10 who were prescribed streptomycin, 20 of 29 who were prescribed PASK, tolerated these drugs well. All 14 patients who could not tolerate GINK and 3 who could not tolerate ethionamide also tolerated them well.

These observations gave us the opportunity to make sure that kumis treatment significantly improves the tolerance of chemotherapy drugs. Our opinion was confirmed in the message of N.S. Ponomareva (1969).

This effect of koumiss is confirmed by certain aspects of the action of koumiss on the body:

1. Kumis is a multivitamin drink, and vitamins, especially of group B, contribute to better tolerability of drugs.

2. As AVSegrist learned, kumis, by normalizing the disturbed metabolism, increases the body's defenses not only against tuberculosis, but also against other harmful agents.

3. Kumis, well assimilated by itself, provides better assimilation of proteins available in food (LM Model). A reinforced protein nutrition facilitates the tolerance of chemotherapy drugs.

After the analysis of the results of treatment of tuberculosis patients with the use of kumis in the sanatoriums of Bashkortostan and without kumis in the sanatoriums of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, we learned that kumis treatment significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment of various manifestations of the tuberculosis process, which prompted us to devote Special attention questions correct organization kumis making and providing patients with high quality kumis throughout the year.

The most widespread use of kumis is in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system; it has a beneficial effect on the functional state of these organs. At the same time, the literature noted the normalizing effect of kumis both with increased and decreased acidity of gastric juice, which was the basis for its use in peptic ulcer disease.

Back in the last century, D. Carrick (1885) pointed out the possibility of treatment peptic ulcer kumis. The cited materials from previous years are consistent with the latest reports in the literature on successful application fermented milk products(A.M. Skorodumova, 1961; V.S. Vazlina, A. V. Kompaneitseva et al., 1963; P.V.Smoligovets, 1963; V.P. Sokolovsky, 1968; LM Slipchenko, 1970), as well as the use of kumis for the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (P.Yu.Berlin, 1960; M.N. Karnaukhov, 1964; V.S. Staroverova, 1964; R.Ya. Khasanov, 1969). Meanwhile, given enough wide application natural kumis in Bashkortostan and taking into account the existing literature data on the normalizing effect of kumis therapy on the digestive organs, we considered it expedient to include fresh natural kumis in the complex of treatment of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the conditions of the climatokumysherapeutic sanatorium "Yumatovo" of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The purpose of our work was to study the therapeutic value of kumis in the general complex of measures for the treatment of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, to clarify the method of its appointment, dosage and treatment effectiveness.

To accomplish this task, we conducted a clinical study, monitored the dynamics of the secretory-evacuation and other functions of the stomach in patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Kumis, being a valuable medicinal and dietary remedy, has a diverse and versatile effect on the body.

Under our supervision, there were 160 patients, of which 130 were in the main and 30 in the control groups, the latter in the complex treatment of kumis was replaced mineral water"Borjomi" in other similar cases, out of 130 patients of the main group with gastric ulcer there were 28 people, duodenal ulcer - 102 people, men - 118 (90.8%) and women - 12 (9.2%), the majority of from 20 to 50years and with a long course of the disease. All patients on admission to the sanatorium had complaints and pronounced objective clinical symptoms of the disease.

In addition to general clinical and physical research methods, clinical and laboratory studies of all patients were carried out before and after treatment. The content of total protein and protein fractions, cholesterol in blood serum was studied, some indicators of the function of the adrenal cortex and X-ray data were studied.

The study of the results of complex therapy with the use of kumis in patients with peptic ulcer disease who underwent a course of treatment was determined on the basis of the criteria for the effectiveness of sanatorium-resort treatment developed by the Central Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy of the USSR Ministry of Health (M.M. Mazur, 1965; Yu.E. Danilov, 1973).

As a result of the complex treatment in combination with kumis in patients with peptic ulcer, along with an improvement in the general condition (the appearance of vigor, improved well-being, normalization of sleep), kumis treatment led to a significant decrease and disappearance of dyspeptic phenomena: eructation stopped in 23 out of 26 patients; heartburn disappeared in 59 out of 69; nausea resolved in 48 of 51;vomiting in 16 out of 16 patients. The pain syndrome detected at the beginning of treatment in 130 patients disappeared in 112 and decreased in 17 patients, and in most cases, a decrease in dyspeptic phenomena and pain syndrome occurred in the first week of treatment. Improved appetite and normalized bowel function were also noted. Direct X-ray sign of peptic ulcer disease - "niche", established before treatment in 25 patients, after treatment was found in 5. Cicatricial deformity of the duodenal bulb was established in 79 patients, after treatment, the majority showed a decrease in swelling of the folds of the gastric and duodenal mucosa, normalization of tone and evacuation function of the stomach.

The results of complex treatment in combination with kumis of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, carried out on the basis of criteria for the effectiveness of sanatorium treatment at resorts for patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, were: out of 130 patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer of the main group who underwent a course of treatment , were discharged from the sanatorium with an assessment: significant improvement - 13%, improvement - 86.1% and no change - 0.9% of patients.

Long-term results were studied according to the data of questionnaires according to the form developed by us and during the repeated passage of the course of treatment in the sanatorium "Yumatovo". They were traced in 100 patients, of which 8 had gastric ulcer and 92 patients had duodenal ulcer. Analysis of the data obtained in the study of long-term results of complex treatment in combination with kumis showed that in most of the examined persons the favorable immediate effect of therapy was more stable. All patients responded well to the course of kumis treatment and wished to repeat the course of treatment in a sanatorium. Persistent improvement after the last course of treatment was noted in 39% of patients in whom no exacerbation of the disease was observed for two years and the ability to work was preserved, 44% of patients had good results during the year and only a year later they noted the appearance of pain in the epigastric region, without dyspeptic phenomena. In 17% of patients, an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease occurred after 6 months, which was associated with a violation of the diet and neuropsychic moments and required inpatient treatment by the end of the first year after sanatorium treatment. Taking into account the literature data (M.I. Pevzner, 1947; V.S. Azarova, 1950; O.L. Gordon; 1957), the long-term results of the complex therapy applied by us in combination with the intake of kumis should be regarded as quite satisfactory. The absence of relapses of the disease within two years in 39% and within one year in 44% of patients indicates positive impact the proposed complex of treatment.

The study of the control group of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer for comparative evaluation the effectiveness of the treatment revealed the high efficiency of complex sanatorium treatment with the use of kumis.

Successful clinical observations allowed us to include in the number of indications for treatment in the sanatorium "Yumatovo" patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer and to open a specialized department for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Research more late years, based on laboratory data and experiments on dogs, showed that kumis has a strong sokogonny effect on the digestive glands. This action of kumis is mainly due to the presence of alcohol and lactic acid. Kumis enhances secretion both when taken before meals and during meals, therefore, patients with high acidity It is useful to drink kumis of gastric contents before meals. Duodenal digestion is also improved due to increased secretion of the pancreas (trypsin, amylase and lipase) and increased bile formation.

Kumis also affects the motor function of the stomach, increasing peristalsis and causing colonic spasms. Kumis, due to the high content of lactic acid bacteria, weakens the putrefactive processes in the colon.

Thus, kumis contributes to an increase in the acidity of the stomach in patients with anacid and hypoanacid gastritis, a decrease in acidity at its high numbers (which is much less common), improves the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces putrefactive processes in the intestine - all this helps to improve well-being and general condition. sick.

Considering the above properties, kumis is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, operated stomach, biliary tract); chronic non-tuberculous lung diseases; cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis); anemia and some diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders and vitamin deficiency.

At the Ural Zonal Directorate of Special Sanatoriums of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, on a voluntary basis, the Commission for Kumis-making and Kumis Treatment has created a body for coordinating the issues of kumis horse breeding, the production of kumis and kumis therapy, which included zootechnicians, bacteriologists and clinicians familiar with the issues of kumis-making and kumis therapy. This commission launched active work to improve the breed of kumis mares, increase milk yield, and improve the technology of kumis production.

For the organization of year-round and uninterrupted kumis treatment, even in the sanatoriums there is not enough kumis, especially in the winter months. In this regard, at the beginning of the sixties, I.A. Saigin and his colleagues, with our participation, organized a trial drying of mare's milk. The results were positive.

After clinical studies of kumis obtained from powdered mare's milk at the Shafranovo resort, we came to the following conclusions:

1. Kumis made from dry mare's milk is in no way inferior to natural kumis in its taste and medicinal qualities.

2. The production of kumis from dry mare's milk allows to cover the deficit of natural kumis in the winter months and creates an opportunity for organizing winter and, therefore, year-round kumis treatment.

3. Drying of mare's milk is quite possible on an industrial scale.

The taste, aroma and medicinal properties of kumis largely depend on the cooking technology. but kumis production is still in hand kumis-makers-practitioners, which every year becomes less and less.

There is no scientifically substantiated technology of kumis making in the form of approved technological instructions, instructions and recommendations. There is no corresponding scientific center in the country, which would comprehensively solve zootechnical issues of breeding work on breeding and improving more productive and economical horse breeds and their correct use, technological issues of obtaining high-quality milk, cultivating standard kumiss from it, production, storage and transportation of kumis and kumis starter cultures, studied biological value and the healing possibilities of kumis of different varieties in the treatment of patients different profiles.

So, kumis occupies a significant place in medical practice. In this regard, it is necessary to increase the production of kumis everywhere and in every possible way, which is possible with an increase in the number of milking mares in all republics and regions. Russian Federation and beyond.

The miraculous properties of koumiss have been known for a long time. According to the head of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, Toregeldy Sharmanov, mare's milk is unique product, with which you can treat cancer and mental illness. The main advantage of mare's milk is the absence of dangerous trans fatty acids in it. By the way, they are in the more familiar to us cow's milk and contribute to the development of cancer.

Kumis is rich useful elements: proteins, fats, vitamins C, A, D, PP, E, group B. It is interesting that during fermentation milk protein transforms into easily digestible substances, while milk sugar in kumis becomes lactic acid, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and a number of aromatic substances. All these elements endow kumiss with high nutritional value, easy digestibility, pleasant taste and wonderful aroma... In 200 ml of kumis, the protein content is 3.2, fat 2.0, carbohydrates 10.0, 78.0 kcal.

Kumis increases gastric acid secretion and increases absorption and assimilation nutrients, has an analgesic effect on the mucous membrane digestive tract when it is irritated, it restores the secretory and motor function of the stomach and intestines, acts as a diuretic. Kumis treatment increases the hemoglobin content, improves the leukocyte blood count. When kumis is consumed, the body's resistance to the action of various pathogenic factors increases, and the immune status is corrected, which contributes to recovery.

Long-term clinical observations, confirmed by scientific research, indicate the high effectiveness of the use of kumis therapy in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, chronic inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract and respiratory system, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease, diseases of the hematopoietic organs. Kumis therapy has an immunocorrective effect, used in the complex therapy of various infections, oncological and autoimmune diseases. Kumis treatment helps to cope even with such a severe infectious disease as tuberculosis.

If you believe historical facts, the first kumis-treatment institution was opened in 1854 in the village of Bogdanovka, in the Samara province. However, the first to learn to cook kumis were the nomadic peoples of the Kazakh steppes in the Eneolithic (5500 years ago). The nomads kept the technology of kumis preparation in secret for centuries. In ancient times, Kazakhs used the drink in the treatment of tuberculosis and consumption.

The use of kumis is recommended for the spa treatment of many diseases. In the sanatorium "Okzhetpes", located in the Shchuchinsko-Borovsk resort area, kumis therapy is used as an additional food and is included in complex treatment and prevention of various diseases. Here every Kazakhstani is invited to try for himself miraculous property kumis therapy. The health resort has been practicing kumis therapy for many years, because the drink not only invigorates and gives strength, but is also a good diuretic and choleretic agent. It is easily absorbed by a weakened, depleted body, improves gastrointestinal motility and lowers cholesterol levels. In the sanatorium "Okzhetpes" people suffering from anemia, tuberculosis, exhaustion, stomach and duodenal ulcers are treated with kumis. However, the main profile of the sanatorium is the treatment of respiratory diseases, and kumis therapy is included in the range of medical procedures.

In the sanatorium, kumis is used year-round, in terms of its physical, biological and chemical qualities, it has a number of features that characterize it as a valuable medicinal nutritious product... The addition of this fortified drink to all types of treatment has an effect.

When using kumis, the doctors of the sanatorium observed the guests positive effect, expressing in an improvement in the general condition, the disappearance of pain and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, pain in the right hypochondrium, normalization of stool, a decrease in intestinal distention, which is explained by the content of lactic acid in kumis, which suppresses putrefactive processes in the intestine.

There are no age-related contraindications to kumis, it is equally useful for children, adults and the elderly. Kumis offered at Okzhetpes is always fresh and environmentally friendly. Create your own impression of the healing properties of kumis in the paradise of Kazakhstan!

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It is unique oldest drink, obtained by fermenting mare's milk with the help of a special ferment, and possessing remarkable healing properties. The homeland of this drink is considered to be the Mongolian and Kazakh steppes. More than 5500 years ago, their nomadic peoples learned to cook kumis, but the recipes for its preparation were kept secret for many centuries. For the first time a historian wrote about the use of koumiss by the Scythians Ancient Greece Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC. And the greatest Central Asian healer Avicenna, who lived in the 10th century AD, repeatedly mentioned the healing effect of kumis in his writings and repeatedly used for the treatment of his patients.

Kumis was highly valued by such famous Russian doctors as N.V. Sklifosovsky, S.P. Botkin, G.A. Zakharyin. L.N. Tolstoy and A.P. Chekhov were repeatedly treated with kumis, visiting resorts located in the steppe. The first kumys hospital in Russia was opened in 1854 in the Samara province (the village of Bogdanovka). In the future, the number of these resorts grew steadily, therefore, in any illustrated magazine of the late XIX - early XX centuries. one could always find out about "Where to go to koumiss".

V Soviet time the number of kumis hospitals in our country has sharply decreased, but at present, kumis therapy in Russia and Kazakhstan has begun to actively develop again, and if desired, any resident of our country can freely undergo a course of kumis therapy (the list of kumis hospitals is given at the end of the article).

What is the secret of the curative effect of kumis?

Scientists have established that kumis is obtained as a result of fermentation of mare's milk with a special kumis sourdough, which is a mixture of yeast, Bulgarian and acidophilic lactic acid bacillus. Thanks to them, alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation occurs, as a result of which a drink of bluish-milky color with a sweetish-sour tart taste and a kind of aroma.

The healing properties of kumis are due to the quality of mare's milk, as well as the most valuable substances that are obtained as a result of its fermentation:

  • essential amino acids, which are necessary for the synthesis of RNA and DNA molecules in the cells of the body,
  • easily digestible proteins (peptones, albumins, polypeptides),
  • essential unsaturated low molecular weight fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic),
  • vitamins (B1, B2, B6, PP and C) and trace elements (calcium, phosphorus salts, trace elements of rare metals),
  • biocatalysts - special enzymes that activate metabolic processes in body tissues,
  • microflora of kumis, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect for pathogens, including tubercle bacillus and pathological types of E. coli, pathogens of many intestinal infections,
  • lactic acid (1%), ethanol(1-5%), carbon dioxide and a number of aromatic substances.

What is the therapeutic effect of kumis on the human body?

Fresh kumis, properly prepared, has versatile therapeutic effect on the human body. With the systematic (over several weeks) use of kumis, good results can be achieved in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • recovery due to the activation of immunity and a noticeable increase in the body's resistance to diseases such as tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, flu, intestinal infections, enterocolitis, dysbiosis, etc., as well as locally - with purulent wounds and skin diseases,
  • with blood diseases, oncological and autoimmune diseases- improvement of the leukocyte formula, an increase in the hemoglobin content, a decrease in the production of specific antibodies in allergic, autoimmune diseases of the lungs, osteoarticular system, endocrine diseases, etc.
  • good healing effect kumis helps with diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis, etc.), which is associated with its anesthetic, anti-inflammatory effect, the ability to normalize the production of digestive enzymes, and also eliminate the phenomenon of dyskinesia,
  • a mild diuretic effect makes it possible to successfully use kumis in diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney diseases, to combat edema of various origins,
  • the tonic effect of kumis allows it to be used for asthenia, with a syndrome chronic fatigue, when recovering from injuries, operations (or in preparation for them), intensive training, etc. Need to get from Anapa to Kerch? The most comfortable way is transfer. Travel in comfort!

Contraindications for the use of koumiss

for medicinal purposes are minimal: diseases of the digestive system in the stage of exacerbation and allergy to kumis or its components.

Kumis is useful at any age for both adults and children, but the alcohol content in it should not exceed 0.5%. It must be freshly prepared ( long-term storage it is not subject), since canned kumis does not have medicinal properties, but is only a lactic acid product.

Where in Russia can you take a course of kumis therapy?

  • In Bashkiria - kumys therapy "them. Aksakov "," Alkino "," Glukhovskaya "," named after Chekhov "," Shafranovo "," Yumatovo "and others.
  • Altai Republic - in anti-tuberculosis sanatoriums: "Lebyazhye", "Chemal".
  • In the Chelyabinsk region - the sanatoriums "Turgoyak", "Elovoe", "Sosnovaya Gorka", a boarding house with treatment "Utes".
  • In other regions of Russia (in Voronezh, Kurgan, Volgograd, Ulyanovsk, Novosibirsk regions, in the Republics of Tatarstan, Mari El, Mordovia).

KUMIS TREATMENT- the use of kumis for therapeutic purposes, carried out mainly for tuberculosis. For patients with tuberculosis, kumis is prescribed as an additional fortifying agent during complex anti-tuberculosis therapy.

Kumis, a lactic acid product made from mare's milk, has been known for a long time from traditional medicine... Messages about the beneficial effect of kumis in tuberculosis and scurvy were made by P.S.Pallas (1770), P.I.Skvortsov (1841), V.I.Dal (1841). The treatment of kumis for tuberculosis was given a very great importance, about the popularity of koumiss how to lay down. remedies for tuberculosis can be judged by the works of S. T. Aksakov. In 1858, N.V. Postnikov organized the first sanatorium near the city of Samara - a kumys hospital for patients with tuberculosis, which laid the foundation for organized K. in a sanatorium regime. In the USSR, there are a number of climatokumiso-medicinal resorts in Bashkiria, the Volga region, the Altai Territory, the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and others (see Resorts).

Bibliography: Karnaukhov M. N. Bashkir kumys and kumis treatment, Ufa, 1961; he, Mare koumiss - whole medicinal product, Vopr. p., t. 23, no. 4, p. 89, 1964; To r and y z e l-burd LN, Karnaukhov MN and Solovyova EP Kumis treatment of tuberculosis of the genitourinary organs, in the book: Vopr, urol., Ed. O. V. Proskura and others, V. 2, p. 127, Kiev, 1966; Mariupolskaya T. L. Kumis treatment of children with tuberculosis, M., 1959;

Multivolume Guide to Tuberculosis, ed. V.L. Einis, vol. 4, p. 41 * 3, M., 1962; Postnikov BM Kumys and its preparation, Samara, 1903; Tolmache-in and E. A. Kumys, M., 1966; Sham and e in A.G. Kumys in modern treatment tuberculosis, Ufa, 1974.

E.P. Averina.